SPOKANE: Beautiful & Dangerous...It's Both

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h [Music] no I'm not really up close to a Radio Flyer that thing's about 15 ft tall it's pretty cool huh I am in Spokane Washington on the edge of downtown in a place called Riverfront Park which is I would say the Crown Jewel of the city I just parked my car and saw this right off the bat and it's functional look see the kids go up and there's a slide on the other side that is also the handle for the wagon that looks like a lot of fun doesn't it if you're a kid anyway Riverfront Park is right there did you know they had a World's fair here in 1974 that is where they held it that beautiful building there is the clock tower um it was built in 1902 yeah the Great Northern Clock Tower is what they call it it was built for the railroad but they to uh tore the depot down but left that to be a symbol of the city and that's exactly what it has become you see it in a lot of the artwork uh that is the Spokane River let's see what it says dedicated uh November 10 1985 to those who served and to those who gave their lives and are now uh and are now in the hands of God yeah they've got a Nifty spot here in the park to have Gatherings maybe even a little small outdoor concert this is a Remnant from the World's Fair in 1974 that they've left up yeah Spokan calls itself hooptown USA because of the annual Spokane poop Fest which is the world's largest basketball tournament and also did you know CL Spokan is the birthplace of Father's Day yeah the very first Father's day was I guess you would say celebrated here and it spread to the rest of the world or at least the United States sorry I got something caught in my throat well if I was to guess I would say that these are remnants from the World's Fair and it appears you can still ride them around the city to this day how about Spokane City Hall am I right what a beautiful building was actually on my way to show you this incredible bridge and here I walked right by this so here's a quick look well so here it is the Monroe Street Bridge it is a work of art there's a pretty good look uh that was built in 1911 it's on a national register I have got decidedly closer to the bridge it is magnificent isn't [Music] it lots of electricity is being generated here the poor folk of places like uh Phoenix Arizona I'm sure they see this and go oh man give us some I don't think they have a water shortage here spectacular side though all I can say well let's see let's head into the the heart of downtown and I'll tell you what the numbers say population of Spokan is a little over 230,000 and that is Peak population the city is growing the Metro is a little over 600,000 so this is pretty good sized population area median age is 39 9 exact same as the US uh gender breakdown 50/50 also exact same as the us but uh it changes from this point on so let's see ethnic numbers uh this town is 79% white uh 8% Hispanic 2% Black 2 % Asian 1% Native American 1% Pacific Islander REM uh remaining 7% is mixed race and or other okay so uh income numbers here they are uh median household income 62,200 a week per capita you see it there 38,000 a little over $734 a week uh let's see the poverty numbers aren't too bad um 11.8% overall school age children 15% folks 65 and older 9% cost of living here's the index 105 only thing lower is utilities 3% lower housing is 6% higher uh here is the median home home value of the city 368,000 11 10 so one thing we haven't talked about yet and that is crime saving that for last because it's bad I was a little stunned when I saw the numbers uh here they are total crime 648 per 100K uh population that compares to the US overall 2324 so crime here is close to Triple higher than the US the philanthropy Center this is the Masonic temple the Cathedral of Our Lady of Lords built in 1908 you can see this from the interstate when you drive into town that is Romanesque architecture so again Medieval Europe 12th or 11th 12th century totally see it right yeah it's beautiful building it's really quiet over here this part of downtown on the western edge of it uh peaceful is a good word for it and lots of beautiful buildings here this is the Davenport Hotel built in 1914 when it was built it was considered one of the finest in the Western United States and in fact the lobby to this day is considered one of the finest in the world sure is quiet down here isn't it so well I'm wondering if we can go in and verify that you think oh wow it is pretty Tony isn't it at the elevator W this is [Music] beautiful yeah looks like they have a restaurant in here I think I read about it it's one of the best in town uh on this street definitely seeing some homeless got a guy here sleep on the sidewalk several guys here yeah you um see a lot more homeless over here on the um Western I'm sorry the Eastern edge of downtown that is for sure got more trash on the ground [Music] well for sure I had to show you guys this building this is the Spokane County Courthouse built in 1895 that is French Renaissance so 15th century French Gothic kind of reminds you of the Chateau am I pronouncing that right that the French Kings would live in it's the idea behind it I mean just look at that up there isn't that something like a old French castle that's crazy beautiful isn't it the Spokane County Courthouse designed by Willis Richie is a magnificent example of the French Renaissance style of architecture note the intricate carving around the entry variety of construction materials the mini Towers wow let's check out that intricate carving on the entry here it is fantastic isn't it as you walk up to the building this is what you see I mean it is so opulent is that the right word is that a good word for it well we got to see the inside you think it matches I don't know let's go see well I'm through security they have a staircase of sorts take a quick look probably we're just going to see some hallways that are not so EXP exciting yeah that exterior sure was fantastic wasn't it yeah I had to show you this too this is the cedral of St John the Baptist uh this building started Construction in 1924 was completed in 1954 so it took them 30 years to build this I'm kind of towards the back of it cuz this is where the sun is shining want you to really be able to see the tower there uh this is um Gothic architecture this is a striking building I think we would all agree I'll go to the front now even though the light won't be as good let's take a look there real quick I'll see if I can go inside hopefully you can see that I know the sun is not helping so here's the front door amazingly beautiful building isn't it yeah it's locked every now and then get lucky and I'm able to go inside a church but uh well not today let's get another look from here real quick I want you to see it that sure is amazing isn't it check out a street or two you can see for yourself it's wow it's pretty awesome let's go down this road check out some of the houses light picket fence this must be where the people who've got lots of money live all right so there's a house for sale on this street this is Bernard Street let's have somebody look it up just for fun I can tell you right now it's going to be pricey 1125 Bernard Street look at the little detached garage back there how much do you think they want for this house it's going to be over a million I bet money maybe even a lot over a million even though if you remember right the median home value in this town is not that bad what was it uh about 370,000 right so it might not be quite as bad but clearly this is a very well-off neighborhood look at these houses yeah I could get used to [Applause] it okay so I am in the West Central neighborhood neighborhood of the city according to the crime Maps this is the most dangerous neighborhood and Spokan so here I am let's take a look uh certainly the homes while modest look pretty good I mean comparatively I've taken you guys into some really bad neighborhoods this one doesn't really look like that like a bad neighborhood am I right looks okay doesn't it some actually very interesting looking homes here be perfectly honest yeah I like a lot of these houses I like that one h um well I uh I think what I'm going to do now is go grab Nicole and we are going to eat at a local place now this place is a bit pricey so be prepared uh we are going to have at a place called clinker dagger where did we go as soon as we find the entrance to it now there's a sign this way to clinker dagger restaurant so it's this way's yeah this is it yeah looks looks fancy smells really good too can we just set at the bar um yeah the bar is open okay cool all right we're just going to set at the bar like we always do always all right guys here's the appetizer that we ordered this is a crab and artichoke dip some uh toast to dip it in and then this is coconut shrimp right yep coconut shrimp and this is teriyaki bites everything smells so good yeah it smells really awesome it's a big appetizer we uh we want to try a little bit of everything or several things we're going to need boxes again today boxes yeah be taking some of this with us but anyway oh man it smells good so we're going to dive in now okay guys everything tastes as good as it smells this dip OT choke dip with crab it's pretty awesome right H yeah it is very good yeah put it on the toast and uh these prawns this is a Cajun what did it say it was some kind of Cajun sauce some kind of marmalade yeah occasion marmalade yeah it's he said something marmalade and you can taste you can taste there's some horseradish in there but it's not overpowering you know with the horseradish yeah it goes fantastic with the coconut shrimp so it does and the the little steak the steak pieces are really really tender yeah steak pieces with the rice is fantastic we're actually going to save most of that one cuz we can eat that later yes we can uh so anyway this was really fantastic mhm I'm having fish and chips I've been uh go to yes I've been avoiding having fish and chips the last several times but I'm going to have them now I just wasn't in the mood for a steak whatever reason H you were having salmon yes and I don't know if I'm pronouncing this right or not but it looks as if it's pronounced honey Harissa salmon uh it's just it's glazed and it's glazed with the honey whatever Harissa is sorry I'm not sure about that not it usually comes with a cucumber tomato salad but I ask to substitute the mixed veggies instead and it's uh green beans broccoli and carrots so yeah those look pretty good actually yes I know they the veggies look very very good it's a nice presentation yeah it's yummy it's pretty yeah okay these fries just plain normal fries you can get up Walmart quite frankly but the fish and chips is fantastic the uh breading is awesome nice and crispy and you can see the Cod inside real flaky looks really yummy and really good and they it's a homemade tarar scratched tartar sauce they make here and I love tarar sauce I eat it with fries I eat it with everything excellent your tart I dip everything in tartar I don't even use ketchup I use tartar instead and that is great tartter sauce and yours honey what do you think oh my Salmon's amazing it's cooked perfectly it's cooked medium rare and it's very good I I love the glaze on it and the veggies are amazing too um the only problem the only problem with the veggies is I would have wanted a few more like cuz even the carrots I like and I'm not big on carrots it was carrots broccoli and green beans and yeah they're all amazing everything is very very good yeah the food here is excellent yes we were told it was and uh yeah we were told right all right we're having dessert now we're having a Bourbon Street carrot cake of course you got to have some cream cheese icing on top and also has a bourbon lime caramel sauce and berries and cashews and it comes with some looks like vanilla ice cream yeah he said there's pineapple on it too so it's very very different cheese uh carrot cake yeah they make it themselves in house he said yeah it's a scratch carrot cake it's pretty interesting looking well think it's good let's dig in I'm sure it is it's dessert all right well what do you think honey it's good it's definitely a different T in carrot cake cuz you can taste if there's pineapple in there which I've never I don't believe I've ever had carot cake with pineapple in it before so but it's very good um you can tell it's homemade um cream cheese frosting is really good I just I would have liked a little more of that cream cheese frosting the ice cream's got like cinnamon on top of it and that tastes really really yummy that cinnamon ice cream is fantastic all the little add-ons on here they all go really really well together yeah surprisingly what is this a caramel or it's a bourbon caramel it's a bourbon lime caramel sauce yeah that works really well dip everything into that mhm and you just take a spoon of this spoon of this and take a bite of it all together it's inredible big mouth for that well you know I'm there uh yeah excellent deser It's not we decided we better talk about it because we're going to finish it off here pretty quick yes we are all right guys here's the tab 11663 that's not bad yeah for a really good dinner was fantastic with some leftovers and we had everything appetizer dessert the works so anyway there you go guys hopefully you can see that not much Li here mood lighting yeah yeah those birds they'll attack you listen at me yeah you those are mean bastards right there are they make no mistake why they just are we came out here to do our little final video and uh oh boying well it's because they're protecting M so the Mama's sitting on her eggs and they're protecting her well they're just mean birds anyway I've had him attack me in many places those Canadian Gees yeah it's got to be the Canadian in them it must be Canadians are nice most Canadians are nice but not the geese anyway well let me turn this camera around there it is guys here let's turn around this way so we can see uh you can see downtown Spokane behind us or Spokane Spokan Spokan downtown Spokan span uh so anyway that's it for this video guys we are heading to Montana next so be prepared for that [Applause]
Channel: Joe & Nic's Road Trip
Views: 161,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HmyqSyzz7Qc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 34sec (1714 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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