MOUZ vs Eternal Fire – Map 1 Vertigo - PGL CS2 MAJOR COPENHAGEN 2024 - Elimination Stage

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yeah damn right it's time time to dive into Ma's Eternal fire they're doing such a good job of yapping yeah they are right professional Talking Heads over there uh and Moses for someone who's supposed to be a Caster what a dirty way to set up the other analyst yeah true left him to talk about Ma on vertigo and no hair and no spine yeah let's talk okay let's talk about Ma on vertigo shall we a recent win over Eternal Fire Within this and then of course that win over spear Spirit yeah that's right that happened Spirit falling to mouss at the RMR on the road to this one the stakes are high the hearts are pounding and The Counter Strike is well and truly underway here in Copenhagen top 16 oh very quiet back up right into the shot O Okay YY stays alive keeps his head down TZ toying with the thought of a ramp Peak it's two sets of bre as on the ramp plus Brolin to hold back and make contact with his USP solo be set up a ramp gets held on to does that flush them forward into Yim fat he takes a shot to the face not ideal off the teammates flash tries to go back in but now next DT up is pinned Behind Green santz can't quite connect it but at least that opening should have afforded the bomb to cross over but no plant just yet and M are keeping the pressure on cers tries to get on the bottom of it broland connecting te's flushed forward because of that pressure from behind cers didn't have to make his play already but he decided to then we get the challenge over top of construction we get the close t on green shui oh man the other side of Jen's not being held so major is just holding this hoping but they might have forgotten anyone could be this close they saw him peel back a little bit Peak comes out and he doesn't move man major is just locking this one in this going to be I think to clear it I don't think sh is thinking about it there it is oh but he's got both four kills in the round from callx he is the guy who gets gy fat he is the guy who gets the jump up from zerson on the flank yeah that's um yeah exeron came up I mean they decided to play with pressure that whole round so they willing to participate in this duel I would say this is actually pretty well played round from both teams because there are a lot of layers to what mes were doing how they were executing it oh my God and it honestly came down to hard shots wow that was a crazy next kill man now there's a point in time where cix was the player in Turkey to watch but now we've got this team all together in Madia as the youngest piece has come in it's really rounded up this lineup in a beautiful way nice Gap spot from CX ooo and he hangs on with the AK toppling three looking like the only Casualty that Eternal fire will have to deal with so that's an AK actually Eternal fire off bomb has been planted to a strong start yeah so I mean they they probably both knew that vertigo was going to be end up being the last map and obviously uh Eternal fire last time they played this is the one map that they couldn't win torsi on full bullets four bullets obviously he's going to be hunted down oh all four bullets land terrorists win that's not a bad second kill so for a round where you don't have much to work with couldn't ask for much more of course when we talk about the last time they did meet right that was the closed qualifier B on the run to the major but as Moses kind of got the wires crossed that was the one that was online not the spirit result right Spirit result more recent and on landine WE legitimized that yeah yeah and they're head-to-head yes ma fall in the series like you just mentioned this map was in Ma's back pocket so one of the story lines in every major is you know how much do the challengers team power up versus the teams that just hop into Legends and while this oh okay hold on great opening kill here from torsi quick to that wasn't timid for a moment and he'll also catch wadia trying to get up into the same position so guns make a world of difference for ma immediate 5 versus three and a pretty consistent three player setup on the ramp looking for these fights from the pistol until now early a which our analysts alluded to could end up being Zan's playground for now is the defensive hold yeah and keeping the smokes open is awesome I mean obviously even throwing your own smoke and keeping those smokes open is a really a effective strategy some damage done here from Brolin you can tell they would love to hang around a little bit more if it means they can keep the information but eventually Eternal fire will win some space back at the minimum but it's at this point of the round they are totally fine to play much more passive positions however no full push down B etal fire don't seem worried about it either C star the pistol still up there's a gap on that right yeah Santas is going to punish able to just crawl along the side of the wall no contest his teammates die though rolling with the double kill hold insane on a yeah insane on a inde give them no space okay going to smack them let's go we got some good energy out of T and uh Brolin's obviously just the fifth piece of the puzzle there's something weird about it it honestly I don't it doesn't have anything to do with really the game play or like type of player or the place that he's coming from but broland just looks right in a mous jersey I feel like that's the feeling got like sort of as soon as he debuted with the team um it doesn't make sense necessarily that he's replacing someone like frozen yeah it's working I think that's credit to shui for integrating him very well and oh okay try that twice though pay the piper santz instant head shot ready for it this time around and tor's hype from the last round is very quickly cooled off yeah they didn't know how excited he was but that's like the perfect guy to kill in a situation like that although what he said to his teammates was giv them no space flash is beautiful and well Eternal fire will come back at that ramp looking for vengeance they find it with the two kills and a comfortable looking 5v3 here for Eternal fire shui still sits around and he on an individual level has been playing some great CS one of the driving forces in their victory over team spirit but right now now what was considered that solid a play that of which got ma hyped has come to a quick end in round four and they'll pause on the ramp but this time from a place of power they've got the player advantage and they know that M are already letting the incessant thought of saving seep into their minds now I know what you were just bringing up speaking of you know Brolin's inclusion for Ma and if we look at kind of the trajectory of his career right he's this young Swedish Prodigy that gets to play with what was at the time the best Swedish players in order to all Elevate and come together right what we have now for the first time in his career is playing alongside four other young upcoming players who as as far as in the server goes don't have that legend or experience to point to right these are players that were all on their journey together as young men and with shui and Ma NXT took over from a young point there was no Prodigy within them they are just you know they are bit by bit piece by piece using the we play Academy League system to gain Land Experience and from the get-go they were a group of professionals that is what always you know made MA stand apart for me our experience with M's NXT and shu's lineup there with ex uh with exertion with Tori you know and the the whole former lineup was that they were just so much more mature um on average than all the other teams that were that young and playing in the academy League nice save and they and they won so much as well yeah that's that's a beautiful spray down it's exit frags but he keeps his gun and knocks down a lot of money here for his opponents even when speaking of EX Mouse players in jdc right I think if you go and watch bigs interviews with jdc nowadays you just see how well spoken he is how professional he comes across and he just has that you know professional Mantra about him as a as a as a player and it's a testament to what that group has had forever and now Brolin gets to kind of throw himself into a ragtag gang of younger men who have results we can point at for him to be you know proud of he hasn't posted them with them yet but it does feels like the right fit if you were to tell me Brolin was always an NXT player and that he came up with them on the same trajectory I could believe it yeah it's the same story though for like that quote we saw from Brolin before the game started where it feels like this tournament is where that all the success the start of this year really matters because is you know qualifying to the major even if you qualify directly to the elimination stage is awesome but it's your results here that are going to speak louder than anything else that you've done everything else is preparation building confidence showing results and uh they've laid that Foundation now it's just about executing and achieving something that he never felt like he could in his previous lineups let's take that mentality and apply it to Eternal fire as well right we've been watching over the last 6 months this team grow in their success grow in their confidence and with it the expectations of the community oh nice double nade their nades are so good we saw the flash execution I mean it's not the flash that's difficult the difficult part is corroborating that with their teammate who's running up the ramp and making sure it pops as you turn the corner and that part is harder than it looks obviously it's a matter of dry run and preparation but when people are throwing counter utility at you they're swinging on you doing short pushes and things like that that's when it becomes the hard to execute versus teams at this caliber and we have seen from Eternal fire that they're looking like a great team because this composition of players looks good but obviously their practice has been very sound as well because their executions and defaults have been very thorough this round with zero ramp pressure as well right that had been the consistency from Ma so far on this CT side you give them ramp they're going to go for the double n oh my God that's crazy is so on points he rounds that corner gets himself the second feels like the door's open for the follow through but with the smoke still up they're going to hold for a second they give themselves a little pocket to play behind desperate shots out of Yim fat don't find his Mark smoking off short could keep CX out of the equation and now we're getting down to the sketchy 25 second Mark oh this is a crazy play I mean he could find a pickoff but you know he's risking it right now because they're low numbers yeah so he gives it a shot and uh as cool as that smoke was zers playing on that side of it would definitely risk getting flanked if he takes shots so he'll have to peel back from this and that's a good show of composure here from interal fire how many times do we see teams get really nervous when shots come through a smoke they get tagged because we know how valuable that sound information is in CS2 and yet uh they're really good about not firing back not taking every single battle and just approaching so this is an incredibly strong start of course for Eternal fire but M started the day um 61 down to uh ecstatic I think it was onage yes sir and they came back overpass and they came back into it in fact they came in back into both of those of the 01 of the 10 matchups this is maybe the most even on the higher end of things like I would say two of these these two teams Turnal fire proved so much through the first stage mous proved so much by qualifying directly to elimination and in in the process of that defeating Spirit ma is the only team in 2024 who has defeated spirit in a best of three you know they've lost Maps elsewhere barring of course the blast groups at the start of the Year where Spirit had two stand stand those don't count in my books that's when we like when Mouse beat Spirit we're like man Don is just getting too old y you know that's when we thought time to retire yeah I mean it really felt like he was counting the days at that point but we found the Fountain of Youth once again he's still back he's still here I guess the best way to put it you know I was quite surprised to see the amount of doubt that started to be thrown Eternal Fire's way after their struggle versus heroic in the opening stage of the major because Eternal fire are a team that so many people were comfortable putting 3-0 having full faith in progressing out and yes they had their hiccup against heroic one of those Maps was still close they exchanged maps in the following sense but if we were going say and putting hype on Eternal fire and saw to break through and get into top 16 it almost feels like personally Saw's shortcomings rubbed off off on the doubters of Eternal fire their next chance to move into top 16 They seized they didn't waste any more time there was just that massive streak of rounds they weren't able to win did that explode on his head waterfall smoked from his head things do be happening out here that one M4 in the back of the site not finding anything to shoot at just yet because this weird smoke that pops in the middle of everything zers will pull a single player off the site I'm sorry about I didn't even know that was a possible interaction maybe it hit hit the floor right after maybe it hit his head and then on the box maybe his he's just got such a hard head it counted as a floor you have the replay what the hell is going on Roland floating here wadia gets locked into the pistol fight but Santas gives him the cover so at the moment we're talking about a 5-1 lead for Eternal fire we're talking about a consistent a ramp take that started well for ma but has been stuffed ever since M it's crazy we got Eternal fire on a full Turkish lineup obviously if they they've been on a full Turkish lineup this is just now them impressing on their full Turkish lineup and then we have you know big who zantas used to play for they're on a full German lineup right now as well and I think if you guys saw it there's a the video posted by the Eternal fire count on on Twitter where they're having a watch party in maybe Istanbul I would assume thousand people there cheering on this team Moses said I think there was actually two watch parties going on another one in anara so like you know wow two big cities in turkey and enough to fill out a couple theaters by the looks of things Turkish passion runs deep the pockets of ma finally refilled we get the m4s out and Brolin is going to contest the ramp again now zantas has been the bane of their existence see the the apprach are being so much more careful on the ramp this time around but they are still scaling mhm wadia comes through it the lineup for Brolin made it easy this time around that's walki to the Wayside wadia with him yeah no W for Eternal fire this round this was a this was a time where they needed the flash but uh didn't have it another 5v3 situation here for M best chance to claw back the CT half pressure on Yim fat again the last time they tried to scale into B they rocked him he just Dives Behind Green but then comes back and tries to fight it caught out in the open molotovs over the top zers looking to put up some kind of a defense there's two players here for the t's that are low and cersi's going to make sure he cleans up a couple a trio of frags a total stoppage and finally ma second round I know he died right there but I want to say that that that's a play that makes me appreciate jat because he obviously he eats the flash that's the main reason he can't lock down the spray but falling back to an angle in the open that's still a good angle to defend against that choke point gives exertion more space to do this right if he had fallen back to generator then exertion would have been in way more trouble of actually just getting hard cleared that entire time but instead he gave his teammate space decided to go try to go one for one if possible and as a b player it can be tempting to play retake but how many times do we see teams play retake on almost any round on vertigo and simply lose again this time broland opening up you best zantz that is the key to the as sight of Eternal fire Left Behind ma have shown their resilience in the opening best of one and they're going to have to bank on it well this round is basically over actually cuz his pockets were jingling on the fall back plus they see anybody after they take this risk so amazing timing here versus the a ramp and we've seen that Eternal fire are usually not faking they've committed slowly versus the ramp and they also haven't been watching their flanks what's the CT setup though where they're going to clear out B oh my God they think it's they're stack in the wrong site that Molly comes down in front of it the Rumblings on a CT's now scrambling might lost they might have lost the timing right there although because Eternal fire take a little time at least ma do arrive before the hit comes out you would think they're going to start watching their flanks now we'll see Opa saw the barrel cross n's going to go for the jump up that's easy damage versus Brolin then the oppers exchange glances and nades which does find a home for major and wi's health bars down to the Half Point molotovs going each way exertion is going to start to get activated 25 seconds time is of the essence here exertion starts to get that flank going great flashbang but he didn't see him major just tries to plant as the player posted back sight and then zers flank comes out C on the recovery one kill and 10 seconds all he ends up getting I can't believe that major doesn't see him I would actually like to go back and look at the utility they don't have Wall Smokes on the site when they're trying to plant I'm not exactly sure what happened there well major The Flash oh major didn't see him boost it up after the flash came in yeah I don't know diving a plant not on default with no wall smokes is unless major was also Flash and because he's planting then there's no animation could have been that as well but see what I mean that's that's bananas yeah yeah I mean that's open to CT is why I don't think they had a smoke down that had bloomed yet so I mean I don't think mes care though they'll take it take what you can get on the recovery here versus now pistols in round number nine yeah we see that round's worth two maybe and they only rotated in seconds before the pressure started to come out broland will catch wadia towards ramp through smokes broland is making a name for himself easy versus lesser weapons you can see the formula is always about a good default disrespecting space but then committing very heavily not too many lurks here for Eternal fire oh my God we used to call him Turkish ni man he's got that deagle his aim is so ridiculous you got to be careful at all times you got a player locked into Tetris Molotov to make sure the Boost can't come back up 50 seconds to try and milk this round now we've got no impact grenades left over Just Smokes interal fire looking for that flank doesn't come in all mes wanted was the information they haven't even played the game of trying to flank there have been gaps where they can do it so something to consider rolling making sure nobody's allowed anywhere close to the top of the ramp C's angle could certainly catch somebody off zantas will be looking for the head back site instead oh actually he's dropped by the in-game leader of ma clean up on the B steps from zers and Ma will convert off the back of the previous round this one goes down easy yeah they're definitely winning as a team good uh good setups to get the kills they're getting uh High Yi it's high high yield these setups on the a ramp opening kills have been definitely going the way the CTS enough times to justify more and that's been actually the real trouble for teams to figure out how to get a ramp control because CS2 smokes are so fickle on vertigo with how you can blow them up that can bite back at you but we're actually seeing that this is working out more for the CT side um with the HS and they're approaching in the same way as csgo you know high low setup on the ramp one player ready on short side ready to Peak and then just timing when they blow up the Nate instead of Eternal fire using it to find a pickoff on the crane Peak with an OP that is definitely what unlocks vertigo right now for the CTS because you can't you can't really just play retake on either side I think that is the that's the tough part you've got to fight fire with fire on this map on CT side o major decides not to follow through this is a round that features less pressure for Mouse on aamp because they went for that early Double B setup right we see the op posted down the steps these and eternal fire is starting to move faster than they have in rounds prior yeah a full-blown exac here could really find them in a post plant with still a lot of tools to close out a lot of bodies to still be standing looks like a pretty apt call torsi moves over in time but a dangerous game if they're going to start pressing out against this eternal fire looking for the execute yeah they would have heard toy moving up they' got the wall smokes and they're juggling right now between the players major taking his so they have gotten to the top of ramp and they've stalled out here missed off shot a warning sign of what's to come but a constant activation on the flank as well perhaps could end up being pretty important walk met by smoke and still without a kill a little hesitation as the C stall in sight Brolin decides to go into the smoke and we'll see what Tori can do here he's pressured Brolin comes out there's a player right behind witho could recover this they've lost track of him but he is All That Remains for Eternal fire so many players on the site so many in fact that Ma will hang on yeah there was a gap but it was a matter of timing for mous to get back into position they were playing jump up in that 5v5 with a rifle and eternal fire almost couldn't believe that they didn't take any ramp fights and when they didn't see any opponents I think they got a little scared because if they had gotten down to a 33 or something like that they were low utility for the rest of the hit then I think they would have felt more confident about coming in but they really expected ma who have shown that they're going for aggressive CT ramp control to be there at some point and haven't found them I think the game plan out the for for major in not finding someone they could have transposed into the sight hit so there was a timing and a good call in that but it was also bad that when they didn't see that they didn't have a second layer to the game plan what's the reaction now that we've gotten more space than we thought we'd get need some more conviction in the calls make hay when the sun shines earlier today of course we had the Eternal fire versus Vitality game where the experts were praising the calls of Major versus Apex now it's shui at bat easy pickups for the rifles inside of the bights no entry allowed and that has been the case for the majority of these B attempts early on they got through with the pistol from that point forward y fat Zan locking this one down and walk's first kill has been nabbed and AK comes with it his own AK comes back to him what more can he do with this one we've got layers in the site decides enough's enough over the top he'll go you are indeed looking at the very last CS go MVP after the ESL pro league in Malta was locked down and won by Ma a group of players who dreamed of one day winning a csgo event and in their final chance to do it did there was so much poetry at the end of csgo that Nico getting cologne Mel winning that pro league finally Vitality winning in Paris IU getting his chip and yeah lots of story lines got locked up heric winning a tier one Land There was it's almost uncanny fast one early damage is great that is shoua fed to the wolves and this is this is the game that Eternal fire want right M starving them a bit has worked out quite well C's having an excellent performance too tie game on the cards pretty low utility as well for Mouse to just try and close out with up shot hits but it's a little late with KY ATT tracking him on the tarp no shame down to that they were ready for his swing into the 3v5 will go I I would say like miles really haven't had the reads this half but when they finally get the information they've been really good at the setups now it's the first time you see kind of a hard gamble here it's blind and it's 5v3 it's a perfect time to try to do it but uh let's see if it's red or black yeah it's also not too characteristic of Eternal fire throughout this tside to be going for fakes but here in the final round of the half they will do exactly that Santas with the wall of smokes the amount of times that boost has worked they'll see nothing else uh too many guns shooting back and CX can be given a nice long lurk bomb will be planted on the B site confirming Ma's worst fears but interes he's going to stick around a little bit right he didn't think that zantas is on his own maybe because of the two smokes and enough now they have equalized this with enough time to go for a bit of a desperate retake there's two kits in the mix Molotov smoke everything really that Ma need barring a bit of a lack of time but with kad's position it seems like they sense him and they're going to come through now in the man Advantage falling forward boic locked in against the wall Brolin has done so much and all he has to do is try to close a clutch but mager is going to tap him yeah nice one beautiful from Eternal fire making the most of the 5v3 to tie this game right back up oh we we've been blessed with a lot of great games and uh this is another good start both teams showed brilliant plays here in the first half lots of good individual efforts and uh no telling who's going to be able to win this game vertigo a known quantity between both of them I can only assume you know jimat watching the flank that intently in that situation is because they were well prepared for Vero and of course cyon also the coach to get the call up from M NXT and um uh and now they've got ziix who is the assistant coach who of course you would think ziix you know who could why would he be an assistant to anybody but he hasn't done any coaching so I think it's a really good setup in terms of keeping Cyro in his position and getting some new perspective of course on how to become a championship winning team few know better than ziix yeah and you know anytime shui has a chance to praise cyron as his right-hand man and Coach mhm he'll do it he's also stood in a few times and fragged out mm X player for those that don't know definitely has what it takes here we go into the second pistol Turnal fire picking up their tside pistol win badia solo and don't forget Ma's recovering from what was A5 deficit even despite Eternal fire putting the cherry on top of the T half with that last round win Madia on Tetris with bar and no support nor ahead cersi right into him and they'll find that all of this is for free that deep Molotov on construction followed by a smoke excellent utility usage for the few tools that they had for this job and it'll be a matter of hanging on we've got a flashbang for CX to try to get the retake going we've got no kit though in the mix for Eternal fire so this flank is going to have to hit hard and hit fast walks it kicks it off zers tries to push through giving the Berettas back over to the defense flash to get the green push going Yim fat losing teammates and it falls on shui 1v3 can't get out of Dodge takes the jum stuck into the bomb site diffuse coming out from callx has to be the 10sec stick and Sh delivers to a threepiece 1 V3 like it's nothing a cherry on top to have that second kill come out at the exact same second nicely done from shui definitely finessed them trying to pretend to jump over the half wall and put together an all important clutch in the situation in a tied score line this could definitely tip the scales and you would have felt bad for mes for losing that round after getting a clean entry plus a dues upgrade into an open sight and a plant versus a team who had no kit on the retake well I would have felt bad but I also would have been maybe looking at exertion for pushing out through that smoke with the Berettas I don't think they I don't know if they had a flash to get that aggressive with and it's not like Major's flank had instantly worked out yeah I agree on low utility they could have doubled up on uh stairs for example and held down the most important retake spot um but you never know what the call was someone was flashing for him yep not going to push blame without a top down view of what the hell was just going on sometimes it is fun though to just fire indiscriminately of course shoot first ask questions later three MP9 featured in the buyback from Eternal fire little stack of grenades a cash of utility and zerson as he will be on the entry sprays down mager and gets into the cover but uh they have just whacked The Beehive they are soon to find more CTS where the first one came from clearing him out with ease shui it's a double kill off his Galil joining up nicely ma will start to establish a lead early on and you can see exertion is feeling himself right now 14 and5 and uh I someone who I squeezed in my top 20 list last year um in like 19th or 20th or something and there wasn't really a stats argument for him because he has so many deaths but uh for me you know you take the good with the bad with exertion because when he's having his on games when they played against Spirit if you remember the Mirage match he's the one who killed Don and connector every round you can't really do that unless you've got the kind of confidence that exertion has um and especially for someone who has no pedigree right no reason to even believe in himself to the same level as some of the players that they're going up against without him this team loses a lot of their identity um because they could only supplant you know the aggressive fragging to like shui or Brolin for example and uh despite all the deaths that exertion had if you played slower you probably have better stats but I don't know if you'd have better impact and he has had moments where his individual level has dropped off didn't mean that he lost his identity at all we're going to get the Berettas posted ah but held by none other than zers little back site presence dealt with MP9 will sweep one under the rug we'll see if Eternal ooh if fire can do anything at all little Glock burst in the middle of it 96 posted out of ma and this tside starting to hit the flow stage oh yeah they're talking they're having fun they're coming off a win and looking to start the elimination stage 20 on the first day Eternal fire look for Revenge here on vertigo probably knowing that it was coming up in this veto again in a Timeout now to try to claw back a tside but that shui pistol clutch that was big yeah that makes a massive difference I mean even the near retake in the 3v5 the round prior could have been a mouse round if not for the other in-game leader on screen now who clutched back his 1 VX but an mr12 best of one those close rounds mean all that much more no doubt that shui 1v3 leaves their ears ringing interal fire give it a chance to get back on the board with the weapons hor is going to go hunting Miss shot wadia playing a dangerous game there massively yeah but he also eats his teammate's flash so now no held angle zanta is not looking too afraid of this pressure there's a call out double n to the top of ramp p in the depths Ander almost taking a peak over top of the wood wall could have very well cost him his head Jim fat the crocodile down beneath I think a lot of the belief in yourself for Eternal fire comes in this round the thought of having to save again versus 10 Rounds could be devastating I think it's a great play actually for for mouse to play it slow because even if they shave him down they could be at an advantage next round win or loss draw through utility make it expensive give you some style points but only only if you had done it the first time torsi few seconds extra still scouring sight sees nothing good Peak from Zant my God he just took a look unannounced wide swing out his position he's like he's a bit too quiet for me T's trying to creep on the approach zers has to end up going through smoke but he changed places with wadia so it ends up costing him teammates on top of the Zant's head shot there's wadia Challenge and finish nicely done here from zantas and wadia just timings right those internal timings from Eternal fire that clicked as well as their head shots there are times for momentum calls and um I actually think M called the correct round here again just trying to make it as expensive as possible but even in the situation where Miles are looking for where they shave down three players and make the money tough even if Eternal fire win they don't get that but they don't even get the kills and it's actually not that expensive at all for Eternal fire so this is the best possible win that they could be looking for but they know there's still some money to chew through and still a lead here for Ma they've been looking for zantas with these nades waiting for walki to have his big moment oh Rand wins that duel and then TZ gets the better of his counterpart 5 B3 for Mouse you know they had gotten close to sight but it was without kills previously callx getting Jimmy back is Big what's the move here you know this is a situation where you definitely keep 1B very often or you go and search back information if mes move fast enough they can definitely take a site there is utility left on the CTS as they go back to check flanks this buys them time so we'll see if it's early or late but it's still past a minute and there's still staging here to be done on the a side as they Molly out all the positions CT shelf Peak a possibility mager looking to create questions for ma nade goes a little too far to take more than 30 off shoi I don't even know if he's and that opens up the door for ma to go deep CT right off maer smoke zers decides to take the position that he himself has offered over and we'll see if this comes back to haunt Eternal fire as suddenly their flank has also been cleared out zers wins the fight towards shelf and this retake never had any legs to stand on the only thing that kept them close was cix's kill on B like they're sitting outside like you said their own smoke right and so they're in a 3v4 looking to get back into a sight low on time low on numbers and instead lose players in the exit after a round round where they showed that they were keeping their economy in mind winning all their trades terrorists win and this situation they at least saved one gun but it probably should have been three this is a great opportunity now for Mouse to take full advantage they know the opportunity they've created for themselves and this kill right here that's that's huge keeping the money on line Eternal fire giv toy a bit of pressure to deal with but nobody walking into this scope there's the challenge there's the next B wadia forced out smoke goes in he's locked into this position T flooding out towards him toy playing with a what a pistol changing guns oh he had the Molly up right so oh Nate okay there's a Molly right in front of him so they they were trying to scale from the ramp but zantas had him covered too damn talk about a pressured situation for wadia flushed out burning burning still able to get in behind the pillar and a wonderful 2K to try and put Eternal fire right back into a place where they can compete the response from Mouse it's the B split bum Molotov CT challenge oh no 3v5 coming back thanks to the double up in Middle wadia put this one set up so wonderfully waic is going to have to pick up slack he's got gim fat in front of him hased but he's found good timing underneath the stairs Jimmy oh he ends up seeing him and this this is a recovery from ma that it felt near impossible yeah it's a massive shout out to broling and shuu came up into heaven they covered everything no trades back for Eternal fire even if one trade fails another one goes down it's still a great situation for them so that shows you what kind of f fight that Mouse have right now is that Mouse just staying fluid being slightly ahead of the Eternal fire rotations I'm not even sure how they get over construction with that half smoke like where was the mid playay where was the pressure at all there what do you mean just felt like there was never any pressure from from Eternal fire in mid whatsoever well they had the the Boost to watch heaven right and then they also had a player behind generator and then they have a rotator who comes through so they smoke the Rotator out okay and they came up into heaven so you see this back Jenny guy then they're covering this as well with their smoke so they smoke both players and watch their smokes oh that's going to be a tough pill to swallow yeah they can't get lazy if they if they go for Rounds like 34 retake they lose two players and then they get a situation like this they have a massive man Advantage they finally get their money back they aren't going to be able to buy all the way through wake now has an auto shotgun safe to say not ideal no utility to go with it CX only the molotov presumably for the bottom of B ma have positioned themselves into the fourr round lead two to close it torsi not given that chance that waic mid hole is literally an auto shoty boosted on boxes just hoping somebody steps forward CX he did use the molotov at the very start of the round so now he's just banking on an MP9 and the few nades that his teammates still have to work with fact going to apply pressure nice and early here for ma knowing that if they can win this one it feels like the CTS are busted has always been there that was uh an amazing trade back to be honest but as we've seen already they need much more than that no doubt smoke grenade from B site in fat third times the CH fourth times's the charm yeah climbing over with the smoke up they don't know I'm here second CT coming over by green and we're going to get this pack of mouse players I'm slipping Jimmy look at it slide through he got through sure enough I mean you could hear the scrambling scrambling offense it's all good in the end jat he said light as a cat baby yeah shoots better than he jumps I'll tell you that nice boost bro insane yeah nice one jump hat you know there's some weirding kid consistencies with jumping right now so like I don't know how much I want to grill him he was just trying to pull the rotators early oh that's what it was yeah that's the only way you get this sequence that's true like Naf said you know nobody makes mistakes it's always on purpose damn I think internal fire will have some some regrets about the CT side but they also lost to the better team potentially like they can pull back this game but right now M are you know going toe to- Toe with them in some situations but more X Factor I think they're playing more responsibly and they have a good read on Eternal fire here in the second half yeah all their setups have been flushing out the right players n sing in the good spots it's been a couple near misses with Ma and shui's calls but even when it felt like there was going to be an issue they act fast enough to recover moments so major off the next flash wonderful C setting that one up beautifully with the flashbangs Eternal fire not done yet jimpat neither is he a second three versus five would be back breaking jumping Jimmy they're going to make sure to put him down K he don't knife him you know what I mean don't knife him oh my God counterterrorist to think about it for a second that actually would have turned into an OP duel knife duel EXC me yeah think about that and at that point you have to commit you have to you have to you have to be honorable you have to tors looking like he just saw a ghost turns around and there's a knife in front of him very solid utility and team play off of the CX SL FL major behold yeah you know cuz Ma's very fond of getting out to the bottom of stairs early staring at the skies and not to mention when they first got there they saw those two CTS falling back from the stairs itself right they almost got clipped I would say so expecting this reagg very tricky from major and impressive calls staying active in a high pressure situation as your opponents have five map points all right now down to just four yeah it's four but uh they've got walk G an OP but they don't exactly have him on four right now much more impact comeing the way of Tori in this matchup and of course C 20 and 10 as wadia Looks To Get Off to the Races again he does it a double kill from the same spot not his first that's the timing they've been looking for all half actually to pull that play off and Mia has fought for it going again behind the molotov in that previous round they definitely have a read on the way M want to approach the ramp control and it's uh it's it's doing pretty well for them I me he's died a couple of times the other times zantas has got the kills this a stack looking good as well for Eternal fire fourth player leaning back towards elevator good op shot good nade as well this is eternal fire with what feels like a layup of a round left over Santa is forced to the fight happy to contribute little bit of recovery now Yim fat on his own has gotten two kills and a bit more damage confirming two CTS to the left side Tori not on the trusty off elevator Peak about to come in and that is where this one gets cut down this is eternal fire with an excellent back-to-back response yeah and this will be a real test of the fight of Eternal fire to see if they can put one foot in front of the other because I think this is game a game where clearly like I think the round round score accurately describes who's made less mistakes I mean even if we go to the shui 1v2 it's a 10-second stick but once they know where shui is couldn't they still have swung him together to get the kill um in some of the defaults where they've got out gunned a little bit I don't think this game comes completely down to a I think tural Fire have kept up in that regard maybe there is the waic torge uh sorry Tori difference but T's been set up very well where waic hasn't even been so there it is bit of a rare appearance but uh never too late the game is still Al so I think it comes down to mentality and eternal Fire's mentality has been strong in Copenhagen they've been fighting tooth and nail and they've been through it you know there was a the the game there was a series I think one map on vertigo where they really showed that they were not themselves and the pressure was getting to them but they bounced back from it walki Miss shot Yim fats open the door towards B to lose this one would be rough so luckily they start to stop the bleeding Sho oh whoa him and zantas oh he oh he made noise though yeah but then he made noise the other way again and then turned back no way zantas Falls for that shui just ran back a second time zantas okay oh yeah that was a sweet play it was a sweet play it was a sweet play y desperate times call for desperate measures that's quick thinking he didn't see me I can bait him trying to flex that brain of his eternal fire at the moment flexing the muscle cuz they are indeed clawing this game back this is three rounds in a row two more to push us into OT and some late game runway for wxix op to try and take off we saw him drop two bodies last round as that pressure was coming at him in the pistols on B the Reby for Ma and a force for whatever they can afford in the followup that's what they to try and close this game in regulation and a sight has been slightly problematic with those wadia short pushes he's trade places with zers once and just got two straight up 2ks on his aggressive Peaks that is three rounds that I feel Eternal Fire have won off the back of wadia impact can they solve him especially if they want to keep coming a cuz you technically don't have to take this fight if you don't want to but Eternal fire are growing with strength on both sides a little bit more and it is very important to keep presence here if they hit B now after they go ahead and try to clear out this ramp and there's a little un J they've done a good job I think with with the smokes down that flash it's uh delaying the recar on the ramp so here's the lead comes down to the entries now major goes back to a and CX eats a flashbang now they realize this commitment is coming into the B hit and CX pressed against Green sees nobody in sight just yet finally Mouse players flood out 30 seconds to make this work and waic delivers but torsi clears green tucking into the corner as the bomb is looking to go down the mid play denied zeran's going to get nothing great recovery from wadia excellent impact out from Eternal fire but bomb down nonetheless and on top of it damage is done the retake to keep this four round streak rolling a clump of Eternal fire players in from CT and zanta is on the off then the spray from shui not enough wow and so four straight from the Turkish team was that a lineup from Santas or a flick the left side of quad I thought that was a perfect way to play that 2v4 where he might get one or two kills and cause an absolute tragedy but instead it's mous who can't sustain in the post plant because the pickoffs keep coming in so I would say a rare situation where being forced to play retake can still go your your way if you play it calmly enough you know I think the back generator player not doing anything until Walky takes his first shot is important and uh he actually ends up dying in this situation but it it comes with information as they try to push forward and take over more map control so this comes down to round 24 folks after a tied first half Turnal fire trying to claw back getting smarter getting stronger throughout these rounds and setups but Ma have the advantage of being able to collect some data they know what doesn't work at this point they've been doing good on the op front as well moic in the same place at the same time with a flash first though before the Shu shot Shu takes it right to the chest the chase is out sers gets the second now there is this rotate back around CT but are they going over the be construction again jimpat wins his duel that should open the door for the bomb to drop Zen is in the pocket but that mid lurk from zers he's not known he's just going to be able to come in from behind you'd think shooting that one bullet torsi looking at his teammate's screen has to stay focused as wakia comes around caught out but still able to win that fight cersi then getting the CT spawn into the back pocket of Mae four rounds in a row and now wadia going to have to get the fifth working with 19 HP two T's posted Mae Will Survive the test and move forward 20 2 baby another 1311 Victory and mes did great with I think I think being as good of a team as they needed to be as well as having slightly better individuals overall I think that
Channel: PGL
Views: 3,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eternal fire mouz, eternal fire vs mouz pgl cs2 major copenhagen 2024 - elimination stage, mouz eternal fire, mouz vs eternal fire, mouz vs eternal fire highlights, mouz vs eternal fire vertigo, pgl cs2 major copenhagen 2024 - elimination stage
Id: wIaelAJgWkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 34sec (3154 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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