Cloud9 vs Legacy – Map 1 Overpass - PGL CS2 MAJOR COPENHAGEN 2024 - Opening Stage

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[Music] there is no chance for legacy whatsoever in this mat there is a chance there is absolutely a chance I'm looking at it CT side I'm looking at Axel has been struggling playing that a bomb site of that bat's position you're talking about boage with the op which I'm not really believing in there is a chance but Cole Cloud9 are going to take it no chance no chance at all we've heard that go to the Wayside before I'm wondering if it's going to happen again casters well Cloud9 weren't exactly left ecstatic after their debut here they to grind out the win there on the other side of things Legacy left flying high after a win over that Furious Squad in OT right now the pressure is on here on overpass the chance to be two and0 up at the end of this and for Cloud9 I am curious to see you know Bo is always saying they've been cooking I want to see what they've been in the kitchen doing yeah Ser play give me the good stuff seasoned and sourced Legacy they spot that long rush and latto has to go all the way back up it's neck is on a b rotation Cloud N9 they're going to get into the sight and Legacy are all going to be short side in the toilets this is a very weird round already Julie's cut down up close but there's another pair there's often two there's often four Barton makes it work all the head shot and it's only boage back at the bomb site Barton duck down low and bomit is not given that kill right now he can't seek it out either bombs loose 1 V3 and Legacy or yeah he just wants a guaranteed kill not going to give it away Legacy playing this very safe Bo can still hunt this frag but they should swing if he dies and he patient but unprovided with the kill he's got to go seeking his fortune obliterates him that's crazy that final shot got out of Barton a thing of beauty I mean the first three were pretty good as well hell of a pistol round there put forward from Barton and the Legacy crew man that's uh some real heat bought to the server immediately yeah I think this Legacy lineup is so interesting another Brazilian Rost we didn't expect to make such a run but it's you know the old formation of a of a godsent squad who made it to a major they were in Stockholm uh as well they they went out literally last place but it was this core of um Barton L Dum out playing under Taco instead and now reunited with a different player from that legendary lineup in CA so I think it's a a very cool story these were meant to be the next upcoming big Brazilian talent and while they showed some face in that old godsent team they split up for the most part baring off to Red kids Latin dumal Zer Nation now they're back together and the results are there and much like Imperial were a moment ago looking to make a double upset run to two and z oh this one should be nice and easy that's looking to be the case C Zera mopping them up over here in Middle trying to farm up a bit of cash early on and he's going to get all the gold cold Zera for kills and lots of money made so he's laughing all the way to the bank at the end of that one gold Zera with a G there is this uh IA this kind of prevailing theory that if you are around Fallen long enough everyone just looks to become him they just everyone gets the IG it all of a sudden yeah I can see that we had that with Vinnie earlier Ona taco hell are even in his own team no I'm op nice start for legacy it's tside of a pass I'll give that to Cloud9 don't want to give them too many things out here though Harry a team that have been under some of the most criticism in Counter Strike right now for the way this super team have formed their roles but the one thing we do like is boish is leading it has been exciting The Flash just avoided but the spray is ugly at least recovered for a kill the AK is cycled out of there though and yeah the criticism for Cloud9 well we'll have to see here in Copenhagen if it's well founded or not if they can make the Run of Dreams keep in mind how they got him man they took down Vitality in the RMR to make a a you know quick run through Nice Shot for Doom out in that game as well where they took down Vitality perfector didn't get a single or kill it was all boage you know cuz sometimes we see on map dependent like Mirage Perfecto sometimes going to grab that or but I think if if someone is going to do it I just want to see boage commit don't dilly dally don't don't flip-flop it shows even less confidence I think if you're oring then or he's all of this going for the boost up flick is nice he's got a player trapped in the dropped his gun and Hobbit just runs him down they lost the bomb earlier in the round forget it they are running their way into a yeah czer here those footsteps running away but with the MP9 he's going to do wonders over here in Middle it's not helpful but cold still moves in Cloud9 take the space they've got all this control inside of the site now F trap over to WS long Czar is here pretty damn quickly but they are anticipating this man in the backline they might go hunting for D they try to run him down and Hobbit okay I love that they said they were cooking Harry it's called Sarah left up in this one fecto right here and ready to deal with him instead it's the kill ooh Hobbit low on health but Cold's low on time and Hobbit locks it in keeping up appearances is Hobbit here had a great start to the day and looks to keep the good times rolling in for cloud n just so important to start strong on tside overpass and you get if you not the pistol your first gun round while they're still on bonus MP9 that's a very difficult round where dumal is going to regret giving up the bomb and neas is going to regret dropping his gun a couple of crucial mistakes for legacy and they come back to bite that's insane we love to see it confidence out of Cloud 9 and hey four major winners on this roster down well to be confident I have really enjoyed watching Hobbit as of late he's playing with a a big degree of confidence it feels like I mean considering he's not the default name you look to in this roster that was meant to be the uh the start he was the next to get cut that's what the the the the Layman was saying right gone with Hobbit get in and WP player his his major win was the longest ago axels is still yet to be founded a player we're waiting to return to form if it could be here in Copenhagen that could spell a great sign for Cloud9 who are trying to do a very difficult thing in performing consistently at tier one without a St awp player we haven't seen that since liquid and Nitro I don't think even then he had his flashes specifically on this map he was he loved an overpass or I mean who doesn't or overpass kzer show us why rotating down B Cloud9 coming in oh doow that's a bomb that one is free they never knew about him and him and Barton continue to find success electronic going to try and restore a bit of order here but smoke in his way and if he walks this he's a dead man D gets that one for free that was a fake as well they were going to go up con with 20 seconds I mean there was time if axile made it through short but that's very optimistic considering they were out monster they didn't have short control and they had con control so they're like yeah actually just bring the bomb through connector like that's a very that's not a that's not a dry run Strat that's a mid round that has gone disastrously has nearly lost his main gun again but he was able to find it right near the end someone unb G yeah just use the E key it works right oh don't don't get me started well Legacy will take that confused confusion dumbfounded but around nonetheless maybe something a little more uptempo here for Cloud9 as they're fast grouped outside of be no attention given to Mid or connector so they're looking for this short control but on the jump check necas has seen them moving out into short blowing open as latto looks for a fight here he was kind of the the guy to keep an eye on alongside colder in that match up earlier on versus Furia not given the chance to get involved early instead oh I love this MP9 let's go so accurate in the air but Perfecto is holding with a scout he sees him he's out Martin pushes off the back of that play and Cloud 9 last thing they're ready for they're waiting for heads over the wall that W bang doesn't work electronic they removed that Cloud9 getting desperate 40 seconds with the bomb coming back through spawn got to get past the cold Z awp which is easier said than done the jumping double from cold he's going to plant his feet firmly on the ground in this one how does he do it old Tera there's the first that awp just goes through the motions will give a little more control up as his teammates move in and look to silence Cloud9 on that attempt up into the a site they don't even make a dent here that one kill to lat is all they've got to go off of so for Cloud9 it's back to the drawing board yeah I didn't see for sure but it felt like Legacy blocked that smoke at stairs otherwise it's an egregious Miss but it did seem a little out in front of dumpster D's just able to stand here and just spray his teammate was a truck so maybe it was blocked if not Cloud9 back to boot camp because that's another round on the a sight three players in position Nice kill for cold disappears before the smoke blooms and it's hard on a map like this you don't want to sound the alarms too early because it's overpast Seaside and there's always going to be some teething room or teething issues rather but it's a great start for legacy you can't deny that they're playing with bravado they're making plays cir's 8 and one I'm not going to call anything too early but groundwork is there for legacy yeah it certainly is uh you know and this is one where like even though Cloud9 have always like look to to play it the results I mean much like all of cloud n's results really a pretty hit and miss sure High highs low lows yeah I mean you know this was one of the maps they were able to win over Vitality okay back at the the RMR but then you know they've had fold Downs to to teams that that like a bit of overpass squads like saw for example so you know it's hard to really find like the rhyme and reason I feel like with cloud it's very just dependent on how they're feeling on the day right now with this iteration of the squad sure they hear that got to watch out Nate out vat the tech 9 spams hbit somehow still standing and in fact doing more than that putting l 6 ft under there got to be someone it's got to be Hobbit now in this round with an M4 C alone calling for necas to rotate up and Legacy make an aggressive mid- round move but if they WRA t-spawn that will take just too long time they don't have Cloud n are getting closer to the site is Rago along with czera both of them moving up and now he's seen a lot of bodies over here at Short tries to get out of there but it's just one czera got to do the heavy lifting now one off the awp and there's the rotate up from Barton getting there just in time to bail out Cera not that I think he needed it he was absolutely destroying cloud that Tech 9 was about to tear through the fourth there was no doubt 11 and one for coldzera two time major winner we have many in the server today my oh my great 11 and one on CA man yeah roll it back get that in for jump spots Cloud9 upper pacing the connector relatively little punishment from either team Legacy play with a setup at long un Orthodox but still valid it allows lanto lto to essentially be anti flash while still covering the toilet clear perfector with a nice shot on that boost up that's something cloudon need let's see what boom calls 5 on four all the time of the world Legacy are getting curious they're going to go into the man with the same kills as all of them combined so let's see how that works out for them cold Zera on the line the or delivers one more man ready to trade this but axile doesn't realize it he's actually getting baited into the double set up but long he will clear latto out and so axile is finally on the board seven rounds in gets his first C Zera is still hanging around up close and on that flash pull cold looks to go for the throw he locks axile out of it and so a is called Zara's domain they are not getting in there the answer has to be found down on this B site Barton low on health eight and one on the board great performance but does he have the room to lock them out of the site might not matter DOA arrives just in time and for Hobbit the kind of one guy that's done anything for Cloud9 thus far this is a 1 V3 that will not be easy they're just flooding him immediately trying to run him down in the sight Hobbit quick on his feet a reposition around the pillar and it's a one V one the two top performers Cold versus Hobbit time taking off that bomb holda drops on in Hobbit is fully repositioned out towards sha and so the big question now is cold ready for this smoke in the way Hobbit misses that chance but the time has gotten away from him cold can't win this anymore he's going to run in get on that bomb but spray from Hobbit locks Cera out of it Hobbit one on Three to put a second on the board for Cloud9 Hobbit the hero man and he puts him on his shoulders this has been a guy to look out for in Cloud 9 in very recent memory and even today over exatic sick little clutch pulled out of nowhere and leg see might be put down to their knees after that one can Cloud9 build is the big question had quiet stars from everyone but Hobbit playing with a little more intensity now fast through the con or through the B short Molly but you know I mean even even this now right it's fantastic that Hobbit's able to offer up these rounds it's just you know the the criticism leveraged against Cloud9 is the lack of aers what they do have is a fantastic team of rifl and right now none of them are arriving to the occasion with the exception of Hobbit it can't be a oneman army how are the Mac 10 how are the tech 9s cuz sure they're in the site but they have to hold on to it now with worse Weaponry the only benefit is look how far Legacy are away they might even throw in the tow still paranoid about mid basically can't play this retake it's a 4v5 it might be a full save unicorn round hey they're rare they do exist Harry and it seems like no deaths Legacy simply get out positioned on an instant B execute good grenades for Cloud9 as well they bounce double HS triple HS even on the wood pillar and so they know they can Rush without having to clear certain positions that makes a monster play Easier that's a round out of nowhere it's a round where no one dies a legacy want to keep economy in good standing however it might have might have opened the door for Cloud9 who after winning round still had Mac 10s and Tech now they can upgrade unfortunately for cl not every round could be won like that they do great if so and they all upgrade so that's a bit of a disaster for legacy because they would love to just get that instant reset you don't get chances many chances to reset te economy but that would have been one of them winning a clutch oh Rambo is oh so the Molly is huge D still makes it relatively unscathed and he's here like the mental timer for cloud 's kind of throwing off right you Molly short you wouldn't expect this axile certainly didn't just the one and done this time as bomit also arrives on the board in round nine gets his first it's an important trade onto dumau he's one rounds from that exact position over on sh before no way he's going through this smoke right that's very early in the round to make this play Just tucked up close as Cloud M spam it the bomb is resetting spawn we've seen Legacy make nice mid round moves for information let's see how they fa in this one it's latto connector still such a heavy behold they don't have any info on a if Cloud9 went up long if they ran it they would get the plant we've seen Cloud9 win rounds to pacifism from Legacy already at a certain point someone has to move and it might be latto coming up connector still nothing to be seen in Middle even this though it's a scary path to try and rotate especially when you've got no info to what's happening up on this top site the entire time odera come on the game is calling you you can feel it in the back of your head what a great call for Cloud9 L going to catch Hobbit all right this has got a bit of intri CA gets here just in time playing on the edge of the smoke around the Molly ready to come through when L takes the contct cold attempts it tries to run down the bomb PL gets them off but not quick enough not for long enough the plant comes in Cloud 9 trying to stumble back into this game with four latto has been a nuisance throughout the entire round and he's not showing any signs of stopping lto thus far he's just kind of hit all these timings he's had to but finally one bridge to far it's not for them B takes down the first man boage makes some noise over at long he knows where he is but got to deal with him quickly here cuz time is not on by side he runs down the double long post plant and so that one is recovered in the 1 V2 boom plays it as well as he can he calls the bluff on the stick thinking this young player this inexperienced player he's not going to do it and he's right but the fight comes through for Barton and somehow Cloud9 don't close round despite the positional advantages the late rotates lat certainly makes it easier finding Hobbit in middle but my own my felt like that was a around for cloud n yeah I mean you know that's one where because we said this earlier on it's like if you paused at like the the midpoint of that round in the 4v4 when Cloud9 are all the way down long and everyone else is in mid or B for legacy you would have been like yeah they win that round every time they win that round so that's actually insane the Legacy battle back in and it all comes from L over in mid if he doesn't get those kills that round is a nonstarter electronic he's having a bit of a m today isn't he was really slow to start in that ecstatic game as well right here his team were putting a lot of pressure on the B player so he could go for a pick and just nothing ugly spray Bon 11 and two like that's a you know short lack of experience only one major for three of these players uh but at the same time they are you know meant to be the next big thing or they have been for a while very strong individually capable players on Legacy so don't be surprised to see latto Bon popping off they're doing their best right now neas has to concede the site it's going to be another retake for legacy backstab for colda just fantastic to see him looking like this I mean he showed it off already in the Fury game but to keep it going here versus Cloud9 is a real treat 5v3 in the retake and Cloud9 is so claustrophobic they are boxed into the site here one kill out L that's going to start to send them in Flash is wreck Perfecto boich can't hold on and Perfecto locked out of it Legacy stick the landing on a retake without losing a single player 5v3 and they still slow it right down but just enough to get all the util in to wait out the cloud n dumpster smokes and then to you know have Cole just locking them in with an or on the flank he's not playing actively he knows that Cloud9 can't come back to him they're scared of that orb for good reason cuz czera is playing a phenomenal game right now I I don't think he's miss a shot I haven't seen him miss a shot with the or he's been in the perfect positions with the exception of one round he has looked Rock Solid 14 and three B him right behind and Legacy Le in the front and now they're playing with confidence The Hobbit onean Army it doesn't work it was a fellowship that got the ring to M or Fellowship of nine may I remind you a cloud nine and right now it's it's just Hobbit oh that's ugly that felt like it needed to be more with guns now dropped available to Cloud9 but wait they swapped in the smoke doow is right behind this shouldn't matter Hobbit getting this timing doesn't do anything for Cloud 9 but it certainly does for dumau who hears every foot step back they've got no idea how could he even be here they say to themselves Trigger Discipline works wonders one more man right around the corner axile will at least deal with dooma in the back lines a two on three is that enough of a chance here for Cloud9 they've dealt with the danger man and now they've got to follow through it's just a disaster like you said felt like it there was no Gap there Hobbit was connected he cleared it the timing was Perfection what do we have here at the long side neck is just just leaves back setting to rotate kzer saying I've got this trust in me I will deliver the goods and I can't blame him smoke long he is playing retake okay this is like the best case scenario for Cloud9 given where they are they can get a bomb plan with this setup it's going to be a run boost through he hit his head no it's perfect footsteps made rotate should be summoned 20 seconds to stick this bomb Legacy it felt fine leaving this down to the wire in the retakes though oh spam connects hold Zer tapping back with the USP the Legacy still a man up here and then they've not bothered they not been bothered waiting for these smokes in the past so they're going to do that again they don't want to give anything away for free in this 3v2 retake you want to punish every kill that Cloud9 get two out through the bank neck is deals with that man in Exile running low on ammo got to do it with the tech 9 and he can't finish the job neis runs him down and keeps that round in check for legacy that setup felt perfect the spray was beautiful for axile two head shot angle kills coming out of the bank but it's the pistol and the bottom Fragger of legacy to lift them up and win that round stop that clutch kill Axel in his tracks 8 to3 now and no more excuses on tside over the past Cloud9 have had chances they've had opportunities they've had powerful post plant position they have converted almost none of them Legacy are playing lights out there so confident they're making the perfect moves again in short water this is like the third time's done this he just gets here every time Cloud have no idea they've got to check it surely right that's what you're telling yourselves surely they've got to but they haven't so far feels like they because of that run boost it's just like throwing the timings off they always think they have the real estate but that's not even the guy you thought you would get electronic this guy's like famed for his walkouts through monster he's often so good here at walking in dry and finding impact but this round there's none of it the util keeps him at Bay and as Perfecto moves in alongside him reality is Dawning upon Cloud9 three is looking like all they get unless electronic can do do something down here at lower B retrieved in the meantime Perfecto goes back to grab it the reago are they going to push will it be together right now re aggressing just one player he sees the barrel he's got the kill easy peasy bomb is late and it will find nothing Legacy writing exactly that 9 to three against four major winners on cloud n man screen has two in his cabinet already and this is a team that no one expected to cause any commotion here in Copenhagen not only a win in their pocket but looking to take down one of the top dogs of the opening stage yeah and they haven't looked stressed at all have they I mean you know outside of a couple of rounds I mean think about it like one of the rounds what of the three rounds that Cloud9 have was a 10 alive just outpos the opponents on a on a kind of weird you know quasi buy for the uh for the side of Legacy where they were just so far removed they couldn't justify going for the retake so there's like one gifted round in there the other two were Hobbit single-handedly winning rounds for Cloud9 they've had nothing to go on here Legacy meanwhile they've looked very composed they've not felt stressed in these retakes they they've been willing to kind of play into the the late stages of the clock and steal rounds away I don't know this is night day between these teams right now and sure you know there's always a world where CT side you dust yourself off you kind of get back on the horse and you look good but now and never you have to win this pistol you have to win this pistol if you're Cloud9 gamble going the wrong way right now we got Legacy lining up and execute on this B bomb site smokes go in h it with a flash poised from the heavens out it goes good shot Perfecto finds First Blood the Jules come hunting gunning Perfecto finding every kill forget the jeules all you need is one and it's perfection in this pistol round can he close it Cloud 9 swing together there's electronic and czer he has been unbeatable in this map but finally a step too far counterterrorist they swing him together they lock czera out of it and so that pistol that they had to win they will Cloud n can this be Second Wind they successfully lock out the b play without Legacy even making a dent yeah Legacy can't get ahead of themselves that's for sure right it has been overall unimpressive from Cloud9 but that's you'd be silly to neglect the skill on this roster and the experience and that's without taking into account the effect that CT side overpass will have on this game like CU you're going to have to work hard for it no bomb plant they still B Rush it's antia it's the last in Cloud n expect no molotov in the monster look how much room they've got yeah they've been given so much room here will that be the gift they were looking for propelled into the site they've spotted electronic playing around the bridge smoke they start to spam him now pressure being applied no plan yet as Molly's rain in from the heavens but all the kills are coming up for legacy Hobbit tries to creep in Hobbit tries to be the hero but he's cut down and it's just bomit left standing this Force cross SP for legacy bomb has against the grain not what you're used to seeing without the bomb plant but it's worked out wonderers for them and that's exactly why it's worked out because it's the last thing Cloud9 expect you you expect some respect in this game look at the names on Cloud9 you wouldn't forced by Tech 9 armor and go for just a one flash pop into B that's that's insulting that's a middle finger from Legacy and as a result Cloud9 are not prepared and they pay the price 10 Rounds for the Brazilians what did Cloud9 do now I mean we said you know the the way back in was winning the pistol they did that and then they fall down to the force they're not even going to be bringing guns out if they force in this next one and then they lose the game gets away from them so like what do you do here even even the decision you're left with is horrible my oh my and you know what I think you've been talking about is like you know the majors the both of these teams possessed the number of wins and I think you know yeah cold the thing about that conversation is you know those Mages were a long while ago you know like past his kind of peak as far as it looked like that was over half a decade ago now and so you know these aren't the sort of numbers you were used to seeing at a cold Zera for the longest time that's why it's so sick that's why this Legacy Squad looking lights out is such a romantic idea and it's not just him even though he's had phenomenal impact on this map specifically but the numbers are matched by Bon D's right there neas has put together even a great call there on that t side and latto was the guy popping off back in that Fury G yeah this mixture of you know new and old and even then you're kind of hesitant to call the the rest of those Legacy members new right sure but you know it's that's the conversation with all these Brazilian teams we said in the last game Harry this is the most represented country at the major and when we looked at the Rio major it was Brazilian teams going 0 and three in the opening stage right it was Z Nation falling early it was Imperial disappearing in front of our eyes but now these this Shuffle this combination of old and new well it's it's talking the talk it's walking the walk and right now it's looking to upset Cloud n they almost took down hero as well Imperial it did take down ends what a day for Brazilian CS Hobbit dies immediately but this is all a fake over toward towards the top site and how devastating for Cloud9 because they've fallen for a hook line and sinker got to go they're going to wait for that Molly as usual fine leaving this to the late stages of the round they get past Perfecto you won't have time to do a lot of clearing here if your legacy you need to get that bomb in cat's going to try facilitate the plant here with short he feels all right but boage he'll want to come through this he'll want to fight to deny that plant you can win this right now one kill and they'll manage it robbing that round from Legacy on the Low by a round that they had to win if they wanted to keep this dream alive and so they've at least managed that on the side of Cloud9 it's back and forth It's tit fortat to open this one up the pendulum swings Harry there is no guarantee yet is there even though it felt like that might have been enough for legacy on a force by Cloud9 say we can do what we can do it too czer felt like his luck was about to win the round but jumping through the smoke to stop the bomb that's exactly what Cloud9 needed with seconds to spare oh this is uncomfortable this is sweaty this is tense and this is finally the first timeout called by Legacy in this game doesn't that speak to how they've been feeling in this match the game plan has gone perfectly until now but I mean these KDs are just disgusting avert your eyes it's The Hobbit show some of the stars of Cloud9 obscured in the sky yeah I mean you know that that's uncomfortable right like the the guy who isn't really meant to be your star is like your best player all the guys who are meant to be stars are like mid mid's being nice you know I think optimistic I'll say and maybe there's still a recovery yet but once again Legacy go back into a fast B play and look at this they've already snuck all the way in through short that kill is free electronic with the reply with the response finally something out of Dennis over here towards monster three quick kills from the man and that's kept Cloud9 in this round after all okay they want to get cooking they don't want to just commit even though triple entry into B you feel like you have the bomb site it was so early in the round but they they'd rather just spread it out and look elsewhere they weren't together cold feels like running through monster is risking too much what if a play is heaven but now you look at those KDs Harry and you compare the numbers four and two on these two Cloud9 players 11 and 17 for legacy all of that must be forgotten Cloud n need this round going to group they're going to read this about as rightly as they could reclearing the a site rightest Legacy set up and Poise for trades as well this is nice stuff for Cloud9 I don't know if Legacy will feel confident enough to plant for the bathrooms with so little info they might have to go hunting for this frag well axile give it away oh my God they just missed the timing they just cleared it they just think they cleared the site they didn't and now Legacy are given Chase to them this is madness just set up in the bank you can plant for CT czera has got the line now and Cloud9 that check being millisecond too late might have just thrown them through a loop cold Zera right place right time as he puts up a second it's all left on to boich catches DOA with his back turned but he's got to get past cold he's got to get past the cold with hot hands and sink on the first Peak bomit Now's the Time to Chase and bomit will secure the round for Cloud9 cera's eagerness is his downfall there as he tries to chase down bomit he pushes tab he sees who who's alive it's a guy with two kills oh jumping the gun there a little bit right that smoke definitely puts the fear in you that's why he's so aggressive he never wants him to get a chance to even tap that bomb let alone stick it but perfect flashbang for boage and cold cut down rise you felt like as you said Legacy made the perfect timing play it couldn't have been better after Cloud9 cleared the sight but they still win it don't they 6 to 10 buying back desperate here it's worked before axol and connector this time has something to say short lived 4 on three as boom's orb makes its first appearance in the map in round 17 couldn't tell tell you what he lined up with there the rock yeah sure but that smoke means nothing this fake means nothing in Cloud9 now have to rotate players b it's too obvious right uh heaven or aside smoke for Monster I presume and down it comes so Legacy cordoned off right as the execute was about to come through it's a nice mid round move for Cloud9 they have all the information it's forcing Legacy out water instead even pushing back into the site this is really nice right before they didn't have the resources down here to fight from within the be site might not matter as Doom opens but they can't get past Perfecto was lto just a little too late to the party really and now bomb dropped in the smoke a 1v3 on his plate it's a big ask Perfecto he hears him down in the water Salat goes looking for this kill but Perfecto is not willing to give it up three kills in the round from Perfecto he starts this half looking great in the pistol he's finding his footing a little little bit more in some of these rounds and so Cloud ner slowly but surely waking up yeah this is definitely what to perfect those better CT sides you know better Anchor positions bide overpass so it's reassuring to see he did it in the pistol with a big 3K he's done it again in a crucial round where he's on his own at the back of the site so Cloud n okay you know we love to hate but they're Fielding something here on this CT side some very tight rounds but squeezing some juice out of them axile aggressive again it's only Glocks make it quick make it easy make that money yeah bit of an MP9 Montage over in mid love that for axile had a very Troublesome time at the start of this map slowly but surely that Supporting Cast around Hobbit has arrived right now you have electronic up there alongside and Perfecto in there as well axile and bomit only got their first kills in the map in the late stages of the first half true keep five alive please oh my God that's a Despicable kill no more not today not on my watch says axile eight rounds for Cloud9 they sit very close to the Legacy 10 yeah and this is starting to hurt for legacy they've certainly had chances much of to Cloud9 in that first half you've had these moments and I think Legacy they haven't had as many but the spots they've been in they probably feel like they should have won this game already right really I'm talking about that round where C and Co push into bank and it feels like they've hit the perfect timing they can't dwell on that now but you will be left with this inescapable feeling that if just one of those rounds had gone different this would have been a done deal already yeah they close that that 1 V one feel like Cloud9 are dead in the water like last game if DC didn't jump cat Harry what would have happened yeah would have been GG those little micro decisions that feel in consequential in the moment can cost you entire tournament's Hobbit one of the most experienced men in the server find his opening kill and he's fored the room out even takes the or lock down nothing more not a new rooll three flash aile good timing they're blind oh it's ugly it's really ugly it is disgusting get the MP9 back out man oh dear that is rough okay you hope that that's not the undoing of anything in this round right at the end of the day you're still in the four on four you tell yourself you got some info but now you lose Hobbit up in the toilets boage last Defender up on towards this top site Cloud9 still with two down on B and Legacy they see it they've still got 40 seconds left to make their mind up they're not dedicated either Which Way Cloud n had taken a gamble they're bringing everyone down lower save or commit either way they do it together right even though they hear that smoke over on a they're so dedicated here that that would have never changed their mind all that means is that nek is won't even be involved in the B play so his teammates are walking into a three on three right now and even odds bout in a round that felt like Legacy had it in the bag they go right into Perfecto called Zer running with the bomb there's just not time for this neck is out in heaven nothing to say in the round as Cloud n's gamble comes up top trumps down at lower and again it's all Perfecto three players sure but he puts on the only two kills that matter they'll win the round they'll force that bomb to save and Legacy kickings an opportunity thwarted Cloud9 threw it away with axile missing his spray on long with Hobbit or or removed in the toilets and you can't really blame them it is a gamble for Cloud9 it's not like Legacy made a a blinding error they didn't want that bomb to rotate maybe neis could have been with them but he was set up to win the round a round that never should have been so easy for cloud n okay you can feel the crack showing now it's not even a Buy around these guns Just relying on two botom performance of legacy to carry them through this Eco round feels like an unfounded claim Cloud 9 21 a info on short I mean you feel like this is one of these rounds or at least you're going to have the follow through right in some of these moments they've actually kind of outbrain themselves of Legacy right and I think it's because the the slower stripped back style was helping them a lot early on but in rounds like this you have less to lose more to gain cold eror bit of gumption bit of follow through double from axile and now he's getting flanked in from long got to be ready for this but he's looking good and nek is with the response 2v2 smoke in the sight dumal looks for the bomb plant they triy to deny it and they succeed is locked out and so even as Legacy get those kills to send them in they can't get past axile he buys time for the rotates and this one now it's a tie game Cloud9 are believing all over again here excellent call the rotate for Cloud9 there was no doubt in that decision we've seen those rounds where you know you get three entries and then cold cools it off and they go back and they mid round it not today for legacy they know they can't afford to mess up that situation three entries we're going to take that space and Cloud ner already there very confident rotation and they win the anti they always meant to Legacy made it interesting 20 and n on cold zero Cloud n level the playing field remember how dominant this game once was it was 93 clown 91 pistol but then Legacy picked up a four spy and the game felt as good as done it's been these low economy battles that have made the biggest difference in this map but now full gun rounds will decide for 11 it's a good thing that flash worked cuz electronic Perfecto just jumped into each other and got stuck in the open a monster well Legacy overcore this round once again you know they're leaving a lot of options open here right that's one thing they've been very keen on is going for these kind of rotates in the mid round that they're trying to push and pull Cloud9 around the map but they're going to need someone somewhere to apply a bit of pressure because right now they had three players over on a holding for any sort of aggro waiting to see if they fed anything but it's not even like Cloud9 are aware of that they've not seen a single Legacy player again the right rotation Hobbits come up this could be the moment oh instead electronic further off the angle going to get the drop on dumo still 3A not for long though oh Hobbit doubles back can this one player B do enough there calling them back to hit the B bomb site there's only 15 seconds this is so they've been fine playing it to the extremities of the clock but as we've gone deeper in this game it's really started to betray them last time one kill was all it took for Cloud9 to win the round they deal with Bon but cold will get that bomb planted at least this has going to be legacy's final stand here cold Zera Whitt down and finished off as Cloud n overwhelmed the B site and now take the lead it's absolutely desperate in this game from Legacy they are feeling the pressure they are feeling the burn and they are indecisive at 20 seconds on the clock they don't know what sight to hit both of them are covered in opponents and they can't even close uh you know advantages when they've had them Cloud9 have performed the comeback they've taken the lead my oh my this was 9 to four 10 to four sorry for legacy seven eight rounds in a row seven rounds for Cloud9 num was not the strong suit but right now they're putting them on the board I mean you know boich might not be blowing your mind in terms of what he's bringing individually but you have to say that the the gamble some of the stacks some of these calls the way that he's been able to to read Legacy on this CT side has been fantastic and you know one of the big questions there was could he do that when you're so far down when you're so on the back foot your individuals have looked kind of shaky to open up the map sometimes even if you had the right read or the right idea you just couldn't get the kills to make it happen but the longer this has gone on the better it's all looked yeah rotat a bit the best aspect of the CT side Legacy have never walked into an empty bomb site other than that Two on Two and even then that's cutting it close it has always been a stack for Cloud9 felt like three players every single time can Legacy just keep this a little more simple a little more explosive I think I think that's what we're going to get right this has got like the the similar Vibe the similar start to when they approach this top site with just Tech 9s and like one gun they almost W it they wanted to go for a bit of follow through there and coer got that great opener but then he gets locked out by axar and look at the setup in this round Cloud9 a triple monster at the start so the sooner Legacy go the better this play is going to look that's a nice block on short side boom is jumping Axel's on his own if make this call after this smoke and commit into a this might be their best bet yet Smoke's going to start to fade now axile up close was able to repel the a play last time but this time it's just the one and done bomit has not being required to offer much individually on this CT side but this is a moment where he's got to hold his own the or finds the first tries going back in for more and lto will deal with him three on three Legacy off following through on the top side play but they don't get past Hobbit not right away electronic able to lock them down and latto left in this one all alone as Cloud9 scramble in a second man and he can't get past Perfecto Cloud Nine match point from 410 down they've embarked on an eight round streak to get here and they're just five kills away from going up 20 phenomenal recovery for cl 9 the grit the determination the belief it was all there even with some you know pretty horrendous mistakes of their own some ugly wh sprays the two weakest players are on this top site right now and still Cloud9 are pulling up rounds on a defense solid rotate hype from boich here as Cloud9 can taste victory or Legacy can taste his desperation spam through the uh through the bide it's going to find nek is early they want that AK out of there as well they know that might be the only one that's a desperate move for necas to run an AK into monster for Gils now for legacy a dream axile had some big whiffs here but he's also had moments of Brilliance and this is going to be the latter double kill locked in at the top of con Legacy I think they've had this feeling for a while the game was in their hands it was theirs for the taking and that somehow they've managed to let get away from them Cloud9 embodying that it's not about how you start it's about how you finish here absolutely and they are finishing strong no way out of this one dumal down with a bomb L up top and Deal's about to lose exactly that is Legacy rely on one player and an impossibility Cloud n from all the way down backs against the wall stand tall and pick themselves up they will take this game they will sit two and0 up and only a single best of three from that elimination [Music] stage indeed um we were we right
Channel: PGL
Views: 4,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cloud9 legacy, cloud9 vs legacy, cloud9 vs legacy highlights, cloud9 vs legacy overpass, legacy cloud9, legacy vs cloud9 pgl cs2 major copenhagen 2024 - opening stage, pgl cs2 major copenhagen 2024 - opening stage
Id: fMLjtzN5XqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 21sec (3081 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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