Understanding Yuji's new philosophy- Jujutsu Kaisen's Greatest Episode

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we have witnessed greatness with the Monumental moment in the most recent episode of jiujitsu Kaizen with Yuji proclaiming I am you after landing a critical black flash against mahito I wanted to break down yuji's amazing character Arc and the philosophy that he now has we start with the fight between Yuji and the blood manipulation user choso the fight is remarkably close but in the end Yuji is outmatched and loses the fight this failure leads to sua the king of curses to be reawakened for a short time enough time to do horrendous damage throughout shabuya killing potentially hundreds and creating a crater in the center of the city then Huka this sick bastard gives Yuji back control of his body so he can witness the destruction in a powerful scene we see Yuji on his hands and knees begging the universe to take him instead of all the lives that were just lost if only he had died maybe all this death wouldn't have happened the Dark Void of the empty lifeless Circle in shabuya reflecting in the now Hollow eyes of Yuji he says I have to go I have to fight otherwise I'll just be a murderer quickly Yuji continues his fight coming face to face with one of his greatest adversaries mahito who continues yuji's torment all while trying to convince Yuji that they are the same that just as easy as mahito takes lives Yuji saves lives put your whole self into your goals and beliefs because it is who you are is maho's message and at the end of their long battle Yuji admits that he was right the evolution of yuji's I have to fight otherwise I'll just be a murderer is the philosophy that Yuji accepts he is a cog someone who is to perform the task of killing curses until his death he will never stop he will never give up he will do his duty until he can't anymore even if his actions seem useless now one day they may be apparent but right now that doesn't matter when faced with a tremendous amount of guilt Yuji finds purposeless in his existence one that doesn't need belief one one that doesn't require thought just be a cog just do what needs to be done and that's it no more thinking about it now go as the series continues in the manga no real spoilers here Yuji continues to struggle with the guilt he feels he is still tormented by the loss of his friends his feelings don't go away but when faced with the insurmountable tasks ahead of him he gets up continues to try to be strong so he can exercise more cursed Spirits the reason Yuji ends up like this is for three main reasons the curse put on him the deaths Sur him and his own conviction at the start of the show we see one of the most influential things happen without us even realizing it yuji's grandfather's Last Words urging Yuji to help others and die with people around him in jjk dying words hold great weight and seem to shift character's fate to line with those words so because of yuji's grandfather's curse Yuji is T ask with doing what he can to help others down to yuji's core he is someone who helps others just as mahito feels he must kill others so when yui fails at helping others it breaks him down as we see with nm's death as well as noar's these two deaths greatly impact Yuji when he watches nanami perish he is overcome with rage he immediately focuses on what is in front of him instead of completely processing what had happened till he watches his close friend and Ally no Bara die you see how physically Yuji takes this emotional blow as he ends up on the floor completely defeated and with no will to fight on saying that his conviction was just an excuse to keep himself alive when he now feels like he can't help others at all this is on top of the fact that before all this sukuna had red havoc on shabuya which we know if Yuji had been killed earlier in the series that there would have been no suca Yuji completely takes the blame for all of suk's actions leaving him a shell of [Music] guilt with his will restored with Toto's arrival and the understanding of nm's last words to him Yuji fully accepts the responsibility that he is a cog in this world meant to do one thing exercise curses there's debate to be had whether or not this philosophy is a good one to have if it's healthy for a person to believe in their existence this way but allow me to try to explain how adapting a similar philosophy in your own life can be beneficial to you before I go in too deep let's take a step back and acknowledge that jiujitsu Kaizen and yuji's struggles are just part of a story taken to Extremes in a world not like our own but that world is similar you may relate to Yuji in some ways guilt of hurting others wishing you were a stronger person so that you could have prevented tragedies within your own life hopefully you can take yuji's approach but in a much healthier and more human way let me explain you too are a cog despite all the flaws you may have all the problems in your life and the unimaginable amount of mistakes that led you to this dark spot where your emotions [ __ ] the person you are underneath you must acknowledge that you are a cog but your task is not to exercise curse spirits but instead to do what you need to to become the best version of yourself destroy your flaws and become the person who can achieve your dreams the person strong enough to do right by those you care about in your life all while staying true to yourself there is literally no time like the present to start the small steps to improve your life and build the foundations to become a better person these things can be small but they lead to Great impact in your life think of doing your laundry and cleaning your room as defeating grade four cursed spirits and think of going to the gym as a first grade assignments being put off bills that aren't paid important events in your life those are just special grades ready to be defeated by your hands it doesn't matter what's in front of you what matters is you overcome those challenges you exercise those curses because you are a cog anime and media in general are great tools for displaying relatable struggles in unique ways and taking what you see in them and extrapolating them into your own life this can be beneficial to you characters like Rock Lee and Goku have inspired thousands of people to start working out only way this works is if you can consume content and digest it in a way that applies to your own life and situations great lessons can be learned from shows like this and you can't allow yourself to ignore the messages Within These works this can be applied to whatever your favorite show is what would Naruto do today if he was me what would Luffy think of what I was doing with my time what if I was more like aroner okay maybe not that one but wait actually that one too Attack on Titan constantly pushes a similar philosophy to Yugi's Cog philosophy keep moving forward this doesn't mean go and kill your enemies it means get up and do your homework instead of watching dumb YouTube videos like this one yeah buddy I'm talking to you the Shabu Arc is almost at its end and this amazing season of jiujitsu Kaizen is truly some of the greatest anime I've ever seen not just because of the story but because of the characters and their philosophies in life that truly get you as the audience thinking and of course the incredible fights that just oh my God please like the video and subscribe thanks for watching all the way to the end uh I'm making a video on Naughty Bear next um it's a little out of left field I hope you like it bye
Channel: Collateral
Views: 14,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jjk, jujutsukaisen, sukuna, yuji, video essay, mahito, todo, shibuya, manga, anime
Id: W9AdGQ73Dd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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