THE PRINCIPLES OF HONOUR | Apostle Joshua Selman

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i i know that you love me all over the world and i'm grateful for your love i'm indebted to you but it's unfortunate that there are a group of people it has gotten to my table time and again that there have been several people parading all over the internet as joshua salman and coming up with all kinds of charitable projects taking advantage of the love the support and the loyalty that people have for me and extracting money from people and it's it's terrible is to know that people can can do this kind of thing and i'm saying it especially to our international community there are a number of sites i don't know if the media would project them but that is not me personally i am not on social media you find any apostle joshua salman or anything that looks like me or on social media it is not me uh these are scammers they may project my message they may do a lot of things but anybody let me say this um you are always free to share my content it's it's been my joy and and there are there are several platforms on youtube instagram and all over that just i know that there are different fan pages on on social media that just celebrate what god is doing in my life and become support systems for us to take this message i love you those people you have my endorsement and my blessings but anybody please listen let this be a disclaimer anyone who would ask you to send money to give them money for any charitable project please know that you are dealing with a fraudster you can feel free to report them to the various authorities that govern the social media platforms and you can also do well to communicate a protocol department our media department our public relations department the lines will also be on the screen for you to see please make sure you have these details have our protocol lines our public relation lines they they respond to everything that has to do with correspondences the media for all your media concerns um this is so that you can have the the authorized channels we make ourselves as accessible as possible for everything that has to do with the ministry we have able-bodied trained people who love you passionately who will be able to communicate and for all your givings you can also contact our finance department absolutely lovely people please listen because i know that many of you um desire to probably sow into my life so into the ministry there are there are designated details that the finance department can give to you please anyone parading i would repeat again as joshua selman i do not have any charity project i'm a philanthropist you know that i give with all my heart but i do not have any orphanage hope that i and then i will not i'm not even on social media and i think it's it's insulting to you i honor you too much to go on social media and ask you for money for prayer please listen i want to say this you know that i'm a man of integrity and this also let me use the opportunity to say it on behalf of any a man and woman of god that is a person of integrity when you listen to a man's message it gives you an idea of their convictions what they can do and what they cannot do i i i will never never go by god's grace god has blessed me with several people who continue to bless and support what we represent all over the world and i am profoundly grateful for their partnership please and please if you want to partner with the ministry you want to bless me there are designated channels i am grateful but so that your seeds don't enter um wrong hands and have people take advantage of you millions of naira thousands of dollars have been extracted by several people in the name of you know all kinds of things there are even people who have supposedly written publications uh as joshua salman it's unfortunate you know it's come to my notice also that people have written books proporting to be joshua salman when a book is out we have that influence and we'll let people know by god's grace we have lots of things out i know that god has granted me a measure of influence and i'm grateful for it and many people can leverage on it for their own advantage provided you do not hurt people provided you do not scam people is a terrible thing and i will assure you that we will continue to look out for these people and make sure that the social media as far as this ministry is concerned is safe for your participation so please do well connect with us on on our all our platforms for updates and then um do well to spread the teachings the teachings are free let them go all over the world and then just let everybody know that i am grateful thank you so much for your love thank you so much for everything please keep standing i want to teach on something this morning that i believe will transform our lives in no small ways the bible says that the entrance of thy word give it light and then it gives understanding to the simple by the grace of god i have been a student of scripture and god has granted me the grace to learn the systemic character of god and i have had the honor and the privilege to learn the laws of the kingdom and one of the things that i have learned about the laws of the kingdom [Music] is that god invested a dimension of his power in the laws of the kingdom they reward without restraint but they are vicious disciplinarians that when the laws of the kingdom are violated to only take the mercy of god to bring us back but if the laws are kept they will turn any life into a sign and a wonder so we have come with open hearts oh let the ancient words they are ancient words have a true change in me and [Applause] changing [Music] one more time they are ancient words but ever changing me and changing [Music] help us this morning spirit of the living god and let jesus be glorified in jesus name god bless you please be seated please be seated we'll start off this morning and honestly if i were you i don't know what kind of price you have to pay but i will personally request that you make the sacrifice to listen to what i have to say um to completion if that will mean you making the sacrifice even for the second service believe me it is worth it there are words that are precious there are words that are make us and this morning i trust that the lord will help us and use this truth to elevate us to new dimensions in jesus name hallelujah god designed his kingdom in a way and a manner that when you come into the kingdom through the experience that we call the new birth the bible tells us that you are introduced to the ministry of the holy spirit and scripture says when he the spirit of truth is come that he will guide you into all truth are we together just take it down a bit thank you so when when you expose yourself to the ministry of the holy spirit one of the things that you stand to enjoy is that he begins to teach you doctrine but then he extends to now introduce you to the kingdom and he now teaches you the modus operandi of the kingdom how this kingdom operates one of the most powerful revelations that i had in my life is the revelation of jesus the way the methodology of the kingdom jesus is not only a person jesus is god's authorized formula for living a victorious life in the kingdom so he is the living locust you must encounter jesus the way the methodology of the kingdom the bible says there is a way that cement right onto a man are we together he says but the end thereof are the ways of death or destruction so it is important this is why it is very the convergence of believers is so beneficial because it gives us the platform to be exposed exposed not just in worship to the presence of god but we have the opportunity to learn the ways of god press the name of the lord the principle that i want to teach you in my rating i think that it is the second most powerful spiritual law i have learned in my life i am humbled today and i must admit that i am truly humbled at what god is doing in your church your pastor i look at my life every day and sometimes i let my tears do the speaking in gratitude for the mercy and the grace of god believe me what you are going to learn this morning are not corningly devised fables they are not even opinions of men they are as ancient as the one who brought the truth hallelujah are we together [Music] this for me is only second to my encounter with the lord jesus christ i have watched people violate the spiritual principle to their detriment i have watched individuals ministries ministers people in government and parliament business people i have watched aspiring people neglect this lord to their detriment and i pray in the name of jesus that god again will give us a chance to learn are we together the law of honor [Music] i'll be teaching on the law of honor [Music] all failures in life all literally with no exception all failures in life can be traced to dishonor all failures it doesn't matter in what fashion it appears all failures in life can be traced to dishonor this honor to god this honor to men dishonor to principles are we together all failures in life can be traced to dishonor dishonor to god this honor to men dishonor to principles [Music] what then is honor very quickly write this down please honor is the discerning the celebrating or celebration and the rewarding of uniqueness of usefulness of excellence honor is the discerning starts with discernment command the celebrating and if need be the rewarding of uniqueness of usefulness and of excellence one more time that honor is the discerning the celebrating and the rewarding of uniqueness the rewarding of usefulness the rewarding of excellence this is what honor is so honor starts with discernment discernment of uniqueness discernment of usefulness discernment of excellence let me quickly define dishonor what is this honor write it down please this honor is the trivializing of value of usefulness to this honor means to take for granted to dishonor means to lightly esteem one more time the trivializing of value the trivializing of usefulness it means to take for granted it means to lightly esteem [Music] are we together this is a very powerful principle it has changed my life and i've had the opportunity to study the books of many many people i have studied the biographies and the autobiographies of several people and i have not found one person lifted by god genuinely who did not obey and walk in keeping with the law of honor i said all failure can be traced to this honor this is true if you learn honor you can access any environment on earth if you learn the law of honor there is no door that will remain indefinitely close in fact let me put it this way the kingdom operates based on the law of seed time and harvest we know this genesis chapter 8 when you read from verse 22 the bible says see time and harvest shall not cease that means it is vain to look for a harvest whose seed you did not sow is that true are we in agreement praise the name of the lord that means if i want to learn learning is a harvest the seed that i sow for learning is listening listening is the seed for learning knowledge is the seed for change and transformation that if i desire a harvest of transformation if i desire a harvest of change i must sow the seed of knowledge are we still together honor is the seed for access every time i desire access i don't just say doors open i have to sow that seed it is fraud as a matter of fact to desire a harvest for a seed that you did not sow because the earth works based on the law of seed time and harvest a question is the seed for an answer an answer is unnecessary until there is a question hallelujah honor is the seed for access that means that this honor is also the seed for closed doors is the extended seed for retrogression for stagnation please pay attention the bible is full of men and women who practice honor and the untold benefits the lifting power the preserving power of those benefits and the bible is full of men and women who communicated to dishon communicated dishonor and the grave consequences let's run through a few let's start with this honor the bible tells us in genesis chapter 9 i may not read the verses you just write them down genesis chapter 9 when you read from verse 20 to 27 the bible talks about noah and his sons hallelujah it says how that after the flood that for some reason noah took wine and the bible records that he was drunk and he lay naked and the bible says that some of his sons came together they called one another and came to laugh at their father now this is the most interesting thing nobody told noah that the sons were looking at him while he slept even though he was drunk when he came back he still had that grace and he knew something had gone wrong honor is very powerful and he cursed cost one of the sons and said the servant of servant shall you be [Music] dishonor another sarah and hagar genesis chapter 16 when you read from verse 1 to 10 genesis 16 verse 1 to 10 the bible tells us that for a very long time sarah could not bear a child and then one thing led to the other and hagar now been pregnant and having a child she began to spite sarah and that dishonor led sarah to complain to her husband and he had to banish her and notice in fact i think we should look at that scripture there's something there's a very powerful lesson there sarah said to abraham let's start from verse five there my wrong be upon thee i have given my maid into thy bosom and when she saw that she had conceived i was despised in our eyes are we seeing this now it says the lord judged between me and thee we are reading to verse 10 verse 6 but abraham said to sarah behold thy made this in thy hand due to her as it pleased thee and when sarah dealt hardly with her she fled from her face you would think that's the end of the story but watch the response of god and the angel of the lord found her by the fountain of water in the wilderness by the fountain in the way of shore number seven and he said hey god sarah's made wow so in spite of her dishonor god was telling her the real position that you are still serious made in heaven we recognize that sarah is above you can you imagine this he says when chemists down and wither will now go and she said i flee from the face of my mistress sarai and the angel of the lord said unto her madam you are violating a law return to thy mistress and submit thyself under her hands this is god he's saying your running will not give you freedom you have violated a law that even heaven cannot back you the solution is return and submit yourself recognize that there is a spiritual law you are violating [Music] numbers chapter 12 the bible talks about moses aaron and miriam very interesting story arguments came about moses marine an ethiopian woman and aaron and miriam they began to discuss and to spite moses because of it and the bible lets us know that god he came to hear that conversation amazing he was not invited he came to hear the bible says and they said have the lord indeed spoken only to moses and had he not spoken to us and the lord had it caught the long story short the glory of the lord descended and miriam became leprous as white as snow the the consequences of this honor let me give us one more second kings chapter 2 when you read from verse 23 to 24 second kings 2 23 and 24 the bible talks about elisha the prophet and a few kids who came around and began to mock him they were mocking him because of his bald head and they said they were mocking him and laughing at verse 24 the bible says something very interesting you would think that they should be spared because they were children i mean this is a prophet you have a very serious business why should children be punished for this the bible says and he turned back and looked on them and cursed them in the name of the lord and there came forth two she bears out of the wood and her 40 and two children 42 children suffered in an instance because of dishonor i have watched people lose precious positions in government precious positions in business precious positions in ministry because of one word dishonor in fact here's how the bible puts it when you read esther chapter one just write it down for reference the bible tells us that there was a man called a hazardous he was a very noble king a a king over 120 provinces then the bible tells us that there was this woman who then was his wife called vashti are we together everything was right in that kingdom except one woman's dishonor and the kingdom was about to split into two it was not that the treasures were about to be stolen no it was not that the warriors were rebels the king beckoned on her and she communicated this honor and the kingdom was going to be in this array and the bible says the elders came and counseled the king and said listen this woman is in a position where her dishonor will become a model if you do not deal with this it will spread and all over your province you will have people manifesting dishonor and the king banished vashti there's no record in scripture or vastly coming to say o king show me mercy this honor is dangerous [Music] honor is also the willingness to place value the willingness to place value now let me say a few things and then we'll just tie up some things and pray for this first service honor is not a gift it is a chosen virtue there is no place in the bible where we have the gift of honor it is a virtue that you choose through enlightenment in fact the ten commandments were simply a system of ensuring that the law of honor is not lost the ten commandments in the old testament it was it was a a principle carved out to help men honor god and honor men i have learned as a principle that you do not give people access just because of their potentials you must also judge them by their sense of honor it is dangerous and it is risky in fact here's how i put it that a gifted rebel is not an [Music] asset is god blessing us i pray that one day god will grant the grace to return here again and teach on a revelation the lord shared with me there are seven currencies that we use to purchase realities in the realm of the spirit and in this physical realm money is the least of them and my prayer for you is that you never become so poor that all you have is money in the name of jesus christ one of the superior currencies that we use to purchase realities in this kingdom is called honor honor is currency everything money can buy honor can buy please pay attention honor is very very powerful is the currency that makes you master over now and master over the future according to scripture there are a number of personalities that are deserving of honor are now run through them very quickly in fact romans chapter 13 and verse 7 romans chapter 13 and verse 7 as i attempt to run through a list of individuals that the bible mandates that we show honor the bible says render therefore to all their dues tribute to whom tribute is due custom to whom custom fear to whom fear or no to whom honor that means there are individuals that are deserving of honor number one god first samuel chapter 2 and verse 30 god deserving of our honor wherefore the lord god of israel saith i said indeed that thy house and the house of thy father should walk before me forever but now the lord said be it far from me for them that honor me i will honor and there that despise me i will likely esteem can i tell you the truth god loves everybody but he does not work with everybody at the same pace there are people who have communicated such honor and god has decided to invest back that honor he says he that honors me i in spite of my reputation i will honor i will honor them with grace i will honor them with open doors i will honor them with access with influence the rising and the lifting of men is not predicated on the love of god alone these are the forces of the kingdom that distinguishment honor god is ever deserving of our honor god is ever deserving of my honor are we together number two very quickly the bible lets us know that parents deserve honor deuteronomy chapter 5 and verse 16 parents spiritual parents biological parents or not thy father and thy mother can we read it together please one to read honor thy father and thy mother as the lord thy god had commanded thee what's the result that thy days may be prolonged and that it may go well with thee you don't want to live long when it will not go well with you that is a that is a dangerous way to live now watch this the bible tells us that just for showing honor to parents you see why many young people are not doing well in spite of education in spite of the leverage of of of endorsements etc most times we wonder why do we have a father who is a politician maybe someone in government a businessman and then you have children who don't seem to be able to be extensions of that legacy dishonor our world today has this honor as a a trait of masculinity a trait of maturity that means the more mature you are the more you should be vocal about this honor it is my right it is my life we say is god blessing us this morning parents parents patriarchal blessings are powerful our parents are deserving of honor number three the bible mandates that spouses show honor one to another a husband and a wife first peter chapter three first peter chapter three from verse five to seven first peter chapter 3 for after this manner in the old time the holy women also who trusted in god had done themselves being in subjection unto their own husbands verse 6 verse 6 even as sarah obeyed abraham calling him lord whose daughters ye are as long as ye do well and are not afraid with any amazement he said likewise ye husbands dwell with them according to knowledge many men believe that it should be only the wives which you show unknown respect here's the bible bringing balance it says giving honor not only love giving honor unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel and as being heirs together of the grace of life why that your prayers be not hindered believe me this scripture works there are many many people who dishonor their wives and wives their husbands and everybody runs to god for consolation and god says i love you but i must obey these spiritual principles the only prayer that is guaranteed to be answered answered in the presence of dishonor is the prayer of brokenness repentance and mercy are we blessed yes number four those deserving of honor authorities authorities talks of government or any kind of leadership structure above us romans 13 and verse 1 romans 13 and verse 1 romans 13 and verse 1. the bible says let every soul be subject unto higher powers for there is no power but of god the powers that be are ordained of god this is very powerful that in principle every soul should be subject to higher powers authorities [Music] it's amazing how many people insult their bosses insult their directors and keep praying they they admire the positions they admire those the offices and yet they keep sowing seeds of dishonor and keep wondering why they never rise to that position hallelujah are we blessed now those in authority the bible never said good people in authority he said those in authority provided by any means they are in authority they are deserving of honor number number five am i right men and women of god [Music] men and women of god according to scripture are deserving those who minister those who labor in word and in doctrine first thessalonians chapter 5 please from verse 12 and 13. first thessalonians chapter 5 12 and verse 13 he said and we beseech you brethren to know them which lay bore among you and are over you in the lord and admonish you verse 13 the bible says to esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake and be at peace among yourself that you esteem them for their work's sake one more scripture first timothy chapter 5 and verse 17 first timothy chapter 5 and verse 17. it says let the l does that rule well be counted worthy of double honor especially they will label in word and inductry that the elders that rule well be counted for double honor and they which rule well um in word and in doctrine now it is very very please look up [Music] most of the challenges that we experience in life require honor in the equation for liberty and freedom from those challenges it doesn't matter whether the challenges appear from a financial standpoint from a health standpoint it will take discernment and it would take the communication of honor for you to get out of that when jesus came and walked upon the earth even though he was god made manifest in the flesh he could not do ministry and he could not even be effective until he searched around and looked for the man who until his coming was the face of god and his purposes are we together now the bible says that he came and met a man called john john the prophet who was baptized and then he beckoned on john to baptize him and announce him publicly and john said no i know who you are i'm not even worthy to untie the latchet of your shoe and jesus made a very instructive statement it says suffice to be so this is an ordinance that scriptures will be fulfilled jesus your jesus you've heard me say he walked for 30 years as jesus under a closed heaven his heaven as jesus was not open until john dipped him in water the bible records are we still students of scripture the bible says and coming out of the water the bible says the heavens opened and god now spoke and said this is my beloved son who was he before he says in whom i am well pleased then he gave a command hear ye him access to the heart and the voice of creation jesus would go to the mountain a crowd would follow him he would go to the valley he would beckon on someone give me your boat give me your donkey if jesus did not fulfill the law of honor he would have been surprised for carrying someone's donkey or taking someone's boat are we together the law of honor my life is full of stories and instances where i communicated honor and the blessings that came from it maybe i'll give you one and then we'll tie up a few things [Music] i remember yes a gomer i was in jos very interesting story i went to buy sugarcane are we together and then i saw two women mothers elderly women they were struggling to buy sugarcane to and i noticed you know they have a way of time money and then they reach down and try and they were struggling to you know pull it out and i said please please you are mothers you are my mothers would you give me the honor of paying for they say no no no i said please i insist and then he said all right it was not more than a hundred naira i bought the sugarcane for them and they kept blessing me for some reason i don't know why i did not pay attention to what they were saying and suddenly i heard one of them and she said my son forever woke up on gold that was what she told me not every human is human there are people carrying deep and ancient mysteries on them waiting for your honor to unlock those dimensions [Music] now behind every glory truly i tell you there is a story if you ask god's servant apostle good heart and his wife they would tell you secret manifestations of honor that has been a track record all through their life and ministry to have brought them this far ask any ceo ask any person of of of an enviable destiny they will tell you i had the privilege and the honor of sitting with one of uh really great people in this nation recently and he was giving me a very interesting story about a young man who wanted to start business and he just used his credibility to write a note and he secured some loans and when the gentleman made profit he came with everything and met him and said sir just to thank you for what you have done this is it and he said what will i do with it he said no no no i need your blessing you have to take something from it and this was not a christian you understand what i'm saying it came to him and the man said no no i'm a blessed man you just go the lord honor you and he refuse he took 200 000 from that money took it to the man's wife and said please if you truly love me take this money and they came back and they were discussing as a couple and they said this young man looks like he's a great person and they endorsed him again cut the long story short he's one of the third leaders in his field in this nation today oh no not knowledge there is a realm you get to where everybody is knowledgeable your edge no longer becomes knowledge your edge becomes honor there is a realm you get to where everybody is a professional your edge will no longer be intellect oh no many of you are seated here listening to me and god is showing you why you probably have been going through stagnation in business stagnation in ministry there are pastors who criticize everybody god is doing great things they have not raised anybody they have not led anybody and they would criticize every church they will criticize this they call every pastor a thief they call they say all kinds of things and secretly admire the anointing let me tell you this anything you criticize you give an authorization in the realm of the spirit that that virtue should run away from you indefinitely it is a law [Music] there are many young people who have not raised children they have not done everything but they have the gods and the audacity to insult parents shame on my father shame on my mother they say they've not raised anybody they've not paid anybody school fees they cannot manage themselves and yet they criticize people all around and then when they do so they package their cv and believe that just because there is a first class or there is a 2-1 the door will open no sir are we together growing up i used to talk a lot about my dad there were obvious things i saw that i thought and felt he would have done better and generally but when god brought me to the position of leadership i started cultivating a healthy respect for him you know sometimes god delivers you by putting you where you are criticizing so that it will give you room to taste and see that it is easier said than done there are sometimes some doors even though they shouldn't have opened god opens it so that you will know what it means to be in that position i have a wicked uncle who never gives anybody a job and i i spoke to him and he's five months it's not responded to me then god promotes you and you think his breakthrough he promotes you in a position where there are five demands in one day can you help us this is why you see the older people get the the more silent they become that silence is a message it's young people that make a lot of noise you find someone just keeping quiet while people are raising those they are just watching and they're saying i have a lot of stories to tell i was a noisemaker to find out why i'm suddenly silent at 50 at 60 and at 70. if god is giving you wisdom say amen hallelujah you cannot receive from a grace a person a platform that you do not sincerely honor i have found out from scripture and inexperience that the major cause of dishonor not the only one but the major cause of this honor is a very strange mystery that we we really cannot there's nothing we can do about it we can only manage it through revelation it's called familiarity please write it down there's something about men generally speaking we teach that scarcity increases value is that true um there is a weakness in us men like mankind that the moment you are a thing is too available the moment a thing is too accessible a person or whatever it is usually we begin to demean we begin to downplay we begin to trivialize sometimes we do it consciously sometimes we do it unconsciously [Music] so many times you have children because they have parents who they can access every day they fail to discern that this your father that you play around with is somebody's boss are we together now yes he can be in the middle of a conversation and a child will come and interrupt it this is a conversation that is leading to millions and billions and a serious discussion going on and here comes a child it is my father it is my house it is my father's money familiarity [Music] familiarity is dangerous it has made people to lose anointings it's made people to lose relationships it's made people to lose so many things because for some reason the more you have access that wow factor that ability to consider a person anything special is no longer there it begins to fade it begins to go down and if you do not train yourself to make the object of your admiration whether it's god or a mentor whoever to keep it special this is one of the reasons why it is very powerful when we worship god the way we do because it's a way of refreshing our our passion to say lord i've known you for 10 years for 20 years for 30 years but i would never trivialize you and every once in a while when god sees that you are getting too familiar he will introduce something to your life that will remind you again that this man who plays with you all the time is still the god of the universe there is a very interesting way god brings us back to order and it's also a leadership principle you'll notice that many times when people give you unusual access and you trivialize it what happens is that they close that door then the absence of the benefit that access brings is what will school you it will now make you go back and say wow i i i didn't realize that i'd been standing on this level of advantage free of charge as a principle there is no visionary leader who will keep beckoning on you to come closer as you this honor increases no leadership is such that once people tell you take a step they observe your sense of honor if it remains consistent or ever growing then you have signed up for more are we together now this is true jesus had several disciples he had 72 he had 12 he had two and he had one and the name of that one was the beloved beloved something about his sense of honor when i learned this principle because you see i didn't come from a background that had so much advantage i knew i was going into ministry i knew what god had put upon my life and i said if if i do not understand this law i would never rise let me tell you i submit to you this law has opened doors that oh dear [Music] there are things that gifts and talents cannot bring you believe me when i tell you this honor is powerful or not to god or not to men or not to principles it is also the reason why not respectfully speaking did you notice that in most homes or organizations and sadly even churches strangers seem to be the greatest recipient of that grace have you have you noticed this as a trend generally it is why it's easy to believe that certain miracles or testimonies are stage managed because most people who are within either that church or that organization continue to wonder why is it that our boss our ceo our pastor it seems like we we are not receiving all of these things they are in fact there are men and women of god who deliver more when they are outside of their churches they minister with power because they are received they are welcome the expectation the hunger but when they return back home all his back for instance when the boss returns from a trip negotiating businesses you have people sit down or guys back whereas nations and kings and presidents were the people who escorted that man to make deliberations at a national level today we have the honor of celebrating a woman who came from this nation and now is representing the world at a global scale i say this respectfully let the same person return to certain circles in this nation and you will be surprised the level and the extent of this day for some reason there is a weakness in africa for some reason there is a weakness in this nation we have a way of trivializing great things we respect wickedness we respect viciousness when people are very mean and unfriendly they seem to command our respect but once you have a heart that is loving a leader that is thoughtful a businessman that is empathetic for some reason it's a weakness we must be delivered from as i'm speaking many of you are looking at your companies now you're looking at your businesses and you're saying my god if these people knew the plans that i had for them their dishonor deflated my passion to do more for them [Music] we must obtain grace this morning i was glad when they said unto me let us go to the house of the lord i have seen people who do not really qualify for certain contracts in this nation but they are dishonored they are this unaware like extra certificates on their honor i meant to say this man is not deserving of this however you have done too well you have honored men you have honored systems you can honor your way to any realm and any dimension i once gave one of my people an instruction and i told i said this is what i want you to do go and meet your boss get package a bottle of wine and maybe some money go and meet him go down your knees i know you were employed but this is what i wanted to do thank you man say sir i am truly grateful i do not take for granted that you have given me the privilege to work in your organization and i may not be at my best now but i'm committed to growth and this is just a token of my gratitude um and to thank you so much let me tell you what will happen usually he will act like it does not make sense learn how leaders work he will just say okay thank you thank you i'm busy but i tell you there are not many people who show or no so he cannot trivialize such a display of maturity and wisdom it's only a matter of time you will know the value of what you have done when there is a board meeting and there is a decision about to be taken can we throw this person out and he says for what was it not the honor of daniel that made the king not to sleep now you want to destroy a man who loves me so much you made me sign something that i'm a victim of now the king could not sleep in the morning he ran and said daniel has your god delivered you the moment he had daniels he said where are those guys all of them bring them inside that pit it was not part of what he signed the lifting power of honor the ability to discern honor starts with discernment who is this man that i'm always eating with a man can be eaten with his wife who carries a grace for favor for many years he will suffer this favor until he looks and says i know i married you i know we are 12 years in marriage but who are you i have noticed money never finishes from your hand whether you are walking or not what is this mysterious grace and she will tell you in 1981 my grandfather told me kneel down let me release something on you the day you honor that person as touching what they carry you receive that grace [Music] is god speaking to us in every church in every organization they are wealthy blessed intelligent privileged people but i tell you why they remain few because those who are not so privileged always have a critical and an angry spirit you see a good car you say here they are these thieves on their way to the house of god whereas that person slept under the bridge for many years we somehow we do not have the heart the passion and the humility to research how the people rise how did you encounter this anointing this woman did not become ceo by bribery and corruption find out her story are we still in church i made up my mind as a principle you will never hear me criticize or talk about any man of god if you ever hear me mention the name of anybody it is to honor him by the grace of god there is almost no denomination in this nation i have not preached it with all humility usually the way it is in ministry is that a region or a particular tribe or a particular geographic territory will accept you is that true especially one that is sympathetic with where you are coming from but i said no we can't break this i saw it in the life of reinhard bonke i saw it in the life of billy graham he was the only evangelist that preached in north korea i said there must be something he was doing right [Music] sometimes i have to preach across several denominations within a short period of time who's who's who's divide in terms of doctrinal perceptions are very very wide i have my core convictions but you see adaptation is proof of honor you must sustain the flexibility don't come and climb a pulpit for instance tear down everything in ministry represents the labor that the servant of god and all that has been done for years just because you are advocating your convictions no someone say oh no one more time say oh no yes sir now you understand what i mean when i say all failure can be traced to dishonor this honor to god this honor to men when i found this principle i rejoiced i found my way out of mediocrity found my way out of weakness found my way out of a life of competition and jealousy and envy i found my way [Music] someone right now you came to church and god is showing you a road map that 2021 can be like every other year if you want it so or you can make up your mind in this morning service some of you may need to call your parents no matter how old you are after this service and say mama i am not just calling to say how are you i'm calling to let you know that i sincerely honor you i love you with all my heart i've given you money every day but that was just donation now i want to honor you not by the size by the discernment [Music] many years ago the lord gave me an instruction that he was going to send me to canaanland and i remember i took a seed it was such a costly seed and then i went there and i had the honor of you know just honoring god's servant and i came out i was to get into the car just look for somewhere to rest and then return the next day and the holy spirit told me come out he said put your hand on the ground i placed my hand on the ground there said from today you have entered the overflow anointing do you realize that nothing just happens i'm sure you've heard apostles say it many times truly nothing just happens it is on the wings of honor we have to find somewhere to stop this first service but i wish and i plead that you listen to what else i have to say because it is important that we understand this unbelievers know this particularly muslims they are masters of honor they know this they will go to any length to make sure that they secure their tomorrow father give us the grace give us the grace to be discerning give us the grace to be discerning many of us have lost opportunities look at me we're wrapping up any door that once opened and is no longer opened let me tell you what closed it this honor you've been praying lord what is wrong i'm answering your prayer now by the spirit if that door ever open ones it should remain open forever what closed it was your dishonor you may be well meaning but sincerely it's not the only key for success if you break the laws i told you that these spiritual laws are lavish rewarders but they are vicious disciplinarians [Music] a door that was once opened politically financially opportunities and now those doors are closed this honor close them but the good news to wrap up this first service is that there is a word in the bible that really comforts me the word is again again it's a very powerful word and adam knew his wife again again the prodigal son departed the bible says do you know it was this honor he had so many things at his beck and call but he wanted it in his name [Music] god does not give us ownership god gives us access you may freely eat but it's not yours the day you want it in your name you will pay the bills that's when luck comes the prodigal son said i wanted i want everything in my name and the father gave him and he went he started degenerating until he got to a point where he was feeding with swine and the bible says one day he came to himself the lord is speaking to someone in this service you need to come to yourself it's time to rise it's time to stop wishing it's time to stop hoping it's time to stop saying one day you go better that's a sociologically comforting statement but it does not really carry any power time does not change anything time only reveals decisions create changes he said how many hired servants does my father have and i am here feeding with the swine he said i will arise and i will go back to my father and i will say father i have sinned against you and against heaven i am not worthy to be called your son take me as one of your servants the bible says while he was afar of coming the father saw him honor always has a restoring power can i tell you this from any point and any position you can start for you it can be today the someone who after the grace you may need to rush and call someone you know you have always been my classmate but now this is not classmate issue i have seen a grace on you you never are without job what is that grace please pray for me oh no [Music] i have three minutes let me wrap up this first service with a story this is true story a man of god shared it somewhere many years very many years ago and it touched me so much [Music] and here's the story there was a pastor and his wife true story very great man doing great things for the kingdom testimonies in the church but things were not going right in their home financially especially they were plunging down plunging down and one time while he was preaching service just like this you can imagine if the woman of god just gets up and walks out of this place you wonder why is she leaving but that's what happened in that story the woman of god got up and walked out of the church and everybody was wondering what what i hope she's okay so the man finished service quickly did you know a few counselling sessions and then rushed back home honey what is wrong she didn't answer him he sat down waiting for his meal did i do anything did i say anything i can apologize what is wrong no word and then this woman is bringing out plates you know they are plates that women hide those holy of holies praise the lord he noticed that the plate she was serving him now was different and she brought everything and then the last item she would bring on the table she brought it out and looked at him and got down on her knees and said servant of god my home needs a miracle the man was embarrassed my wife what is this we've been married for a long time let's not do this children's thing i'm not serving my husband today my home is dying servant of god that grace that only speaks in the church and has refused to enter my home i use honor to draw it today and the man said suddenly there was the same grace that he felt on the pulpit that seems to die every time he's entering his car to go back home that grace came [Music] and he laid his hands and said in the name of jesus who called me woman not his wife oh i speak to you and i release you and your home you see you will learn this from the second service everybody's multi-dimensional the dimension you honor is the dimension that will release the grace every man is a brother a friend a colleague and a man of god if you honor the brother you will receive information about the welfare of the family that is the brothers reward if you honor the friend you will receive relationship you must discern which dimension you can be around the answer to your prayer but you will need the miracle of open eyes show us the ancient paths [Music] will you lead us alone eternal highway we want to follow the waves [Music] will you lead us a long eternal highway we want to follow the full steps of jesus please can we rise just a minute to pray for this service your face to face with an opportunity again the lord is giving you please listen to me life is as hard or as easy as our spiritual understanding makes it we're surrounded by opportunities opportunities that can be for our lifting if we know how to tap into it and one of these mysterious keys is the law of honor just one prayer father grant me the grace to discern grant me the grace to celebrate and grant me the grace to reward uniqueness lift your voice and pray while you are praying the holy spirit is going to be speaking to you for some of you he will show you points of action that you need to take for your life for authorities over you for parents for your spouse the discernment to recognize the discernment to celebrate the discernment to reward and the discernment to receive from the investment of the spirit that is upon that individual are we praying please be seated please be seated god bless you let's get to the business of the morning we began in the first service teaching on the law of honor for those of you who are not here please do well to get the cds but just um recap i did teach that honor has to do with discernment the discerning the celebrating and the rewarding of uniqueness i spoke a few things about the kingdom one of which is that the kingdom is built upon the law of seed time and harvest and i said how that listening is the seed for learning that honor is the seed for access that every closed door can be traced to dishonor and that most of our limitations in life are reflections of our inability to appropriately communicate honor or not to god or not to men and honor to principles are we still together we spoke a bit on dishonor refers to trivializing value trivializing uniqueness and i showed us from scripture how that um scatter two scriptures uh stories of people families nations that communicated this honor and the grave consequences that came upon them and um it's important that we understand that honor is a master key it truly is one of those keys that is responsible for the mysterious lifting of men and the remaining of men i told you that if a door ever opened once and is now shot the diagnosis is that dishonor closed it praise the name of the lord but the bible declares that there is hope for a tree even if it be cut down that at the scent of water it can bud it can sprout again may that be a testimony this morning in the name of jesus very quickly in continuation i like to teach on the principles now the principles of honor haven't understood that our lives and our success in this kingdom is highly unknown dependent please do not forget this [Music] honor will require a lot of adaptation honor will require a lot of meekness and humility because many times honor will sting your ego it will even attempt to downplay on your pedigree but the excellency of a life that chooses the path of honor cannot be compared let me tell you if you if you abide by this truth you're listening to you will need a telescope to look back and see where you are coming from because of the dimension of speed the dimension of grace that you will suddenly begin to experience in your life hallelujah praise the name of the lord so there are principles in in administering honor so that doors be opened so that our destinies advance honor is very important because um this is a world of man you have to understand this the bible says the heaven of heavens is the lord's but the earth hath he given to the sons of man so this earth is honor it operates by the ministry of men and you may have heard me say it but i will repeat it again for emphasis that in this kingdom who hates you does not matter but who likes you matters doesn't matter how many people hate you how many people have reservations about it that's all right opinions are the cheapest commodities on earth but who likes you matters [Music] a king hates a woman and all of a sudden she's out of the palace a king loves a villager called hadassah and she becomes queen for god so loved the world the moment we became the object of his jealousy he invested his time his blood his attention to see that we became ridiculed love is powerful honor is powerful are we together right so principles a few principles to help us [Music] number one the first the first key that we need to learn as far as communicating honor is concerned the first key required is discernment you have to discern the sun people the sun places the sun graces the sun atmospheres you cannot be be you cannot be able to effectively communicate honor without discernment you will have to learn to discern who am i talking to who am i talking with it was lack of discernment in genesis 28 that caused jacob an opportunity to effectively maximize his encounter his regret was that he did not discern the place he discerned god but he did not discern the place he woke up and the bible says he said surely the lord is in this place and i knew not he was standing at the corridors of heaven seeing angels ascending and descending but he did not maximize it when you go to chapter 32 he had learned his lesson haven't paid an enormous price in the house of labor for over two decades the punishment for not encountering god properly now in chapter 32 he was wiser so when god came he said i would not let i made that mistake i would not repeat it again until his name and his destiny changed are we together so we need discernment we need to understand that god please listen to me men are careers of spiritual realities men are carriers of spiritual possibilities territories are careers of spiritual possibilities now um i leave us to scripture because sometimes you see when you teach issues like these people can um when people are not spiritual the the the body of christ and the church is not just a lecture hall the realm of our communication is beyond intellect are we together and so some of the things that we communicate would require spiritual discernment because when you look at it from a scientific plane or from a sociological plane it doesn't add up but this is why we compare spiritual things with spiritual hallelujah territories till date have spiritual investments in them geography teaches us that there are all places are not the same is that true there are places you go to and they tell you there's oil here there are places you go to they tell you there's gold remember the realm of the spirit birthed the physical realm and that the physical realm is only a reflection [Music] it would be unwise to believe every physical territory is the same you'll be unwise to believe every human being is the same god stores his treasure not just in heaven but in men so when you pray and say lord lift me he answers you not just by sending the holy ghost he answers you not just by sending an anointing he answers you by bringing a man so you have to search what is man here's how i put it what is in man that you are mindful of nor the son of man that thou visited him there are so many treasures in men that if we will discern and tap into through honor among other ways would rise as though the devil does not exist are we together now so we need a lot of discernment why because i already shared in the first service that there is a weakness in men the weakness is the propensity to be familiar with anything that is excessively available somehow we seem to work well with scarcity the moment scarcity has a way of waking us up scarcity of well scarcity of kerosene scarcity of help scarcity of money the moment there's cassidy seems to give us a sense of decorum we wake up there's a very unintelligent childish concept loitering around the body of christ the concept that trivializes men in a bit to show our honor to god it's a very sincere concept but is very destructive to me we don't need any man forget about mud you are the only one we love have you forgotten that in the beginning god yet he still needed men are we together he's been there right from the beginning and in the beginning but he still saw the need for men and he's committed this side of his kingdom to men it is this faulty theological narrative that has punished many many people we love god we hate men and so we keep growing spiritually while we suffer on earth we are punished again and again and you see the loss of life are very patient teachers they will recycle themselves for as long as it would take for us to learn remember we did say in the first service that time does not change anything time only reveals it takes decisions to bring change are we blessed discernment number two we need wisdom we're discussing a few principles now to be able to effectively administer honor you will need wisdom [Music] wisdom that translates into diplomacy wisdom that translates into adaptation you need wisdom you cannot effectively communicate honor without wisdom [Music] number three you want to effectively administer honor you need forbearance now this is a very powerful one because in a very strange way god's treasures are stored in ethan vessels and is a known fact that there are no perfect man in fact the quest for perfection as blamelessness and faultlessness is exhausting and unnecessary replace perfection with sincerity are we together now yes elijah was a temperous man moses was an angry man your jesus entered a temple with a whip he didn't report to the scribes and the pharisees like a very civilized citizen of a nation should do jesus the jesus you love and so worship took a weep and began to flog people that's why the disciples were confused don't blame them this guy would teach on one side teach on love and then he's weeping people again and the disciples became confused who are you somehow you act like elijah when you weep then you act like someone else when you love then you act like a prophet who are you it was a very necessary question because of all the dimensions they saw are we together you need forbearance somehow we have this this wrong expectation just because a man is a ceo a pastor maybe a bishop some spiritual leader or a father a mother we expect blamelessness faultlessness perfection are we together as the basis for communicating honor if that is what you search for the only person you will find that qualification on is jesus the exalted christ not even the one who walked on the earth the one who is seated on the throne there are many many many people today who would not honor their parents why they would tell you my father was not a responsible man my mother was not a responsible person this and that and that my lecturer is not this nigeria is a scattered country they will say um and then we we bring that that that that pain to the church and begin to have unrealistic expectations on men of god i remember years ago someone saw me eating and he exclaimed as though i was it was a sin he said apostle you are eating i said you see the kind of thing these these are the kinds of teachings that we must manage and i submit to you that most of these teachings came from us men of god in a bid in a bid to create that that um that sense of holiness and to preserve the purity and the power of the anointing we we derived a lot of pride in making people feel that we are not human and jesus wept very powerful scripture and god rested very powerful scripture and jesus was unhungered very powerful scripture these scriptures were kept in the bible for a reason are we together now there are four faces when you read the revelation danielle ezekiel all of them when they were caught up to the throne room they saw four faces there's no time to teach on this the first face is the face of a lion represents dominion and power but if all you have and if that is the only dimension you have there is trouble these faces are the progressions of all that we need to be to attain the full stature in christ the face of a lie of dominion power but if all you have is authority and power pride will kill you so the next phase becomes the balance of the former one the face of a calf it lets you know that the purpose of power is for service are we together now the face of a calf and then there is a side effect to servanthood to people who take you for a ride they will destroy you they will wake you up by two o'clock and blackmail you emotionally and say i thought you said god sent you to us and in a bit to show that you're a sincere servant they can take you to your grave early so the next phase becomes the balance the face of a man god reminds you that even though you are empowered you are human so that you are not ashamed of your humanity [Music] the side effect of being human is that you can reduce yourself to be so carnal that you will give in cheaply to the flesh you will give in cheaply to natural things and not be able to exhibit that god-like character then the last phase becomes a balance the face of the flying eagle that although you are human you are also divine if all of these dimensions are not captured in your christian experience there will be a great imbalance if all you are is a lion you are in trouble pride will destroy you if all you are is a calf men will take you for a ride until they kill you if all you are is a man that's satan's domain he will eat you up because his strength is walking in the flesh and you cannot be an eagle just for nothing it has to be the holy spirit did not just hover around alone he came upon jesus he came upon the apostles he came upon men are we together you need forbearance patience patience patience do you know what it took for elijah to receive the mantle of elijah for disturbing elijah fire would come on you are you aware of that that elijah was strict you distort his time of worship he won't teach once okay take it easy um next time when you come you don't have to fight i'm a human being i'm sensible no the fire would teach you a lesson then you will go back and teach others yet elisha walked with such a man don't blame the sons of the prophet for their anger i'm sure they were already getting angry what a vicious wicked lecturer we don't know why the god of the hebrews would be using such a man isn't it amazing that while you are angry god still loves the person you hate this is the strange thing about god now you be god almighty god you know be my know you know you be god almighty god you're not a man listen so you can look at your father you can look at your mother be so embarrassed being associated with them and yet they remain your parents forever the idea of disowning people is just a mental issue there's no such thing as that there is that that's a it's just a way of expressing pain and disappointment there's no such thing as disowning anyone connected by blood lord why did you give me such a father why did you give me such a mother and god says because of where i'm taking you to you need to learn how to forget there are many of us today it's amazing that you are thanking god for passing through what you pray that you will come out in a hurry for if you did not go through that school we would not be able to manage the grace the anointing the influence why did you give me such a pastor and god says because i know your tendencies i know what you can do i know what you cannot do and so i planted you so that you are built you are established you need a lot of forbearance let me tell you the difference between forbearance and forgiveness forbearance is a spiritual and a psychological state where you are prepared to see that act that mistake that weakness repeat indefinitely so your mind is already prepared to accommodate it there is a difference if i step on your toes by mistake that's a mistake if i say sorry you forgive me but if you know i'm going to do it a thousand times you need to switch from forgiveness to forbearance that means it's no longer new are we together yes if you cannot for bear anything that has to do with relationships will fail in your hands you will need forbearance more than forgiveness a woman once told me said apostle you need to pray for my husband i said well i said his cat has clothes everywhere in the house i said madam this is more than an issue of forgiveness you need forbearance could it be that this is why god brought he said that's the point i fix the house he comes back and in 10 minutes the house i said madame this is the excellency of being a woman if he was like you what would be your ministry and the woman felt disappointed she felt sad apostle this can't be you i mean i expect you to say forbearance forbearance god why did you just send me all of a sudden you would have prepared me and said next year i'm going to ask you to go god says stand up now go to abuja tomorrow go to lagos tomorrow go to london tomorrow do you forgive him you have to create that accommodation because he will do it again i assure you take this seed and come and give you a pastor do you think that's the last time you do it we're talking god here forbearance many of us do not have the quality of forbearance that's why little things offend us we are very offended we are very pained we have piles of unnecessary names on our books angry blaming people black book blue book you know book of this and that and that and then we get angry the lifespan of our joy is at least two weeks with any relationship that's a very dangerous way of living you must cultivate forbearance someone say forbearance if you do not have the quality of forbearance you will not be able to communicate or not now very quickly how do you show honor ways of expressing honor number one to express honor to a man to a people to a nation to a territory let's focus on a man i wish i can talk just about your pastor for case study number one have deep respect for the person and the office of that man of god or that individual in this case your pastor let me zoom into apostle good heart for instance since i'm talking to logic and by extension the body of christ you cannot say you have honor and you show honor without having a deep respect for the person and the office many people have respect for the office but they do not have respect for the person have you seen such a thing they respect the boss the office of the boss but they do not respect the individual you truly have to show respect to the individual as a person and then the office very very important number two celebrate him or her openly and sincerely i'm showing you ways of communicating honor celebrate him or her openly and sincerely sincerely is the key word here it's very easy to celebrate openly but sincerely have you seen people who told you thank you wow you're a wonderful person and then as soon as you shut the door not by word of knowledge there is an atmosphere that comes out from the same room and you know that everything that was done was just a state managed activity sincerity is powerful it gives credence to everything you are doing celebrate him or her openly and sincerely number three you must still buttressing on point two you must genuinely celebrate those you honor it is impossible to claim you or no god you honor laws you honor men without celebrating them number three you must contribute to improving his or her life you cannot be one who is communicating honor without actively contributing if you want to show a man a government an individual the kingdom god honor you have to be a contributor that's why service is a very powerful indication of honor service let them do it lord may your name be lifted high it's a very powerful song but there has to be someone who makes that happen i have profound respect and reverence for people who serve god i have profound respect and reverence for people who serve in any platform and more importantly those who serve me people who serve god and serve me as touching the assignment i have profound regard for them because service is costly are we together there are people who are never contributors let me tell you this ensure that in your lifetime you become part of the history the story of many people this is one way to remain transgenerationally relevant you be part of the story of people let someone be able to say while i was rising or as i rose you were part of the story don't come out of nowhere and expect a stick in someone's life when you did not make any investment a world is full of angry people today who claim that you know me you were my brother you were my sister it's a shame that you are now the senator it's a shame that you're now apostle it's a shame that you're now wealthy and you will not even look down me no if you were not there when i was on the cross don't expect to be invited when i sit on the throne one of the easiest way to succeed in our world is find someone building something great and be part of that vision contribution to service there are people today who gave people 50 naira that 15 era has become an estate today is that correct let people remember you joseph served the one pressure in the prison and even after two years of delay god gave the king a dream and the man said i remember my wrong what wrong the wrong of not honoring a man who blessed me the king could not sleep that night because mordecai had showed him honor by participating in his success and he ignored mordechai you must be a contributor never find yourself in any place any platform especially such a great house as this and not be an active contributor an active participant do not just be a recipient you have to be a participant it was on the strength of service i communicated my honor to the great veteran of faith now of blessed memory reinhardt bonke to receive certain graces from his life there was a crusade and people were there to receive several men of god who had gone there with hunger fasting to receive i knew that honor is the key to access there were hundreds maybe tens of thousands quite honestly of people on that ground and after the first day i became dissatisfied i knew i needed to do something i went from 3 a.m i was at that crusade ground i saw them wheeling people on wheelchairs i saw them bringing in people crutches trying to prepare the people i said please can i be part of this they said no no no there's a committee that's been trained i said you don't know where i'm coming from committee or no committee i must walk on this crusade ground so eventually they found out they couldn't do anything with me and about me and they just allowed me while i was willing some of the people i was praying in the spirit i said lord this is how it will also happen in my meetings i'm showing honor for a man who has found this grace behind every glory there is a story there truly is a story service i remember many years ago i used to play the keyboard for a man he was part of he was a a man of god but then he had a prison ministry they were part of a team that had once gone to preach for boss and joe when he was in prison never did anyone tell me thank you the only thing i remember getting was one bottle of fanta and one cassette i would carry my own keyboard and trek from home with joy like a madman to that place do you have a track record of service he says gather unto me my saying psalm 50 and verse 5 there that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice you shall serve the lord your god and he shall bless that's the covenant make sure that you are a participant those who serve are not those who come to church those who serve those who make the kingdom come through their service we call it service when we come to church but in truth it is those who are active participants when you downsize a company for those of you who have the privilege of leading great organizations there are people who no matter how many people you are downsizing you will not downsize them why because they have shown the extent of their commitment and their participation [Music] you must contribute to the improvement of his life a kind advice for many of us who are trusting god in various ways and at different levels to rise do not seek things when you meet the great your point of contact is their need you must find their need and that becomes your entrance point into their lives [Music] this african mentality of of latching on to people who are blessed or wealthy or influential or have kids or gatekeepers captains of industry from the standpoint of need or standpoint of tribalism it will only recycle pain in our lives every man's need is your point of contact to him [Music] so when you want god's attention don't shout and say god give me an attention you find out where his heart is go there hallelujah one of my one of my is one of the people that god is helping me raise he lives with me works with me back then when i was in zaria and he's still there till now by god's grace he's almost done today with school and he came as a little boy one of the things that he did was he came and started sweeping he started sweeping my house every morning he would come he would just sleep i was like what these boys drive them away they would not go and he would come to just sweep and one day i looked at him and i said no let's give this person a chance to be great his dad died and then my neighbors told me that when his father was alive he did the same thing to them and i said now here's an opportunity today this boy i think he's a he should be a graduate now his life completely changed he literally lives with me no blood connection whatsoever every man's need i repeat is his point of contact [Music] there are many people who you never get a text message from until there is a need so you have some artificial greetings greetings calvary greetings in the name of our lord and savior jesus christ um it's been a while since i spoke with you uncle and the man is waiting for the other side of the text because he knows he's coming just to let you know sir that um in two months my rent and just as god has used you you don't there is there is nobody who will love you passionately and invest their time their energy to that kind of life [Music] just to let you know that i've been praying for you sir i've seen your shadows i know that you're busy should you want me to help you achieve anything to help you do anything i'm readily available [Music] now that's an intelligent way to get access is why many family members never receive from those who are blessed because they always come with an entitlement mentality you are my uncle you are my auntie you are my pastor you are my tribesman you must bless me some threaten you with prayer i prayed for you to get there you know all sorts of things i apologize i hope i'm not wasting your time but this is very powerful every man's need is his point of contact a few weeks ago i i sat at a table with um president buhari's photographer and i was listening to the young man i just wanted to hear him talk to me i said how did you become you're not a muslim you're not from the north how did this happen when this gentleman narrated his story i said you truly deserve to be where you are the president would not take any snapshots he would not do anything if that gentleman is not there in fact i was told that he's one of the few people that can actually play with the president like play oh no honor [Music] honor [Music] there's no body no body that that gentleman does not have access to when you are the president's walker slash friend slash playmate that's more than a governor mother because they all come and he's there he's the one who snaps them most of the people who turn others down are not even the employees they are the gate men have you seen people like that they watch one they say no problem you do all you are coming oh god loves me can you let him know i'm around he says that's all right you sit down there for two three four five hours because a human being you despised decided to punish you not god you keep having dreams and visions of the open door but a man you dishonor stops you every great man's need i repeat is his point of contact you want the lord to continue to use the grace upon apostle good heart and his wife to bless you don't just sit down say what someone am i coming to receive today you are my pastor no be discerning for instance lord how can i make their lives better how can what can i do that will make them more efficient for some of you god will give you an instruction and say be a personal intercessor for them that's it there may be a prayer department that prays but god will say you there are things i will reveal to you that no one will see let that be your project to pray are we together now yes for someone god will tell you you say make sure that apostle and his wife never have to think where will i get fuel from make their walk easy these are various ways these are not gimmicks sincerely let me tell you i've had the privilege by the grace of god and i say this with all humility god has connected me to so many people cutting across several industries and the point of contact is always me intending to give almost never to receive in fact let me tell you sincerely it was until recently my greatest weakness in my life is receiving it would take a lot for me to receive things when i started ministry i never knew there was something called honorarium that you actually can preach and they give you apple banana and say thank you i couldn't believe it when you become obsessed with giving the world will look for you nobel prize is not given to receive us give us contribute us take this mentality not just for those above you [Music] your contemporaries and even those under you be a giver make sure when you meet people you're not the one stretching your hands what can you do for me i'm not just talking in terms of finances i'm passionate about giving every time i see people i'm thinking what can i do if i can offer prayer why not if i can offer an advice why not [Music] plant yourself the lives of people and you will watch yourself rise are we there so you contribute to improving the life of that individual next point how do you express honor pray for the person you truly honor consistently prayer is powerful you can never have enough people praying for you anyone who truly honors you under god should pray for you and anyone you truly honor under god you must invest a portion of your prayer life praying for them in this instance pray for apostle good heart sincerely pray for his wife pray for the family pray for the church pray for everyone you don't have to be part of the prayer department and you don't have to be known i have i have a list of people churches men and women of god mission agencies except i do not pray i pray for all of them i have the map of this this city i have the map of nigeria i have the map of africa i have the map of the world many times i'm praying and the lord will instruct that i lay my hands and just begin to speak [Music] in this kingdom we gain by losing when you forget about yourself and you focus on others soon the world will see your selflessness they will see the purity and the sincerity of your intention and they will come in numbers you cannot imagine to invest in your life [Music] hallelujah [Music] you must pray for them it's difficult to criticize who you truly pray for it's difficult to find fault on and with who you truly truly pray for most people criticize every they criticize the body of christ they criticize pastors they criticize their ceos businessmen politicians because they do not pray for them i am telling you you tried try spending an hour praying for someone then immediately after trying to criticize the person and see how difficult it is [Music] criticism is proof of prayerlessness that the people do not pray and if you don't pray for others it means you don't even pray at all because if you are truly a person of prayer you should be so yielded [Music] he was speaking to those in the church in thessalonica and he said brethren that you pray for us it was a request paul was a man who had met jesus christ and yet he still needed the prayers of the saints let me tell you this please look up i have learned through history through scripture through mentorship and now by experience on easy lies the head that wears the crown can i tell you this trust god for grace to love and admire everybody who is in a position of prominence from any angle and pray for them you do not know the attacks if you are elijah jezebel is coming if you are daniel the gods of the past the patients and the medics they are coming after you if you are jesus the scribes the pharisees and everyone is coming many have no idea on the attack that an average man of god has it doesn't matter whether you have results or not only god will tell the number of people who take our names to shrines every day only god knows the number of poisons i have taken in my lifetime is until we meet with jesus christ my phone is full of prophecies from prophets and people have this is not today it started years ago apostle be careful you are i was praying and i saw your name in the shrine i said what do i do did i take it there it's already there what what do we do i just you'll be surprised your name is there too you don't don't look at me and feel bad for me our names are all there provided what do you think listen listen listen yes sir [Music] the moment you aspire to rise to your highest level in destiny [Music] that becomes your offense [Music] for as long as you do not have a child that's all right the day you give back to twins something is wrong with your shirt something is wrong with your trouser something is wrong with the way you talk there is a side effect greatness comes with such a cost when god takes you patiently thank him he's helping you to get used to battles because for every level i tell you sincerely there are devils is god speaking to us this morning lord why is it that the moment i became a ceo where are all these attacks coming from the people who used to love me before they didn't love you they loved your level they were your level was a comfort to their mediocrity and every time you stretch further let me tell you this among the many things that true success does is it kills excuses from mediocres now people can ask a question that they can't answer you gave excuse that in nigeria people do not rise you gave excuse that are there but someone is building and this person used to come to your house and beg before what then becomes your excuse [Music] are we blessed next time you see your boss don't stand to say this man that man no next time you see a politician next time you see apostle good hunt and his wife stand here what you are looking at is a testament of endurance battles you may never know is easy to talk it's easy to criticize let me speak with a bias for men of god many do you know that there are times i'm minding my business after strenuous weeks of administration i just want to rest suddenly i now start having visions of someone's trouble and sometimes you hate the fact that your eyes have been opened in the realm of the spirit because now you don't you provided you've seen it you can't claim you are not aware oh god open my eyes it has an implication because the moment you want to rest here he comes the spirit of grace moving from house to house who can intercede to save this man and god says you are my trusted one i know you are tired but can i come to you again [Music] at a point in my life i became so exhausted i would travel let me tell you this sincerely i would put my head in the aircraft and only just wake up when it lands because of how tired i am trying to meet a conference and while that is happening everybody is happy apostle is coming and i'm just looking at them sometimes when i'm dressing i look at myself in the mirror and say wow why why did you become a person joshua salman and many times i would promise that as soon as the service is over i'm not seeing anybody i'm tired and their compassion betrays me again the moment i look at them i remember him and i remember myself and i remember what he did on the cross suddenly that energy returns again and sometimes i'm talking and people say apostle we're seeing what they call this thing when you don't sleep we're seeing it and i told them i said you don't know what is my spirit that is standing and preaching there but this other man is as tired as anything and the moment that happens here comes church members with all due respect why didn't you wait to see me i called you to come to my house why didn't you come and whilst you're tired you're saying lord can you raise people who understand what it means to carry this cross i was told a story yes ago that the man of god was so frustrated his congregation frustrated him and he had a vision and he went to heaven and he was complaining i don't know if he was just a fiction to to explain something or it was true and he was complaining to the lord and saying lord you carried a big cross and put it on my head this is too much i'm sick and tired i don't want to commit suicide and then that the lord room and the room had several crosses some small some big and he said you go and carry the one you want yourself and he quickly went and picked a small one and the lord said but that's exactly the one you have you just picked what you had and then the man stood there and said so who are those carrying this one he said they are unethical they laugh they smile but that's what is on their head do you know that many stars also have problems some of them have family problems some of them have problems with their children some of them have problems with relatives some of them whilst they are preaching there is an obituary text that is coming you just lost your loved one and yet they have to compose themselves the ethics of ministry demands that you put the people before you [Music] do you think such people are deserving of honor sometimes you you finish walking by four and you run away you you see your boss still in the office by 12 hello sir where you are you home no i'm still here i'm just trying to tidy up something and you call him by six where are you i had to quickly catch a flight i'm on my way to london sir do you rest at all well god is faithful and then you say they don't do anything and they just make money for nothing and god is hearing you and you wonder why prosperity runs away from you truly let me tell you on easy lies the head that where's the crown the average man of god in africa the average man of god in nigeria many people have no idea of the spiritual sacrifices i preach an average of three to four sermons every week [Music] and it's not what you want is the topic you are giving [Music] do you know that when the anointing rests upon you whilst you are ministering i'm going to be praying for you shortly do you know that it has a physical effect on your body medical people will tell you so the higher your anointing there is a real effect is why very annoying people except they create a medical system around their life they don't live very long they don't know why it's not just an attack from satan believe what i tell you [Music] while they're in the room alone crying under medication beneathine was almost collapsing one time he wanted to go for a crusade and he found out that he just fell and his doctors came and said what is wrong with you and they checked him they said sorry you can't go for that crusade he said souls my heart will not let me rest i need people need to be saved please listen to me the spirit of dishonor is a dangerous spirit when jesus hung upon that cross you laid aside your majesty [Music] you gave up everything for me suffered at the hands of those you have created do you know historically human beings are experts at persecuting their saviors so if you are a savior be ready for this honor of all sorts in your lifetime [Music] are we together look what jesus went through on the cross a 33 year old man hanging naked i hope you know he was hung naked all the coverings around him in movies is just for social reasons he was hung naked the lamb of god and yet you tell someone about it and he looks and says oh what did i ask him to die for me was anything wrong with me he left heaven it's like being a professor and because you are a professor alone you throw away that title you start from kindergarten but this time around not alone until you become a professor again something you already wear you threw it because you were alone and you have to pick other people so that while you get the phd all of them also have that phd too that's what jesus did he had no need he had no luck but he was alone and he said no i rather go to hell for you than to remain in heaven without you and yet you preach that glorious gospel and people trivialize it [Music] it's painful to go through so much and then deliver what you brought and people look at it and trivialize it that's why spiritual things don't come on just everybody god descends people who have honor and value [Music] hallelujah one time i was traveling to i can't remember where and i was seated in the in the plane and quite honestly when i looked around almost everybody around me was by far older than me and then i was sleeping you know this kind of sleep that you're nodding you are like this left right and center and someone tapped me and said you're a young man what are you doing that gets you this tired to be sleeping [Music] and then um i said no no this an elderly man i can't be foolish we're taught to respect but i said oh dear oh dear [Music] this man of god that stands here and smiles and preaches and prays and whilst you are sleeping he's awake with the wife praying for you crying for you there are many breakthroughs you can't remember praying for but they happened i tell you where they came from they came from the altar that drips with blood consistently this is not some church giving please listen to what i'm telling you many of the men and the women of god will stand upon this altar and bless you they have come on account of the sacrifice of relationships you must be a contributor you must acknowledge when i was seminary my principal then in the seminary he was one of the people who truly gave me the foundation for godliness structural foundation he had lived in the us for many years and so when he came he brought in that culture and most of the the he concretized moral excellence excellence in general taught us so many things that were out of the curriculum for our training and a few years ago i was burdened in my heart and i told my dad he was my dad's classmate coincidentally and i said please can you help me let's go to that man and my dad drove me i went down to jos and when i went to him i was happy to see him now he was quite significantly elderly and i greeted him i got down my knees and he said apostle i said don't call me apostle sir i'm still your boy i'm still your son and he said you don't know how proud of you i am watching you and seeing what you're doing all over the world and i said sir i brought this gift to tell you god remains god but if you were not there i believe that a significant part of my life would not be the way it is and i told my father to escort me because i wanted you to know that i am grateful and if you will permit me there is something i want to be doing for you and for the rest of your life till your eyes see the king for as long as i'm alive you will not beg for bread again the price for your welfare you paid it in me and now that i am made please find the rest because i'm alive that's what i did for him i went back feeling fulfilled i remember when god called me to ministry when i gathered my parents i watched my dad and my mom as i knelt down and they laid hands on me and spoke over my life it was a risk being the first son of the family and recently i had the opportunity to honor them one of my goals in my lifetime is that the world will stand and clap for my parents and the day that happened tears came out of my eyes i said finally one of my life's goal is done who can rejoice because you are alive who can call you a person of consolation please listen we have 10 minutes and we're done there are people who are called sons of consolations boarding bearers there are people who a man of god a businessman every great man will tell you that's why when people are going passing on to glory some of them leave their wheels not for their children sadly because the children are not sons of consolation they can find this supposed house help who had been there for 20 years 30 years [Music] there was a man in this city who became very sick years ago he was transported out of this city [Music] flown to india or some place and there were rumors that he had died and some of the workers cleared the company they emptied everything the stationaries because rumor came that that man he looked like he had died yes he was paralyzed but he was still alive and there were only two of the people who were left when that man returned back on a wheelchair he entered into his own company he started crying physically and the doctors had to manage him so he would not die he said this where people are invested in i took some of them without interview i gave some of them double salaries some of them came to me and they pleaded with me do you know the pain that many leaders many men of god go through all across this nation [Music] are you listening to what i'm telling you your pastor stands here to invest jesus to invest the world to invest life a few times that we have the opportunity to speak i am amazed that there are few times we really talk about ourselves it's not talking about himself great things that the lord is doing the last time i came during your conference when i was done i had the joy to go to your structure the building i was amazed when i saw the master plan him and the woman of god i could see the passion in their heart while i was praying i said my god these people don't even think about themselves [Music] as i saw your worship team leading worship and jumping i said look these people some of them are family people only god knows the inconvenience that they have to go through to make sure they serve jesus hear me are you aware of the inconvenience that people go through to see that you grow spiritually not just the set man but even those who are connected to the ministry is it fair and is it honest that your ceo your man of god your woman of god your boss in the office even during the recession the company did not launch down you may not know the negotiations and the sacrifices the diplomacy and everything that need to go on behind the scene or needed to go on behind the scene to keep that company standing i dare you to write down the list of five or ten people who are most significant in your life and make up your mind that this week coming you are going to plant a seed of honor not money necessarily but honor to them [Music] i challenge you this is not a discussion i've had with your pastor i challenge you don't wait for a pastor's appreciation day or some special event you see when you come through for people during special events is natural there's nothing unusual about it [Music] that you come as a person and as a family and you meet the woman of god and say ma we always laugh we always jump around but i want you to know that you are a major contribution to the health of my life my family my spiritual life and i just want you to know that i am truly grateful you have a seat to back up what you're doing you see you can buy someone a car and yet it is not honor or no it's not just in money or materials is the sincerity of your heart you see when you tell somebody thank you the assignment of thank you is to make sure that the person recognizes your depth he perceives the depth of your gratitude so it is your assignment to use all the skills you can employ to ensure you cannot stop giving thanks until the person who helped you has come to a point of comprehension if i give you one thousand error and you say thank you i give you ten thousand nara you say thank you i give you um hundred thousand you say thank you i give you one million you say thank you you've not walked in wisdom it was not the same sacrifice that brought those levels of gifts so your assignment is to employ every skill within your power to ensure that i recognize how deeply grateful you are it may require kneeling down it may require multiple text messages it may require saying thank you many times the assignment is not to verbalize things the assignment is to study my mind to see that you must burn it in my mind that i am grateful and for such people let me tell you every time you effectively communicate things you create a debt that must be paid back to you [Music] it is true growing up we used to gather as a family to pray and we really hated it as children because when is my dad son and my mom to pray oh dear if my mom begins to pray here lord is it not the other day i was going out by the road was it left or right i can't remember she's praying when a car was about to come if it was not your message would we i mean and then she'll continue praying father thank you father thank you and we're there wandering and saying oh god please help my prayer to you is help my mother round up and then my dad comes with his own he may not be as detailed but i tell you he can spend five minutes just saying thank you how childish we were we didn't recognize the things for the things you have done and the battles you have won only you are worthy of my praise i magnify your name for the things you have done and the battles you have won only you are worthy of my praise your honor stands god the creator of the heavens and the earth and then the significant vessels there are husbands here that need to truly honor their wives you may not know the sacrifices that madam does every day with joy you just return back and there's food don't say i paid her dowry there are many women who need to appreciate their husbands don't complain and say look at this man he's brought two cars i may be a young man but i've been a man all my life i assure you it's not easy being a man a lady gave birth this morning and when they sent me the photos and i saw the baby i said lord jesus thank you that i'm a man i don't i'm not sure that i have the grace just from the photo i'm not sure that i desire the bible says convert endlessly not at one and yet sir we told you respect madame gave you two children three children four children five children it's not a big deal remember the danger of familiarity there are young people here now you are doing well and you leave your parents you see some of these are old folks still doing what they were doing while they were young mama is still carrying wood in the village and the man is here giving donations to churches i'm not against it but make sure that in all your lifting you do not forget those who helped you there are many people who do not take care of their families but sometimes you come to us as men of god and you bless us with millions whereas the family members are suffering it ought not to be so [Music] we're rounding up who apologize after the service but i need to bond this are we together now yes sir there are homes that the moment you see special plates you know visitors are coming [Music] they kill chicken and it's the head and the legs that the children eat you see them standing somewhere around the kitchen as beggars in their own homes while visitors that will betray you tomorrow they come and they have the choice meals i'm planting in you a seed of oil beware of neglecting what is close to you the greatest gifts in your lives are the ones around you your father your mother anything you cannot pay for is god's gift to you [Music] don't allow your children hate you because of how you dishonor them they go out of the house and they are treated as kings they return back home and they are treated as rubbish same thing with parents there are many young people parents remain in the office because their children they let me tell you there is nobody who runs away from an atmosphere of oh no there are many men today who cannot go home christians as soon as they enter their homes dishonor speaks everywhere there are churches that dishonor their pastors dishonored they are men of god [Music] i do not know any assembly where the man of god will not excel knowing that his people love him sincerely not something you qualified for apostle good heart thank you for being my pastor i love you that you can truly he knows how comforting it will be you can be serving in the church doing things but your heart is sincerely not there we are talking of a genuine connection let me therefore propose a few things to you as i attempt to round up number one you must make a covenant with yourself and your life and your destiny that for as long as you are planted in this assembly under god make it a point of duty that you will stand and you will die with your pastor make it a point of duty that you will see to it that as he follows christ you are giving him the best of your support and everything extend that same mentality to your boss [Music] extend that same mentality to your children can i tell you this there are many young people today who hate their parents because the parents never believed in them they went elsewhere your father is not the person who gave birth to you your father is a person who believed in you believed in you enough to invest maybe this is a word that god is giving a few parents be careful the words you use on your children the way you tear them down someday the sun will go down and the little boy today who is helpless will come to a position where you may be ashamed to lay claims [Music] everybody's destiny is divided into the morning stage the afternoon stage the evening stage and the night stage it says so then teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts onto wisdom this is a key that has changed my life i'm all not today to be part of the life this is why i'm sent to the body of christ you do not know what joy it gives me do you know aside from being a man of god my greatest personal legacy as a human being is to be one who lived his life loving the lord and sincerely being a shoulder for many people aside being a man of the meaning of my name is the way to love and it's a very powerful name i've blessed my parents a thousand times for being that discerning to give me such a name i sincerely love people i don't use people i don't try to no return to the place of genuine honor return to the place of genuine honor honor to god there are some of us i know now i want to say something in one minute and then we're done there are many of us here who even though we're a congregation the truth is i want to tell you an uncomfortable truth from a sociological standpoint from a spiritual standpoint even though this is logic and by extension whatever church listening and following and the body of christ i want to bring you to a sincere realization that you are not all the same that is the honest truth from a standpoint of sacrifice from a standpoint of achievement you are not all the same and there must be a system i'm not trying to teach stratification yes we are all equal before god but if that statement is not balanced it will lead to a lot of dishonor i found out that the reason why many blessed and wealthy people do not come to church is that there is a track record of dishonor their sacrifices are trivialized in the name of creating a unified platform to bless people jesus did not hide his honor for noble people zacchaeus calm down i've changed i'm going to your house and because of that one sacrifice many people were forgiven the centurion you are a man on the authority i respect you i don't need to come to your house i will speak the word no matter how high god leaves me i'm wise enough to know that there are positions i occupied today sociologically speaking that is a privilege it didn't come by age it didn't come by qualification and we must be wise enough to communicate the same is god helping us so there are many of us that god will bring us into places where from a physical standpoint we should not be there don't abuse that access when god gives you access to the ears the hearts the hands of kings and nobles do not trivialize it one time i was going to pray for a first-class traditional ruler in this nation and when i got there there are these people i don't know what they call them the ones who hold weep and then shock compliance those guys there and i was going to the palace and you don't enter the palace with your shoes you know that right but the man said no he said enter and the people were surprised i said no no no sir please let me take off my shoes he said no i am king i said enter but if i'm going to see him another day and i now buckle my shoes and just jump in no i will not abuse that access can i tell you this every time a man shows you on common access make sure you send back a message that makes him know i recognize this is a privilege and i do not take it for granted i guarantee you do that and you have secured his fear that fear of if i give you greater access would you abuse it if you let them know that you are aware that you will never abuse it then you will see more of them [Music] these are the keys of the kingdom that we do business with i've received calls today that i will tell you sincerely even at this level god has helped me god has honored me but there are calls i've seen that i had to say whoa okay [Music] something happened recently that really shook me one of the prominent global families global families on earth i'm sitting and suddenly i get a call i'm a lawyer to abc family they have demanded that we should fly you to come and help settle something in the family and i said okay this is serious i'm not sure i have a visa to that nation and they laughed they said do you know who is talking to you visa to where ah he said well we've been taught to be obedient citizens you have to get your visa so they don't embarrass you oh dear i pray for you in the name of jesus who is the helper of men the doors that have been closed in your life as a result of this honor in the name that is above all names here at this exalted altar we declare those doors open now we declare those doors open now in the name of jesus now listen to me we are going to pray and i'm going to give you one or two minutes by the grace of god please passionately pray first you are going to ask for mercy for communicating dishonor dishonor to god dishonor to men dishonor to principles many of us as i'm speaking to you now god is bringing to mind the reason why certain groups just alienated you why certain individuals you communicated dishonor by speaking wrongly about people and they later heard what you said and on account of that they close certain doors lift your voice and pray for mercy logic are we praying body of christ lift your voice and let's pray father in the name of jesus we obtain mercy we are praying it's time for doors to be opened again it's time for doors to be open blessings on ending it's time for us to step into realms of prepared blessings through understanding it says by knowledge shall the just be delivered go ahead and pray prada [Music] knowingly and unknowingly i have severed valuable relationships through this honor relationships that would have been ladders for me today i would have been ten times better you may say cry for mercy hallelujah second prayer point you are going to pray sincerely that god will grant you the grace to unashamedly communicate honor it takes a lot of revelation and maturity to communicate honor because communicating honor can be ego stinging especially when you communicate or not to people who may not seem like they are deserving of it sometimes you may communicate or not they may not reciprocate it if someone is sowing nonsense in his own garden you shouldn't be so angry that you check what you are sowing in your own garden you will reap what you sowed not what your neighbor sold if you honor a person and it dishonors you back don't worry the bible says you will reap what you sowed not where you sowed it are you ready to pray you're going to cry to the god of heaven grace to practice or not as a principle grace to practice honor please leave your voice twist in the church in my department grace to practice honor in my family your voice and praise shalika brandagata scada baruchiata lord the grace the grace to practice honor as a lifestyle honoring business business online ministry annoying career honoring relationships honoring family hallelujah now i wanted to do something very prophetic you are going to pray as a point of contact the apostle over this assembly apostle good heart and his dear wife you notice i always talk about him and his wife if you honor a man alone you are not sincere [Music] are we together now yes it is always christ and the church not christ alone you honor christ you hate the church his jealousy will still fight you because jealous is the rage of a man if you truly know that apostle good heart and his dear wife have been shepherds laboring praying i want you to sow a seed of prayer right now you're going to pray one minute and passionately pray as you would pray for yourself lord lift them lord keep them come on logic is this how much you love your pastors is this how much you love your shepherds lift your voice and pray pray from the depth of your heart uneasy lies the head that wears the crown please pray please pray please pray [Music] lord made this honor towards these vessels never be found in my life through my words through my body language i make a covenant with god that i will make ministry easy for them i will pray i make a covenant with god that i will support them i will stand by them i will invest into their lives to see that as they exalt jesus as they feed me that they are not stranded that they are not frustrated that they are not suicidal in the name of jesus i will ensure that they are healthy whatever it is within my power to see to it that christ remained lifted and honored and glorified in logic i become an active contributor an active participant please pray hallelujah hallelujah now i apologize but i want to give you just one instruction in righteousness or two please listen hold on guys we're wrapping up this a very serious business i cannot begin to tell you the things i've seen just standing here preaching we're not doing that and my time is up we have to honor the time but there are two things i want to tell you honestly speaking in christ and by humility if you keep these things your life it will not some of you do not take weeks number one i want you to please write down the names of ten people the spirit will minister to you who are this thing of honor in your life when you go back it could be you and your wife it could be you and your children it could be you as an individual that you want to show these people honor whether by sending a text by a seed whatever it is that you have to do for them please you do this in the name of the lord and watch what happens remember it's one thing to desire to do a thing but it's another thing to be instructed to do a thing there is always an action even if some of you even if some of those people are people you know who may not easily like you maybe rivals in business maybe someone you know who has been the reason why your company don't worry just what i'm asking you to do honor is powerful that's what killed her man a woman used honor as a sword displaced another woman killed her man and secured the entire 127 provinces sometimes the battle does not need swords oh no is a vicious weapon it can fight are we together number two now this is something that is from my heart and now it will be unfair if we do not do this i want to encourage everyone inside those following forgive me apostle good heart i know he might be watching and and um pastor mrs bimbo forgive me but let me say this i want everyone under god go back to god and think of something a seed of honor that you are going to sow into the life of apostle good heart and his wife if you don't what i'm saying that's all right please it will be hypocrisy to come and sway seed into my life and bless me when you have not done so to your pastor let me tell you sincerely not many people will be dishonest to tell you are we together now yes yes listen to this some of you right now as i'm talking to you god is speaking to you please listen some are following online some are workers and the lord is speaking to you i'm not going to make any calls to say come out necessarily no but there are men and women that god is speaking to you and saying look what this man has done you called him in your down times he prayed with you you confided in him he honored you you opened up several things they are the reason why some homes are still remaining today they are the reasons why some people are still moving forward ministers are like doctors when you stand before a doctor you don't say i'm an adult if it's time for injection you turn and receive the injection quietly are we together and sometimes they can perform surgery so there's no secret with doctors that's that's the way it is with ministers open up your wounds and they bandage everything you must make up your mind that seeds of this honor through words seeds of this don't let anybody come and so wrong seeds for instance no no be bold be matured and be determined enough that i will never allow myself to be a partaker of evil this is a very powerful principle are we together you are going to agree with god agree with your wife agree with your husband please i want you to do this if you love god you honor me and you honor jesus i want you to do this that god according to i know that this is a ministry with very blessed people i'm not talking of giving for church project i'm not talking of giving into roger ministry i'm not talking of giving into no i'm talking of your pastor and his wife if god can grant you grace and they can give you audience it's not just transferring money or sending this is or no it's not just about that to let them know the least anyone can do here is to send a sincere text message is that true apostle good heart pastor mrs bimbo thank you i listened to apostles message and i'm truly convicted i just sat down and thought through your kindness the last 13 years the last 20 years the last five years the last six months thank you i cried the other day and your hands were there to wipe my tears i just want you to know that i'm sincerely grateful never send somebody a text i say many people have blessed me just to let you know you are one of them that's a very demonic text message there is there is nothing special that kind of text message don't do that you know that's the text people that's why the people don't call you back many people have blessed me just to let you know you are one of them now you have to give people a sense of exclusivity it's a secret [Music] father i stand in partnership with the grace upon the setman and his wife i thank you for this beautiful congregation made up of veterans in business and career in ministry lord i acknowledge on his behalf i stand here representing apostle good heart and his wife to let you know that truly they honor you listen to me i'm not praying we're about to pray some of you in this church are very wealthy people it's no secret some of you in this church are very influential people some of you in this church are captains of industry some of you are people with uncommon achievements for some of you it's a big sacrifice every time you come here let me stand on behalf of god's servant and his wife to tell you that it's not only him that you honor i can tell you this apostle goodha truly honors you and recognizes your sacrifice your seeds your place it's important for you to know this and that if for any reason anybody has communicated this honor of any sort i am telling you this now that it was never intended so are we together now many times i talk to my people they know that i love them [Music] i let them know lavishly let me challenge all the heads of units and departments here extend this show of your department whoever heads the worship team make sure that you let the people know that on behalf of apostle good heart we honor you and we thank you don't take for granted that people leave their homes and come for a hazard don't take for granted that people show up every other time when you let people know you sincerely honor them the gift is that they will give more of themselves to you and so i'm standing as representing the man of god and his wife logic in the name of jesus christ i joined my faith with apostle goodheart and his wife to tell you that as servants of the living god you are greatly honored you are greatly treasured and you are sincerely appreciated do you believe what i said yes so do not be in doubt and never think for once that your pedigree is being demeaned or downplayed no on your own part please do me this favor even though he's away do your best if you have his contact if you do not find a way of letting the woman of god and the man of god know that you'll sincerely and you celebrate them and at a workforce level all of the people who had units those in those departments find ways to make your leaders know too you appreciate them because at their level they are paying prices you may never know some of them have to settle quarrel with their wives because they are coming home late make sure you let them know are we in agreement on this the lord bless you the lord honor you in the name that is above all names i pray by the power of the holy spirit that the lord will increase you i've been told that i have a minute or two to quickly make an altar call thank you thank you for that privilege now please keep standing i believe with all my heart that there is no service ordained by god where there is not at least one person who should be saved if it is people he always had as many as should be saved so i believe that scattered in this congregation inside outside those following online i believe that there are people who truly need to make jesus lord of their life remember the first dimension of honor is to god to jesus himself hallelujah and then there are others who may be saying apostle i love jesus christ but in recent times my life has gone haywire and i truly need to return back if you belong to any of these categories please i'll just give you a few seconds we're out of time i like you to gallantly and boldly leave your seat and just come stand here i want to have the honor and the privilege of leading you to jesus please let's celebrate them as they come don't be afraid don't wait for the first person to come be that one person who comes be that one person who comes is there someone like that you're rededicating your life you're giving your life to jesus god bless you i know someone is coming there has to be someone coming logic is this the best you can do beat unto me according to your word keep coming according to your promises i secure will you come about my heart [Music] according to your word oh those who are following online i'd like you to follow on with the prayer those of you standing thank you so much for making this decision it's a noble decision the noblest decision any man can make jesus is able to give us a new beginning i like you to lift your right hand if you can and i want you to passionately say this from the depth of your heart you're not reciting a poem this is a prayer that leads to your salvation say after me lord jesus those online please follow lord jesus i love you and i believe that you are the son of god this morning i have heard your word and i have decided to honor you by giving you my life in exchange for yours i declare that from today you are my lord [Music] i declare that from today you are my savior you are my king i receive eternal life [Music] i receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness and i declare that i reign in life in jesus name keep your hands lifted father we thank you for these ones the bible declares that as many who will come to him he will in no wise despise father you have brought them by your spirit thank you for the gift of courage that you have given them to come i commend you all to the ministry of the world and the ministry of the holy spirit i pray that you'll be built i pray that you'll be established i declare over you that the power of sin the power of the flesh the power of satan is broken over your life from today you enjoy the peace of god you enjoy newness of life in jesus name i pray amen and amen god bless you please look at me those in front thank you very much i'd like you to follow the gentleman waving his hands all of you in concert they'll have a word with you and then you will be back god bless you hallelujah the lord bless you and the lord increase you i declare that this week beginning for you is a week of signs and wonders i agree and i speak over your life that everything that has caused your door to close in the name of jesus let it be open there will be testimonies here next week of the fruits of honor in the name of jesus christ i decree and declare that you will experience the grace the glory and the goodness of god in unusual dimensions the lord bless you the lord keep you in jesus name thank you very much and god bless you [Music] you
Channel: Salvation TV
Views: 28,335
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Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2021, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2021, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, god, how to desire greater glory, powerful prayer, prophetic prayer
Id: f4UtJPGu_Z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 16sec (9916 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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