Peace in a World Not His - Part 3

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[Music] all right so today we're gonna continue in the teaching piece in a world not his this is part three and I know this is the first day of unleavened bread also so which makes sense that would be watching this now or we'll watch it in a few days but maybe someone watching see here from now they saw the context of knowing when we're doing this teaching and I did think about you know doing something specific for unleavened bread and then I realized this is about as appropriate as we can get because Israel was leaving Egypt which was certainly a world not his going to a place called the land which was supposed to be a world that was his where they would live his way Yeshua was telling his disciples as we read now in John 16 and 17 as we're continuing through this story this is exactly the propria teaching to do because this is after the Last Supper heading right into the Passover hearing his final words to the disciples about not being afraid not being worried not being distressed not having fear not being sad not stumbling because he's gonna leave us with peace and he does talk about that we read this last time about having completeness of joy that was in John 15 11 he said these words I've spoken to you so that you that my joy might be in you and that your joy might be complete which is again why we don't necessarily have just a completely solemn and sad Passover I mean obviously Passover and I said this during the announcement I'll say it again here for the teaching you know Passover clearly is dealing with some very powerful emotional events you know many of the FIR many many of all of the firstborn that died that night and of course Israel was protected but there were all those Egyptians and everybody else that was the oldest firstborn died very sad very tragic nobody would have any joy in that and of course leading it to Passover and then after right before Passover Yeshua dies right before the meal in the afternoon while they're doing all these other things that's also very sad and very tragic but he says all of these events are to lead to gladness Israel was to leave Egypt and end up journeying to the land we are on a journey into the kingdom issue is death burial resurrection provides us with the path to that life and so this is a joyful thing so we have lots of him very strong mixed emotions going into all of this and so this teaching I think really does fit appropriately into the timing so we're going to continue in this journey not just because it's the next part of the teaching but because it actually matches up beautifully with where we are in our physical timeline being the first day of unleavened bread so let's remember that in this teaching series were looking at and trying to understand when he says my peace I give to you what does that what is that what does that look like what is that peace and also why would he want to give it to his why do we need it how do we get it what prevents us from having it how can we what can cause us to lose it how can we end up without that peace and also to understand how he says I do not give it to you as the world gives now he explained that a little bit in in John 15 when he says no greater love than this in verse 13 what is there then that one should lay down his life for his brother the world doesn't give that way not generally okay most people want you to adjust to their life they're not gonna lay down their life for you we talked about that last week okay so now in the readings just a real quick reminder we started this because in John 14:27 he said that my you know peace I leave with you my peace I give to you and we know that he frames this in John 14 what would let not your heart be troubled he tells us in John 16 1 hear these words I spoken so that you do not stumble in John 16:33 says he's worth I spoken to you so that you might find and have peace and quite clearly both Israel in the desert or I should Israel in Egypt had no peace they were slaves there was no peace in the life of a slave they certainly had no peace during the ten plagues or at least the nine plagues leading up to that last night it certainly wasn't peaceful hearing the cries and the screams and knowing what was happening with the killing of the firstborn there certainly was no peace guarding a you know girding up and sandals on your feet and staff in your hand and and you know gearing up to leave not only what that would be like and then the you know they were slaves for quite a long time and now they're gonna be free and what does that look like and where are we going and how does that work how do we deal with Authority and now we have this Elohim that we've really not had a whole lot of a relationship with for quite a while that we're trying to understand and re-establish a relationship with I mean there's a lot of stuff that could cause your heart to be troubled and we are living in a world today very similar aren't we you know when you shoe is day same thing the disciples we're dealing with Rome they were dealing with being under occupation and now you shoe is telling them that these things were going to happen of course then we know what happens in the garden and then the the the temple guard comes to get him and then the whole rest of of Yeshua and taking him into the for the trial and then eventually to the crucifixion where they go ahead and kill him after the scourging and all the other horrible things they did to him their hearts were so troubled that they didn't actually show up anywhere right away of course you know Kiefer gets asked a few times and he says he denies him because he didn't have the peace of understanding what was going on and so this is a perfect timing for us to be talking about these things I mean you don't see the disciples all sitting at the tomb waiting for him to rise they're all hiding after all this stuff is going on their leader their their Messiah said I had just been killed they did not know what to make of that in their mind let me stop and just say this way how many of you maybe fall into the same trap that they did that in your mind you have an idea what Messiah is supposed to do you have an idea of what Elohim is supposed to do you have an idea and then it when it doesn't match up you your heart gets you know you fall and your emotions your heart Falls and your you become frustrated sad disillusioned and then you may quit even because these things don't match your image as schewe as Messiah they understood he was Messiah but they didn't have the right understanding of what that looked like they understood enough to recognize that he was Messiah but they didn't understand what that meant how that would actually play out what would Messiah actually do they were expecting mo che that's what they were expecting a second Moshe to take them out from the bondage of Rome now they also understood that they were already in the land so it wasn't like leaving Egypt to come to the land so they were expecting him to cast off the shackles of Rome while they stayed in Israel so they're in a very different mindset than what you shoe ax was and he's trying hard in John 14 and 15 and 16 to reset that for them but because of their emotional position where they were in their mind in their hearts and their emotions they really had a hard time receiving it they really did as a matter of fact how many times have you read verses and then years later read them again and years later when we get in and each time you read them they actually were almost like new they were different they you understood them completely differently for a lot of you that's happened since you came out of the churches and into the tour observing community of messianic believers and the words now ring very differently you understand them very differently well the the disciples understood things very differently when he came back and he sat with him and he had to open up their minds to truly understand what the Scriptures had to say about him even though he taught them all that time as in the discipleship process but they had blockages what blockages do they have the emotional ones that's what he says my peace I give you because in the place of peace you can truly receive with clarity what he's trying to say but when you're an emotional distress when you're emotionally troubled well if you don't have peace your peace is disturbed you really can't receive correctly which is why I will often when I counsel people the first thing I do is try to get them to calm down and we've had some people really pop their cork a few times and I got called into and I had to say you need to calm down and once you calm down then we could try but you can't receive anything until you calm down and that should be a lesson to any of you that end up in strife for the spouse you strive for the child such strife with anybody you're not gonna be received in whatever it is you're trying to say until everybody calms down okay so you got to calm down first even if your common they're not they're not going to receive if you're not calm they're certainly not gonna receive from you I've tried that it doesn't work I wasn't common nobody was receiving one of these days I learned that lesson we're all in the journey right and we have to get through this that way so I think that this is really an appropriate area to be reading today because after all we are also like the Israelites in Egypt like the Israelites in the land under Rome and Yeshua's day we have our peace disturbed to some degree we're not fully in the land under tour observers we're still under Rome to a certain degree we don't have all the freedom that way although we have total freedom to do all the dumb things that we do and such like that but we're not as free as we like to be to just be keeping and observing the commandments of the Covenant there's bosses that want us to work on Saturdays and there's and on holy days and there's other things that happen to cause us that kind of a confusion as Christ some of you are married to spouses who really are not appreciative of your wanting to keep that keep the commandments keep the Torah and it could be really challenging but he says I want you to have in all of this peace he says my peace not just any peace peace like I have my peace I want you to have all right so that being said now let's go into John chapter 69 oh we finished in verse 4 but we'll start again in verse 1 just to bring it back into context chapter 16 and verse 1 these words I spoken to you so that you do not stumble I was only telling you that because he knows that you may just go ahead and stumble if you don't receive the words the way he intended them you could stumble and so if you're not sure what that's referring to go back and we listen to part 2 where I talk about all of that in John 14 - 15 - part 1 and 2 he says look they are going to put you out of congregations but an hour is coming when everyone who kills you shall think he is rendering service to Elohim he's saying look you need to understand how challenging this is going to be he had just told them that they are not of the world in John 15 he said you are not of the world but you're in the world and the world has hated me they're going to hate you which means that when the world knows that you love me that you are following me as she was saying they may also put you out of congregations in fact he didn't say may he said they shall put you out of the congregation's anybody thrown out of a church some of you quit before they could some of you stayed too long and started talking about things they didn't want to hearing i thrown out say they're gonna put you out of congregations and there's a time that's coming when they're going to kill you thinking that they're rendering service to elohim and this they shall do to you because they don't know the father and they don't know me that's what he's saying there they don't know they they don't know me again he's not talking about information here's time a relationship they do not have a correct and a correct relationship with the father or the son you must listen to the teaching father do you know the father and son and understand that it is vital to understand your relationship to understand who they are what their roles are and what your relationship is that you're supposed to have do you know the father and the son do you have a relationship with the father and a son so they're doing this because not because they don't know the father in terms of information that because they don't know the Sun because of information but because they wrongly understand that relationship and what the desire is of the father and the son because they're going to be thinking they are rendering service to them Lord Lord we did all these things in your name he says yeah but I didn't have that relationship with you I didn't know you I don't know you I don't know me we did all these things in your authority we didn't have the relationship you thought we had look I've said this in the past okay your relationship with him is not determined by you thinking you have won what matters is whether or not he thinks you have won okay his understanding of the relationship with you is what matters not yours these people are going to think they have a relationship with the father and the son and that they are rendering service to them by killing you by kicking you out of congregations but they don't have that relationship what is what is causing the problem two things one is no one comes up the father draws so he has to open up their minds in their hearts in their ears he's gonna pop their bubbles the other part is their emotions their emotions they have taken offense they've taken it personally and they've decided that they are the personal instrument of Elohim there are many of those in Scripture those that are personal instruments but we say when I say many not not even a fraction of a fraction of a fraction compared to how many people have existed the book talks about only these key individuals that could have been instruments of Elohim but you don't get to just excite that you're an instrument of Elohim I've had lots of people contact me over the last 20 years trying to straighten me out because Elohim told them it's their job to straighten out ministries okay you think so I don't know be careful with that all right but that's what they're thinking you know Paul had this problem so all had this problem when he was going after the early believers he was thinking he was doing Elohim service he says but I've said these words to you verse four so that when the hour comes you remember that I told them to you and these words I did not say to you at the beginning for I was with you in other words he didn't have to warn them about all these things when he was with them he had it all under control he knew that there was going to be a certain amount of protection over him and his group while he was there so he could finish the work he came to do until the very end cuz even during the other moments where they said they came to seek to grab him they didn't go after the disciples they were just looking for him and he would disappear in the crowd they never seemed to really be harassing his disciples at least scripture doesn't tell us any of that he says I was with you you didn't need to know this but these words and telling you now because you need to know them now because I'm not going to be with you verse 5 but now I go away to him who sent me and not one of you asked me where are you going and why aren't they asking because they don't really understand they're not believing he's going they can't they can't believe that he's going to die representin and he's in his 30s he's he's not an old guy he's not like there's any problems there's not violent war happening right at that moment in in their country what do you mean he says but I told you what's gonna happen they're just not able to receive it emotionally he said but because I've said these words to you grief has filled your heart but I say the truth to you it is better futile that I go away for if I do not go away the helper shall not come to you at all but if I go I shall send it to you so now understand this is part of why we can rejoice we are not rejoicing that yushua had to die we're not rejoicing over the pain and suffering we're not rejoicing over the plagues and suffering that Egypt had we should not be rejoicing over anybody's suffering but he says if I go through this then I'm going to send you something that would bring you the joy and the peace I'm gonna send a helper to you it's part it's it's the next step in the part of the plan as a part of the plan he says and having come it shall reprove the world concerning sin and concerning righteousness and concerning judgment concerning sin because they do not believe in me concerning righteousness because I go to my father and you see me no more concerning judgment because the ruler of this world is judged I still have many words to say to you but you are not able to hear them now okay so he's saying look this this rough the spirit this helper that's coming he says and this is me the Spirit of Truth I am coming to you so through this spirit this means by which again a reminder to go listen to the teaching understanding the Ruach it'll help you to understand this whole under the this issue of the rough it's so confusing to most people also the father and the son teacher will help you with that but he says look this is going to bring conviction judgment etc this is part of what's happening the Ruach is coming - as he says here it will reprove the world concerning sin concerning rises and concerning judgment concerning sin because they don't believe in me concerning righteous because I go to my father and you see me no more concerning judgment because the rule of this world is judged now I'm not gonna break these verses down to much more that's a whole other thing that we could get into it just understand that he's trying to tell us that look don't be sad because I'm going he says you're filled with grief your heart is filled with grief I'm going so that this thing can continue in the process is supposed to and you should be glad that's happening not glad that it has to happen this way but glad that is playing out the way it is if it doesn't happen then it doesn't have he goes if if I don't go then I don't get to send the helper he says for I do not go away the helper doesn't come I don't get to send a helper to you there's a process here he says verse 13 actually verse 12 as I said I still have many more things to tell you but you're not even able to handle this as a teacher I could tell you the same thing I'm not saying this condescendingly I'm not saying this in any kind of you know haughtiness there's still a lot of things that I would teach you that you're not ready for and that's not like oh now I want to know all the secret stuff rabbi has know if you never get to hear another thing other than what I've already put out there you don't need any more the the basic straightforward understanding of covenant Oh behavior according to Scripture has been laid out all I do each week is try to add more clarity to it all right but still there's things that a lot of you are not able to hear you have a lot of friends that aren't able to hear anything stuff you already know and you also settle you remember listening to me and other teachers for some of you have told me that when you listen to me maybe two three years ago and you weren't ready but ready to hear it you weren't able to hear it there are certain teachings you just weren't able to receive because of spiritual and emotional strongholds that had to be overcome had those walls had to come down there are people still struggling with that that used to come and don't come anymore people that are here that are so struggling while they're here there's just a lot of that emotion you gotta ask yourself am i struggling just because rabbis wrong or am i struggling because I'm this is something going on in me what is causing this struggle I'd be willing to hear be that it could be because you've got something going on inside that's not allowing you to hear it all right I'm not claiming I'm never wrong I'm simply saying is that it's more logical for you to ask father why can't I see it then just assume that I'm wrong if you believe I'm anointed at a point and you came here for those reasons I mean I'm just a teacher I'm just a teacher and you've got 67 of those and I'm just one of the 67 that's different but if you have come to see me as an anointed appointed the one that you're supposed to be listening to well then you got to wonder is it you that is having the challenge when you're hearing something as opposed to the information coming from me very important all right he says but when when that one comes the spirit of the truth it shall guide you into all truth for it shall not speak for itself but whatever it hears it shall speak and it shall announce to you what is to come so remember it speaks Yeshua's words it communicates for your shoe it's the it's the conduit for him to talk to you don't think of it as a different individual being listened to the teaching on the understanding of the rock where this gets explained sound fourteen just keep reading that over and over again so you can it's right there he says I'm coming to you but through this thing known as the Ruach and I say thing I'm not being disrespectful this we don't have words to describe something that we can't really fully understand in our fleshly three dimensional beings but this is how he communicates with you the Spirit of Truth what did he say in John 14:6 I am the truth I am coming to you he says later on in the chapter he says I will not leave you orphans he says so the spirit of truth will guide you into all truth and will not speak for itself but whatever it hears it shall speak and it shall announce to you now that's the same thing that you was says about himself I only speak what my father tells me to speak I only do what my father says to do I only I hear and then I speak it's a perfect straight line chain father to son through the rock to you now bear in mind though he trained people to teach if you believe in the authority all hash rule tells you in Ephesians that they're supposed to be teachers prophets that we need these fivefold people for the growing of the coveted people into the fullness of the completeness of Yeshua so we need them until then okay chapters I believe it's Ephesians four and so just remember as we're going all of this okay that he's saying the same thing here it says look I'm going to send you help but it's not to replace the fact that there are those that you're supposed to be working with it's gonna help you to understand what the teachers are telling you it's gonna help you to understand what's going on from the word it also should help you to recognize the anointing in the appointing of the teacher that you're supposed to be finding or the prophet or the apostles and the other ones mentioned in the fivefold ministry utilizing the the voice of the rock speaking through you know where does he say here that because then Paul is completely wrong you know where does he say here that you don't need teachers anymore you're just gonna learn directly from the rock but it's gonna stir to remembrance we read that in chapter 15 okay it's going to stir to remembrance it's gonna bring to your mind so you understand is gonna bring it to remembrance actually think was chapter 14 where that was okay the helper verse 26 of 14 set apart spirit which the father will send in my name shall teach you all and remind you of all that I have said so it's gonna help you to understand and remind you of what he said it's not gonna necessarily give you brand new revelation it's not necessarily going to give you brand new insight remember these are already traced talking to them not you directly indirectly he's talking to you these are people he trained for a period of time personally and he's telling them that I'm going to send you a helper to help you understand as you go through the life and you see things play out oh that's what you meant when you said this oh that's what you meant when you said that because you start to see it play out when he says that believing in him and following him may cost the relationship between mother and father and sister and brother and parents and son and daughter and all this other stuff and then you see it happen in your life the rock goes ha bingo ding ding ding ding ding see there's the verse that's what he was talking about and so you don't necessarily get upset about it you recognize oh this isn't a desire that had happened it was just instructed that it would happen this is something that should not surprise us he said I tell you these things so you don't stumble well he's does everything that he's told us so we don't stumble that's what it's all about is giving us information so we don't stumble so he says verse 14 well back to 13 at the end of the verse he says and it shall announce to you what is to come it shall esteem me and it shall take of what is mine and announce it to you ah it's gonna take what is mine and announce to you again this is Yeshua it's gonna take what is mine and give it to you and announce it to you a little while and you do not see me and again a little while you shall see me again he's not saying this necessarily all the stuff you're saying right here is for everybody he's saying some of the stuff is for them they're going to get the insight to lead and to guide and do the the Apostleship stuff that shall lianca stuff that they had to do so a little while you do not see me and again a little while you shall see me hmm some of the tall ones said to one another what does this end he says to us a little while you do not see me to gain a little while you shall see me and because I'm going to the Father so they were confused they weren't understanding what he was talking about so they said what is this that he says a little while we do not know what he's saying you were there for knew that they were wishing to what they were should ask him and he said to them are you asking one another about what I said okay here's a really important lesson why would you ask each other about something that you should be asking an authority about if she was right there he's like are you asking each other about what I said because I know you guys do that with my stuff - I teach what I believe issue has taught me to teach you and then you talk to each other about it trying to figure it out instead of calling me or I'm right there in a chat I'm right there in a room and that people are doing all this discussion I look like let me go really I'm right here why would you do that are you asking one another about what I said a little while and you did not see me and again a little while you shall see me truly truly I say to you that you shall weep and lament but the world shall rejoice and you shall be grieved but your grief shall become joy again now bear in mind here this is what I was talking about when it comes to the Passover and unleavened bread he says you will have grief but then it will be become joy now the grief isn't the losing of Yeshua when they kill him but then when he gets resurrected they have the joy now he's not expecting us as we rehearse through this that we go through the grief and then we go and wait a couple of days and have joy we already know that he was resurrected but we are memorializing and reminding ourselves and teaching our children the events that happened so that they can understand you know there's a verse it says you know and when your children ask what is the meaning of all of these things you say well because this is what yah we did for me when he brought me out of Egypt so the children can know what's going on so he says he says look you're going to be grieved but your grief shall become joy the woman has grief when she's in labor because of her hour has come but as soon as she's given birth to the child she no longer remembers the affliction for joy that a man was born into the world and you therefore have grief now but I shall see you again and your heart shall rejoice and no one takes your joy away from you see again that is why I think that Passover still can be a celebration Passover should be a joyful celebration not that we rejoicing in the horrible things that happen but we're rejoicing in the things that finished out in the end good things came of it it brought us further in the process further along in the program and so he says look just like the woman when she gives birth to the child as soon as it's over she doesn't remember the affliction if you are married and have children you will probably have the experience with that first child at least where the wife at some point looked at you and said you do not let me ever do this again I am NOT wanting to do this again and then as soon as the babies were think I want another one I'm telling you I had that experience a lot of you other experienced women do that they look at you like never again and then within months like ok I want another one as I wait a minute you made me promised you did not want to go through this again I know but I like the joy of the baby there you go and then they grow up and you like but I wanted the baby they won't stay that way though so you have to keep having new ones to keep having that baby fun because then they grew up I like them as in all the different stages I love my teenagers I'm at a great time with them but you miss the kind of baby stuff but the point is the affliction is no longer remembered she no longer remembers the affliction but the joy that she brought a child into the world and so there were things that were birthed through the Passover and unleavened bread a nation was birthed out of a nation and the beginnings of the regather ins and the getting out of the message was birthed with the death burial and resurrection of Yeshua there are joyful things and so certainly we can have rejoicing and joy in this in this time and in this period he says and you therefore have grief now but I shall see you again and your heart shall rejoice and no one takes you away from you and in that day you shall ask me none at all truly truly I say to you whatever you ask the Father and my authority is shall give you in other words I'm not gonna be here I'm not gonna be the one that's gonna just keep coming to me like you've been coming you'll go directly to the Father but ask it in the authority that I've given you and again remember this is primarily for them and not necessarily just for us we are a peripheral benefit to this point they are going to need to have authority to ask things of the Father as they go to do the very very critically important and challenging tasks that will be there their their lot in life after this moment after his resurrection after he then leaves them to ascend and then they're on their own so to speak with the help of the helper but they won't have him physically there he's gone for a few days and he shows up he journeys with them for the period of time and then he leaves them and he's trying to tell the look you don't have to ask me anymore you could ask the father directly in my authority so that's important for leadership to know that not just for individuals individual I think have a certain benefit to this as well but let's understand that it's specifically for their need all right it's a need thing so that's very important continuing here verse 24 until now you have asked not in my name ask and you shall receive in order that your joy might be complete so again you didn't ask things in my authority because you just talked to me I was here I was the authority but now I'm going to be gone you're gonna ask the Father but you're gonna ask in the authority that I've given you now why would they have authority well because they believe in him no they have authority because he was their disciples their covenant - they're trained he put them in positions of authority oh well two or three are gathered in my name that doesn't mean there's two or three people to believe in him or whatever it can gather together and then ask whatever they want there's a lot more to that statement it has to do with authority okay I think we've covered that in the teaching no other name okay we talked about that verse so this is understand people have it in Christianity where they don't understand authority and the name and so they think that when he talks about and you could ask whatever that he's just like you know rubbing the magic Elohim genie you know and it's just gonna give you whatever you ask for it's not that's not scriptural okay he says these words I've spoken to you in figures of speech verse 25 actually we'll go back to verse 24 until now you have asked not in my name ask and you shall receive in order that your joy might be complete and again we mentioned this last week we can mention it again this week is that the same wording here is the same wording for the idea of the I didn't come to destroy but to complete in Matthew and so after all if that means destroy means excuse me to do away with when it says complete well then joy is to be full up and then done away with okay you shall receive an orders to that you don't need joy anymore it's gonna be complete and done away with that's absurd he wants you to be filled to overflowing with a completeness of joy so when he gave the Torah interpretations I didn't come to destroy but to give you a complete understanding they filled up understanding continuing down 25 these words which I've spoken to you and figures of speech but an hour is coming when I shall no longer speak to you in figures of speech but I shall declare the father plainly to you okay so we have in Scripture been told over and over again that elohim speaks in parables that's in the Tanakh by the way then you should also spoke in parables figures of speech not directly and plainly this is important too because when people say in the Jewish community especially well I don't see Messiah in the Old Testament because he doesn't come out and speak plainly about him oh he's in there in figures of speech he's in there in figures of speech and we're gonna see when they are together with him and he opens up their minds and their hearts that's what he's directly speaking to them plainly we don't see that actually play out in here but we see it is when he comes back and he's with them and he reveals all of the things that the Tanakh the word the Scriptures have to bet say about him plainly okay and that day you shall ask in my name and I do not say to you and then I shall pray the Father on your behalf for the father himself does love you because you have loved me and I believed that I came forth from Elohim I came forth from the father and have come into the world and again I leave the world to go to the Father so he's saying look I'm not saying I'm gonna pray on your behalf you're gonna pray directly to the Father so bear in mind that you do not pray to Messiah I said you're not gonna you know and you know if they ask me to do anything for you you pray to the Father but you do so in the authority I've given you to do in that day you shall ask in my name and I do not say to you that I shall pray the Father in your behalf for the father himself does love you because you have loved me and to believe that I came for from Elohim as a Torah observant covenant person you can go to the father directly and you go there because Yeshua gives you authority to do so in that context because you have what you have loved me he says what does that mean to love him if you love me guard my commands if you have love you're willing to lay down your life how can you love the Almighty with all as it says in Deuteronomy 6 write all your heart all your might all your being if you are still holding on to your life you got to lay down your life in order to do that otherwise it's not all he says I came forth from the father and I have come to the world again I leave the world go to the father so his tall one said to him see now you are speaking plainly and not using figure of speech he he's saying it just as convoluted as he did before but all of a sudden it seems like the lightbulbs are going on for them ok he hasn't changed the way he's talking at this point he says now we know that you know all and I have no need that anyone should question you by this we believe that you came forth from Elohim if you answer the same do you now believe that you get it because they're all thinking they've arrived at this point he has to say hold on now you believe seeing hours coming and has now come that you are scattered each to his own and leave me alone yet I am NOT alone because the father's with me these words I've spoken to you that in me you might have peace in the world you have pressure but take courage I have overcome the world all right so what's going on here before we get into chapter 17 so that now all of a sudden and I think what they're giving is they like the idea that they can go to the Father directly because that's where all of a sudden their thought process changed and they said now we know that you know all things and that you know you're gonna so we go to the Father directly he says oh so now you believe now you think you've arrived said you guys are the hours coming gonna be scattered and you're gonna leave me alone they said but I'm not alone I have the father fathers with me says look I spoken to you these words so that you can have peace why would they be scattered because there's gonna be things that will disturb their peace yes I came so that you would have peace I spoke to you say that you would have peace and the world you have pressure anybody experiencing pressure will go through this Kofi 19 thing a lot of pressure on our finances a lot of pressure socially a lot of pressure relationally a lot of pressure spiritually on it's just a lot of pressure going on and he says take courage I have overcome the pressure I have overcome the world and it's pressures but you have to be in him he's gonna explain this now a lot more in chapter 17 the I in me I mean the father and me and you and me and all that stuff he's gonna say here he says look these words I've spoken to you because I have overcome the world okay great you did it so what's that mean with us he's gonna explain it now in Chapter 17 so let's go to chapter 17 if she was said these words and lifted up his eyes to the heaven and said father the hour has come esteem your son so that your son so also may might esteem you as you was given him authority over all flesh that he should give everlasting life to all whom you've given him and this is everlasting life that they should know you the only true Elohim and Yeshua Messiah whom you sent that's true everlasting life having the relationship and the relationship is one of covenant and what do we talk about 455 parts of covenant is that it has to do with an agreement with obligations between the people who are covenant 'add and so we are in a relationship called covenant which means that we have obligations that we've agreed to and those obligations are very simple he speaks we do well it's more than that he speaks and we do trusting that in doing comes safety and blessing and transformation so he says in this is everlasting life Yeshua said I am the way the truth and life you know Moses tells us choose life and what's he offering them the commandments the Torah the teaching instructions of Yahweh Yeshua is the walking talking living Torah so having that relationship that's why you need to do the do you know the father and a son teaching us understand what relationship we need to have with them verse 4 I have esteemed you on the earth having accomplished the work you have given me that I should do this is why he's on the stake and he says it is finished what's finished that he said I have accomplished the work you give him me to do the only thing he hadn't done at this point left was died he did everything else I've accomplished the work you given me to do now it's not to say that there's not more stuff for him to do this task was to be done lots of you have worked on projects projects at home projects at work and then when they're finished they're done that's it they're finished but that doesn't mean now you don't have a job anymore and you don't have other things to do that task is done so when you shoe assess it's finished people want to read into it well he did away with the Lord he did away with this and he did away with the Old Testament no he finished what he came in the flesh suit to do he says everything that I was supposed to do from the time that I came into the flesh to John 14 right and verse and verse 6 I believe it is where he puts on the flesh suit all right ok no so yes no John 1:14 right John 1:14 14:6 design which way through the line John 1:14 he puts on the flesh suit he said from the moment I put on the flesh suit to right now I have completed everything you've given me to do so he said look I have esteemed you on the earth and having accomplished the work he gave me to do and now esteem me with yourself father with the esteem which I had with you before the world was in other words I'm ready to do the next thing I have revealed your name your authority to the men whom you've given me out of the world they were yours you gave them to me and they have guarded your word that's the relationship right there there we belong to the Father the father gave us over to you to earth to the Sun and then we now need to be those where he can look to the Father and say that we have guarded the father's word now they've come to know that all you gave is as he gave to me is from you I don't think you get this generally out of a Christian Sunday church it's all focused on the Sun the Sun here saying it's all from him it's often the father because the words which you gave to me I've given to them and they have received them there's the important relationship you want to be a part of the John 17 conversation conversation well you have two things that you've heard already one is that you have to guard the word and the second is you have to receive the words you actually have to receive them that there's an active participation on your part to receive he says I lost my place okay verse 8 again because the words that you gave to me I've given to them and they have received them and have truly known that I came forth from you and they believed that you sent me that's the key they have truly embraced who and what you schewe was at that time and is ultimately I pay I pray for them but I do not pray for the world but those whom you've given me for they are yours now bear in mind and this is I want you to take this correctly we talked about this in the teaching master teach us to pray I believe but just we are to have mercy and compassion on people now remember when he says I pray for them he's talking about this specific prayer this is not a prayer for the world this is a prayer for his disciples for those who have covenant with him so he's not saying don't ever pray for people in the world he said this prayer that I'm making right now is for them okay I'm not this is not a prayer directed at everybody because he's about to say a lot of powerful things he says I pray for them I do not pray for the world but for those whom you've given me for they're yours this prayer is for those that are his and all mine are yours and yours are mine and I have been esteemed in them okay all mine are yours and yours and mine is center right where it says none comes to the Father except through Yeshua and none comes to Yeshua unless the father draws them there's your all of yours are mine and all the mine of yours okay okay all the mine are yours and yours are mine and I have been esteemed in them I'm our again this group of people what are they done they have guarded the word they have known and understood the relationship of the Father the Son and they have done things to esteem the father to son he says and I have been esteemed I've been honored and given glory through them there's a lot of people out there who claim to be of his flock who are not bringing him any glory or any honor they bring a lot of shame and discord and problems so remember this is for the people that are doing these things he says and I am no more in the world but these are in the world and I come to you sent apart father guard them in your name and your authority which you have given me so that they might be one as we are one so now his prayer is for this particular category of people because he didn't just say these twelve but he said those that are mine that you have given me that have guarded your word that have steamed me etc and brought me i esteem he says guard them in your name and your authority which you've given me so that they might be one he wants those of us in covenant to not just have any relationship but to have a relationship in like manner as to the one you have with the father okay says so they may be one odd as we are a hot as we are one then we have a similar relationship when I was with them in the world I was guarding them in your authority which you gave to me and I watched over them and not one of them perished except the son of destruction that the scripture might be filled and now I come to you and I speak these words in the world so that they have my joy completed in them now bear and bear in mind when he says when I was in the world up when I was with them in the world I was guarding them in your authority and he says I did not lose one except I watched over them and not one except one perished they were under my authority I kept them all safe he says and I come to you and I speak these words so that they might have my joy completed in them in other words they can understand to have the fullness of what it means to have the joy issuer has in that relationship be filled to overflowing that you know completed and done away with I have given them your word and the world hated them because they are not of the world as I am NOT of the world you are a threat to their delusional world we've talked about that quite a bit in some of the other teachings I think it talked about it during to get out the leaven teaching okay this is a threat you are a threat to their reality perception so instead of using delusion people understand the loser's illusion assembly and a a wrong way of seeing reality a skewed inaccurate version of reality you are a threat to their perception of reality they believe the world to be a certain way they believe the spiritual realm to be a certain way they believe that their roles in the world and in their vertical are a certain way and you because you are not in that delusion bubble you're not of that world even though you are in that world you can see things more clearly and differently you or behavior your comments your thoughts the things that you understand when discussed when you discussed them with each other this is a threat to puncture the delusional world bubble that perception bubble that they have then you wonder why your family members get so angry with you I'll tell you why they get angry with you because somewhere in their unconscious if not in their conscious they recognize that if you're right that means they're wrong and if they're wrong they got to deal with two things first of all the emotional problem was admitting you're wrong some people can do it no problem other people have a real problem with that the second thing being if they are wrong whether they have a struggle was being wrong or not it means they have to change and they probably don't want to do that so that's why you're a threat and they may not be consciously aware of that reaction but when you say that you're no longer eating certain foods how many of you have had people say to you oh oh you're judging me because they're still eating this stuff or you switch from Sunday to Saturday oh you're judging me or you stop doing Christmas oh you're judging me no but they feel judged because there's a part of that it recognizes that there's a possibility that what they're doing is wrong even if you never said that's wrong now you may have said I don't believe I'm supposed to be doing this I believe it's not appropriate I don't think it goes with Scripture I think that it doesn't bring honor glory to the Father and then they've been thinking well if you think that then you must think that what I'm doing is all the things you just said are the reasons why you're not doing it yep and now they have to process the idea of being wrong and having to change and that's very challenging for people people don't like change you know there's a I can remember who was that put it out there but there I think was Maslov that put out the the hierarchy of stress and the different things that stress but anyway there there's these things in life that that they put down as things that are highly stressful the most stressful thing being the loss of a loved one but all of them have to do with change changing where you live changing your careers changing your status being married or divorced or or having children and they kind of change in your life is stressful we don't handle change without stress and so when you are presenting people with this major potential change in their belief system and how they're gonna walk out their life this is very stressful potentially for them and I wondered a class in last class with you and they lash out at you whatever they do Plus even from a clinical psychology point of view you know when when people are in major delusional states there is a propensity to violent reaction when you threaten the delusion and so I'm not saying everybody out there is crazy because we think of delusion means you're crazy all of us a delusional none of us is seeing the world correctly fully some of us now hopefully are seeing it much more clearly and then we study more and we get more instruction and we see things even more clearly which means that there's more parts of that delusion that are being kind of cleared up so that we can see the actual real world as it really is but if you're going to now pop that bubble on someone see how he popped it for you he knew when you were ready and he popped your bubbly disturbed your peace but you're popping people's bubble his peace is not disturbed in that area now they may have their peace disturbed in other areas because they're walking around without peace without him you really don't have peace but you're disturbing an area that they don't want disturbed he disturbed yours he made you know and feel that something was missing or not right in that area or both in the area of your spiritual walk and you you were forced to scratch that itch you had that you had to ask and seek and not because you needed to figure out the answer to that burning question and so you needed to know and so here you have it look you know what you even have this metaphor in the movie the matrix right the very beginning of the movie what was the burning question in neo had what is the matrix somehow that was already in his head he knew there was something and he needed to know what it was and he'd been searching for it and seeking for it because he needed to know what it was well that's an Apple in the father and notice that they don't come and bother everybody who's plugged into the matrix only the few that already have there pease disturbed enough that there'd have that question they don't just free up everybody because he said in the movie says because most Minds can't handle that transition they just can't handle that level of reality he said but you already have your piece disturbed you know there's something wrong that's part of the conversation go back and watch the beginning of that movie you'll see that's a big part of the initial conversation that he has in Morpheus and he has with the girl whatever name was I forget okay so but in that conversation he's someone who's pieces already served that's kind of a good metaphor for us today Abba has punched that hole in our delusion bubble disturbed our peace so we are ready and looking and so it doesn't surprise us that it's a big problem and we have to change our lives around now doesn't mean we're ready for it and we're all excited about it but it doesn't surprise us but we knew all of a sudden go from everybody's with your family everybody's doing all the same thing and you're all charismatic or absence or Methodist or Catholic or whatever you are running around or just secular and all of a sudden now you've got this brand-new serious way of looking at things in the vertical understanding that doesn't match what you were doing before and doesn't match them they have a hard time with you changing like that because it disturbs their peace and they don't want their peace disturbed like that he says look I've given them your word and the world hated them because they are not of the world as I am out of the world I do not pray that you should take them out of the world but that you keep them from the wicked now understand and by the way the word one is in there that's added in the in the Greek it's not there so was Ana for treasure you know so look I think he's just saying I pray that you keep them from the wicked not the wicked one that's more Christian thinking the wicked but as the wicked could influence you to be wicked what is wicked going against our observance breaking Commandments said I don't pray did you take them out of the world but keep them from those in the world that are wicked they are not of the world I am NOT of the world as I of the world set them apart in your truth Your Word is truth this is how he did this again a prayer for them and by inference extrapolation whatever way it's it's a prayer for us if we meet the other qualifications he's talking about we love him regard his commands we believe in him we understand who the father is and who the son is and all these other things and we recognize that we're not of the world we recognized this is why people don't like us people have issues with us because they don't like him because he's not of the world he doesn't fit the world's way of doing excuse me the world's way of doing or thinking he just doesn't fit into all of that he says they are not of the world as I am NOT of the world set them apart in your truth so what sets us apart the truth okay the truth looking and John earlier he says and you shall have a relationship with the truth and that relationship with the truth shall set you free and you shall know the truth okay and so that's really important that we have that understanding I believe that's like John 8:36 or something like that 32 okay John 8:32 he says 31 he says so she was said to thee you who'd even believed him right these are ones who believe if you stay in my word same thing he's saying in Chapter 17 if you stay in my word then you are truly my taught ones my disciples not everybody else's does up with mine and you shall have a relationship with the truth and the truth shall make you free that's the key oh you know people read that verse in churches all over play they have no idea what they're reading okay you shall have a relation with the truth I am the way the truth and life john 14:6 the taurah is the truth psalm 119 verse 142 verse 160 okay we got a couple of places in there and then john for john 1:14 there's word the truth puts on flesh the word is truth the Torah's truth issue is the truth how many truths are there okay and that truth makes you free we see Torah truth may them free in the exodus out of out of Egypt Adam it's Ryan we see you schewe truth the same truth setting them free here from the spiritual and and physical bondages in in their day now they weren't set free from under the reign of Rome but in their mind in their hearts in their their being was set free and set free from the slavery to sin that's the slavery that's being set free here all right now bear in mind both in Egypt and I talked about this in the Haggadah but we went through the the Passover Seder last night you have to go through a spiritual setting free before the physical setting free right Yeshua first deals with them here setting them free spiritually the physical freedom is going to come later same thing with Moses before they came out of Egypt they first dealt with all of the plagues who dealt with all of the phony gods of Egypt they had to deal with some spiritual stuff first before they could deal with some of the physical stuff and then they had some more spiritual growth to make before they actually got into the land so they dealt with some more spiritual stuff before they ended up getting into the physical stuff and so understand that's what we still are today dealing with the spiritual stuff so that we could at truly get set free out of the physical stuff John 17 okay verse 19 again and for them I said for them I set myself apart so that they too might be set apart in truth okay I skipped a little bit so 1717 set them apart in your truth Your Word is truth as you sent me into the world I also sent them into the world now you should always send it to the world to do what to show us what it looks like to walk this out right so what do we send in the world to do so everybody what it looks like to walk it out right and to disciple the few that are chosen to be discipled as opposed to just you know preaching this out to the to the you know public and not knocking on doors and trying to proselytize everybody evangelize everybody he says and for them I set myself apart so that they too might be set apart in truth I do not pray for these alone but also this is the where we come in right but also for those believing in me through their word that's us as that awesome that's us right there said Oh pray for them only but for also those believing in me through their word so that they all that includes us now so that they all might be one as you Father are in me and I in you so that they too might be one in us so that the world might believe that you have sent me that's the point right there we're gonna see that again in verse 23 first twenty-two though and the esteem which you gave me I have given them so that they might be one as we are one I am I in them and you and me so that they might be perfected into one so that the world knows that you have sent me and have loved them as you have loved me father I desire that those whom you have given me might be with me where I am so that they see my esteem which you have given me because you have loved me before the foundation of the world Oh writes his father indeed the world did not know you but I knew you and these knew that you sent me and I've made your name your authority known to them and shall make it known so that the love with which you have loved me might be in them and I in them now bear in mind as we're reading this and I'm gonna go forward here and grab something out of okay he says here this is important he says I desire that those that's okay Here I am then verse 23 and you and me so that they might be perfected into one what in the world is he talking about here what does that look like I think this is exactly what Paul is talking about in Ephesians four he says I in them and you and me so that they might be perfected into one so how does that work what does that look like how do we get there Ephesians chapter 4 in verse 11 and he himself gave some his emissaries and some his prophets and some as evangelists and some his Shepherds and teachers for the perfecting of the set of part ones to the work of service to a building up of the body Messiah for what purpose until we all come into the unity of belief of the knowledge of the son of Elohim - a perfect man to the measure of the stature of the completeness of Messiah so that we should no longer be children tossed and born about by every wind of doctrine etc teaching by the trickery of men and cleverness until the craftiness of leading unto the craftiness of leading astray but maintaining the truth in love we grow up in all respects into him who is the head Messiah I in them and you and me so that they might be perfected into one we're going to need the fivefold guys I think Paul was trying to explain John 17 to the Ephesians here this is how that perfecting works there's a process he says look I wanted to pray for those who believe in me through their word well why would we have their word because they were doing the fivefold roles going out there to disciple to teach to prophesy to evangelize to Shepherd the people and so that's how we get to that place so I believe that John we're reading here is being explained to the Ephesians by show Paul is explaining this is how we get there that these people are there to help you in conjunction with the helper the Ruach to get to the place where it's I in them and you in me so that the world will know that you sent me this is the important thing it says so that the world knows that you have sent me and have loved them as you've loved me that's his prayer and it's not just for them this one we can absolutely know is for us as well because he says I do not pray for these alone but for also those believing in me through their word you can't miss read that as saying well that's for us oh absolutely it's for us if we are those believing in him through their word I think we are so I think it's very important that we get that okay so that's gonna conclude our journey into John 14 through 17 and we're gonna get it some more stuff next week but let me go ahead and wrap this up with a prayer father we come before you and father we want to appreciate in the fullness as intended issue was prayer for his disciples as well as for us that father it's his desire and your desire that we not be of the world even though we're here and we're in it and that we'd be set apart and separate as he is set apart a severed knowing that we'll be hated knowing that we'll have issues knowing that we will not be popular but that our job is to esteem father in the son through our walking out the truth and journeying the journey and set apart nests and so father we come to you knowing that this is a hard journey that we're in a place that does not have a love for you in general that hates the things of your desire but loves the things of the flesh of the world and as we stand up and stand out as being different that we draw the attention and the bull's eye becomes drawn on our our backs that people will take aim as we come to you and ask your protection your compassion your mercy as we who trust in you well journey this we're not afraid our hearts are not troubled we're not concerned with what they may do to us as they certainly did plenty to issue and the disciples and all of the early believers and many many others throughout the centuries but father we look to you to protect us and to help us so that we can truly be in you and in issue and have us in you and you and us etc so that we could all be a fat we could all be want to perfect it into one as we come together in your love and we are being fitted together to be as actually the verses and Ephesians would have continued the body fit together and knit together into one and two Anna hod a unity that father only looks ultimately like you as we all are transitioning and conforming to that image as we often say father we know that we are conforming and transforming the image of your son but we're only doing that because we know that that image is your image that he represents you that in transforming into him we are using the only image we can go to the one that interacted with humankind so that we know what it looks like to become like you father so father we want to thank you wanna praise you want to give you a glory and honor as we come before you in seeking the hotness the oneness in the shoe is mighty name Maine Maine I'm aim [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Messianic Torah Observant Israel
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Keywords: mtoi, messianic torah observant israel, steve berkson
Id: df2VevyBIOI
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Length: 69min 44sec (4184 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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