Understanding the Role of Republic Star Fighters

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hi friends welcome back to another episode of generation tech my name is Alan and in our last episode I flash and cleared some Dolphins who had infiltrated my ventilation system we also discussed the roles of various ships being deployed by the separatist alliance during the Clone Wars according to the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 it is illegal to hunt capture or kill dolphins and mortars under the jurisdiction of the United States this law however does not protect dolphins who tried to climb out of the water and attack people in their homes something that according to the FBI's annual crime statistics has increased steadily in the past decade some might say that this is one of the most underreported side effects of global warming as the Seas rise dolphins benefit almost more than any other species here on earth and have slowly been reclaiming coastal areas where human beings used to live which brings me to the conclusion that dolphins are as responsible for the rising sea as much as carbon emissions are because science the more do you know anyway today we're gonna continue our series on to the Galactic Republican look at their Starfighter Corps the Republic was completely unprepared for the Clone Wars and didn't even have large starships other than the Akram ater troop carriers during the opening battle of the war on Geonosis but there was a healthy amount of smaller starship manufacturers that focused on creating ships for personal security or planetary defense forces the Z 95 headhunter was one of the first starships built in a joint venture between income corporations and sub perot-gore per ations it was an extremely well designed starship and would serve as the template for an entire line of Fighters based on the philosophy of balancing protection and survivability with offensive capability and performance armed with two light laser cannons along with eight proton torpedoes the headhunter boasted an excellent amount of firepower along with great maneuverability and top speed a special variant was later created specially for the Grand Army of the Republic as the war progressed the Z 95 was refitted with shields and hyperdrives and there's also ultimately led to the development of the arc 175 and later on x-wing series although the Z 95 was already pretty antiquated by the time of the start of the Clone Wars it was still being widely used by the rebellion during the Galactic Civil War and was even being used by local security forces during the first-order resistance conflict this was partly due to the wide range of aftermarket parts and modifications that could be done to this very versatile ship [Music] the ark 170 was another product of the joint venture between income and sub probe some might say it's a direct continuation of the Z 95 philosophy others might say that the ship was over engineered and had almost an excessive amount of features for one not only was there a pilot there was also a rear gunner and a co-pilot on board as well now the ark in Ark 170 actually stands for aggressive reconnaissance which is actually a very weird concept generally recon missions focus more on stealth rather than firepower the ark 170 was not stealthy he was actually quite large because it had to accommodate three crew members it also had dual blasters pointing backwards on the turrets which was operated by the rear gunner and too massive medium lasers facing forward the medium laser cannons were incredibly powerful which was good and bad good because you could usually demolish an enemy fighter especially the tiny droid fighters in one direct hit bad because the firing rate was slow and energy consumption of these giant cannons was quite high which was why the ark 170 featured s-foils on the wing for heat radiation the ark 170 was also equipped with proton torpedoes and had an incredibly powerful center suite in the early years of the Clone Wars the ark 170 was quite wood useful for the type of missions the Grand Army of the Republic faced for one the separatist alliance had quickly spread from Geonosis and attacked dozens of galactic republic worlds in the following weeks the Republic had to react to all of these simultaneous attacks and lack the resources to address each invasion the ark 170s were perfect because they were able to serve as Scouts and we're also tough enough to enter combat zones and fight their way out in case communications were blocked and they needed to physically bring back scouting reports but as the war went on the ark 170 started engaging in larger skirmishes and battles and quickly its large profile and slower speed started causing problems what made things worse was that when an ark 170 was destroyed it usually killed three clones which is far too costly for the Republic to replace the performance of the ark 170 would eventually convince the Galactic Republic and later on the Galactic Empire to switch to single seater fighters [Music] shortly after the Battle of Geonosis the Republic wants the newly designed Venator class Star Destroyer although similar in shape and appearance the later imperial star destroyer models the republic version was designed around a completely different philosophy that focus less on firepower and more on a carrier mentality carrying up to 400 star fighters each Republic capital ships relied on star fighters for both offensive and defensive supports the V 19 torrent fighter was amongst the first star fighters to be deployed on the Venator class Star Destroyer unlike the headhunters the V 9 teams were especially designed to be placed inside carriers and had folding wings which really decreased their storage space the V 19 was primarily a short-range fighter it lacked a hyperdrive and needed hyperdrive ranks to travel longer distances the ship was incredibly light fast and nimble and was armed with laser cannons and medium concussion missiles this made them better suited to engage separatist fighters which are also very small nimble due to their smaller size and faster speed these would be the first ships launched by Star Destroyers when the entire system the b19 would then provide a defensive screen around the vulnerable hangar doors while other fighters and bombers deploy the v 19 would serve the republic for the entire Clone Wars and was even used by the Galactic Empire on older ship models although the n1 Starfighter is technically a planetary defense for spider I thought it'd be an important ship to talk about because in many ways it's a good representation of the type of ships most planetary defense forces would use in the Republic the n1 is heavily influenced by the local culture from an aesthetic point of view the sleek airframe along with the elegant engine housing makes this Starfighter both simple and beautiful in a very Naboo way armed with blaster cannons and proton torpedoes these patrol craft were mainly used to maintain peace around the booze orbits although they were equipped with hyper drives the n1 rarely left the local system unless they were tasked with a diplomatic escort mission the N ones were land-based like most smaller planets the local Defense Force on Naboo black carriers or larger capital ships therefore was important to the adam-12 have incredibly powerful thrusters to allow them to rapidly ascend into orbit the other large player when it came to starship manufacturing was quite drive yards quite systems engineering quad systems engineering and its subsidiary companies provided the majority of the larger ships for the Republic fleet including the venator class star destroyer and a cleaner class assault ship but they also like to dabble in fighter designs like the Delta 7 ether sprites which surprised is built in a wedge shape the Delta 7 was a ship designed specifically with the Jedi in mind because the Jedi had forced powers many essential systems were taken out of this fighter imagine a motorcycle that ABS traction control or throttle control this in turn made the Delta 72 sprite incredibly lights maneuverable and the controls were also made much more sensitive to take advantage of a Jedi's heightened reflexes and senses as a result what you had was a ship that slashed through enemy formations literally like a dagger [Music] there were more than a few problems with the Delta seven either spite though one was that it lacked the hyperdrive and depended on a docking ring which could be easily destroyed if left unguarded this is a problem for the Jedi who oftentimes traveled in small numbers without supporting fleets to defend their docks the either fight was also very lightly armored and had very weak shields there wasn't even enough room on the fuselage for a full astromech instead of modified half astromech droid had to be used instead the ship was also far too difficult for Nana to pilot which really limited its production and as the war went on many Jedi started complaining about how limited the defences and offenses on the death of several more especially as casualties began to increase amongst the order's ranks this is where the ETA to act this class lay interceptor came into play also designed by Qantas and engineering the ETA was much smaller and lighter than the Delta seven ether sprite and it also featured a full Astra mix socket and improved firepower although it still lacked a hyperdrive and in-house shields the addition of ion cannons made the ship much more useful especially against droid fighters heavy variants of the ETA actus did feature shields and were usually piloted by clones [Music] towards the end of the Clone Wars that quant systems-engineering also released that alphas Numis three Class V wing also featuring a wedge-shaped hole like most of the manufacturers other ships the B wing was a compact short-range fighter designed to replace the V 19 torrent fighter the design really signaled the departure from the Old Republic's mentality of creating balanced survivable ships and said the V Wing was relatively cheap and designed for performance first it featured an unpressurized hold which meant that the pilots had to wear full space suits when piloting a ship the V Wing also featured large s foils that could be folded when stored inside of carriers as they also liked hyperdrives and dependent on hyperdrive rings the V wing was a transitional ship that was quite popular in the early days of the Empire and was eventually replaced by the TIE fighter although it should be noted that Kuantan Janee rings are z1a Wayne basically is the V wing without the S foils so that is our analysis of Republic star fighters as you can see there's two major competing philosophies you have in comes philosophy of balance and survivability and then quite Engineering's focus on performance and basically cheap costs we left the Y wing out of this video because we've covered it in our previous video with the Rebel Alliance although the Republic used more Wild Wings in the Rebel Alliance the Y wing is more commonly associated with the Rebel Alliance well guys I hope you enjoyed today's episode don't forget to subscribe hit that notification button so you don't miss out on the rest of this series as usual thanks for joining us say if you're watching this you are generation deck
Channel: Generation Tech
Views: 123,566
Rating: 4.9527144 out of 5
Keywords: star wars, Galactic REpublic Navy, Old Republic Navy, Grand army of the Republic, Clone Pilots, Arc 170, Eta actis 2 light interceptor, delta 7, Jedi starfighter, Y wing, Z-95 headhunter, Incom corporation, Subpro corporation, v-19 torrent, n-1 starfighter, Delta 7 Aethersprite-Class Light Interceptors, Alpha 3 nimbus class V-wing, Kuat Engineering, Galactic Republic starfighter, role of starships
Id: SsUJPQfdiaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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