Understanding the Role of Republic Capital Ships

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hi friends welcome back to another episode of generation tank my name is Allen and today we're gonna continue our series that looks at the various roles of stars vehicles by going on to the Republic and looking at their larger ships roughly a millennium before the Clone Wars thousands of years of devastating conflict between the Jedi backed Republic and the sit back factions had finally come to an end with a destruction of the Brotherhood of Darkness at the 7th Battle of ruse on the galaxy was tired of the constant chaos and fighting and Chancellor tarus valorum helped push for the rusyn reformation which demilitarized the Jedi leant army of the lights and returned the order back to peacekeeping duties under the supervision of the Supreme Chancellor and judicial department this also led to the dissolution of the Republic Navy and also led to a period of time known as the Golden Age of the Old Republic centuries later Darth Plagueis and his protege Darth Sidious planned on taking over the galaxy by manipulating the Republic's governing system a large part of their plan was creating a huge military force which could back their authoritarian ruling style the root zone reformation force Palpatine and plague is to secretly develop an army outside the view of the Republic governments it was relatively easy for Count Dooku and Darth Sidious to keep the Kaminoan cloning program a secret from the rest of the galaxy only individuals within the cloning community probably have heard of the Kaminoans they are quite xenophobic and isolationist all it took was a simple deletion from the Republic archive maps and all the sudden Kamino didn't exist anymore and you had a massive secret army in production but in order to get those clones to the battlefield safely the Republic also needed starships massive battleships had been outlawed by the ruse on Reformation so Palpatine and Darth Plagueis had to figure out a better way of creating a massive Armada only a few worlds in the galaxy had the industrial capability to produce capital sized ships and a project to create a fleet to protect the galaxy would require a massive amount of energy raw materials and manpower something that would be pretty hard to hide but as always good old pal P mix grim face found away a few ways to prepare the galaxy for war [Music] one of the most essential vessels that needed to be built by the opening Battle of the Clone Wars was a transport vessel for all the clones it didn't matter if the Republic had more than a quarter million troops ready to fight on Geonosis if they didn't have a way to get there now Darth Sidious could have selected some smaller lesser-known out or run shipyard to produce these transports and just hope that they would be able to hide this very secretive project but ultimately Palpatine decides to go with quat dr yards the largest military ship builder in the galaxy now any construction on quantities aliy be discovered by the media and republic civilians living there so instead quat dr yards found a workaround you see around 800 earlier the mineral-rich world of rohana had been discovered and well spaced and have been sold to quad drive yards in the centuries afterwards quat dr yards established a subsidiary company known as Ratana heavy engineering on north ahna a network of mines factories and shipyards have been built on the planets creating a self-sustained shipyard this site became the location of most of quite yards most secretive projects it was here that the acclimate our class assault ship along with the all-terrain tactical enforcer low altitude assault transport and many other vehicles were first developed and tested for the clone army and so at the First Battle of Geonosis only vehicles and vessels that have been designed and produced on Ratana or available for the clone army the acclimate our clients assault ship was a 750 meter long transport designed to carry and house 16,000 clone troopers along with several laa 80s and a TT es a dozen of these ships carried almost 200,000 clones safely to the planet of Geonosis luckily they cut the Geonosians by surprise and there are hardly any defenses in place in orbit to take down these acclimated vessels despite their large size they were very lightly shielded and had very few armaments on them as a matter of fact during the battle Ryloth they were relatively easy to take them with anti-air cannons still the acclimate er was better than just the civilian transports and it would serve the Republic well for the rest of the war as long as had an escort fleet with it [Music] unlike the separatist lines are the Galactic Empire the Republic only needed one capital ship to really win the war I'm of course talking about the venator class Star Destroyer this is perhaps one of the most versatile ships ever designed at 1137 meters it was one of the largest capital ships capable of atmospheric operations at the time this was important because the venator class Star Destroyer could carry around 2,000 troops dozens of walkers transports gunships and even prefabricated bases for deployment all of which could be loaded and offloaded from the ground which made the whole process a lot easier and simpler but perhaps with the Venator class Star Destroyer was known for was its massive hangar which basically ran across the entire middle of the ship this area could hold 192 B wings or v19 torrents and 192 eda actus light interceptors along with 36 ark 170 fighters at the bow of the ship hyperspace docks could be released for away missions for the ships that weren't equipped with hyperdrives one could say with that many fighters being stored on board the vendor Class Star Destroyer was more of a carrier than a typical ship of the line and although the venator class relied heavily on its fighters to attack and defend at close ranges the vendor could hold its own with its eight heavy turbo laser turrets 26 medium dual turbo lasers and a variety of smaller weapons emplacements on the bottom of the ship there was another large hangar door that could accommodate an entire frigate with so many hangars the vendor client star destroyer could easily dispel its entire compliments of fighters within a few minutes but the same time these gaps in the ship represented structural weaknesses and need to be protected by point defense weapons and fighters luckily the vendor featured a pretty powerful shield as well thanks to its powerful main reactor [Music] although the Venator class started to story proved to be very effective for the republic mainly thanks to its massive amount of star fighters on board the republic lacked the true battleship that could trade fire with larger separatist ships like the Providence class or subjugator class at close range this is where the victory class star destroyer comes into play in many ways the victory class served as a template for all future imperial star destroyers introduced in the middle of the Clone Wars by Renan deli star drive and quad drive yards this ship was shorter than the Venator class and 900 metres but much more heavily armed and armoured featured 10 quad turbo laser batteries in 40 double turbo laser batteries the deck of the ship was oriented in a more tiered setting as would be common with all future star destroyers to allow all the guns on the deck to fire on target without obstruction the victory performed incredibly well and was also very cost efficient especially compared to later Imperial models that were a lot larger the victory class represented the future of the Republic and the dread-nots class represented the pass of the old republic the join our class was out in dreadnought though it was a heavy cruiser small by Clone Wars and galactic civil wars period standards this 600 meter compact shift had extremely powerful shields and armor and was very heavily armed what made this ship unique as well was the bridge was actually hidden within the whole the ship which makes a lot more sense in exposed bridge that is placed on a strut on top of the ship that many separatist Republicans peerless ships all had and that was because the dreadnought was a no-nonsense Mandalorian design that focused on function rather than aesthetics although it was primarily designed as a capital ship for planetary security forces the judicial forces also used the dread-nots as well the ship was also used for deep space exploration any job where survivability was a big factor a dreadnought could be found the drone was produced by Randall a start drives which was a corporation known for selling its blueprints to smaller shipyards and allowing them to produce their own versions of the ship which meant the dread-nots came in many many different versions we looked at some of the larger ships in the Republic but now we're gonna look at some of the smaller ships which were much more common and equally as important the petah class frigate was widely used as a medium sized ship for the Republic Navy that did everything from escorting larger ships that delivering medical supplies like the blockade runners that would be used during the rebellion period the pelt the class was extremely modular and could carry troops cargo and even star fighters at 282 metres long it was small enough to fit in most space stations and even inside some larger Republic cruisers originally designed by quat dr yards as a civilian ship armored versions of the palter class was used as a salt craft that could harass and skirmish with enemy frigates and destroyers [Music] prior to the Clone Wars the consular class cruiser was used by diplomats and Jedi unofficial Republic business these 115 meter long Corvettes were very fast and heavily shielded for their size but usually carried no armaments especially diplomatic versions of the ship engineered by Karelian Engineering Corporation the judicial also used the modified version armed with double turbo lasers and concussion missiles small enough to fit inside of another class Star Destroyer hangar these small ships were excellent gunboats they're a small and maneuverable enough to chase down enemy fighters but they also had enough punch to take out larger capital ships the ship required a very small crew which also made an excellent choice for the budget-conscious republic after the rusyn reformation [Music] due to the demilitarization of the Republican was relatively hard for member states to create larger battleships one planner that was able to skirt around regulations was quite drive yards quad drive yards have long been an ally to the Republic and would later stay with the court worlds as other trade in corporate factions would join the Outer Rim CIS this was why Quadra guards was allowed to produce massive warships like the procurator Class Star battle cruiser and later the mandatory 1 and 2 class star dreadknots before defending the extremely important quatuor bill shipyards although they rarely ventured out of the core regions away from quat's the man's or to class star dreadnaught were technically under the command of supreme Palpatine's republic navy and around 8 kilometers long it would be the inspiration for all future imperial star destroyers and the series will be brought back by the first order in the form of the man it's worth 4 class siege dreadknots so because of the ruse on Reformation the Republic just didn't have a large variety of capital ships and a lot of the smaller ships that they did use were kind of civilian ships that were modified for fighting anyway guys I hope you enjoyed today's episode don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification button as usual thanks for joining us today if you're watching this you are generous in tech [Music]
Channel: Generation Tech
Views: 141,035
Rating: 4.9623208 out of 5
Keywords: star wars, galactic Republic, Clone Army, Venator Class Star Destroyer, acclamator class assault ship, grand Army of the Republic, Victory Class Star Destroyer, Dreadnought, dreadnaught, Dreadnought heavy cruiser, Consular Class Cruiser, Pelta Class Frigate, Mandator Class Star Dreadnaught, Role of republic Chips, clone wars, battle of geonosis, Battle of coruscant, Arc 170, V wing, V-19 torrent, y wing, Jedi cruiser, Admiral Wulf Yularen, Roles of starfighters
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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