Understanding The Prophetic Mysteries of Hanukkah

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alright are you ready to get into God's Word today I am too I want you to open your Bibles with me to Daniel chapter eight we're going to begin with verse three in just a moment of course we're talking today about the feast of dedication or Hanukkah Hanukkah being dedication in Hebrew so we want to get right into the prophetic scriptures today because Daniel actually prophesied all the events that transpired during this time in this feast that is a commemoration of these events Daniel spoke of them many many years before they happened and so we want to look at the prophetic verses first and we also want to see that what happened in times past is going to happen again there's nothing new Under the Sun and what the Almighty did in days past he's going to do again all right so we're gonna start with Daniel chapter 8 beginning with verse 3 this is Daniel speaking and I lifted my eyes and look and saw a ram everybody say a ram standing beside the river and it had two horns and the two horns were high and the one was higher than the other and the higher one came up last I saw the RAM pushing westward and northward and southward so that no beast could stand before him and there was no one to deliver from his hand while he did as he pleased and became great so this is talking about the medo-persian Empire and the first and the smaller horn is the horn of the Medes and the second and larger horn is the horn of the Persians the Persians had a much larger military force than the Medes verse 5 and I was observing and saw a male goat everybody say a male goat came from the West so keep this in mind that Greece is west of Persia over the surface of all the earth without touching the ground so this is speaking of the Greek Empire that spread across the earth at such a fast pace it was as if it wasn't even touching the ground and the goat had a conspicuous horn between his eyes and this is the Horn of Alexander the Great and he came to the RAM that had two horns which I had seen standing beside the river that's again the medo-persian empire and ran at it with rage of his power so so the Greek Empire attacked or the Greek forces attacked the medo-persian empire verse seven and I saw him come close to the RAM and he became embittered against him if you know history you know that there were many attacks of the Persians against the Greeks and the Greeks were very embittered toward the Persians and I saw him come close to the RAM and he became embittered against him and struck the RAM and broke his two horns and there was no power in the RAM to withstand him but he threw him down to the ground and trampled on him and there was no one to deliver the RAM from his hand all right so this is saying that Alexander the Great conquered the medo-persian Empire verse 8 and the male goat became very great thus the name Alexander the Great but when he was strong or in his prime the large horn was broken so Alexander actually died when he was 33 years old so very young man in his prime and in place of it for conspicuous ones came up for conspicuous horns came up toward the four winds of the heaven so Alexander divided up his empire into four kingdoms alright look at verse 9 and from one of them this is the Syrian Kingdom came a little horn everybody say a little horn which became exceedingly great toward the south toward the east and toward the splendid land of the Holy Land so this is talking about the Syrian Kingdom and the Syrian Kingdom began to stretch out and and move toward the south the east of course and the Holy Land in its influence so this is speaking of this little horn that became great at speaking of Antiochus the 4th all right he's the Greek king of Syria and he called himself epiphanies which means the visible image of God so he had a deity complex he actually thought he was God verse 10 and it or he Antiochus became great up to the hosts of the heavens and it caused some of the hosts and some of the stars to fall of the earth and trampled them down all right in other words in his arrogance he actually waged war against the hosts of the Most High and keep all these things in mind I'm gonna give you a little clue because Antiochus is a type of the anti Messiah that will come in the last days you'll see that Antiochus his story is very similar to what the scripture says about the anti Messiah verse 11 it even exalted itself as high as the Prince of the host so he imagined subjugating the authority of the Most High and forcing hellenization which is Greek culture and religion on the people of Elohim in the land of Elohim and it took that which is continual away from him in other words Antiochus caused the daily sacrifices to cease in the temple and threw down the foundation of his set apart place in other words he desecrated the temple if you know the story of Hanukkah you know that Antiochus and his military desecrated the temple and built an altar of zeus on top of the holy altar and sacrificed pigs and and put the the blood of the pigs all over the the elements of worship the furniture of worship and and on the Torah scrolls of that day to desecrate them verse 12 and because of transgression an army was given over to the horn to oppose that which is continual and this is a very interesting scripture I don't hear it talk much as it relates to the Hanukkah story but there were many Jews during the time of Alexander and up into the time of Antiochus that actually embraced hellenization they actually forsook the Torah and wanted the Greek culture and wanted the Greek religion there were there were many Jews that were that way and the scripture says because of transgression because of their transgression an army was given over to Antiochus to oppose that which is continual okay so they forsook the Torah they embraced hellenization and Antiochus was empowered as a judgment as a sort of judgment against those transgressing the Torah and keep that in mind that's very important as it as it relates especially to the ante Messiah and what he's going to do in the last days and it threw the truth down to the ground so Antiochus forbade the study of the Torah and keeping up the Sabbath and circumcision the penalty for Torah observance during his day was death he threw the truth to the ground and it acted and prospered verse 13 then I heard a certain set of part one speaking and another set of part one said to that certain one who was speaking till when is the vision concerning that that which is continual in other words the daily sacrifices and the transgression that lays waste all right this is talking about the statue that Antiochus put of Zeus in the most holy place and interestingly enough the image of the Statue of Zeus was his image it was antiochus's image on the Statue of Zeus he literally had a DD complex till when is the vision concerning that which is continual the daily sacrifices and the transgression that lays waste to make both the set apart place the temple and the host to be trampled underfoot so it's trampled underfoot by the pagans verse 14 and he said to me for 2300 nights nights and mornings then that which is set apart the holy temple shall be made right everybody stay made right so this is Daniel prophesying that the temple will be desecrated that the abomination of desolation would be set into place and for a certain period of time this will go on but ultimately the temple shall be made right in other words rededicated we find it right in the scripture it's all in the Bible everything that transpired now look at verse 23 this is prophecy concerning Antiochus it says and in the latter time of their rule speaking of the four kings that followed Alexander the Great you remember he divided up his kingdom into four kingdoms when the transgressors have filled up their measure again it's speaking about the the Jewish people who forsook the Torah and embraced polytheism a sovereign or a king fierce of face and skilled at intrigues everybody say skilled at intrigues he was he was a deceptive man he was a great politician he could convince whole groups of people to do what he wanted them to do fierce efface and skilled at intrigues shall stand up and his power shall be mighty but not by his own power in other words Antiochus was empowered by hasatan himself I believe that why do I believe that because we see he is a type of the anti Messiah and the scripture says that the anti Messiah was empowered by Satan so it wasn't by his own power that he became mighty we know that the anti Messiah of the last days is empowered by Satan and Antiochus is a type of the Anti Messiah and he shall destroy incredibly and shall prosper and thrive see there was something behind his success supernatural power and destroy mighty men and the set-apart people he massacred many many Jewish people verse 25 and through his skill make note of this through his skill he shall make deceit prosper in his hand so he was skillful and deceptive and he was going to make deceit prosper in his hand and hold himself to be great in his heart he was arrogant and prideful and spoke boastfully and destroy many who are at ease and even stand against the Prince of princes he waged war against Elohim yet without hand he shall be broken now this is the prophecy that the Almighty is the one that's going to break him so his his demise will come of the Almighty the Almighty will defeat him and then look at Daniel chapter 11 beginning with verse 31 it says then strong ones shall arise from him in other words a great military force will be sent out by Antiochus and profane the set apart place the stronghold that's speaking of the city of Jerusalem and shall take away that which is continual that's the daily sacrifices and set up the abomination that lays waste again that's the Statue of Zeus in the most holy place so Antiochus did all of these things he set up the abomination of desolation the Statue of Zeus in the Holy of Holies and Daniel prophesied that it would be done look at verse 32 and by flatteries everybody say flatteries he shall profane those who do wrong against the covenant who was doing wrong against the covenant those who are in the Covenant so by flatteries he would profane the Jewish people who would prefer to be Hellenized those who would prefer to forsake Torah and be like the Gentile world felt like they'd have less trouble it's probably true if they were like the Gentiles and they embraced hellenization they embraced the Greek culture and the Greek religion as a matter of fact if you know the story of metathesis and how he resisted making a sacrifice to the Greek gods there was a Jewish man that stepped up according to the Maccabees and began to make a sacrifice well Mattathias slew him and then he also slew the representative of Antiochus and that's what started the revolt but but Daniel saw all of this in a vision it says by flatteries he shall profane those who do wrong against the covenant but the people who know their Elohim shall be strong and shall act now this is speaking of the Maccabees who led the revolt against Antiochus all right so this type of anti Messiah Antiochus he's arrogant he has a deity complex he's deceptive he's a shrewd politician and he's able to profane those who do Rome against the Covenant and there were many of those again you don't hear this part of the story very often but it's true but I love this next phrase daniel said but the people who know their lle shall be strong and shall act the Almighty is going to empower a small band of pious believers to rise up against this type of the anti Messiah and restore the pure form of worship as defined by the Torah now what I when I speak of all these things you need to apply these things to our our current journey and what the almighty is up to in the days that we're living in because there are those who are willing to go along with worldly culture and this idea of all religions becoming one you hear more and more religious leaders talking about the one world religion we're in the day where we're seeing that begin and so there will be many the apostate church will be swept into that but those who know their Elohim will be strong and do exploits can you say men so let's talk about the Maccabees here for a moment one of the groups which opposed Antiochus was led by mana Theus it has mo nian and his son Judah are yahudah who was called Maccabee Maccabee means the hammer by say the hammer i love that i love that name that nickname the hammer I mean this guy must have been a tough guy amen we know he was an expert military strategist empowered by the wisdom of the almighty says Yehuda became the military strategist of a small band of pious Jews who engaged in guerrilla warfare against a Syrian Army Antiochus sent thousands of well-armed troops to crush the rebellion but the Maccabees with the help of Elohim succeeded in driving the foreigners from their land and this military victory in spite of overwhelming odds is the true miracle of Hanukkah all right if you want to know what the true miracle of Hanukkah is it's that the almighty empowered a very small group of rebels so to speak who was able to conquer this huge Syrian army with the help of the Almighty amen that that is the true a victory of Hanukkah according to historical accounts when Jewish fighters entered Jerusalem the holy temple was in shambles defiled and desecrated by foreign soldiers and on the third year anniversary of the desecration of the temple on the twenty-fifth day of Kislev Temple worship was reestablished by the Maccabees the altar in all of the vessels used in the earlier sacrilege were destroyed and replaced with new ones the menorah was relit and the temple was rededicated and this rededication or Hanukkah is what is celebrated today so go with me over to Matthew chapter 24 we're going to begin with verse 15 here just a moment and it's important for believers to be familiar with these events that Daniel prophesied and these events that came to pass because Yahshua prophesized that the exact same type of thing the same event will happen in the end of days look at matthew chapter 24 starting with verse 15 you're sure said so when you see the abomination that lays waste your Bible may say the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet set up in the set-apart place or the rebuilt temple so it's going to happen again there's going to be a fulfillment of this picture that Antiochus was of the anti Messiah who's also going to have a deity complex and wants to be worshipped and he's going to set up his image in the Holy of Holies and Yeshua said when you see that happen he who reads let him understand then let those who are in Yehuda Judea flee to the mountains let him who is on the housetop not come down to take whatever out of his house and let him who is in the field not turned back to get his garments and woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing children in the days and pray that your flight does not take place in winter or on the Sabbath in it interesting that Yeshua expects his disciples to be observing the Sabbath at the end of days this is a prophecy concerning the end of days the end of time and Yeshua says pray that your flight does not take place in the winter or on the Sabbath so when you see this abomination of desolation it's time to get out it's time to make your escape can you say Amen where's 21 for then there shall be great distress such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time no nor ever shall be and if those days were not shortened no flesh would be saved but for the sake of the chosen ones those days shall be shortened hallelujah we see in daniel chapter 9 beginning with verse 27 it says and he the anti-messiah shall confirm a covenant with many most likely it's a covenant of peace between Israel and the Arabs when you think about it if the anti Messiah is able to accomplish this he will have accomplished something that no presidents been able to do that men have tried for years and years and no one's been able to do by being able to forge this type of peace between Israel and and the Arabs this one known as the Animus ayah is going to be highly revered I'm going to be considered a man of peace when they cry peace and safety you remember what Paul wrote then sudden destruction comes upon them so the anti Messiah shall confirm a covenant with many for one week it's actually for seven years and in the middle of the week three and a half years into it he shall put an end to slaughtering and meal offering what's he doing the same thing Antiochus did he stops the daily he stops the sacrifice all right so the scripture tells us there's some sort of a rebuilt temple in those days and the sacrifices begin again you have this covenant of peace for seven years may very well be that the temple and the Muslim mosque are on the Temple Mount at that time it's some sort of peace that's been forged the anti Messiah can only take so much of the true worship of elohim after three and a half years he's done with that and he comes in because he's been so celebrated that he's been able to forge this peace people are already worshiping him that he just declares himself as Antiochus did Epiphanes the visible image of elohim and he wants to be worshipped see what happens when religion causes a void of law you have lawlessness and lawlessness is the environment in which the lawless one will rise up you don't want any law I'm gonna step in you don't want to listen to the Almighty then you'll listen to me and then he becomes the law and he requires that the people worship Him well of course the Jews are not going to worship Him and when they refuse then you have this multinational military force that comes against Israel to destroy the Jewish people it's the same story folks it's Antiochus all over again you can learn what's about to happen if you go back and study what has already happened can you say Amen and in the middle of the week three and a half years into this covenant he shall put an end to slaughtering and meal offering and on the wing of abominations he shall lay waste even until the complete end and that which is decreed is poured out on the one who lays waste all right in other words Yeshua is going to come and he's going to utterly destroy the anti Messiah the Maccabees are a type of Yeshua look at second Thessalonians chapter 2 beginning with verse 3 what did Paul teach about the anti Messiah says let no one deceive you in any way because the falling away is to come first while falling away believers falling away from the truth just like the Jews who wanted to embrace the Greek culture and Greek religion there was a falling away in that day and they'll be a following away in the time to come the church will become an apostate Church only those who have an ear to hear will avoid the deception and the falling away the vast majority of those who call themselves religious will be deceived by the anti Messiah and the people will look and it will appear like it's the right thing all religions coming together to be one to forge some sort of religious peace it looks good it sounds good it's of the flesh they that know their Elohim will be strong and do exploits you have to know your Elohim you have to know his word you need a deep personal intimate relationship with Yeshua in the ruach ha'qodesh so that you are not to see in this hour can you say men the longer I continue in ministry and the more I watch religion develop as it is the more concerned I am for thousands upon thousands of people who call themselves Christians who do not know the truth and do not have a love for all the truth and without even knowing it they're supporting the mystery of lawlessness they are falling into the deception of the law less they're participating in creating this void of law so that the lawless one will then rise up and become the law you'll take his mark or you'll die hallelujah that no one deceive you in any way because the falling away is to come first what comes first has the falling away already somewhat begun and the man of lawlessness in that interesting that the scripture defines the anti Messiah as the lawless one does the scripture define your shoe as the lawless one the scripture defines Joshua as to what the righteous wine he's the one who obeyed the Torah of Elohim perfectly and he said follow me so you have those two contrasted one is the righteous one and the other is the lawless one so you can pick which one you want to follow the men of lawlessness is to be revealed the son of destruction who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called Elohim or that is worshipped just as Antiochus did you remember he waged war against the Most High I believe Antiochus was empowered by hasatan we see that the Animus I will be empowered by how Satan by Satan who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called Elohim so so who else do you know who's exalted himself above Elohim I will exalt myself above the stars of elevate so when I read this I hear the hiss of Satan Antiochus said the same thing did the same thing so that he sits as Elohim in the dwelling place of Elohim showing himself that he is Elohim he has a deity complex he wants to be worshipped by the world verse 5 do you not remember that I told you this while I was still with you and now you know what restrains well what restrains what restrains is what has to come first and that's the falling away falling away from the truth must come first and this merging into the one-world religion for him to be revealed in his time speaking of the anti Messiah for the secret of lawlessness is already at work so this is Paul saying even in his day the secret of lawlessness was already at work in other words these things are already in place this outcome will take place there's nothing that will stop this outcome the wheels are already turning for the secret of lawlessness is already at work only until he who now restrains comes out of the midst the anti Messiah is going to come out of the midst of the masses he's going to come out of the midst of the people and then the lawless one shall be revealed in other words then you'll see him you're not gonna see him until he comes out of the midst of the people until he rises up out of the midst of the masses and people want to say oh well this one's the anti Messiah that was the end of Messiah and there everybody's guessing about who the anti Messiah is oh you will know soon enough verse eight and then he the lawless one shall be revealed notice whom the master Yahshua shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and bring to naught with the manifestation of his coming so there is one coming who's going to utterly destroy the Animus isle and his name is Yeshua amen he's the one we serve hallelujah Yahshua is the ultimate Maccabee when you celebrate the this time Hanukkah you talk about the Maccabees always remember Yeshua is the ultimate Maccabee they're only a type verse nine the coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan with all power and signs and wonders of falsehood in other words deception remember I told you Antiochus was a shrewd politician he was flattering people he was able to get his way he was deceiving people the coming of the lawless one the mostly anti-messiah is according to the working of hasatan with all power and signs and wonders of falsehood and with all deceit of unrighteousness in those perishing who's going to be deceived those who are perishing notice it is the seat of unrighteousness because why they did not receive the love of the truth psalm 119 160 says the sum of your word is truth and all of your right rulings are forever they did not receive a love of the truth they love their religion more than the truth they love their traditions of men more than the truth there's nothing new Under the Sun the same thing was taking place at the time of Antiochus and it's going to happen again in the future let's read verse 10 again and with all deceit of unrighteousness and those perishing because they did not receive the love of the truth in order for them to be saved if you want to be saved people say well I walked around repeated a prayer that's not what the scripture says it says you have to love have a love of the truth to be saved it's more than just one prayer where you get by religion you get a get-out-of-jail-free card you buy yourself a little piece of the rock a little life insurance it's false insurance because it's he who endures to the end will be saved he you as a love of the truth will be saved verse 11 and for this reason elohim sends them a working of delusion see if you've thrown your hat in with the anima saya not only do you have the delusion of the enemy side you also have the delusion of the almighty if you side up with the anti Messiah the scripture says that the almighty is going to allow for a working of delusion for them to believe the falsehood shall I read it again verse 11 and for this reason elohim sends them elohim sends them a working of delusion for them to believe the falsehood you remember Antiochus used flattery and deception to profane those who did wrong against the covenant there will be people doing wrong against the covenant in the future who would prefer religion and traditions and these carnally minded thoughts of all religions coming together they'll be deceived verse 12 in order that all should be judged who did not believe the truth but have delighted in the unrighteousness so you don't believe the truth you're gonna delight in unrighteousness call it what you want verse 13 but we ought to give thanks to Elohim always for you brothers beloved by the master because Elohim from the beginning chose you to be saved come on you could say it better hallelujah right there instead of partners of spirit and belief in the truth unto which he called you by our good news for the obtaining of the esteem of our master Yeshua Messiah this is the good news of Chanukah verse 15 so then brothers stand fast are you a Maccabee what does the spirit tell us stand fast hold your ground and hold the traditions which you were taught whether by word or by our letter don't let anybody come and steal the truth from you don't let religion back you up on your heels people that want to criticize you people that want to call you the devil people that want to say you believe heresies you hang on to the truth don't back up hold on to what you've been taught notice it says in our master Yeshua Messiah himself the ultimate Maccabee and our Elohim and father who has loved us and given us everlasting encouragement and good expectation through favor verse 17 encourage your hearts and establish you in every good word and work he's going to establish you he's going to establish you in every good word you're gonna have the word of yah in your mouth and in every good work Yeshua said let your light so shine before men that they would see your good works what is what is that good works obedience to the commandments and have a desire to glorify your Abba your father who's in the heavens amen so quickly go with me over to John chapter 10 Yahshua used the backdrop of the feast of dedication to declare himself the ultimate Maccabee alright John chapter 10 beginning with verse 22 it says at that time the Hanukkah or the feast of dedication came to be in Jerusalem and it was winter and Yeshua was walking in the set-apart place he was walking in the holy temple in the porch of Shalom oh all right so in Solomon's porch it's important that we understand that Hanukkah is not one of the three feasts that that yah has mandated that all Hebrew males attend in Jerusalem all right but Yeshua chose to be there he traveled he arrived he was in the temple at the feast of dedication we don't see him speaking against the festival if he was all against the festival we might have some scripture that tells us he was all against the festival we don't see him showing any displeasure toward it but he uses this celebration as the backdrop to announce his Messiahship and his oneness with the father let's read it together verse 24 so the yahudim the jews surrounded him and said to him how long do you keep us in suspense if you are the Messiah say to us plainly okay says Judah Maccabee was a mighty deliverer who set the people free from the tyranny of Antiochus they wanted to know if your schewe was the Messiah who would deliver them from the rule of Rome and re-established the Kingdom of Israel you know that's what they're thinking because it's the time of dedication they had all these themes running through their mind and so they corner him and they're asking him are you the Messiah how long do you keep us in suspense if you are the Messiah say to us plainly look at verse 25 Yeshua answered them I have told you and you do not believe the works that I do and my father's name they bear witness concerning me in other words I'm doing what only the father can do these works bear witness unto me verse 26 but you do not believe because you're not of my sheep as I said to you my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me all right so there was where was this mass of Jewish people at the time of Antiochus they wanted to embrace hellenization they were forsaking the Torah and yet there was one family that rose up and said we're gonna follow Elohim It was as if a line was drawn in the sand and they needed to decide who were they gonna follow and Yeshua is saying during this time of the feast of dedication I already told you that I'm Messiah but you won't believe why because you're not of my sheep you're not following me my sheep hear my voice my sheep hear my battle cry my sheep follow my directives my sheep will go into battle with me against tyranny amen my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me and I give them everlasting life and they shall by no means ever perish they're not going to be destroyed and no one shall snatch them out of my hand like Antiochus snatched away many of the Jews who are willing to be Hellenized there was a snatching away in that day and Yeshua says those that follow me will not be snatched away there's no power of Darkness that could snatch them away out of my hand hallelujah he says I give them everlasting life they shall by no means perish they're not gonna die they won't be destroyed they won't be conquered and no one shall snatch them out of my hand my father who has given them to me is greater than all well greater than what greater than any tyrannical dictator greater than any demonic force greater than any any Messiah greater than ha Satan himself my father is greater than all which team do you want to be on my father who has given them to me is greater than all and no one is able to snatch them out of my father's hand see as Antiochus tried to stamp out the true worship of the Almighty and Rome was going to destroy the temple in a few short decades yeshua declared that no power no power is able to snatch his sheep out of his father's hand you think about that and then he makes this declaration i and my father are one hot one isn't it interesting that while the people are celebrating the deliverance of the Jewish people from Antiochus who called himself epiphanies the visible image of Elohim that Yeshua takes the opportunity to declare himself to be the true visible image of Elohim he said I and my father are one don't think for a second they didn't understand exactly what he was implying that's why the feast of dedication was the perfect time to make these declarations about himself in another place he says if you've seen me you've seen the father just as Judah Maccabee was the leader of those who revolted against the evil Antiochus Yeshua is using the backdrop of this festival to declare that his sheep hear his voice and he knows them and they follow his leadership he says I'm going to give them everlasting life they shall by no means perish and no one shall snatch them out of my hand not even the anti Messiah and then he says my father who has given them to me is greater than all and no one is able to snatch them out of my father's hand in other words the victory is sure in me that's what he said in essence the victory is sure in me see if you follow the world if you follow the voices of men if you follow religion if you follow the traditions of men you're going to be led astray you're going to be deceived but if you follow your schewe because he's the Good Shepherd the one who gave his life for the Sheep he'll not lead you astray he'll lead you into complete victory amen over all the forces of darkness what power of darkness is greater than your schewe there are none Yeshua yah saves Yeshua at the right hand of the power of the Almighty he can deliver us from any tyranny from any deception can you say men I want to close with a couple of final thoughts I believe the festival of dedication or rededication prophetically depicts what yah is doing in the body of Messiah today Yeshua is calling for his to make herself ready we are to forsake pagan ways and traditions of men false religious practices an embrace Bible ways embrace his ways and walk in them first John two and six says the one who says he stays in him or abides in Yeshua ought himself also to walk even as or just as he Yeshua walked so Yeshua is our example he is our Shepherd he is our leader can you say men we follow him we could truly boil it down to the essence as Yeshua called his disciples he said follow me you're safe when you follow him you're safe when you love what he loved when you hate what he hated when you say what he said when you do what he did when you live the way he lived you're safe and all of his disciples who abide in him we're not talking about religion and those that claim to be a part of a certain religion we're talking about those who abide in Yeshua they walk even as he walked Jeremiah chapter 23 and verse 28 I want to close with this thought it says the Prophet who has a dream let him relate the dream and he who has my word let him speak my word in truth by the way the ruach ha'qodesh empowers all of us to be prophetic and the prophet who has a dream let him tell the dream the scripture says that we're going to be filled with the ruach ha'qodesh with the set-apart spirit and young men are going to see visions and old men are going to dream dreams that's for us in this day that we're living in every believer has a certain element of the prophetic within them if you have the Ruach if you have the spirit you have the prophetic the prophetic is to proclaim and to declare the word of Elohim and when you're anointed you have that prophetic element the Prophet who has a dream let him relate his dream let him let him tell his dream and he who has my word let him speak my word and truth this is interesting what is the chaff to the wheat if you were to ask the wheat what is the chaff to you well the chaff is obviously something that needs to be removed and burned amen there's a lot of chaff in the world there's a lot of Chaffin and religion there's a lot of chaff in man-made traditions these things need to be removed and burned verse 29 is not my word like a fire declares yah a fire that burns up the chaff the Bible says in the last days many will be deceived because they didn't possess a love of the truth notice it says in like a hammer that shatters a rock yirme'yahu said the word of Yas within me like fire shut up in my bones and I grew weary of holding it back and I could not at one point he was almost ready to quit because no one would listen to his message the message he was speaking from from yah he says but the word of y'all was within me like a fire a blazing fire an inferno in my bones and I grew weary of holding it back tried to quit but I couldn't I had to let it go because the word is a fire but the word is also a hammer Maccabi Maccabee elohim strewth is the original Maccabee the original hammer and if you love truth over man's traditions you will become a modern-day Maccabee I believe I'm looking at modern-day Maccabees right here today amen one who separates the chaff from the wheat and breaks down pagan altars and man-made traditions that run contrary to the to the truth one who restores the altar of the true worship of Elohim in spirit and in truth and becomes the menorah light of the world hallelujah Yeshua said in Matthew 5 verse 14 you are the light of the world it is impossible for a city to be hidden on a mountain nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket but on a lampstand and it shines to all those in the house let your light so shine before men so that they see your good works again obedience to Torah have a love for the truth and praise your father who is in the heavens hallelujah you
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Keywords: Triumph Family, Triumph In Truth, TNT, G. Steven Simons, Hebraic Roots, Hebrew Roots, Hanukkah, Feast of Deedication, Prophetic, Anti-Messiah, Anti-Christ, Falling Away, Jesus, Yeshua, Messiah, Christ, God, Elohim, YAH, El, Lord, Prophetic Mysteries of Hanukkah, Deceived, Mistakes, Repeated, Learn the lessons, History
Id: axz492LSH0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 2sec (3182 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2017
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