Understanding the Genuine Student (GS) Requirement: Changes to Australian Student Visas Explained

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hi welcome to another video of professional visa and education services my name is [Music] PIP well today I'm going to talk about um The Hot Topic that's been going around um in terms of a student visa program the previous genuine student requirement uh is coming on place and the intended commencement date is from 20 3rd of March 2024 well um many of us have already witnessed a single page of poster that's been um you know out there in social media and we still have received enormous amount of inquiries from cins and all the people um in our social media trying to understand what sort of difference has it been um because you know obviously there was a GT requirement in place often known as a minister Direction 69 and now that it's becoming a GS requirement well what's this is all about so obviously the GS requirement is planned to comment from uh for student visa applications losted on or after 23rd of March so literally after three days from today but um having said that I will take you on a two parts of this video um what I'll trying to explain you about what was a GT requirement that's I'm sitting at the moment which is Minister Direction 69 and then what sort of um you know changes are we going to see in upcoming future so the first thing about the minister Direction 69 is it's all about establishing the genuine temporary entrance so many of you have already been aware by now um during the course of your um student visa tourist visas many times um the department or the um you know immigration wants to see that the person has a genuine intention to come to Australia and there are certain circumstances that uh the delegate of Department home affs takes into account when it comes to you know making a decision in a visa application which is you know basically like your circumstances um what sort of circumstances you have in your home country and why Australia and you know what's the potential circumstances in Australia like your family toys your Community ties and then moving forward with you know the course that you're intending to study in Australia what sort of value does it brings to your future and then your obviously the previous immigration history if you're applying for extension in Australia and then if um eventually when you go back home what sort of um you know situation that you can sort of change in your um circumstances is doing that particular course and how can it help back to you in your home country but now that's been sort of you know explained in more details but obviously the new two Minal direction as suggested hasn't come into play yet but I've got a explanatory statement that sort of tells us what sort of you know changes are they looking at because the way the DS requirement would be changed is definitely there will be a portion of the GT requirement as I said you know the applicant circumstances including family toys Community employment your choice choice of you know choosing the course and reason for choosing Australia as you studied it um destination what s of course that you do what benefits it provides you and then obviously you study history and everything like that well now it will be amended in a way that the applicants will be requ why to confirm and understand what the genuine student means and confirm certain things as opposed to you know the same basically stuff so now this is the second part of what's been changed so the explanatory statement RS outs as the subclass 500 student visa allows international student to enter study and work in Australia for the duration of the Visa holders studies previously in order for a subass 500 to be granted an applicant needed to satisfy the requirement that they intend to genuinely stay in Australia temporarily this formed part of the assessment whether an applicant is genuine student however as many International students intend to seek permanent residents in Australia following completion of their course the requirement created a confus us and potentially discouraged future migration to Australia a subclass 500 Visa can be legitimate Pathway to permanent resident where a student study May provide them a skills to F the Australian skills shortages the purpose of this amendment is to strengthen the assessment of a students intention to genuinely study in Australia and more effectively identify any non genuine International students seeking to enter Australia for the purposes other than study as amended the genuine student Criterion supports an assessment by the decision maker that the Visa applicant is genuinely applicant for an entry stay as a student having regard to number of sing factors including the applicant circumstances immigration history complies with the VISA conditions in any other relevant matter now moving forward as I said the Highlight which is the part of why the amendment has come into play because if we look at the previous legislative requirement that you would need to prove that you know you are in the country for you know as a genuine students side and for temporary so what amendment is coming in place is obviously as is rightly said in the explanatory statement that the international students who come to Australia after their completion of the course they intend to apply for permanent resident and try to fulfill the shortages that's been sitting um in Australia at the moment and the legislation sort of says it's been you know confusion and then it was created on a confusion basis what if for example if I have to make it more clearer for you um you studied some sort of course in Australia you applied for a graduate visa and then during that course of time you want to stay in Australia and apply for the permanent Visa now that youve already said in the student visa that you know you just want to come temporarily but the confusion here is the migration program allows you to um you know sort of apply for the permanent Visa while on your um you know after your completion of the student visa so that's the one thing that um explanatory statement highlights and definitely it's a you know true and right because that that should be sort of um you know removed the word um temporarily should be omitted out of the legislation is what they have mentioned and then further to that all um it's trying to say is you don't need to have like you know seven eight pages of um um you know seven eight pages of you know standard form of the GT requirement saying why Australia you know what's your back time blah blah blah and the D so many things however now what's going to happen is it will be 300 word statement in the student visa application form itself with the targeted question this question will provide the decision maker with an overview of the applicant and their reasons for wanting to stud in Australia and then further it should be supported by the evidence as usual so the intended will cover as I said in the uh previous part basically the portion of the GT requirement which is your current circumstances your family ties uh economic ties employment ties an explanation of your course and the reason for choosing Australia as your study destination what benefits the course provides to the applicant for applicants with a study history in Australia your study history and for applicants holding a Visa other than a student visa the reasons for applying student visa and any other relevant information the applicant wishes to provide so it's it's made of in know short and subtle way to sort of you know just answer those targeted questions within the 300w like for example you were on a student visa you wanted to extend because you couldn't finish the course on a due time you just have to tell them you know okay this is what I was doing and this is why I want to you know further um apply for my student visa because I want to finish my course and everything but more so over the second thing that um as I said that's been highlighted in the um explanatory statement is the word temporary because it creates a confusion potentially discourages the future migration to Australia and a subclass 500 can be a leged pathway to permanent resident where a student studies May provide them to them the skills to fill the Australian skill shortages so it's about encouraging student to sort of work in your skill sector and then sort of help Australia ffing their you know skill shortage which is often known as um you know skill vases um that we often talk about and then more so over not to go again and again in a lengthy process of you know six seven P of you know all your datas and histories that you will be putting and more so of the standard template that we have in the past of the minister Direction 69 but they want to see your intention is genuine to study in Australia and try and filter the non- genuine student who is sort of just finding a way to come to Australia for different other purposes so well that's all about it guys so I hope this video was more so over clear because obviously everyone had a confusion about oh what's this GS requirement does that mean like you know I will not be able to apply for my student visa is it more like you know a rigorous process or is it something that you know um it's going to make sense to us in upcoming future if we apply for the student visa well the answer is definitely yes because all they're trying to make the amendment on the part of the legislation is not to have the confusion around on the people's um you know circumstances and then more so over have the targeted question well that's all about it for today and obviously as we move further we get the immigration update we'll try and bring it out to you guys thanks so much for watching this video if you like um to book for our consultation you can always hop into our website www.pro.com and you can always book in your first free half an hour consultation and talk about your migration Journey with us until then thanks so [Music] much
Channel: Provisa Channel
Views: 1,375
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Keywords: #immigration, #immigrationlawyer, #immigrationlaw, #immigrationconsultant, #immigrationreform, immigratiotoaustralia, nsw immigration news, nsw immigration, immigration news australia, immigration news, immigration news australia latest, immigration news latest, immigration news 2021, immigration australia, immigration australia update, immigration border, migration news australia, australian migration news, migration agent, migration lawyer, migration agent australia
Id: 6ZzmGkYfEsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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