Understanding The Four Prophetic Gifts, Pt 1, David Hairabedian

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first Corinthians chapter 12 Apostle Paul wrote this and under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit Paul understood the gifts to this dirty operated in all the gifts of the Spirit and that's why he was able to teach on the gifts he said in first Corinthians chapter 12 verse 1 now concerning spiritual gifts brethren I would not have you to be ignorant turn to your neighbor and say neighbor don't be raised god there's nobody that's going to be ignorant in here tonight there's a difference between being ignorant and being stupid ignorant is we just don't know but after tonight we're going to know so don't be stupid we're not operating these gifts and I say that and the most loved it's possible because I've been stupid all things for and after I was ignorant 1st Corinthians chapter 12 verse 7 it says but the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit with all threats the body of Christ is what the gifts of God were given for to benefit other people within the body and so gifts aren't given just to us they're really given through us to other people amen so four to one is given by the holy spirit the word of wisdom to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit to another faith by the same spirit to another gifts of healing by the same spirit one spirit many gifts amen so to another the working of miracles to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits or distinguishing the spirit to another diverse kinds of tongues and to another interpretation of tongues but all these yes worketh that one and the selfsame spirit dividing to will God wants to give a multiplicity of gifts not just to you but through you because they're for others to meet their needs the gifts of the Spirit profit the church with all where they build up they strengthen they help the body of Christ be established in the faith and because Roma and then tonight we're going to hone in on what I refer and other ministers referred to as the four prophetic gifts first we need to identify what a prophetic gift or prophecy is the gift of prophecy in its simplest definition is to hear from God and to speak to men or to speak to others so prophecy is hearing from God and communicating God's mind and his heart to other people God's heart is a heart of love so the more you flow in the gift of prophecy the more you'll flow in the gift of are the fruit of love amen you ever get around people that are kind of angry prophets you know they're kind of like this but now they probably have a prophetic gift but they're not perfected in love yet and we're all growing from faith to faith in Minister grace and sometimes you'll get a word of knowledge or word of wisdom and we're going to identify definitions for those here before too long but here's what happens as prophetic people we have a tendency to see things black and white you know it's like okay well that's right that's wrong you need to get on one side of the upper and sometimes there's a grace to come out of wrongness and into rightness and the same grace that we give others God will cause others to give to us so it's always good to extend grace isn't it quick a quick illustration if I walked up to you and I said where did you buy that shirt versus where did you buy that shirt big difference same words one is inquisitive the others accusatory right so when we talk with people it's always wisdom to ask a question inquisitively because you'll get a response from them that's probably more appropriate Jesus never gave an answer to anyone who asked a question terally he always spun but everyone who asked a question to him inquisitively he responded to because they were teachable and they wanted to learn God's not upset when you ask him a question inquisitive Li he loves to answer that but how many times do you get a response from him when you asked accusatory then why should it be with God's people when we ask them a question accusatory verse inquisitively it's always good to minister is people in love and humility and remember this you don't have to tell people everything God showed you you just tell them pieces and the Holy Spirit will do the rest and then sometimes we have a tendency to want to fill in the gaps when he only gives us pieces and we want to become holy ghost' junior and turn it into a quartet instead of a Trinity type it so here whatever we need to give God space to move in that person's life and remember if you were on the receiving end of a prophetic word that you've given what you want to receive it Minister it in love to where you would be able to receive it okay so the definition of prophecy is to hear from God and to speak to manage to be noted that the gift of prophecy always must communicate not only God's words but also God's heart and God is love and he speaks to his children in love first Corinthians chapter 14 verse 3 New International Version says this that the gift of prophecy is to strengthen encourage and comfort so through the gift of prophecy we're to strengthen encourage and comfort not to bash well you're going to hell because you didn't no no no I will say this when you flow in the simple gift of prophecy for encouragement and comfort God will begin to trust you with a higher level of gifting and then he will send you to people for correction instruction and if necessary rebuke but remember it will be in a heart of love like a father or a mother sometimes has to correct their child in tough love because they care for them enough the wounds of a friend are faithful but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful but for the purposes of what we're talking about tonight let's stay in the strengthening encouragement and comfort mode of prophetic until we start to climb into a higher level of gifting and we did not just God's mind but his heart full of love and then okay so the four prophetic gifts were enough to what is a word of knowledge sometimes you hear separate from a pulpit I'm getting a word of knowledge we're getting organized you're like we're going to go through that tonight Lord knows we're going to give an example a would acknowledge a definition it's a specific fact about a person a place or an event that was not obtained through natural means it could be someone's name occupation birthday birthplace details about their past history or other information about them it generally contains no directional guidance just facts or information hence its name a word of knowledge so you get a snippet about somebody how could it come it could come through a vision you can hear the still small voice of the Holy Spirit he might say to you the number 22 you're thinking the number 20 turn 22 so you might just say you know I don't know what's going on and I just I hear a word of knowledge about the number 22 and somebody in the congregation Oh see it means something to them it birthed faith in them and enabled them to latch on to what God wanted to give him releases into their life another way of or knowledge operates sometimes when when I'm in the pulpit and God wants to heal people I'll feel a pain in my body where the Lord wants to heal somebody and it'll be specific to me also I'll be preaching and all of a sudden get a pain like right on the outside of my knee and I'll be like what is going on and all of a sudden the Holy Spirit will remind me that this is one of the ways he speaks through the five prophetic senses spiritual smell spiritual sight you can see in the realm of the Spirit while spiritual hearing spiritual taste and spiritual feeling and I'll simply say is there somebody that's got a problem in their knee right here and sometimes there will be silence and a person won't want to connect with that work because they don't want to be embarrassed or they think well that can't be me why would God want to heal me I'm not worthy to be healed and so then God will give a second quart of knowledge and it'll be more detailed all of a sudden you might hear the still small voice or you'll see an image of how they tweaked or damaged their knee and what they were carrying when it happened now the sudden you say that what's it do it identifies and targets that person's situation through a word knowledge facts or information about something you could not have known my natural means because they're the only ones that know where it happened now all of a sudden faith spikes up in them and they're able to latch into that and receive from the world faith comes by hearing hearing by the word or and here's what happens when the Holy Spirit speaks that when that person now knows it's God's will to heal them they come up and healings happen just instantly a lot of times you'll just speak receive that healing now just get up and begin to walk on it and it's done you can just go right back to the servant because God's heart is so much a heart of love remember the gifts aren't just to us they're through us they're for others amen so a word acknowledged can operate in a number of ways but remember it's just that it's knowledge it information it doesn't normally have direction with it and so don't speak beyond what God has given you remember the Holy Spirit is well able to confirm to that individual or individuals or congregation really what he wants to speak to them personally your job is to simply recent given the way you received it here's another thing when you get a word of knowledge you might even tell people and this really is a teachable type wait a minute sir and the gifts is you might just share them this is what's happening I'm having the vision and this is what I'm seeing it's a film clip and this is and you just describe what you're seeing and so you don't even have to have the interpretation why because if you just communicate what you've got God will be able to do the rest a lot of times other times people are a little sometimes obstinate to the things of God and they don't necessarily step in to connect in faith right away especially if there is kind of a religious mindset in the congregation and they've never seen the gifts in operation so they're afraid to get kicked out of the synagogue if they connect with the Holy Spirit in the service they might lose their position to deacon so you might say well how many people here you know you might say this and there's no hands that will go up and here's why no hands will go up because you're in an atmosphere where the gifts are not allowed to operate and so they respond to that they connected with the Holy Spirit and the religious spirit is going to be angry though they'll get ostracized over that and so you know you'll be in a congregation and it'll be real easy to worship the Lord I mean the atmosphere is incredible I go into some congregations and and it's like wow it's so easy to worship here I'll go and the other congregations I'll be like just barely don't want to be ostracized now the Holy Ghost boldness comes on me yeah all the cartwheels you know the oh my yarn and I'll be a fool for crying but God's not always calling you to be a fool for Christ and sometimes you can you can diminish your effectiveness by being too exuberant in your worship but the Holy Spirit tells you level is just level amen and sometimes he'll have you do things to break that atmosphere yeah and the congregation almost like an apostolic you know trailblazing spirit to to plow up the fallow ground in the atmosphere so the gifts are certainly fun and when you're on the cutting edge with the gifts great things happen you ever ever have a razor whether it's women they shave their legs and you get a really sharp razor you get a really close shave but sometimes on the cutting edge if you get nicked it goes deep doesn't so when you're on the cutting edge some of the greatest closest shaves can happen and you can get some of the deepest cuts when you make just a little bit of a mistake and so many experienced that - trust me so ok so word of knowledge example from Scripture turn with me if you will to John chapter 4 John chapter 4 we're going to see the power of a word of knowledge remember the gifts of the Spirit should not diminish faith in the room they should increase it because when the gifts of the Spirit begin to operate they point to the giver of the gifts they show that God is in the house not just passively but actively and when the Holy Spirit shows up he doesn't show up just for entertainment he wants to do work the anointing of the Holy Spirit is present to push back the things that are not of him so he might establish the things that are of him the Holy Spirit comes in to push back and push out of the way the things are not and you establish the things that are of him there's two kingdoms that take place there's the kingdom of God in the kingdom of darkness right the kingdoms of this world so here's what happened when the Israelites went into the Promised Land they were told to drive out the amorite to the Canaanites and the perizzites and all the other termites and they were they were told to drive those things out and they were told the ers in the original Hebrew language and the word ers needs to dispo zest that which is there so this is what happens when we are under the anointing of the Holy Spirit it will create a new atmosphere in the room and it will dis possess the kingdoms of this world they will pull them down and it will literally push them out of the way and establish itself in the place of what was there it will push out the Canaanite mindset it will push out the perizzite mindset it will push out the amorite mindset and the Moabite mindset and so on and so on and so on each one of those has a has kind of a definition and a culture about it then we're not going to go into those guys but the point is this when the gifts of this urgent operation it pushes those things out of your mind so that you can receive the mind of Christ when you have the mind of Christ that which is impossible suddenly seems logical when you have the mind of Christ that which is impossible suddenly seems logical ripping somebody up out of a wheelchair when you have the mind of Christ is illogical when you don't have the mind of Christ and the gift of faith in operation that is the most illogical thing in the world and let's face it we are not always operating in a full measure of the mind of Christ I walk by people on the streets and because I have a gift for healing specifically like bones backs muscles joints ligaments that's kind of like the strength of where I'm gifted at for healing some other things but that's that's like my strength that's my that's my corner you know and so all walked by somebody to be limp and I'll be like you know I just think I can start to move toward because it's my gifting I'll see somebody else with like a blind eye in a deaf ear like a poor person you know it's just like that's not my area gifting you know somebody else I know they've get around and then pump those ears over pop those eyes are open up padded after your pop open and women had one but but primarily it's muscles backs joints and ligaments and and blown discs you know that type of thing and when that happens is God giving a gift through me to them it's gotta give me a gift through you to somebody else so whatever your area gifting is might not be mine and that's why we need each other in the body of Christ because where I'm weak you're strong and where you're strong somebody else is weakened where they're strong maybe you're one we come together as the one body of Christ and not to compare and compete for to contrast and complete one another in the Lord so that we're the complete body of Christ quick illustration there was poll taken at a congregation of a thousand and the minister said how many people here know what their gifts and callings are an out of the thousand people a hundred raise their hands was it time ten percent and then the minister said okay of the hundred that are present that know your gifts and calling now how many of you keep your hand up they said how many are operating in your gifts and your colleagues and the numbers diminish down to somewhere between one and two percent now think about this if there was a body in the hospital that was functioning at one or two percent life would it be very effective or would it have to have people around it to keep it alive people asked why I teach on the gifts of the Spirit is because we need to know our gifts and calling brethren concerning spiritual gifts I would not have you to be it so God is wanting to grow us that we might know what our gifts our callings our anointings our purpose our plan our mission from heaven so that we're not a body of Christ on life support that needs attendance around us to keep us alive constantly pumping life back into us but we need to begin life become like givers and that happens when we know our gifts and our colleagues and our play now what is the anointing of the Holy Spirit one of the best definitions I have ever heard is this the anointing of the Holy Spirit is God it's simply God one flesh doing only what God can do and here's how you know you're anointed with the Holy Spirit when the illogical becomes logical and when that which only God can do starts to happen through you that's the anointing you can't get it at seminary school you can get some great teaching some great learning but the anointing comes alone between you and God salvation is a free gift but the anointing it will cost you everything remember the anointing is not for you as much as it's through you there is a difference between the presence of God and the anointing of God how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power and he went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil Jesus he'll do all who were oppressed of the devil Oh Greek word all means okay so we got that so here's the point you can have the presence of God which is relationship between you and God the anointing presence is for you that's relationship intimacy and he walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me I am his own you know I said what a joy we share when we took that's the presence you can have the presence and not I reveal anybody because the presence isn't for them it's for you intimacy relationship you can have the anointing and all kinds of things happen through Sampson had the anointing didn't what about the presence you want more the president's get rid of Delilah or a NABARD Jezebel yeah Joe she think you know whatever it is sometimes you've got to dis possess some things in your life to get it make room for what God wants to establish his kingdom we don't go into the land of Canaan and share a chair with the Jebusites we have to utterly destroy those strongholds in her life and then the gifts of the Spirit can flow easily why because that which is illogical suddenly becomes logical walking on water multiplying fish and loaves casting out demons here at a funeral you walk by and the Holy Spirit moves you lay hands on the casket and say little boy away tell me to COO my little girl arise you know Smith Wigglesworth walked into funerals brought out the dead body alive now let me share something with you when you start operating in that kind of anointing people from other religions will start switching gods I know we Minister of yours amen amen that's what we need we need more of the presence of God for intimacy into me you see and more anointing of the Holy Spirit where the theological becomes logical and we could give the release the signs and wonders that come often by the gifts of the Holy Spirit so the first of the four prophetic gifts we talked about his word of knowledge and the location that we're talking from is John chapter 4 verse 16 John chapter 4 verse 16 and here's what it says jesus walks in and there's a woman at the well and he says Jesus said undergo called by a husband and come hither he's talking to a woman at the well and he's in Samaria Jews did not associate with Samaritans they were half-breeds so they were kind of in the no man's land a Jew has an offspring with the Gentile and that creates us Samaritan so they're half Jewish half Gentile the Gentiles reject them because they're apt Jewish the Jews rejected because they're having Gentile so there's a whole land of Samaria where they had to live and Jesus says I must need to go through Samaria I gotta go to the place where people are rejected because I've got to show the father's love so he finds a woman who's the Samaritan at the well and he says go call my husband and bring him here the woman answered and said I have no husband Jesus said under my word knowledge word knowledge is a specific fact about a person place or event that was not obtained through natural means he didn't go on google and find out history on okay sometimes people come to you and they googled you and they might act like they've got word of knowledge but they just got word Google okay it could be someone's name occupation birthplace birthdate details about their past history or other information about them when Jesus said in verse 17 the woman answered I have no husband jesus said unto her thou has said well I have no husband for thou has had five husbands and he whom thou now has is not thy husband in that you did speak truthfully that's kind of a whoa what's your response the woman said sir I perceive that thou art a prophet so she gets away from her sin and starts to talk about his prophetic gift see sometimes you'll go to somebody and instead of them responding about the issue they'll spin it to get it off their issue and they'll begin to try to esteem you highly they'll begin to accuse you but the last thing they want to talk about is what the words wanting to talk about and so the woman says sir I've received our prophet our fathers worshiped in this mountain and you say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship she would never have a religious argument when I was from this denomination and this is how we do it wait we're talking about you haven't find husbands late Jesus said under her woman believe me the hour cometh when ye shall neither in this mountain nor yet in Jerusalem worship the father you will worship you worship what you do not know for salvation is of the Jews verse 23 but the hour cometh and now it is he's saying here's the game-changer right here awful word of knowledge he begins to shift things for all Samaria you see how powerful the word of knowledge will be it will also cause people's attention to be held tightly I know that and the presence of God will come in and confirm
Channel: Virtual Church Media
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Keywords: davidhairabedian.com, heartprisonministries.org, eagleheartfellowship.org, eagleheartfellowship.com, david hairabedian, pastor david hairabedian, Four Prophetic Gifts, Understanding the Prophetic, virtualchurchmedia.com
Id: Ud4k0KaKkRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 36sec (1596 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 03 2011
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