Walt Disney's Inspiration for Disneyland (1963)

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well it came about when my daughters were very young and i saturday was always daddy's day with the two daughters so we'd start out and try to go someplace with you know different things and i take them to the merry ground and i took them different places and as i'd sit there while they uh they rode the merry ground did all these things sit on a bench you know eating peanuts i felt that there should be something built some kind of a amusement enterprise built where that the parents and the children could have fun together so that's how disneyland started well it took many years it was a whole period of maybe 15 years developing the uh i started with many ideas threw them away started all over again and eventually it evolved into what you see today as disneyland but it all started from a daddy with two daughters wondering what he could take where he could have a little fun with him too
Channel: WhereMagicLives95
Views: 43,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QpM9-zkK4OM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 5sec (65 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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