Understanding The CVD Diamond Creation Technology

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CVD diamonds named after its process chemical vapor deposition undergo the same process as natural diamonds it all starts with a diamond seed a thin layer is cut from the natural diamond to form the CVD diamond seed this seed is a type to a seed the purest form of diamond hundred percent carbon the seed is then polished and prepared to a required thickness for it to be placed in the CVD plasma reactor once placed in the reactor the process begins exactly the same as found under the surface of the earth an intense environment of the temperature and pressure is created just like that found in the earth when the diamond is growing in a natural environment several other impurities like nitrogen and boron enter the diamond formation along with the gases CVD process is controlled and doesn't allow any impurities to enter the diamond carbon particles slowly start disintegrating and forming layers on top of the diamond seed [Music] the result is a rough CVD diamond the same as a natural diamond only pura the diamonds are then removed with precision and the cutting process begins and they are the same CBD diamonds have the same physical chemical and optical properties as the natural diamond the guarantee of quality the beauty of nature a diamond deserves to be perfect you [Music]
Channel: Limelight Handcrafted Diamonds
Views: 15,666
Rating: 4.8679247 out of 5
Id: a4ceOiA4uhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 47sec (167 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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