Built In America - Scio Diamond

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you know it's hard not to be inspired here in the heart of the city of Greenville South Carolina it's an area known for being an incubator of American technology and talent especially in one industry that may very well surprise you diamond the very word evokes brilliant beauty and expensive taste it's an exotic gem that takes millions of years before it can be mined beneath the earth's crust but at the same time diamond can be grown by modern science in only a matter of days real diamond not imitation diamond but real diamond created by nature but perfected by science with an impact that is revolutionizing the gemstone as well as the industrial market in the industrial world the diamond has been around since the 50s what has been lacking from the diamond on the industrial side of the business is the ability to mass-produce the diamond is the hardest piece of mineral rock any kind of material super hard material on the face of the earth so diamond cuts everything and the only thing that cuts diamond is diamond so the uniqueness of diamond in the industrial world is at the very embryonic stage of where where it can go after a lifetime of overseeing the growth of global high-tech construction Michael McMahon saw even more opportunity in growing diamonds enough to draw him out of retirement to oversee an upstart technology company called Co diamond here American ingenuity and research has delivered Co a patented growing technology that promises the mass production of diamond at higher levels than anywhere else in the world this is an opportunity for us to really develop an industry that's never existed in the United States the diamond industry is primarily revolved around the mining industry and diamond deposits are not something that have been common in America this is an opportunity to grow a brand new industry that can substantially compete with the mind diamond industry I think that the way that the diamond and the industrial and can touch and change the world from computer to water purification the solar power and all those if someone can come along and make an economical diamond put them into these industries I believe this can affect the world much greater than Facebook Microsoft or any of the high-tech systems or companies that are out there combined you can make the perfection of these CVD diamonds but if the nature could ever do so they're created by nature or perfected by man it's an American dream Enterprise that came to fruition in 2011 thanks to a dedicated staff of specialists that was brought together from across America here scio diamond lab technicians developed the growth technology to successfully manufacture an extremely high quality grade of CVD or chemical vapor deposition single crystal diamond in fact the demand for these lab-grown diamonds is so great SCI owes in production 24 hours a day seven days a week 52 weeks a year and even at that rate the demand for these diamonds far surpasses IOT's unique ability to mass-produce them here growth chambers or reactors that resemble high-tech seed pods provide the tremendous heat and vacuum needed to grow diamond crystals equipment that goes beyond the forces of nature which take millions of years to produce mined diamonds but with these high-tech machines even higher quality diamonds are grown in size crystal labs in a matter of days all under the watchful eyes of American growers and lab technicians from the semiconductor industry I think we're making history going to be surprised a lot of people we're going to grow when we're going to we're going to be like to lead them in the oven industry growing diamonds and like it's a fun fun place to work we all work together as a team we work seven days a week but we don't seem to mind it we have several industries that are constantly going overseas so anything we can do on American soil especially something this big they can grow to astronomical size is very important well I think that the American people today especially what we've been through for the last 15 20 years are really on the cusp of wanting to learn new stuff wanting to learn things that are beyond necessarily school and vocation we've got people that are 25 we got people that are 45 that have had a career they've lost it but they have the base to come back and learn what we're trying to teach so you know there's no reason that the talent base in America can't be used and keep right here in developed the growth cycle of diamonds at SCI o lab will culminate in the production in excess of 100,000 carats of diamond a new elite from less than 10 reactors with crystals that can yield in excess of four carats of diamond diamond which must then be carefully weighed check for flaws and clarity and then sent to be cut by laser to industrial specifications or polish to expose the clarity of a gem it's very unique because without this room we wouldn't be able to do anything in production now we can still we be able to grow the diamonds but without us being able to core cut an edge and slice we wouldn't be able to do anything else with them except grow them so whenever they come in here that's why we have coring edging and slicing and that's what gives us the product be able to sell and be able to grow in the reactors it's a fantastic technology and I want America and us specifically to be at the forefront of that technology and I think doing it here keeping it here it's going to be American but I think it can honestly change the world I think the technology can have an impact in America and then spread all throughout the world this is our dream job yes this is the ultimate I think the possibilities for Diamond is almost inconceivable it is the best heat sink is the ultimate semiconductor it's the hardest material known to man the applications are all right phenom the vision of style is to become the number one mass producer of diamond in the world its diamond created by nature perfected by science but a diamonds true value may lie in the American ingenuity and pride behind its production and the life-altering technology that a lab-grown diamond can bring if it's homegrown in America
Channel: TheStudio1080p
Views: 26,594
Rating: 4.7582417 out of 5
Keywords: Built In Amerca, Made In America, Diamonds, Diamond (Industry), American Company
Id: iQXVya-HAOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 21sec (441 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2013
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