Moissanites: What Every Consumer Needs to Know

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hey everybody how you doing and welcome to rhinos school of rock in today's video this is going to be a comprehensive clip I'm gonna spend a little time with you here and we're gonna go and we're going to explore my world of moissanite so okay just to give you a brief background and started getting requests from moissanite s-- in the neighborhood of about two to three years ago and and with the request coming in not only for my proprietary products but also hearts and arrow moissanite s-- i wanted to make you guys familiar with the steps that I take when I'm doing this because I'm you guys know I'm a detail fanatic I like precision I like quality and if I was gonna do this moissanite thing I wanted to do it right so um I have linked up with actually it's a diamond cutting facility to cut my moissanite s-- and yeah they do they cost me a little more than you know the lot of stuff that's coming from overseas but i want to show you why we've been getting a lot of write-ups on the forums on the price go p-- forums on reddit various places around the internet about how diamond looking the moissanite that we're putting out here look okay so my approach to moissanite s-- is no different than it is with diamonds and i want to kind of take you on a little step-by-step process of how i do this okay from start to finish so this is gonna be a fun adventure because you're gonna learn something and why these moissanite slook most time and like than anything you'll see in this realm so stick with me okay first step carat weight the moissanite that we're going to be looking at in this in this video is an eight and a half millimeter hearts and arrows moissanite that you see featured on our website it is a diamond weight equivalent of 2.30 two carats if you notice on the nomenclature on each moissanite it lists the diamond weight equivalent and also the actual weight moissanite has a it's it's a slightly lighter material the moissanite that we that we have cut is a 4-h silicon carbide which is a 50/50 carbon pure carbon which is what diamond is composed of and silicon carbide so it does make the gem a slightly lighter so you have to take the actual weight and divide it by 0.9 t2 to get the gem weight equivalent so let me just show you so it's if you were looking at a diamond this is the same thing as looking at a two point thirty two carat weight diamonds and here's the actual weight okay and this is putting it on the digital balance here which is going to tell us the actual weight of the gym and then you got two point one two seven carat the subtle balance measures it down to one one thousandth of a carat and when we take two point one two and divide it by point ninety 200 you actually come to 2.30 one carat so close it up when I play in its it's kind of like grenades in a sense but it's within point o1 tolerance so you got the idea all right now so after we've looked at the carat weight then we're going to look at the color just like we do with diamond all right so let me there's some things I definitely need to make you guys familiar with when it comes to looking at color and moissanite and how it relates to diamond color because I've looked at brands of moissanite ranging from the most popular moissanite s' you know from the guys who started it all the way up till today and there are some labs that are actually putting out grading reports on moissanite and every single time when I look at the color and those that are being graded say D you know D colors you know D or D through F colors and stuff it's not the same as grading a diamond okay now within the world of moissanite if we were to compare a D colored moissanite with a D colored round brilliant cut the moissanite will not look like the d color round okay the the moissanite will have a slight hint of color more so around probably around two to three color grades lower than what the diamond would be so moissanite città graded say D through F for them to be the equivalent of a diamond that is a G or H would be accurate okay so but moissanite it's a whole you know you're talking about a different gemstone it is not a diamond so the most colorless moissanite s-- are not as colorless as a colorless diamond that is as a fact that people need to understand alright it's not like a cubic zirconia cubic zirconia is actually that's you know a D colored cubic zirconia would probably be higher than a d colored diamond okay but moissanite is its own gemstone is its own beast and while it is the most diamond looking material insofar as gemstones are concerned it does have its differences with regards to color and also with regards to how it handles light which we're going to talk about in the next portion one of the next portions of this video okay so I'm going to show you this moissanite that we're looking at tested on our color emitter the first test that we'll do is I'm gonna show it to you right now I'm going to take you right on to the color imita and I'm going to show it to you compared to a diamond alright so check it out we're gonna take the gem now and we're going to put it on the color aroma to the Zeus color imita all right when I'm checking color in diamond or Moi's and I will always run a color image or examination to see how it compares to the lab report and also to what the stated color is of what it is alright so let me show you this perfectly centers the gem on the color imager BAM and there you got de couleur okay which is this is the color grade that when you put it on or from the reports like when we've seen reports from other moissanite s-- they would grade it and this is a a moissanite that would be graded as a de color alright or i just want to on the on our website we just put D through F to indicate that it's a colorless moissanite and in the world of moissanite sit is the one of the most colorless moissanite that you can get but let me show it to you now next to a diamond okay so on the left is an F color diamond and on the right is that moissanite that we just put on the color emitter and tested de now moissanite s-- and lab created gems in general the colorless ones including lab created diamonds generally graduate down to a brownish tint okay which admittedly does face up pretty darn white when you're talking colorless and near colorless gems but the moissanite on the right is not more colorless than the diamond on the left which proves my point and actually just not clearly demonstrates my point that even colorless moissanite s-- have a tone of color to it now check this out okay the moissanite now i threw in another poison i 10 another diamond here and if you notice the moissanite the third the third gem the third large gem is a moissanite and that moissanite notice it has a little bit more color tone in it that gem tested is a g on the color imager and the diamond to the right of it is actually an h color diamond which is a little more colorless then the moissanite saddle or that they're pretty darn close they're pretty darn close but the diamond looks a little bit more colorless than the moissanite to the left of it so that jika that that moissanite attested as a G color is more like an eye color diamond equivalent so okay so obviously the takeaway is this if you see moissanite s-- i don't care what the brand is marketed online is whatever you know colorless or even from grading laboratories that you know that laboratories at grade moissanite s-- if you see d color or II call her and you bring that moissanite to an appraiser and they are comparing that to a diamond don't be surprised if he tells you it's a G okay or maybe even an H okay if it's you know if the lab is being strict even okay so so in the moyson that the thing you need to take away from this is that in the moissanite industry it almost has like its own color grading system they use the same nomenclature as diamond but it's really not the same as diamond alright so that's what you need to walk away from okay onto the subject of clarity and what we see under the microscope all right when it comes to the clarity of these things and microscopic examination there's a few features I want to point out I just to to get this out of the way just to show you everything that I order is generally vs clarity or above so this is a moissanite that i got to tell you when i look at this thing under the microscope the for one of the first things I notice is how beautiful the Polish is finished on this gem it's it's definitely top polished grade in the world of moissanite hold on I feel it alright good thing for pause I say god bless you alright so here's the inclusions in this there's a couple of little tiny internal imperfections see you could see right there little pinpoints little tiny crystals okay may get a little you might see a little dust there on the top nothing to get excited about here's a few little pinpoint inclusions but a nice clean gem to grade it as a vs1 would be fine yep now a couple of other things I want to point out first of all I also see how beautifully symmetrical it's cut one of the one of the things that separates my moissanite also from my competitors is the girdle okay hole I'm gonna get this better on the screen for you I'm blocking it with the tweezers okay as most of you know I've been in the retail trade for honk goodness I've been online since 1998 when I started with my family business good old back then but I'm on my own now and when we when people used to bring in gemstones to sell us one of the first things that was a dead giveaway on faux gemstones was that the girdle would never be faceted okay now the girdle of the diamond I'm sorry of this moissanite is this rim okay that I'm pointing to with the mouse right now and on just about every kind of faux gemstone they don't have faceted girdles that takes a long time to do you know that to sit there and facet the whole girdle is some was in the neighborhood of I think 67 or 72 facets hunter girl I forget exactly how much but the fact that this has a beautifully polished and faceted girdle that's an extra step that my cut is take when they are cutting the boys a night okay and another thing is the symmetry well you saw it on the GI a facet where we're looking at before it was looking at how well all these facets are aligned with each other so it's looking at things like how well the point of this facet aligns with this one and so on I'm gonna capture an image here for a second okay so you got the idea there with the girl you see what we're talking about the fact that it's got a faceted polished girdle along with GI ax meet point symmetry you know so looking good all right now whop whop you got the idea they just they just do that on the wheel and just through a girdle on there it's nothing like look this facet on the bottom doesn't even come to the top you know so me point faceting what meet point faceting the facets aren't even meeting you know it's a sloppily cut girdle you know this almost looks like a doublet it almost looks like the crown was slapped on to the pavilion in two separate pieces in any case oh yeah oh boy in any case not the same product this is the this is you know you guys who I don't know you're ordering online I understand you want the cheapest thing you can get sometimes but let me just tell you you're getting what you're paying for simple as that any case so this has to do with I wasn't really looking at the clarity greater this thing this thing wasn't even clarity graded when it came in saw I'm not like grading the clarity on this thing I'm I'll probably use it as a giveaway or something but you know that concludes this portion of clarity symmetry and girdle all right different products completely different products alright all right last but not least we come to the most important factor about moissanite and the factor that makes it look most like a diamond tour what can make it look most like a diamond and that has to do with the cut okay now something that is completely unavoidable is that moissanite is a doubly refractive gem which means one beam of light enters two beams of light exit as opposed to diamond which is singly refractive where one beam of light enters and one beam of light exits okay so just to now what I have on the screen here R is what would be considered and extremely perfectly cut hearts and arrows diamond it's a computer-generated model okay and what we're going to do and you can see I could load this into different lighting environments and whatnot this is a typical office light view and is representative of what we would see actually an outside and natural daylight which we're going to take a look at in just a few minutes but I want to show you something that's important to moyes and I gemstones and diamonds and what we're gonna do is we're gonna do a rate race I'm gonna show you what a rate race looks like for a diamond now you notice you got this this is a solid beam of light entering the diamond at a 100 percent intensity seventeen percent of that beam of light is reflecting off of the crown surface okay so that would be an external reflection or like luster but you could see that 100 so 100 minus 17 you got 83 percent of that beam of light is entering the diamond that's not reflecting off the surface you got internal reflection happening you got light now that's bouncing within the diamond and is taking the most direct path within the diamond and straight back out again up to the eye in you can't see that but that says 67% you got 67% of that 100% beam of light that's exiting and this is a singly refractive gem which is diamond all right now in order to get a moissanite to behave as similar as close as possible to a diamond is you want to cut the moissanite in such a way that the path of light is going to take the most direct path in and out of the diamond excuse the background noises there and close that up so when we're dealing with moissanite we want to cut it in such a way that the light is entering and taking the most direct path in and out of the diamond and here's what happens if you cut a diamond door or another gem and it's not taking the most direct path okay so what I did here was I altered the proportions of the diamond it's still cut very symmetrically but I pulled the pavilion angles down I messed around with the crown crown angles and table size and watch what look at the beam what the happens with the beam of light here now look at you got 64% of the light now you got the diamond traveling in it's not taking the most direct path it's traveling within the the dot you know the gem and and this is falling out that's that would be light leakage and light coming through the top now is only 15% as opposed to 67% so we've reduced the intensity of the light as well as and look at this mess look at you see this this is instead of taking the most direct path you got light bouncing all over the place within the gem and when that happens you get more color absorption the stone can look like a darker color than what it actually is and it just it demonstrates my point from a scientific perspective but let me show you how this moissanite does okay so I took that moissanite that eight and a half millimeter moissanite and scanned it in on our high-definition siren machine and so this is an actual model of that moissanite and let me show you the stats and data that we look at when we're looking at diamonds and how this compares in relation so we're gonna pull up some reports here okay now this is the GI a facet wear which is an extension in the siren software and it shows me how GI a would grade this diamonds or I should say this moissanite s-- symmetry and if you notice you know excellent excellent excellent everything excellent all down the lines so this is this is a serious factor in what separates my moissanite s-- from anything else on the market okay and I want you to take note here's what I want you to take note of first of all you you cut geeks out there if you're familiar with proportions and you see a average of thirty four and a half degree crown angles with 40.8 pavilion angles and a fifty four point four percent able you know you're looking at some pristine goodies and that is the measurements of this moissanite okay 34 and a half crown angles 40.8 pavilion angles 54% table but I'm gonna take you a little bit deeper here okay you have I want you to take note of these deviations the deviations when we're talking about diamonds or moissanite so gemstones in general the deviation is going to show us the level of precision to which the gem has been cut now on the diameter you have a point five millimeter actually well same point five is actually point four 8.51 to 8.55 in the diameter that's only a point four millimeter deviation the table on the on this moissanite there's only a point three deviation from your minimum and maximum table size oh my goodness if I were to put other moissanite on here in fact I think I will and there's an upcoming video but they're a sloppy mess ah the crown angles a point for D when I see these deviations at point five and under when we got when we're looking at diam at a table crown angle and pavilion angle that is insane precision that would be insane precision in a diamond much less moissanite so in the crown angles only a point for deviation in the pavilion angle the most important angle on the diamond only a point to deviation from forty point seventy two to forty point eighty-seven that's just it's not even a point to deviation they're rounding that off this is insane precision in a moissanite it's it just it it doesn't get better it does not get better so oh wait let me keep those reports up for a second so in G ia I'm gonna tell you flat out that proportion grade not only would receive excellent in the symmetry but it would also receive excellent in the GI a cut grade now let's take a look at the eight what on an AG s round report remember we're looking at issues of light performance here Oh hold on I got to input the polish and someone input the polish and symmetry on this because it's top of the line polish and symmetry and a moissanite let me pull that back up again and okay here's the weight equivalency I told you it was a 2.30 to weight equivalent the sarin accurately did the weight equivalent his your these are your actual measurements and in the AGS cut grading system that one of the primary things that we go to and look at here is this light performance deduction and on a scale from zero to ten we want to see zero zero is the best all right so and this is a computer-generated asset of the moissanite and let me just tell you this computer-generated assets of diamonds are very very accurate with with this machine especially with the sarin high definition machine since a moissanite is a doubly refractive gem the asset may be slightly different but let me just say this when I get these results it did nothing tops that nothing tops this with regards to precision of the cut and light performance so if this was like a sloppily cut moissanite that that image would look a heck of a lot difference in fact let me pause this for a second boink alright so this is a competitor's moissanite I'm not gonna say who they are you know I'm not looking to knock anybody but listen you guys and listen if I was a consumer I'd be comparing two but you need the right data to compare to so look at this asset image sees all this white under the table here this is what I this is what I had coined the ring of death it's quite cool it the ring of death because it's a ring of light leakage underneath that's that that's caused by the light performance of poor cutting and you can see this one gets a light performance deduction of three as opposed to mine which was zero nevermind the polish and symmetry for a second here but you know brightness takes a hit of two point two six leakage point 56 to spur it just is not a comparison all right so that's the AG s that's on the AG s report here's the G I a one we were looking at before so we want to look at okay so this one to its credit got a symmetry of very good as opposed to my excellent and because of misalignment misalignment having to do with alignment of the crown and and pavilion and the table and the culet it let's just say this it's not the same product it's not the same product this is a more you know we're gonna take a little bit now that I showed you the other program with the ray-tracing I'm just gonna kind of be a little bit about that so I'm gonna pause you again for a second okay so now that I have scanned in those two moissanite s-- check this out so I'm taking my wine gotten hot Sandero eight and a half millimeter moissanite I'm gonna load it into the top left alright remember that office light view we saw before this is on them on my moissanite okay and then here is here's my competitor I'm not gonna like I said I'm not gonna name names fun stuff though okay this is their office light view okay and I could tell you just from working with this program for over a decade I can seal this blackness here seal this darkness I said that's the results of all that light leakage in the ring of death o Ring of Fire okay now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to load up the asset views of these I saw to its credit it's got some Reds around the edges that's a good thing but all that whiteness that you see they're no good point haha so that's mine and that's my competitors now art does every single competitor cut this this bad no but you know I I don't know what they do and it's not up to me to try and sell their product that's for sure but in any case you guys know what you're getting with me and this here this is cherry this is it's it is it's you know I know I sound self rew emotional here and I am being self promotional but this is the best it doesn't get better alright and when you have that path of light taking the most direct way look at that see through the gem that's that's what we want okay see all that see that mess there no no no no no no so this is the difference also look at even the girdle - Wow and that concludes this tutorial on moissanite you know this would be a lot for me to write in an article so I'm glad I was able to just do this for you on video and last but not least that's I want to show you how beautiful this thing looks in natural daylight and spot lighting okay so for practical purposes is here's where the rubber meets the road what we're looking at now is on the left is the moissanite in question and on the right is a precision cut hearts and arrows round brilliant cut diamond by the way that hearts and arrows is an IV s1 it's a carat and a half it is a branded hot Janeiro's diamond if I told you the brand you did know it right away and look look at that look at that here is the end result of the precision cutting the proportions the symmetry the polish and you know what what you're gonna see when you get these in your hands and real world observation absolutely gorgeous by the way the the diner on the rights an IV s 1 the moissanite you could see it looks more colorless but most importantly what we see in the face up position the beautiful display of brightness and contrast virtually identical to diamond all right now am I saying that you shouldn't get a diamond and and and instead get them boys I know I'm not saying that oh we have a lot of clients who purchase engagement rings who say hey you know somewhat loved the ring to travel with that I don't got to worry about that looks just like me you know as close as humanly possible to my diamonds well here you go okay absolutely absolutely beautiful and very proud to feature let me show you good spotlighting now all right these now this is the moissanite on the left and the diamond on the right and both gems are under perfectly even distribution now it's in this lighting where you're gonna see if you're gonna see any difference in optical properties its spotlighting before if you remember what I was saying about singly refractive versus doubly refractive gems in a diamond for every beam of light that enters one beam of light that enters one beam of light exits and this by the way you can tell there's more than one beam of light entering here because you got a lot of fire going on in the diamond in the moissanite okay looks like this twice as much fire right okay and that is because moissanite is doubly refractive there is nothing that can change that all right these moissanite are cut to mimic the diamond alternatives is much assumingly possible but you cannot avoid the double refraction unless the hole it would be a different gem it would be a completely different gem the gem material would be different all right so this is but this these are the facts that you guys need to know and by the way it's not ugly okay all right just go wrap this up with some final thoughts and we're going to conclude this video okay just some final thoughts as we wrap this video up moissanite SAR here moissanite s-- are here to stay and they are a huge part of the jewelry industry now they are growing there's a lot of stories that that don't carry them but here on the internet and globally they're growing by leaps and bounds key things to take away from this video with regards to a carat weight your moissanite SAR slightly lighter about 8% lighter in the weight than their diamond counterparts so if you have a a moissanite that say an eight and a half millimeter looks like a two and a half carat it's gonna be you can take that and you're going to times it by 0.9 d2 to get the what the real weight of the moissanite is so moissanite SAR generally looked at in terms of their carat weight equivalent al biet they also have an actual carat weight alright and so sometimes say people will say oh I got a two and a half carat size moissanite and if you were looking at a diamond it would be two and a half carats but in actuality the moissanite may weigh only two point thirteen or so alright so just something these is silly you know that I mean simple things to keep in mind with them when it comes to the color I covered that very thoroughly in in our chapter on color but just bear in mind that moissanite said you see on the market no matter who they're coming from a where they are graded if it says D through F figure it's a G color or an H color alright and if you're gonna compare it to a diamond if it's a G or an H color figure and i2j if you're looking at actual diamond so just keep that in mind with the color when it comes to clarity and particularly the features that we see under the microscope clarity is basically looked at the same you know VVS is going to have minut inclusions vs are going to have minor inclusions si noticeable you know under the microscope under 10-pound magnification that's that's pretty much similar very very similar with diamonds so places that are offering gratings on moissanite s' you know that that that's pretty compatible with regards to that also under the microscope we're looking at polish and symmetry features you know and and the girdle you're you're really you're truly rarest excuse me moissanite s-- will have faceted girdles the cutters will take their time the fat that the girdles the meet point symmetry will be will be right on as you see we demonstrated that with the sarin high definition machine and we're able to show you know our clients you know those symmetry features when it comes to the cut of the moissanite that right there is what separates the wheat from the chaff so to speak so we see some of those features under the microscope and we also see those features in when we are scanning the diamond under the sarin and looking at the deviations if you remember we've talked about the deviations how precise that moissanite is cut on a facet by facet basis you know a beautifully cut moissanite is gonna have some really tight symmetry some really tight deviations combined with the best proportion combinations to give the best light performance possible me personally I'm screening mine to fall in the in the zenith of the GI AXA GS ideal zone it doesn't get better than that when it comes to the cutting of moissanite s-- and okay listen we hit subscribe on the channel we appreciate you watching we appreciate you spending the time if you're in the market for a moissanite I mean we carry an amazing selection on our website and which you'll see in linked in the description below and we got a lot of other new awesome exciting things coming out this year in 2020 so please say stay subscribed to my channel and follow along with me on the new Rhino school of rock thanks again for watching
Channel: Rhino's School of Rock
Views: 25,419
Rating: 4.8361444 out of 5
Keywords: august vintage, cushion cut, vintage, vintage diamonds, vintage jewelry, loose diamonds, old european, old mine, oec, omc, diamonds, diamond, bluenile, jamesallen, whiteflash, goodoldgold, diamondinfoman, rhinoschoolofrock
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 57sec (2457 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.