Understanding Nodes in Davinci Resolve

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to explain how nodes work I'm going to use the analogy of eating a pizza and the first node that I want to introduce to you is called the media out node so let me bring that node in so I'm just going to do shift spacebar and type in media out the media out node is one of the most basic nodes in Fusion what this node says is whatever is in this node is what you ultimately get as an output so in our case let's assume that eating the pizza is my final desired output hence the media out node is me eating a pizza so for the time being I'm going to rename this by clicking F2 and calling this the eat the pizza node the way you bring something up into these two monitors is by clicking the number one for the left monitor or clicking the number two for the right monitor as a convention the right monitor is always the output monitor so I'm going to click media out one and press the number two and something should show up here now you would see here in the bottom you have these three dots and the second dot is white in color which means that whatever is in media out one is now being displayed in the right monitor but there's nothing in media out one hence nothing is being displayed in the right monitor for the purposes of our example I want to eat a pizza but I don't have a pizza there is no pizza hence eat the pizza is not possible it's empty hence on my monitor I have nothing now for me to be able to eat a pizza right now I first need to have a pizza with me and the easiest way for me to do that is to call Domino's and ask them to deliver a pizza so that's what I'm going to do so I'm going to drag this delivered pizza into my Fusion screens and when I drop it you will notice that a media in one node is automatically created this media in one node if I press the number one to bring it to the left screen here contains the delivered Pizza in the pizza box media in nodes usually refer to assets that you already have on your computer so if you want to input your video clips or downloaded Graphics or images or photographs or clip arts you do that using media in nodes now I have a pizza but my media out does not show a pizza so unless my media out has the pizza I can't eat it so there's something that needs to happen for this pizza node to be input to the e the pizza node and to do that I need to connect this node to this node and once I make that connection the pizza is now available in media out on the eat the pizza node hence I can now eat the pizza let me quickly rename media in to call it the delivered pizza so the delivered pizza is here I've connected it to eat the pizza and then I'm able to eat it now let's look at these two nodes in a little more deta detail because these two are your fundamental building blocks in nodes you would notice that I connected the left hand side node the delivered Pizza node to eat the pizza node using these two icons on the nodes itself every node has two different types of icons one set of icons would be triangular in shape and one set of icons would be rectangular in shape all the Triangular icons refer to inputs into a node and all the rectangular icons refer to outputs from the node because I need to input into the eat the pizza node and I need to Output it from the delivered Pizza node which is this one I'm connecting the output icon the rectangle into the triangle icon on the eat the pizza node hence these two were able to be connected to each other if I try to connect an input to an input it just wouldn't work It wouldn't connect you need to connect an output to an input for it to work the other thing to not notice is that media in one and media out one both have a blue line underneath so all media in nodes and media out nodes usually have a blue color to indicate the type of action that that node performs so let's take the example one step further let's say that I am not interested in Delware Pizza I would rather make the pizza at home using a frozen base that I have in my refrigerator so how does this node structure change in that example so to do that let me delete this delivered pizza and instead dragg in a different media in one node and this media in one node now contains the frozen pizza base now if I were to connect this media in one into my output you know what I'm going to have to eat a frozen pizza base and I do not want to do that I actually want to have a nice little pizza so I'm not going to connect this into the eat the pizza so let's rename this quickly call this the Frozen base so I have a fro Frozen base but to make a pizza I need a few more things right so I'm going to import the pizza sauce so let's call this the pizza sauce and you can note that these are all media in nodes I'm going to import the mozzarella cheese the peson cheese um I'm going to have pineapples pineapples absolutely belong on pizzas if you do not like pineapples on pizzas I do not know what's wrong with you shredded chicken so let's assume that these are my ingredients for my pizza so each each of these have the blue line under them which means that they are all media in nodes they are all assets that I already have something needs to happen here for me to be able to eat the pizza and that is I need to now layer them one on top of another and the way you layer multiple inputs one on top of another is using what's called a multi merge node so that's the next type of node that we're going to learn it's a multi merge so shift space bar type multi merge multi birge is the closest to layering in After Effects or in Photoshop that you will see here in Fusion so on this multi merge note like last time you see input connectors with the Triangular icon and you have the rectangular icon which represents the output connector but unlike the media in and the media out nodes you have multiple inputs coming here so let's take a look at what these colored inputs mean when you see an input with the yellow color it means it's a background layer so when you're multi merging you're basically putting one thing on top of another so you need to tell the multi merge node this goes to the bottom that goes to the top so yellow is the bottom layer white is what's called a foreground layer layer one now let's take a look at what happens to the multi merge as we start layering things one on top of the other so I'm I'm going to click one by choosing the multi merge so that the multi merge output is actually on the left hand side screen over here multi merge does not have anything right now hence it's black I'm going to start by connecting the Frozen base to the background layer the bottom layer of the multi merge the background layer is always yellow in color so that's this one so I'm going to connect the Frozen base into the background layer and as soon as I do that the first layer is the pizza base it's at the bottom think of it as if you're looking from the top down next I'm going to add the pizza sauce on top of the Frozen base now before I drag the pizza sauce and connect it here into layer one notice that we currently have four icons surrounding the multi merge but the minute I connect the pizza sauce into this input you will see that a brand new input has been created beauty of the multi merge tool is that you can keep layering infinitely so you can put one layer on top of the other and as soon as you've connected a brand new input another input shows up automatic atically for you to connect to so you can see now that the pizza sauce is on top of the Frozen base on top of the pizza sauce I'm going to add the peson cheese and that's going to get connected to the layer 2 input so Palm cheese goes into Layer Two and on top of the pomes and cheese I'm going to add the shredded chicken so that goes into this new note that just got created and then here into layer four I'm going to connect the pineapple input and then finally on top of everything I'm going to add the mozzarella cheese so now what I've done is I've basically added one thing on top of another if I were now to connect my multi merges output to my eat the pizza what I'm going to have to do is literally eat and assemble pizza that's not cooked and that's not what I want so my pizza is currently not ready to be eaten so I'm going to remove this because I can't eat it the way it is before I do anything further I missed a step take a look at my poman sheets I'm going to bring it to the left it's currently in a solid Rocky shape that's not how poman cheese works on Pizza I need this to be finally shredded so that I can layer it on top of my pizza base so in order to shred the prison cheese an action needs to happen on that cheese so anytime an action needs to happen you need to bring in an action node to connect it to your existing nodes so in this case I'm going to bring in a blur node and this blur node is going to pretend as if it is my shredding node I'm going to call this The Shred trees node and you would notice that for the first time you're now seeing a different color on this node this color is yellow yellow colors represent actions activities filters that you're applying on previous nodes now if I bring this node into Media One You' see that I'm just going to blur it a little more assume that this blurring means I'm straight the the actual cheese just just an illustration but I have now added a processing on top of the pesan cheese and now I've connected it to the multi merge node so now the multi merge has everything layered and the Palm cheese has now been shredded and then layered on top of the multi merge so now I have an uncooked pizza here on the multim merge what do I need to do next next I need to cook it so I need to cook it in an oven so in our example I'm going to illustrate the oven using this brightness contrast node so I'm going to add the oven between the multi merge and me eating the pizza so something needs to happen here so I'm going to rename this to be the oven and I'm going to connect the uncooked pizza and I'm going to put that into the oven and then I'm going to connect the output of the oven the cooked pizza into the eat the pizza node so now here in eat the pizza I have a cooked pizza that's ready for me to eat now the oven needs some properties right the oven needs to be at let's say at 180° it needs to be preheated and it needs to be in a very specific mode it needs to be in Pizza mode or it needs to be in convection mode those are the properties that the oven needs to have INF Fusion the way you assign values to the properties of node is on the inspector panel on the right hand side here so to illustrate this example I'm going to use the brightness slider as how long do I need the oven to be cooking for so I'm going to say cook this for 2 minutes and it needs to be cooked at 250° so I'm going to use a saturation slider to refer to how the temperature is so now the oven has processed whatever is coming into it using the settings that we're setting on the inspector here on the right in order to do the processing and once this processing is done the food that I get is now ready to eat pizza the next type of nodes for you to understand are what are called generator nodes generator nodes are here on the left hand side these four icons are types of generator nodes generator nodes don't refer to things that you have these things refer to things that resolve or Fusion generates for you for example this node is called a background node so if you bring that in and you can say that I want a background of of red color here I'm just going to bring this into node one and you can see a red color background was created for you you did not bring in an image that's red in color you asked resolve to generate red color for you now in our example what I'm going to use a generator node for is the oven needs heat to work so so I'm going to say I'm going to supply heat to it so this is going to be my heat node and I'm going to connect this to the mask input of the event so this is the first time I'm introducing the mask input to you mask inputs are always blue in color I'm not going to explain how masks work in this video because I have a complete detailed introduction to mask Linked In this video here please go watch that after you watch this so let's take the complexity one level further and pretend that I do not want to use the frozen pizza base I want to make the pizza base uh from scratch so from the theory that we've learned so far are we able to identify how the end nodes should look like for me to achieve that I'm going to disconnect the frozen pizza base I'm going to delete this in order to make the pizza base I need flour so this is my flour so some yeast some water and I need some oil now what do I need to do I need to put these four things together and need them and the way you would put things together is the tool that we've already seen which is the multi merge tool so let me bring in a multi merge tool and let me connect it doesn't matter what the background is and what the foreground is here so I'm just going to connect them all and once I've mixed them all together I now need to need it so it's an action that needs to happen so I'm from here this output needs to go to an action so I'm one way to find what tools are available to you is by clicking shift space bar and this brings up a select tool popup where every single tool that's available to you is listed I'm going to use the resize because the yeast is going to make the door rise so let's use a resize tool here I'm going to connect the output of the multi merge into the resize because I want it to grow after the resize happens so this is the I'm going to call this the kneading and resting node so once the kneading and resting has happened after the dough has risen I need to make it into the shape of a pizza base so another action needs to happen so I'm going to bring in the beauty node I'm going to make it beautiful so this is the uh make it a circle and once the circle is ready this circle now takes the place of the frozen pizza base that we earlier had so this now connects to the background node of this multi merge and again I now have a pizza that I can eat because everything that happens here is leading towards me getting a completed Pizza to eat every node is an action that needs to be taken on the output of the preceding node and every node has an output that it can give to a succeeding node and the final node is always the media out node which is the final node that you're going to consume and in this case the media out node is eating the pizza but usually the media out node is what you see here on the edit page every single node here has a corresponding section setion on the inspector with its own types of values that you can modify depending on the note that you have the options on the inspector would be very logical to to see now when you're in Fusion most of the frequently used tools are immediately available to you here in this toolbar so let's quickly understand what we have here the first four tools are your generator tools like your background your fast noise your text node and your paint nodes so if I just brag in a text node here this is where you can type in any text so I'm going to call this any text pizza and I'm going to apply this on top of everything here in this multi merge so that you can see any text any text Pizza is written on top of that so again you're not importing a text you're generating a text here the next four nodes are your color corrector nodes so your color corrector your color curves Q curves so pretty much everything that you would normally do on your color tab you can achieve that here as well and if you want to understand what what a specific node does just try importing it and see what values become available to you if you didn't know what transform does you import transform and just take a look at the inspector you have a size slider an aspect slider an angle slider the easiest thing that I would say is connect a text node to a transform node and bring this into output one and just see what happens I'm going to change the size okay so a transform node changes the size of its input and that there we know so this is how you understand what any node does is by importing the node connect a text node or a background node to it and just play with the values that are available to you on the inspector and you would immediately know what ability a node provides you the next four inputs are your mask inputs so these are your this is a rectangle input this is a elliptical mask this is a polygonal mask and this is a beastline mask you can connect each of these to the mask inputs for example if I were to connect the elliptical mask into the oven this is the only place where the food is getting cooked the food is not getting cooked anywhere else because this elliptical mask tells the oven this is the only place where heat is being applied to now that's that's the idea silly idea but that's the idea um and don't worry too much about all these tools that are starting with the letter P and these 3D tools they are they're quite they're more advanced tools that you could get there once you're comfortable with the basics of how the fusion page works so hopefully this primer into how nodes work was helpful if you want me to go much deeper let me know in the comments and I'll make a more in-depth video talking about the various types of nodes available to you and what you can do with it in one of the future videos if you want to learn more about how masks work I have a in-depth video linked here please watch that next and until next time bye
Channel: Coffee Bean
Views: 3,013
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Keywords: davinci resolve, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve 18 tutorial for beginners, resolve 18.5 nodes, nodes in resolve, node tutorials, nodes tutorial davinci, coffee bean nodes, nodes in fusion, fusion nodes tutorial, jamie fenn, patrick sterling, dan vinci resolve, davinci resolve 18.6, mr alex tech, types of nodes in davinci resolve, coffee bean basics, davinci nodes tutorial, how to group nodes in davinci resolve, fusion nodes in davinci resolve
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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