Learn FreeCAD Curves Workbench 21: Hexagon Mesh and Curved Text SVG, Extra Objects on curved surface

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hi viewers and welcome to the channel and welcome to another episode of the learning the freak had curves workbench mini series now if you're new to the channel normally at the weekend we look at the basic features and use of freecad and then during the week we look at something a bit more advanced so at the moment we're running this cursed workbench series we're going to be moving on to other workbenches in the near future we're going to be following up a video on the skit on surface now i left off wondering what this extra object was on sketch on surface a little bit more about that extra object now and i'm going to show you how to use that with external sketches external part workbench objects objects such as text from an svg so converting text to a path and then importing that from inkscape and also a macro in there to make hexagon surfaces or any surface that we can create as a mesh and wrap that around the curved surface so i hope you enjoyed these videos and let's have a look at this technique if you like what you're seeing please subscribe to the site i also have a co-fire or coffee site that you can donate to if you so desire and that's at ko hyphen fi dot com forward slash mang0 i also run a patreon where you can subscribe and get extra content and that's at www.patreon.com for slash mango jelly solutions so i've got free cad open i'm going to create a surface and demonstrate the feature on the tool so i'm just going to create a simple sketch in here along the x y plane and we're going to create some geometry in here so i'm going to create a b spline for the surface like so it escapes to get a mouse pointer back i'm working out quite a small scale but that's fine so we've got that b-spline there i'm going to take that sketch and i'm going to extrude it over in the part workbench just to make a surface so screwed this up and we're going to be going along the z-axis and we're going to screw that something like 20 millimeters we're quite small scale here so that's fine so 20 millimeters that way now bring this around and i'm going to create a sketch upon here so we'll go over to the sketcher and just give yourself a bit of room for that start page and we're looking at this face we can actually select that face and create a sketch upon that face and i'm looking at just a square sketch that covers that face just for the time being and we can set these lines as construction geometry so all these lines need to be set as construction geometry or at least two at least two lines so this is construction geometry there close that so we've got that sketch attached to here going across there you can see how that's attached it's going across that way let's come over to the curves workbench now so remember if you haven't got this installed it's under tools add-on manager you can install it from there and click this face control click the sketch and use the map of sketch onto the surface that will map that sketch onto the surface and you can see the two lines that are not construction geometry have been mapped across there we must have two lines that are construction geometry otherwise we're going to get ourselves into issues i'm going to turn on the little tool this one here with geo info just click that and i'm going to bring our strude back what this allows me to do is if i hide the sketch in here so this sketch here just press the spacebar you can show and hide that sketch there you can see we've got that sketch going across here let's just click on this sketch here sketch on surface and hide that one and hide the sketch inside i'm going to use the geo info this one here and i'm going to hover over one lines and click it this tells me the length of that line so that's 26.082 i can use that in my sketch and we look at the line that we want so so it's this line here i believe so that was set as 20 so it's a curved line so we want to sit this is 26.02 so length on that click on that you can see i've got the wrong one because i ran the wrong way so it's actually a height there we go and we can set that one as 26 so that sets the right length of that and close that let's bring back our sketch so that geo info is very handy so that's pressed at the moment so any edge i select will give me information including length of that edge this one here 26.082 so we can just go in there and just modify that got 2602 so let's do 082 there we go and this one should be 20 so let's set the so we've got the right one yep so 20 on that so that's correct now and i'm just going to take this point and this point here and the center point and just do those symmetrical so we've got our sketch now on there that's it now and we've got the two guidelines showing so we can know if we put anything on this sketch in here they will be in there and that is the key for our next part so we're going to set the geo info off we're going to do our next part now and that's actually placed something on this surface we're going to be using a little feature in here called the extra object so in my last video i didn't use this because i wasn't quite sure how to use it i've now learned how to use this i'm going to bring this to the table now so you can utilize it in your modeling if we place any object on here whether it's flat 2d 3d object on here then we can use that extra object if we have a number of objects on here we can use that extra object and it will actually put them on that face so for demonstration purposes if i come over to the part workbench and click on rear or click on top front actually front let's bring that into view and i'm going to create the cube and a cylinder and transform those into place so we'll transform them inside this space here so okay that click on the cube right click transform and transform this into here as well so we've got those two inside these lines what we can do now is click on the sketch on the surface come down to the extra objects click on the end and select the cube hit ok and what will happen is when i click off that cube will be reflected on that surface so i press the spacebar on here you can see that cube there notice that because it's 3d we've got two edges here so it's best to use 2d objects on here so come back to sketch on surface extra objects so we can add multiples to this just click on the cylinder as well and hit okay click off that cylinder has been reflected on there now it's just taken the line of the cylinder you can see it's been reflected on there so how does this come in handy when we're creating sketches on surface so i'm just going to remove the cylinder and the cube from view so that's cleared out those extra objects there still got this screwed there we could use the svg on here so if i load in an svg i'll make one over in inkscape so i've got inscape open i can come in and just write some text on here like so let's bring this up to the top because our svg will all be always be positioned at 0 0 at the top it's just a very simple svg they're assuming so we've got that there so i want to go path object to path and then file save as i'm going to place it on my desktop i've got a drawing already on my desktop so i'm going to save over the top of that place that and now i can come back go to file import now i want to drop this down to svg as geometry there's two svgs in there one as file or one is drawing this one here and the svg is geometry double click that that imports that there so you can see that's imported and those are imported as paths so each one is a separate path in there and we'll come over to the draft workbench this is a bit large but we'll work with this for the time being i might take a few of these words off so something just like mango or something like that and we'll just take these two and click and upgrade those let's upgrade them as a face two faces there and we can take the one we want to keep one we want to get rid of come over to the part work bench and make a cut yes so let's cut those so we've got that one there and we got this one here we'll just upgrade that as well over in the draft workbench so i've got two faces for now i'll just use those two because otherwise it's going to take a bit too long to actually get these all right so take all those just hide them for the time being so we've got the text there and we can transform this round and move it around the right way so let's flip this around this way i should have done the other one at the same time but that's fine get the other one right click transform and we'll bring this around look at those two there and at the moment if i look at the front the m's in there and the a's outside so we can right click transform and push those into position like so and do the same with the other one so those are sitting there cut in the face now we can come into the sketch on surface come down to the extra objects click that and click the cut okay that let's place the a on there like so and we'll do the same for the other one so come down this is face two so let's sketch one surface extra objects come in select the face two okay click off let's place that there so we can hide these two now we've got those sitting there we can come into the sketch come down and play with the reverse umv to get those into position of where we want them we've still got the guidelines here and that will be placed along there and we can come down and swap uv as well so set that to true places it the other way i'm going to do is come into the sketch on surface and have a look where those guidelines are so those are guidelines here which are construction geometry so we've set these two to construction geometry so that one as construction same as this one hit close still got this one down here which is this one there we go so you can see we've got the curve going through those so click on sketch and surface fill face is true so fill those faces set the thickness to two and that's created those with a thickness now we can also do this with like meshing or something like hexagon mesh that you create in inkscape there is also a macro that you can download and we can come over to macro macros and i haven't got it installed so if i come on to the add-ons come onto macros and look down this list there should be a macro somewhere called honeycomb which one is it this one it's this one here this honeycomb one so install update selected this one's been installed hit close so we've got the honeycomb there and when we execute that you may have to restart freecad the first time if you start getting errors you might have to restart it so that would just create the file in there hit ok and what will happen is that it creates this honeycomb biscuit basically sitting here and we can change this i'm going to get rid of matter of fact i can get rid of everything so all of them all the way up and these faces just leave that honeycomb there and what we'll do click on the honeycomb and there's a lot of different features down here so we can get rid of the border so zero out the border change the elliptical grid to force to make that square set the height to something like 0.1 flattens that out length we can increase to i'm going to say 30 the radius is the radius of the hexagons so we're going to increase that up to six about a bit lower so that's five so we've got hexans coming out there we can set the x and y offsets as well so when we increase these x and y offsets hit ctrl r you can see those are moving one thing to remember that this isn't parametric because this is a macro that's creating this so these faces won't be parametric because they're recreated each time when the macro is changed so we add a face binder or anything to this or using the curse workbench solid parachute solid then this will break if we change the underlying structure so just watch out for that so we can create a shape with a honeycomb and what we can do is come into the part and we'll just use a simple cylinder for this let's just hide this honeycomb for a second and let's give this some width and height so height of 20 radius of 5 and we'll come over to the curves workbench so back over onto the curse workbench click on that surface and we'll unwrap that surface so using the sketch my sketch on surface and what we should have i'll click map sketch we've got a nice unwrapped surface if we didn't have this we would actually have to do it the same as what i did before was collected the surface create a sketch and then added this geometry in here and do it that way i'm going to take this line and make that normal geometry and this line is normal geometry so when i hit close the sketch will be sitting there and that's coming to map sketch there we go that map sketch there so this is wrapped all the way around like so if i did the tops let's come into the map sketch double click that and change these back so these two here change those back to construction change these two to normal then you can see those tops are wound around the top there so we've now got an idea of where to place our hexagon mesh so bring back the honeycomb mesh we know the length of these we could use our geometry info so click on that we get the length so click on that so that's length of 31.416 because this is unwrap cylinder so click on the honeycomb come down to the length moments 30 which is this way we want the length going across this way which is 15. i'm going to change it to 31.5 that's 31.50 so 31.50 we can use the transform placement position got the x and y there so we can transform that along the x and along the y i need to change the height of this so the length along here was also the height of our cylinder cylinder was come down height of 20. so our honeycomb the height of the honeycomb length of the honeycomb almost could be 20. come on back up to the placement looking to transform it along the y and we can place it in there like so i'm going to use the honeycomb and just increase the separation so this is separation this is the separation between these two so each of the cells so we've set that to one get a bit of separation in there so we've got the separation in there we've got that positioned we can change the configuration of the honeycomb by coming down to the x and y to change that to control r you can see that honeycomb is shifting left and right and we've got the y as well there so those into position let's go back into our sketch before we map that and just change these back these two back to construction geometry so now i've hit a problem because i've actually changed the wrong geometry so i've changed construction mode to normal mode that leaves no construction geometry on that sketch on surface face which causes curse workbench to crash so i'm gonna have to go back and actually redo that i'm not gonna go for the process of doing that i'm gonna pause the video recreate that scene and come back to you okay we're back to where we was this time i'm going to come into the map sketch and make sure i get the right one this time so i'm going to click on this one change it and then click on the bottom one and change it so they're all construction mode hit close now we need to take this face because at the moment this is a 3d object so you can see it's a 3d object here so we're going to take this face and use to make a parametric solid for selected faces or we could use extract subshape so that stretches out that sub shape because this is not parametric so we don't have to worry about it being a parametric solid so i'm just going to extract out that subface there because if this changes then this actually one won't change so if the honeycomb changes underneath then this won't change so if we look at the honeycomb face we can see it's not actually connected to anything which is fine so that's a single face now so we can take that face come over to the sketch on surface come down to the extra objects click on there click on the honeycomb face hit okay and then that maps it to that cylinder press the spacebar on that cylinder you can see how that's mapped across there let's take the geo info off just hide that face now and what we can do is use that sketch on surface your face is true you can see we've got some problems here we've got this face here so we can deal with that no problems there because normally what would happen is come in and add a thickness to this say one on there that's added thickness to that and if we wanted to change any of this what we can do is come into the sketch and surface come over to the part workbench and we're going to use the part compound explode compound so this has exploded it that sketch into separate pieces so you can see those there so you can see this piece here and this piece here so we've got those pieces separated out and then we could take say this structure as a piece that we want to keep piece that we want to remove and use a cut against them so let's cut that from that structure there so you can see how we can easily resolve those issues so i hope that's helped that sheds light on the sketch on surface extra objects there remember we can add multiple objects in here if we wanted to add multiple in there and we can create some nice interesting structures like so if you like what you're seeing please subscribe to the site i also have a co-fire or coffee site that you can donate to if you so desire and that's at ko hyphen fi.com for slash min g0 also run a patreon where you can subscribe and get extra content and that's at www.patreon.com for slash mango jelly solutions any money that's currently donated will be used to expand the channel thanks a lot for watching and subscribing and i'll see you again soon
Channel: MangoJelly Solutions for FreeCAD
Views: 3,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CAD, three, 3D, CNC, Printing, solidworks, autoCAD, free cad, honeycomb, honey comb, bee hive, wrap, wrapping, 0.18, 0.19, 0.20, nurbs, n.u.r.b.s
Id: ldPFgQsh3Nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 28sec (1588 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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