How To Get A BIG CLEAN REVERB In Your Mixes?

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so you're looking to get a big clean Reverb from your Sound Source or vocals the issue comes up when you add a big Reverb to something is that sometimes it can lose Clarity the depth even the punch of the Sound Source can be lost well right now what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you a technique not even using pre- delay or Reverb times to kind of give you that big Reverb sound without losing that Clarity that depth and that punch that you still desire in the original Sound Source check this out so right now what we're going to do is we're going to listen to this original vocal and with this vocal there is a lot of Reverb on it I did this on purpose for the exaggeration of this video listen closely to this vocal with a lot of Reverb on it it's like 6 in me late record I respect it I know the rules I know it's important I know the music on first but sometimes I wish you as human so as you listen to that vocal it's a lot of Reverb it even feels like some of the res resonance is uh building up with the entire sound because sometimes when those big moments happen or the vocal gets louder the Reverb also gets louder and it kind of piles on top of each other muddying up everything in The Sound Source for the most part now what we're going to do right now is I'm going to show you a technique and you may have heard of it I'm going to side chain the Reverb or duck the Reverb basically what's going to happen is every time that the vocal is heard by the Reverb it's going to be compressed and when there is no sound or no audio that Reverb is going to come up causing the sound to bloom and open up and fill in the spaces in your mix and also make it also feel like there's more depth I'm going to show you how I set this whole thing up but let's just take a listen to it for the most part and then I'll break down exactly how I achieve this sound and how you can do it in your door as well let's do it okay so right now what I want you to do is I want you to listen to this sound with with this big Reverb on and I want you to pay very close attention to the spaces meaning the parts where there is no audio I want you to feel how this Reverb feels when there is no audio there and it blooms check this out oh my gosh are you like watching my video did you know you can comment like And subscribe okay don't skip okay don't skip okay back to your video I'm sorry it's like 6 in the morning you told me you running late you still the recording I respect it I know the rules I know it's important I know the music first wish human so what you're hearing is when the vocal is actually playing it's being compressed the Reverb just the Reverb is being compressed and when there's no audio it allows or the reeverb basically comes back up it's uncompressed thus filling in the space and really giving you the sense of depth making the reeverb feel a little bit more back like I kind of wanted to feel without disrupting that clarity it's compressing the Reverb thus allowing the original signal to have more Fidelity more clarity more punch and shine and then letting the Reverb Tastefully just add to the space I love this technique I'm going to show you exactly how I set this up and then kind of let you hear it in deeper uh right now check this out so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to bypass this back and forth as far as this compressor and then I'm going to show you how I set up the technique let's have it bypass first and what I want you to do is pay attention to the vocal I want you to pay attention to the clarity of the initial vocal sound when it's bypassed or when it's un bypassed sorry about that listen close it's like 6 in the morning you told me you running late you still there recording I respect it I know the rules I know it's important I know the music on first but sometimes I wish you as human now it's 8 in the morning you see me trying on suits and so when it's on or when it's not bypassed and when it's engaged you can hear that initial sound of the vocal feels a little bit less unbothered you still feel the Reverb but it feels a little bit more subtle and it feels like the clarity of the actual initial vocal sound is cutting through if I play this along with music you'll really really feel that difference well you'll notice that vocal just shines and it feels unbothered by the Reverb but it's still there in the play of it I didn't uh change any pre- delay times or rebirth times to achieve this I literally just used Side chaining in order to duct the reverb when the vocal was there so that when it's not there it fills in the holes and I'm getting that effect of the Reverb let me show you exactly how I set it up so what I did was this I went to my vocal right and I created a send basically this send is what I'm saying hey vocal I want you to send a copy of yourself out somewhere so I happened to go to bus five as you can see and I turned it up to zero so now a copy of my vocal is being sent out to bus five now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go on over to my Reverb track or ax and what I'm going to do is I'm going to open up a compressor and on this compressor I'm then going to go for Pro Tools I'm going to go to the side chain or key input and I'm going to say hey I want you to listen to input or bus five uh when it comes to your compression so now it's listening to bus five so now my vocal is getting to this compressor so now every time it hears my vocal it's going to apply compression to this particular chain here where the Reverb is and duck it like so look at it it's like 6 in the morning you told me you running late you still there recording I respect it I know the rules it's it's a very subtle effect but it's so effective when it's in your mix and things like of that nature please make sure you listen on headphones and monitor so you can really really hear this thing and feel it if you're hearing it on a phone amazing so what are my settings for my compressor long story short I'm getting about 6 DB of gain reduction realize I'm not too concerned or worried about oh my gosh I have so much compression use your ears feel it out see what feels right and then go from there I use 6db cuz in the back of mine I said okay if we duck the Reverb 6db that should be enough to kind of get out of the way of that vocal so that when it comes back in I got a nice big Reverb that goes up 6db um when there's nothing there so it feels like this big Reverb but as soon as it hears a vocal it just takes it right back down and moves it out the way that's why I like doing it so much and that's why I feel like it works for me I'm not saying this is the only way to do it but I like it I love the sound of it and maybe you could use it as well let's take a look at my attack and release settings right now I have it at about a fast to medium attack and about a slow to medium release I still want it to grab though I I guess the initial transient information of the Reverb I wanted to grab it pretty fast but not too much where it just kind of feels smooshed and just completely taking the front of it out but I also want it to feel a little bit smooth and I can accomplish it feeling Smoother by taking the release also and making it slower so that it makes the Reverb a little bit more Lush there's a lot of different ways to do it use your ears try it out for yourself and find the settings that work for you so just to add to this another cool thing and a way for you to get creative with this is say for instance that hey I like what I'm doing as far as the Reverb ducking what if when the Reverb gets duct or when there's no information coming to this actual Reverb meaning the spaces I want it to boost that up 4 DB so basically what's going to happen is every time that there's no sound or there's no signal coming into the side chain it's going to basically have a 4 DB boost of the Reverb in general so you're adding about 4 DB of gain to the entire Reverb in totality but now when the when there's no signal and there's space you're going to hear a big big significant jump in the Reverb which can be a cool creative effect I'm not saying this is the greatest way to do it but it also is a way just to open your mind up to what you possibly could do with this so let's listen to this with a 4db boost at the makeup gain side of this check this out it's like 6:00 in the morning you told me you running late you still the recording I respect it I know the rules I know it's important I know the music on first so do you notice that when their space or when the vocal uh has no signal and there's a gap you feel that Reverb just swell and Bloom and this can be a super creative way to do a lot of different things I'm just trying to open your mind up to how you can use the side chaining in Reverb to really give you some really really cool effects in your mixes vocals or whatever the Sound Source uh that it is uh this is a really great technique it's it's great for helping you achieve more clarity Fidelity in a vocal sound or any Sound Source in my opinion um when you do want a Reverb but at the same time you want to maintain that sound you want it to be heard and you want it to be more felt so I hope that that was helpful please make sure you comment like And subscribe also make sure that you follow us at helpme Deon and you can become a paid member of this channel by hitting the little join button down below uh it it's awesome you get a bunch of money in our store every month you also get exclusive access to content episodes from the my audio nerds podcast which drops every single Wednesday and a bunch of other things we really appreciate the support uh I hope that you guys like that please let me know in the comments below what else you would like to see um and uh till next time you guys
Channel: Help Me Devvon
Views: 32,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: music production, reverb, fl studio, mixing, mastering, vocal reverb, reverb tutorial, muddy mix, logic pro x, bitwig, tutorial, home studio, how to, how to use reverb, master, ableton, mixing with reverb, cubase, how to mix vocals, reverb mixing techniques, reverb mixing vocals, reverb mixing tips, #reverb, #eqareverb, #cubase, help me devvon, devvon terrell
Id: VrGKTYxxug0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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