Underbid Tree Removal

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what's up YouTube we're gonna go cut down on oak tree today kind of a easy well bucket truck good access I was thinking about taking you guys with us although it seems kind of boring I got a few things to do dog ran off on the weekend tried to follow us to church and then almost got hit by a car it ended up in the pound and I can't get him out of jail until today so I'm gonna have to have some new rules how do you feel about what you've done he was a stay-at-home type of dog and then he became a runaway and try to get hit type of dog anyway busy day lots of stuff going on and maybe we'll take you maybe we won't and you'll never see this video but if you do then we did so so here's here's the job that we might film some of for you today that oak tree it's a white oak tree it's a real nice tree super nice tree but they don't like it and we got the bucket truck in there we backed the bucket truck and then we backed in the chipper so the bucket truck works best off the front has the best reach and the chippers backed up to that and so you can see here strategically that it's quite a it's a big tree I didn't bid this very well then again all the cleanup is right here so all of this most of the tree hangs over the drop zone the bucket truck has really good access we'll just see what happens cut down a monster tree and try not to go too yeah just try to get your rope out of there late just in some way that the wind are you living the good life down there living your best life we're living our best lives right now okay so off to the post office well Damien gets started on that thing tree looks a lot bigger than when I bid the tree so that happens sometimes I thought I would take just a minute and respond to a couple of comments my last video put a fair amount of work into the video too make it more watchable it was the video where Damian cut down a fir tree and tree rigging versus tree chunking and a guy said the video was crap and I needed to basically be more like bucking billy-ray or something and I just want to say that the reason I make the videos is because it's fun for me and I have always had my own style and I do what I do because I want to and if I didn't want to there would be nothing to see so if somebody doesn't like it I don't understand really why they watch it or subscribe you know the thumbs down button is totally valid thing somebody doesn't like something you know it's a free country or whatever but not to bust that guy's balls but I do what I do because I want to and I have freedom in America to do what I want to do so I'm gonna keep doing that and then there was another comment on Instagram that just called to mine a lesson a guy I don't wanna I don't want to single him out and bust him either because feedback creates opportunities for growth like if somebody doesn't like something and they tell you then you can talk about it and maybe learn some respect for each other based on how you answer and this guy jumped to the conclusion that the whole tree life sales of t-shirts and hats was us taking advantage of the legacy of Jaden Anderson and it was just such it was really a wrong thing for him to say because we had a deal with Jaden Anderson on the tree life subject where we put his his vibe his logo on monkey beaver calm and paid him in advance for any inventory that we got he would send it to us and then we would pay for it in advance and then and then sell it the motivation is it's not a get rich thing it's it's a fun thing so when jaden died that work and effort and energy goes to his parents goes to Eden roof and they get paid in advance and it's not a I hesitate to even bring it up because because when you when you answer negative comment you almost give it more press than it deserves but hey it's an opportunity for people to know that what we're doing is is totally transparent I Irish didn't respond harsh to the guy there were some harsh comments to him a lot of people you know say what's on their mind right away but it's better to think about everything and sort of measure your response I have said things just off the cuff real quick before where I wish I could take the words back but words are like a bullet from a gun you don't unfold and it's really hard to unseat words but if the receiver like the words that he used were inflammatory and and untruth so it doesn't it didn't really hurt me as much because I he wasn't picking at any point of truth anything any insecurities insecurities is what makes you pissed off and and sort of fight back a lot of times and I thought man I've I've said things before that I shouldn't have said and it would have been really cool if whoever I said him to kind of had mercy on me because one sentence or one action does not summarize in a person's life so if you give people to benefit the doubt a little bit so I talked to the guy privately because that's another thing you don't you don't just public blast everything at least not right away if it comes to that I suppose then sometimes you have to he was cool he got back to me and was like yeah I was having an off day I mean sometimes when you don't know all the details you can make decisions based on how what things look like to you anyway I probably talked a long time and I don't know if if all if I'll ever share this it's good for me to kind of say things out loud it's like some sort of inventory for myself so yeah hopefully those guys are shredding that tree sending saddles today monkey beaver harnesses to Scott Meyer William McMillion Donovan teal Scott Davis Bob easterly Terry Rogers Alec Hastings Samuel Preston Nate Charlton Michael Stover David McMillion David McMillan I got to be careful we're gonna sin okay William McMillan David McNeil Wayne Isaac Schumacher Ben law Todd Tichenor Todd yeah we went with the small harness I believe on that so it'll fit it'll be good you'll love it yeah let's uh let's do some shipping to the post office I went to the post office did that shipping and now I'm back at home I had to do some stuff with the accountant hopefully the guys are still shredding and now I'm doing one of those DocuSign things because I am making an exciting new purchase for the company more about that later it's 12:20 and I just went to the insurance company to get the insurance squared away on this new purchase that you don't know about while I was there I noticed that they had some wind damage to their trees I'm like hey you got to do something about that and they're like come do it so that's kind of funny same exact thing that happened last time I bought something and went there for insurance the insurance company actually gave me a bunch of work that's pretty funny oh man I got a feeling I got this bid way wrong by the looks of that progress and Here I am stuck doing all of this stuff that does not make that happen faster like going to the pound to rescue my dog after that I'm picking up I'm picking up the Vermeer and I'm headed back to that job where there's no parking Monday still pretty happy pretty pretty productively getting a lot of things done I think that's what production means and yes fresh out of jail 82 dollars how do you feel about what you've done huh did shipping signage documentation for the new purchase the insurance office bid a job for them and went to the pound and picked up my dog a lot of stuff got up at 6:00 here it is one o'clock in the afternoon and I'm just now be helpful on the jobsite and I wanted to sound like whining though because I'm really thankful for a day Adam being able to plug away on that sort of thing while I do this other stuff pretty cool really it's just that I didn't bid the job for an office yeah take [Music]
Channel: August Hunicke
Views: 27,733
Rating: 4.9072466 out of 5
Id: bqYGlmIi_8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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