Under Pressure // Judah Smith

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John chapter 13 John chapter 13 and we'll begin reading in verse 33 John chapter 13 and verse 33 we're doing a collection of messages and talks around this idea of home for Humanity leaning into this major theme in scripture in regards to home calling ourselves now church home believing that God has asked us not only as a community not only corporately but individually to function and live not only like we're home but also welcoming all those in our world and around us to home which is Jesus and a lot of people talk about you know the church getting bigger but I suppose my prayer particularly in this season is that our heart would get bigger and our heart would get bigger for people that our heart would grow in passion for Jesus and that's exciting so if you're feeling some growing pains that's a good sign your heart is getting bigger are you alive and well this morning it's game day come on is the bye week is over now you can be quiet and relaxed on the bye week but this is this is game day ladies and gentlemen Joe John 13 verse 33 it's in red Jesus says little children get a little while I'm with you you will seek me just as I said to the Jews so now I say also to you where I'm going you cannot come Jesus is speaking of course of the cross the crucifixion he says to his eleven remaining disciples if you know the story from John 12 to John 18 we have the Last Supper the most famous dinner in human history in Jesus now Judas has gone out from the dinner is preparing his betrayal so Jesus now speaking to his eleven disciples he says where I'm going you cannot come which is to say I am righteous I am sinless I'm gonna go to the cross not for my sins but for your sins he's saying to the disciples you can't go to the cross for another for you would have to go to the cross for your sin the Bible says he who knew no sin became sin so that we might become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus that's literally that loaded of a statement he's saying where I'm going he's not talking about heaven now he's saying where I'm going you actually can't do this you can't accomplish this you cannot come a new commandment I give to you that you love one another just as I loved you you also are to love one another by this in this isn't this interesting by this all people will know that you're my disciples because you love one another in the niche in Jesus declares that the distinguishing factor of Jesus followers or Christians in the world should be love not law not rules not picketing not bigotry not division but love people should look at us and say whoa whoa whoa are you worlds Jesus people how did you know cuz you love so well and let us remember this morning that you cannot live well unless you love well for the Bible defines living well as loving well and I pray it is a community church home that the idea and the concept of church home would be synonymous with loving well don't you dare shout me down not this early don't get too excited about loving well Simon Peter says verse 36 Simon Peter says Lord where are you going jesus answered him where I'm going you you you you cannot follow me now but you will follow me after listen to Peter Peter says Lord why can I not follow you now I will follow you now I will lay down my life for you jesus answered says and you know this is always bad when a friend says really will you they kind of repeat the whip oh really oh you will huh he says will you lay down your life for me he's against not a question he is the answer he's just making a statement and Peter said yeah yeah this is truly truly which is an emphasis we don't think Jesus actually would have used two words but it's such an emphatic ancient word that our English transliteration is difficult so we translate it truly truly Jesus probably just said something like truly you know but it's we translate it truly truly I say to you the rooster will not crow till you have denied me three times in other words in the next few hours you're gonna deny me Jesus goes on naturally now his next statement after letting Peter know by the way we won't hear again from Peter till John 18 he really got quiet after that he says Jesus let not your hearts be troubled you believe in God so believe also in me in my father's house in my father's home or many rooms let me know in church home we're gonna have many rooms and if it we're not so what I have told you that I go / to prepare a place for you and if I go to prepare a place for you I will come again and I will take you to myself that where I am you may be also and you know the way to where I am going Thomas says Lord we do not know where you're going period how can we know the way jesus answered and said to him I am the way Thomas I am the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except through me and if you had known me you would have known my father also from now on you do know him and have seen him so I can't tempt Thomas you do know him and you've seen him you do know the father and you've seen him Jesus is like Thomas it's me how clear do I have to say this Philip says Lord show us the father it'll be enough now notice Peter asked a question Thomas asks a question Philip makes a statement Jesus system have I not been with you so long you still do not know me Philip whoever has seen me has seen the father how come you say show us the father do you not believe that I am in the father and the father is me the words that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority but the father dwells in me does his works believe me that I am in the father and the father is in me or Allah or else believe on account of the works themselves truly truly ii truly truly statement in our portion of reading today i say to you whoever believes in me will also do the works that i do and greater works than these he will do because i'm going to the father whatever you ask in my name this i will do that the father may be glorified in the son if you ask me anything in my name I will do it somebody say Amen would you join me in prayer Jesus thank you for the moments that we share thank you for your sustaining grace and presence and nearness though we know that you are here this morning you never leave us nor forsake us we pray that you would take the brief moments that we do have as a community we pray that you would meet us in a real genuine and authentic way thank you for your grace thank you for helping the Cougars beat Colorado real good and Lord today we we can just see four and two in our in our future four and two is our destiny it's the Seahawks record after we beat the New York Giants we thank you for that and Lord help the Patriots losses of Falcons to please in Jesus name Amen feels good feels right yeah that's capable for sure that's I wish I wish everybody got a standing ovation oh man what do you do when you're feeling overwhelmed like what's your what's your go-to you know when you're feeling stressed now the truth is I don't like the word stress I don't like the word busy and I grew up in a household with my mom and dad words have power so we don't use the word busy and we don't use the word stress and the reason you say why do you why would you say that is because I think the more you say you're stressed the more stressed you become and I also think the more busy you say you are the more busy you act it becomes an attitude and a mentality so life is full and I often feel stretched see how I replace those so instead of busy that's just full do you feel stressed a little stretched so what are you what do you do when life is full and you feel stretched like what's what's what's your go-to doo doo doo the mow the lawn I mean I this may seem funny but I literally had a friend who told me years ago that when he gets kind of stretched and life is full and he feels overwhelmed and things are just a lot going on he craves the smell of fresh-cut grass true story that's like--that's that's it that's his that's his that's definitely an original my mom my mom cleans the house true story if she's feeling a little stretch she cleans the house I'm really hoping Chelsea picks up on that but the point is I come on relax she told me I could say that I mean I'll ask her later what is what's your go-to you you go to the movies do you crave candy like what's women you're feeling stretched when you're feeling overwhelmed maybe you did it this morning and this might sound comical to you but it's true Chelsea knows when I'm feeling a little stretched and little overwhelmed because there's this little app called red fin and that is where I go and it could be late at night it can be early in the morning I have no stipulations I have no lines like it could be 6:00 a.m. I could look at the redfin app before I read my Bible app don't judge me but sometimes it gets that full right and the red fin is a real estate app in case you don't know it and and I'll be won't even realize that I'm there right I just click on it and then I'll just start scanning and now Chelsea doesn't ask what are you doing she simply she ships she simply asked where are you and I'll be like Palm Springs yeah and one day I'm feeling crazy and I look at like five million dollar homes right then other days I'm feeling realistic and I look at two hundred thousand dollar homes you know whatever it is right I'm just I look at square footage and I look at think through remodels and Chelsea just smells like you gotta let me dream right like I'll show her stuff but she'll be like oh yeah right like we would ever a big babe just play along right just like that would be amazing let's think about that right and that was by the way that's that's how my parents raised me like we didn't really have like any money at all growing up you know if you know the story my my grandma kind of like bought us our clothes and our toys and that sort of thing and so but my mom and dad I would never know that because we would be looking at I don't know like we'd be driving by a new car lot right and that'd be like dad let's buy one of the hoes need be like you know we'll think about it but not today it was never like we can't afford that right I never heard that growing up no we couldn't at all you know but dad kept the dream alive that's kind of what I asked from jealous just keep the dream alive you know let's think about that instead she's like never heard babe come on just dream with me what do you do the funniest thing I heard recently from a friend and he might be sitting right here Wes E halliburton he had a friend true story when he gets stressed he watches the vault the beach volleyball scene from Top Gun is this true Wes E I'm not making this up it's a minute in 30 seconds and he saved it on his phone and so when he gets stressed he literally just finds it presses play Tom Cruise and his finest on the beach playing volleyball and that just relieves all the stretching and the fullness of life what do you do maybe you've never thought about it but what is your go-to I know a lot is going on in terms of the dynamics and the room dynamics of the Last Supper the last dinner the famous most famous dinner in human history and Jesus is soon going to the cross and there's a lot of turmoil but but in reality we we have eleven ordinary men who are finding themselves in a very stretching situation they have actually we can tell even by for instance Peters vernacular and Peter's verbage that Peter has bought into one of the most popular ideas of what the Messiah would do and establish when he came many Jews actually in Jesus day would have believed that the Messiah would come he would overthrow the current government he would overthrow all the governmental parties and he would establish his own party and his own Kingdom and his own throne room and his own military like that's literally what was believed and clearly Peter is kind of one of those guys he believes that Jesus is going to kind of like you know get better at 70 he's gonna grow old he's gonna be amazing they're gonna establish this kingdom and they're gonna rule and I'm sure Peter is expecting to be the vice president you know and he's very excited but these guys have lost sight of the fact that Jesus came to die he came to take our place and he's filling them in again again letting them know hey guys I'm going away where are you going you can't come I want it I will come I'll lay down my life and Peter expresses himself in this difficult stressful situation and then Thomas expresses himself and then Philip expresses himself and what I'd like to do today in this message is look at Peter and look at Thomas and look at Philip and kind of observe how they handle this difficult challenging I'll use the words of Jesus troubling time you ever been through troubling times has life ever gotten overwhelming if you haven't noticed we are smack dab in the middle of some of the most difficult troubling modern times in our nation's history has it affected you has it affected your perspective as it affected your conversation has it affected your attitude has it affected your words has it affected your emotions has it affected your mentality has it affected how you relax is it affected how you work has it affected how you speak to your family to your spouse to your children you ever gotten to fight with your spouse spouse only to realize that actually you're just a jeté tada on the news or you're agitated because of what you heard on Twitter and you're just like actually I'm not mad at you I'm so sorry I don't know why I reacted I'm just frustrated Peter Thomas and Philip and we could leapfrog later in the story Judas not the one who left by the way do you know there was two Judas guys rolling with Jesus don't you feel bad for the one who didn't betray Jesus is we're gonna meet him in heaven he's like I'm Judas like oh I didn't know you'd be here you know so there's another Judas and he actually stayed at the table and he actually makes a comment but just for time we're gonna look at Peter Thomas and Philip because actually I think we'll discover that more than likely we can relate to one of these guys and how they cope how they respond how they react in the midst of troubling difficult challenging news not notice Peter Peter is he's a man's man he's classic and of course by now if you're familiar with Scripture or been in church attendance services you've probably heard Peter mentioned he gets a lot of lines in Jesus story he gets a lot of airtime right we're gonna in a moment go to Thomas we're gonna fill up we don't hear a lot from these guys that's gonna be kind of fun and intriguing but Peter who is Peter well we can see who Peter is right here in this story Jesus says in very plain language Peter you can't come with me he says why it's so classic why explain to me why why can't I come with you in fact no I'm gonna I'm willing and Jesus says by the way he says you can't come with me now and he says no why can't I come with you now I am willing to lay down my life for you Jesus says really really you will he says that's interesting because in a couple of hours you'll be denying me in front of a junior high girl at a bonfire who's Peter Peter is the kind of guy that when things get tough he's gonna handle it peter is a fighter Peter's gonna fight through this Peter is the kind of person when things get troubling things get difficult things get hard Peter says I got this I got this why do you got this because I'm gonna handle this I know how Peter is a muscle man Peter is a strong man Peter is a classic man there are literally people in this room that had raise to handle pressure and challenge like Peter in fact there is a large considerable part of our culture who praises this kind of approach to difficult times suck it up pull up your bootstraps be a man and just handle it you don't have to share anything you don't have to talk about it you just handle it you just pick up the broken pieces and put it back together Peters like I will die for you Jesus is like you will actually you won't now remember who Peter is Peter's a fighter Peter's the guy in the boat who's like if that's you I want to do that too and Jesus like come on Peter's the only other guy who's walked on water other than God himself Peter's a doer Peter does knock Peter doesn't sit around moping when times get tough he gets up in fact he makes fun of people who sit around and mope when times get tough Peter gets up off the couch and figures stuff I'll prove it to you just a few few verses later Peter will pull his sword or his dagger remember this part when Jesus gives himself up at the Garden of Gethsemane to the Romans and shared the Roman soldiers they approach and what does Peter do he pulls out his knife and he cuts off in here that's sitting interesting by the way observation is Peter have really good aim or really bad aim I say bad aim cuz this guy's not a pro swordsman this is not Zorro this is a fisherman right this is the Deadliest Catch guy this is not Zorro I think he was going for his throat he got his ear to be honest and by the way the guy's ear that he cut off his name was Malchus what kind of mom and dad when a child is born go what does he let's name him Malchus I'm sorry kid you sneeze you know so Peter cuts off his ear you love this scene and Jesus literally picks up the ear I can't wait to see this and while he's putting it back on the side of malthus's head he's like Peter are you good Peter what are you doing I think Peters like I thought I thought this was our time I thought with clubs and swords and burning torches we were gonna overthrow Rome and Jesus is like no I never once said that ever her I'd never even alluded to that you weren't listening I think I was though you were sharpening your blade you weren't listening why cuz cuz cuz Peters one of those guys he's a he's a fighter he's a fighter when things get tough he fights he's gonna fight it out he's gonna muscle through it maybe you can relate to that I don't think anywhere in the passage as we're saying that you're wrong you're bad I think there are certain dispositions in which we were born with that we are have a propensity when things get tough we are ready to pull our dagger and handle business there's some of you in here you wish the devil would manifest in physical visible form so you could have a fist fight with him you are wired that way times get tough I'm gonna fight and then there's Thomas he's quite different from Peter and you can hear it in his tone you can hear it in his language Jesus says you know the way and the where the where and the way you know the point of life and how to get there you said it's me Thomas exasperated I love Thomas is what we don't don't talk like this we don't know where you're going Pierre it and we don't know how to get there you can hear me yeah this is Thomas now I can prove to you Thomas is not a fighter Thomas is a feeler that's who Thomas's you say well how do you know that know there's other texts that tells us this for instance Thomas fast forward fast forward right Jesus has now resurrected he's appeared to the disciples remember in there in the he walks through the wall he's like tena I'm here they look and they hug each other and then Jesus departs and Thomas comes back from Trader Joe's he totally misses out on the party right he's like oh wait what happened they're like Thomas he's here he's alive yes Thomas goes no he's not they're like what it's like no I love Thomas isn't over state because he's a feeling maybe you're married to someone like this they overstate everything because they feel everything Thomas goes no unless I put my hands in the holes of his hands and I touch his pierced side listen what he says I will never believe are you married to someone like that who always uses never and always you always you never write the counselors tell us those are the two words you're not supposed to use slugger right you're supposed to stay away from those ones right the overstatements that hurt your spouse right he's like I will never believe and just right about that time Jesus is so kind he walks through the walls again he's like I think he came in through the wall you know and Thomas was looking this way and I think Jesus is back here he's like messing around and he's like I love Jesus he's like you you are new and Thomas I'm good I don't really need to know no go ahead okay you know poor Thomas he's like yeah it's you look at it awkward was was that but Thomas is a feeler right Thomas is like how can we know the way I don't know where you're going right Thomas doesn't say I got this when things get tough Thomas says I don't get this when things get tough I don't get this he's like a philosopher now I can spend the next hour on Thomas because I am Thomas right so when times get tough Thomas wants to like just talk it out with his friends but Thomas doesn't want to think before he talks he just wants to talk just to feel what it feels like to say things it's Thomas and like if you call Thomas on like an actual quote Thomas was like I didn't say that like yeah you did well I didn't really mean that like we're all supposed to be up to date on what Thomas means and what he doesn't mean he's a feeler and when times get tough he wants to feel it out now fight it out huh why are you cutting people's ears off Peter ah we just need to sit around and just feel this man and say crazy stuff like always never and just just just share our feelings now the problem Thomas can be really invigorating and interesting but Thomas can also be very debilitating if you get him on the wrong day and he's going through a tough time because all the sudden things are said that maybe don't hurt Thomas but hurt people around him Peter wants to fight it out Thomas wants to feel it out and then Phillip Phillip wants to figure it out look Pete Peters like I'll always be with you right let's do this Thomas look what does this mean where are we why are we here what's going on and Phillip Phillip some of you are so much like Phillip didn't remember who Phillip is you remember who Phillip is right Phillip is the same guy remember that the five thousand are coming towards them remember the whole herd of people and Jesus like wow that's a lot of people hey Phillip how much money you think it would take to feed everybody Phillip is a numbers guy Phillip is a cerebral guy Phillip literally this literally happened Phillip goes 200 in an area wouldn't even give everybody a little something at leat I mean 200 that's at daenerys a day's work 200 days of work about about 200 Denari like it's not Jesus wasn't really wanting an answer like that from Phillip but that's who Phillip is Phillip is a numbers guy Philip is a details guy I love this because Peters emotional Thomas is emotional Philip seems to be sitting back watching the emotional carnage and you can see Philip like adjusting his glasses and instead of asking an emotional question or making an emotional statement Peter Philip says what what does he say he says Lord just show us the father it'll be enough it'll be it'll be fine okay Peter is like I got this Thomas is like I don't get this and Philip is like I just need this I figured it out I just need this I just need a slight increase in my pay and I'll be fine in these troubling times I just need my spouse to not be so irrational and our marriage will be fine sure I'll go to counseling that's fine if that's what he or she needs that's fine I but personally I just think actually you just need to stop exaggerating right and Philip it's listened to his statement so basic we just he's hearing all the turmoil the father you what st. what it looks like just shows the father and we'll be fine guys seriously enough go ahead what's amazing is Jesus almost is the most emotional with the least emotional Jesus is like how can you say show me the father Philip I know your numbers guy and you look really smart and I'm sure you are but how can you say this I love this because all three one there's no ranking system here Jesus is not like Philip is probably the best at this Thomas your last Peter your second he's this it's called human nature it's called our nature when things get troubling and things get challenging all the times we want to fight it out we want to feel it out or we'll just figure it out but it becomes abundantly clear to me that none of those options are going to take you where you need to go and want to go now if fighting it out and feel it out and figuring it out could deliver what we desire I will be the first in line to sign up but the truth is if we're all honest with each other when stretching full troubling challenging difficult seasons and times come some of these elements can be some what constructive but the progress that we desire is now truly achieved by these mere natural approaches they're not and I believe God's called us as a community to be different in troubling times to be a unique people when times get tough we are at our best because we know the antidote and we know the answer and it's not our opinion and it's not our background or our perfect worldview it's actually and always will be him remember how this chapter starts John 14 Jesus says don't let your hearts be troubled now that's such an interesting statement don't let your hearts be troubled your body can be troubled your neighborhood can be troubled your home can be troubled your finances can be troubled your country can be troubled your friends can be troubled but he says at the core of your being do not be shaken at the center of who you are there is going to be challenges there's going to be turmoil there's gonna be opposition there's going to be storms there's going to be things that happen to you that do not make sense and are absolutely inexplicable and not even Philip can figure them out but do not be shaken when I try to fight it out and feel it out and figure it out I must admit I am very susceptible to being shaken on the inside I love that scripture that says what can be shaken will be shaken so that what remain what remains is what cannot be shaken what if we were the kind of community that even in the midst of shaking troubling difficult times we were secure at the soul and the core of our being how is that possible Peter how is that possible Thomas how is that possible Philip Jesus says let not your heart be troubled if you believe in God if you believe in God if you believe if you believe if you trust if you rely if you rest in if you receive that he is God and that I then believe in me because I God and then you start reading throughout John 14 and the few verses we've read and there's this reoccurring theme believe believe believe believe trust rely believe trust rely so clearly the message is don't don't try to don't try to fight it out don't try to feel it out don't try to figure it out just faith it out I'm instead of fighting the Bible says fight the good fight of also the only fight we're supposed to fight is to fight to trust not in ourselves not even in our beautiful systems and policies but to trust in God right in the Bible says the just shall live by not by figuring it out not by feeling it out but by trusting in God I love people about this moment in a sermon that go man this sounds like blind faith what other kind of faith is there I can tell you like I believe this stand is here and everybody like cool man we don't really need to believe it just is right the Bible says faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen all of faith is bind it's the ability to see what cannot be seen because we believe in our God his track record is true and I read his story over and over and I recall and remember that he's true and he's faithful I promise I'll be right there fight it out if it worked I'd feel it out if it worked I'd figure it out if it worked but it doesn't the only thing that's worked for me the only thing that's ever given me peace of mind and tranquility on the inside and unshakable trust he's Jesus and Jesus alone not trust in my trust not trust in myself not trust in church not trust in a program not trust in a system but trust in a person and his name is Jesus and he's the same yesterday today and forever that's the kind of trust I want do you see the little secret and that Jesus gives us in this John 14 passage because he says you don't believe in me believing me at about this time you know maybe if you're a little bit more like cool believe believe how do I believe how do I believe and Jesus says look what he says and I think it's verse verse 11 verse 11 believe in me that I'm in the father and the father is in me a comma or or or here's another here's another option or just believe on account of the works themselves now that is a little secret to help you trust more Jesus is given them this is the most one of the most practical instructions on how to grow your faith or enhance or engage trust in God when you want to fight it out feel it out or figure it out do you know what you practically need to do you need to go over what Jesus was saying to these eleven guys is when times get tough I want you to go back in your imagination and I want you to remember the three-and-a-half years we just had and the things you saw and the blind eyes that were open and the little children that we blessed and the prostitutes that were set free and the lepers that were healed I want you to go over feeding the 5,000 with the little boy's lunch I want you to rehearse in fact if you need to I want you to get over a nice meal and I want you to sit around and talk about the miracles that I did right in front of your face and so in the midst of these troubling times I say it's church home that we're the kind of community where we give the message of Jesus centerstage that the joy of our salvation will sustain us through troubling times and if we gotta go back to the 70s if we gotta go back to the 60s if we gotta go back to the 50s but we gotta go them a little bit more modern in the 80s or the 90s or the 2000s to remember the day Jesus found you and he rescued you and he saved you and he restored you and he saved your marriage or he saved your baby or he saved your body everybody wants to remember that my dad died but what we don't remember is that he should have died in months and he lives six and a half years fighting multiple myeloma why is there not room or faith to say God I know dad graduated but you extended his life by six years that's graciousness and while we're on topic are you mad at God for losing your dad at least our out of dad there's always something to be grateful for God's always working miracles why can't we be the kind of church that instead of trying to fight it out and feel it out and figure it out we're the kind of church that says no we believe in God and let him talk let him say you got blind faith let him say you turned off your brain let him say you're not logical let him say you're not looking at the facts and maybe sometimes I'm not gonna look at the facts maybe sometimes the facts are hurting my worldview what I need to look at is Jesus I feel like preaching this week cuz last week I was sick and I couldn't break the 8:30 yeah look at what Colossians says Colossians chapter 3 and verse 16 let the word about Jesus dwell in you richly can we do that in the message is that okay Casey thank you let the Peace of Christ keep into each other instead with each other none of this going off and doing your own thing it's the next area and cultivate thankless it the word of Christ here it is let the word the story about Jesus the message have the run of the house I'm making a declaration day this is a house it's Church house it's Church home we're a home and we're family and I'm making a declaration as long as within my physical capabilities and the grace of God upon me to lead this community we are gonna let one message and one story have the run of this home and have the run of this house and you know what I'm glad for your story and I'm glad for my story but it is all his story and so we're gonna keep going over that story week by week month by month year by year and for the next 25 years we are gonna declare that Jesus loves us this I know for the Bible tells me so red and yellow black brown and white they're all precious in His sight let the message Jesus had the run of the house he goes on he says this given plenty of room in your lives am I the only person that when times get difficult and challenging what I give plenty of room to is the exact opposite of what I need to and the crazy times get tough we want to gossip times get tough we want to do be discouraged times get tough we want to take things into our own hands times get tough we want to get cerebral we want to get logical times get tough what I need is to give plenty of room to the message of Jesus what I need is to speak of Jesus what I need is to speak of forgiveness and mercy and transference I was over there and I said I should be dead but he brought me over here and he took my place over there and now look at me I'm the righteousness of God in Christ give it plenty of room so that's what we're gonna do we're gonna give the message of Jesus plenty of room plenty of room and let them talk it's the only thing you guys know is Jesus well it was Paul wasn't it pollicis I determined to know nothing I determined to know nothing I've determined to know nothing except Jesus Christ and him crucified because that is life that is sustenance that is strength that is the source of your sanity during troubling times I want to look to Jesus it is not by Mike it is not by power but it is by my spirit says the Lord we've never needed Jesus more and I'm starting to get excited that things are getting so polarizing and so challenging that I mean it is only one option now it's like we've exhausted everything we've tried everything in the arm of strength and our own abilities and our own logic and our own sanity you know what I think we might just need Jesus we might just need Jesus so let's talk about Jesus let's teach one another about Jesus let's sing about Jesus let's work for Jesus let's let's let's do that in a moment we're gonna stand to our feet if you're able and willing and we're gonna sing and what sounds like karaoke and what feels like tradition can actually all that can be transcended and you can recognize that what we're doing is we're singing about the story of Jesus and when you give that the run of the house and you give that plenty of room all the sudden this this urge to fight it out and feel it out and figure it out start to subside and all of a sudden that thing that's just fleshly those things that are temporary those things that can't deliver and won't produce in the midst of challenging troubling times they give way to the source of all light in him was the fullness of the Godhead in bodily form everything was made by him through him and for him and all the sudden he takes center stage and you're like I can make it another day I can make it through this season though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me and you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life I am NOT able but you are able and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens us let there be a demarcation on this community the church home is at her best when times are at their worst because we just continue to lean in to who Jesus is are you tired yet are you burned-out are you exhausted trying to feel it out and figure it out and fight it out are you done are at the end of the rope are you exasperated god I can't do this anymore I'm telling you right in that place you are positioned and postured perfectly to trust okay god you're everything I need you're everything I have you're everything I want and I tell you he responds yes I am I am the way the truth and the life he's everything he's the point of life and he's how to get there when you close your eyes with me Jesus we thank you so much for your sustaining strength you're sustaining energy and life you are great we are weak but when we are weak and we are strong for its then the power of Christ the power of you the power of Jesus rests upon us we thank you for that if you're here today and you say Judah I want to follow Jesus I want to receive the forgiveness that only Jesus offers I want to pray for you for the Bible says for all have sinned and fallen short of God's glorious standard but God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in him to believe is to receive whosoever receives him will not perish but have everlasting life if you'd like to receive the forgiveness of Jesus if you'd like to receive the belonging of Jesus if you'd like to receive what only Jesus offers which is salvation and mercy and grace if you'd like to receive that on the count of three I'm gonna ask you to lift up your hand and put it right back down you know who you are I just believe you're here because God wanted you here right now in this moment I don't even think it's an accident if you're here and you said you died that to me on the count of three I'm gonna ask you to lift up your hand and put it right back down and the reason I do that is I believe that when we respond on the outside to what's happened on the inside it becomes all the more real so on the count of three you lift up your hand and put it right back down one god loves you two three if that's you you live to pray and all the rooms I'd like to make that decision it's amazing it's amazing it's amazing it's amazing anybody else I believe and I received the forgiveness of Jesus amazing God you see these hands and you know these Souls and you know these hearts and now in one moment of a freewill decision we are yours forever and ever without end we are forgiven for ever and we thank you for that we thank you for your strength for your salvation for your deliverance you are the sustainer of our life and we thank you for that if you're here and you say man I'm willing to admit today I've been either trying to fight it out feel it out or figure it out but I want to leave here making a determination by the grace of God that I'm gonna trust it out I'm gonna fade it out I'm gonna rely on him I'm gonna turn my attention from myself and I'm gonna turn my attention to him if I'm talking to you God's talking to you would you lift your hand all over the auditorium so that's me God's talking to me this morning guys talking to me this morning so that's our declaration as a community corporately and individually we are saying more than in the worst of times we're gonna experience the best of times we're gonna trust you we're gonna grow nearer to you we're gonna go closer to you you're gonna become more and more paramount you have the preeminence may you have the preeminence in church home may you always be first place in church home may your story may your history may your glory may your goodness may your peace may your grace may your mercy have the run of the house may we give it more and more room in our lives more and more room in church home we dedicate this community has a Jesus community at the name of Jesus and the story of Jesus and the love of Jesus not only will be heard but will be seen and will be demonstrated in Jesus name in Jesus name would you stand with us and come on let's sing out loudly and boldly what we believe about our great God come on church hey we hoped you loved it we hope you had a good time there's more for you if you want to subscribe grace what do they do and if you want to see more videos click right over here perfect you love you good bye
Channel: Churchome
Views: 31,436
Rating: 4.8681316 out of 5
Keywords: Churchome, Judah, Judah smith, church, message, anxiety, depression, how to, elevation, Steven, Hillsong, oceans, sermon, the city church, church home, Chelsea smith, bobby Houston, td jakes, pastor, pastor preaching, carl lentz, Jesus, conference, guest speaker, sermon jam, worship, Justin Bieber, la Hillsong, Selena, preaching, Judah message, performance, pressure, peace, faith, identity, purpose, value, beauty, God, Holy Spirit
Id: Mj8IYnMFdsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 13sec (2773 seconds)
Published: Thu May 17 2018
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