Under $750 Gaming PC Build Guide - RX 6650XT i5 12400F (w/ Benchmarks)

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[Music] thank you yo yo yo what up fam Joey here from Creator welcome to another full PC build guide today we're going to be building the best paint for your buck 800 gaming PC so if I was working with that budget I would build what we're building here today this is going to be a complete tutorial from start to finish first we're going to go over all the parts and their prices then after we do that we're going to jump into the build guide while we'll guide you guys every step of the way and then at the very end we're going to put our rig to the test against a lot of current popular titles anyways today we're going to be working with a black and pink colorway and we're going to be using this right here she's going to match our color theme it's going to look dope we previously did a 47 UTI build that was a thousand six hundred depending on what your budget is for your first build just know that on the channel we cover a bunch of different budgets let's jump into it so we're going to first cover our most exciting component and that is our graphics card we're going with AMD we're rocking the Radeon RX 6650 XT this is currently going for 300 bucks and it's an amazing card the performance of this card can be compared to nvidia's RTX 3060 and 3060 TI the performance is similar to that depending on the game this does perform better than the 3060 at times and sometimes the same as a 36 TI again it just depends on the game but for 300 bucks we just get so much power and that is why we picked it this will definitely push out at least 240 FPS on a bunch of esport titles so if you're rocking a 1080p 240Hz monitor this thing has you covered and the ports it gives us three display ports one HDMI port no backplate on this model our second most exciting component our processor this is the I5 12400f and it comes with a stock heatsink so we're going to save money on the cooler the box is a little torn up that is of course because my dogs got to this one oh they chew up everything here we have our I5 12 400f it has six cores and a Max boost of 4.4 gigahertz it's the 12th generation of Intel so the stock heatsinks are better looking we're going to be pairing our CPU with a Micro ATX form factor motherboard it's rocking the b660 chipset this one has built-in Wi-Fi it also has two m.2 SSD slots here's the ports it offers us not bad I'm gonna go ahead and get our Wi-Fi antenna our i o shield and a screw for our m.2 SSD for our story it's we spent 35 bucks this is the WD blue Western Digital m.2 SSD 500 games good reliable storage will perform Speedy the ram classic 16 gigabytes rated at 3200 megahertz Corsair Vengeance black kit finally our juice we paid 60 bucks for our 650 watt bronze rated power supply by thermaltake nice power supply all the cables are connected to it it's going to get the job done and now our last essential part our case this is a Micro ATX form factor case to match our motherboard and here it is and this guy ran at 75 bucks it comes included with three RGB fans it's rocking pink all along the outside and the inside all black are one fan in the back and our two fans in the front and already pre-installed so easier installation for us here's the case ports it gives us pretty good all right so those are our Essentials now we're going to move on to our extras which are of course optional this is purely for Aesthetics we're going to be using our crater custom sleeve power supply cables in the pink colorway you can pick up these lovely beautiful cables on our site Creator hq.com we ship it out the same day we're also going to be throwing our RGB LED kit in there this is going to add a bunch of light and it's going to look sick and show off all our components inside it comes included with an extension cable the cable that connects to the motherboard and a bunch of very strong magnetic attachments that really gives us flexibility when installing our strips inside our case and our final part our Funko Hot Topic exclusive gonna look sick inside and that completes our parts list all the parts used for this build will be linked in the video description alright guys let's jump into it so first guys we're going to be working with our motherboard and our CPU we want to get this guy into our CPU socket first we're gonna get the lever push it to the side and all the way up we're gonna pull this all the way up we're going to take a close look at our CPU and we will find a little Golden Arrow on the bottom left we're going to line up that Golden Arrow with the arrow on the CPU socket of our motherboard which is right there so I'm going to hover our I5 over and drop it into the CPU socket boom it's in I'll give it a little wiggle it should look like this guys now we want to bring this back down when we now pull this back down we want to make sure that this metal part is over this so I'll just hold it down a little bit there we go it's holding it down and that's normal and we're going to keep pushing the lever all the way down and then tuck it into its original position and there we go I5 installed easy next the heatsink so far heatsink I'm gonna have the fan cable up here and we're going to line up the four points of the heatsink with the four points on our motherboard and the thermal paste is already pre-installed so we don't have to worry about that so I'm going to light it up okay and once I have it lined up we're not going to clip all four sides by pushing down on them so I'll start with this one that's in and then I'll start from the one across that one didn't make a noise but it is in this is also in and now same thing for the last two that's in our last one this one didn't go all the way in I'm gonna support the motherboard behind with my fingers I'm gonna push harder on this or going all the way there we go that was a lot more Force because I held it from the back and then I pushed down pretty hard to get that final click final step is connecting the fan to the CPU fan header on the motherboard that is located on the top right of our board and it will be labeled CPU fan it is in next we're going to install our 16 gigs of RAM and here they are our RAM sticks are going to go in our second and our fourth round slot and these RAM sticks only go in one way so you want to line up the indent of the Ram with the part of the Rams lock that's not indented in our case the Vengeance text on the left side okay and once we have it in we simply push down with both thumbs on the sides and the levers will clip back up boom both levers clipped back up so same position to get it lined up it's in looking good push down with both thumbs done good job so far guys we're moving fast now we're going to move on to the installation of our m.2 SSD our 500 gigabyte Western Digital Drive we're gonna use a zero screwdriver I'm gonna unscrew this ignore it remove the heatsink and now we're gonna put our m.2 into here like this and then we lay it down on the stand and we don't need an additional screw because this is the screw that's going to hold it down before we do that though you want to remove the protective film and now put this back into place there we go storage installed and now we're ready to put our motherboard inside our case all right first guys when we're working with our iOS which is what covers all the openings in the back of our PC where our motherboard ports are so we're going to clip our i o shield in from the inside of the case so we want to line it up with the three holes on the bottom I'm going to clip it in it's in all four sides clipped in easy now in the back of our case we have our accessory bag down here we'll set this to the side we're going to use that all these ties that are in the case you want to get rid of them when you secure any motherboard inside a case you want to make sure that the motherboard standoffs inside the case are lined up correctly with all the points of your motherboard so we need to install two additional motherboard standoffs for all the points of the motherboard to line up really easy so we're going to get into our accessories bag and this is what we're looking for motherboard standoff looks like this this is a five millimeter nut driver I'm going to link it in the video description oh we put our standoff in here and I'm going to be installing one on top right here and now we're going to install one more down here and there we go we installed one here and here so in total we're going to be using three motherboard standoffs on top three in the middle and two on the bottom it's easier to lay your case flat and then put the motherboard in but I'm gonna do it standing up so I can show you guys on the camera so I'm gonna put in our board and I'm gonna line up the ports of the motherboard with the i o shield first so I'm just making sure that the cables of this fan are on top of the motherboard like this not under it so once the portrait lined up then we lay our motherboard flat on the standoff so make sure they're all lined up like to line it up by the middle one and there we go it's good now we're going to be using this screw that comes included with the case to secure the motherboard so I'll start with the middle standoff first and I'm going to secure it all right cool that holds my motherboard into place all right I'm gonna do the rest and then I'll go ahead and point them out again which ones we screwed in and our motherboard is fully secured we screwed in here here here here here here here here and the last one on the bottom here and here and again make sure the cable of this fan is on top of the motherboard not under it awesome guys we're looking good now it's time to install our power supply in order to install this guy we're gonna get the cables out of the way right here and all we're going to do is slide our power supply into here with the power supplies fan facing down so let's get it in there you want the fan of the power supply to be on the bottom because it's going to suck up the air from the bottom of the case and out through here the screws for the power supply come included with it and we secure the Four Points all right power supplies in now we're going to up the Aesthetics of our build we're going to install our custom sleep extensions to it so originally this would have to be in the front of your system so now instead of this hooking up to the motherboard we're gonna hook it up to our custom sleeve cables so this will connect to the extension and now the extension will hook up to the motherboard and now this is going to be in the front of the case for our presentation night and day difference we're going to be using our big 24 pin one next we're going to locate the cable that says CPU it splits like this four pins and another four pins total of eight so we're going to want to be using the CPU cable as well and the way you tell is you will see that it also splits reattach it it's reattach this one too so we're gonna hook up our CPU power cable to our CPU extension last cable this is going to say PCI Express this Powers our graphics card for our RX 6650xc it only requires a pins so only a single one of these it has to we're only going to be using one so it's six plus two pins for a total of eight and again you're gonna find the graphics card power cable by seeing which one is split like that which is this one and again we're going to hook it up to our extension cable and you want to make sure that every single one of the cables clips into our extension cables you're going to want it to clip onto the side that has a little thing to hold on to cool we just up the Aesthetics by a lot now guys we're actually ready to start plugging in all of our cables now don't let it be intimidating I know we have a big spaghetti mess here but it's really simple because we break down our cables into three groups so the first group of cables is all our power supply cables that power things second group of cables is all the case cables which connect our power button and all these other ports up here on top of our case to our motherboard and then the third and final group is our fan cables and then after that we're going to do the last part which is installing our graphics card so we're almost done guys good job all right guys so let's start off with our first group of cables our power cables first we're going to be connecting our big 24 pin power cable we're going to work it through here we're going to make sure that this clip back here Clips here so we're gonna line it up straight pushing until it Clips done that's it next cable are CPU power cable that's going to connect up here clips and clip on top here I'll line it up you can see I got it in push into Eclipse it'll look like that now we call our cable and now we've already arrived at our final power cable for our graphics card so we're going to set this to the side for now until we install our graphics card now moving on to our second group of cables our case cables our first case cable is labeled HD audio it only goes in one way down here with the HD audio text facing down we line it up straight make sure all the pins are in and it should look like that with the HD audio text down next cable we have ourselves here a USB cable this hooks up into here again only goes in one way with the USB text facing up good and last for our case cables is our jfp1 cables these connect our power button to our motherboard as well as the reset switch you throw a chart up on the screen to help us first our hcd LED cable positive is on the right let's turn it around the arrow also indicates positive so we're going to plug this in to the second row of pins first and second pins with the positive side on the left right on top of it we're going to hook up our power LED cables positive again on the left should look like that on the first row first and second pins for our reset switch it does not matter what side it's plugged into but it is going to plug into the second row third and fourth pin and last right on top of our reset switch goes our power switch again doesn't matter what way you plug it in First Row third and fourth pins and our very last cable is our USB 3 cable this is going to be lined up where there's an opening over here on the right I'm going to line it up straight and then push it there we go good job guys now our final group of cables our fan cables and our lighting we're going to go to the back of our case in this case right here all the fans are already connected to each other here all we need to do is provide Power so our power supply is going to have a Molex power cable this looks like this a plug-in right here we're gonna push it in all the way that's it our fans are powered now we finally got our box art for our RGB LED strips check it out guys what do you think is the unboxing experience there it's done but yeah I'm really proud of this art looks so dope you can pick up this kit to add a nice splash of light craterhu.com then I'm going to put our very strong magnetic attachments inside our case to hold the RGB strip really well into place and then finally we're gonna hook it up to the motherboard [Music] so this was one of those small cases we're only using one strip and then finally we're going to hook this up to our motherboard here's our four pin RGB header so we need to line up this Arrow part on the left side of that line it up and push in and it should look like that okay we're done now our final thing to do is install our graphics card or RX 6650xt we need to First make room for it so remove the first and the second bracket for the second one we're going to push down and then we're gonna get this piece of metal and we're going to bend it towards us so we don't scratch the motherboard with this part now we just keep going up down up down this thing will come off now we're going to put this all the way back like this and we're going to line up our RX 6650xt into our PCI slot and then we're going to push it and that lever will clip back up last we hook up our eight pin juice all right that looks sick and we're gonna secure it we're done guys good job if you're following along now we're going to install our Funko Pop turn on our PC for the first time there we have it guys beautiful system for 800 bucks time for our first boot up here we go looks great guys look at that this Funko ended up matching our build perfectly this is a very solid build for 800 bucks and trust me you are not going to be disappointed with its performance remember all parts used in this build are located in the video's description now we need to install our operating system Windows 11 I made a video on how to install Windows 11 from a USB flash drive for free that video is linked in the video's description check it out second we need to install all our drivers a video on how to do that is also linked in the video description finally we can put our sweet new rig to the test against a lot of current bump in the titles let's brag it up settings for Valor 1080p resolution Graphics quality here we go here we go [Music] oh shoot you fight it don't wanna get lost in your Paradise [Music] that's all we needed [Music] remaining no all right next one for CS go we're playing at 1080p here's the settings we're rocking let's jump into it [Music] whoa [Music] [Music] foreign we lost by one kill Call of Duty Modern Warfare two we're gonna be playing multiplayer and Warzone 2.0 these are the settings we're using 1080p resolution here are our quality settings and for the view set to 120 fov all right Gentlemen let's have a clean quick fight [Music] foreign let's keep it moving for Halo infinite we're gonna be playing on 90 fov 1080p resolution and we have it set to the medium preset for our Graphics let's go I don't have a long-range weapon but I still clutch why isn't being shot by a chopper it's gonna blow up yeah get back on get back on get back on oh I covered I'll cover you oh we got this let's go [Music] take this ugly I hate that what I didn't oh snap come on oh snap nice for victorious performance is great next game settings we're using for Apex 1080p Max fov 110 here are the rest of the settings [Music] my foreign [Music] [Music] playing is fortnite but the settings we're playing on full screen 1080p vsync off performance mode and here are the rest of the settings no [Music] what's up [Music] someone else killing nope that's him [Music] [Music] turn away but it's all good performance was great game was fun move on to the next one for Rainbow Six Siege 1080p resolution 90 fov 16x10 aspect ratio here are graphic settings let's do it somewhere in here somewhere it's gonna be so hot [Music] I'm not rich that's right it's how you do it good job too performance was amazing you will not be disappointed in Siege all right the next game we're playing is OverWatch too settings we're using we're playing on full screen 1080p good review of 103 aspect ratio 16x9 Dynamic render scale off v-sync is off and the graphics quality is set to high with nothing changed [Music] why did I come up here oh [Music] well GG performance was really good the whole time we were around 300 FPS I think that's really good it's more than playable yeah match was fun all right guys that's a wrap hope you guys enjoyed the performance of our 800 build I'll catch you guys in the next build coming real soon peace foreign [Music]
Channel: CRATER
Views: 258,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming pc, pc gaming, rx 6650 xt, i5 12400f, pc build, gaming pc build, gaming pc build guide, how to build a pc, best gaming pc, budget gaming pc, budget pc build, pc gaming 2023, build pc gaming, pc, amd, joey delgado, cheap pc gaming, how to build a gaming pc, graphics card, best budget gaming pc, geforce, budget gaming pc build, $800 gaming pc, 800 gaming pc, crater, i5 build, pc under 800, 800 pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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