'I Don't Trust The Government And Neither Should You!': Marjorie Taylor Greene Demands End To FISA

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you Mr Speaker the question today is do you trust the government we often hear the claim that it's for your safety and anytime the government tells us it's for your safety the American people really question what that means the same intelligence community that spied on President Trump's campaign has been deeply invested in reauthorizing fisa and the same intelligence community that wrote the letter lying saying that the hunter Biden's lapt top is not real deeply wants fisa reauthorized these are also the same people in the intelligence community that abused fisa in spite on hundreds of thousands of Americans and I would argue they will continue to do it these are also the same people who oppose the FBI having to get a warrant before they can search Americans data yet we have a clause in this bill today that protects members of Congress and ified before they can search members of Congress data it's always the rules for thee but not for me the problem is that this process to reauthorize fisa has received more effort than Congress has actually curing the border and if the government really cared about protecting Americans then they would shut the border down and mass Deport terrorists out of our country and criminal illegal aliens but they're not doing that no they're telling us we've got to reauthorize fisa so the government can continue to spy on Americans there's been a lot of games played here in the swamp this past week when it comes to authorizing this bill we were even told on Wednesday that fisa was completely stopped yet here we are voting on virtually the same Rule and virtu the same text the only change has been from a 5-year uh Sunset to a 2-year Sunset yield additional 30 seconds to gent lady from Georgia GLE ladies recognized for 30 seconds thank you I would argue that changing that time frame time frame does nothing if Congress wants to change fisa to protect Americans or get rid of it all together we can do that we make the laws so the question today is do you trust the department of Justice to hold the FBI accountable because I don't and the warrants aren't added to the bill text unless we pass the amendment after this vote and change the bill text but a vote to change the bill text and add warrant will not get me to pass the final bill to pass fisa because I don't trust the government and neither should you reserve
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 54,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tf-FdsIlE34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 56sec (176 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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