Slender Man stabbing case: Morgan Geyser conditional release denied | FOX6 News Milwaukee

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Waukesha. One of the women responsible for the 2014 Slender Man stabbing will be staying put for now. A judge denying Morgan Geyser's request for conditional release. Bret Lemoine is live with what this means for Geyser's chances of release in the future. It will. Defense attorney Anthony Cotton says geyser will try again in six months. Keep in mind geyser was only 12 years old when she stabbed her friend 19 times for two days. My opinion is that this is a appropriate time for her to be conditionally released. Morgan Geyser listened to experts talk about her mental health. I think she's continuing to wrestle with some of these complicated issues. The 21 year old petitioned the court in January for conditional release. Three doctors evaluated geyser and filed reports. Two of them said she's not ready. Her reliability of her self reporting is hard to know. That makes her a significant risk. Geyser's attorneys want her move to a group home. The director of the facility geyser is in now agrees, and I do think at this point it is critical for her to make the transition to the community to help with her ongoing development. But there was also testimony about geyser telling doctors she faked her mental illness. Geyser says she was sexually abused as a child. Doctors testified geyser hasn't been violent toward anyone else since the stabbing. She's also been off her antipsychotic medication since December of 2022. Doctors say she's had no issues. Morgan has improved quite dramatically. Experts diagnosed geyser with schizophrenia and post-traumatic stress disorder. The victim's family is. Vehemently opposed to the release of Morgan Geyser. Ultimately Care she's currently receiving under these circumstances, this court is satisfied that the scales tip in favor of the public, and it starts that way by clear and convincing evidence . Now, one doctor testified today saying it would be good for Geezer's social development to transition to a group home. Geezer has spent half of her life in confinement. Doctors say she's only had about six supervised visits in the community in the last decade. Reporting live in Waukesha, Brett Lemoine, Fox six News Brett, one might think if you were trying to say I am ready to be released, that you would be saying those words yourself, but we don't hear from her. Why not? Is she not given the opportunity ? No. She had the opportunity today, Ted. And in fact, she came very close to speaking to the judge. But Anthony Cotton, her defense attorney, ultimately encouraged her not to, saying that she really just wanted
Channel: FOX6 News Milwaukee
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Keywords: News, FOX6, FOX6 News, FOX6 News Milwaukee, Milwaukee news, Slender Man, stabbing, court, Morgan Geyser
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 0sec (180 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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