Unconventional Engine Swaps | Roadkill

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yeah almost past there we go all right okay they say this thing does not fit Gen six big block Chevys which is what this is so we're gonna make it fit do you think there could be a scorpion inside no that's one thing I want to avoid is get getting bitten by scorpion there's no scorpions here no I saw that one it wasn't a scorpion oh it wasn't no man this is service I really like the sling arrangement it's not even noon and we're gonna have a big block Samurai at 11:30 stop stop there we go oh it's press-fit oh man we're gonna make this happen though we're gonna have to cut the whole firewall out totally yep do you agree oh yeah okay so we know what to do okay yep [Music] the engines gonna have to go about the whole foot back because we need room for radiator - yeah exactly so let's clear out the whole interior so that we can start hacking from this side - you're ready to savage the samurai I'm ready for you to show me sauce all artistry we decided to go big and just cut out the whole firewall so that we can set the 440 way in there then we'll just fabricate a new firewall and we're done it's easier um is unnecessary that thing is 440 ready but look how much more room we have for the 440 now I think we could probably go with 440 with transmission at this point really yeah we could we should yeah let's go get our transmission and attach it wow it's a bummer I cut that brake line I now hopefully it's only one and that's the biggest nightmare of the whole install let's go get the trance [Music] looks like they served up our transmission an F alright load that up and what do you grab the other end what oh you're gonna heave that thing up there by myself how this Twitter is so amazingly handy it is [Applause] this is a shorter transmission than you and find in a passenger car the extension housing is stubby which is good for our 80 inch wheelbase on the sámi but it has a bolt-on companion flange here we're gonna have to figure out how to get a drive shaft between this and the suzuki samurai rear end it's probably gonna last 10 minutes I think it'll safely pull together now right oh yeah ok manifold shopping oh look at that centered dump straight up see my thought is that the pattern is the same upside down the right side up so I just want to get some manifolds turn them upside down go straight up with a pipe done I lost Steve but I got a starter and a couple of Center dump exhaust manifolds let's see if my idea here is even gonna work my plan is oh it's not gonna work can't put them upside down cuz they're gonna hit the spark plugs oh that's a serious bummer with them having to point down instead of up oh well live and learn okay if what I want to do is get the manifolds in the starter on the 440 before we even begin to drop it in just so we have all of our obstacles eyeballed out so let's hook it up and drop it in right back lower some more lower okay come out and take a look oh wow we have a 440 samurai famous last words okay how does it look for our Burger it looks carefully massage oh yeah yeah it's practically French in it is these are TTI headers which is like the best watch this glaring endorsement these are actually one three-quarter inch engine swap headers just for putting a big block in the a body this header actually fits would be any body also but the miracle is that it fits the a body so it turns out the headers don't fit after all which I would have known if I'd read either the website or the instructions for these things the problem is is that the high deck big-block 440 does not work when you try and use power steering which was a luxury I was not willing to give up for this particular duster so let the mayhem begin this is gonna get ugly [Music] [Music] it's only raining a little bit I hope it gets much worse before we're done this just stopped working so that oil on the floor of the truck from the jack exactly [Music] [Music] yeah that moment we just want so far we've been pretty lucky we haven't tried to actually hang this in the boat yet so I shouldn't talk too soon these are the original mounts that actually bolted the LS six into our truck these will not work in our boat Chris Starkweather over at b1 racing in Santa Ana California crafted a front motor plate set up that will bolt on to the existing water pump holes and then down to the stringers of the boat and this is how we're gonna mount this thing in the thing about boats is they're super easy to work on but there are no kits for these things you can't go online and just order a conversion set of bolts and mounts to put one of these together look at this in mid plate this thing was made by b1 Racing in Santa Ana California and it's nice I mean look at the mill job the problem is this nice semicircle is an interference fit with a flex plate apparently they had mocked it up on an engine that had a smaller diameter flex plate so this is hitting and instead of letting itself clearance we're gonna fire up the generator and Finnegan's gonna hit it with the flat disc and create greatness out of butchery [Music] [Music] so it fits now yeah all that grinding I did not necessary it was on backwards I didn't do that when you when you turn it around it's just fine let's not focus on who did it let's just focus on hey motor goes in both next yeah we're the dowels I need to smash them on the ground [Music] whoa I just chipped a big piece off me and rail cuz it's sitting on the main rail because it can't come my way because of the starter okay I've got a sharpie we need to mark it you need a grind a little part of it [Music] little more there we go in with any luck that's the last time we'll need the death wheel for this installation what is this it doesn't matter it's important and this thing's fitting way better than we thought it would we're just sort of battling the tiny details we're almost past the oil pan on the crossmember the transmissions hitting the trans crossmember so as soon as we hacked that out we think we can angle this thing in more it's gonna fit under the hood maybe now that arm is drooping down almost there we go down dude we're ended let's put a jack under the back end of it definitely Wow it bolts right up you ain't hitting me dude look at that so much room and there's room for a radiator dude yeah next up we had to fabricate a new transmission crossmember which meant that we needed the car up in the air so we used Andy's super sketchy lift and made it even worse by trying to pick up the engine with the forklift and then move the car up a little with the lift and doing this dance back and forth which man it's a miracle nobody died that's going down fast do you think yeah why is it going down so fast it's gonna be awesome ready for this instant lowering job my wife's El Camino when I tore the engine apart that came out of that the bearings look just like this 4045 years old we could put them right back in there [Music] I'm still in the disassembly stage I haven't put on one new part I'm just with ripping stuff out of here I think Tony and I are gonna have the front suspension done today I don't know if we're gonna get the whole car done by tomorrow I'm gonna pull the pitman arm off the old steering box and then we're gonna install that new quick ratio borgin sand unit so that when we're sitting in the garage pretending like this thing runs I'll feel really good we're trying to install our first new part which is the steering box and naturally it's got the wrong spline I'd I bought the new one because I was worried the old one might be leaking but I had never seen the car either so I did a lot of raycharles parts ordering on this deal there's that car yeah all right let me undo what I did it's seven o'clock Wednesday night and look Pistons in an engine and look unlike before when we got this car in this engine these ones move up and down up and down which is what you want there's nothing I can do to this engine because we're missing parts I have no idea why we're putting a headliner in the car but the nice lady that's doing it is in the car and it's on the ground so we can't work on the suspension or the brakes I literally have nothing to do so I'm painting the intra behind why not why not [Music] [Music] [Music] yep there you go runs good alive boy that's good 75-pound all right that's wheely potential I've seen this done before well if the motors gonna be in the back let's just mount it backwards that's as far as the thought process that gone but one thing we knew putting an engine in the back can lead to wheelies so the flat heads out I'm not gonna miss it what's the plan I want to put this and this in the back of this so we just need to do all those things all that's no problem so what we have here is 454 big-block Chevy that will receive an 871 Y and supercharger came from a junkyard gear star for LA de which didn't come from the junkyard and we are gonna put this thing right here and pray for wheelies we're both like really really stoked on this because it's dumb and dangerous I know as much as I loved the flathead Ford that was in this 50 Ford truck this is gonna be one of the most genius things we've ever done this makes NASCAR lo look stupid this makes general mayhem look sub-average this makes the rotten look like well the rotten if the sun is shining on us this thing does wheelies this came out of a junkyard and allegedly made 900 horsepower in Wes text I know with a pro charger or something on it and you paid money for it I paid a thousand bucks for this things doing wheelies no matter what I like your commitment to this I don't think we've had a project that both of us are this into in a long time oh you're right this is the greatest thing we'll ever do you might we'll just end the show after this episode [Music] they're like 10 minutes in and we've already made a mess that is Jack thousand I see my cake on fire its back we just used a barstool seat as a template for our trans tunnel that works good thing we didn't just start plasma cutting the back wall of a cab cuz it would have gone right into the cat snake this truck is meant we are about to hack it and for once I have no guilt cuz it's gonna be so good why do I always take this port like always the gas in the armpit guy every time well we are committed we are gonna mount the engine directly on the centerline of the axle which is gonna put the transmission in the cab of the truck we've marked our cutout and as you'll see here I'm actually gonna do the truck a favor because this is dented this is that this can't stay like this so I'm just gonna cut whole thing out we'll just do sit back together if this doesn't work [Music] firing home ooh the magic is coming that's cool our work here is done so this is a Cassell V Drive think of this kind of like a quick change rear end there's a gear here a gear there you can swap them you can route them one to one you can overdrive it you can under drive it and what it really does is it takes an input shaft here on a straight plane reang gel's it this way in the opposite direction down to the propeller of a boat but we're gonna make it work on the rear axle of our truck and I could be wrong but that looks broken so most everything we own I mean really are we gonna drive the whole thing through this spline I think so this just stopped being a good idea when it blows up it's only next to your feet you're funny I don't see this coming apart and throwing parts it's when the driveshaft breaks and just beats you to death spinning around that's an issue yeah this is really good we're trying to install the intake manifold for the blower and unfortunately it's not lining up perfectly they say this thing does not fit Gen six big block Chevys which is what this is so we're gonna make it fit [Music] these are heavy but they're so cool I know there's silly people out there who will you know when they hear about what we do they won't understand it but then you look at it and you go that's why that's why you did this [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there we go [Music] so this is a bronze bushing for American powertrain it adapts the rear of the Hemi crankshaft to a fourth gen Camaro pilot LeBaron and our polar will not pull this out and the old trick is to put grease in there drive a piece of bar stock in the grease hits the back of the bearing and forces it out we don't have any grease so I'm gonna try bar soap Irish Spring for my peeps they got a socket [Music] look at that you know that wouldn't it worked with dove the day is winding down here they're gonna throw us out of here in two hours we've got this Hemi pretty much stripped so we're gonna get as far as we can taking parts and cleaning them up and moving them on to the aluminum block and then first thing in the morning we'll be throwing the new engine in we've got the bottom end all wrapped up so we can flip the thing over now we're gonna put the clutch on and then we're gonna throw it in the car and do all the rest of the items later right we're getting close I know and now announce you husband and wife [Music] rut ro do you see what I see real bad okay we just hit a major fail the studs that go through the lifter Valley the boss is longer than the aluminum block and the stud doesn't stick out so we can't get a nut on it did you notice how high we were and how far we fell I don't mind not sleeping I don't but this is bad that's big that stops everything yeah I'm putting in the distributor drive gear and realizing wow this cam has a whole lot of monkey bo Shin in it realize the roller cam needs a cam button that controls fore-and-aft thrust and this new setup doesn't have one so it's all coming back apart boy it-it's not suck it stopped [Music] yes in yep there we go whoo that was a hassle so I call about the Motorhome so how much is it $1,200 okay I show up it's a lady and her husband and I'm driving it around it runs okay not great and I'm I'm trying to bargain with her and I'm like hey you know 1,200 seems kind of high how thousand no I'm pretty firm on 1,200 all right so I Drive it around the block a few times come back home shut it off and it Diesel's for no jokes about 30 seconds straight and it finally stops and I go so you'll take a thousand ha she's off yeah and what a deal you got look at this way I got an entire house for $1,000 engine in out for the first time for the last time oh you knew that was gonna happen why couldn't we get a hoist with childbearing hips this ain't gonna work looking pretty solid to me there we go okay can you try and bucket that too late it's done yeah it was a lot like a recreational vehicle archaeological deke to get the 440 out of this thing but finally we liberated the glorious big-block Mopar best part though is that we found a guy who's gonna take this thing so we don't have to cut it pieces and throw it in the dumpster I'll be honest we had to pay him to take yeah but don't care so tomorrow I'll go get the ramp truck I'll load the fury on it I'll come here we'll put this on the trunk of the fury on the ramp truck return to $400 with a sawzall blades drive the whole mess to the charger and then and then make a bigger mess there pillage the fury and the engine for the charge yep now that's perfect everybody got that all ready stripping part ah the fury my old friend I'm here scavenging parts off the motorhome and Finnegan just showed up with the fury she's a little overloaded right now break it through the floor oh I know so right now what we're gonna do is roll the fury back a few feet swing the engine out of the motorhome up into the air and into the trunk of the fury and then tow the whole circus over to the charger unload everything again why do we make things so difficult no one's ever parked a 440 in the trunk of a fury on the back of a ramp truck and driven through Burbank let's say I start setting it down with four that could happen come on put a hole in the fuel cell and everywhere yeah because this world's only rear motor and 73 fury there I solved that problem now we have to pull the engine out of the fury and then take the transmission out torque converter sort of coming out with the motor but it wanted to now let's decide where this is gonna fit for six years Rob's front lawn the transmission in the motorhome had a companion flange on the back of it instead of a slip yoke so we couldn't use it so that's why we're using this transmission how's that even possible we just made a bloodbath of epic proportion over here there's a triple homicide under the fury this is unbelievable you know the thing is ATF is mostly a detergent so we're really cleaning your driveway
Channel: MotorTrend Channel
Views: 1,008,452
Rating: 4.5312352 out of 5
Keywords: motor trend, roadkill, roadkill fails, roadkill engine swap, roadkill boat engine swap, david freiburger, mike finnegan, engine swap, how to engine swap, how to engine swap a car
Id: mbC-ld4HcAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 28 2018
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