My Camper Van Nightmare + Sunset vs Moonset Photography

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[Music] so off we went down to Eddie Durie motors full of excitement at the prospect of finding the ultimate landscape photography wagon what do you want but I thought we'd just have a look at that counter there it's not for you what do you mean it looks looks like a pretty good deal hi there's a reason for that what can we just can we just have a look at it then if you must maybe this salesman was right perhaps this wasn't the ultimate vehicle for our photography adventures I was starting to get a weird vibe about this camper I couldn't quite put my finger on it but there was a certain sense of familiarity I was at least comforted by how seriously the salesman was taking his social distancing get in you can't beat classic British hospitality girls but we could fix it up maybe this is a little bit crafty but with a bit of TLC it could be all right but still five hundred dollars seems a bit too good to be true [Music] told you those the reason it was cheap [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] what you do with that laptop I told you I do life coaching on Zoom with me flute but why are you doing it on the crapper listen right elastic on if you must know Gavin I do it in the bathroom because I can charge extra five bucks for the reverb all right that does make sense actually that that is good reverb it is good reverb actually is this your camper then and you're selling it for $500 well yeah but there's conditions that I knew this was too good to be true yeah but you can still have it for five on your bucks but I get to use it for my life coaching feed up for the reverb no no this is not gonna work forget it well you know it's for us we need our privacy right no I'm sorry Adam this this is not gonna work have you got another option well look up turf email but they all cost you the dog place this what you want Cletus far from starting a YouTube channel and everyone knows you need a dog if you want to build an audience well that that is that it's true actually yeah well that is true actually all right how about this I'll let you borrow Cletus if you get rid of uncle grumpy and I'll give you five hundred dollars for this piece of camper deal this is just a loaner all right get out even though I was completely charmed by the salesman's courtesy and smooth negotiation skills I couldn't quite shake the feeling that something didn't quite add up perhaps there was more to this deal than I realized congratulations Adam your evil plan worked thanks buddy [Applause] hundred thousand subscribers here we charm where's Cletus here oh it's a relief I tell you what else is a relief this camper of a man does his way better than that old beater anyway so we get off to the west coast I've got a sunset a moon set and maybe even some Milky Way photography yeah do you want a coffee what just one cup for me all right got me water that's from home stick it put it on the thing right on high smack okay I'll get me paper filter Hwang it in the drip system stick it in the cup and then I got any coffee free ground we've ground this at home now we're gonna have one spoon for me what for you and then one just for flavor and then one more I've got a confession to make there's only enough coffee for me would you where would you enjoy a tea I see you've already pulled out the bag so sure Oh laughs Lee this is so cozy cozy this has always been a dream of mine you know just to be able to sleep where you shoot double your chances of getting that killer shot yeah can I ask you a question well you just did you're not just dating me because of the trucking camper are you Amanda what kind of a show talk do you think I would I would never never know anything like that prove it well change your facebook status why cuz your love means nothing if it's not public no no though that goes against all of my values I might policy you it Facebook I said I'll login relationship stairs are just please complicated then engage probably I don't don't push it in a relationship okay sure about this yeah this will make you happy oh my god yeah I've been waiting like how long okay it's official let me see [Music] I will record a full guided tour of Amanda's camper but until then we're gonna need your help giving it a name so please post a comment if you've got an idea and so we hit the road on our long journey to the southwest coast of Vancouver Island to shoot the sunset at this very special Beach now if you want to see more videos like this one Bosch that like button hit subscribe and don't forget to tickle my Bell [Music] landscape photography is always challenging for me because I always seem to arrive on location either too late or just in the nick of time luckily we made it just in time with minutes to spare before the sunset directly through this waterfall on the beach being able to combine my love of waterfall photography and sunset photography well that was just the icing on the cake because these are the experiences that I'll live for those precious few seconds when all the stresses of day-to-day life simply melt away and all I can think about is the beauty of this moment [Music] right we're here at sand foot beach near souk on the west coast of Vancouver Island and I apologize for not filming the shot that I just captured because as soon as we arrived the conditions were just absolutely perfect I just didn't have time to even do any b-roll or setup our even explain what I was shooting I just have to get busy and shoot because what I was capturing was the Sun which has just gone down behind us was actually setting over that horizon line there through these columns of water that you can see coming off that waterfall it's absolutely perfect so what you do start to film I'll just take the shot so I took the shot I mean that was cat that's gonna be tough to be that's that's unsound I wish you could have shot that sunset boy but what I will try and do is in about 25 to 40 minutes after the sun's gone down and we start to get that almost blew our type of light the she'll be this beautiful two color gradient on the horizon which will be kind of like hopefully sort of perfectly pink to the balloon and so that'll be like almost like a pure gradient where you'll see two colors merge into one so I'll try and get a similar composition to the one I just shot but with that type of light in the background so and if that looks like it's gonna work I should have a bit time and setup for you and you won't miss that already I'm glad we did it so I've been here a bunch of times and I was kind of worried that the water in the waterfall would either be non-existent are way too much but it's just the absolute perfect volume it couldn't be better if I if I could order it that's exactly how much water volume I would get and then the other thing that I love about this coastline it's pretty much the same all the way up to Tofino did you get this ocean spray you can probably just see it in the background it's just this this particles of water that are just floating in the air when the Sun hits that you get these beautiful light rays and atmospherics then he just creates a beautiful so I'm very glad we came I've already got one shot out this was totally worth the drive if I can get this second one with that gradient in the background they forget that milky way's shop oh and then the other thing is we've got a half moon which by the time that the Milky Way is really really powerfully bright the moon will just be about ready to set so I want to get that for fifteen to twenty minutes just before it's set where it's not so bright but you can't see the Milky Way but it's bright enough to light all of these cliff edges and give it a nice bit of relief best of both worlds saucy fingers crossed is it snack time chocolate and I brought coffee as well now I will share my chocolate with you look at this she's got a sleeping bag yeah honestly it's freezing it was 27 degrees in the Naima and then we got here it's what 12 degrees but I like it causing these waves are getting a bit close out they know so right I will share new chocolate with you all right but you got to stock it not chewy you got to make it last I know you you just just gobble it down and then it's gone so I'm gonna meter these out one at a time otherwise she'll just scatter the whole pack if I give her control of it so what I do is I have my oh this is caramilk by the way I love these they're so now especially with coffee the point I need pocket you don't get on it and I soaked it and then upon me coffee and I'm making it last what do you think about about this spot yeah would you come here again come here I've never seen a single mosquito yeah okay I might have chewed that were a much needed sugar and caffeine boost it was time to get back to work and record a tutorial for you guys in that gorgeous two-tone sunset afterglow with my cat-like agility and the flexibility of seasoned concrete I gracefully got into position to record my tutorial but would my sony batteries survive the next three minutes okay so with this you can already see in the background it's lovely gradient happening in the sky now I reckon it it should get quite a bit better than it is right now but for the purposes of this demonstration I'll take the shot now and you can see it's got this kind of like almost pink color which fades into blue which I really like so that's that's nicest it's only taken off a small portion of the frame the rest of the frame and I'll just increase the ISO so that you can see what I'm working with look at that I've got three waterfalls four if you count the one in the background in that little space there and of course in the background we've got that lovely horizon line with those good just colors what I've done is have I've switched the polarizing off basically I have a polarizer on here and I'm turning it so that it's really not doing anything so watch this if I turn this you'll see that this is its loss that she lost that very very bright reflection well most of the time I don't want that but in this instance I want that because that's where some of the color is being reflected from the sky layer so I'll turn that again so you see that so that's completely thrown off that's a native I turn it look at that it brings that light back and of course any color that's in the sky will be reflected in there now let me just clean the lens again versus Qualis ray coming off this waterfall I'll just clean that so earlier with the first conversation that I had and that the Sun setting through that column of water you can see coming down almost just off-center there that's absolutely glorious right now it's just a bit of color that's coming to it but still really like it and so I've got this shape in the foreground which I will have to focus stack and then of course the rest of the image I'll probably be able to get in walnut order exposure in terms of focus but I probably do different shutter speeds just so that I can choose different bright spots in the water different elements of texture I just like to have as many options as I can get and I can already see that the color is starting to get better in the background so fight I turn that down a little bit you'll see those colors becoming really rich and of course I can enhance those in post but yeah it's a very very basic but quite powerful shot there definitely with the dynamic light I got earlier this is a much more subtle light than what I had earlier but it's still quite beautiful and so you have all of these different elements you've got this cool rock in the foreground the cliffs just up there four columns of water in these waterfalls and then in the distance you've got the beach those active spirits from all that Ocean Spray the horizon line and that would lead gradient in a sky Sun again this is the second bonus of today this might be the bonus shot I won't know if it's as good as the earlier one until I process it it can cook the wanna door sighs John yeah so the light isn't absolutely amazing but I do like the atmospheric really like the composition so if it turns out any good there's a shot [Music] with that shot in the bag Amanda fell asleep on the beach and I waited for the moon in no time at all that gorgeous piece of cheese in the sky began its gradual descent and for once I was ready with some creative ideas to capture that beautiful moon set on this glorious ly deserted beach I hope you can hear me over the sound of the waterfall as it Ross this is the most uncomfortable position ever okay it's 1:30 and I've had zero that it's asleep and I do have a face or I could cauterize prolapse but I'm in a good mood and I'm happy because I've got the moon just about to set hopefully about 20 minutes from setting down over that horizon of the Pacific Ocean and what it's doing right now hopefully you can see can you see this waterfall hopefully you can I don't know but my concept with this shot is to get the waterfall back lit by that and then all of these cliffs while they be on the hang of this cliff with these lovely rock formations are gonna get lit up also by that beautiful side lights on the moon and in the distance you you obviously you can't see it now way up in the distance you can just see the the coastline disappearing into nothing it's kind of mixed in quite an ethereal shot I can show you on the back of the camera because it it just it's too tight these waters to fight and it's it's dark anyway so you really wouldn't see much but basically what I'm doing is I'm after is at 6.30 you can't tell you this I don't really know why I'm pointing at it and the reason we're shooting at F six point three is I don't need to shoot super wide open at 2.8 because that's that's essentially movie right just give me a lot of side light and even with six point three this foreground is feeling relatively sharp now the moon is lighting up this this River Rock this but the rock following what you want these lovely rocks in the foreground like I said these rock formations here I saw mm I don't really need to crank it any higher again not moonlight is really bright understaffing with a 30 second exposure now the problem that I'm having let me show you what a 30 second exposure looks like now you should be able to see that the the reflection of the moon on the wall sir is completely blown out so I don't like that but a dual life with a 30 second exposure I do like all of the light that has hit these like these surfaces here you know you can see all of those rock formations that get beautifully lit I'm not much longer exposure Brooks I'm gonna have to do some much faster explosions to fix that blown out moon reflection so I think maybe six or eight seconds for that it's kind of like bracketing really just practicing at night and then I'll blend those x-bow just so the moon is getting lower and I don't want to be shooting it just as it's going down the horizon cuz I'm gonna be really soft well this punchy and bright I'm making this lovely [ __ ] effect on the walls or so I'm gonna stop waffling commit to this shot and get it done and if it works any good well did it look any good now not really not any better than that 30-second exposure you just saw so I went back to my first composition to reshoot it on the moonlight and this is what I got [Music] so that's now three different versions of the same composition so let me know which one you preferred was at the sunset the blue hour or the moon set believe it or not this is just one exposure and I did shoot an extra frame to focus stack that rock in the immediate foreground but in the end I decided not to use it and as for that Milky Way image I was hoping to shoot well that didn't happen because immediately after I shot this last image I turned around in the moonlight to see a ghostly shrouded figure stood ten feet away and you can imagine my relief when I realized it was just amanda who'd finally woken up after a two-hour cat nap in a sleeping bag but it was too late the damage had been done my pants had been shot do it this is your chance to be a psycho yes this is where the darkness comes back out right that goes against all my values my apology why is my why why is your this is just a loaner right not trying to keep creepy no no this is not gonna work forget it oh well Joyce it's for us like we need our privacy for the reverb you see they lock camp on the river yeah that is true only stop and ready for something little buddy listen I - laughs - come if you must know Gavin I do it in the bathroom because I can charge extra five bucks for the reverb what do you want this I was so good okay hey looks like it the back end of it it's not for you what you mean it's not for me what do you want [Music] what do you want well I was thinking we'd have a look at that campaign it's not for you what the [ __ ] do you want about the Toyota this is bubs I was thinking we could come out look at the camp that looks like a good deal it's not a good deal I need you not for you I was thinking we could coming up a look at the camp it looks like a good deal it's not a good deal and it's not for you all right there's a reason for that what the do you want but what do you mean that means it looks like a bargain really all right what's with the [Music]
Channel: fototripper
Views: 73,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: landscape, photography, vanlife, camper, sunset, moonset, fototripper, uncle grumpy, campervan, vancouver island, sandcut beach, eddbarry motors
Id: rT2zn03E3jU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 59sec (1679 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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