Uncharted 4 PS5 Remastered - All Nathan and Elena Cutscenes

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I'm gonna go ahead and do the dishes just stop I'll do this no you did them last night no you cooked I cleaned it's fine I mean at least at least uh let me let me try to earn his or something let me uh play you for it You'll Play me for it yeah yeah your little TV game thing I bet I can beat your high score you think that you can beat my high score on my TV game thing yeah I think you're scared now you don't even know what it's called I don't need to know what it's called I've seen you play it's jumping and running and I have a natural talent for that so what do you say chicken is it a bet oh wow okay cowboy okay watch and learn oh I'm learning all right is this it no it has the load load yes this is taking a really long time you have no patience when you turn something on you expect it to okay here we go is there a problem no no just uh how do you uh they make it go push the start button I knew that all right I got it jump jump stop yelling at me I'm encouraging I'm coaching you keep going jump over the pit well he didn't jump far enough what is that it you asked for it oh you gotta be kidding me you practically had it you can give it another shot come on double or nothing my car could really use a good cleaning really you're gonna start the smack talk there's this Mode called easy mode I just switch it it's way easier I'll just keep talking keep talking what are you gonna do I'm warning what are you gonna do in real life what can you do tell me what can you do in real life what do you think about that hey are you happy yeah of course you um um really come here [Music] [Music] hey hey Nate hi honey okay of course what do you mean there's been all that flooding maybe going to Malaysia during the monsoon season wasn't such a good idea yeah right right yeah it uh it grounded us for sure you know had some equipment failure but you know no one's hurt or anything well as long as you guys are safe so are you gonna start work tomorrow uh postponed actually looks like we're gonna need maybe another 10 days or so oh 10 days okay well I why don't I just uh go ahead and buy a ticket then uh you know you don't have to do that that's fine I mean you know the estimate things okay well you know don't rush make sure that you're safe well I will I always do uh listen I I'm I'm sorry I gotta go Jameson's calling me over okay I love you love you too foreign [Music] just Northeast of Kings Bay Reef has a copy of this yeah well by the time Ray figures it out we'll be well on our way to libertalia I'm telling you that treasure is as good as ours how's the Malaysia job going Nate seems like you're a hair off course Elaine it's not what it looks like really because what it looks like is that you're searching for Henry Avery's buried treasure and given the shoreline soldiers that are all over town I bet you're not the only ones looking for it all right well I I guess it's kind of what it looks like but but I can explain look it's going to sound crazy oh for starters um this is Sam Sam Drake my brother bye I'm sorry I I thought he had died in a Panamanian he jailed but I was obviously very wrong he's been stuck in there for 15 years and it's because of me and the guy who broke him out wants a lot of money and the only way we can pay off the debt is Avery's treasure what you know we found it it's it's on an island just off the coast was there ever a Malaysia top Elena wait I don't get you look I I wanted to tell you you know what enough no I wanted to but how could I I don't know just say it I had to protect you that didn't have the nerve to face me again I knew you would react like this how would you react you lied to me for weeks [Music] if you were killed I I wouldn't have even known about it and now you have a brother me come on it's me it's different this time I have to save him I don't even care about the treasure the look on your face when you walked into this room if you're done lying to me then you should stop lying to yourself I got a plane to catch [Music] you do what you have to do [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign hey Nate everything changed after that you know we became explorers adventurers mostly thieves ow okay just hold still yeah for a while it felt like now if we weren't taking turns going to jail it was because we were in jail together after I lost him after I thought I lost him you didn't want to bring him back up again something like that that's it now you know everything with you I doubt that that's everything but it's a lot I'd love to know what you're thinking I'm thinking you're lucky that I found you when I did I'm glad you didn't lose a limb or anything it would have been a royal pain getting you out of here how did you uh find me anyway oh you know easy just follow the sound of gunfire no I mean how did you get here oh of course come in Sully oh you know he's banged up but he's alive par for the course now we just need to rescue the other Drake you mean I'll let Nate tell you hey pal glad you could join us I wouldn't miss it what happened to Sam rafe's got him yeah they're headed to the northern side of the island see if you can find a place to set down over there once we get Sam we're gonna need to get out of here pretty quick copy that hey what about the treasure forget it we don't need it but Alcazar nope there is no Alcazar it's all [ __ ] the Sam made it all up what an [ __ ] right look I'll fill you in on everything when I see you okay yeah I can't wait you know us traja foreign no I mean thanks for saving me again I almost didn't this time right come on I got us a ride so we're headed to the northern side of the island hi there hi um now what maybe I need to oh never mind watch out stay down here give me a hand with this all right okay you know even if you think that you're protecting me you don't have a right no matter what it is you're supposed to come to me so that we can work through it together as a team I know that really I do it's just I I you know I we should stay focused there'll be time for this later next stop new Devon waterfalls [Music] the tree is not okay oh come on over here quick foreign so much for the car come on I wasn't trying to protect you it's just I I made a promise that I was done with this life we buffed dead yeah but I broke it I didn't tell you because I was afraid I'm afraid of what it's losing you I guess I was protecting myself you know [Music] we have a lot of ground to cover yeah just keep moving huh [Music] come on all right yeah welcome to Avery's neighborhood it's a nice place if you don't mind some structural problems and water damage yeah clearly some drainage issues not real Fixer-Upper opportunity Okay so looks like somebody blew that Dam and then flooded the whole place you know I forgot pretty good at this all right so which one of these do you think is Avery's uh my money's on that one one's still intact oh they're not so bad at this either yeah well you know I've had a little practice I read a few books [ __ ] what what the front door Sam he's still alive yeah for now come on good Lord looks like we found the party looks like we're a little late hey Nate check it out it's another sigil oh my God what it's them Elena these are the pirate captains that founded libertalia [Music] well I'm no forensics expert but I would say bad drinks apparently so what was this some kind of wealthy pirate suicide cult not likely not these guys on behalf of Lord Avery I invite you to my Manor at sundown tomorrow the time has come to abandon our animosities and reunite under the banner of God in Liberty signed Thomas too what do you bet [Music] Tom's too Henry Avery looks like our host didn't stick around to clean up their mess well that was a very gracious of them but these guys sparked a full-scale Revolt when they claimed the treasure for themselves now they took care of the colonists but then they had to deal with each other and I'm guessing things got pretty messy so Avery and two invite them up here to um was it uh abandon our animation abandon the animosities Avery makes a grand toast it's God in Liberty our goalie mateys are and they all take a swig except these two [Music] just like that All The Treasure of libertalia becomes a soul possession two men these are some of History's Greatest Pirates and they all perished in an instant at this very table it's incredible I'm sorry I uh it's okay [Music] so since our missing hosts aren't here at two's Manor we should head over to Avery's yeah hello there what is it it's a letter signed by Avery really read it my loyals Nate yeah did you find something I think so I think they figured that out before us how did you do that there's a bloody fingerprint right here where libertalia should be and I pushed it nicely done okay watch your head yep oh looks like Avery built himself a panic cave yeah I wonder where this goes I guess we're gonna find out place doesn't look very stable foreign what was that trap Avery really didn't want any trespassers down here watches Keyhole key wait it could be a trap I really don't have much of a choice but I have a good feeling about this one yeah do it okay [Music] hahaha you see well at least we didn't get along to bits you didn't bring a knife by any chance did you no oh but that guy's got a sword here help me swing this thing foreign it's just like old times huh but why not hey hey Elena come on Elena my here oh no you didn't do that no that's not funny oh you have done much work she gave me a goddamn heart attack let me listen sounds good to me you realize who are you now even for everything I've ever pulled right yeah like ever no not by a long shot foreign anyone ever tell you you have a funny idea romantic yeah yeah I may have heard that somewhere before [Music] good talk good talk let's go every Sam yeah well a little antsy waiting around to hear from you too no we gotta find Sam in Atlanta still hey hey are you okay explosions we thought yeah I saw this guy he saved his ass Again Naturally how you doing good good there was some close calls but um he covered me [Music] hey got it all right all right see this isn't gonna hold okay go no I got it thanks God damn it now how the hell are we supposed to get up there we don't have enough time [Music] Nate no not by yourself I'll come right back okay look he is not gonna leave without a fight well then I'll fight him if I have to but either way I'm bringing him back get the plane as close to the mountain as you can and be ready for a quick getaway like there's another kind it's not fair [Music] doing the dishes we take turns don't even think about not coming back I love you [Music] same to you cowboy [Music] oh [ __ ] oh Nate Nate are you okay silly I got him where are you we're right here and then the bunny escapes anyway and it leaves little bunny surprises all over the headmaster's bed hey hey hey what are you telling her just about your little magic face oh I hate you what was your stage name the Great it's not funny it makes sense in his defense he was actually you were pretty good hey look Sam it has been an experience getting to meet you handshake what bring it in for the real thing system you take care of this numbers call all right yeah I will I'll join you in a sec yeah so it was the sap was gonna buy this place oh uh you are what oh come on seriously oh yeah seriously wait Jameson hey wait up man hey morning guys what are you doing here just thought I'd take you know one final look I already gave your husband the keys okay perfect is this for real Nate all you need to know is that you'd be making a very wise investment the right thing here call me when you're through you got it hi hi you you're buying Jameson Marine we are buying Jameson Lee oh okay how why well I heard this rumor about a salvage job off the coast of Malaysia and I thought it'd be right up our alley no honey look we barely got out of libertalia alive yeah hey taking an illegal job if you know what that leads to who said it was illegal look it came in this morning is this legit yeah some of my old contacts out there they work their magic with the Malaysian permit office in it was great I didn't even have to bribe anyone well that's good because I don't know how we could possibly even afford to do this hold out your hand what hold out your hand come on holy crap where did you get this it was in my jacket pocket along with a bunch more a bunch Sam he's a smoky one yeah of course most of them are going to have to go into our Venture here along with all the new camera gear camera gear yeah you know I figured as we're pulling all the cargo up from the dive we could hire you know a small crew would you film the whole thing and resurrect my old show what happened to just live in a normal life I think in our attempt to lead a normal life we may have oversteered look I was on that island I missed the adventure I missed us now we have a chance to do what we love but from here on out we are going to operate on a strictly legal basis all right and I will be doing all of the shooting with my really expensive camera I really thought all this through haven't you more or less but listen just say the word and I will call the whole thing off what no no no no no no I don't want to be that guy who ruins Jameson's early retirement like that 'd be cool right it's not gonna be easy nothing worthwhile is so what do you say Nathan Drake why not as long as I don't have to do any paperwork I can't do it I'm gonna have my hands full with the camera well I'm gonna have my hands full with all the time okay fine we'll take turns or I could play for it seriously no listen I have been practicing I'm getting good I cannot do that to you again are you afraid to blame it I am sorry on a scale one to ten how scared like at three yeah we'll Jack that up to like 11. all right because I'm coming for you oh yeah yeah oh my buckets [Music] you're on [Music] yeah hey there you are hey been looking for you what are you doing in here uh looking for you guys come on we loaded up the boat it's ready cool I'll catch up with you guys in a sec why uh I just need to um what's up Cassie don't be mad [Music] hey I said don't be mad keys so what did you see nothing really well just that photo of you two and Sully there's a bunch of spanish-looking treasure in a shotgun this is bound to happen sometime maybe we should just tell her she's not ready for it ready for what all that crazy [ __ ] in there language yeah language sorry you guys are literally keeping skeletons in your closet or at least over skull of some kind no I don't think I'm ready for this yeah Nate it's time to have the talk yeah it's totally time wait which talk are we talking about here it's just a kid she's older than you and Sam when you started that is different and you know okay look if you guys were into some shady stuff it's totally cool but I think I'm old enough to know about it right how old are you again huh funny mom all right well let's see um for me it started when this guy called me up with a scoop on a massive historical find it sounded like a complete fraud yeah handsome front no I hadn't even met him yet she knew that she knew so this fraud says if you fund the trip then I'll give you the coffin of Sir Francis Drake and for the record I totally delivered yeah he delivered us into the hands of Indonesian Pirates so come on you know I had nothing to do with that guys time out you're saying that you were attacked by Pirates after you found the coffin of Sir Francis Drake is that right yeah that's pretty much it yeah [ __ ] language crap better all right so keep going you know what the Sun is up boat's ready wind is just right you want to continue the story I say we do it on the water come on Francis Drake look like actually he wasn't in his journal [Music] that's the legend turns out it was just a statue a curse statue yeah seriously but then I'll get back to them [Music]
Channel: VG Moments
Views: 53,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: uncharted 4 ps5, uncharted 4 remastered, nathan drake, sam drake, elena fisher, victor sullivan, rafe adler, nadine ross
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 43sec (2203 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2022
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