UNCHARTED: DRAKE'S FORTUNE All Cutscenes (Nathan Drake Collection) Game Movie 1080p 60FPS

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[Music] [Music] [Music] I am here off the coast of Panama where we just recovered what we believe to be the coffin of legendary explorer Sir Francis Drake who is buried at sea over 400 years ago are you sure you want to be defiling your ancestors remains like that you make it sound so dirty besides I thought you didn't believe me well I did do my research and apparently Francis Drake didn't have any children well history can't be wrong enough for example you can't defy an empty coffin [Music] [Laughter] you devil what is it come on hold it up hello no no no a deal was for a coffin that's it wait a minute if my show hadn't have funded this you wouldn't have got your story lady look mr. Drake you signed a contract I have a right to sell every single thing that you hold that thought Sully we got some trouble hurry it up okay okay what's going on pirates pirates yeah the modern kind they don't take prisoners at least a real prisoner what are you talking about shouldn't we call the authorities or something yeah that'll be a great idea but if we don't exactly have a perfect to be bigger what yeah so unless you want to end up with a Panamanian jail we should probably handle this ourselves well what's worse you obviously haven't been in a Panamanian jail do you know how to use one of these yeah it's like a camera you just point and shoot right good girl here we go [Music] how the hell they find us out here these guys have been telling me for weeks but I lost him it's kind of a long story less talking more shooting okay that's nice are you doing go I had everything under control until they blow up the bomb you all right nothing that yours the therapy won't fix well if it isn't the beautiful and talented Elena Fisher flattery will get you Spain time yeah more behind the scenes kind of guy Victor Sullivan what do you say we get out of here before we attract any more attention [Music] well little present from Sir Francis oh so you found a carbon is this what I think it is Drake's lost diary he faked his death just like I said Sully he must have been onto something big yeah well let's just keep that between us thanks for the loan mr. Drake I think I've her go look at that diary when we land so look when Drake sailed into the facility he took the Spanish fleet completely by surprise he captured their ships he took all their maps their letters their journals and he recorded everything in this diary uh-huh but when he got back to England Queen Elizabeth confiscated all of his charts and logbooks including this one and then swore his entire crew to sign yeah so Lucy Drake discovered something on that voyage Sully something so secret and so valuable they couldn't risk it getting out all right Nate just pretend for a minute that I don't really care about any of that stuff and cut to the chase would you man only interested in the climax you must be a real hit with the ladies never had any complaints okay then I'll jump to the good part just for you oh well goddamn Dorado he was on to something big all right does it say anything else oh so now you're interested huh yeah well unfortunately no last page was torn out I'm telling you Sully this is it this is finally it yeah alais we got one little problem yes that's what I said it blew up its sank no that's why we have insurance right oh oh no the camera no the cameras fine don't worry about the camera still as good as new Sully the girl can hold her own you should have seen her fine you go on out there and you tell her we just found the lost city of gold maybe her producer can get it on the answer come on Nate do you trust me more or less good because we're gonna have every two-bit scumbag and the world racing us to this treasure unless we cut her loose right now you're a real gentleman Sully I know it stinks she'll get over it no I don't I don't care for over budget I mean do you realize that this could be like the biggest story of the year hi no I don't trust him okay that's why we need to move fast so just give me the camera crew and I promise you that should seen that one coming [Music] Oh hold on hold on kid I'm not as young as I used to be yeah you were too old for that little barmaid in labor were you that was different although I must admit equally is strenuous well hang in there old-timer we're just about there hey you know this reminds me I ever tell you about the time I pawned a phony 16th century Santo off on Pablo Escobar a risky move but by the time he figured it out I was made are you even listening to me hanging on every word you really think Francis Drake came all the way up here we're an awful long way from England [Music] well I don't get it according to this we're right on top of the mark maybe you're not reading that thing right let me see it no this is the place there's nothing here Nate goddamn dead end easy Sully relax let's take a look around oh man this is like trying to find a bride in a brothel this is more like what do you think this is thinkin that's older than that like 2,000 years older good work but a warm and homey place well not quite what you were expecting huh yeah where's all the damn gold yeah this place was picked clean centuries ago no-good limey pirate no it wasn't Drake check this out looks like the Spanish got here before he did what the hell Sully Nate I'm not looking for a lousy piece of tin I'm up to my eyeballs in debt I was really counting on this one too many big bar tabs and Levi's I guess that and well just a few bad deals yeah well I always told you to stay away from the bad guys and the bad girls yeah look who's talking what's that supposed to mean that reporter I saw the way you were eyeing her Elena please I snuffed any chance with her the second we ditched her on that dock all's fair in love and war kid what if you can't tell the difference then my friend you were in big trouble this Spaniard sure left a lot of crap behind careful Nate that's quite a drop you're not kidding here let me do that I'll hold it open see if you can jam it from the other side all right let go this oughta hold it Orie Sully that was a little too close let's hope this place has a back door you know this looks familiar I think there's something in Drake's journal about this yeah here it is looks like this thing is some kind of lamp or brazier see if you can light it so after all your bitching about the cigar now it comes in handy huh nice you you thirty years ago let's get going what do you make of this wait I recognize these symbols the order of these signs has some importance okay getting somewhere don't tell me you're gonna swim in that I've been in worse I made it I'm on the other side can you get this up this looks safe I made it okay now it looks like we're getting somewhere after that we'd better be the temple must have been built around this around what statue a gold statue a huge gold statue and look here these people they're worshipping the damn thing at least I think they're people of course El Dorado the golden man Sully it wasn't a city of gold it was this it was a golden idol yeah can you imagine what that thing would be worth now look over here tracks I bet the Spanish dragged it out of cut logs we're 400 years late for this party so the trails cold yeah looks that way son of a [ __ ] unless unless what we follow the tracks huh they stop here yeah it looks like the back wall of the temple was blown out yeah Spaniards must have made themselves a shortcut to get the treasure out as well now what plates Sully do you hear that there's something you don't see every day god I'll be damned must have come up the river during flood season got us stuck let's check it out huh yeah a rabbit something about this feels kind of hinky thank you you act like you've never seen a German u-boat the middle of the jungle before I'm being serious Nathan I tell you what why'd you stay here I'll check it out myself okay if I run into any Nazis Yeah right you do that wait wait hold onto this for me will you okay looks like I'm gonna have to do this the hard way Wow [Music] okay I'm in what do you say something nasty happened to these guys it's blood everywhere it's soup [Music] [Music] [Music] ha now where'd you get this my decomposing friend I think the trail just got warm again how so well I just met a guy with pockets full of Spanish gold only the coins are stamped with a mint mark I've never seen before it's like our German friends had a little secret Cosi [Music] [Music] I'm in the captains quarters get this he's still here what time's the president me yeah it looks like he was killed ripped to shreds actually oof what a way to go sounds terrible take his wallet you're all hearts Sully [Music] you've gotta be kidding fine I think it UK two six four two okay UK UK two six four two gotcha are you alright Sully you're not gonna believe this I think I found our missing page looks like Drake and our German pals were after the same treasure I've got the map that's gonna lead us right to it or what Sully you there Sullivan [Music] that's probably bed [Music] hello hey friends of yours Sully I'm Gabriel bloomin yeah I know who you are [ __ ] manners young man this is just business get over there easy put your hands up right there up see your friend owes me money mr. Drake a lot of money so when he told me that you two were onto something big the find of a lifetime he said but I was intrigued but he's made grand promises before haven't you Victor and here we are again another fool's errand does he always go on like this guy take it easy lavarro so I'm afraid the time is up unless of course you found something in there mr. Drake would like to compensate for all this unpleasantness his screwing of the innate they heard everything just give him the man slowly [Music] what does it Grieg's marine map have to do with El Dorado what do you think this is a coincidence the Germans were after the same treasure that map has something to do with it so we square for now but just in case you need to remind us hey come on leave him out oh yeah don't you guys usually just cut off a finger something that's far too vulgar no I think this will hurt him a bit more now war war war come on Roman he's got Methodist Sully [Music] whoa there cowboy oh that's romantic me at the dock don't here list another good enough recorder to follow a couple of NOLA to Robert [Music] while you're down to one - robber now Sully's dead what yeah then we're next if we don't get out of here oh god I'm sorry please tell me you have a gun come on you always seem to be getting shot at they're shooting at you too you know long story tell you later over here I think yeah this way you always been this popular really do seem to attract the scum of the earth yeah no offense not taken do you have a good memory yeah why you K two six four two you got that yeah what is it it's Kriegsmarine coordinates I think I know where the Spanish took El Dorado so that the bastards killed Sully dammit if the Spanish found the treasure they had to remove it there to that Island and Drake follow them well what are we waiting for I'll get the story and you get whatever it is you're after hey this isn't gonna be a vacation you know I can take care of myself besides you owe me one I suppose I do we're on the trail of the lost treasure of El Dorado and it's brought us here to this tiny island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean let's get a closer look I hope we're the first ones here [Music] ruins of a forgotten colony and a fortune in Spanish gold or does the island have darker secrets in store for us that should keep him from changing the channel what the hell was that anti-aircraft fire this is so not cool oh crap enough with the dead parishes now would be a good time to look [Music] I hope these things still work the second have you ever done this before of course just jump count to five in full court now go kind of busy right now get going [Applause] [Music] I do it right okay hey chump count if I pull the cord Marga that be [ __ ] [Music] strangers trying to kill me leave my map on a burning plane blade is missing most likely dead that's good good start Oh [Music] [Applause] well good [Music] [Music] sweet [Music] Leena Oh better watch where I'm going hang on Elena you have to be kidding thank you you can't be serious wasn't I just out here bust through that window [Music] [Music] here we go oh boy no sign of her he's either very good very bad Lena what the hell's she doing look I've been to see you Londo check my time [Music] [Music] Jesus Elena where are you huh wait a minute and what's so important about that tower [ __ ] [Music] [Music] these are Spanish they're English [Music] whoa Fletcher we have gone to the great tower I pray that you will meet us there Frances straight Wow so you made it but what were you plotting that must be traced Tower [Music] this must have been drinks so what were you looking for [Music] well now that looks familiar ah the ships never left Elena that yes she is [Music] oh crap [Music] I know I'm not a big time treasure hunter like you I doubt you're gonna find El Dorado in there how'd you get yourself in this mess trying to rescue you as a matter of fact oh that's so sweet traditional sandstone brick and stucco limestone mortar huh how did you get to know so much about this my show episode four Architects of a new world yeah it'll just take a tug to pull these bars out what no wait are you sure I should I guess fascinating document huh seems like this Sir Francis wasn't my line of work don't flatter yourself Eddie always ready to be enemies there tell you what lead me to the gold and I just might let you live is that it is that my deal die now or help you and die later that's tough call but you know what I'll take die now hey listen to me maggots I was promised treasure on this cocktail Rock and now my men are dying they can't even go outside to take a piss without an armed guard and I have nothing to show for it I am making you a fair offer you help me find the treasure and the last man alive gets the gold and the girl of course the girl Oh Eddie the girls long gone she's probably off the island by now going for help die go Jean you are never very good at poker I will find her trust me how much trouble could one girl be [Music] well come on thank you there's work I [Music] I can't read that word who was that guy [Music] okay yeah grab my hand okay okay yeah fine oh you're bleeding yeah it goes with the territory let's get the hell out of here going somewhere hey Eddie do you really think you could escape from what oh no I just given the young lady the $10 to shut it I bet you're working for them too what you thought you could set me up and keep everything for yourselves crazy Eddie take it easy buddy give me that map all right you got me fair and square hey don't move relax Eddie just get in the map like you asked I said hold on I am well hand it over well hell now you told me not to move looks like you're gonna have to come get it [Music] Oh God's sake [Music] [Music] this was a big mistake no kidding you know I should have turned before the bridge that's very funny oh come here a minute I want to show you something that thing still works uh-huh check this out okay see this building in the harbor that's where all the boats coming into the colony would have been loaded their cargo so if the El Dorado treasure came to this island it would have had to have come through here wait a minute what what was that what rewind it yeah wait stop uh-huh uh-huh right there that's our ticket out of here come on our ticket out of here are you giving up maybe you hadn't noticed but we're kind of outnumbered we're doing fine so far Elena I don't need your bullet-riddled corpse on my conscience let's go oh please you quit if you want to but don't use me as an excuse fine it's me okay I am quitting are you coming or not so that's it you're just gonna forget about the treasure and forget about Drake god damn it this is not worth dying over okay okay listen either way we have to head back to the harbor don't worry about it we can argue about it later it'll be great wait this time I Drive okay get it how does a whole colony just drop out of history looks like we've got a company what happened to this place whole cities completely flooded there it is yeah now we just gotta find a way in I read a story once about a cursed Inca treasure we don't suppose it please don't tell me you believe in that stuff I'm just saying something bad happen here whole colony doesn't just up and vanish yeah well how do you explain it what Thanks looks like that cable would get us up there let's go check it out I'll stay here and keep an eye on our ride see if you can figure a way to get us to that Tower ah okay [Music] you've got to get to that tower I'll meet you back at a customs house [Music] stand back all right let's find a way to the harbor and hope the boats still there these must be all the old ship manifests Oh still seem to be in good shape hey check this out this looks right yes but Anza sailed from ko Peru carrying 800 bars of gold twelve hundred silver emeralds golden mast ornaments Oh reading 16th century Spanish not just a grave-robber after all huh right here gold statue wait 2000 of us that's over five hundred pounds that's got to be it there you are that thing kind of gives me the creeps huh that's the last entry that's somebody special what oh yeah I guess you could say that huh I had you pegged as more of a woman in every port kind of guy don't I wish no this was this was Francis Drake's ring you know kind of inherited it sick parvis Magna greatness from small beginnings it was his motto check out the date 29th of January 15 96 one day after he supposedly died wait what are these numbers right here coordinates right off the coast of Panama oh so that's how you found the coffin yeah that's right see drag lift this is a clue to pinpoint the exact burial site first someone clever enough to figure it out yeah nice try but we're still going for that boat yeah I'm afraid this is as close as we're getting del Dorado [Music] [Music] huh Seanie boat and he looks like we missed our chance oh there it is or the other side of the harbor what hey you know what why don't I just wait here and you can swing around and come back and pick me up okay what are you up to nothing I just want to you know stay here and get some more footage I'll be safe all right fine but promise me you'll stay put whatever that means [Music] it was this now wait that's not one of Eddie's get this all on the boat now hey how did you get here you really need to see this now is really not the best time no Nate what are you don't really need to watch this just what [Music] and hello he's alive her I mean how much do you trust this guy it's not exactly like they're holding them at gunpoint yeah I know yeah it seems weird but no Sully's a lot of things but he's not a backstabber which way were they headed north ish yeah towards mountains okay it's got to be the monastery let's go what if it turns out he's working with them we the rescue him or we beat the crap out of him hell I might just beat the crap out of them anyway how does something like this happen see those scorch marks uh-huh somebody packed this place with enough gunpowder to blow it wide open whoo watch where you step some of these boards are really follow I can't hold on give me your other hand got to let it go oh [ __ ] it's okay come on [Music] screw burrata tickets right up to the monastery Thanks all right okay let's head up to the monastery and see what's going on you slow down what have any goons could be up ahead come on we left those clowns in the dust ages ago my god that's disgusting oh I wish I had my camera so what the Spanish booby-trapped the island to protect their gold this wasn't made by the Spanish take a closer look at the spikes you have got to be kidding me this is from our plane wait that doesn't make any sense though why would someone set traps like this when their own men are crawling all over the island they wouldn't something's been here since a trap was sprung something or someone do you think do you hear that you're what absolutely we're being watched watched yeah you know what it's probably nothing let's just get out of here before we run into whatever's been chewing on this guy [Music] keep your hat down these guys have blazing sights Rowman and Navarro can't be far off if they've left their attack dogs at the gate go ahead I want the library secure don't let them get to Sullivan yes sir they've got the old man working on the east side of the complex I don't even know where they brought him along that son of a [ __ ] can't be trusted me I've got a bad feeling about this place yeah I know me too let's just find Sullivan and get the hell out of here nice job here I'll hold that will you brace the gate open are you ready okay let it go gently Hey she worked in this little bar on the Philippines oh man she had a smile and it melts your heart bro I swear to God she just doesn't kill you is kisi if she caught you stepping out just a wee bit of a thing she couldn't have been much more than 411 they called her the spinner because she never shut up old man you told us that one a dozen times already oh yeah all right of course I did memory is not what it used to be what the hell's taking you so long anyway well maybe you hadn't noticed but most of these books are half rotten and written in Spanish yeah we'll hurry it up the boss is waiting on you hey up there [Music] Oh God it's about time you showed up well you're looking awfully good for corpse so you brought the girl after all huh the girl Hey if it wasn't for her you wouldn't be getting rescued right now if this is a rescue what the hell does that mean you gotta admit Sully this all looks a little shady yeah I mean you tipping those guys off and miraculously showing up alive now wait a goddamn minute Roman had a contract out on me I needed to buy some time all right stupid mistake I didn't realize that drying tracks Sully we would have been headed home with the treasure by now if you had just for once kept your mouth shut and you might have thought of checking for a pulse before running off and leaving me for dead look none of that matters now all right so how is it you're standing here breathing at all huh you are not gonna believe this [Music] no way old Frances took a bullet for you yeah I thought this kind of thing only happened the movies yeah well it still hurt like a son of a [ __ ] I'll tell you that anyway once they realized I wasn't dead I convinced Roman that they would never find the treasure without me so I've been trying to mislead him ever since waiting for you to show up well where are they now well they're chasing a little red herring I sent him on on the other side of the monastery to get rid of him look Drake had it all figured out see that's the symbol the Spanish used to mark their secret vaults the treasure is hidden right here in this monastery find the symbol and we find the vault we have everything we need right here all the clues to take us right to the treasure we can do this kit all right you boys aren't gonna get all chummy and leave the girl behind again are you don't even think about it Sully she's got a mean right hook I'll keep that in mind there's more to this room than meets the eye I'm sure of it hmm something about these statues bingo another library huh what now you know this looks familiar this looks promising here let me see that yeah okay you two sit tight I'm gonna check things out whoa wait no you're not going out there alone yeah Romans Manus roaming all over this place yeah and one person will make a lot less noise than three come on I'll be fine and you guys will be safe here they don't even know about this room okay take this with you leave it on channel 13 they don't use that one and keep us posted all right you got it close this thing back up yeah me be careful come on I always am aah I did not see that ah okay land of the dead here we go we got all the clothes right here we can do this kid how the hell does he think he's gonna get that statue out of here anyway Jesus guys are everyone [Music] [Music] this is completely unacceptable what do you expect from me Roman my men are getting massacred I find it hard to believe that one man could wipe out your entire crew it's not just drink god damn it I'm telling you this Islands Kurth enough take your sorry mob and go you can't cut me loose you owe me a share of the gold your share Eddie was contingent upon you doing what I required you assured me that Drake was captured and the island secured this is [ __ ] Roman and you know it we're done here mr. Roger my camel My dear yellow Jilin remind me again why you employed that superstitious idiot you wanted someone cheap well you get what you pay for I suppose and what about you Navarro are you worth what I'm paying you defaults here I'm sure of it if Sullivan can be trust which you can't look he knows we'll kill him if he's lying he's stupid he knows we'll kill him once we find the treasure yes no incentive to tell the truth Raylan Navarro sometimes I think you left your brains back in that slum where I found you I just need a little more time chasing this treasure of yours is proving to be more trouble than it's probably worth I assure you Eldorado is worth more than you can possibly imagine it better be [Music] [Music] you read me yeah Sully I'm just going in circles here well the girl and I have been reading some of the books down here and it looks like there's some kind of secret gallery at the top of the church can you get there think so yeah all right give us a call if you find anything [Music] that's gotta be it [Music] well hello there [Music] you've gotta be kidding hey Sully remember roaming in Navarro that red herring you sent them on to get them out of the way well they're sitting right on top of the treasure vaults look I'm gonna need a diversion to get them out of there and Sully yeah once they're gone meet me in the mausoleum but come through the catacombs it's safer that way gotcha now I've just got to get past all these goons without getting noticed Sullivan has escaped spread up finding love this gun [Music] hey hey I knew you could do it kid so what's next I don't know I'm figuring it out as I go this is definitely the right place though wait a second it's something to do with these symbols that looks like weird business yeah [Music] heads up what do you make of it I don't know could be a dead end wait it looks like there might be a passage this way Sully get out of there Sullivan are you okay Sully yeah well you better get back to the library we're gonna have to find another way out of here well there's no way but forward yeah [Music] [Music] what is this place a really elaborate way to hide the damn treasure which way do we go [Music] huh wait a second there are Roman numerals on the corner of Drake's map this has got to mean something Sulli your evening damn nothing Hey it's alright I'm okay okay see if I can find a way to get this gate open I'll wait here thanks Nate hey that's been alive gets the gold you lose kill them both this just keeps getting better in there [Music] [Music] [Music] there's nothing here this is getting so old Nate it's Drake he never found it he just died here [Music] so much for greatness wasted his life for nothing Nate are you ready to get moving yeah more than ever there's got to be a way out of here it looks like there's some kind of machinery up there hey there's a ladder here I think I can reach it if you give me a boost come on yeah you're heavier than you look can you reach it mm-hmm looks like an old hoist or something there's a rope I'll try to lower it down to you oh I see a tunnel we can get out this way hello boys easy and easy what the hell's going on out there didn't you see them oh no oh god no it's wrapped Jesus what is that and he get back here Jake if we don't make it out of here I just want you to know I hate your guts yeah likewise pal now let's do this [Music] damn [Music] you got to be kidding me [Applause] [Music] grab the rope come on Nate [Music] those things I don't know I don't know we're you okay yeah Nate okay I don't think they can get through this Nate what where are we [Music] I'm not sure [Music] go Wow this explains a u-boat in the Amazon Nate come here look at this so they found it they must have broken into the vault and cleared it out yeah but what's a monastery got to do with it I don't know it doesn't make any sense if that's where the statue is now oh man we were right on top of it I bet this will take us to the surface yes the Nazis didn't pay their electric bill oh damn it you know I bet if we can make it to the generator room we could get the power turned back on we just gotta find a way out of here first wait what are you doing what are you doing [Music] [Applause] nice work all right let's go nope this one's all you cowboy what do you mean Nate you know I can't make that jump there is no way I'm leaving you here alone with those leaves have a choice just go turn the power on come back and get me and then we'll get the hell out of here okay just go I will be right back yeah [Music] Sullivan come in it's no use I can't get a signal in here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] this is turning out to be a really lousy day [Music] [Music] my end is near The Devil's hunt for me in the darkness the gold of Eldorado bears a terrible curse Spaniards have unleashed he'll become his demons my men have all been murdered leaving the task to me alone no ship will depart this island I destroyed them all but drowned the cursed City a thing of such great evil must never leave these shores in my final hour I commend my soul to God may he have mercy on this unholy place Francis Drake my god [Applause] no not again can you hear me in there loud and clear jackass oh no microphone on your end what a shame Oh Elena leave her alone navara if you can't maintain control over a small girl it won't happen again trust me I'm sorry for the interruption I just wanted to thank you for leading us to El Dorado of course oh I hope you don't mind if I borrow miss Fisher a little while longer just to discourage you and your partner from trying anything creative so long Nate it's been fun yeah keep smiling [ __ ] I'll see you soon oh I hope that can't be good [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Sulli are you there dammit Sully come in getting your way they've got Elena we have to stop got problems of my own bastards have me pinned down outside the church almost there [Music] you gotta stop him Sully they don't know what they're dealing with what do you I don't know how but that statue destroyed the whole colony and it killed the Germans - oh come again there's no time we've got to get to the church dammit they're right hang back Sully come on sell it there should be a hidden passage right under the altar [Applause] you wanna tell me what the hell's going on Drake didn't want to get the treasure off the island Sully he was trying to stop it from leaving what it's cursed or something about Nate for God's sake look I know it sounds crazy you just gotta trust me [Music] [Applause] [Music] you two should realize by now that I plan for every contingency now drop your weapons down there no heroics please or I will kill her good now you'll just hang tight we'll be with you in a moment it's magnificent the craftsmanship I've never seen anything like it before that is only a shell the real treasure of El Dorado lies inside open it [Music] my [Music] of your heavy so little imagination [Music] Navaro that thing wiped out an entire colony you don't know what you're doing wrong I'm the only person on this island who knows what the hell he's doing Keurig Alaska cuidado you are so pathetic all of you scrambling around for your petty treasures do you have any idea what this is worth to the right buyer what the hell is that it's the Spaniard Sully they never left my god that thing is off the island you've got to stop them I'll cover you from here [Music] oh my god [Music] Martin Lowe nowhere to hide now [Music] crap now what [Music] [Music] Oya you all right Nate ah [Music] crying a day yeah yeah save the world triumph over evil pretty typical oh really that's a shame we're leaving empty-handed ah oh well you know I I did manage to save one small thing here I I thought you might miss this [Music] Thanks yeah you too got a funny idea of romantic Sally wow you you look like hell you should see the other guys got us a boat uh we already have a boat yeah big boat I like this one better Sully you beautiful son of a [ __ ] burn it up a couple of pirates who were to dedicate [Music] [Music] sorry didn't get your story no that's alright Mel the other stories you still owe me one [Music] I'm good for it [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 441,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: uncharted drakes fortune all cutscenes, uncharted drake's fortune game movie, uncharted drake's fortune full movie, uncharted drake's full walkthrough, nathan drake collection game movie, the nathan drake collection full movie, nathan drake collection all cutscenes, the nathan drake collection movie, drake's fortune remastered all cutscenes, uncharted remastered all cutscenes, UNCHARTED: DRAKE'S FORTUNE All Cutscenes (Nathan Drake Collection) Game Movie 1080p 60FPS, uncharted movie
Id: n0z588yNnqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 37sec (6937 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2015
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