Uncharted 2: One of the BEST Game Sequels EVER Made

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so i've touted gamer sups a lot i know but hear me out one more time because this new stuff we did a top five flavor thing in the elden ring video it came with a new one like right after peach tea it's incredible it's easily a top five not only did they do that they also came out with caffeine free versions of black cherry peach tea and more so like i've been on a weight loss journey for a bit and i realized you know that calories in calories out is all that matters there's a lot of you out there that drink a lot of soda two three sodas a day that's like three 500 calories every day all you need is sparkling water caffeine free black cherry and you have yourself a delicious black cherry soda with zero calories and zero sugar that won't keep you up at night and if you do want to keep you up well there's the regular flavor like have a hard time just explaining genuinely how good this [ __ ] is all the flavors that they already have all the caffeine free variants like it's all zero cal it's all that's really good and i get a really big commission from it because obviously i'm sponsored by them and i like money you get ten percent off if you use code ricky forever if you want to restock restock 10 percent off kill codebricky forever check the description there's a link there use called bricky it's really good you know what else is really good i'm jordan hello everybody my name is bricky currently serving a little bit of community service for posting this image in my community tab i've got the community tab even existed and i found it again and i've just been i've just been a menace this video will be covering uncharted 2. i've already covered on charter one if you like to watch that video i would highly recommend it cause i'll be referencing it a lot is in the description or the cards above coming into uncharted 2 was a bit of a battle this game is legendary it is considered by many to be one of the best games of all time and it came out 2009 another golden year for games but the shock of uncharted 1 being nowhere near as good as i thought it was had me tempering my expectations a little bit finishing it it is harmed a lot less by time than uncharted 1 was it's not perfect and it does have some issues but it's not uncharted 1. the base game is so good so massively improved in every single department that it still holds up exceptionally even with the passage of time one of the best games ever made i'm not sure i go that far but it's incredible compared to the first one it is better in every way than its predecessor when there's a really good sequel normally they improve upon most things but not everything is improved upon not here no every single attribute of this game is better than the original every single one the game is more than double the length of the original and it feels shorter the combat is massively improved the climbing is better the story is better the pacing is better the villain is better the characters are better the voice acting is better the location variety the weapon variety every single aspect of this game is better it is that much improved now if you'll remember in my previous video i played uncharted 1 on normal difficulty because uncharted 1's gameplay is [Music] and also because of a certain segment lives my head rent free but for this game i wanted to challenge myself because i beat in every uncharted game on crushing difficulty every single one now as much younger brick better reflexes less hip pain but i did it now i didn't want to go that hard into this game because i wanted to get it done in a timely manner so i did hard the one right below crushing that may have been a mistake [Music] [Music] aah [Music] uncharted 2 starts the very famous scene of nathan drake currently bleeding from a bullet wound in his stomach and being on a destroyed train perspective flip that destroyed train is hanging off a goddamn cliff and you are falling down it this is one of the best openings in almost any video game i can think of it's exciting how did nathan get there how did he get shot where's this train coming from why is it off of a cliff even though you can't actually fail this part the intrigue alone keeps you really engaged you feel like you're in peril even though you actually gameplay wise are not and this teaches the player climbing and all the facets of climbing too get through this climbing segment and you immediately get a perspective shift to nice sunny nathan drake on the beach here we are introduced to one of the scariest types of people in the world a smug british man his name is harry flynn and him and they have some history and harry has a job for him this job is the overarching quest of the game in the original game you were following sir francis drake in the el dorado now you are following marco polo you're trying to steal a mongolian oil lamp that has ties to marco polo from his doomed voyage from china centuries ago and nathan is the only one that has ever been able to make out of a museum you are stealing it from this also introduces us to chloe frazier who the two of them seem to know each other but are playing it off as if they don't for reasons we'll know later nate drake nathan drake hello harry chloe is one of the best drivers in the business she'll take good care of us i bet so let's talk about the amazing things this opening scene is done first off the train segment has already taught you climbing you'll be learning a little bit more of it later with the museum part but you already understand the concept of climbing it's also an amazing spectacle session something that the first game really lacked it also provides this intriguing bit of backdrop how did the whole thing with chloe and flynn end up with nathan half dead in a train off the snowy mountains that's the intrigue that's the setup and they even play with it just a little bit with their transition you in then what the hell and what could possibly go wrong [Music] he needs some milk the journey we're on is also set up a lot better marco polo's doomed voyage from china it gives you a clear understanding of what you're doing as opposed to kind of just following francis drake the voice acting also feels a lot less stage play-e like it did in the first game it feels much more smoother so much more natural and i'd say just straight up better see chloe frazier is voiced by claudia black who you may know from artemis and god of war morrigan in a dragon age a multitude of mass effect characters sam and gears of war tess everest in destiny and many many more you'll recognize her voice instantly see uncharted 4 didn't have chloe in it they had the lost legacy thing afterwards but for a while because i think uncharted 4 is just a phenomenal game i kind of forgot about chloe a little bit which also made me forget how she absolutely slays her character she's as good as nolan north playing nathan this game sometimes even surpassing him she is just as quick as he is and she just really kills her lines she's a genuine treat to have on screen it throws a little bit more risque dialogue out there which is always fun because she plays the attractive character who knows she's attractive and uses it to her advantage with the whole double agent side of things she's good she's she's really good as you go through the game nathan's going through the train cars and all that stuff and there's many times in here where he should just be [ __ ] dead but we'll talk more about that later on shoot back in time a bit more and then you realize that nathan and chloe kind of have a little relationship thing going on kinda sorta their plan is simple get the treasured [ __ ] over flynn go off on their own together dialogue here again just this time outstanding forget to be jealous wait a minute if it makes you feel any better my relationship flynn is strictly professional really mostly professional now we moved to the museum heists and it's pretty much something about climbing and stealth that's a big part of the second game is stealth it's not something you could always do kind of feels more like a setup for a lot of different areas that eventually just lead to combat anyway but it's an option for those of you who want to use it this part it's mandatory because you're in a museum you don't get caught and you get little tranquilizer guns because you didn't want to bring guns but you know they brought trunks because because why not who cares doesn't matter the section is also really good because nate has someone to talk to which is always when they is at his best and him and flynn has some pretty decent banter come [Music] next on we're in yeah in like flynn right what in like flynn i don't get it you make your way to the oil lamp you break the thing open you find little bits of resin and paper inside of it burn the resin and you get this beautiful blue glow and you can see right there and then hello that's a location on a map it's a good thing we have our good and loyal friend flynn oh my god [Music] before that though the overarching mystery goes up a little bit you've realized that marco polo found shambhala shangri-la itself the mythical city and whatever he came back with well caused some problems now shambhala i don't know anything about that shangri-la i know plenty because i play card zombies and that map [ __ ] sucks but in douche bag form he betrays you of course with his uh is very very fancy and the fact that you've got replica written down the side of your gun and the fact that i've got desert eagle 0.50 written on the side of mine flynn doesn't kill him just gets the guards alerted you try to run away from all the guards that use laser targeting which is great because they teach you how to dodge laser targeting early on you then you're gonna make it out you don't you get captured and then you get thrown into a prison for three months and nathan is uh got a little cuckoo detail didn't you partner what face it genius you've been played oh really slowly bails them out goes through all their money doing so and this is if the voice acting wasn't already better or at least just the script anything that this will solidify it right here hello nate oh no no now wait a second sully kick her out and shut the door we're safer in here just wait a goddamn minute hear her out thank you victor no offense sully but you're not exactly the best judge of character especially when it comes to women fair enough so they make up and the next part is to go and grab some information from a tent from our main villain zorin lazarovich who flynn happens to be working for this next part is almost identical to uncharted one it's sully and nate in a jungle except chloe's there on the on the calm but this is sullien in the jungle however the dialogue is a lot better i'm sweating like a hooker in church you brought a hooker to church why not and the combat is significantly more improved as you can tell i do not look like i'm a seal having a stroke with a controller anymore i can actually aim and shoot there are things for me to do i can aim and hit people the combat is much better i don't know why but it feels a hell of a lot better they did something some technicality that i don't understand because i just review these games and i don't make them you also get your first look at lazarovich he's he's pretty calm you would betray me for this no no jordan i can't explain no no need mommy i am surrounded by traitors and false cause of distraction nate gets in the tent and you learn about this golden passport to get to shambhala how marco polo was terrified of the cargo they had brought back and at this point this is when we get into the real meat of the combat and now we can talk a little bit about the combat and the gameplay of uncharted 2. we need a strategic plan of attack i got one combat time the controls of uncharted 2 just feel better in general aiming is snappier movement feels better enemy variety has been improved weapon variety is improved but not not by a whole lot the gameplay is really nothing overly special but it's it's just better enough to make it feel like there's been a solid improvement at least in the technicality of the controls something like that makes it feel a hell of a lot better controlling nathan specifically controlling nathan feels a million times better in this game however enemies of this game do not play fair now there's a lot more variety pistol guys ak guys m4 guys shotgun guys heavily armored guys super really heavily armored chainsaw guys rpg guys sniper guys grenade launcher guy there's a lot of variety here i mean they're mostly just different variations of guy but there's more and surprisingly they actually act a bit different from each other which is great but they don't play fair enemies in this game have a set pattern in how they attack they fire a few bursts and then they put their heads down have some down time and they put their heads back up and you'd go again these bursts are not random so normally the idea is they fire their bursts while you're in cover you stick your head out of cover where they pop their head out again and you blast them with a couple good head shots or something their bursts are not random in terms of bullets either if you are out of cover or perhaps are aiming outside of cover leaning out of it or whatever those bullets will magnetize and auto lock onto you whether it's the smallest pistol or a shotgun miles away it'll lock so in order to deal with them properly you need to constantly be in covered which is fine as a cover shooter but you also need to shoot them only in between their various bursts this is a problem for four scenarios one the game does not sport a map enemies don't make a whole lot of noise either you also die very fast so often as you're just moving through the combat arena you will turn a corner there will just happen to be a guy there and you will get insta-gibbed two health regeneration this game is decades long oh my god it takes so long for you to reject this game so poke your head out eat a few shots go to gray and then wait and wait and wait to eventually get back to normal again poker head out again and immediately get set right back there and you'll wait and you'll wait and you'll wait for so long just to regenerate your own hp the third if enemies overlap their fire there's not a whole lot you can do example this bridge section in a monastery poking my head out for a split second and i mean a split second puts me to grave this makes it so that you genuinely don't have a good opportunity to stick your head out and fire at the enemies unless you are blind firing the entire way which only works if you are really close to the enemies and you don't get a ton of ammo in this game either they also love love to throw grenades at you all the time which means you gotta jump out of cover to move from them which means you're not in cover which means bullets magnetized to you as well and finally the respawn points are and i do mean that each encounter has a respawn point at the beginning of the encounter which can swap between 5 to 15 to 20 enemies even if you die at the last enemy the final one the final person you will go right back to the beginning let me tell you let me tell you depending on where you are for this stuff oh this is nightmarish you'll have to do a climbing section again deal with a certain initial amount of enemies run out of ammo in some way that you may not have realized there are so many possibilities this can go completely wrong it's like trying to do granola from eldon ring phase one and then you get to phase two and you're like okay i just have to do the phase one over and over and over again it's not even a challenge anymore it's gotta do this tedium in order to get to the actual combat and let me remind you all this you're seeing the myriad deaths the myriad insta kills this is all unhard this isn't even the hardest difficulty there is a harder difficulty than this i don't remember this game being this hard and i'm playing it on hard i beat this on crushing this has made me realize how much better video games have become today uncharted 2 is considered one of the best video games of all time and me playing it right now the gameplay is fine i mean it's serviceable something overly crazy but the cracks are showing much deeper than i expected i am flabbergasted that the gameplay felt this aggravating at times we truly have changed video games heavily because i did not remember it this way before grant this isn't every combat section when there's a regular combat section that isn't too annoying and you just kind of roll your way through it the enemies are decently sparse or if they're not spares they're at least in predictable areas that's all fine and the gameplay actually feels really darn good but there are parts there are sections that these scenarios really creep into and do they get you but anyway back to the story you run away from lazarovich's men meet up with chloe find this little spot with a bunch of marco polos crew skeletons they have black teeth for some reason tons of blood all over the place burning resin into a torch the whole thing and there you find it the golden passport to shambhala right after a fantastic indiana jones style joke from nathan careful [Applause] christ almighty just kidding nate you're gonna give me a goddamn heart attack you leave but you get found of course because that's what happens chloe has to turn a coat in order to protect your identity usually run away sully has his getting too old for this [ __ ] moment and then you both jump off a big cliff scene end now it's nate and chloe's show you're in nepal and you're in the middle of an insane civil war backed by lazarovich zarvitch is ripping the city apart because he knows that there's a temple there that you need to be at and so instead of trying to find the right temple he simply decides that blowing up every temple is the right idea this part is really good the change in scenery is excellent it's so much more colorful so much more interesting there's a lot of great spaces that feel really lived in the amount of detail put in each of these rooms and houses feels very strong there's some good climbing there's some good combat all this area feels really well done and then of course like i said it is the nate and chloe show which means we are treated to some excellent dialogue seems like i am always saving your ass well it is an ass worth saving oh is that an ancient tibetan ritual dagger in your pocket maybe i'm just happy to see you you go through some combat do a little bit of climbing the whole thing all of it looking like a wonderful spectacle then you get treated to the best joke in in video game history hey check it out marco really come on no marco [Music] fish out of water you are so unprofessional next is another one of uncharted's like spectacle boss fights they have a couple boss fights so to speak in this game not really boss fights they're like gimmick fights but they're meant to be mainly spectacle over anything this one is a literal helicopter a gigantic helicopter is hounding you for quite some time and that's why you're treated to the spectacle the falling building while you're in it all this crazy explosions and awesomeness you're jumping around dealing with a literal helicopter until you find a grenade launcher to shoot the bastard down it's very exciting it's not particularly interesting gameplay-wise but it's not the point it's meant to look good you do some climbing you see your fallen prey in the helicopter down there which is a nice little touch you can kind of see it and then nah drumroll dramatic music uh-oh spaghettio bad news bears it's the ex-girlfriend hey what the hell are you doing here i like this i also don't like this it is a massive coincidence it's in character of course elena would obviously be doing something like this she's the go out there do the big journalistic thing she has time with a gun now definitely take him out elena yeah her trailing lazarovich makes plenty of sense but come on like this is such a huge city and there's so many temples on his castle elena running into right now right here it's a little much much it's pretty coincidental and this is where i get to talk about my new phrase nitpicks are problems when i say so napwhis you see the unwritten rule when it comes to nitpicks is simple depending on how serious the media takes itself and how much fun you are having nitpicks can be pushed aside their importance is diminished the more nitpicks matter is on a case-by-case basis it's why nathan murdering thousands of people in game is still your lovable hero because it generally happens in game and doesn't happen in cut scenes it's basically the idea that cutscenes and uncharted are the real canon moments and the gameplay is just the gameplay this would not work if it was in spec ops the line or something john wick is a movie that is a ton of fun but it's played mostly straight it takes itself seriously despite it having an outlandish perspective and idea that par in the second movie where the two of them are firing silenced pistols in an extremely extremely crowded subway system is [ __ ] stupid and makes no sense but despite us knowing that we kind of just don't really care because john mc2 is a pretty great movie final example captain america end of avengers end game the final bit where he's an old man no i don't think i will that is a massive [ __ ] plot hole but everyone liked avengers 10 game so no one really gives a [ __ ] napwiss nitpicks are problems when i say so for this coincidence here with elena i invoke napois i will be invoking napoismore throughout this video but for now well here we are going back to the meeting with elena coincidence aside it's exciting because what the [ __ ] happened to them the way uncharted one just randomly ended out of nowhere and then and then this and then elena they're not they're not together there's a problem here there's there's tension there's something going on but we didn't know like we're curious it was a ballsy [ __ ] move to just have her not even exist until like one third of the game that took some nuts good job and it also contains the best dialogue in the entire game um i'm sorry am i sensing some history here oh elena fisher last year's model that's cute yeah no no glad you find this so funny well i just i never figured you for the white bread picket fence type she's a lot tougher than she looks thank you oh oh what if she broke your heart oh please she did you know what she maybe i broke herself oh yes casanova i've used that white bread picket fence line a lot i really like that line it it stings pretty hard but i it's just it's so versatile you move forward a little bit elena and her camera guys stay behind and then you and chloe go solve this really good looking puzzle actually two of them i mean it's not necessarily a puzzle it's not one of those just do what the journal says situations which you know i'm not a big fan of but it looks great which i'm a lot more happy with it's a climbing puzzle more than anything move the hands in certain positions then after that puzzle you get to this insane room right here it just looks so good the spectacled it's the visuals the climbing parts of it like this is entirely just a feast for the eyes and that's good and they do some great play with the camera here too if you notice the gigantic like it looks like an oni mask though i know oni is japanese and i believe these are all tibetan so i'm not quite sure exactly what this thing is called but it's always just staring at nate the whole time and the camera is very often when it can shift him so that it looks like it's judging you the whole way along it's really cool this leads to an underground section where they find the exact point of the shambhala entrance you get some great nolan north dialogue with a pen in his mouth which is just fun we did it yes we did it lazarovich finds you fights your way out elena's cameraman gets shot and then you have to carry him along in a section that is way too hard for what it is i should not be dying like this carrying this [ __ ] cameraman out okay this this part's [ __ ] i don't know how i did this on crushing i i just don't know but then you run into lazarovich for your first real meeting as far as enemies go big bad serbian war criminal with a [ __ ] up face and arm really isn't that interesting this is far from the most impressive of characters but he's held up by his voice acting and basically is voice acting alone so this little man is drake stereotypical sure but having him on screen is a treat he shoots the cameraman which i saw a mile away but then he does the stupid villain thing where he's like ah kill them and then leaves and of course you get away because of course you do and this is one of those scenes where they just shouldn't be alive so when it comes to uncharted you'll notice that there's gameplay and cutscenes right but but there's two kinds of cutscenes there's cutscene cutscenes which are a very obvious like pre-rendered you can tell the graphics get up a little bit when you start them you can just see the difference immediately from gameplay to this cutscene it's much more impressive the lighting is better like you can tell right and then you have gameplay cut scenes which basically feel like cutscenes that are in the gameplay engine or something i don't know the exact terms for these see the reason why nathan is still such an enjoyable guy is because in the cutscene cut scenes he never acts out of aggression he's always defending himself he never tries to kill anyone in cold blood so to speak it's just not the way he works it's why he seems so enjoyable to be around despite murdering thousands however cutscenes are the only real like canon parts of the game i mentioned a little bit earlier so you can do ridiculous miraculous gameplay things in these gameplay variants of cutscenes this is very confusing and it requires way too much setup for me to say the two of them transitioning the gameplay right there in them and running away from bullets like that it shouldn't work they look look at the scene they should be [ __ ] dead look how close they are look at what they're firing at them with look at the way they run to design they should be [ __ ] dead this problem persists until later on because nate and elena go to help chloe against nate's wishes oh no no no no you're not coming with hey shut up you get this really hard gameplay section where you're stuck in this tram car it's really difficult they're coming to you from all angles and then two dudes just walk up with mini guns they got mini guns now and they're just going into your thing and then elena elena elena the the brass [ __ ] nuts on this reporter just rolls up with their car while they are currently firing too many guns worth of gunship at you and they just like oh sick my ride's here and he hops on in uber's here i'm outside it stretches my belief a little bit it stretches it just a little bit napwhis might not cut it here this leads us to the train section oh now this is the point where things get really exciting because well you're nathan you're on the train you're starting as nathan on the train what could possibly be happening here this train section might be one of the best segments in all of the uncharted games honestly i think four might have a part that's a little bit better but we'll get to there when we get there for one it's it's really visually appealing like i know that this foliage and this stuff on the outside is some kind of loop they set up but i can't tell where it starts and ends it feels so organic the way the train just moves through all this it goes through so many different locations and the way the shadows are casting on the train and nathan it looks incredible it puts games now to shame this section is super long too and it culminates in everything you've learned there's a bunch of climbing a bunch of combat both inside and outside the train cars there are obstacles to dodge those little bing bing bing bing lights you got to make sure you don't get hit by when you're moving across the train there's indoor fighting outdoor fighting it's it's everything you've learned all condensed into one it's a great segment it's also really hard at times it's one particular part where you respawn on top of a car there's a guy really far away but because the enemies have that accuracy thing when you're not in cover he just lasers you and i died there like 20 [ __ ] times it was so hard but it's still really enjoyable this is just a spectacle in terms of both visual and gameplay scenarios it even has one of its spectacle boss fights another helicopter that you take down a little bit more normally this time with like one of those mounted turret gun type things and this part actually surprised me a little bit i thought that the helicopter explosion was gonna be the thing to derail the train but it didn't and that was just kind of the ending sort of kind of boss fight you fight another dude in there as well just some bigger guy i don't know i guess he's like a right-hand man or something he didn't really have anything going for him it ends with nathan finding chloe who was certainly not uh not looking to be rescued she was very upset and this i remember taught me a lesson when i was a younger lad when i first played this game realize the difference between a fling and a wife this is where flynn arrives and shoots nathan with and he is then forced to shoot some exploding barrels in order to save his life which then derails the train and then sends him sprawling into the snow this also surprised me even more when i replay this game because my whole he should be [ __ ] dead part has been shot up to the moon i knew he was shot in the beginning of the game but i was expecting like nine millimeter or something he was shot by a [ __ ] desert eagle and then he had suffered through a train crash and then climbed his way out of the train and then throw it around the trick i'm just listen listen nap napois i know napois but it's stretching this marks i think the second act low point so i think we're about two-thirds of the way through the story's acts uh though we still have quite a bit of game left you eventually get rescued by a tibetan villager a guy named tenzin brings you back to this village in which you are nursed up immediately from a [ __ ] deagle bullet hole wound within a couple days because of course you are and then you walk around this nice pretty city and you walk around this nice pretty city for a reason you'll find that out very soon elena is there as well because of course it wouldn't be an uncharted game without some more elena content and the next little bit is a bit more slow than i'd like you meet this guy named schaefer and he's talking about how marco polo and shambhala has something known as the chintamani stone and those who possessed even the fragments of the chintamani stone or amazing powerful people like genghis khan and stuff he may be amazing isn't the right term for genghis khan very powerful people the main goal of this section is that this guy schaefer believes the stone has powers and so nathan is going with tenzin to go confirm this idea in this big icy cave so the next whole part is mainly just climbing and a lot of it is a long section and this is something that might come off as hypocritical because in the first game i said too many shooting galleries you need to kind of cut it up and right now i'm saying wow after the longest shooting gallery in the game the train you are upset that there is a lot of you know just climbing and yeah i can kind of see that concept but i think it's just it's too long tenzin does not speak english she only speaks tibetan which is an interesting choice they don't even make any kind of subtitles for him you genuinely don't know what he's saying the entire time unless you speak tibetan or look it up so nathan doesn't really have someone to do some banter off on i mean he has some but not a whole lot and also it bugs me because the reason we're here is that nathan doesn't believe that chintamani stone his powers you literally fought zombies in the last game this is crazy what nathan what there's some great spectacle in this part the part where you're climbing the giant turning looks like bell things wow it looks really cool at times and then you fight yetis and schaefer's grouper nazis because of course they were it's ai there's yetis now was that the proof you needed nathan zombies wasn't enough for you not that yetis exist this part isn't bad honestly it's just the fact that it overstays its welcome a little too long let's just take us the next segment the tank the tank the tank when i was a young lad i think it took me a month nah that might be too much like a week to beat this tank segment on crushing this is the thing i was looking forward to the least i remembered the tank i remember the tank just like i remembered the jet ski except the tank was annoying because it was goddamn hard the jet ski was annoying because it just didn't control well the tank was insane i was kind of shocked at how easily i went through this area i mean i died plenty of times i don't know how many times i died maybe this many times but it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be actually though this does involve a tank absolutely annihilating the entire city you just walked through to give you a bit more of a uh emotional punch it didn't work great for me i i spent about 30 minutes just walking around in an ice cave and i was sick of it i was happy to see a tank and give me some action spectacle boss fight [ __ ] it and you know i mean in typical russian tank fashion i fired two rpgs at it and it's already on [ __ ] fire oh those russians after this elena gets you a car you go do this great little convoy segment way better than the original game where you just fire a grenade launcher machine gun you're jumping from between car to car and firing different types of things it's really it's really fun it's a good little part you both fall off a cliff and miraculously make your way up zappos now it's the two of you against the world into the probably the longest segment of the entire game the tibetan monastery this area is gorgeous i love this locale it looks beautiful the gameplay and climbing kind of mix there's a lot of verticality in it lots of ways you can flank people create just level design in general seamless pretty and fun it's also really hard this is where i had that infamous bridge section that i was locked into for like 30 minutes just trying to get my way past that awful area barely able to survive more than a millisecond outside of cover but that's kind of okay because this segment is all nathan and elena and nathan elena content is the best content come on nice view men after dealing with many oh many enemies you eventually meet up with chloe take the dagger from her do a little puzzle which is a little bit more exciting it's still put the things the journal tells you to put in but it requires a little bit more thinking and i do like that you fight some more dudes you move some valves you find some more dudes and then you find yourself the secret entrance to shambala but then of course nothing good can last forever and you are met by flynn and lazarovich and taken hostage because of course you are you know for the main villain you really haven't seen much of lazarovich he's had some small little parts we're overhearing his conversations but you don't really get a whole lot of him and i i really like this part because you get a lot more of him he's such a stereotypical villain he's just crazy madman warlord guy but he sells his role really well in every scene he's in he's a genuine menace ah get your hands off me now one we will use as a lesson and the other we will use as incentive to cooperate you choose this is [ __ ] nate yeah don't play into his game you want my help you let them go this is not a negotiation who would you sacrifice and who would you save or this one you want to save this one or maybe this one you know what enough of this [ __ ] all right quit the theatrics i'll do what you want now as a hostage nathan solves some puzzles with flynn which is a great callback because you know they started the museum in the beginning but now they hate each other but they're doing things together again some good banter there i like it you and flynn finish these puzzles you fight the yetis again very similar to the whole eddie raja back to back situation where you need to keep each other alive until lazarovich comes in with his pack-a-punch shotgun and immediately blasts them apart which you then realize that they're not actually yetis they're dudes blue dudes in costumes blue dudes who you will get real acquainted with very soon because you're here shambala shangri-la a city of gold and stone protected by those very guardian blue dudes that you have been dealing with as years prior meeting of course the game's quota for something supernatural at the end a little struggle later and now you're off chloe elena and nate trying to make your way through shambhala and let me tell you you fight those guardian things and they are [ __ ] hard to kill they take multiple magazines of almost every single weapon in the game they are nightmarish to deal with and when they are brought to a certain health threshold they actually go full melee berserk mode on you so in reality they're kind of like fighting two separate enemies at once soldiers because they fire you with these triple shot crossbow doodads and then like the yetis when you get to a certain point so you have to combine a little bit of cover shooting and running away blind fire shooting against them this is a real pain until you end up getting their crossbow which isn't a triple shot like they use it's just a regular crossbow but this thing kills them in like two shots it's gold-plated i got 500 headshots with it i suppose you know mw2 let's go fall camo i don't know for some reason this thing just murders them perhaps that weapons were just too ineffective against them and they wanted to force you into using this crossbow i don't really know the point being when did the crossbow they're not that bad also shambhala is one of those situations i'm gonna have to invoke a little bit of napwest for because when you look at it and you think about it there's just no way that you wouldn't have been able to see it like this is the modern age we have satellites we have gps we have planes lazarovich has helicopters a little line where he would have been like you've destroyed my last helicopter drake or something would have been not too bad but overall this can't be hidden and i'm pretty positive that the people making this game agreed with that i don't know a single person in the world who didn't play uncharted 2 looked at that and said how did no one see that via gps or something and i'm positive that naughty dog just said [ __ ] it who cares it looks cool screw it you know what i agree napwisk so you do your fighting there's a little bit of back and forth chloe wants to get the [ __ ] out elenia and nate believe that the chintamani stone is actually the powerful thing that they thought it was and they feel like killing lazarovich is going to save the world because such a terrible guy and terrible guys with good power is bad takes some convincing chloe comes along cool great make your way over to the chintamani stone and you realize that it is in fact not a stone marco polo was incorrect it's actually amber it's tree sap directly from the mythological tree of life like yeah the tree of life the real tree of life is here in uncharted it's right down there that's why all their teeth are black because they try to eat it it's why the guardians look so blue and are so insanely strong and it's what lazarovich is currently after and where he's headed right now just lazarovich though because harry flynn has not been brought along and he had a number done on him oh we can help you sorry love this isn't a movie and you're not the plucky girl who reforms the villain and saves the day it's just not done like that flynn listen to me parting gift from nazarevic pity took the pin goodbye elena gets properly shredded here and it's a pretty jarring scene no main character in uncharted has been in this like level of peril this close to death i mean there's nothing on the train sure but it's nathan we knew he was going to survive also flynn going out like that was also not expected he was a major part of this game and it's extremely sudden but in the good way he goes down that typical douchey way where he destroys everything along with himself there's a combat gauntlet after this and i got i gotta hand it to claudia black as chloe her va is just so good she's constantly trying to help elena along and her dialogue is it's very realistic the way she speaks it's like she's been in a situation like this before it's actually kind of jarring and it adds a lot to this seam because it feels very real okay we're gonna move come on you can do it come on let's step over this she nails down this level of i'm trying to keep calm i'm trying to move you along and keep talking to you so you'll stay awake as well scenario it's it adds more fear to the situation because you don't think elena's gonna die of course why would you ever think elaine's gonna die and then you add chloe's dialogue and you're thinking okay ooh okay this is a little bit rough and then they don't really shy away from making this thing feel very very serious hey elena how you doing huh [Music] not good nate goes to confront lazarus after this and you know what i am 100 on chloe's side here don't you dare take on this stupid crusade bro your girl is is dying here like sure lazarovich might become all-powerful like those guardian things but guess what you killed a few of those guardian things already get out of there save elena end him the good old american way by using a gigantic plane with a 105 millimeter cannon tilted towards him from 30 000 feet these guardians might be able to take three magazines to 762. i don't think he can handle about four or five shots of 105. it goes down anyway [ __ ] lazarovich drinks from the tree of life and then all of his scars immediately start healing i don't know if that was on purpose giving him those scars as a happy accident regardless it's a cool little touch nathan shoots it causes it to all explode caught on fire the whole thing and then you have your final boss fight here nathan versus lazarovich and it is not good oh it's not good navarro in the first game was significantly worse this one is not great all it is is running at you the whole time with his shotgun and just leading five grenades at you the entire way and all you do is you run away from him shoot the blue sap that he gets close to to explode and then do damage to him rinse and repeat in this arena over and over and over again until you win i didn't even die first i first timed this on hard i didn't even die at once all i did was run in circles through the sap it was so [ __ ] easy and really bad after this lazarovich tries to ludo narrative dissonance you how many men have you killed how many just today i invoked napois on this one lazarovich no those were in gameplay not in cutscenes don't try it you're not spec ops you can't do that to me and because nathan's our lovable hero he doesn't shoot him instead the guardian is ripping the shreds he runs up grabs the elena double-handed while the entire city is breaking down because you set the tree of life on fire and you make your escape have a cut scene change elena's nurse back to health of course with the help of silly cause you know no one dies she's fine this is the way it is chloe and nathan's little relationship comes to an end because nathan realizes he loves elena moore or whatever sully immediately takes advantage of that uh which might chloe go see you later oh no you're a dirty old man sullivan uh-huh they have some adorable dialogue at the end of the game some of the best in the game actually and then you know roll credits that dialogue is actually really good too i should i just play the whole thing in its entirety because it's really good yeah yeah so on a scale of one to ten how scared were you that i was gonna die four four yeah why a four yeah you were at least an eight at eight you were a total eight and eight those guardian things were an eight are you kidding me yeah those were terrifying what's a ten clowns clowns over my death i i hate clowns i hate clowns oh my word you thought i was dead no no you thought i was gone yes you did you shed tears you shed a bunch of them tears it was raining no it was not you were unconscious and it was raining it was totally sunny out and you were bawling it wasn't sunny you were unconscious whatever i kept your tears in the jar i have proof i'll give you a five i said literally better in every way every way still have some problems most of the problems are gameplay related and there's some dumb things in the story but napois there are some specific gameplay issues i didn't really get too into like how the game sometimes just sends you off the wrong direction for some failed jumps and things like that but overall it's just so good it makes me so happy this game is critically acclaimed as it is despite you know not being the best with time like there are some problems with it of course but just compared to the first one there's a hold up oh absolutely i am so happy the first game got a sequel because yeah i'm positive uncharted 2 had a bigger team i'm sure it had more money but behind it yeah yeah of course all those things but it feels like a lot of the other parts the script the voice acting the pacing there's a lot of just raw talent people who started to realize exactly what they were trying to go for with this game series and they just put it fully on display not everything can be saw with more people in a bigger budget a lot of things can be solved with that but not everything and i feel like a lot of this game was just people who were just better at their jobs from practice or whatever reason every single avenue was improved upon something i can't unfortunately say about the third game but that's for our next video thank you everyone so much for joining me on this video it was wonderful to have you all stay this far to the end as well if you like to check out some merchandise or grenade.com we have a whole bunch of designs and the like up there we also sell dice twerking crewmate on the six as well just just go to orcade.com it's in the description you'll find it a huge thank you to all my patrons and members always wonderful having you here thank you so much for supporting me of course i'll answer three of your questions real quick what is an exotic food slash dish you've considered trying or have tried i want to try like that weird crab that's or is it squid that's still alive but it has like the orange foam in its brain you scoop out want to try that i'll try anything once adding to that question what's the most disgusting thing you've ever eaten i had a deep-fried klondike bar at the orange county fair it wasn't the most disgusting thing i've ever eaten but it was so sugary and rich and over the top that i spit it out immediately frog yes or no yeah come on obviously you're a skater
Channel: Bricky
Views: 571,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bricky, uncharted, uncharted game, uncharted review, uncharted 2, uncharted 2 trailer, uncharted 2 review, uncharted 2 gameplay, uncharted 2 essay, video essay, game video essay, uncharted video essay, uncharted 2 nate and elena, uncharted 2 nate and chloe, uncharted 2 sully, bricky uncharted, bricky uncharted 2
Id: x6CjY-7QcbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 51sec (2871 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 04 2022
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