UNCF Benefit Concert

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] good evening and happy sabbath let us all stand for our opening prayer [Music] loving lord we are so grateful for this opportunity that you have given us to come most of all oh god we're thankful for this benefit concert to honor brianna brooks oh god we ask now that you will please move in this place like only you can we act so god that you would give us a clear mind give us wisdom knowledge and understanding we thank you o god for your blessings we act so god that you will help us to strive to be more like you and that we will gain something from this service bless us o lord like only you clan and incline our ear and incline our feet to walk with thee and we will be careful to give you all the praise the honor and the glory that is due to your most precious name in jesus name we do pray amen you may be seated good evening oakwood family my name is emel parker and i am the director of alumni relations for your oakwood university the uncf amazing and huge impact to provide student scholarships is fueled by events like these tonight this evening i'm proud to introduce a young lady who's already living the mission of what the uncf wants to support in our oakwood students she's from orlando florida she's a senior at oakwood university studying pre-law as her major in music as her minor currently she serves as the executive secretary for the united student movement president of the phi alpha data and she is currently she was recently selected among over 200 hbcu students as an ambassador for the white house and truth initiative for her leadership her academic accomplishments and her civic engagement as miss uncf of oakwood university this evening is going to benefit that she this concert will benefit that she's planned and coordinated will provide much needed student scholarships for underrepresented students that have financial needs so please give tonight her platform is entitled we all need somebody hallelujah hallelujah her goal is to enable and encourage everyone with god's help no one should ever be alone or have to feel alone beautiful beautiful it is my honor to introduce our miss uncf of oakwood university 2021 to 2022 ms brianna brooks accompanied by none other than austin reed [Applause] good evening and happy sabbath everyone my name is austin reed and i'm the 2021-2022 mr oakwood university hi everyone my name is brianna brooks as previously stated and i am your miss uncf queen for the 2021st school year and i'm so excited to be up here i just want to welcome you all to the brianna brooks miss uncf benefit concert and again i'm so excited to be are you excited to be here i'm very excited listen i hear there's a pretty good lineup this evening yeah yeah you put it together yes so you're a little biased but anyway like i said i'm excited to be here i know you all are excited to be here brianna's excited to be here so first of the stage we're gonna call mr alexander chambers and he's gonna bless us in a mighty way [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] how sweet [Music] how sweet the sound [Music] like me [Music] i once was lost but now [Music] i am found was blind [Music] but now oh now oh no [Music] i [Music] i see [Music] amazing grace how sweet the sound amazing grace how sweet the sound amazing grace it was [Music] grace that taught my heart [Music] to fear embrace my fears [Music] that grace [Music] first when we've been there ten thousand years bright shining as the sun [Music] we've known last days to sing god's praise then when [Music] first [Music] then when we first when we first [Music] be [Music] amazing grace how sweet the sound oh amazing grace [Music] how sweet the sound [Music] [Applause] hey man amen give it up one more time for mr alexander chambers with his nice little r b amazing grace remix amen amen so you're miss uncf correct yes so what is uncf what like what is uncf uncf is the united negro college fund okay and what are some facts about uncf so interesting you asked that austin uncf gives over 5 billion in scholarships to students who look like you and me every single year they also award over a hundred thousand um awards and internships scholarships and other academic needs for students so where can students like yourself and myself find some more information about uncf actually great question so you can go on the unc off page and under the tap scholarships click scholarships and they have scholarships that are for if you live in georgia are if you only have a single mom a single dad um they have scholarships for everyone so i encourage everyone to apply awesome thank you so much and the next voices you will hear i'm sorry the next instruments you are here is from miss nina and mr lorenzo so go ahead and clap it up for them [Music] [Music] ah [Music] hey [Applause] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] every time i hear or see somebody play an instrument i just get so upset because my parents didn't keep me in those those music classes anyway anyway anyway there's a um qr code or something floating around right oh there we go what what is what is that so this qr code is how people can donate online are in person here at ouc so if you take your phones out scan the qr code it will take you directly to the link my link you'll have brianna brooks my campaign what i'm running for or what i'm running with and you can donate directly online all the proceeds will go to the united negro college fund for scholarships for students like you and me so if you want to support students like me and austin other students who really can't afford college our students who want to come to college like oakwood please donate thank you awesome so we're going to switch the gears just a little bit we're going to get out of kind of the music side of things we're going into a spoken word so miss bernice is one of my personal favorite um right now she she speaks a lot for a y or different events and so right now we're going to call to the stage miss bernice this is going to bless us in a mighty way with our spoken word so go ahead and clap it up for miss bernice survival of the fittest a term created in 1864 only creatures who adapt will successfully survive this term was conceived while observing animals some inherited traits which helped them to outlive others not a bad concept but unfortunately it trickled into our society it is such a human tendency to take things that aren't ours and ruin them leaders claiming they are chosen by god race is believing they are superior only the strongest best suited most fortunate will thrive if we were made to be just a little lower than angels i wonder why we stay content with imitating what we're supposed to have dominion over i mean refer to genesis 3 when man took advice from a serpent you'll see the consequence the result of this mentality is competition with our occupation our belongings even our walk with god we think at least i carry myself better or i am better suited for his position coveting their crown without considering the heaviness of their cross our only purpose is to be a stage on which the savior can stand on our only purpose is to embody his character first corinthians 12 27 for you are the body of christ if we are his body i wonder how much pain he's in right now if we are his body i wonder what disorders are taking over his system some days it may be aphasia the loss of the ability to comprehend language since we don't seem to understand god's commands no matter how much we hear them other days it could be autism which impairs communication and causes repetitive behavior since we don't share or empathize focused on repeating and repeating traditions no matter its impact or the lack thereof he could be suffering from congestive heart disease when the heart becomes weak because the blood supply to the cells is insufficient isn't it unfortunate that god sent his only son to die to cleanse us by his blood yet we live our lives as if that blood is insufficient isn't it unfortunate see we have one reassurance christ is the head of the church since we know we have a good head on our shoulders it is time to mend the rest if we want to see our savior face to face it is time we see eye to eye an easy task when they remain fixed on him it is time to be all ears when a friend is hurting to pray for their weaknesses not to prey on them speak life we often act tongue-tied when acknowledging another's success our lack of love is getting out of hand we would rather make promises with fingers crossed than to stick our neck out for someone we forget that our biggest battles are overcome on our knees not begging for mercy but seeking strength to stand on our feet we must stay ten toes down with him part of the greatest commandment is to love our neighbor because the healer knew it would be the only remedy for his body's illness he said use your gifts to serve others don't serve others to receive gifts or gratification he said give and it will be given unto you we seem to have a hoarding issue grasping unto every blessing as if god did not say exceedingly and abundantly so we seem to have this hoarding issue however god loved us so much so much that he did not limit heaven's capacity if he wanted to limit heaven's capacity he would have died for an honorable few a position you and i could never fail no matter how much we'd compete so there is no survival of the fittest we no longer need to survive although we were not fit it is in his nature it is in his nature to choose us over and over again now that's natural selection clap it up one more time for bernice wasn't that just beautiful all right now next up to the stage we're gonna call mr drew up he's one of again one of my favorite seniors at oakland university he's been laying a little low but you know he wanted to come out for brianna brooks benefit concert so go ahead and clap it up for drew [Music] happy belated sabbath everybody [Music] it's good to see all the beautiful faces here and number one i want to thank god for this this opportunity and i also want to thank my friend jalen scott but most importantly i want to thank jesus because if it wasn't for the blood of jesus that belongs to me the salvation that belongs to me quite honestly i just wouldn't be here and god has chosen for this time for me to share my experience with you [Music] it belongs to me salvation belongs to me and i have everything that makes salvation complete i know the work's already done by the power of his blood i know it's mine it belongs to me oh it belongs to me [Music] salvation belongs to me and i have everything [Music] that makes salvation complete i know the words already done by the power of his blood i know it's mine [Music] it belongs to me [Music] i need thee oh i need [Music] oh bless me now my [Music] [Applause] [Music] every hour i need thee oh bless me myself my [Music] savior oh [Music] the blood that jesus shed for me way back on [Music] that gives me strength [Applause] oh it won't lose it won't lose its power [Music] for it reaches to oh yes it does and it flows [Music] that gives me strength from day to day it will never oh no oh it will never it will never never never never never never [Music] cause it belongs to me [Music] salvation belongs to me and god you've given me everything to make salvation complete i know your work it might not be done yet but by the power of i know we can do it lord [Music] we can get it done lord oakwood can do it lord and the reason why [Music] is because it belongs to me [Music] amen amen so if you were blessed by that song there's an opportunity for you to give so that more students with musical talents and abilities are able to come to schools just like this at oakwood and they'll put the qr code on the screen and you are able to give our next act our our next person coming up to sing is a very special friend of mine her name is savannah anderson i came in with her my freshman year and i pray that the song she sings blesses you guys's heart [Music] just [Music] [Music] my [Music] streams of mercy never ceasing [Music] above [Music] redeeming love [Music] here i raise [Music] and i hold by thy good pleasure save me too [Music] one drink forever [Music] me from danger [Music] his precious blood [Music] oh to grace how great your [Music] [Music] prone to [Music] how [Music] take and see [Music] here's my [Music] take and seal it for thy course [Music] seal it for thy courts [Music] go ahead and give it up one more time for savannah that was just so beautiful and actually you said that's your friend right i'm gonna need you to you know tell me about her because i need to get my wave game back on and you know the camera i was looking at the camera her waves are kind of popular hey austin what's up why are pianos hard to break into i don't know why why are pianos hard to break into because they have a lot of keys that's your miss uncf for everybody so everyone next next next is also a favorite of mine he's very talented although sometimes he doesn't think so but he's very very talented and i'm so happy that he could be here tonight next hector jordan is coming to bless us on the piano and i hope you are truly blessed as i am every time i hear him play [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wow wow wow are you kidding me and those are the same tip fingers that i have and and he's playing like that oh i don't know about you but that blessed me i can listen listen i had a good time i'm having a great time actually are you guys having a good time hey i'm gonna give you a hint to who's going next right let me know so when you're running right they tell you to pace yourself ace yourself okay okay okay okay so guess who's coming up next run run something he also does he does run he does run okay but you have to pace yourself pace yourself pace pace pace face face yes so next is pace and he has accompanist um ariane nina and jalen scott and bryce amen [Music] [Music] yes [Music] i like how uh drew opened up saying happy sabbath belated happy belated sabbath just want to say the same thing but um before i get started something interesting i was thinking while listening to these beautiful selections um the concept of instruments what an instrument is is a tool that whoever has the the ability to control is using their own ability their own work prior their own knowledge to actually communicate through this medium to affect the people who are listening an instrument is something where you might not know what type of piano that is you may not know what type of organ what type of keyboard but you know based on the person playing it what they're trying to communicate out the instrument is never the star the person playing that instrument is the star similar with vocally a lot of to the untrained ear you may not know if a singer is a mezzo is a baritone is a bit you may not know the keys that they're singing in but you are able to be to identify and communicate with what they're trying to bring forth based on how the person in control is using that medium how many of us want to be instruments that god can use how many of us want to actually give up our own will our own our own satisfaction and say god i'm putting myself in your hands all my talents all my testimony i'm giving it to you so that you can communicate through me this is a song i wrote maybe two years ago that says just that [Music] use me god [Music] foreign [Music] yours [Music] [Music] come and [Music] just make me more and more like [Music] and more like [Music] and hold my hand yeah tell me it's all right and hold my hand and keep me by yours i just stay right and god please just [Music] hey man amen amen let's clap it up one more time for pace that was such a beautiful song in original may i add that was crazy that was that was when is that gonna drop on apple music i don't know spotify let's find out spotify apple music spotify but anyway who's the next guest we have coming up here today so before i introduce our next guest i want to introduce what he'll be playing um our last special music before our speaker tonight is going to be jalen scott and he's going to be playing the organ um i don't know if many of you know the organ is a very old instrument it dates back to 33 bc are in greece in ancient greece so he will be playing that tonight and i hope you guys are come on i hope you guys are blessed by that as we are amen so next up we're going to call this stage mr jalen scott so go ahead and clap it up for him and before he comes up our as he's coming up we just want to remind you guys to give to the link um it helps students like me and austin and everyone else in the audience come to college thank you amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey man amen amen let's just clap at one more time for all the acts this evening i just want to brag on my school a little bit because you would not get this at any other school like oakland university we're very very talented and we're surrounded by this every single day and i'm pretty sure most more students would like to be surrounded by this so again here's the link on the screen and it should be on your screens at home you guys are able to donate and all the funds will go directly to the united negro college fund for students like me austin and everyone else in the audience so next up to this stage we're going to call our speaker of the evening um he is a senior theology major so we're going to call mr christian dunstan to the stage so go ahead and clap it up for him show him some oakland university love [Applause] amen amen let's praise god for the beautiful um worshipers we had this evening wow i was that was a little weak did y'all enjoy the worship this evening let's praise god for the worship this evening amen amen we're not going to be long this evening um i'm so grateful to be here i want to take the time to thank brianna or miss uncf for inviting me once again we're not going to be long but god does have a brief word for us this evening so if you're ready for the word let's go to isaiah chapter one isaiah chapter one verse 10 through 14. isaiah chapter 1 verse 10 through 14 and when you get it please feel free to say amen we're going to go through the word together this evening isaiah chapter 1 verse 10 through 14. when you have it please say amen amen got the first amen congratulations mr scott amen amen isaiah chapter 1 verse 10 through 14 it says this listen to the lord you leaders of sodom listen to the law of our god people of gomorrah what makes you think i want all your sacrifices says the lord i am sick of your burnt offerings of rams and the fat of fattened cattle i get no pleasure from the blood of bulls and lambs and goats when you come to worship me who asks you to parade through my courts with all your ceremony stop bringing me your meaningless gifts the incense of your offerings disgusts me as for your celebrations of the new moon and the sabbath and your special days for fasting they are sinful and false i want no more of your pious meetings i hate your new moon celebrations and your annual festivals they are a burden to me i cannot stand them let's pray father um we thank you for this word may we see christ and accept him in our hearts in jesus name amen uh we're gonna do something different real quick how many of us were disney fans when we were younger growing up by show of hands okay we're gonna we're gonna play a little game i'm gonna describe to you a disney channel show and i'll see if you can get it all right see young girl oh uh sometimes she's blonde sometimes she's a brunette she sings hannah montana anna montana okay okay so so for me that show even as a male is one of my favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite shows it's honestly a show that was really ahead of its time i mean for people who are like prepubescent the drama of having to deal with like being a pop star while also going to school was unbelievable and then having to make sure that nobody found out you were a pop star dealing with bullies dealing with relationships dealing with parents or parent for her either way the show of hannah montana was really genius it was a beautiful show but what's saddening about it is it's unfortunately very similar to not just me but most of us in here because for a lot of us we live what is called a hannah montana lifestyle or a double life and we live that theme song out where we get the best of both worlds and so our worship and our spirituality imitates that of hannah montana or miley cyrus whichever you choose and so here we have this double lifestyle where we worship and our hearts are far from god where we pray and our hearts are far from god and we live this lifestyle of hannah montana sometimes we're blonde sometimes we're a brunette and and we wonder why we're never changed we wonder why we're still struggling and it's interesting because we find ourselves here in isaiah chapter one and and this message is interesting and i have to make this disclaimer that this message was first preached to me before it was preached to you and i was kind of and am still am offended by it because i was talking to my friend earlier and it's beautiful the way spirituality works there's so many different ways of worship right now i just put myself on or got put to maverick city music before i was kind of shunning them because i didn't know if it was genuine or not but eventually the holy spirit told me to stop caring about that and just listen and just enjoy it and i was riding home one sabbath morning and i was just worshiping in the car to maverick city music and i just the harmonies and the words and the beauty of the songs made me feel like i was in heaven and i'm starting to realize that all this music the organs being played the poetry being spoken even spoken word is all just another form of worship and it's everybody's respective ways of enjoying worship so for me although i love music the way that i worship in church will probably be through spoken word in other words i most i look forward most to hearing a sermon not just because well mainly because i am a theology major i love to hear the word being interpreted and being spoken but for those of us who love music a little bit more and who are music enthusiasts you may see the lord differently in music and oftentimes there's debates about oh man the worship is too long we need to get right to the word all the word is too long we need more worship but it's very interesting at the fact that god says this to his children of israel this is what he says to the children of israel he says this isaiah chapter 1 verse 10-14 he says listen to the lord you leaders of sodom listen to the law of our god people of gomorrah what makes you think i want all your sacrifices says lord i am sick of your burnt offerings of rams and the fat of fat and cattle i get no pleasure from the blood of bulls and lambs and goats and he says in verse 12 when you come to worship me who asks you to parade through my courts with all your ceremony and so basically god is is getting on the children of israel he literally says i hate the way that you worship and it's very interesting because god is telling his children that he hates their worship not only does that seem a little ungrateful it seems kind of like weird because if you look way back in genesis if you look way back in exodus if you look away back in leviticus and numbers and deuteronomy you see god set up this very same system of worship you see god give them the system of sacrifice where he's telling him hey sacrifice the bulls and the rams and things like that you see him appointing them these celebrations of the new moons and the sabbath and here he is all the way in isaiah saying i hate your worship so the question we got to ask ourselves is how does god hate a worship that he established how is god saying that he he hates with his soul a worship that he himself made and so here we got to follow the history of the children of israel i told you how this sermon was once preached to me before i'm here before you and to some it may seem like a very um terrible sermon or or not a terrible sermon but a mean sermon or a sermon that's a little hard but i promise you that there's beauty at the end of the tunnel if you just follow me but as we look at the children of israel and we look at the history of the children of israel they started out as a man his name was abraham and abraham was a man he was living in a city and god told him to leave all that behind and follow him and he followed him and he ended up promising this man he said i will make you a man or a father of many nations and on down the line god fulfills this promise and he he and and this family ends up being in bondage to the egyptians and after being in bondage to the egyptians he frees them and then he gives them the system of worship the system of living and then later on down the line they become more of just a group of people they become a nation and then conquer other nations and then you have this king named david who was a man after god's own heart and god makes another promise to david saying through your throne salvation will be brought to the world and so now you have this other promise by god after he fulfilled the promise to abraham he now bring in this other promise to david saying through your throne you will receive salvation the entire world will receive salvation and now we find ourselves in isaiah the same descendants of abraham the same dynasty from david have now forgotten the promises of god and now are relying on worldly promises they forgot about the security of god in our is relying or are relying or we're relying on the security of the world yet they still found themselves doing the sacrifices they still found themselves celebrating the new moons they still found themselves keeping the sabbath and god is saying man i cannot stand your worship and once again we ask the question how does god hate a worship that he created and i think about it in our terms in our context and i see us making beautiful music preaching a strong word and i ask the question does god hate my worship and if so why if god hates my worship why and so we're looking at this question and we have to ask ourselves why would god hate my worship and we got to look at in context of isaiah isaiah is a book of visions written to interpret salvation literally isaiah literally means yahweh is salvation right and so when isaiah wrote this book he was writing this book in what i like to call they call the bible or the study bible calls it a god-centric lens or god-centric view i like to call it a crystal-centric lens and the and the way that isaiah views the world is in relation to god and basically everything must see god as glorious and as eternal and as one so if god is not seen as a central figure then this thing shouldn't be it so so if the music that i listen to does not uplift christ as the central figure i gotta stop listening to it that's the way isaiah would view the world right if this activity does not uplift christ as number one i can no longer take part in it because it's not uplifting christ it's not reality because christ is not the central figure so in other words for isaiah reality says that christ is a central figure and we have this in the book it even goes as far as to say that isaiah sees the world as god is the central figure in every way of seeing and living that includes worship and so for the children of israel their way of worship was sacrifice their way of worship was rams their way of worship was let's cut the throat of a ram let's cut the throat of a bird let's celebrate this new moon let's have this festival for the sabbath their way of worship wasn't like let's come in the church and let's have an order of service their way of worship was actually a little ugly if we if we were to think about it just got done talking to a friend about it just a couple minutes ago and i didn't even think about it like this their way of worship was actually hideous their way of worship started out in a desert no grass just just sand for miles you couldn't see beyond that because they were traveling in the desert and god tells them he instructs them he says you're going to butcher these animals and you are supposed to see the ugliness and the humility and and the the horrific horrifying view of sin and the reason why god appointed these sacrifices they could point them to the terrifying view of sin so they're here butchering these animals and later on down the line these same people made this horrifying way of worship beautiful they built for them they built themselves a temple and they and they built themselves a sanctuary that god made them build that he gave them the instructions this wasn't something that they did on their own accord god gave them specific instructions on how to build the temple and years down the line they have this beautiful grandeur's temple and and they're still butchering these animals and they're more focused on how beautiful this service is than where their hearts are and this is why god hates their worship because they're worshiping someone they don't know and it's the equivalent to worshiping an idol what do i mean by that what do i mean by that um we're going to john chapter 4 john chapter 4 verse 21-24 and jesus is talking to the samaritan woman at the well and he says this he says woman jesus replied believe me a time is coming when you will worship the father neither on this mountain nor in jerusalem you samaritans worship what you do not know we worship what we do know for salvation is from the jews yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and in truth for they are the kind of worshipers the father seeks god is spirit and his worshipers must worship him in spirit and in truth so once again we ask ourselves the question why did god hate the children of israel's worship because they were not worshiping in spirits and in truth it's funny i mentioned the hannah montana situation how basically the children of israel are hannah montana christians and we see that in isaiah chapter 1 because god is talking to the children of israel yet he's calling them rulers of sodom and people of gomorrah and when we look at that we we got to look back to genesis and we remember sodom and gomorrah and how they ended right they ended with god destroying them they're they're not even in existence anymore they're not even like they're no longer after genesis you only hear about them in in um euphemisms or like uh excuse me in comparisons in comparisons and here god is comparing them to sodom and gomorrah he's saying you rulers of sodom and gomorrah you people of saddam and gomorrah here he's talking to his chosen people yet they're acting like the people he destroyed way back when because of their sins because they're hannah montana christians and here they are doing all this yet their hearts are so far from god and a lot of times we think oh god doesn't accept our worship because one day i'm singing and the next day i'm doing something immoral or one day or friday night i'm at aym and i'm singing praise team and then that same night i'm also smoking no i we confuse it in the thinking that god does not accept our worships because of our acts afterwards no he hates our worship because our heart is not there and we must realize that true worship is not in our actions but is in our hearts and the beauty in worship is is is that the gospel is seen in its finest what do i mean by that i told you we weren't going to be long and and the holy spirit is leading me to the conclusion but the point of this message is not for us to stop the singing that we do i don't know if you saw what just happened here but i'm gonna be very honest i never get emotional during a worship service i never get emotional it's kind of it's kind i don't like getting emotional but just now listening to something as simple as hymns being repeated over and over again i had to stop myself from tearing up just because not only the the beauty of the harmonies and the melodies but the words themselves speak of the beauty of god so i don't think it's in god's nature or god's intentions to stop what just happened here but what he is saying is to not let it stop here what do i mean by that god has given us so many things through christ jesus but in everything he's given us he's given us with holistic intention what did i say holistic what one more time holistic what holistic intention what does that mean once again god has given us a lot of things in christ jesus and everything has holistic intentions so for example i use this example all the time all the time we say we must pray in the name of who and you gotta sleep today we must pray in the name of jesus so usually at the end of our prayers we'll be like lord help me to make a 4.0 this year in the name of jesus amen and we'll expect that prayer to be answered and prayerfully it will be prayerfully you will get that 4.0 but when when the word name is being mentioned in the bible pace has mentioned it before this has been mentioned before it's not just saying the name of that person but the essence and the character of that person so when we say let's pray in the name of jesus let's pray in the essence in the character of jesus in other words let's pray in the will of jesus right so that's just a classic example of when god wants something for us he wants it holistically so when we're praying in the name of jesus we're praying in the essence of jesus when we're praying in the essence of jesus we're praying in the character of jesus that holistic character that not only answers our prayers but strengthens the relationship between us and jesus it's the same thing with tithes and offering it's the same thing with marriage and it's the same thing with worship god has given us this beautiful thing this beautiful amazing gift of worship of being able to gather together in a place make beautiful harmonies out of our mouths or out of an instrument and sing the praises of god but it's not supposed to stop when we leave the building in fact it's not even supposed to start when we enter the building it starts in the heart what makes the difference between the praise i'm sorry the worship that god loves and the worship that god hates is that the worship that god loves literally comes from a relationship with him if we want to answer the question of why god hated the worship of the children of israel it was because they did not know him they were more focused on the holy spirit filling the room than the holy spirit filling their hearts if that makes any sense and so if there's anything that the holy spirit wants to leave with us today is that if we are going to continue in this place of worship and continue making these beautiful harmonies and melodies and singing god's praises we can't let it start here and we cannot let it in here but it must begin in your personal heart let your worship and and my worship begin in the heart so so let that place where you sing from usually you know singers they tell us i'm sorry they tell you guys to sing from your belly right so if you sing from your throat you'll end up sounding like fred hammond who's a beautiful singer but is not as fool right when you sing from your belly you had that full voice that loud yet not too loud not yelling but that full beautiful voice and god wants our worship not to come from actions or performance because then will sound like noise but he wants it to come from the heart because then it's a relationship then it's holistic then it's life-changing so with that being said it it's hard for us to say oh man your worship isn't good or it's easy for us to say your worship isn't good when you worship and then do something bad afterwards we're human beings we will always be sinning we will always be making a mistake but what it what is harder to say is is your worship sincere does your worship come from a relationship with god does your worship come from love with god so with that being said if you want to give god a true worship where you're not just making beautiful melodies but your heart is actually the one worshiping god where you're actually worshiping him in spirit and in truth i invite you to just say in your heart don't don't worry about raising your hand say in your heart now god i don't know where to start in worshiping you for real i don't even know what form of worship i really like but i do know that i want to start worshiping you in spirit and in truth today if that's your prayer i invite you to just say in your heart right now god i want to worship you in spirit and in truth that being said we're going to go ahead and close out and as we close out i want to invite each and every one of us to not start our worships in church to not start to not even start our worships in action but to start our worships in a decision to opening our hearts daily to the holy spirit let's pray father we thank you so much that you don't base our worship off of how beautiful our melodies are because god not every one of us can sing so beautifully not every one of us can play the piano or the organ so incredibly not every one of us can speak poetry well but you base our worship off of our relationship with you and so we thank you for that and so right now father we pray and ask now that as we continue to worship in music and poetry and unspoken word that we will not stop there and that we won't begin here but that true worship will happen behind closed doors between you and i between this congregation and you may your will be done in our hearts may you change this father so that we know longer that we no longer give you a false and sinful worship that we no longer combine our worship with our iniquities in our works but that we combine them father with our desire and love for you that it comes from a desire and love for you so we pray that christ was seen today we pray that christ was felt and heard and accepted today we thank you in jesus name amen [Music] all right let's give one more hand for christian and that word before we close out i just want to affirm our miss uncf for this year miss brianna brooks she put this whole thing on again she's going to be serving us as our 2021-2022 miss uncf so go ahead and affirm her one more time just go ahead and clap it up for her alright so as we come to a close i just want to say one last time if you enjoyed this concert this concert has blessed your heart in any way you can give with the qr code that will be on the screens thank you and with that being said can everyone please stand as we close with prayer all right dearly father thank you so much for the blessings that we have received tonight thank you so much for the word that was given i pray that each of us leave here blessed but not um that we continue to worship you as we leave here god i pray that you be with us as we enter this new week thank you for the sabbath thank you for your day of rest please forgive us of our sins and help us as we go into this new week in your name we pray amen do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] here [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Oakwood University Church
Views: 3,735
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Keywords: ouc, worship, prayer, faith, love, hope
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 5sec (6065 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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