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[Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey hey what my dad if he sees you you think i'm scared of your dad [Applause] don't be stupid put it away and what if i don't oh that guy again i warned her that kid is bad news just be glad he brought her home i'll go and thank him at first [Music] oh shhh yawn [Music] foreign [Music] uh [Music] yeah i think that's enough am i interrupting what the hell did i tell you i'm here for work because of that baby hippo you got there you're in the wrong department uh i'm a little early so i thought so i figured i'd go see my favorite vet so what's this guy's problem is it his tonsils go away does she enjoy that the crocodile i mean or is it a boy it's like my purse can never find anything iphone 5 told you you owe me 25. samsung's are just bigger it's still working it's possible [Music] no i've just finished is it urgent okay put me through wuss mcdonald's in the square bad idea this early hey can you just do that again that trick with the iphone please lizzy is it dangerous work come on dave cheating on your girlfriend now that's dangerous did she tell you something don't believe everything she says that should be fine i'd say half an hour or so you really gotta do some digging around in those animals i mean it really releases those gases can you manage lot no problem where are you going i'll be back tonight it's urgent see you later alligator but hold on we have a date tonight right i hope i'll make it come on liz just be nice for once i thought we had some clear rules about stuff you wouldn't just show up here there are rules we need to stick to here it's like these animals are more important than your friends well in your case there's every single chance that's true and where are you going so fast huh is there a horse in a ditch or a cat up a tree what four stallions just horsing around you know where the hippos are next to the insects so go buck someone else [Music] so [Music] huh miss storm lizzie all of brinkers we've shaken hands before some time i go when we investigated those red pandas found in the water the animal smuggler is right yes about six years ago well looks like this time it isn't pandas if only where's his arm in the same place as his wife's head daughter and boyfriend four victims then they had another daughter she's about five we haven't found her yet impossible wild dogs kid had a criminal record hung out with the wrong people we can start with that i was in tanzania for four years in manyara worked at the local hospital every week they'd bring someone in if they survived i'm afraid you're gonna tell me something weird you didn't bring me here for nothing actually i wanted you to tell me i was wrong any traces no we found nothing after the rain is there a chance any chance you're wrong about this i know these wounds i've seen them too often overbred rottweilers pit bulls not even close botched robbery seems unlikely a man ain't lying how will i explain that [Music] you can joke about it but it's true that's [ __ ] come on you're just saying that to impress me i'm telling you five people were killed yeah i know it was on the news but nothing about lions they don't want to panic yeah but then what if there's a lion on the loose they need to do something don't they listen if you want to scoop keep quiet for now i promised no one would believe me anyway true you certainly have a reputation to live up to what do you mean oh no really this isn't about that chicken escape again i told you there was something in her eye and you got it out with your pants down to your knees it's fashionable to have them you know glow these days that was last year uh i've lost weight my clothes are too big hey you said so yourself uh can we go back to the lion please lion hi liz uh well the lion at the zoo is at twins she says not again let them send someone else the hippo had nothing to say well you have to ask the right questions well yeah how are you liz i can put up with him for about two weeks or so but his dirty underpants and his hair in the drain are starting to annoy me yeah me too but he's a very sensitive guy really i noticed this morning hey that's enough there martin shouldn't you be going to the bar or something you're made for each other i knew it right away so can we order i need some time dave but you always have calamari i'm talking about us i said i'm sorry all right it's not that simple i don't want a ramshackle relationship and if i can't trust you you can trust me here just read all my messages not on an empty stomach i'm bettering myself i really want something serious something deeper where each of us is valued you've been watching too much dr phil i reckon well i gotta say you often heard it's the nail on the head okay i'll have the calamari so is that a yes yes what yes you can come back home with me and deepen our relationship you mean have sex just part of the deal some food first maybe i should have something other than calamari for once the same food can get boring stop signaling or i'll change my mind and no more dirty on the pants your car or mine yeah i got the tram that was optimistic got to take risks in life sometimes hey davey hey where the hell is my tape tape what tape the porn tape you made for her you pervert oh now we can't even remember oh you mean the casting you shot footage of her didn't you you were going to make a big movie for the movie theater i never said that i did it hey do you know what we do with guys like you hey hey don't lizzie i want to hear though we slowly squeeze your throat shut pull out your fingernails and roast your ass over a fight sounds like a lot of work i must say it's none of your business just let him go you'll have that tape tomorrow right dave of course no problem you've been warned [ __ ] those guys are crazy what keep bettering yourself dave ah he was exaggerating she wasn't totally naked she was wearing panties yeah you know they're um granny panties you couldn't behave for two weeks well i mean hello you're the one who threw me out remember i'm not made of stone you know bye dave hey this is not okay you watch that tape again later [Music] 370 feet this is it one stroke to the green this is a birdie birdie birdie birdie birdie i can't take it anymore don't worry i'll talk to him did you get the papers yep hey ball guys you have to watch the master i hope he doesn't make a fuss about it are you scared of him he has a bad temper we'll leave this one to me then [Music] oh for god's sake what the hell huh there's more wind than you might think okay your swing was crap you should have hit it with a fade you told me to go for a five well this is why i never listen to you you still have to hit it of course i hate you next oh well brad has a point though you know oh you're ganging up on me as usual going to business with you both may have been the biggest mistake of my life just kidding do you think i was really mad look at your faces ah it's always great fun with you guys [Music] try to be tactful yeah little ball little ball where have you got to come on show me your little face where are you hendrick we need to talk ah there you are do you know why there are dents and golf balls dense yeah it's common knowledge everybody knows this it's an area you're lacking yep and i have decided we can't carry on like this oh come on bram it's just a game what's this we really do want to end this end it you've got to be kidding me you want to get rid of me that's nothing personal but this just isn't working you have to agree everybody knows this but this just isn't working this can't be true it's happening hendrick we've been very generous you want me to sign this yeah on the dotted line [Music] that's very wise hendrick that's very wise and just to come back to your question about freeze man what did you do i didn't do anything stay back i knew it i knew it no don't don't rub what happened it was some kind of animal we have to call the cops [Music] [Music] [Music] um 25 miles overnight is he running a marathon he's big how big really big well over six feet i'd say 450 pounds six feet plus the tail you've got to be kidding okay what are his hobbies other than running it definitely involves people and it looks like he prefers amsterdamers [Music] a lion beyond any doubt everything seems to point to it but no one has seen it correct the puma in the woods a few years ago that turned out to be nothing but an oversized cat the victim's wounds and the tracks leave no doubt i'm afraid and where would this lion have come from there have been no escapes from circuses or zoos as far as i know that's right we checked that until the 2nd century 80 there were thousands of lions in europe it's possible they're expanding their habitat in the changing climate we have to keep that in mind yes more grist to the mill of the doom mongers in some eastern european countries lions are kept as pets it's a status symbol there if they escape that won't be reported to the police hmm that seems a bit far-fetched we've had reports of lions on the loose from all over europe in the last few years even in england don't you remember yes i read that paris just last year okay so say you're right and we're dealing with a lion well what do we do we can't put a fence around amsterdam we need to get professionals on the case asap you mean hunters professional hunters yes this isn't some kind of boar in the woods a man-eater is lethal especially on his own a man-eater huh that sounds serious once they taste human blood they become totally fearless the last thing i want is to turn amsterdam into a hunting ground can we track it down discreetly with some dogs for example dogs are no use in a city search the city street by street it's like a needle in a haystack you can't predict where they will go they hide during the day and then they go looking for food at dusk that's when they're exposed and that's when we have a chance to catch them uh who knows about this just the three of us and the forensic sting let's keep it this way for now the last thing i want is panic i've told our surveillance guys to look out for stray dogs just to be sure there that's the kind of ideas we need thank you breakers everyone should be on alert without knowing the full story i don't know about that what don't you know yes sorry but shouldn't we prepare a disclosure why not i might not put it on the front page for all to see man eating lion roaming around amsterdam you have no idea what the consequences would be but that's not as bad as a cover-up people have a right to know they're in danger cover-up oh please you talk big i think you would do well to have more faith in the government so we're all agreed on this matter we keep immediate silence we won't comment on how the victims die after all who said the lion isn't losing us maybe he's in germany chasing a crowd who knows can i turn on the tv a rerun of ncis i shut the door right away you wouldn't want a lion to walk into your living room would you now i'm still shaking i can't believe it can you believe it it is true that one of our members was killed this morning i don't have any further details several other golfers observed a lion i am unable to confirm that it sounds like an unlikely story to me the police are refusing to comment but it's clear that more is going on here than they want us to believe some sources are connecting this to the tragic deaths in bunchgrowton yesterday whether there really is a line on the loose targeting people is not yet clear stay tuned for more this was martin grafstein 85 okay then so we'll be back as soon as we know more the number of pigeons in amsterdam all right so much for media silence hello everyone i would like to welcome you all to this urgently called press conference today i will hand you over to police chief zaunberg in a moment he will give a brief statement after that there will be time for questions good afternoon ladies and gentlemen there have been reports in several media outlets of a lion on the loose in amsterdam i can't confirm northern ireland there are strong indications that hey you guys are you seeing this look at that i would recommend everyone in and around amsterdam to be vigilant and alert the police of anything suspicious if you don't need to go out we recommend you stay indoors i can assure you that the police are doing everything they can to ensure the safety of all citizens we will keep you updated on any developments i assure you any questions yes has anyone seen the lion uh there are witnesses claiming to have seen the lion but we're unable to confirm this right i have a question there have been sightings of lions and panthers before that turned out to be false are you not just creating a panic it is not in our interest to cause any panic or unrest i would say the contrary but the citizens of amsterdam have a right to know the truth last year amsterdam dropped to 13th place in the list of best cities the olympics pass us by every single time is this an attempt to put amsterdam back on the map are there any more serious questions could we have avoided this by putting squirrels instead of lions on the crowd oh come on really are you taking us a few years ago a shark was spotted in the canals well that turned out to be a publicity stunt for beer i want to reiterate how serious this is we're counting on the cooperation of all citizens and i assume the press will behave responsibly too if there are no further questions we will end this press conference that's what you get for being open you're not in any case there's no sign of panic that would happen agility's half the soccer team yeah that wouldn't be a bad thing oh so you're from rotterdam so are you still mad at me i'm guessing you didn't talk i mean those guys came to us they'd seen something but they didn't want to go on camera i guess they were golfing on company time ham about last night not now dave so what happens now the idea of a professional hunter seems to have stuck with chief good i know someone he's in england and he's tracked and killed dozens of lions all of the man-eaters he sounds professional he is if anyone could get this lion he can well the chief has some ideas too as a matter of fact about a hunter uh yeah [Music] where did they go [Music] so [Music] he's usually back before dinner ooh the escaped lion you're looking for very funny do you really believe that there's one on the loose it certainly looks like it they're agitated have been all day you couldn't drag them outside for a walk fair enough family's great but you don't want them hanging around all the time hey are you smoking that or what what who paid for it hmm oh what what the hell is that some animal maybe a rabbit come on let's go uh here i don't want this anymore it stinks could be a rat there are huge rats around here stop it i'm going to puke drama queen [Music] so hey let me help you shouldn't you be doing a screen test there's a lion around every minute could be our last i say we enjoy our final moments together well truthfully it didn't look like your colleagues were very worried today sure they were they were so scared they ran straight to the bar why do you think i'm here i'm here to protect you what's this you got frozen pizza you know you really should eat healthier than that what [Music] hero what you hid behind me i put your bag down yeah so you could run quicker huh ah it looks to me like you need to relax a bit too much stress let's go get a drink somewhere or um something to eat maybe i mean frozen pizza doesn't taste like anything but i don't want to go out date why not hey watch out you jerk what did you say i said your mom is a [ __ ] easy dave you could have put her in a wheelchair i was trying to hit you well your aim is crap i can always try again calm down guys it's just uh blood makes her faint hey it smells nice it's lamb curry listen hey relax i'll pay extra for it how about that see here you go uh but hold on i want the wine as well thanks lamb curry healthy i had to get two portions though very nice bribing me with curry now dave oh yes i remembered it's your favorite food what do you mean six i ordered eight yeah that's what they gave me i swear it's right here on the receipt and what about the free bottle of wine that's for eight portions you only got six you've gotta be kidding me [Music] sergio i just got a complaint about you what's the last customer what customer the customer they got the free wine i just did that delivery there should have been eight portions no six portions that's all you gave me that's a [ __ ] i swear sergio you [ __ ] take that back never i'll stab you i swear i'll stab you and your sister sucks leave my sister out of it leave my mother out as well [Music] you hear me [Music] uh uh [Music] [Music] what a mess either that never mind [Music] oh you're in his spot ah fine wine ah [ __ ] missed something two old people stuck in a lift the grand opening of that new bike facility was very you hey did you read it i said it would so you can see just how boring my job is can't you set me up with that lion he can keep his clothes on hmm i've really missed you liz yeah go easy don't go thinking everything's fine because i was horny oh any news no but that doesn't mean anything there could be victims we don't know about yet ah are you gonna call jack i already have and voicemail he's still alive then he's still the best yep at you know hunting lights i know that's what you mean [Music] maybe he doesn't want to come though he's not even allowed to come yet the police chief wants someone else well maybe it's for the best i mean you didn't exactly stay friends did you it's business great sure you're not jealous are you as long as he's only hunting lions so who are they hiring now no idea someone very experienced apparently [Music] yeah i heard such exciting things you deal with unbelievable yeah last year in zambia killed three rhinos and a gorilla what are you serious wow that shouldn't be a problem i could do within your rug so soon then uh i can do that i'll cancel the club and no we'll work something out all right i have some speeding tickets you can take care of great later then wow dad are we shooting a lion have you been eavesdropping i'll hit it right between the eyes no you're not it's way too dangerous this is a job for the professionals i want to why can't i come you keep on nagging and we won't go see those ladies again come to your daddy lions have clear routes if we follow that line it leads us right here the city park exactly that's where we get him do you mind if i ask what the plan is here you are putamons green party local council uh the last thing we want in our area is people getting shot in the park you must agree with me furthermore i believe lions are a protected species i don't really think lions that eat our citizens can appeal to their rights as a protected species this park is the best place for people to relax and enjoy some peace and quiet i would like to ensure all regulations are complied with is there a events permit for example a what is that a weird question what are you talking about who invited the clown here to the standard procedure an emergency decree was issued yesterday as you would know if you had kept yourself informed we're at liberty to take any measures to protect the public my cousin is an experienced big game hunter a lion doesn't stress him out does this look like a pussycat okay you've got experience okay i think this will work i think we got our guy let me know what you need theo i'm ready for it i've seen a lot worse than him tomorrow night you and me will be eating lion for dinner it's gonna be a disaster he's shot a few in his time i know those safaris the poor animals are pumped full of valium and then tourists can shoot them from a few yards away it's just animal cruelty i don't feel sorry for this one this one hasn't been drugged yeah okay take care of yourself no worries he has no idea what he's doing [Music] vegetarian should leave now i'll go make some room attention attention listen up everyone due to cleaning operations everyone must leave the park before six o'clock p.m attention attention come on i'm staying right here until six at least am i right [Music] i'm gonna find drinkers all right okay hi where are you emergency johanna is in labor johanna yeah the one with the trunk and tusks where are you at the park it's been evacuated we can't go in good just stay where you are it's dangerous you sound worried i am births are always difficult be careful always sprinklers is that over here yeah ready yeah yeah the park has been evacuated and shut down allegedly for cleaning i can't see any cleaners can you tell me what's going on mr brinkers i can only reveal that this concerns a search for the lion that's been sighted and how certain are you that it's in the park at this time uh we have strong indications but in life nothing is ever really certain uh i understand a professional hunter was hired that's right sometimes the police need to get the advice of other experts i am certain that after tonight amsterdam will breathe a sigh of relief yeah thank you yep got that hey that's it that's it no more filming [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so uh those speakers sound great those are speakers there he is huh come on hello sir the helicopter's on the way it's great anything else all exits have been sealed and there's surveillance all around the park good now we have to deal with the media mr zellenberg one question is it true the lion is in the park we heard it well now that is a professional hunter's approach playing those sounds through the speakers is one of the ways to lure him where we want and poof so the assumption is that the lion will be caught come on i believe so we intend to pointless all that talk what then we should be in there don't be stupid [Music] [Music] [Music] ah hmm um hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] ah what are you doing quiet he's got to be close no i'm close i only wanted to help you'll never see those ladies again i see two people having a fight two people and a lion negative visibility's getting worse give me that gun my tank wait why don't you shoot me give it to me yes what's happening we hear a lot of roaring there he is stay here you don't stay here [Music] uh [Music] what's happening did he get it police zero one do you copy zero one here not looking good so take it easy man i'll call the news desk [Music] jesus [Music] he's fast okay confirm position direction of amnesty emma street over affirmative [Music] [Music] i can't see it anymore [Music] okay so who do i have near there five zero two on their way so is two zero four [Applause] we've lost him lost him he's disappeared they've lost him [Music] huh martin i can't believe this let's go before we get arrested yeah hey you [Music] [Applause] [Music] kitty kitty [Music] my god [Music] please remember to check out please hello this is lizzy uh breakers uh sorry to bother you i heard it didn't go well how do you know a friend at 85. and now uh i wondered about the contact of yours in england the uh the hunter we would really like to get him here now we have money lots of money i've called him his plane lands at seven tomorrow morning tomorrow that's great no problem and one more thing okay you're free to go [Music] your girlfriend says hi [Music] six passengers were taken to hospital with serious injuries three of them are in critical condition the mayor has of course expressed his deepest condolences witnesses have now confirmed that it was indeed a lion we advise people to stay at home and keep all windows and doors shut for the third consecutive night the wasp center detention center i did warn them amateurs it was terrible i'm telling you you only see half on camera you were really shaking as well well there was some wind and you nervous what about well exciting day tomorrow your ex right not seen him in yours eight years could be really intense i'm over him dave and you'll be nice to him too yes of course for sure but i've got my eye on him after what you told me don't believe everything you hear i could have said that you can't stay here tonight dave that's fine with me martin wants to do another piece for the head office risking my life by venturing out it seems the lion won't bother you tonight he's hattiesville take care [Music] [Music] so [Music] on time no delay is great we've booked him a room at a hotel he can stay as long as he wants i hope he can get straight to work lizzy he'll want to what is that he's not a good flyer we have arrived oh yes lizzy my beautiful flower oh careful you silly bastard [Laughter] you should have told me you would have wanted him even more he's severely disabled what will i tell them i can't wait to find out 10 o'clock right yeah he'll be here any minute we took him to his hotel so he could freshen up well uh just i was glad to have some good news to give the mayor and it's all thanks to you in hindsight it was probably not such a good idea to ask my cousin for help yeah he fought like uh if this doesn't work [Music] reporting for duty good to see you jack nice wheels latest in transportation for the disabled arseholes liz you're looking [ __ ] beautiful today thanks so do you hello i'm jack yeah we met at the airport did we oh which airport only joking you're the cop right yes i am so where's the kill nice part i'll show you it's right over there yes i can smell it drinkers this is a crime scene you can't have anyone you've got to be kidding me he's only got one leg yes i noticed that too i am not happy about this olaf i am not happy about this at all oh oh jesus the bait's julio ah the tent was in the wrong place it should have been downwind with the bait so how do you know which way the wind was blowing yesterday i checked it was east-southeast wind speed 2.4 meters per second changed to 1.6 when the fog came figgis male 1 7.2 feet 480 pounds man-eater what did i always tell you what never call a manny to by its name or else you'll be its next victim and yes it likes to eat people superstition that way he smells some [ __ ] and knows where the lion is no he's just hungry [Music] so what do you think you tell me you're the expert well in my opinion this is a damn good hot dog i concur so where do you think this lion came from hmm i'm not sure i want to tell you you know of course i let it loose so i could get close to you i knew you would call me yeah sure so how's that boy treating you dave he's okay i guess as long as he treats you with more respect than i did we had some good times too sure we did you still got it hmm treasure it with my life be nice to dave good man is hard to find i will [Music] my god he's a big fella almost as big as the one that had my leg for dinner eastern africa nubika he's a long way from home so this happened two minutes after the attack in the park yes well i've never seen anything like it is extremely fast and hungry so how are you gonna catch this beast this is not a beast this divine creature is the king of the jungle a noble and proud warrior this lion's a symbol of strength courage and authority supreme warrior with a heart of gold only kidding i'm gonna track him down and blows [ __ ] brains out bunch of wusses those cops they grab their pants if there's a cat up a tree now ed he was in the forces you know how many people did you bump off can you even count i don't know a lot and garrett over here he single-handedly butchered three bolts i had too much to drink i did so yeah link the [ __ ] lying to us we'll show him he's messing with the wrong country more evidence that the people of amsterdam are not defeated after last night's tragedy however tragic martingrafstein 85. thanks guys swell so what's happening with that other guy wasn't he coming today yeah he should already be here are you keeping an eye on him make sure he's hunting the right prey so where will we attack next impossible to say you could turn up anywhere they're an unpredictable bunch of bastards can we make traps only if you want to catch little kids or dogs so we just have to wait till he kills again well one thing's for sure once they've tasted human blood they'll stick to that menu so how do we find him we don't find him he has to find us lions are very possessive of their kills what does that mean well once they've killed their prey they'll come back to eat it and prevent anyone else from eating it so we lure him with what [Music] my what he wants to use my cousin as bait he says it's the only way to lure the lion and you think that's a good idea breakers do you people have no respect for the dead i'll very suggest that get that [ __ ] out of here send it back to london and he he didn't really like the idea too bad what about that son of his i didn't ask so are you going to show me the red light district red light district van gaach was closed no point waiting here we'll be in touch olaf [Music] fair house family came speaking yes ma'am they need to stay inside it i told them don't worry they're playing in the room i will come on hurry up i am hey you're cheating no i'm just better than you [Music] losers [Music] wow [Music] uh [Music] [Music] what did i tell you and where's tommy my i like amsterdam i really do isn't there a line in the coat of arms of amsterdam too yes there is you see everything happens for a reason you're sounding spiritual suddenly i'm sorry so are you seeing someone yeah the nurses from st james's hospital i see a lot why because they're bloody sexy and besides the big seas got me in my liver you've got cancer quiet my insurance broker hears i won't be able to afford the policy how bad is it one year two tops they could be wrong though mostly aren't i'm sorry oh don't be i've had a fantastic life met some wonderful people huh i'm sorry are you the lion hunter yes suppose i am [Music] why do you have a wheelchair because a lion bit off my leg no you're joking the [ __ ] didn't live to tell the tale though can we offer you a drink you sure can yes whiskey thanks my friend here he's a hunter too he is yeah i'm swimming so what bait do you use oh i can't tell you in public but it's big [Laughter] with a special broadcast reports are coming in that the line has struck again dave hey why aren't you here where the south he got a little boy damn it what is it [Music] [Music] [Music] what is this why weren't we told sorry it's just that we went with a different approach uh sullenberg doesn't want anything to do with jack what did he say they don't need you anymore huh don't they i'm sorry it had to be like this jack ah mr de la rue i hope you understand my decision not really what's the plan we have surrounded the forest where the line is hiding who's the guy in the wheelchair oh cool man don't worry about it the government has provided us with a highly skilled swat team that will track down the line and kill it sounds like a watertight plan it is and highly preferable to your plan that involved bodies of recently deceased family members i'm not so sure about that you can check with brinkers here he'll take care of your expenses and travel arrangements i believe your return flight is tomorrow morning thanks i appreciate it uh breakers i need you to make sure jesus how stupid can you be you are always so beautiful when you're angry sure you should know hi dave ah so this is dave hi i'm jack lizzy told me a lot about it i hope it wasn't all good you're a lucky man dave he knows so what's happening you're off the case or seems that way those idiots think they can manage without jack oh it is an impressive outfit as long as they don't shoot each other so uh you're going to stay here or uh no i don't think that would serve any purpose you want me to take you back to the hotel let's have dinner the three of us my treat well i don't know well have you eaten yet no but uh you have work to do don't you not really i was already in overtime well that's settled then liz you choose the restaurant you'll be nice right but liz why didn't you tell me what that he's in a wheelchair is that a relief no of course not he's not entirely paralyzed what this works just fine did you sort it out the interview on the case [Music] team two leader status for your sector negative nothing [Music] [Music] uh [Music] stop well there was another one of those bastards he wasn't too happy about the fact that i just killed his mate understandable bloody dangerous too only had one bullet left oh my god i knew just had one chance i sneaked up downwind from him i got myself into position i very slowly took aim right then my stomach roared [ __ ] eaten all day roared like like a horny lioness got his attention just at the moment my shot went right off and i hit him in the shoulder and he left me and i fell back and i took out my handgun and shot him right in his left [Music] great story take it easy jack didn't we order the surprise to set mr dillaroo what do you want sleeping you can come with me the restaurant dropped all charges what a restaurant mr zollberg would like to see you who the [ __ ] is mr zom whatever he's the chief of police i'm going home today well i cancelled your ticket what the [ __ ] did you do that for that's it right to the top okay time off we've lost today jack can't guarantee anything i know just how it is you know the deal not a frame of this gets out until we have him exactly are you happy well i'm happy if you're happy now i've got pretty right bait should do the trick are you sure you want to do this alone you guys will just be in the way where's your tent tents of a boy scouts no game color you're pulling my leg right yeah both of them i knew it you can be funny are you sure about the helicopter no chopper slightest sound to scare him away good hunting jack make sure you get a good story to tell later we'll do dave don't push it all off good luck man [Music] so okay going to radio silence now but my dog is still in the park no one can enter or leave the park but i can't just leave my dog in there sandwiches are coming where's your boss government meeting seems they want to declare an emergency sounds serious i hope it doesn't happen amazing how one lion can stop an entire city this isn't just a lion [Music] wow oh [Music] [Music] sorry i'm late guys what'd i miss where were you up north car crash three dead yeah there may be a lion but life goes on eh yep [Music] hmm um [Music] [Music] [Music] i lost him still in the park be careful you don't want to mess with a wounded lion oh my god jack where are you i don't know somewhere in the south of the park what happened the body is gone what the hell are you talking about it's not in the tree anymore you're kidding me [ __ ] [ __ ] this is bad what he was taken by surprise jack jack you switched it off he knows what he's doing we have to help him hey he doesn't need any help let me go come on liz this is dangerous it's his job and he gets paid for this not about the money he doesn't want a scent of it damn it [Music] [Music] what's that building over there university of amsterdam medical faculty corpses here lots of them they're doing autopsies [ __ ] we have to let the police know where we are there's no time oh my god [Music] looks like it took the delivery entrance [Music] you wait here no i won't take this i'm sure you'll remember how to handle it [Music] dead no more than a few minutes we really have to call he can't be far i can smell him so [Applause] [Music] come on you bastard [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] hello is anybody there where are you where the hell are you [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] [Music] come on uh [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] ugh uh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] that was quite an entrance oh my god look at you you don't look so good yourself i'll live i'm not sure i can say the same yeah look what i found are you going to kill yourself you need to clean up the mess that man has to follow the new trail what you trail [Music] [Music] are you sure about this it's the only option this after me ah liz can i ask you what can i see you naked one last time [Music] just kidding [ __ ] cut away i'm not sure this is a good idea dave freeze right there hands up oh we're with at5 the amsterdam news channel i feel like a more balanced person sorry [Music] uh so ugh [Music] [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] uh harry [Music] uh [Music] [Music] foreign uh [Music] yes [Music] uh [Music] are you sure you go ahead when everyone else turns up i'm done for it you can ride in the other ambulance if you want no i'm going with jack [Music] [Music] you okay [Music] just a few cuts some fresh air does you good and uh don't miss the press opportunity [Music] that's impressive not my kind of press or mine dave the n32 is just as quick it's left here man no man we have to go right stop arguing all the time it's right right here okay i told you it's over there look excuse me can i borrow your phone yeah of course thank you this is dave hey it's me how are you yeah i'm okay and you yeah i'm good that was great timing yeah i bettered myself i was wondering where will you sleep tonight i'm not sure yet at martin's i guess if he doesn't have any room i uh i know a place the ymca better martin just told me he's throwing my stuff out of the apartment you can't trust anyone these days you'll stay with me then yeah i'd like that how's it going are you almost done there just a few shots left it's unbelievable how strong he was to jump through double glazing into the building i mean what what do you mean he got into the basement through a door no way the tracks are very clear but what do i know dave uh liz i can't hear you huh what i can't hear you what's going on hey i thought i heard something what did it sound like a bell the other way away from the building there it is yo what's up with you tonight you're seeing lines everywhere oh my god close that door take it easy [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] the two of us can do it easily see how long you last in your new job it's a little different than regional news you still have no faith in me huh i have it myself and a little in you well that's a start where's simba simba wait he was just here simba ah he'll come back are you sure there were only two lions don't be stupid simba hey hello there see love he just went for a walk sorry dave who calls their dog simba ah it's just asking for trouble what then bambi [Music] [Music] so [Music] scary [Music] looking on in despair [Music] crazy [Music] the night is falling [Music] the ground [Music] sure [Music] is creeping no more sleeping in a while the town is weeping no more [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Horror Central
Views: 1,230,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2016, B Movie, Daniel Robbins, Director: Daniel Robbins, Horror, Kyle Kirkpatrick, Movies, New horror movies, Online, Scary, Stars: Ben Getz, The Horror Channel, The Utah Cabin Murders | Full Slasher Horror | HORROR CENTRAL, Uncaged, Uncaged IMDB MOVIE, Watch free horror movies on youtube, Writers: Mark H. Rapaport, Zack Weiner, cult horror, free movies 2021 full movie, scary movies, slasher movies, horror movies, horror movies 2021 full movie english, horror movies on netflix
Id: C0F9DIvhKmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 26sec (6386 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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