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911 what are you reporting uh we got someone or something crawling around out here did you see what it was was it a person or an animal or I can't tell all I know is that my central light came on and I just happened to glin and see this thing running across the yard a good siiz man or something looks like a man I don't know what it was just it ran across the yard okay you've had problems in the neighborhood before yeah my dog was killed here just recently I don't know what it was whatever it is just running I couldn't catch it if I was going to chase it but whatever it was it was standing up I'm out here looking through the window now and I don't see anything I don't want to go outside Jesus Christ you better up hello get somebody out here what's going on now sir that son of a [ __ ] is about 6' N I don't know do you see him now sir yes I'm looking right at him [Music] uhoh [Music] okay Columbus it's time to find a new [Music] world very good boy now let's see if you can find Hawaii [Music] Columbus Columbus Leroy I've warned you about letting your dog run rampid around here there are posum and raccoon TRS everywhere morning Sky you know better than to frighten an old man what are you doing out this time of night a chief sent me out here to watch for r s the Harvest has been eaten lately and he suspects rats are doing it the Earth troubles me this evening old man Spirits other than the ones that we pray to stir tonight do you sense it no but that's no indicator that what you're saying isn't true it just means I'm dull tell me more it's unlike any feeling I've ever had since the sun fell this evening I felt an inner fear of something old something unspoken of some of that I sensed in the last few weeks but nothing specific you mean more unspecified threats it's no laughing matter it just may mean a hard winter this year well I've got to help the sorts Bingo carts I'm waving goodbye Leroy wave back okay Columbus it's time we went to bed we got young people to marry and young people to bury [Music] [Applause] looks better boy [Music] come on you go on now your dad's waiting for you what's that on your head a baseball capab mhm are you caring look mom made me bring it she doesn't want me out of practice for the Little League season all right get in we do ritual and historical reenactments for the tourists come here it's a big part of the tribe's income so there's a certain entertainment aspect to the job you understand mind if I smoke yes I do yes I do your background seems to be somewhat eclectic time spent in a Buddhist temple I guess I guess you'll do you can ask a question if a go in your psyche profile as we T The Village we're going to have ourselves real good weekend no stress no goddamn cell phones you know when I was a kid my daddy took me hunting for the first time I remember it just like it was yesterday bam right between the eyes yeah we eat pieces that deer for next week going to be your turn kiddo mom says huntings for R yeah I bet she does this is a mountain news update there are several power outages reported for the mountain communities of aaka Moose Lake Village and stutters Point anyone living or lodging in these communities is advised to conserve backup generator power as the Pine Tree Power Authority has not yet determined when power will be [Music] restored [Music] for for who is your uh favorite singer uh that would be uh the uh singer formerly known as Prince what is your favorite food lony sandwiches with uh potato chips in Between the Bread who do you care about the most in this life what who do you care the least about my father H he was a career alcoholic who is your favorite comedian Richard Nixon what is your favorite holiday oh Halloween that's when I get to play a white guy what is your favorite vacation destination to back finally uh Mr freeberg what is your favorite extracurricular activity by Sir that would have to be six yeah I'm going to R your check when I get paid next week I swear dad wake up wake up Dad what what's matter is it time for the hunt there's something dad there's something outside moving around okay okay it might be a deer or even bear I don't know I'll go and get my shotgun I'm shutting the door dad I don't want it to come in it's a good idea I'll be back in a sec [Music] [Music] comeing back in Dad it's getting caught out here thanks kid you really think it was a bear dad well well hard to say I didn't get a real good look at it well it didn't growl like a bear and in your opinion what exactly did it growl like I'd say it God like the devil son it's important to remember that shotgun is one of the most versatile weapons ever created by the hands of man now see the shotgun shell this bad boy take down something real big like a bear well yeah I guess like a bear but I don't think we'll be run into him no more why won't the bear come back well I'll answer that question as soon as I give you quick lesson about how to use your gun Crouch down right here so Crouch down there okay now put the put the butt in your shoulder like I showed you okay right in there that Barrel up okay now you see the bead on the end that's your sight okay you want to make sure that the side is lined up with the deer you do not pull that trigger unless that side's lined up with the deer you understand me yeah okay I want the bear come back make sure that safety's off concentrate I am shh keep your voice down because otherwise de's going to hear you and then they not going to come out all right I want the bear come back okay it knows our scent okay it knows stay away probably was just sniffing around there cuz thought cabin was deserted I haven't been there in about 6 months okay now watch The Recoil put it in your shoulder that's good and oh my God there's a deer right there right there hang on wait did comes out from behind that tree okay don't don't fire in my ear did I get him hell yes you did son that was a clean shot guess that's great now what we're going to tell you home cut it up and eat the damn thing what do you think we're going to do with it watch recoil on that gun next time okay next time you're funny kids you know that you're real funny put that gun down can help me lift this thing grab him by the h ERS there okay now pick up pick pick pick okay put it down put it down put it down all right all right Jo man's got to rest for a second okay all right why'd mom leave you Dad well I guess it's cuz I was poor son weren't you always poor uh no one time I was kind of rich I had me uh neon sign company uh made signs for your home and for your car we done pretty good what happened what happened China and Korea happened what about China and Korea well it's cheaper labor see they could make the neon cheaper than me and my boys so company went out of business there went my company no more company no more money and then no more mom come on let's move this damn thing nice PE piece of meat you got there mister real pretty it's my son's it's his first are the Bears dangerous there no beasts in here that would dare mess with [Music] man now we need something to go with it cupboards empty you mean we get to head into town yeah come on let's go celebrate your first deer when did this happen uh we believe about two weeks ago that's when the uh tribe reported him missing there hasn't been a murder in this town in what 20 years wouldn't you say Margaret that would be right funny thing though oh what's that Margaret well about 20 years ago Medicine Man Tommy Timberlake was killed near the na River now that's just a bunch of Hoy Tommy was a drunker there's no evidence of Foul Play he he he drowned a death or was drowned now that was long before you boys became the law on this part uh they found marks on his back they thought it was Bear clone what think it was a bear that killed Old CR fo that's not your damn business okay Deputy you should be doing a lot less talking and a whole lot more walking why don't you get your butt out there and make sure those people don't dirty up our police car hey is he going to pay for that candy was it going to cover two bucks or so yeah that's fine Sheriff thank you all right oh look dad you promise we found up there next to his body come on son it's just a little celebration juice that's all big ass Footprints second thought maybe not uh excuse me did you say something about uh Footprints or something and you are uh well uh my name's Charles Thomas and it's my boy Tim here and we just came up for weekend and do little bit of hunting well that's fine so what have you got to tell me about some Footprints tell them what we saw Dad yeah right tell them what we saw Dad we're not too sure but we reckon we might have seen a bear nosed around our cabin where is your cabin it's up by Sutter's Point Sutter's Point that's pretty close to where we found crusty foot's body who's crusty foot now crusty foot he was an Indian Medicine Man Dad can we see the Indians well they're having a tribal dance show tonight uh uh 7:30 p.m. up at burnt Rock long before the Sands poured Through The Hourglass the Creator slapped this big old Earth in the ass the ground Shook and all the critters and bugs took shape this was a wakeup call for those bums the spirits that hung out all the time doing nothing and everything got busy and the dropouts had no place so they got with the big guys program and took on shapes some became trees others rocks a few couldn't stop running they moved so fast they became wind and could not be touched now my people have a new tradition psyching out you the white man why because we're hipper cooler and more relaxed we enjoy our peyote kissing and dance and dance is what I'm going to do for you a tribal dance people came to watch me dance so now is my very big chance here's where I impress it's the truth you can't guess we're all of this place no matter the color of your face the spirit of my ancestors strengthen me they're part of what makes my body mean their wisdom from long time past makes this culture endure and last the next time you see a movie of John Wayne know that it's all lies just the same you Indian was here before the white his Oneness with nature is out of [Music] sight [Music] long ago a people lived upon this ground that you sit but they were not people like you or I these people were the first of the animals to speak a language yet they were still very much like the animals they were large and powerful and they traveled great distance is on foot and they slew with their bare hands the great mountain lion and fed upon its carcass and the moose and the ALK as well only the great Buffalo were spared because they were considered sacred in time these mountain men became proud and arrogant and waged war with one another until their numbers dwindled to but a Remnant when new peoples like the Indian appeared they retreated to high mountain places in shame except for special anniversaries and they Count Their departure as a time when a flame Shone in the heavens when that flame returns they will return where will you be when they return well that's it for tonight's entertainment I hope you all enjoyed it please come back power remains out in the community of stutter Point power authorities believe this is Du to damage to power [Music] substation a bear Hungry Bear a very hungry bear come on [Music] well please didn't come up here must have been cold and came in to warm up well I think the bear smelled a deer probably broke in from the outside cuz he smelled it I put a lock on the door tomorrow morning it might come back I'll make fire downstairs and sit down there with a shotgun you just get some sleep okay what about morning Sky story damn it son it's a story that's all not a bear [Music] dad [Music] you think I get a box of those uh 12 gauge shotgun shells over there sure that's good that's perfect yeah and and this too all right all right what are you securing an elephant oh it's more a question of trying to keep something out and keep something in we uh saw another bear near our property is that right Pattersons up north 6 were in earlier today they said a bear raided their cabin last night and their pet dog was killed too really hey the two of you were in here a couple of days ago weren't you you told the sheriff that you saw foot prints right yeah that's right you just stay right here I've got something for you oh there it is is the one you seen like this uh yep wver was up all night working on this the sheriff didn't have any plaster so they took it up to the site and took this cast sir this is not a bear no I would say not Wilbur Wilbur not like Wilbur not to respond God I hope he fall out of bed and break his leg Billy Crump died that way and well you know his body wasn't found for days ma'am ma'am ma'am calm down for a second okay uh Timmy you just stay here buddy okay I'm going to help this young lady find her husband come [Music] on want want it's [Music] dark and some son of a [ __ ] walks right in front of the truck bam I stopped I reckon I done had a deer or something I look over the side and there's this thing looks like a damn gorilla except it's bigger I'm thinking nobody in hell is going to believe [Music] this I Roger is all a [Music] souvenir I just said we found Wilbur split open like a [ __ ] chicken pot pie now listen stranger don't you and your son go flying off anywhere too soon H are you out of your cotton picking mine you know what I'm now you listen to me mister this may not be the big city so don't you dare try and pull any of that crap on this Sheriff now look look my jurisdiction covers a very very wide territory I'm underst staffed and you are material witness I got something nose around my cabin I don't even know what it is I got a hillbilly walking around with a head of a goddamn Missing Link and I just found some woman's husband split open like a [ __ ] watermelon now what do you expect me to do just wait and become [ __ ] dessert [ __ ] right you watch your [ __ ] language young man you understand me this is everything the library has Horus hold just put them over there no look we are under a very very we're under a very severe storm on this side of the mountain you hold on yes yes the weather Bureau says it's heading directly for you and it's not going to clear around here for another 4 hours and that means you better stay exactly precisely where you are until I can get there do you understand me yeah [ __ ] you damn it my what's wrong Clarence you know I've always believed that the academy has prepared me for everything and absolutely anything but how in the world you prepare for a thing like this true now my granddaddy he was a preacher and he always used to say to me the best way to prepare for the day is to pray to the Lord parents I gave up praying to the Lord years ago now was that well perhaps it had something to do with my mother passing away when I was 12 look why don't you uh why don't you finish loading up the squad card we'll be heading out soon enough Clarence yes bosss hold up a minute oh look Clarence I may have given up praying a long time ago but that doesn't mean that I want you to quit as a matter of fact I'd really appreciate it if you'd pray for me too huh oh shks bosss I do that all the [Laughter] [Music] [Music] time [Music] Why'd You Come here there's no show tonight things are getting weird we need a place a stay tonight it's the ancient ones they return you you know all about them why are they bothering us perhaps it's you that's bothering them and take it easy interrupt day all right your spirit is strong but you weaken it with the devil's juice follow me I'll take you to my new Mentor he'll answer your questions what happened to your old Mentor the ancient ones ate him Body and Soul leaving nothing nothing well they were hungry whoa whoa whoa all right welcome once again father and son he knew it was us he's psychic too not really I heard a few people outside my tent talking about your arrival a few minutes ago but you weren't meditating just now we saw you son that meditation is what you do at night when your head hits the pillow you were sleeping sleeping actually I was napping you can wake yourself out of a nap you can't when you're in a deep sleep knowing and seeing as morning Sky gifts my gifts are a weak bladder in a big butt look uh we kind of need to know what's going on around here you already know what's going on so uh let me see if I understand understand this uh you expect me to believe that monsters are walking around that they uh exist or something of course they do they just have fancy names like CEOs and lawyers they're coming they're coming yes Shaman this happened many times before we were born it will happen many times after we're gone do not fear them my people you are safe they will not enter our village and sacred places Farrow is with a white man Dam um horrus I'm going to go do a number two I'll be back in a few minutes I told you that Indian food would get to you mess you up all right I'll be there in a minute Clarence just lay off relax Clarence I said all [Music] right [Music] Hur I want you to close every window and every door that to see hurry up [Music] Clarence Clarence I need you I need your not CL get in here now I'm coming you lost your gun I don't believe this what the hell's the matter with you what the hell give me that your head down stay low stay [Music] low [Music] here it is that son of a [Music] [ __ ] they didn't answer this is class at Charles he promised he'd call at 8:30 p.m. now it's half 9 nothing maybe something happened like what God forbid something happened to my baby out there in the woods no I don't mean anything tragic like that I simply mean that perhaps circumstances beyond their control prevented them from calling you're absolutely right doctor the bastard started drinking again and when he drinks he forgets everything that irresponsible dop that's why I divorced him in the first place you know yes I know no well you really don't know not the half of it you know I mean he's a uh he's weak he's a good man but he's a weak man when his company tanked he tanked up look Patricia we've been over this ground before this is about your responsibility you can't keep blaming your ex-husband for all that isn't right in your life well you got me there you're good no wonder you do this for a living you still haven't answered my question yet when are you going to take responsibility for the direction of your life may I smoke I thought you gave those up you know my mother she always hated that I smoked so I I quit for her and not myself I didn't want to displease her I don't want to displease anybody it's my problem that is a very good piece of self-realization much of what you do is to please others not yourself in failing to nourish your soul you become angry our time is up next week yeah thank you I feel empowered oh Patricia I'm sure your son's okay I'm sure too I'm going to head out there first thing tomorrow morning though it'll be a surprise visit I think I have a few things to say to Charles oh you know more about all this than you're letting on to brother I'm waiting okay I'll make Cas for you see I think long time ago some rat bastard leader of this tribe made a deal with these Sasquatches that in exchange for a comfortable lifestyle not to be [ __ ] with they would sacrifice one of their own from time to time kind of like uh deal with the schoolyard bully to keep it from kicking your ass yeah that's pure speculation you have no no proof that's where you're wrong brother I checked the tribal records every so often these Mountain beasts come down to feed my father told me the legend when I was a kid of being stupid and full of myself I didn't believe him most of the tribes fought these things losing brave warriors but not this Village no this Village gets left alone because some all blind medicine man got served up to him on a [Music] plate how dare you accuse me of such a thing you don't know me you don't know these people how dare you you're just an outsider I know you're [Music] kind what are you going to do now report me to the white man's authorities no I won't say nothing but my silence won't excuse you of your crime and the evil you bring to this Village you can't expect these people to set on a fence forever time will come for them to act with or without you as their leader [Music] [Music] for here's your [Music] bat where's other box of [Music] [Laughter] shells oh you made the mistake of parking your Jeep right outside the perimeter of our village so our village land ends just on the other side of these logs God damn SH now you tell me don't worry man I'll guide you back to your cabin now why would you want to do that I mean your Chief barely let us spend a night in his village look our chief is stupid I'm not that makes a whole lot of sense doesn't it look uh there's no telephones here and it's exactly 6 hours hours it's going to be completely dark so we got 6 hours to get from here to your cabin where we can call the authorities we'll take the trail paths looks like a mighty long way to me well then you better get going you will keep an eye on people till you see me again all right let's go you look like you've been eating Submarine [Music] [Laughter] sandwiches so isn't this that uh John Russell's house he's that African Game Hunter if that's the case we should be able to find some real Firepower around here now look I've been through every room in this house and I have found absolutely nothing Clarence let's check the [Music] basement be go oh yeah oh you see this Clarence huh his eyes are similar to that of a bats must have excellent night vision and judging from the size of its Cranium it's highly intelligent and the books are write they're powerful animals as well a new study led by Fame sociologist Dr P clairville reveals that men who embrace the willful killing of animals as sport have an 80% greater chance of divorce and separation from their children the study suggests the link between the lack of empathy that these men have for the hurt and suffering of animals with a general lack of empathy for the feelings of others you see this somebody needs have I can spell that's my right leg we got to help man you crazy how many shs you got next shot I only got one left I caught two of them you do the math what's going on must be very very quiet yeah we got to take a different route I know it's must say [ __ ] we need to cover up here put I can't believe that poor man still alive as long as he's alive they'll focus on him and not us it's not even dark yet and they're out what's that don't look son there's nothing we can do for him now we got to keep going don't worry there's only a few of them they come out and for us when it's night [Music] he's dead now isn't he I certainly hope so it's still here it's not going away it's [Music] waiting we've got to split up you two go over by that rock I'll be [Music] [Music] here stay here it stay here [Music] [Music] now the thing is dead son that is about most fool hearty thing you could have done that thing could have killed you I know but I don't want you end up like that Ranger red white to Bald Eagle do you copy over red and white to Bald Eagle do you copy over damn it I can't believe those creatures destroyed our Comm system what clis where the hell did we get this thing anyway you remember boss it was in the trunk we were going to donate it to the local ham radio operators Club I forgot Clarence this is one time that you've screwed up but I'm truly happy about red and white to Bald Eagle do you copy over red and white to Bald Eagle do you copy can you boost the gain it's no use boss it's [Music] [Music] bursted I can't see I can't see [Applause] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] what made him go away it's Moon light's reflection my belt buckle it's true their eyes can't take any direct bright light their eyes are like a bats that's their Wai us and clearly it's your only one it's night now we better find some shelter soon that c where that boy and his father are staying that's about a half a mile south of here yeah I know the ones who are responsible for us being out here in the first place I think we now have bigger problems and we should be leaving got that right Mountain news update the weather bureau's forecast for tonight is one of intense scattered showers throughout the area there is a road advisory warning for the Willard Peak area be advised that there is a flash blood warning until 3. Standard Time stupid be visibility is also poor so be advised to reduce speed and be on the lookout for passing Wildlife right hey you got a phone okay hey you know your phone doesn't work hey you know this thing is dead see that God damn it thing people are coming who there let me in sure glad to see you here not half as glad as I am to see you can put that thing down I haven't decided yet thanks you know I never like cops much myself may I iin either so uh well why'd you become one in I guess this way at least I can be sure there's at least one good cop fair enough now look I've determined that they're very very sensitive to Bright Light but what the hell can you tell me about their their weaknesses well basically they're pack animals they attack in groups their command structure and when left left alone they're dumber than a bag of hammers all right that that that's great but when are they ever alone almost never [ __ ] well that's what we're up against the monsters are coming CL get that window rest of you stay where you are hurry you're don't there Dam [Music] it okay you got damage to your muscle tissue and their bones broken you go to the kitchen and boil me a pot of water you're going to have to apply the pressure right here hold it right there that's going to stop the bleeding Charles you got any cat gut we got some fishing lineing to draw by the sink don't worry boss we're going to make it out of this okay you okay kid why does everyone keep asking me if I'm okay are you okay oh I've been better well so have I huh good Clarence do me a favor get a box of nails by the sink on trying to secure this window um I was just wondering I need number two down the hall to your left use that Glade boy [Music] no yeah it's number two all [Music] right [Music] hor Clarence is dead must have been in your way before God clar why why [Music] [Music] God L like can meet my ex-wife Trish please to meet you man who are you nobody absolutely nobody look I'm not moving until somebody tells me what the hell is going on here I don't have time to explain it to you we're in danger and you need to get inside what the hell is going on here you must be the wife that's ex-wife who are you I'm the law around here oh arrest this man you want to tell me what his crime is he's an idiot Well ma'am you just indicted about 90% of the world's population guys come take a look at this Sheriff look son of a [ __ ] you got a cell phone yeah well can I use it oh here here look usey C like my get the question is where too this is Sheriff Horus Jimerson what's going on anyway so now what you're telling me is you can have a boat on the shoreline in about an hour right Perfect all right I'm going to cover this one you rest you're hurting something fierce well you're an Indian aren't you can't you whip up some kind of a sedative or something I'm working on it well damn it man do your magic hey I'm going to take care of you so then I surprised the monster and hit it right in the head with my baseball bat and horse killed it before it could get up Tim what did I tell you about telling lies I know you have a big imagination and that's great but enough's enough look uh I hate to break up this family reunion but I got some news to share with you I just got off the phone with a coast guard there's a storm heading over the station the they said the quickest I can get the shoreline in is about an hour from now God damn it we don't have an hour those creatures find their way around a headlights we're done you don't look too good Mister thanks neither do you excuse us for a moment are you going to tell me what's really going on here your son just spilled his entire guts to you and told you everything you need to know and you didn't even hear it no I don't believe it all right then follow me now before I show you this I want to make sure three things one you haven't eaten two you're not pregnant and three you don't got to go to the bathroom go to hell what the hell am I supposed to do with that okay put it in your mouth like a cigarette your medicine okay breathe breathe in inhale okay hold it hold it how's it feel far out man what the hell is this [ __ ] marijuana hey wait that's illegal not for long take another one step sad what do you call that what's going on you have to go now they're trying to break the headlights out the car what about me just like the deer buddy let's go [Music] [Music] a oh that's it fellas I'm out of ammo me too God damn it I don't know what to do hey hey I'm going out are you out of your [ __ ] mind D you got to trust me on this man everything's going to be cool well I see the people no longer sit on the fence that fence is broken along with our chief we've elected a new leader well they couldn't have picked a more finer leader than you morning sky but we have teacher I'm honored well it looks like my responsibilities have changed should get your wife and son and horse and get on the road while you still can thank you we will continue to hunt these until we drive them back into their Mountain caves I'm sorry for what for everything I'm sorry I doubted you I've always doubted you well not always well recently yeah recently man how long have I been out about 10 minutes here kid you better take the watch watch the time I I can't seem to stay awake ever since I smoke that [ __ ] well you better stay awake you're no good to yourself or anyone else asleep look there's something blocking the road up there SL information available if you are a resident of Suter point you advised to stay in your home in some situation under [Music] control remember you see he need sign in the monsters fire shot into the air and we'll come right back you got it kid don't forget to keep your eye on that watch keep checking the time that boat's not going to stay there long once it reaches Shore oh my God oh my God okay Tim come here come here try not to look at the man climb over him I'm going to put it in neutral okay and you just steer that that car straight your mom and I going to push [Music] it my God he's gone you well did we make it yeah we made [Music] [Applause] it [Music] [Applause] w [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] the
Channel: Sci-Fi Central
Views: 643,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ancient Aliens, Full Action Sci-Fi Movies for Free, Movie Central, Sci-Fi Movies, SyFy channel, The Asylum, UFO Documentaries, UFO Documentary, conspiracy documentary, full free movies on youtube, full free sci-fi movies, latest hollywood movies for free, latest sci-fi movies, proof of aliens, proof of aliens caught on camera, science fiction movies for free on youtube, ufo documentary full length, ufo footage, unacknowledged, nightbeasts
Id: 7QgDhV2zRLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 19sec (4699 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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