Creature 1998 part 1

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[Music] people are being killed and i think navy research knows why [Music] grab that wheel [Music] they tried to stop this creature 25 years ago [Music] foreign i may have the only evidence that this creature existed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to shark's two diving sir whenever you've got me down from washington to sea better blow my mind and center your asses grass [Music] how long you been on this island babysitting this project dancing nine months sir nine months you're gonna pop the baby out in that time look at the size of this place the navy spare no dispenser i can see that what's that noise recompressing chamber generator sir why did it take some of our 10 million dollars and get the damn thing fixed uh [Music] that's what you're here to see isn't it sir bring them in bring them further dr bishop lieutenant richland i'm your project oversight officer i ask washington for more money and they send a boy down here your little dolphin experiment is already in the united states navy for several million dollars now you're asking for more for added security and safety what exactly is insecure doctor what isn't safe open it what the hell i [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes dolphins so what what's so dangerous listen again terceops carcarius a dolphin and a shark you've actually done it how through a process not unlike hybridization lieutenant taking the cuttings of two distinct plants and joining them together to create a new entirely new plant but this is a special kind of hybrid past yes sir bring them in [Music] they are highly sensitive to sound we've trained them with these signal responders [Music] [Applause] good job they respond to specific electronic stimulation on average they retain 41 of their dolphin intellect which makes them imminently trained their instinct to savage their prey that is pure shock let these hybrids loose and the rice paddies are numb and the bc won't know what hit them i've only had them a year and a half ago on delta patrol i'd still have my two best friends in all the world have we blown your mind sir [Music] what's behind there another hybrid the sound of the attack begin it has over stimulated him over simulated who what that sir is a special experiment that is why we called you down here that is why we need the extra money for safety and security sir lieutenant are you familiar with the theory that antogony recapitulates phylogeny what ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny all organisms repeat their evolutionary steps in gestation [Music] venison what the hell is going on [Music] [Music] stop [Music] [Music] bishop [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you doing [Music] whatever it is destroy it now kill it [Music] cool [Music] is [Applause] i'm sorry i'm so sorry [Music] great wife [Music] ascending [Music] how are we doing tall man [Music] hey the great white seem to be behaving themselves the steering and the current between the two points yeah you're right we can reduce the area in this zone by nearly half a mile that'll make the locals happy gemma what's it looks like she's found on something what do you think it is a striker zero three five who the hell was that that's been with dale's boat [Music] now cheers taking your man i don't wanna dance with you excuse me [Music] whoa captain that captains came out of the chair bobby hey bobby are you brain dead take that stupid headset off and help the man uh mr madeira ah hey ben don't hate bend me chase get the hell out of here what you got going here this damn great what you ever saw well you boys look like a healthy lot any of your friends or relatives die of cancer yet chase sharks don't die of cancer i'm trying to find out why jesus back away chase now i'm warning you my name's dr simon chase i run the shark research institute you see those dual peaks here that's my place that great white that you're torturing to death is a pregnant female we've tagged her and we've been studying her pregnant you do this and you're not only killing her but you're killing the young in her belly is this your idea sport gentlemen hey this is not bambi down there boys it's one big mean shark you give it the same chance at you that you gulp you down in two fights you scream it all the way you keep cranking frank hey chief we're paying two grand a day to go fishing here you go hug your whale somewhere else yeah you keep cranking frank great hat no hard feelings there chase hey i sent you some of the soup i've been working for you what five months now i answer your ad for a first mate and general assistant when nobody else in the islands will give you the time of day mark are you getting to a point here yeah yeah i believe you know me well enough to listen to me when i say whatever you're planning to do think about it twice and then don't do it shark it's so worn out the last thing on her mind is eating something would you give me the wire cutters please [Music] is your funeral [Music] don't even think about it ben [Music] [Applause] cut the line you tell your boss he just stepped into one big pile of madeira [Music] [Music] tall man you should have seen her she was beautiful hopefully she finds her way out of here unbelievable man now of course once what gets around you mess with the local charter it won't be a picture going up on a tub and walk no gonna be a hit what time is it almost nine o'clock man the plane should be landing about now damn it one of us has got to get a watch adam i thought we were gonna go treasure hunting yeah yeah who's that chase dare to get rich [Music] so [Music] here take the wheel whatever it is i don't want to lose it what do i do hold it steady don't yell at me [Music] [Music] what is that [Music] [Music] we are going to bring her in [Music] [Applause] [Music] damn it boy why did you stop tell me what the hell's going on are you afraid that shark is gonna come up take a big bite out of here [Music] chicken how many times i gotta tell you [Music] the last time i bobby this thing up for your [ __ ] [Music] do i look okay watch that hydrating tank [Music] max it's been 10 months i'm getting weaker max uh tallmadge tall man this is my son max hey amanda [Music] chase tall man this is amanda amanda macy dr amanda mace it's a pleasure [Music] what do you mean famous oh it's been pretty much just me and you're dead out there on that island office as much as i've heard about you you're famous hey come on famous max your new guy yeah this is robin it's hood cute name [Music] cool [Applause] okay be sure to secure this yeah i know i know this boat i get some terrific video of the uh killer whales migration stuff you couldn't get from a boat mounted camera submersible no way only robin can do that he gets so close i've never seen footage like it i want to get him out to the open seas yeah let's do some preliminary behavioral tests this afternoon that's great right after i check out those hammerheads i've been charting of course your research ahead of mine no no no that's not it i've been tracking those hammer heads for weeks the research is very important well what about mine do you think that's something i just do to kill the boredom hey guys i'm gonna go exploring [Music] oh yeah max you're not going anywhere what out of the town's safe he'll be fine don't sweat it mom later well he's not five years old anymore amanda yeah well you're not his buddy chase you're his father [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] what you doing but i'm staying on the island long yeah i mean for a while you want to be a real islander you have to take the test off bravery it's the bravery leave him alone kimo he just got here you want to fit in you have to jump the clip we've all done it that's that's right the limited fishing plan that i proposed are those friends of yours uh the one with the rock was the lady i was dating for oh i see lovely i gotta hand it to you chase i mean you've been down here what for ten months now and already these people know you as well as i do chase we're only to be here for seven weeks yeah well my ex likes him i like him too how much keep the ec 15 people yeah i got it thank you thank you amanda i was thinking when you take off for new guinea max can stay with me well maybe staying with you that's what we're down here to see so how did school in california go oh extremely well much better than i expected of course we finished most of our training before we left hawaii now i'm at max's school well aides and b's more bees than a's i uh think it's all the different schools chase look i've uh been talking to my father about max staying with him on god i just don't want him i just feel like come on i mean what's this about something that we can't provide what is he gonna learn up there he's gonna learn how to clear-cut a thousand acres he's gonna learn how to renegotiate with the government to plant less than a hundred well max could learn how to balance his checkbook and run a company for profit that's quite a concept don't you think chase yes excuse me mom we just had an incident of points head ben madeva's dead i knew you've got a great fight out there better take a look at what it's done [Music] he's a local charter who hires out his boat to tourists looking to bag the big one [Music] [Music] you're the shark expert what do you think of it bobby here saw the whole thing shark grabbed him pulled him right in pulled him off the boat the shark wouldn't do that night for missions are right for a shot the way the flesh is torn and there's still too much of it here too much too much here he looks more like six feet abroad hamburger than the man i play cards with every friday hey you asked the man his opinion why would a shark attack mangle the spray and then not eat it only a shark wouldn't do that so what about it chase you got a great white out there you ain't telling nobody about it i got a great white out there she's a pregnant female she wouldn't do this chief you got to listen to me you can't let this get out of hand or every yahoo with a boat's gonna be out there hunting her down there's a hundred yahoo listen there's a hundred species yahoos is that how you think of us islanders dog yahoos [Music] if that wasn't a shark attack what was it good questions [Music] that's a rod she's tagged delta four at 70 megs let me know if anybody nets her out right now i was hoping she left the area you see this is what i've been talking about great white should be designated endangered the only reason they're not i know because they're not mammals and they're not cute chase i got to get him in some water as quickly as possible yeah just let me try one more time please i like it when you come home for lunch too bad i didn't have time for you so what's in here i'm not saying [Music] no it's not your belly on you the time thinking about it is your belly on me oh you like that dude don't you like that hey sis nithan what's happening why the hammer rod there's a great white out there it got ben madera this morning it's been out there for days and that shaq doctor knew all about it tom and that is true my dada is dead it's because he was messing with something you shouldn't have beat says who the shark doctors moose boy nathan [Music] [Music] hey pocket what you got for me today no way [Music] harper you know it's worth more than that it's not worth a hundred man all right look give me 300 bucks and i'll throw in a half dozen fantasy okay that's totally fair adam did you see all the shelter stuff in that cage i mean maybe something was living in it don't you have to get back hey hey get out of there listen head case i told you to stay away from my stuff i just don't think it's a good idea all right what's the big deal you know elizabeth here she just wants to show me around the island it's broad daylight i'm 15 years old nothing is gonna happen right right dad she's the chief's daughter what can we say for that hey we'll have dinner together be back by six six sharp absolutely max keep yourself safe yeah be safe fella especially around that island of your daddy's hey tucker where you headed you wouldn't be going out poaching would you what i do with my boat's none of your business doc it's my business if i find any of those damn traps ears out by my island okay doc you know i just might go out looking for that great white everybody's talking about do you have any idea how much scent of those jaws to go for [Music] chase okay okay you got it [Music] uh he sure seems happy here well after an eight-hour plane ride he's happy to be anywhere you had to find an island two thousand miles away from the nearest civilization didn't you sometimes two thousand miles isn't far enough you say that you're here for the research but i happen to think you are really here for that kind of fantasy tropical lifestyle where you don't have to listen to anyone but yourself i wish you know you'd let a train seal loose in the open ocean i know that one of these days you're gonna blow that whistle he's not gonna come back in there that already happened i'm telling you he disappeared for almost a week once i finally found him for the pot of wild sea lions he was sunning himself in san francisco bay with a very satisfied look on his face everyone's gotta cut loose once in a while so you say okay robin let's go to work [Applause] [Music] uh she's tagged out before let me know if anyone nets a signal w try now i'll do that [Music] it's the best waters in the world for shark research opportunity of a lifetime couldn't pass it up i really appreciate you bringing your research down here i came so max could see his dad [Music] wow [Music] i'll secure the 11 other institutions went after the lease i got it i bet you just wouldn't take no for an answer used to be an old navy research base from the vietnam war [Music] yes [Music] good boy target kiss oh [Music] um [Music] laughs [Music] he's brought up that's all he ever told me that's brian chase's younger brother and best friend he was a great guy we had a good time together and brian got sick chase became obsessed with this shark cancer connection and when brian died it became everything to him my father told me all men are born to the hunt you see if we don't have a target the way we can in our lives then we are not men jesus target is as strong in him as any man i've ever met tom and i need your help down here sir he's a good man i understand what he's trying to do here you know but the people won't listen uh okay starting off [Music] all right we got the recompression chamber up and running again that's great i'm sorry for those comments i made about your father i'll forget it any need to apologize for saying crappy things to each other i abdicated that two years ago uh chase exactly how much did the navy tell you about this place what they told me was that during the vietnam war they were doing some highly classified dolphin research they were teaching them how to place mines on ships [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Applause] a hundred yes oh god boy what's that it's a good luck charm obia a kind of voodoo here you go witcha you gonna need it more than me especially living out on that island with all that bad magic hey elizabeth what's that eche thing he keeps calling me it's a name some islanders have for mainlanders because some mainlanders come down here take what they want give nothing in return but it means white shark next sweatshirt and i better see you down there you have 20 seconds [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] max you really don't have to [Music] [Music] ah oh my god [Music] [Music] [Music] still think your shark needs protected i'm okay mom really maybe it wasn't the white dad it was the great white what except it wasn't normal it's body it wasn't perfectly smooth it had ripples look it was a great white but what was it hey i thumb this in the dead boy's arm now i may not be any shark expert but that sure looks like a shark's tool for me hey chase what is you knew about this shark all along even had it tagged when we plan on telling the rest of us huh how many locals you're gonna let it snack on before you let us know there's a man-eater in our waters i got it you can go thanks for showing up tonight everybody else is wrong and you are right simple as that hey i heard that [Music] famous max huh you crispy what do you think max really saw out there i don't know i don't know but i know the first thing we got to do is get you and max back to the island and tall man and i are going to go out there again tonight what tonight are you crazy well if i can find a great white if i can bait her then maybe i can get her out of the area before packing this posse show up you know chase sometimes you just gotta let nature take its course [Music] what you've got roots great white's teeth don't have roots impossible it's mammalian the root maybe the tooth is definitely shark [Music] we're getting close what's this jeez you better get up here man there's something on the radar come quick keep an eye on the monitors for me [Music] what's up there's the white dad there's something else down there with it you see anything amanda [Music] chase throttle back watch what is that thing look at the size of it it's a body contoured anomalous musculature of some kind whatever it is i'm losing the image [Music] let me zoom in what is that i'm losing it [Music] it's going after the white [Music] [Music] tight um it's under the boat there you go [Music] [Music] [Music] it's some sort of aberration it superficially resembles a shark but there's differences major differences it has a musculature that's totally inconsistent with any genus of shark currently known with any genius of aquatic-like currently no jeep that attacked my boat i've seen it this came off just what are you trying to pull here chase [Music] [ __ ] it you know what this is yeah well you don't out wrestle as serious like a fish flesh like this without making a few holes come on packet all you did was find her carcass those wounds were already hey chase why don't you just walk away chief she didn't kill those people there's something a hell of a lot more deadly than this great white that's still out there we've got our killer mister and it's right here hey chief why don't you just cut the shark open that way you can see what it's been eating in the last couple of days no way i'll be damned if i can let you mutilate my trophy on there say so it's already mutilated hey my boat my property right chief take it away really listen to me it's over and i want all of you out of here now hello good work pocket hey frank this is different than anything you're doing with tiger sharks it's completely different you gotta see it for yourself i tell you what you come down here and help me out i promise you if it's something new i'll name it [Music] [Applause] yes operator i have something to say uh [Music] if i had to describe this to you over the phone i'm telling you would put me in a straight jacket and have me put in a rubber cell yeah i've read about these sharks they didn't really do they have little lights in their mouth mega mounts no this isn't a mega mouth megamouth doesn't even look like a great white they're filter feeders they don't even attack besides they don't have claws exactly mammals have claws reptiles have claws birds have claws sharks do not have claws what if it's some sort of pollution monster now the mutation from toxic exposure doesn't work like that it can't make something that doesn't have the genetic coating for arm suddenly grow arms or its teeth grow roots nobody's coming not without documentation elizabeth outside no daddy [Music] so chase chase dr simon chase sharks tooth island lower antilles yes sir dr simon chase we'll get back to you sir i've been doing some checking the navy's going to get back to me well we have the freedom of information act to thank for even these this is all they've released on shark's tooth island let me save you the trouble the navy bought the allen from the provincial governor in 1923. did nothing with it to world war ii when it was used as a submarine staging base then the office of naval research took over in the 50s they did some hull design studies wave impact that sort of thing now look at this in 1972 this guy and dr ernest bishop arrived and that's where the information stops this is nothing come on amanda we need the whole report chase i don't know where else to go it just looks to me like somebody shut them down [Music] [Music] admiral richland sir what is it just received a message from shark's tooth island sir chess telephone call thanks mark [Music] yeah dr simon chase yes this is admiral aaron richland office of naval research washington dc you telephoned regarding shark's tooth island yes i did thank you for calling back why are you calling the navy dr chase well i was calling admiral because something is going on here people are being killed and i think you guys at the o r may know why exactly what is happening down there dr chase well that's rather difficult something is in the water down here and that something has killed two people already it sounds as if you have a shark problem no no i think the problem has to do with the dr ernest bishop and some research or experiments that the us navy conducted down here 25 years ago listen dr chase listen very carefully do nothing do not try to capture it do not try to kill it tell no one else we will take care of it yes nice talking to you say no yeah hey i thought we should celebrate the killing of the great white there's nothing to celebrate i was out there last night i saw what you saw [Music] it was no breathe then it was some other shark then our people will kill it too i do not understand your loyalty to this man chase my loyalty is not only to chase it is to the truth huh the truth jeff donna don't know don't come up now [Music] shut down it's not seen [Music] [Music] [Music] sexy [Music] [Music] thanks what do you got there chemo gave it to me right before he died [Music] you know that's that's just superstition it's not real i know [Music] [Music] dad what's that noise it's a boat one tied up max hey [Music] hey come here [Music] oh come on chase my god [Music] come on [Music] [Music] what the hell were you doing out there where you calling it or warning it it's all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay see in the morning all right max yes there's some pretty weird stuff going on around here huh supremely weird [Music] [Music] [Music] hey how's robin doing he's as nervous as everyone else around here where will finally fell asleep [Music] i think he knows what went on here before [Music] sir would you mind telling us exactly what we're going after here we're going after a shark just a shark [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Applause] it's trashed chase [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is the range he's been attacking this is where we saw him last night i think we should start here [Music] yes man all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] tall man come look at this boating systems are hot what's wrong well look at this see the position in my hand yeah well look at my thumb it almost fits this thing is close to having an opposable thumb what the hell traps bucket straps they've been torn apart the prop really chewed those things up norma not chewed up it's been taken apart [Music] my god how did it work these screws out do you think it used its claw well it doesn't make any sense unless he wanted to study it to look at i think this thing is learning learning what learning how to survive how to fight against the shark's only natural enemy us what if chemo meanwhile said all that bad magic on my father's island something bad happened there many years ago it's the one place even adults won't talk about [Music] what i don't understand is why your father is not willing to help my dad i mean how can anyone be so pig-headed i'm sorry you have to understand my father he's always had a hard time being accepted he wasn't born here he's always fighting his attitude certain islanders have towards outsiders getting elected chief constable was a big thing for him and keeping the job and doing what he thinks other islanders want him to do that's more important to him than anything more important than you [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] stop stop that means something doesn't what's he doing what's he saying that aunt jenny is through this hatch whatever on jenny is [Music] it smells max give me a flashlight chase max get two of them [Music] uh [Music] invisibility max stay close to the radio okay [Music] power zone they must be tied to the main generator in my lab now the switch over here [Music] [Music] maybe sure didn't build this no it's a smuggler's pirates use this as a stronghold let me just see what's down here it's just a short haul to a rusty door nothing totem [Music] that turns into an empty storage room okay you're not serious come on it's volcanic rock get some seismic activity moves through here fills the passageways with water sea water [Music] [Applause] it's a bunker [Music] so [Music] it's a laugh when he was salvageable just left [Music] don't recognize any of this equipment bishop's handwritten notes we're still good amanda [Music] amanda [Applause] amanda [Music] amanda chase watch that [Music] there's all sorts of stuff over here most of it's pretty old look at this where do you think it came from what's the sound of the generator in my [Music] lab [Music] so wait a minute these are pockets traps [Music] chase [Music] go go dad [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] again [Applause] obama you okay we have to take care of your mom let's [Music] go ah [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] dead [Music] go go [Music] [Music] never that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Charly Tattoo
Views: 750,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: t93FEqioQjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 32sec (5372 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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