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oh what is this hey let's go good morning ABC if you know One Piece One Piece is an anime that started in 1999 and there are over a th000 episodes today we're unboxing the gumgum fruit which is what Luffy ate to make him [Music] stretchy before we open the gum gum fruits I have this one piece gift collection 2023 and I wasn't able to open this during the holidays so this comes with one deck case five booster packs that's exciting and then one promotion pack that you can only find in this box so let's open it I've never opened one piece card before so this is really exciting I grew up watching this anime so wo this looks so good already now I haven't watched the full anime cuz it's a lot and life gets pretty busy sometimes all right so this is the deck case I believe he's in gear five wow he looks really good and then this guy uh is flamingo who is she is this Viv I don't know and then we got crocodile scary as ever so here they are five booster packs so we're going to start with the first one here all right my heart's already racing I know I'm very bad at opening cards guys this proves that that um it's my first time opening it okay so we got uh chin Jiao oh he's like upside down what is going on with his head Bros like a real life drill oh it's the otter yo they're so cute they're doing Kung Fu um ice Oni okay I've never seen them before but they look very creepy I wouldn't mess with them ooh we got Flamingo the weak do not have the right to choose how they die hi that's scary um otama I have no idea who she is but she is enjoying a soup dumpling that's making me hungry and then there's a bird that's about to swoop in one time I was eating a bird swooped in and stole my French fry I was so sad but at least I made someone's day better we got um barrier no idea what this is either but it's an event card must be good character AB be oh I remember this this is the the dragon EP episode where the dragon was like in trouble and it needed help oh my gosh this is Throwback Mr two or Mr three I forgot his name but he's the guy oh yeah it is Mr two Bon gray he creeps me out but I know he's super duper strong gum gum King Kong gun well the whole city is destroyed dude Luffy Luffy is scary man oh we got Usopp Hammer yo this art actually looks like really good I would put this on my wall oh we got Miss Valentine dude she's the one that can like change her weight that's crazy oh I see something sparkly what's this we got Robin no way dude it's so sparkly so we got two out of 10 Straw Hat Pirates hopefully we get Luffy all right the next booster pack this is really fun oh it's Captain Kuro dude oh my my gosh he's one of the worst villains I I don't like what he did to the Village it was very messed up but he is very smart oh my God it's Miss golden week she's the girl that put the straw hat pirates on the cake but thank God for Luffy she's really strong I forgot what she does she controls people's emotions that's what she does oh my gosh it's oo and Kashi wait are these Giants actually I don't know these guys yeah oh yeah they are giants oh we got Tony Tony offer yo I forget what form he's in it looks like it's the uh the running the running form we got some weird old man tono yasu it seems like he's just partying and having a good time oh wait we got nefari Cobra we got the dad of the uh the princess which is Princess viie of uh alabasta yeah and this is when they were sneaking you know making sure that you know the the daughter was safe this is I like this art out this is really good we got the dawn kick family I'm going to assume later Luffy and the gang fight them I have never seen them before but that big baby is uh quite concerning especially giving a baby a sword um we got a dinosaur page one it's beautiful look at its Luscious Hair dinosaur with hair you know that's something that I thought I'd never see until now and we got Toko I really like the background you got the cherry blossoms I still need to see those baby five wo wao wait is she part of this oh yeah yeah it's down here it says Don kicks Pirates so I guess this must be like a baby pirate bunch of baby Pirates wow this was so shiny this guy looks like a womanizer he's like hello ladies happy Valentine's Day wink and then he steals your heart and then wo we got copon gang beggy I don't know who this is but he also looks like a captain and he's got some guns in his chest that is pretty scary I don't want to mess with this dude now we have three of the straw hat Pirates guys only seven more to collect here we go next pack we got a crazy looking witch dude oh my God caramel I wouldn't trust her mm- we got Daddy Master on is this the guy that Usopp fights I can't remember during the competition where sanji's like like doing a cooking contest we got black Maria is she a spider she's got like horns kind of kind of creeping me out she reminds me of Demon Slayer we got e what's up with his shoulder he looks like a Roblox character okay I don't know him either we got playgrounds um this is another like this is so cool I love that the cards have like part of the manga in it close the doors to every Tower this floor is finished this is The Shining Jewel of my playgrounds ice on oh okay so this is the ice Oni that we saw before wao so do ice Onis like take over people's Souls oh my gosh that's scary I like this guy this is a rabbit riding a goose I feel like this is a character you would like w he's cool and there's like fruits in the background oh my gosh dude okay I I got to think about my favorite fruit cuz I I love fruits my my favorite fruit guys is banana what is your guys's favorite fruit let me know down below yo we got this bomb Canon okay so this guy yeah is is in broke broke works and I forgot what number he is number five and his superpower is like booger bomb whoever had that idea crazy and then we got gats look at this guy he's Gat okay I don't know him at all yo Rebecca um nice outfit ooh a shiny card King uh Spider we wait Flamingo okay so this this is Luffy back here he's doing gear five elephant Cannon I believe but then he just blocked it like it was nothing dude that is crazy wo oh this card is so cool a ph's crying I'm going to stay here but if we ever see each other again will you call me your ship me a I remember this Luffy's a homie he's so nice so we didn't find any of the straw hat pirates in that pack but hopefully in this pack we got o Stussy wow we got pound his head is bigger than his body and then we got a giola very interesting hair if I was a grandma I'd probably experiment to and have some like different hair and then we got kuu that's the duck's name CaRu he's always scared of just everything and then we got Yokozuna is this a a frog that knows how to do sumo wrestling and it got sharp teeth yeah I wouldn't be swimming anywhere near that mm- we got happiness punch Nami that'll be 100,000 berries oh man you know Nami she loves money okay we got Charlotte peros Sparrow um he looks like he is not winning the battle and that that he is not going to find the one piece wa no way all right so I didn't know that CaRu had uh siblings or cousins yo man I need to start watching One Piece again Super Spot build duck troop and then we got Jack this MTH Viking is like destroying the city of like what are these cats I'd be terrified too if I saw that in my neighborhood oh my gosh um we got Hara I don't know what this woman's eating she looks like she's eating like a cotton candy Cloud whoa we got colors trap yo she's so scary and then oh what is this we got who's who I don't know what this is but this is like an epic Sabertooth monkey wow $15 hey let's go dude that's crazy I need to put it in a sleeve I'm out of sleeves so I'm going to have to put this in my Pokemon binder I'm going to put it with my Digimon my digimon cards oh that's a crazy card oh my gosh so we are down to the last booster for this pack oh hopefully we get somebody from the straw hat pirate crew oh this is a dupe we got Thorn head we got Big Fish Santa man we got another dupe Kung Fu sea turtles Mr 13 and this Friday oh they had a tragic day that one day they were actually my favorite they're so cool um we got gon modoki I feel like he could be Zoros friend or something kind of cool Nami we got another Straw Hat pirate let's go oh my gosh okay we got Roki he looks like he is guarding a huge door we got Flamingo flapping thread flapping thread that's scary dude holy Mr four you know when I look at Mr before he reminds me of Levi but just like a a thicker version of Levi from Attack on Titan we got BV okay this is cool I like that it's like cut in half ooh we got Olen it looks like she loves chocolate I mean who doesn't love chocolate and what is this we got Bad Manners kick course looks like a a crocodile got destroyed and that has to be destroyed from a son over here is this during the time where Zoro and Sanji were having a competition I mean they always have a competition right so now it is time to open the promotion pack that's only in that case cut the very tippity top okay woo I almost cut it actually okay thank God I didn't all right here we go first card bang oh my God who we got Jan Bay another Straw Hat pirate oh my gosh wait yo yo yo y yo now we got jebe we got Usopp we got Robin we got Chopper and we got Nami we have five out of 10 now bro dang this card looks insane guys oh my God it's so cute it's toony toony Chopper it's Santa but it looks like he's stealing everyone's presents instead oh my god dude I love this this is my favorite one this one's 15 what oh my God yeah it's it's so cute I would buy this and put it on my wall let's see oh my life just flash before my eyes bro holy roron NOA Zoro this is sick I'm not even kidding I don't even know how he holds a sword in his mouth this is crazy so now we have one two 3 four five six Straw Hat Pirates out of 10 I bet we're going to going to find the rest and one of these two gum gum fruits Eenie Meenie gum gum fruit I will eat you today all right this one I'm going to eat this one I have no idea what's in here actually this is quite interesting okay so it comes with one two booster packs and then a different booster pack from Pillars of Strength and then another one oh what's this wait is this like a promo card oh what is this oh my God this is when Luffy is fighting crocodile right here I'm going to be king of the Pirates this is a good card in the gumgum fruit so it comes with three booster packs and then a Don card and there's two types to collect so hopefully in the other gum gum fruit we get the other one and then it comes with sleeves which I need so let's open up the sleeve pack here I have no idea who these guys are though but we did technically get Luffy does this count yeah I think this counts yo okay that means I could put these guys in the sleeves here here too so let's see what's in this oh it's gon dude I remember this guy this guy was the guy that got stuck in a treasure chest and then he became best friends with the animals on the island you know that is the best Treasure of all all right we got um TI Stone um it looks like somebody's leg is on top of this guy I think he's throwing somebody must be very buff he's like the rock all right we got Charlotte chiffon is that a baby or an old man I can't tell very interesting we got Nero he looks like a a cowboy cat you know he just looks like Puss and Boots but as a human and then we got Charlotte Opera he looks like a cake that I baked in the oven but it didn't come out that well and then we got gumgum giant gavl yo wait is this one who was fighting Don cre yeah it was when it was fighting Don cre dude Don cre is a scary man and then we got soap sheep this is like when you have a bubble bath but you love it so much that you turn it into clothing he is literally slaying it oh my God I'm so sorry you guys had to hear that um this is thatch you know this just looks like a Pirates of the Caribbean like scene that's what it looks like oh we got Kobi from um God what's his name the fish the fish Clan ar arong ar long oh my gosh okay and then uh we got Iceberg here never met this guy but what is that what is that that's a cute little rat that's so cute oh my gosh what is this buzzcut Mochi yo that's sick and then we got fir fist yo so we got two more from this gum gum fruit let's open it oh we got a doop we got CaRu the bird oh my gosh we got Thorn head again we got Santa beard we got Kung Fu sea otters again ooh this one's new Viola VOA um oh we got this one earlier too wow oh we got Trafalgar I know he's a very like main character haven't seen him yet in the anime um but I know a lot of people like him and then we got Eric this was the guy like while they were fighting to like help the dragon he was scheming I just remember he was scheming I didn't like this dude and then we got Iceberg again this guy must be like a very strong dude cuz he's got his little rat in his pocket and then we got enchanting vertigal dance um I'm guessing Viv is trying to enchant Zoro for some reason Mr 5 looks so good in this oh my gosh oh he looks so good we got Zoro again wo this is crazy now let's open the last booster pack from the gum gum guys are we going to get all the straw hat Pirates let's see ooh we got ooo round too uh ice Oni again uh Tony Tony Chopper again oh no oh no we're getting a lot of dupes oh no what is this oh my God I am scared Miss Merry Christmas this is not the Christmas I hoped for was I not being good this year oh my gosh we get adale same Gat okay we got the dinosaur with the wig again we got this person named queen that is the leader that has the biggest gun in the world oh my God we got gumgum Red Rock and then we got kiny Kinyon I'm just going to call him lemon it looks exactly like rang Goku except the you forgot to wear clothes now we're down to the very very last you guys okay hopefully we got the other Luffy promotion C oh we did get the other sleeve pack oh this is sick I like this yes yes okay we got to put it in the new sleeve I like this sleeve way more let's put them in here all right I've had it with you guys now you'll have to take me seriously this is how tough I am villager boy Monkey D Luffy man I remember this he was trying to prove to everyone that he can be a pirate one day and this is what got him to eat the fruit so now technically technically we got Luffy right so Tony Tony Chopper we got jebe we got rorona Zoro we got Robin Nami USA and Luffy so we got seven out of 10 of the straw hat Pirates you guys oh my gosh I hope we get the rest so let's start with this one first hopefully no dupes you guys no we got a dupe again we got oooo we got ice Oni again oh no Tony Tony Chopper again oh no aie again oh no Cobra again uhoh this whole pack looks like a dupe it's not Mr three bro Mr 3 is surprisingly so strong and really smart Okay wo we got haerudin um ooh we got kadile I like this card this card's sick I I just love this half and half color what is this Heavenly Fire oh my gosh yo what oh there's an extra card in the back what is that oh we got Miss Valentine again oh okay we got this earlier too okay let's open this one The Pillars of Strength I believe in the gum gum fruit Oda gods that we will get Brooke Sanji and Frankie those are the only three that we're missing the closest thing to Sanji though is um we got that one of him kicking the crocodile but I want a face card oh this one looks good oh this looks like there's no dupes all right so we got namle I see a marine here is this like arlong's like lost cousin or something I have no idea who this guy is oh we got Mary bro he's so iconic and then look look at him he's drawing the Mary oh my gosh Luffy's first ship man well technically Luffy's first ship was like a tiny boat but still Mino zebra Mino likey oh we got arlong doing tooth attack man arlong's teeth are crazy he can just regrow them we got speed Jill all right we got tropical torment heat heat Powers at work this is ovens big mom Pirates we got mooo this cow's so cute didn't they want to eat him I think Luffy wanted to eat this cow and then we got carne I'm guessing wait is this guy part of uh the Sanji uh um you know Chef people I I don't know if he is and we got Kaku this guy's got a long nose definitely part of usopp's um DNA we got Rob Luchi oh my gosh dude Rob Luchi is like someone you don't want to mess with I think he's the guy that turns into like a big cheetah cheetah guy oh my gosh I remember Luffy fighting Rob Luchi a long time ago that was a crazy fight we got Ze we got Ze almost sanji's father uh zeep adopted Sanji without zeep there is no Sanji really ooh Charlotte smoothie what kind of smoothie she making I don't know she looks like a ninja and then we got another d card oh man guys I'm losing hope I don't know if we're going to get all of the draw hat Pirates guys oh oh no I see another dude n too oh no okay we got Daddy we got Tom we got we got hanger wow I'm so tempted to just um put a shirt on his head to see what that looks like oh my gosh we got o again oh no the baby family talart l no no come on come on give us Franky at least Frankie dude no no oh my gosh oh we got something different we got Diablo jambe joot is this Sanji kicking uh Luffy's face ooh okay this is different this is different we got tbol um he looks like tbol oh come on please who is she Charlotte amande the big mom Pirates mommy oh that's [Applause] it even though we didn't get all the straw hat Pirates we got some pretty amazing cards even got my favorite Tony toony Chopper he's so adorable bro I can't get over him but if you guys like this video make sure to smash like and let me know what other videos you guys would like to see from me and keep being awesome peace
Channel: Coffee Collects
Views: 191,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coffee plays, coffe plays, cofee plays, coffee, cofee, coffe, one piece, one piece cards, gum gum fruit, gum gum fruit cards, one piece unboxing, unboxing, unboxing cards, unboxing one piece, StrawHatPirates, Luffy, OnePieceMerchandise, MonkeyDLuffy, AnimeCollectibles, OnePieceTreasure, AnimeMerchandise, Collectibles
Id: g1DbvYmB6xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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