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Are you all looking forward to my recommendation of items from 7-11? Keep watching to find out. It's so low. So old. Hi, I'm Chien-Chien. Remember to like and subscribe. And share my videos to your friends. Are you all looking forward to my recommendation of items from 7-11? Keep watching to find out. It's so low. So old. I've bought the food back from 7-11. I'm going to recommend my personal favorite snacks from Thailand's 7-11. I bought a wide variety of items. The sauce trio from 7-11. If you buy kway teow, it will definitely come with this. These right here on the table are my personal favorites. I'm going to unpack them one by one. Some of them are recommended by the staff and my sister. The rest are ones I've tried before, and I'd like to recommend them to you. Let's open them now. Let's go. First up, we have this grilled sandwich. Many people say you have to try this when you're in Thailand. Personally, I'm on the fence about them. Some flavors are just so-so to me. Plus, you can actually find similar ones back in Taiwan. But here, they've got some unique ones, like pandan and spinach flavors. I think those are worth a try. The spinach one, especially, is fantastic. I also like the pandan flavor one. The spinach flavor is new to me this time, and I really like it. It's creamy, with a hint of Alfredo sauce flavor and a touch of herbs. I quite like it. Plus, their grilled sandwiches are always nicely toasted. It's good. This one has ham along with the spinach. After trying them both, I'd recommend the pandan flavor and this one. If you're interested, give them a try. Now this one. These are two items I haven't tried before. They're both microwavable. They're kept in the refrigerated section. Check it out. They kind of give off a creamy sauce vibe. I've had these sitting around for a bit, but haven't tried them yet. I thought I'd open them with you all. Here are the two packs. When you open them up, they look like this. Sort of like macaroni, you know? I'll start with this one. Look at the cheese, it's so stringy. Are you seeing this? Super creamy. I feel like adding a sprinkle of black pepper. It's quite rich. It's in that sort of pasta form. It's bacon and cheese flavored. I think a dash of white pepper would elevate the taste even more. But overall, I think it's worth a try if you're curious, though it's not necessarily a must-have. It's not very Thai-ish. Done with this one. Wow, this one's spinach flavor too. It's kind of similar to the sauce from earlier. Wow, this one... Doesn't it look a bit sinful? Hmm, spinach. This would be amazing spread over the grilled sandwich. It's not very Thai-ish, but it's a taste I personally really enjoy. It kind of reminds me of baby food. Not sure why. Alright, done with these two. I think if you're living in Thailand long-term, it's worth trying them out. I quite liked the spinach flavor. But if you're just visiting Thailand occasionally, they're optional. It's not exactly bursting with Thai flavors, you know? That's my take on it. Okay, next. Okay, moving on. Fresh shrimp dumplings. These are super popular. Many people say you've got to try them when you're in Thailand. When you open them up, they look like this. You get, one, two, three, four, five... Five beautiful dumplings. When you buy them, they come with a packet of soy sauce. I've actually mentioned these before in my article. They resemble the dumplings in Taiwan. My previous comment was that the flavor is pretty good. They've got real shrimp in the filling. However, I'm not a huge fan of the dumpling skin because it's a bit too soft for me. But considering the price, which is really affordable, I think it's acceptable. I'd recommend giving them a try if you're interested because they've got plenty of positive reviews online. My overall rating for them is so-so. Okay. Done with this. Next. Next up is something I personally love. It might not scream Thailand, but I highly recommend it. The steamed eggs from CP (Charoen Pokphand). Let me tell you, the steamed eggs at Thai 7-11s are super cheap. This one's only 20 baht. Let me scoop some out for you to see. This tastes like grandma's cooking, like the Taiwanese flavor. The steamed egg is incredibly tender. Regardless of the flavor you choose, some might have minced meat at the bottom, giving it a bit of that steamed meat flavor. This one has a hint of spring onion and pork flavor, and it feels a bit different. I think if you get a bowl of rice and mix it in, oh boy, regardless of whether it is Thai-ish, it's just a win. Look at that meat at the bottom. It's sweet and delightful. Done. If you're at a 7-11 in Thailand, definitely grab one of these steamed eggs. Next, I'm going to introduce two items together. The Thai sausages. First, we have the original flavor and the spicy flavor. I got the spicy one. Then, we have these slice-style sausages. And for this, you have to buy the one in this photo. They come in original, spicy, and green chili flavors. Seriously, avoid the green chili flavor. It's too intense. Let me show you this one first. It's round slices of ham-like sausage. Thai 7-11 has a wide variety of sausage flavors. And they come in these whole slices, for some reason. Maybe because this type is more popular among the locals. After trying out a bunch, I personally love these two the most. This one is chili-flavored, but the spiciness is just right. Usually, when you see something labeled as spicy in Thailand, like anything spicy, you'd expect it to be just a tad spicy, right? But then you take a bite and it's like, whoa, super spicy! But this chili-flavored sausage, I think the saltiness and spiciness are perfectly balanced. I think it's great with liquor. Next up is this one. It comes in original and spicy flavors. I find the original flavor a bit lacking in punch. The spicy one is more enjoyable for me. The spiciness hits you a bit later, and it's the kind of heat that lingers. When you bite into it, I find the original flavor to be a bit less juicy, whereas the spicy one has more of that juicy sensation in the middle. Not sure why. Between these two, personally, I still prefer this one because it's more juicy. But this one is also not bad. Both are worth considering. But let's not finish this one for now. Let's move on to our next item. Next up, we have the glutinous rice hamburger patty. I've recommended this one before. Why? Because it's all glutinous rice. Take a look. The picture already gives you the feeling that you're going to be very full. Wow. I can already smell the aroma of the glutinous rice. Let me show you inside. It's layers of glutinous rice with a hamburger patty in the middle. The patty has a perfect balance of savory and sweet, and paired with the outer layer of glutinous rice, it gets more fragrant with every bite. Together, I find it just right. Personally, I really love glutinous rice. That's why I collaborated with FamilyMart to launch a traditional rice ball. The outer layer is made of pure glutinous rice. Although pure glutinous rice is a bit more expensive, I prefer the fragrance it adds when you bite into it. Done. I think if you're interested, give it a try. The glutinous rice is really fragrant. Let's move on to the next one. Next up is, raw marinated pork. Look, I really don't know why pork can be eaten raw. No matter what, pork should be fully cooked, right? But in Thai 7-11, they do sell this raw marinated pork. Hey, it's actually quite tasty. You know, it comes in a few flavors. There's a chili flavor. It's pretty intense. It's like you can really taste the green chili in it. So, I'm telling you, make sure to read the label carefully when buying it. I can't open it. I think I didn't tear open... I've had this before, and I quite liked it. Doesn't it look kind of scary? But it's actually delicious. The texture is a bit chewy with a hint of crispiness. And the flavor is perfectly balanced between salty and sweet, with a slightly tangy aftertaste and a hint of pickled fermentation flavor. Very tasty. But it depends on the person because some people are hesitant to eat this type of food. If you're not comfortable eating it, don't force yourself. Okay? Done. If you're not brave enough to try the street raw marinated pork but still want to give it a shot, you can try getting it from the convenience store. Okay, next up. This is my personal favorite. I really love it. It's the stir-fried kway teow. There are actually many variations of this, but personally, I always come back to this one. Please take note of this packaging. This one. When you buy kway teow, it comes with these sauce packets. These are spicy sauce, powdered sugar, and I believe, this is fish sauce. Let me show you. There are so many ingredients in here. It's got kway teow, eggs, Chinese broccoli, and pork. This is based on your personal taste. You can adjust the amount according to your preference. Personally, I like to add a bit more. The kway teow itself isn't spicy, so I add some chili sauce for a kick, and a bit of sugar. I don't add too much sugar, though. My sister, who is Thai, likes things super sweet. Every time I see her adding several spoons of sugar, it surprises me. Then there's the fish sauce. Sometimes, when you buy this, they might not include this. You can ask for it separately. My top pick at Thai 7-11 is this one. The combination of salty and sweet flavors is just right. It's savory and aromatic, with a hint of sweetness. The texture of the kway teow is soft but with a bit of chewiness. It's actually quite chewy. Despite being microwaved, it's only slightly softer. The overall texture is still good. As you eat it, you'll find a generous amount of egg. And it's more like scrambled eggs rather than finely crushed eggs. Finished it. This stir-fried kway teow is my number one pick. You have to give it a try. Next. My personal favorites are these two kaphrao boxes. And personally, I prefer the kaphrao chicken because it comes with a boiled egg. The kaphrao pork is also good, but it has quite a lot of basil leaves, which I feel affects the texture when you are eating it. Let me show you the kaphrao chicken. I really think their convenience store kaphrao chicken is excellent. It comes with this. Here you go. This is fish sauce. You can add it according to your preference. I usually add a bit. Let me show you. A semi-cooked egg. Hey, this one's more well-done. Sometimes, I get one where the yolk isn't as cooked, and I find that quite unique. In Taiwan, it's less common to find semi-cooked eggs in convenience stores. Just give this a try, guys. Finished it. Let's open the kaphrao pork. This one belongs to my roommate, so I'll just have a few bites and then give it back to him. When you open it, it actually looks quite similar, except the minced pork is a bit finer. It looks a bit fuller with leaves. The aroma of pork is really different from chicken. And I feel like pork has a bit more of that fatty aroma. In terms of the kaphrao flavor, honestly, I think it's heavier compared to the chicken. But I still prefer chicken because I feel like the seasoning is just right for me. Let me add a bit of fish sauce and see how it tastes. Give it a try. Now, it tastes just like the kaphrao you'd get on the street. All right, overall, I prefer the chicken flavor. But when you're buying, you should try both and see which one you prefer. Next. Next up, we're going to try something I haven't had before, but it was recommended by both the staff and my sister. Let's start with my sister's recommendation, the hot and sour soup with seafood, served with rice. Wow, it looks like a stir-fry! Its aroma is quite rich, especially the lemongrass flavor. The taste is quite aromatic overall, exactly what you'd expect from hot and sour soup, with all the spices. However, one small drawback is that because there are so many spices, you might end up biting into them, which doesn't feel pleasant and can taste a bit woody. Otherwise, I think the overall flavor is actually pretty good. Oh, there are shrimp in here too. It's really good. But there are just too many leaves. Done with this. And after finishing it, there are still a lot of spices left. Overall, I actually quite like its seasoning because it reminds me of the taste you'd get in a Thai restaurant. But... This came from the previous spicy food. But I feel like a downside is that there are too many pieces of spices, so you have to avoid them while eating. But I do like the seasoning. If you're interested, you should give it a try. Next. Next up is something super incredible. My sister asked the staff for a recommendation, and they suggested the Chicken Curry with Turmeric Rice. Turme... Turme... Turme... Turmeric Rice. Let's see how it tastes. Since it's recommended by the staff, I assume it should be good. The curry flavor is incredibly rich and intense. And look at this chicken, it looks incredibly well-cooked. It's not very Thai-ish. It feels more like Indian cuisine. It's actually quite delicious. The curry is very strong, with a heavy emphasis on spices, but it doesn't make your mouth feel too overwhelmed or complex. The turmeric rice is cooked perfectly. The flavor blends seamlessly with the rice, without being overly spicy. But it has three-colored beans and carrots in it. If you can't accept it, if you hate three-color beans, then you'd better not buy it. Done with this. For those who visit Thailand only occasionally, I think you can skip this. But if you're staying in Thailand for a long time, then it's worth a try. Because I think it's good, but it's not very Thai-ish. Overall, I'd say it's an optional item. Next. Next up is something I find very special. This is it. Coconut and yogurt konjac jelly. Personally, I think it's delicious. When you open it, it looks like this. Scoop it up. There are some konjac pieces inside. It's not just coconut and yogurt. The fragrance of coconut mixed with the tanginess of yogurt is very refreshing. Given the high temperatures in Thailand, around 30 to 35 degrees Celsius these days, it's quite hot. Eating something cool like this feels great. Plus this. It's labeled as zero fat. I feel like I could run 300 laps after eating it. Done. I recommend trying it if you're interested, as it's a refreshing and cooling snack. The next item is something I find very special. Green mango. You might wonder what's so special about green mango. In Thailand, there's this traditional street dessert where green mangoes are paired with a special sauce. Let me open it and show you. It has a slightly sour and sweet taste. I first tried this at my grandmother's house. You just dip the mango in the sauce. This box doesn't taste really good. My sister told me this was just like what we had at grandma's house. So, I was thinking it would have that familiar flavor, but when I took a bite, it felt like something was missing. I think you guys might want to skip this one. Usually, when you're browsing through street stalls or hitting up those popular markets, you'll see green mango paired with spicy sauce or sweet and sour sauce, or like this one, with a hint of fish sauce. They usually taste amazing together, but this green mango here, it's a bit too raw. So, when I tried it with the sauce, it just felt a bit off. I'd say you might want to skip this one. Let's unpack our ice cream selection. We've got this one and this one. First up, we've got Milo. Whenever I come here, I always grab one of these. It's because it's like the real deal Milo. It tastes so good, and the price is right. It's not as overwhelmingly sweet as regular Milo. So, I find it really enjoyable. Next up, we have this one. It has Cha Eun-woo's photo on it. The most special thing about it is that it looks like a rose. Honestly, I've never bought this before. I've just seen a lot of people recommending it online. Wow. Do you see that flower? This is a special Valentine's Day edition. And usually, it's in red. Here, a flower for you. Will you marry me? Is that how it works? It's kind of like milk, but not quite like milk, more like cream. There's also a bit of caramel flavor. I feel like it's got a Valentine's Day vibe. Intense love, intense flavor. It can get a bit cloying. Wait, that doesn't sound right. There's chocolate sauce in the middle. Last bite. Finished. This time, my top three favorite items from Thai convenience stores, which I personally think are must-buy items, start with the stir-fried kway teow. The unique sauce it comes with makes it truly fantastic. And if you have a tight schedule or don't have time for a proper meal in Thailand, getting it at 7-11 won't disappoint. The flavors are just right after the sauce is added. It's savory, with the perfect saltiness. And it has that distinct Thai essence. It's just wonderful. For my second favorite, I'd go with the kaphrao. The flavor is rich and aromatic, and the texture of the rice is just right. Overall, I think it's a satisfying choice. You won't be disappointed with it, so I'd say give it a try if you're interested. Lastly, it's a tough call for me, but I might lean toward recommending the steamed egg. Is it too Taiwanese? The steamed egg and the Milo ice cream are both my favorites. In terms of price, both are quite budget-friendly. And the Milo ice cream is something unique that you won't find in Taiwan. They're not too overwhelmingly sweet, which makes them perfect for cooling off. As for the steamed eggs, well, I just personally really love them. So, if you're interested, give them a try. I hope this video is helpful for those planning to visit Thailand. That's all for today's video. Thank you so much for watching. That's all for now. Bye bye. Sawadee ka! Actually, when I was shooting the 7-11 video, I asked my sister and others about it. In Thailand, street food prices are actually quite low, so they don't always buy from convenience stores. It's just that us Taiwanese, we love browsing convenience stores. After asking my sister, I realized that they don't really buy from there. I was quite surprised at that moment.
Channel: 千千進食中
Views: 294,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UFZwhSAu2sQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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