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Next, let's take a look at the Nigiri Sushi. The oyster looks fat. My hand is shaking like crazy. Hi, I'm Chien-Chien. Remember to like and subscribe to my channel, and tell all your friends about it. Hi, guys. I'm the foodie, Chien-Chien. Your all-you-can-eat foodie... Foodie Girl is back. Today, I'm going to introduce one that many people want to know about, and it's only been open for a short time. What do many people think of when they talk about Hi-Lai? The buffet of Hi-Lai Harbour Restaurant, right? It is said that this new restaurant is the upgraded version of Hi-Lai Harbour Restaurant. This one is called Island. It's a weekday evening. The price is NT$1,960. And the service charge is included. At this price, what do the dishes that come with it taste like? Let's try them together. I'm in the restaurant now. My reservation is for 5:30 pm. It's a four-hour meal. Reservations are made online. On the 1st of each month at 11 am, it releases the reservations for the next two months. It's just opened, so it's not easy to get a slot now. And I've actually seen pretty good reviews online. The special thing about them is that there are eight islands, eight zones, which serve different things. Each dish comes with a wine pairing. If I had Japanese sashimi today, they'd serve me with sake or something of the sort. I think it's pretty cool. So let's go to the first zone, Sheng, the Japanese food zone. I've finished getting food from the first zone, Sheng. All I can say is that there are a lot of dishes, and the best part is that it comes with sake. Let's start with the Temaki Sushi. There are four flavors. The rolls I've got were put away for a while, so they're not as crispy as they should be. But it's not the vinegar rice in them. There's actually shredded lettuce in them. So you won't be full from eating them. I think that's very thoughtful. The lettuce inside is dried and cleaned, but it was juicy when I bit it, so it should have been soaked or rinsed. I think it's quite crispy and juicy. My favorite is the Temaki Sushi with Tuna and Spring Onion because it has just the right flavor and freshness. Okay, let's start with sashimi. Let's eat the scallop first. Now that I've finished the sashimi zone, I personally think the salmon is certainly of a certain standard. I also like skipjack tuna because it's a bit torched on top and has a little spring onion. So the sweetness and freshness of the fish was quite enough when I bit it. For the other seafood, I can tell that it's fresh, and it doesn't have that stinky flavor, but I don't think there's enough sweetness. I'm wondering if it's because of the season or maybe today's fish is just a little less sweet. Next, let's take a look at the Nigiri Sushi. I was actually hesitating to get them. But no. As a foodie girl, how could I not try them? This is the Inari Sushi. It looks so cute. A flavor that kids will love. The sweetness and sourness of the bean curd are just right. It's got gooey rice in it, and it's not so sour. I think it's normal. Let's try the matcha flavor. It's like a pillow. It has the scent of leaves, which is the aftertaste of matcha tea, combined with Inari Sushi. I prefer the original flavor. The flavor of Unagi Sushi has got a lot of layers. It's not bad in terms of flavor. And the scallop is tender in the middle. It's actually topped with some kind of pesto sauce or mentaiko sauce. I think it's just right. The sauce is not too much, and it doesn't overpower the flavor of the fish, but it goes well with the fish. The only thing is that the rice is not dried enough. I think it's a bit sticky. The sourness is not very high for me. It's the vinegar rice that's more acceptable to the public. The meat floss inside the Uramaki actually smells good to me. Okay, I'll have a Tamagoyaki. This is the liver. The liver's good too. Ayu. Look, there's a lot of roe. It's a little bit dry in it. I don't recommend you to take this. It's quite salty. And this is Pumpkin Tofu. Pumpkin Tofu isn't my type. I'll drink the sake first. I think sake is normal. A little spicy, the kind that doesn't taste too alcoholic to you. You can get more of this soup. I was just a little worried that it was too salty, so I only had half a bowl. It's got a lot of ingredients and vegetables in it. So when you have it, the sweetness of the vegetables and the taste of the miso are just right together. And the point is, it's not too salty. After eating the food in this zone, I personally like the side dishes. I'm not as fond of the marination of Ayu. Other than this, the other three are all delicious. Next, it's the Nigiri Sushi. I think it's delicious, except for the vinegar rice, which is not my personal favorite. But I think the thickness of the fish and the flavor are just right. For the Temaki Sushi, I think it's okay. You can take it or leave it. Let's go to the next zone. Alright. We are in the Shuo zone. We've just been thinking about this word for a very long time. The pairing in this area is fruit vinegar. I've seen something that I'm very afraid of. It's Ayu. I don't really know how to eat it, and I was a little reluctant to take it. But our project director said, "You tried Ayu in every restaurant. Don't you want to try it here?" So I got it. Let's start with the oyster. The oyster looks fat. It's so fresh. Its stomach is very full and fresh. The level of grilling is just right, so you won't feel like you haven't had enough. This is the Caramelized Pineapple. It's better if it's drier. But I think it's good enough. If there's no shooting today, I'll say I want ten of these. The sweet and sour taste is great. I think it tastes really good. But when I eat it, as the meat is slightly not enough, it seems more like a snack, not a main dish that gives you that serious meat-eating vibe. Fried Shrimp. After going to INPARADISE and A Joy, I think their Fried Shrimps are very good. So let's try the Fried Shrimp at Hi-Lai Harbour. Their Fried Shrimp is good too. The shrimp was fried just right. It was not overcooked and hard at all. It's tender to the bite and just right with the crunchy outside. Since I've tried the Fried Shrimp, let me try the one next to it. It comes with a Thai sauce. I personally like the Fried Shrimp. This is good too. Anyway, the outer part of it absorbs the oil, so it tastes greasy. Although it is served with Thai sauce to make it less greasy, I think it is still greasy. The Fried Shrimp is good. Fried Oysters. The oyster was cooked perfectly. The inside is still tender and slightly raw. The outside has a very crispy texture. It's actually quite fresh. If you're afraid of fresh oysters and their raw taste, just don't get them. I think it's a little bit greasy after a full mouthful. This is Fried Abalone. Fried Abalone tastes okay. The vegetables are fried with dried shrimp in them. When you eat them, you will get the sweetness of the vegetables, the flavor of the fried crust, and the umami taste of the dried shrimp. I think it's quite good. I think in the fried food zone, you can take the Fried Vegetables, Fried Chicken, Fried Oyster, and Fried Shrimp. Come on, let's try the Ayu. Eating fish with standard and without standard. The outside of the fish is crispy. After stripping the fish, the meat inside is actually quite sweet and fresh. And it has a good pairing. For fried or grilled food, the vinegar can really help to relieve the greasy feeling of the stronger flavor. I think it's a great match. Let's go to the next zone. Let's go and get the food. I'm in the drinks zone. It's said that it's pretty awesome, and it's also co-branded with TCRC. Come on, guys. I'm in the Shan zone. There's Chinese food in this area, with a side of millet wine. I think the special thing is that it has the Barrel Broiled Chicken. There is also chicken oil and white pepper. You can drizzle them yourself. I think it's very cool. Okay, first, I'll have the Peking Duck. It's tasty. The duck's skin is not very crispy, but I think the flavor and saltiness are just right. It's a little bit sticky, a little bit like raw noodles, but I think it's okay, not too bad. Why does this millet wine feel like white grape juice? This dish is Goose Meat Rice Noodles. I think the Goose Meat Rice Noodles actually taste pretty good overall. However, they are not very salty. So, you can add some condiments here to them. I think the base is good. This is a Shrimp Dumpling. The Shrimp Dumpling is so nice. You can try it. The Shrimp Dumpling has turned cold, but the skin inside isn't very hard. The softness and texture are just right, and the sweetness of the shrimp flavor inside is also very high. Abalone and Shrimp Shumai. Let me try it. It's okay but not impressive. This is the Barrel Broiled Chicken. I think the aroma of the chicken oil and its flavor is okay. I'd like it to be a bit more tender. But the taste of the chicken is quite standard for the Barrel Broiled Chicken. Next, it's the Hainanese Chicken. It comes with the green and red sauces of the Hainanese Chicken. I think Hainanese Chicken is quite normal. It has a little bit of flavor. Its crispy pork is delicious. It has the right kind of crispness, so you don't feel like your teeth are about to be broken, but there are some dry parts. This is the TCRC's joint cocktail. The base is Vodka. It's refreshing. I actually ordered a Pink Valentine. I think it's good, but I prefer the Pink Valentine a little bit more because it's a little bit heavier on the balsamic berry. I like that flavor better. Dongpo Pork. I think the fat part is well braised, but the lean part in the middle is a bit too dry. My favorite part of this dish is the lamb because I think it tastes just right in terms of tenderness and flavor. I think the fried rice is very flavorful, but the XO sauce is a bit bland, which is a shame. That white stuff in the Tofu with Crab Roe isn't tofu but dried scallops. I think it's rich. You can try it. But the flavor is rather light. This is the Garlic-Flavored Abalone with Conch Soup. Normally, there's the Garlic-Flavored Squid with Conch Soup. But this is called the Garlic-Flavored Abalone with Conch Soup. It sounds great. I think their abalone is pretty good. I'm not a fan of abalone because it's too chewy, but their abalone is soft and tender. It's something I can accept. I don't think the flavors of the dry ingredients are very strong. Long Spring Roll. There was only one left when I was getting it. There's shrimp. It tastes like the skipjack tuna. I think it's delicious. Don't they usually have a thick strip of spring roll? The crunch when you bite it can sometimes scratch your mouth. But when it's this thin, you'll feel the crunch is complete. This is the Chicken Soup with Bamboo Shoots. I think you can take it or leave it. Braised Beef and Assorted Beef Soup, with various parts of beef. This is delicious. It's not overly salty. Maybe it has a lot of beef parts in it, so it has a very strong beef flavor. But it doesn't have a strong braising flavor. The finish is full of flavor. After having all this, I recommend you to take the Peking Duck. I think the Long Spring Roll is good too. The Lamb, Beef Soup, Barrel Broiled Chicken. These are my favorites. I think you can try them. And the Shrimp Dumpling. I think it's tasty too. Alright, let's move on to the next zone. Alright, I've arrived at Xian. It's a fresh zone. I'm so excited in here. I saw many people take this, the Red King Crab Leg. This should be our focus for today. They have this bread in the seafood zone. I took a lot. We were just talking about trying the bread. Of course I will try it because I love bread. This shrimp is sweet. You can try it. And this, the mud crab. So far, I think the crabs here aren't as sweet and strong as the a la carte, but they have just the right amount of freshness. So, you will get the full flavor of the three-spot swimming crabs or mud crabs. I think it's okay. The mud crab, in particular, is quite meaty. For a buffet, I think it's actually pretty good. It's so tiring to eat crabs. Alright, let's move on to the Red King Crab. This is okay. My hand is shaking like crazy. Oh, I did it. It's not too salty. It's just fresh. The meat doesn't feel crumbly and dry when you bite it. This is a plus for me. No wonder so many people took it. I think it's not bad. That's how it feels to pair this with Thai green sauce. What does it mean? It's just a blend. They're a good match. Go to my Thailand vlog, and there was one selling squid with squid eggs. It had this sauce on it. It's almost 80% the same as this sauce. The remaining 20 is the spiciness. Right, it goes with white wine. Cheers. Alright, we're moving on to the pickles in the Xian zone. This is the liver sauce. This is "cola nut" liver sauce. Pistachio Liver Sauce. I think the liver sauce is acceptable to the general public. I think the bread is good. It smells good. For this, remember, it has a film that has to be removed. Don't eat the whole thing. The bread smells nice. The texture is a bit fluffy, soft, and chewy. This is tea-flavored. It's also French bread, but it's tea-flavored. This is not bad. It also has yuzu or kumquat in it. When you bite it, it gives you tea and brewed yuzu flavors. We're done in the Xian zone. I have been eating bread, but I am still very happy. You can try the shrimp and the Red King Crab Leg. Listen, you must pair it with Thai green sauce because it's like the sauce I had at the night market in Thailand. I love that sauce. That sauce would go great with Chinese food, fried rice, or something like that. I think their cold dishes, like the shrimp and the rolls I just ate, they're cold, but I think they're all good too. They're fresh and very refreshing. Next, it's bread. Personally, I'm afraid that European-style bread would be so chewy that I couldn't bite it off. But it's so soft and tender, and the texture is not bad, and it has many ingredients in it, and it's topped with butter. I like it so much. Alright, let's go to the next zone, the zone of Zhi. In this zone, there are the lamb chop, beef chop, pork chop, shrimp and scallop, and river snails. Actually, I was a bit hesitant to take the fries. But Injen reminded me. Injen asked me if I was going to take the fries. They said fries were important. Fine, so I got them. This is the Sweet Potato Fries. It's quite good. The fries I got have turned cold, but they still have a bit of a crunch on the edges. It's fries. It's a potato. Not bad. Honey Black Tea. The cocktails and wines are not bad, but for the tea, I think it's just normal. I think the scent is a bit lighter. The pairing in Zhi is red wine. There is some meat and other things, so the red wine is served. I'll start with the river snails. It has a soft texture, and it's not hard. And it's actually very tender. The flavor of the snail's offal combined with the French sauce. Since it's still hot, let me try the shrimp and scallop. I think the scallop is not bad. The scallop is not that kind of big and tender scallop, but it's torched to the point where it has a little bit of texture on the inside. But the texture is a little tender with a little aroma. It's the shrimp. I think you can get more of this. The shrimp is not bad. It's not dry. This should be a pork chop. When you're cutting the pork chop, you'll feel like it's hard to cut. But it tastes a little bit chewy with a little bit of crunch. It's not as crispy as pork neck, but the meat is stretchy. Let me dip it in the sauce. I think the lamb chop is normal. I seem to like the pork chop a bit more after trying them. And then, for the beef, I wonder if they beat it. It's actually quite tender, but I think the meaty flavor is not enough for me. Salmon roe. You must get this sauce. The salmon roe tastes normal, but with this sauce, the whole thing is amazing. Mushroom Soup. The Mushroom Soup is not bad. It smells good. In Zhi, my favorites are the scallop, shrimp, and pork chop. The grilled food is just normal, I think. And I'm not impressed with the side dishes. The soup is quite good. Okay. Now, it's time to go to the soup zone. The oysters are quite raw. I like raw oysters, but I like them a bit more cooked or with wasabi. But with XO sauce, the raw flavor is a bit overpowered. I think it's not bad. Look how fat it is. Look at its belly. It's like that kind that you just eat it right after it's opened. So when I bit it, I could feel the juices bursting out of its belly, with a little sweetness of wine. This is so nice. It's delicious. The aroma of sesame oil is still enough, but because it has seafood in it, you can feel the richness of the sesame oil, but you don't feel that it's heavy. I like both of these in the soup zone. Next, we're moving on to the dessert zone. We're now in the Bin zone. There are many desserts here. I took one of each, even the gelato. In that zone, there are Haagen-Dazs ice cream and fruits too. But I thought these two were probably more common for us, so I didn't get them. Let's start with this. This is so big. A Swiss milk flavor. If you're a fan of goat's milk tablets, you can get it because its flavor is so rich. Coconut milk. This is the flavor of Sasaya. After eating the six flavors, I would rank Swiss Milk first, then Coconut Milk. I actually think Roselle is quite tasty. I'm afraid of very sour Roselle, but its sourness has a slight milky undertone. So I think it's okay. Alright, let's try these now. Coconut Cheese Cup. It's kind of like strawberry jam on top, sour, with cheese on the bottom. It tastes a bit sweet, sour, and milky. Not bad. This is the Pound Cake. It has a sweet and sugary aroma at the edge. It's actually quite moist in the middle. Alright, New York Cheese. I think this is quite okay. It's a cheesecake with a little bit of sourness. It's just the right amount of richness in your mouth but not too heavy. And then there's a little bit of sourness on the top. I think the combination is pretty good. Yuzu Matcha Basque. Overall, the flavor is not bad, as it has a lot of layers. The matcha flavor doesn't stand out very much. Oh no, they're closing. Berry Chocolate Cup. I think the chocolate cup is quite tasty. It's the bitter-sweet kind. Tropical Chocolate Mousse. I think this is tasty. The biscuit underneath is a bit soggy and soft. Chocolate Tart. This is delicious. It's got a scent afterward. Chestnut Cheese Tart. Reminds me of roasted chestnuts. It's a purple love. Reminds me of Hisoka. It's got blackcurrants. So, if you love sour food, you can try this one. Almond and Pumpkin Seeds Tart. This is too hard. This is the Wild Berry Gummy. I think it smells good, but it's quite sweet. Let's go out and do the ending because they're closing. I've finished my meal at Island of Hi-Lai Harbour Restaurant. I can only say that with its price, NT$1,960 for a one-pax dinner, I think that the overall standard is quite high. The Red King Crab Leg and other dishes are not bad at all, and they don't have a fishy smell. The clams are fresh enough too. I like them so much. I'd strongly recommend you try the Caramelized Pineapple. Every time I walked past it, I would take it. The skipjack tuna, Temaki Sushi with Tuna and Spring Onion, Miso Soup, Fried Shrimp, and Fried Vegetables. You must try the Fried Vegetables. For soups, the Sesame Oil Soup with Clams and Wine-Braised Clams are quite good. For desserts, Swiss Milk is a must to try because it really tastes like goat's milk tablets. I think the overall taste is not bad. I personally would like to come back for a second time. The only thing that is a little flawed is its route because it's really far to go to the toilet. It's not in a circle, so every time you have to go to get some food, you have to go around a little bit farther. Other than that, I think it's pretty good overall. I hope today's video is helpful to you. That's all for today's video. If you have any recommendations for buffet restaurants that I haven't introduced yet, or if you want to know what you can eat if you have a small stomach, leave me a comment below. I'll introduce them to you. That's it for today. Bye. I feel like I'm sitting here smiling like Mona Lisa. Can you film the bottom to show how I'm sitting right now? It's quite elegant.
Channel: 千千進食中
Views: 585,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: noJbLDmT7Tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 36sec (1596 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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