Unbelievable 'Duel' Discoveries: Daisy Duke's Parts Uncovered

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that's the spookiest thing I've ever seen I don't know if I'm Dreaming right now in episode 1 paraph Fric cracked a 52-year-old mystery locating the exact crash site of the infamous dual truck they braved a totally unprepared Journey Through the Untamed American Outback all in hopes of unearthing a relic of the Cinematic past and we left them on a literal Cliffhanger at the bottom of that Cliff now brace yourselves as we dive back into the Enigma is that the long lost dual truck we've found and could the killer driver still lurk within ready to claim to final victims retro recipes a pixelated flight into the nostalgic world of a man whose Tech no longer exists partic a grownup young loner on a crusade to Champion the cause of innocent childhood Nostalgia the Curious the powerless in a world of distracting peripherals that operate above old school La [Music] noers don't get jealous of that truck okay buddy well I'm not at the bottom of a [Music] cliff and from that studio back to the location for Universal Studios duel and actually wouldn't that intro about the ghost of the truck driver taking his revenge on a few movie Buffs who came to find the wreckage make an amazing found footage horror movie blumhouse if you are watching drop us a line but first let's discover if that is even the Dual truck and whether our hapless Duo survived or if this video is that found footage what is that down there then is that the hood let's go I've got splinters and yeah I don't I don't know what I'm doing anymore is that dangerous to get down there might be dangerous get back up we have to get back out that way if we can wait wait wait wait just hold on that's been there How likely is it that has been there 50 years Spielberg's first movie and nobody's gone and retrieved it and we're the first I think we know why no one's going it it's okay we got hours of daylight left and maybe what 10 15 minutes to get to there at the most maybe five it's going to be a bit of a slide I really feel like I'm dreaming hold on oh boy but that's clearly an oil drum so people have done stuff massive oil drum wait what's the thing below it then wasn't that on the side of the truck it yeah I just trying and do it we got to try and do it that's got to be something that's his truck can't be the truck no that could be the cab this is the cliff and there is a truck here yeah what are the odds um what's the best way it's it's going to be low and slidy well you're good at sliding on your butt so show me how you do it Ste tumbles down the cliff and smacks into spiel's truck oh he's going he's going he's Ken there metal and a wheel what metal and a wheel I touched it wasn't first to touch it find his Keepers this ridiculous this is a car wheel D we're never going to get back up here we call you Dean we need to match this wheel oh sh to the Plymouth wheel Plymouth pallant wheel this could be a wheel this is unreal careful hold on I got bend it got to touch it touch it second it's course for a beer [Music] we dude we did it we got here and there's stuff here dude that can't be the Wheel from the car it can the hero car of course it can if it had broken off it might have a little axle with it but all the nuts are gone unless it's a spare wheel could me the trunk was open but they open the trunk and set fire to it that's the freaking from the movie dual dude look at the size of the arch that is truck not car that is huge yep it's solidified as well it's a fossilized tire that looks like a car part to me it's could that be the AC that yes that's the goes out the spot into the cabin what's this look like a resistor no that's a power transformer battery terminal all this talk of Transformers makes one think of another type of truck but the talk of resistors makes me think of PCB way where you can get great pcbs for your killer truck from just five bucks they even have dedicated automotive and other sections but what does PCB stand for we'll find out in a few minutes oh this is heavy this is heavier than heavy Mar that looks like the rack there was they have a mountain where's the cabin we've got to be leveled with a cabin but on the wrong side there's another or drum and a tire here's the cabin over here TI let's finish this road dude the shoe oh oh I mean if you will spend $8 on shoes what's it say on the tire it's very old look Firestone very old Firestone brand [Music] fire um metal box way let's go to the cabin come on here wheel huh wheel glass seat spring spring look it's all seat spring stuff I'm going to the cabin I'm going down here the excitement is powerful ow okay oh that's really a cabin so join us next month for episode 3 I'm just kidding just be careful okay oh my [Music] go this is spooky what if there's a driver in there [Music] my [Music] [Music] God that's the spookiest thing I've ever seen this is it this is it this is a split screen that's the split screen you think this is really it K is the split screen high five we earned that it's not an oil Dr it's too big it's like a water button or something but what about this this Rusty thing below them up you see it yeah what's that well this big thing here yeah we have a lot of bees they might be flies oh that's a bee do you recognize this inside be careful of those bees don't agitate them that's the hive so I'm going away yeah there's a a lot of bees there hope we not going up that way it's crazy who wow I had to take this video can I do you wind screen say hello Dean hello Dean idiot dud you're sitting in the truck but this man here we don't know of course it is and so with optimism running High and still a whole other Cliff base that I wanted to search but concerns growing about bees and snakes and losing the light not to mention the skin we decided not to venture any further and after a 3-hour hike we are back civilization can't believe we did it seriously I can't believe we did it I can't believe we're still alive and we found not a bolt or a little paper clip besides the dkey but what could be a whole flipping truck and it could be a Plymouth Valiant wheel we started in the booth from the diner from duel we ended up sitting in a truck tab with a split screen at the bottom of that cliff and nowhere else I mean if that's just a coincidence that is the coincidence to end all coincidences I think so what a day what a day but we can't leave it there so the next step is to research and confirm our findings and for that I've excitedly emailed the land managers who had worked on the actual 1971 duel shoot and they just replied confirming this there is no wreckage from duel there the truck was not thrown off the tall Cliff it was sent over a much shorter Cliff it didn't have to be winched up as the access to the bottom his vehicle accessible the record you are seeing is from another feature film that was shot 30 years before duel please stop emailing me there a lot to unpack there for one thing why does he sound like me but let's start with the important things he says the truck isn't there anym anymore and having done literally minutes of research I can confirm that unfortunately I think he is right that is the coincidence to end all you see I found these comments on something called YouTube by someone called Bruce and Bruce had this to say the original truck started outli as a Union 76 transport I worked for the owner of the tanker Jan Dan Jackson of B&J Transportation who hauled gasoline for Union I unloaded it at Universal Studios once when Spielberg was hunting for a truck they liked it and bought it it was a wore out old dog by then after the shoot I saw it remains when the junk was hauled back to our yard in Carson California the motor was salvaged transmission the rest was sold for scrap iron nothing of value now I beg to differ about the value but he is entirely convincing and he gets into a lot of conversations with people there in the comments but it does at least reveal that the motor lives on perhaps you're driving a truck with a replacement motor that is actually the one from Dual good luck to you it's also possible that some of us have drunk soda or something out of a can made from the Recycled iron which means the Dual truck lives on in our souls in in The Souls of [Music] us TR of and before you comment yes iron is used to make soda cans but let's forget all that and deal just with our footage and as you can see the top of the cab is quite rounded there but having gone home and studied the footage the actual dual truck's top is not and then there's also this back window in the cab we found which doesn't resemble the back of the Dual cab either now the plot thickens cuz we did also find the back of this cab but unfortunately I also don't think that's it there are several details that just aren't quite right the beveling around that cutout at the back for example but Deanie frax research has shown that we could have actually been sitting in an Aro Speedwagon cab if you know one that went off a familiar looking cliff in the 1940s let us know because whether it's from Dual or not this truck is still part of movie history next up they claimed there was a road for easy wreckage recovery but guys I've proven this is the Cliff of Destiny not the one they told us about in episode one and trust me no truck is rolling out of AR cliff without a little pickme up from above but our friends said it was not winched up so just for completeness and so we can iron out all of the history of this thing as a final sprinkle of evidence Feast your eyes on this behind the scenes gem see that Crane and hook chilling on the right case closed my friends the truck was winched back up the cliff that I identified only to be sold as Hollywood's most dramatic scrap metal and I then realized you can actually see it in the back of one of the shots there's the base of it there and if I composite both photos together you kind of get an idea of what it looked like and my guess is that it was winched up by this 1971 p& 430 at-8 X4 crane truck you can even see that the winchy thing is almost identical to the wiy thing on the crany thing hopefully now with all that evidence finally put out there you'll all stop emailing that poor guy let him off the hook and give him some peace in fact I'll just drop him an email to let no maybe maybe I shouldn't now don't feel disheartened because we have got two potentially amazing bits of news before that you might remember Deanie frck saying this if that's the cab of the truck I'll eat it and because I know you guys and we'll get complaints if he doesn't eat it here's him eating it I know what I've got to [Music] do and as we all know PCB stands for pretty crappy breakfast at least it's high in iron okay well now for the potentially good news first remember this piece of very Hardy Chrome that we found Downstream of the cliff in episode one or in dual Dennis Weaver's car C of course drives a 1971 Plymouth Valiant and a couple of you identified the Chrome pod as the turn signal assembly for a 1970s Plymouth but not a Plymouth Valiant a Plymouth Road Runner hm well here's where things get potentially really fun there's only one record of a road runner ever going off a TV cliff and it was Daisy Duke's Road Runner yes that Daisy Duke from The Dukes of Hazard I used to watch that show all the time as a kid not sure why really now we know they feel in LA and it does look a lot like the Dual Cliff a go-to location for this kind of thing now I could only find one reference for the purported filming location and it's actually a few miles away but when you go to that exact location although the cliff nearby looks correct from overhead and so I could see why someone might think it was the one when you examine the topography it's actually quite slanted and not that straight drop as we see in the show and the same goes for all the possible Cliffs nearby so I don't see how it was filmed there but but all I can say for sure is we're told there is part of a Road Runner at our Cliff we held it so there's a chance it could be part of Daisy Duke's actual hero car but back in our hero car cesla we thought we'd research that wheel that we found to see if it might have come from the Plymouth Valiant in dual I found the Plymouth Valiant 1969 okay let me get my picture of it up okay don't get too excited but this is a 69 Valiant okay okay I'm opening it now count the count the holes in the middle 1 2 3 4 five count the holes around the outside 1 2 3 dude seven eight that's Dennis we's wheel you touched the Wheel from Dual it's we's wheel it it's really true I really don't believe it I can't that can't be Weaver's wheel we've got a rusty version of a 69 Valiant wheel this was Wheel worth it it really was now according to my research that Mopar rally wheel was indeed available on a b and e body krysler Dodges and plymouths they were all manufactured by krysler including the 1971 Plymouth Valiant but it doesn't seem to match the wheels we see on the car although some of them are hidden by hubcaps but don't think you hide this kind of wheel under a hubcap though in some of these frames that kind of does look like it you can clearly see the five bolt pattern maybe the wheel was sprayed Black by production but our wheel has no bolts now I they frosted away or it was not actually attached and therefore was screen matching to the wrong thing anyway so could it have been a production spare wheel kept in that open boot of the Valiant when the car finally hit the ground it was thrown clear and rolled away to where we found it safe from the winch that hauled the rest of the car back up wheels and all indeed in this recent scale model reconstruction of the Dual crash conducted by movies Miniatures effects you can see parts that have flung way further than expected hitting the crew so I bet things like this were left [Music] behind but even if you don't think it's Weaver's wheel I think I know who it could [Music] be Daisy duk's Road Runner it's the tantalizing thought isn't it so now we've come full circle literally was a wheel and I hope that despite any disappointment you may share with us about the truck that you're able to at least agree that it's kind of incredible that we started this adventure with such slim hopes we're hoping to find a little B imagine small yet it's possible that instead we found actual parts from either the hero car in duel or Dukes of Hazard sort of dual of the hazards but even with those potential winds there is one lingering thought that I just can't shake I feel like up there amongst the buzz of bees and the rattle of snakes there's something still waiting to be discovered these two pieces that go flying off to the side for example and you're really telling me that they went to the trouble of retrieving then separately winching those back up so as to leave the land spotless when all that other vehicle junk had been left there since the 1940s with no problem come on I can guarantee there's still something from the Dual truck right there but now thanks to our imagery we know where to look I've even been able to screen match the location from multiple angles now to pinpoint exactly where the truck landed however in those final Communications with the folks managing the land they've pretty much said to me please don't come [Music] back they also sent a message to the actual Cliff owners par group but so far just CB radio silence so if you watching this and you have the keys to the land or you're in Indiana Jones of the carology world ready to unearth some dual history or you're even Spen steelberg swing by perifractic docomo reach out there and let's turn the final page on this Cliffhanger for once and for all but you know even if we find nothing it's important to remember that in life it's always about the journey not the destination well unless you're the truck driver then it was about the destination and what a journey it was thank you so much much for joining us on it and as for a possible part three subscribe and support below you never know and Cheerio wonder what that'll do to the wax job one man can make a difference Perry or one woman or dog the practics lone curators in a vintage world the world of retro [Music] recipes I think we've reached the end of the road
Channel: Retro Recipes
Views: 409,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: duel, dual, stephen spielberg, steven spielberg, duel truck, peterbilt, dennis weaver, movie locations, film locations, filming locations, treasure hunt, 1971, 70s, 70's, adventure, hike, hiking, cliff, cliffs, climbing, archaology, duel 4k, duel blu-ray, duel dvd
Id: TePUa8NmRds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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