Double Nickels (1977) Action, Comedy, Crime

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] so [Music] it's true [Music] morning babes how about some breakfast huh are you kidding if you stood me up last night where were you i was working on my bike you're gonna get killed on that bike one of these days why can't you buy a car like normal people hey look tammy if i had money like normal people i'd have a car mm-hmm there you go would you like some more coffee [Music] but [Music] and i sure would like to kiss you [Music] is here's your breakfast real nice babes you really uh took a lot of time with that didn't you you did a good job on the uniform though jeez thanks why don't you go out and force your damn speed limit tell you what babe let me make it up to you i'll see you at poop deck tonight about 7 30 buying beer all right maybe now whatever i got everything i signed you and we're all set to go good good no i wouldn't go in there no i'll tell you what i'll race up that donut shop [Music] [Music] oh [Music] yeah i want to see something take a look you can't even see it can you i don't see anything at all it looks just like it always does dirty pop-up pistons pistons and a full race cam and that's going to be fast huh well you saw what i did this morning it's fast and i wasn't i didn't even have my foot in it i was doing pretty good too why didn't you car's all right but it can't touch this i wasn't even trying yeah you're just asking me yeah it takes more than one night you can't do this for one night i wish i checked the donut shop yeah you ought to show her what you've done in fact you ought to take her out instead of fooling around with this thing all the time i don't know if this would impress me oh well i know what we're doing we're doing about a 95 there come on you hear that cool something and food free so where the hell are they at all right we've got them up there looks like it oh i bet they don't know we're here yeah you bet they don't know we're here let's go talk to them [Music] looking good but let's go up under the [Music] bridge first thanks alive you one cool breeze though we copied hey uh we've been looking out for the bears but uh i don't think they're smart enough to catch the one cold breeze because i am cooler than your average bear oh oh chemical breathe you know step on out there silver fox yeah i hit the cement smokey and i got something to show you over here listen to this a highway patrol call smoke sounds like we're in trouble we've been listening to you all day yeah what do you think of that man you guys got to watch yourselves out here you got to watch yourselves on this road this is our territory we kind of you know we got to keep a lookout for it all right we will drive careful we're going to let you go oh yeah take her easy all right okay thanks a lot smokey take it easy that cool breeze yeah take it easy nice and slow [Music] roger [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] wow [Music] yeah yeah they got a dune buggy here might be a live one what's your 10 20. hey that's good you're heading right for me keep your ears on i might need some help [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] hey yeah you still there [Music] [Music] you won't believe this but that's buggy sitting up on top the doom i'm going to run my car into the sand and then when he comes down you can pick him up okay i'll buy you here if it works [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] here he comes partner right into your [Music] lap [Music] [Applause] [Music] when that dune buggy came around the corner he thought he added you were you were stuck but he didn't know i was there and he he come around the corner and he started sliding head and right for me and my gun out and that he was going to hit me but you know i didn't know what to do i just stood there and wham oh man he comes in he stopped just about that far from the shotgun he was surprised buddy if you enter anybody to pull you out you just give me a call you know all right i'm there i can yeah you got some pretty smooth moves there yourself tammy i was just trying to help the girl out right hand yeah he's been trying to help the little lady out all night it doesn't look like she needs any help she may be good but she could be a lot better with the proper handling will you go on have yourself a good time i'll take care of things okay we'll see you tomorrow take it easy yeah i'll take care of her all right i'll see if i can just move these balls around just right yep and i'll show you all you have to do is when the ball gets down here just go boom swell huh [Music] [Music] [Music] no more hey adam hi you guys nice to see you how's your donuts just fine yeah what's happening hey nice and quiet out here huh partner oh yeah having a good time they making no money though we're gonna have a good time too yeah i'm gonna take a blue singer make some bread some big money you know what i mean what do you think hey here we go going here hey i'm gonna get it i got it oh you go with me looks like you got yourself a new partner you can take care of it i'm gonna practice i got a lot to do look at me baby i'm playing are you [Music] i clocked you in excess of 80 miles an hour back here well i didn't realize these other things get out that fast but they really move out yeah i guess they do uh kind of get away from you sometimes can i see your registration please uh well let me explain something to you i don't really own this car i'm in the repossession dude i got all the papers here i was repo three pointed for a bank i knocked not get a paper is that right yeah yeah you uh do you repossess like fast stuff too like corvettes porsches stuff like that all that good stuff expensive really expensive yeah yeah tell you what mr dennis i'm not gonna write you up this time oh that's my partner he uh he drops me off and i picks up the car and he follows me on you know oh yeah so he's all right it's okay ed let him go hey you you want to do some work part-time a lot of work i got so much i don't know what i'm going to do is that right yeah i mean if you're interested here's my card you know give me a buzz sometimes i'd always use some mexican i'll tell you what i just uh i just might be able to do something good you know yeah well raise me on my mobile phone you can always catch me one more phone i'll be talking to you sure what's the matter turkey somebody blow your doors off 57 chevy give me a run man real bad well you know the problem we were having before we ought to tighten down on the valves probably lean up the carburetor and go to a little hotter plug you know i couldn't have said it better myself what do you want for that pickup truck over there i don't know that's a good old truck i'll tell you boy that's uh really super super i can see the truck how much you want for that truck i figure you're gonna beat me make me an offer two bills you got it oh hi hi tammy just thought we'd stop by and show you my new truck yeah new truck you're kidding me we've got today no take a look at this over there across the street see you gotta be kidding i spent 200 bucks for that yeah i can tell where'd you get these roses a friend and can you excuse me i'm getting ready to go out hey can we use your phone yeah but don't take too long i'm expecting a call oh don't worry i think we ought to call this daniel's guy uh you know man i mean the guy you were talking to me about yeah the repo guy i think we could uh make some money well you know what happened to foley though you know he lost his job because um moonlight yeah but foley got caught fully got caught and if we do this right we'll never get caught there won't be any records they won't know what the hell we're doing think about it yeah this is kind of shifty stuff you know this could get funny it sounds it sounds like stealing cars or it isn't like stealing it's repo and it's perfectly illegal you know he didn't look good i mean you know the cops would be after us all the time or something like that who knows but like i say if they'll they're never gonna catch us well let's only take fast cars then i mean because they can't catch us if we take a fast car that's right we only take fast cars give them a buzz see what we can get maybe it won't hurt to talk to the guy anyway but that's it just see what give it a try if it works it's good yeah yeah hang on just a second please hello who's here hey this is smokey the highway patrolman oh how you doing smoke yeah say i've been talking to my partner and uh we'd like to go to work for you hey that's a good idea i could use your help hey we're ready to go anytime well we should meet some place and talk about it where are you now hey we're up in hollywood okay i got a good spot and i'll meet you there how about how about melrose down there by the pony rides oh yeah i know where that's at how long it's going to be before you're there oh we can make it there about 10 minutes i'm pretty close there now i'll meet you there all right we'll see ya let's go make some money all right say hi to your friend for us now we yeah i will machine into trucks maybe how you doing george hello smoke how are you pretty good that's my partner ed hello ed how are you doing george this is my driver mick he's a little slow he don't talk much but i don't man why don't you guys pile in right right with me on this person okay okay let's go you know your beat up truck just might work in this thing you could throw a couple of lawn mowers in the garden holding the back of that son of a gun and nobody would never notice he's cruising through the bare layer he's looking just like a gardener okay here let me give you guys real quick what we got to do picking up a great 76 cash appeal all right i do this all the time so it's easy with me i just want you guys to watch the operation this guy's never home he comes up here once a month to pick up his money you know from his family lawyer so just watch me operate but we always get the keys to these cars general motors or whoever it is when they sell a car this expensive they keep a set of keys because they look for these kind of things let's kind of watch me you know you understand mickey he already knows all right you guys just sit around just taking a sec yeah watch this watch this guy this guy's as smooth as a baby's ass foreign hey isn't that your card hey hey hey come on let's go let's jump in my car come on uh oh looks like george has got a little company a little let's get the hell out of here no no no problem no problem watch this here's me excuse me certainly anything you wish [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] hey what'd i tell you guys there ain't nothing to this repo stuff can we pull over nick i don't feel so good five thirty one two five zero queen and did you receive your call or 3x94 did you acknowledge wow [Music] wow [Music] wow 167 tom in pursuit of a 1975-76 norton black in color 167 what is your 10-20 over [Music] wow [Music] [Music] town [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] i am now westbound on canyon road approaching pchat [Music] [Applause] hmm [Music] [Music] repeat germany [Music] pound has been terminated pursuits over 167 pounds i really love those roses thanks glad you like them who's that oh friend i really like the rose it's really nice yeah you just told me that how's the hot fudge sundae well this is super you really got it all together tammy real nice tammy real nice i can't tell you how much i appreciate this you did a really good job on the shirt what am i supposed to do i got to go out there and work i can't go out looking like this there's a girl up in frankie so compress the uniform a hell of a lot better than this i bet she could why don't you take her up on it that's ridiculous [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] ah i see your license please could you take it out of your wallet please you know this picture really doesn't do you justice pokey the name's jordan you know it's it's dangerous to drive that slow on these back roads yeah i noticed there isn't any law against it is there see highway safety is my primary concern so you know i thought i should tell you about it is that all well i think that's all yeah really i'm leaving then stuck tell you what let me put some weight on the back bumper maybe i can uh give you some help here do you think you can do something well let me you know let me try it here okay whoa whoa try to reverse this time all right well i get up here now [Music] are you okay i think i'm all right your leg take him all right you think you broke it no no i know just an old football football entry oh oh god i feel terrible about this whole thing i'm gonna call an ambulance oh no oh no it's really all been my fault are you kidding i'm the one who almost ran you over look if i wouldn't stop you this would have never happened i tell you what how about if i take you out to dinner tonight you know to kind of make it up to you no i couldn't do that look you can trust me i'm a highway patrolman i can't i work late that's all right i'll pick you up when you get off work what time you get off ten o'clock okay great i'll pick you up where do you work at the journal i know where that is i'll pick you up when i get off sounds good okay okay great you take care of that leg now oh yeah i sure will [Music] 6xl28 roger i know that's got to be the houseman it's got to be the car and uh that's our that's our job i don't like doing this but that's it yeah are you sure you can handle this why well i mean we can help aren't you for two hours you've been leading me all around these trees i don't know i don't think you know what you're doing well i know what i'm doing and you know well you know about as much as i do we can i'll talk we're just going i'm supposed to pick that girl up two hours ago you know that well maybe she'll like the car or something you can't take a girl out in this truck are you sure you want to do this yeah no no come on but all right let's do it real quiet i'm get up here i got it what about this thing wait and watch it okay try this got it i got it i got watch that buzzer [Music] hey your flashlight dammit wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute i'll take the car back i'm going to show some styles to this car you know yeah yeah yeah i'll take it back in the morning hello it's smoky the highway patrolman hi it's pokey the girl you forgot to pick up i'm sorry i was gonna be early it's after midnight i've been home for two hours i waited out in front of the office for half an hour like a fool i was coming down sunset i was coming i was gonna be a half hour early i stopped to pick up this stuff then i was driving along and my foot locked up you know my knee hurt your foot locked up it locked up it locked up down on the clutch and i couldn't shift i couldn't do anything i had to jump over to the curb and i almost i almost hit a cadillac and then i was gonna get out and call you know and there wasn't a phone for two or three blocks away and i walked to the phone and then i finally called the paramedics and i called the paramedics and they still couldn't walk and they took me down to ucla and gave me a shot and i knew they gave me a couple shots of cortisone and then put some heat on it it moves a little better now it used to happen in high school football all the time and you know you can't move i couldn't do a thing and i was gonna call you but i didn't have your number well that's okay but i was lucky see i had you i had your address see because i saw it on your license today so i thought i'd you know stop by anyway and i brought this stuff i got uh i got the wine here what kind of stuff i got some i got some candy i couldn't get some good i got some peanut butter cups and i got some i got some flowers oh that's awfully sweet yeah come on in here oh my favorite chocolate i got these flowers and i'll show you keys are in it hey where you going i know a shirt gun yeah i'll bet you i'll race you down the bottom yeah okay 1975 piano god there goes [Music] suspect acknowledging requests for assistance [Applause] [Music] [Music] going to officer assist code three [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Music] where the hell you been anyway i went down these there was a cop in there and then there was another cop all right let's go tell me later thank you all right hey you drove last time no i didn't you do it wasn't it the last time you drove we lost it's okay but this got the keys to be easy you didn't finish your bush you better go back and finish the business come on that's right i'm trying you don't even know how to drive this i got my leg caught here let me help you all right yeah follow me can you do that here all right um my fire's gone they took my car they were doing such a beautiful job on the lawn deer [Music] looks like this will be okay i don't know how to handle this thing the yellow wire oh yellow cross it across to the blue i don't see a blue one or a yellow one oh yeah there's a cut down okay go ahead go ahead jesus the flashers he's what the cop out there oh something's wrong that's a fuse box there it is huh this way what yeah yeah oh jesus we're in trouble [Music] [Music] here we go [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so another one [Music] oh come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] no we can't get out of here [Music] [Music] i'll oh you on this [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] come on let's go [Music] cars are picking up for you george yeah well we were checking ed found the mercedes the healy and that seville yeah they were on the hot seat all they all say the same thing what i don't know they've been on the hatchet for a week george and we checked and these those cars aren't even financed who wasn't all i know the guy's name is lewis hey come to think of it i picked up those first two and then he called me to pick up the seville and he left the money underneath the door my apartment five hundred dollars well let's go over and see the guy where is he i don't know where he lived all i know his name is lewis we've been stealing cars oh god we can we can lose our jobs over this guy this is bad well let me let me look into it it's not that bad hey it's not that bad in the meantime i got something else i want you to do i got a boat i want to pick up down to the marina boat yeah boat i'm not about boats i'm really clean the banks are banks of america so there's no problem so we're going to do don't worry about it i can sell boat no problem yeah actually i went in my bathtub real nice you take care of it where do you leave that boat ed oh no it's a blue and white one that's uh it's supposed to be on a dock or um i just down here somewhere down um well we'll find your uncle he's a hell of a nice guy let us use that boat you know that yeah he ain't bad you said it was your brother uh yeah oh yeah it was his brother well we can find it come on baby we'll find it we'll go down here remember you remember what it looked like it was a blue and white yeah it's a sailboat [Music] so [Music] [Music] why not babe this this is fun okay come right down there in the driver's seat that's good you know i don't like this there's no place to run out here you know i can't swim and uh don't fall off the boat then just pop that up okay let's go it's gonna be okay it's all right let's now get this end of it let's right [Music] why oh [Laughter] [Music] why don't you use the motor the motor you didn't tell me this thing had a motor that motors in here what do you mean motor you just place the red button i thought it was a sailboat like we got a little company coming up here now it looks like your smoking friends is coming back for real for real one time [Music] everybody out are you guys all right all right know when we need some help hey road and pacific fellas highway all vehicles in the vicinity please report immediately you know the public needs this yeah they need us they're important you know watch this up here okay you guys take it easy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah uh yeah just uh just a minute please hang on one second you'll never ever guess who this is it's our pal with a 500 bucks oh this guy want to talk you know i imagine you probably want to talk to him yeah this is joy well i want the money in advance i'll deliver the car to you personally okay i'll bring you the money in person and you'll get it when i get my car licensed 881 hrp i bring it to the old one bridge on six oh yeah yeah i know the place okay i'll talk to you later yeah bye yeah i'm gonna nail it yeah i'm really gonna name him this time [Music] [Music] we'll meet these guys upstairs here okay so you keep an eye down here but i'm gonna keep the keys to the car good idea hey watch your schedule all right [Music] [Music] [Music] hello mr daniels i'd like to introduce myself i'm louis stone i'm glad to meet you mr sloan yeah see you do fast work i see you got my car out here oh yeah that's not who you know is what you know oh i don't see well let me let me pay you let me get your honor here together i know you've been waiting for that oh yeah thank you uh-huh appreciate that there you go by the way we have the keys ready now yeah i got the keys in my pipe but i think we better talk a little bit before i give you these keys oh you think you're gonna have me going around stealing cars for you for five hundred dollars you you gotta be out you might even buy a thousand i wouldn't steal nothing that's mr daniels you're in the repossession business that's what i call you for you're not stealing cars for me you're not stealing the car but i had my people to check with the banks and none of these cars financed by the bank now we both know that there's other people that handle money you're the only thing you're doing now is collecting the bad a few bad debts for me that's that's what it's all about man please have the keys well i'm gonna give you the keys but i know something about this i don't quite like you know play like somebody you don't quite like well if you want to go into it further fine wow like this i tell you what we could go into this a little further but this would be bad for your health and everything so why should we do it you understand where i'm coming from you know what i'm saying i think i understand you i think i understand all right okay i'll be talking to you i'll phone you here okay okay [Music] papa [Music] so [Music] back [Music] don't worry about it i'll help you i'll be right down oh look come here i got the license plate number look i've got the license plate number it's my car they just stole my car i got the license plate never really but they stole my car yours my door oh your car [Music] look at it somehow i don't know why did i write down the license plate don't worry i brought your car back i brought your car back did you take it oh that's my job if you're behind on your payments then i got to take your car back but see but i saw you i saw you and i said i can't think i i couldn't do it so i brought it back well thanks you know it's kind of decent yeah maybe uh you know maybe hide it in something that no one else could get they might send somebody else out for it yeah but okay hey well thanks you know oh i don't know it's the least i could do i mean just try to help yeah so you have a nice day now hey you're getting away we had your license plate number right yeah hey fellas hey i've been waiting on you guys bro we got problems yeah oh yeah i met with this guy lewis just real name is louis sloane we suppose have been collecting his bad debts this guy's got a auto theft angle how do you come up with a guy like this george we're in trouble we got to get some hard evidence on this guy but i did find out one thing good the guy lives here at malibu oh yeah what's good about that we got to get up we got to go up there get some real evidence on this guy else yeah my reputation is gone i'm worried mainly worried about you guys jobs not even that all of us can go to jail oh no i'm worried and let's go up there let's go up there let's let's put it to the guy that's what i want to talk to you guys about because it's tough what do you think what do you think you gotta you gotta i i i i don't know what else i think we should do it now let's just go ahead and take something and get some kind of evidence on the guy yes he got us yeah we go to jail let's put him down yeah let's go let's go get it all right let's hit it we have to do it right now yeah we got to do it now right now are we in trouble oh hi babe hi where are you going i thought we were going out to eat oh yeah we were yeah i'll see you guys um i'd say babe something just came up something in business okay you know i gotta take care of it could you go up wait in a room you know and we'll be [Music] well all right come on hey we'll drive george yeah you drive this okay check that one for keys now check these two where's george ned going we're going to pick up ed's uncle's uh car exactly is that the guy that has a blue boat same guy oh yeah that's what i thought yeah you got a nice car and a boat he lets us use that stuff all the time george seems like a nice guy where'd you meet him i gave george a ticket one day he was just flying down the road i pulled him over and prayed not to be a hell of a nice guy he is surprised he's your friend if you gave him a ticket i didn't give him a ticket you know i don't give tickets to everybody right he didn't give me one that right see same thing let's take this come on up [Music] um [Music] uh what is going on here smokey i think we lost it for good this time yeah yeah i don't know where they went [Music] we got this thing anyway son of a gutter wonder where smoke is how'd it be on tell me what's happening i want to know i don't want to die without knowing maybe let me tell you what these guys these guys we've been stealing cars for these guys we didn't even know it why don't you see if you can find something to open it should be something the truck open with yeah use that hammer oh they should be in a few minutes yeah don't worry all right see i shouldn't like that guy shooting at us yeah i know that was bad what the heck happened to them guys i don't know i don't know how i don't know when we lost them i was too busy trying to get anything we're just all of a sudden you're gone [Music] they'll never catch you they're gonna catch us they're gonna kill us we've been here by now yeah they should have you know i didn't want to bring you that's what i said way back at the place i was afraid something might happen now look what we got we can't lose them hey you gotta die i'm gonna go call him anyway yeah nothing happened to him i don't know they should be here yeah i'll get him in the party yeah yeah babe this is daniel could get my phone in the car rebate what's that sound [Laughter] hello george this is jordan i'm with smokey they're after us they're shooting at us listen hey help us yeah where are you huh who's chasing you again yeah mulholland and what we're going to take mulholland back to malibu you'll be right here we'll be looking for you in trouble let's go [Applause] [Applause] just george heaven god he's got a gun he'll cut him off fight fire with power that's what i said maybe we ought to go and get our why don't you pick up your highway patrol that briefcase and i'll just finish them up come on [Music] let's get get up it [Music] huh [Music] [Music] yeah uh [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] yeah here i'll get these give me my okay talk to you later [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] they're no damn good [Music] this is it hey man check it out i don't know what's happening don't be seeing the green mercedes being chased back dead chased by a corvette well smokey's in the mercedes what's your 10 20 grip you're more hull and drive let me know if you see anything stay on channel 11. yeah we'll keep an eye out for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] it oh [Music] [Applause] they're still coming the shark didn't make it wow pickup [Music] oh [Music] hey i got a great idea this will be separated [Applause] [Music] mike are you there no i just seen him smoke is in a brown chevy he's being chased by a guy in white lincoln we're more hundred drives now we'll beat in a minute [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you got it right here right here uh stay with me [Music] should we go back and help yeah oh he could talk his way out of this i've seen him talk about a laptop response [Music] i'm a street machine jockey until the day i die [Music] oh look at all these [Music] [Music] oh [Music] if i don't slow down i'll kill myself what my baby said so i told her
Channel: Cult Cinema Classics
Views: 71,217
Rating: 4.7525773 out of 5
Keywords: carsploitation, beer, car theft, pinball, cigar smoking, crime, Cult classic, b movies, movie, classic movies, hollywood movie, hollywood film, classics, film, old movies, cinema, cult film, classic film
Id: W23AsIg_kDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 38sec (5318 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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