Ultron Voice Effect Adobe Audition Tutorial! | Film Learnin

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hey guys welcome to film women the show dedicated to learning some filmmaking and learn you good and today we're heading back to the MCU to answer these requests so a bunch of you have been after an Ultron voice affected seems well I guess I'd better get to it now in order to complete this effect you have to do your best James Spader impression which is no mean feat the guy has an amazing voice that even I struggled with replicating but for your amusement here is my attempt I'm sorry I know you mean well you just didn't think it through you want to protect the world but you don't want to change yeah not much more to say but Margaret nevertheless that's what we're working with so I hop into a double edition and get started okay guys here we are an adobe audition I've got my original audio here so let's have a listen I'm sorry I know you mean well you just didn't think it through you want to protect the world but you don't want to change now I'll be the first to admit my James Spader impression isn't great but he has a very unique voice and it's not one I can do very well so the best I can hope for is knowing the cadence of how he speaks and I think I've kind of done that so our first step here is to bring this into a new multitrack session so let's head up hit the multitrack button and then let's call it Ultron voice once that opens we'll take our recording and drop it in at once and twice disgrace anyone who gets that reference just let me know in the comments now our first track here we'll call our clean track so all we're going to do here is just boost the volume up say two to three decibels like so yeah that way we have a clear unfiltered part of our voice work as a base moving on down to our second track this one we're going to treat like an effects under layer so we'll head over to the effects rack head to modulation and flanger or flying up whatever and from the drop-down menu we'll just add the default robot setting now this effect can overwhelm a clean track above so what we're going to do is drop the volume on this track say five putting five decibels but so are those two layers now and have a listen I'm sorry I know you mean well you just didn't think it through you want to protect the world but you don't want to change not bad it's getting me let's unsolo them and move on down to the third track yeah now for this track let's head over to the effects rack once more will then head the time and pitch and select pitch shifter now all we're going to do here is lower the pitch anywhere from minus 1 to minus 4 depending on your voice me personally I'm going to settle on minus 2 I'll then set the precision to high for splicing frequency to 47% and the overlapping to 20% lastly pull out a little bit more bass to really boost this track up so its head back to the effects rack head to filter and EQ and click on s SP filter so although he is click on our line right here and give it a big fat pika on the bass and then bring it right back down this book about track a nice bit of bass as I'm considering this our low register bass track much like you would have in a song and you get this just like with our second track we want to lower the overall volume of this track to make sure our first track is the main thing people hear so slow this track say five point five decibels as well there we go and let's have a listen to that I'm sorry I know you mean well you just didn't make it through you want to protect the world you don't have to change that's sounding pretty good to me but we're not done yet let's start by mixing that band to a single track and then we'll finish it off so head up grab the cursor tool highlight the three tracks we'll then right click head all the way down to export mixed in and select time selection we now have our mix down so let's add one more bass boost to the overall track so we'll head over to the effects rack filter an EQ and FFT filter and it's the exact same step as last time all we need to do is create a large peak over here to boost the bass like so now let's hit apply and have a listen to our final mix I'm sorry I know you mean well it is didn't make it through you want to protect the world you don't have to change pretty good but as we always know there's another cheering on top to add and that's adding some distortion as you know when Ultron first appears to the Avengers is in a broken body so the voice is a little messed up so in order to achieve that effect we'll head over to the effects rack hit special get task weeds and from the drop-down menu we're just going to hit mix and Mojo now let's listen to that I'm sorry I didn't think it through you want to world you don't want to change and there you have it a quick and easy Ultron voice effect with a distortion variant as well at all those steps and your voice gets from this I'm sorry I know you mean well you just didn't think it through you want to protect the world but you don't want to change after this I'm sorry I know you mean well you just didn't make it through you want to take the world you don't have to change all of it I'm sorry I mean well you just didn't make it through you marketing the world you don't want to change so guys that's my take on Ultron's voice effects from Avengers age of Ultron it's not perfect but without that buttery James Spader voice work it's always going to pale in comparison but just for posterity here he's the same effects from the tutorial applied to James Spader's voice funny the longest time I've been perfectly comfortable knowing I had died anyone Megan wise really be shot in the street a postman find that much better right anyway guys that is of course my time as always thank you so much for watching if you enjoy the video please throw us a like and share it if you're new round these parts by all means do the cookie quick dance on that subscribe button I'm going to stop doing that we've also got some other related videos on this side as well as my patreon info below and the social media crap my head but until next time keep learning
Channel: Film Learnin
Views: 192,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lonearcherfilms, film learnin, film learnin vlogs, vfx, vfx tutorials, adobe after effects, after effects tutorials, lonearcherfilms flash, ultron voice effect, ultron voice effect tutorial, ultron voice tutorial, ultron voice, ultron tutorial, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Marvel
Id: lzo9VtK8sWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2017
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