Easy Ghost, Demon, Monster Voices Tutorial - Premiere & Audition

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hey i'm adrien for production create calm and today I'm going to show you three ways to make your voice sound spooky for Halloween [Music] the second is a reverse reverb effect kind of like a ghost and the third my favorite is we're gonna double up your voice almost like this possessed by a demon or something there is no time to waste so let's get started alright so this is primarily an Adobe Audition tutorial but I figured I should start off in premiere because you're probably going to be using this for a video which means you're more than likely going to start and premiere rather than audition it's really easy to get clips from premiere in to audition very convenient as well so I have my video redone already so let's go ahead and find the first part where we need to have a voice effect the first is gonna be a simple pitch shift kind of like you're a monster or something okay so in that point I'm supposed to be a monster so I'm just going to isolate that audio with my razor tool just chop that part out and then I'm going to right click it and click Edit clip and all Doby audition and just wait for that to load and now what that has done is check this out if you look at this little clip that we separated right here might be hard to see cuz it's a very subtle detail but in the corners it now has these little white triangles and those symbolize the beginning in the end of the clip and also you can see if we drag it into a new layer and try and pull it out further we can't whereas on the other ones we can because what this did is it rendered out that clip and sent it in to audition and now the two clips are linked together so here we are in audition and any changes we make here will be updated here in premiere is very handy and very easy so I said on this first one all we're gonna do is hit shift it so I'm just gonna double click on it to turn the entire thing white and then under effects I'm going to come down to time and pitch and come to pitch shift and there's a bunch of presets here we'll just a few of them but a lot of these I think are kind of too extreme for example who play the Dark Lord that pretty much is shifting down as far as I can possibly go and it's shifted down to the point where you can't even understand it anymore so I'm just gonna start from the default the first is gonna be a simple pitch if I don't like you're a monster or something and let's just start bringing it down until it sounds good but we can still understand it so here we are at negative 5 semitones the first is gonna be a simple pitch shift kind of like you're a monster or something you can stand to go a little lower this is gonna be a picture like you're a monster so the sauce is gonna be you could hear from like your wall Jerusalem alright that sounds great to me so I'm going to apply that and then I'm just gonna hit ctrl s to save it now in premiere you see it happened real quick because this was a very short clip but the the waveform kind of disappeared and then reappeared that was the clip reloading and now it's been updated in premiere automatically check this out three ways to make your voice sound spooky for Halloween okay and just to accentuate that a little more let's head over to sounds crate and I'm just gonna do a search for monster and here we have a couple of monster growls and some other things that popped up let's see what these sound like so I actually want to use both of those so I'm just gonna go ahead and download both of them and just bring those right into the project I'll mute my main track so I just have these secondary tracks right so maybe it's tracks bigger so you can see them in the newest version of premiere just hover over this front part of it here and just move your mouse wheel or your scroll wheel up and down and make it bigger or smaller so let's see what these are okay so this first one I kind of like the build up of so I'm just gonna kind of chop it in half and just use the beginning and I want to use it to kind of lead into my monster voice so I'm just gonna drag it over here why don't I trim this monster voice like this and then I'll add a transition between them so in my effects panel I'm just gonna type constant power and what this is is just a fading transition that we can trim up real tight and that should sound like it's a monster growl leading into the speaking voice so cool and in this second one yeah I really just like this end part here and I want to use this to kind of accent hard consonants so it's like you know I got a monstery voice so let's solo the the voice itself this happen to already be exactly where I want it I want to just let me just unsolo that and I might turn it down a little so it's not overpowering cool that's exactly what I wanted let's just listen to that whole monster up section Halloween let's move on to the ghost the second is a reverse reverb effect kind of like a ghost so I'm just gonna chop out that bit of audio I'm gonna right-click it and send it to adobe audition and then in adobe audition this is a little more complicated than the other one so first I need will click it to highlight the entire thing and under effects I'm going to click reverse the Ruby reserve which is fine and on the end of it I want to go ahead and add some silence so I'm just gonna bring my play on to the end hit edit come down to insert and silence and it suggests five seconds so that should be alright and now highlight the entire thing and in effects again I'm going to go to reverb and full reverb and then you can just kind of cycle through these presets until you find one you like as you can see I already know I like great halls there are other ones to choose from of course there's large auditorium maybe that one's pretty good actually it's kind of hard to tell because the idea here is that we want it to still be understandable but we can't understand this voice anyway because it's been reversed so there's a little bit of guesswork involved we actually have one here called ghost - whispers to see what that sounds like all right that sounds pretty cool and scary I think I'm going to in the output level I'm gonna bring up the dry a little bit which is just the the unaffected audio and I'm gonna bring down the reverberation just so there's less of the whole effect on it so it sounds like it's probably about what I want so I'll click apply and then again I want to reverse this so in effects I'll hit reverse let's see what that sounds like the second is okay so it's not exactly what I had in the opening example but I used a different preset so that's why you can use it every one you want they're all probably fine it just depends on what you like so I'll go ahead and save this which I can do with ctrl s again and then in premiere it should update but in this case it's not gonna be synced anymore because we changed the length of the clip and we added the silence to the end but it was reversed at the time so it's really like we had a silence to the beginning so that's why this clip isn't showing up but what I can do if I just click it and I bring it down to its own track and then pull the end of it out to extend it as far as it'll go the end part of it is still in the right spot so if I just drag it backwards to match up with this other clip that's above it that should work so here's our monster and our ghost voice Halloween second is a reverse rebirth that kind of like it goes and the third my son sounds great we do have ghost sounds as well so if you wanted to you could download this and just drop it in the background and it looks like it's almost an appropriate length already I'll just turn the volume of it way down so it's not overpowering Hey and that just adds a little bit to it so this third one is gonna be a little bit more advanced and the third my favorite is we're gonna double up your voice almost like you're possessed by a demon or something okay so I'm going to chop it right here where I start to say double up and I'll right-click that and bring that into audition but what I want to do now is actually insert this one into a multitrack session okay so now this is kind of in a composition of sorts where we can add more tracks to this double up your voice almost like you're possessed by a demon or something so I did pre record something which I'll show you now if I just bring that in and solo it so I kind of just did my best death metal Cookie Monster impression here double up your voice no need to pretend like you're not impressed if I unsolo that and we now have these two clips here which don't line up exactly so this is really easy to fix we just need to highlight both them and right click on them and select automatic speech alignment and this is used for replacing a bad sounding audio in in your video with audio that you've recorded separately it's called 80-yard or automatic dialogue replacement and so what we can do is set our reference clip to be the clip that we brought in from premiere which was our normal voice and then the unaligned clip will happy the other clip which is the demon voice that I recorded separately and this basically is just a one click does it for you but you can select if you want it to be a tight alignment which means it'll stretch the second clip as much as it needs to to make it fit the first one exactly or you can have it be as smooth as possible but then that will make it not as exact but it the clip won't be as distorted and it won't sound bad it'll sound a little bit better or you can balance between the two but in this case this is a demon voice so it doesn't matter to me if it's distorted and it really should be exact or as close as possible so normally you want to click balanced and stretching if using this for ADR balanced alignment and stretching rather but I'm gonna go ahead with tightest alignment and I'm gonna tell it that the reference clip is noisy because I feel like that makes it work a little harder which I want it to because these voices are different but I actually don't know if that's correct so you could experiment with using that or not using it so I'll just hit OK and then I can delete my clip which no longer matches up and now I have these two tracks here where the waveforms are different but they look like the main parts of them are in the same spot and those are gonna be more in sync now double up your voice it's almost like you're possessed by a demon or something okay and on this demon voice if you want to just add a little bit extra to it you can double click it and now we're back in here like we were before and you can add effects to it like if you want to bring down the pitch of it like we did before when you bring that down just a little bit we could also add a little bit of reverb to it like we did before it's too much I believe just found a mild one and then if you go back to the session with both the clips you can hear that update double up your voice almost like you're possessed by the demon or someone okay so that is my possessed demon voice so if I come down to file and export I can tell it to export a multitrack mix down the entire session and now in this window you just save it where you want it give it whatever name you want and that's going to give you an audio file which then in premiere you can import it back in which I already have done and I'll just bring that in and I'll put it where it goes here's my demon voice third my favorite is we're gonna double up your voice almost like this possessed by you can see there was a little bit of a scream in there just to add to the spook factor for that I just searched for scream and as you can see here we have this Banshees scream on the website so I just downloaded that dropped it in and turn down the volume so it wasn't overpowering my voice too much and that is how I did the three spooky Halloween vocal effects if you don't already know we have a whole bunch of sweet Halloween footage on the site which is footage grade comm including some that have just been added within the past couple of days and of course we still have the zombies we keep talking about as well so if you're interested in any of that go ahead and swing by footage great calm and then like I just showed you we do have some pretty good spooky sound effects if you need some Halloween sound effects for whatever project you're working on and of course we have some spooky music as well which you might hear a sample of playing right now beyond that I appreciate your viewing my name has been Adrian Jensen for production create calm and have us Lukey day
Channel: ProductionCrate
Views: 120,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motiondesign, motiongraphics, aftereffects, compositor, visualeffects, adobeaftereffects, motiongraphicsartist, motiondesigne, postproduction, videoediting, videoeditor, filmmaking, filmmaker, production crate, productioncrate, footagecrate, footage, crate, Stock footage, free stock footage, adobe, After effects, adobe after effects, special effects, vfx, visual effects, fx, tutorial, tutorials, hitfilm, hit film, hit, film
Id: LXl34El-iVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2017
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