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okay I usually don't do this to start out my videos but I have an important announcement to make at the end of the video so watch until then please if fighting is sure to result in Victory then you must fight Sun Tzu said that and I'd say he knows a little more about fighting than you do pal because he invented it and then he perfected it so that no living man could best him in the Ring of Honor to the left used his fight money to buy two of every animal on earth and then he herded them onto a boat and then he beat the crap out of every single one and from that day forward anytime a bunch of animals are together in one place it's called a zoo so it's been a bit yeah sorry about that I needed to take a break for my health in general if you want more details check the description back on track I know why you're here and I present to you the soldier TF2 run a vulture kill Y no it won't here are the rules the only weapon I can have equipped is the rocket launcher other sources of damage such as slamming or environmental kills are allowed I'm going to be playing on violent difficulty uh no more rules all right let's begin 0-1 fairly standard start every enemy is made of paper and eye some scissors right here unfortunately at the start we encounter a rock and I failed this challenge there's just no way to get around this Maurice defeats all explosive damage or have I you see you might know that projectiles can be knocked back with a well-timed knuckle blast and the same can be done with any explosion so I have officially become the ultra kill 0-2 it was at this level that I realized that there's no way to heal with the rocket launcher because of this thing called Splash damage terrifying I know I've just got to be more careful 0-3 the most notable parts of this level are the schisms which take more than one rocket to kill making them a priority Target and the swords machine which is just a spicy game of keep away 0-4 Maurice here I started to experiment with the rocket launcher going for flashier kills like this one [Music] [Applause] other than that just a regular level You Know Who You Are 0-4 I mean 0-5 if you want to know the complex and sophisticated technique I used to beat this level I'll show you a small clip of my inputs 1-1 I think I can summarize this level in a single clip foreign yeah I got there but I sucked at it thanks to these guys and they're dodging 1-2 the only challenging part of this level are the street cleaners since they kind of deflect every single rocket away from them so I guess that I've reached my limit there's no way around these guys I've failed I failed the challenge if only I could launch them up into the sky and then hit them from behind oh whoa is me [Music] 1-3 the humongous chungus dies of cringe cringe being the name of his pet scorpion he shot him Point Blank [Music] 1-4 ap2 yeah it worked have you ever heard of air shots foreign this level oh boy it's a hard one you see there's a very hard section in which I need to deal with several uh nothing there's actually nothing to deal with you can skip this level via Rockets I was just lying to extend run time 2-2 this level introduces the soldiers which normally would be a problem but for this level I don't have to deal with them since all you need to do is destroy the panels and get to the exit 2-3 okay the soldiers are a problem now you see the soldiers have a damage resistance against explosions on the ground so can take an upwards of five rockets I'm pretty sure to kill them editing space you'll hear the maximum is three now if you were a grass toucher these guys would be a problem in this context but fortunately I have over 300 hours in this game so I can do it no problem actually I think there's another problem at hand here okay I say I'm a gamer but apparently I spent like uh 10 minutes or so in this specific room the only problem is this infestation of Mind flares it appears we no longer have an infestation 2-4 another example of the extremely difficult maneuver called holding Mouse one until he is dead Only the strongest Among Us are capable of Performing such a monstrous task hey do you get it it's just like a manga 3-1 hey guess what this level is structured similarly to the others crazy right who would have known that some levels feel the same in a challenge like this and that I don't have to explain every single aspect of a challenge you know who you are I spit all over my monitor [Music] 3-2 we start out this level by wait hold on there we go an archangel gets his back blown out by an explosive load I feel like this sums up that level pretty well anyways just walk left he can't hit you what how can this be 4-1 hey you know the challenge for this level well I didn't do it because I suck but remember because if you take that path this level is actually really easy 4-2 oh boy I'll try to summarize this level in one word suffering this levels the definition of counter play every enemy that is difficult to deal with using the rocket launcher is here and the only saving grace is that the sisyphian insurrectionist is lit on fire by the rocket launcher so he takes more damage foreign severe anguish right now 4-3 okay so I attacked back what I said about the previous level this is the hardest level purely because of that last room I'm so mad about it that I'm not going to cover it and it's not because I lack the willpower to write five pages no no no it's just that I'm so mad that I don't want to okay fine the best strategy that I found was to just go around the edge very quickly and aim in the general direction of the enemies and Hope that you don't hit a street cleaner [Music] no way you got your own well I want yours too [Music] 5-1 hey so you know that feeling of bashing your head against a wall work repeatedly this is that level with every room having an enemy that counters me Maurice you know it pyro you guessed it centuries in the ground in more than one way 5-2 skipped over half of it and suffered the consequences do I have any to say what this room is you've heard me say this like a thousand times this one sucks even worse this time there's like several enemies that counter me your soldiers your pyros and your Maurices oh my god fairy man 5-3 in general this level is pretty easy but it has a few highlights from my playthrough of it notably my like seven attempts of this specific room and the fact that I clip through the roof here uh help please door's stuck [Applause] 5-4 okay I get it use explosive against this guy when they vomit to do massive damage I've seen your comments explosions in this game are weird I know foreign this level has the hardest first room in this challenge we're dealing with two rocks two rocks oh and a swords machine but they're not much of a threat other than that this level is actually really straightforward given that I jumped over half of it but we don't need to talk about that machine come and for some reason I had a hard time with the room with the large lumps it's not that it's hard it's just that I sucked for some reason 6-2 an angry masochist faces lethal High explosives from a blue hat rack here's a tip if you dash and then immediately Slide the invincibility frames are preserved use this information however you please not my problem but it certainly is his problem twice okay nothing else to deal with that's it nothing at all okay fine p dash one this level haunts me but not this time because the rocket launcher is actually really consistent in its damage output so we can actually fight the flesh prison this time and beat it too just gotta not suck for two minutes straight on to Minos this one's actually interesting since the rocket launcher requires you to predict where your target will be in a Split Second and with Minos that could be anywhere from Nevada to Wyoming so in order to hit him consistently need a good understanding of his attacks be sure to take note of where you are in the arena since he's going to be teleporting to you very often and take advantage of slamming since it's the only way you've been healed anyways the king is now dead okay how do I close out this video oh actually I'm trying to make an announcement on March 4th there will be a community event for Ultra kill and I'm part of it you boys in the big leagues now the event will be an ultra kill Nuzlocke please don't ask and we'll be featuring herd Messiah samis kb24 Bard and the Ender star My Stream will be taking place at 12 pm Eastern Standard Time and I will be live streaming it here on YouTube anyways that's it get out of my house
Channel: SpaceSeal
Views: 31,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ULTRAKILL, Challenge Run, Can i beat, team fortress 2, Gabriel ULTRAKILL, V1, V2, DMC3, Vergil, Dante
Id: iR-tmghy14A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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