ULTRAKILL Is An Adrenaline Rush

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[Music] foreign so in my previous video I kind of announced something do you remember what it was that's correct then what's the YouTube's figurine so you're probably wondering why I'm here but I'm here to tell you that you can now buy it I know you want it please oh God I didn't prepare for the I mean I need to look at the script I also work with them to make this design which is awesome you can now get it live on youtube.com and it's limited edition so once it's gone it's gone and you will never be able to live with your decisions ever again get your own Bureau yes her name is Vero well uh this is awkward I'm gonna go into hell now hello everyone welcome to uh to this all my friends have been getting into it so I decided you know what I'm gonna give it a try I'm gonna be not very good at this game oh did I crash the game already oh my God it crashed well guys that was Ultra kill nope there we go yeah the options are crunchy and extra crunchy location approaching hell find a weapon mankind is dead blood is fuel hell is full oh whoa oh no this is gonna be a fast game ain't it sorry I'm my my brain is like over stimulated right now because this game is already moving so [ __ ] fast for me foreign oh my God [Music] oh God I'm so bad at shooting though of my sensitivities off the roof oh God oh my God the sensitivity is so high what the [ __ ] I can't aim holy [ __ ] [Music] Jesus Christ there's so much happening holy [ __ ] my afraid is trying to keep up oh [ __ ] out if I punch a projectile this game is a lot already my my little brain can't keep up also my God is this game loud holy [ __ ] [Music] it's so hot wow [Music] oh okay all right I should I I'm trying to think foreign what the [ __ ] [Music] hello [Music] thank you sorry I don't I don't know something's wrong with me malicious face that's a demon why the [ __ ] are you calling him Maurice under construction throw a coin oh what oh what oh [Music] whoa foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] nice [Music] [Music] um [Music] hello he he how do I swap between weapons ah oh [ __ ] Jesus Christ [Music] oh [Music] what the [ __ ] Wiggly Arm coming out of nowhere hello [Music] [Music] foreign oh [ __ ] I didn't see you wow wow thinking wow I was I I thinking is hard I should just feel but I am bad so I will fight I will not think anymore whoa I don't know what that Red Sox orbs give 200 health oh Jesus Christ this this game is it's happening it sure is this is like my favorite feature so far I did the lava [Music] wow [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you ah hello full damage as in you need them to throw or [Music] my brain cannot play video game and play Fast game at the same time it's just impossible [Music] what do you mean [Music] [Music] why are there evil things here open the door [Music] whoa oh my God I'm so sorry for not saying much my brain is in absolute hyper overdrive right now oh my God ah my god do you guys know how how easy it is to hack a 3DS sorry hey what do you think you're doing up there I I [ __ ] so hard dude we wait oops I didn't I didn't do this did I oops that is my bad what the [ __ ] did I do there's oh so I'm taking so long on these levels foreign [Music] oh no I died wait where did it go [Music] this is a lot this game is a lot dude oh [ __ ] I don't exactly know how I managed to get here I don't know where I am [Music] yeah hideous is right oh what did I die to experience oh God ah [Music] what the [ __ ] hello I swear I've heard this song before oh right yeah it's CL okay yeah yeah well there it is ah [Music] I see I found that by complete accident let's go homies hello [Music] oh foreign oh my God what the [ __ ] [Music] foreign oh anyways this game is cool that was a [ __ ] hard fight [Music] what is going on with my hand I could [ __ ] reload my hand oh yeah yeah yeah foreign [Music] oh I'm alive my thinking cap is indeed on I spent so much time in this [ __ ] level doing nothing whoa [Music] oh my God [Music] oh this can hide a lot of Secrets actually whoa oh wow he is so big what is he looking at what's he looking for oh oh I've done something bad I'm I I'm too curious for my own good [Music] where the [ __ ] do I take this [Music] oh [ __ ] foreign oh my God my [ __ ] brain is overloaded when someone said this is ADHD the game I've realized it is it really is damn Micah's got why is it kind of packing why is it kind of sexy look it has hips for days and titties they were provocative on accident foreign foreign [Music] oh my God what did the actual okay foreign foreign hello I have to end up killing the big guy that sucks I like the big guy hello thank you [Music] me when I eat my lunch hey it's nice to see you too I'm glad we're uh we're perceiving each other hello whoa that was uh at the a level that just happened yep this game just ate the same without the sex mod yeah your choice is [Music] a little angry [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you insignificant [ __ ] [Laughter] [Music] this [ __ ] piss baby drop Gabriel in a pit oh wow oh yeah it's uh it's a little insane Gabriel judge of Hell one of the most respected and feared archangels Gabriel and his reputation through Power and efficiency unfortunately Gabriel gets pegged why is the game so loud I'm trying to read what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign holy [ __ ] whoa hello foreign [Music] I just punched him to death Jesus Christ don't pick up the torch uh go [ __ ] yourself oh [Music] [ __ ] he's so hard holy [ __ ] I don't even know where he is I I can't keep attack of him foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh sorry oh where am I I will I will just let you guys know that I am stuck in the floor I've never hated a stage more than this one just [ __ ] juggle them in the air bro [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you I will kill you again if you decide to come back I will [ __ ] you up and maybe [ __ ] you and maybe do both at the same time [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you wow stupid turret give me that puts you down hello I'm I'm coming onto the boat and you cannot stop me [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] off offshore I mean overboard yes English is a language that I do can't speak goodly somehow there's so many areas to go hello Gabriel I hope people have drawn him getting absolutely reamed you think people have good I'm just saying I can fix him [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign this is so [ __ ] oh hey [Music] whoa [Music] foreign [Music] whoa [ __ ] I know you're here I can smell the insulin stench of your blood-stained hands I'll wake you down oh my God Gabriel all right time to teach you a lesson again come to me I'll gladly come well not quite yet but you know what I mean that was not a fun level okay machine I will cut you down break you apart slay the core of your profane form across the Stars I will grind you down until the very smart fight for Mercy my hands shall relish ending you here and now [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] let's see worthy of God twice beaten by an object twice I've only known the taste of victory this taste is my blood I I need some time to think we will meet again machine and your days for you you know what's even worse there's official body pillows of Gabriel and V1 let's go in the silence the message rang out to the far ends of the castle Jesus [ __ ] God [Music] fists suicide this is really good no this is super fun and I've discovered a new cake uh what huh who said that what don't you want to sleep I'm not really tired anymore oh because of ultra kill Kinda Yeah I'm here to latch onto the back of your neck like a [ __ ] parasite and you know experience the game again through you what the [ __ ] does that mean yeah how about you suck a fart you spoil the secrets and chat I spoil your kneecaps with a tire iron what the [ __ ] are you there he is it's big Wiggly take a wiggly oh yes and also trying not to get you know your [ __ ] tickled by big [Music] seen those limbs he's not doing anything other than tickling you need to find my way around big Wiggly I am [Music] [ __ ] you big Wiggly and there you go secret mission one done your next secret missions in 1-1 and the only hint I'll give you for this one is that it's in the first room so here yep it's in this room no one say anything or I beat your knees in with a tire iron I'm I am stumped it's like a second here yeah it involves the fountain got it make a wish nice welcome to secret level two your theme this time puzzle game oh no I'm not good at fossils you gotta love how you went from like being chased by a stick monster to calming puzzles this one faster what is this Jarvis not all puzzles are built equal your next goal two three all right time to find wherever the [ __ ] well you found a secret you found that one quick where [Music] everywhere so it's in one of the previous path oh look at you figuring it out like a gamer [Music] and welcome this secret mission this is a doozy of one [Music] we're calling one sheet in your last stream [Music] [Music] what the [ __ ] I love Ultra kill oof out ouch that stings [Music] now your next secret levels on 4-2 all right looks like Crash Bandicoot oh you [ __ ] kidding me let me try left clickings Uncle Crash Bandicoot by the way this is like a lot of the animations V1 does in here are like the actual animations that V1 does in game two okay that was so [ __ ] good my Phantom oh [ __ ] this is so [ __ ] funny once I started doing the secret levels I was like this is like the [ __ ] best game ever [Laughter] [Music] by the way when you get to the end of this level you're gonna [ __ ] love the mission name foreign clash of the brandicoot oh my God and that's all the secret levels yeah hold on my headphones are dying give me a second aha you can't hear me I can say whatever I want you smell like a foot counter argument I can't smell like a foot because you know that I took a shower this is true on the flip side I love spreading misinformation on the internet I see [Music] wow I love Hank now you can go back to 3-1 and claim your prize here we go here we go check the point oh hello anus let's praise him what the [ __ ] [ __ ] have fun airplanes the only thing better than a giant [ __ ] rhombusoid as a boss is one that heals I'm gonna [ __ ] invert my feet what let's [ __ ] go ah that's free at last creature of a steel my gratitude upon thee for my freedom but I crimes thy kind have committed Against Humanity are not forgotten and life punishment is death I don't even know where he is foreign [Music] bro well anyways guys I freaked a [ __ ] for me today get yourself the game if you can Ultra kill is awesome I'm very glad that milky forced me to play this ow ow
Channel: Shenpai
Views: 1,101,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Funny, Ultrakill, Gianni, New Blood, FPS, Fun, Adrenaline, Fast pace
Id: K_0aE2W1_mY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 1sec (2881 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2022
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