Ultrakill But Hakita Added ANOTHER Update

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okay what's good nerds I I didn't expect to be saying this so soon but a brand new update just got dropped and it's actually a decently large one with a bunch of different balance changes enemy reworks and just quality of life features so you know I'm aware that you're not going to be reading the patch notes because no one reads these days so I'm going to I'm going to break it all down I'm going to break it all down for you it's fine don't worry I got you but the uh the first thing that you may have noticed is up above my weapon icon there's a speedometer now which is cool I guess you know you can see exactly how fast certain things take you know you can see oh that's you can see the rocker riding you know 64 speed but if I were to do say slam storage slam storage is faster than rocket riding what who would have guessed and would you believe horuk King is faster than all of it wow that's crazy that's a pretty cool uh quality of life feature I don't think it really gives you much use outside of quality of life but um what is a different feature is alternate shotgun has been changed as you can see it now looks why can't I swap to the blue one huh it now looks slightly different depending on the uh the variant you're using the the meter does at least and also I think I saw it now has a timer on it if you were to uh I'm dumb I need to bigger enemy but I think I saw it now if you get the maximum shot yeah the the gauge now moves down while it's cooling down so you're not just really guessing when you're not just guessing when it when it's done you can actually see which you know good change I like I like the change good good change another change with the Jackhammer before we move on to new things is apparently you can change the direction of your launch oh my God you can change which direction you get launched in mid hit stop so normally you know you you'd hit the enemy and you'd go flying backwards but now with just you know a little bit of quick thinking I'm going over here now which is I'm sure well I'm sure that has some use for speedr runners I'm I'm you know I'm sure this has some application somewhere for the speedrunning community it was just a Maurice grave graveyard now you know what speaking of Maurice this is a very interesting one we go into the fire starter now we're going to oil up Maurice you can now shoot Maurice with rockets you can damage him with rockets which is probably just about the most cursed thing I've seen in this game but yeah that's a thing now I also think this applies to soldiers if I'm not mistaken yeah basically if it couldn't be damaged with a rocket before it can get damage with a rocket now I wonder if minitar still reflects if it's if if I shoot it oh no never mind it's just those two that's a bit weird I wonder why it's just ma Rec and soldiers but anyway uh finally people can stop complaining when I shoot Maurice with a rocket because you know what it's intentional now and it works with all three rockets it's not just fire starter which is it's interesting I I don't know why it was added but it's definitely interesting uh sticking with the rocket launcher apparently a bug was fixed where uh you can now start charging the SRS Cannonball and fire rocket at the same time which is cool also the SRS Cannon shakes now which is thing I guess it's just a a neat little animation change like it's cool I'm okay with it I'm not complaining okay well apparently I'm stupid uh I've missed out a couple things without shotgun right number one is a very very small change but if you an idol with the maximum power shot it it doesn't have a cool down which is I mean like that's cool so now you can know you can freely hit Idols with the Jack Cammer and never have to deal with a cool down but another more important change is with the cuse the CES Now sort of have like coin trajectory right so if I'm moving backwards Ward oh that's not by moving backwards the coin will start the coin the core will start moving backwards if I jump it will go higher if I just stand still it'll kind of just flop in the face and do nothing but cores now do that they they have the same trajectory like coding as coins do which is I don't know if that's a buff or enough I don't use Jack Cammer enough uh Jack cam players tell tell me if that's like a good thing or a bad thing I I don't know and also just quickly before I I forget why is why are my weapons like in on the weapon HUD why are they glowy is is it just me or are they glowy when I swap to a new weapon is that that's that's not just me I'm not going I'm not going crazy they start out glowy when you sort to a new weapon and then they get less glowy over time that's a that's a weird CH me that cool I I guess it makes it easier to see when you've sort a new weapon I I I suppose I I don't really know but that's that's there that's there I guess now there's a very very important change with the fire starter going back to the fire starter here if we look at it in water you know spray a good amount of water you'll notice there's a lot less explosions like if we put on uh infinite infinite weapons you know you notice is there's a lot less explosions going on and that's because it got a massive Nerf like like a huge Nerf where it doesn't spawn explosions on like every single piece of oil and it now only spawn explosions every so often now that would be fine you know whatever it's it's it's a big Nerf but if we were to say you know put a little gut man and cover his feet in oil right beforehand you know this would send the gut man into the stratosphere he would be gone that way it doesn't really doesn't really do anything you know if I I put health bar you know can I can I not put hello there we go that was weird uh we put on a health bar you know put our oil around him again just lather it up yeah it doesn't do a lot [Music] anymore that's not that's not great and that is because oil oil explosions underwater now only hit each enemy once so what that means is like the P2 last room one shot doesn't work anymore no matter how much oil you have underneath the enemies they'll only be hit by one explosion which is an insane Nerf because this thing I mean you know you've seen me one shot the entirety of the last P2 room with this thing like it was insane it was crazy strong and now it's I can't lie it's kind of just gone back to being a bit useless like the only real the only real use case the fire starter hand was being able to onot incredibly large amounts of enemies Whenever there was a bit of water around and it a very Niche use case and now it just kind of isn't a use case anymore which is it's kind of sad it also completely destroys Leviathan speedrunning like that rest in peace Leviathan speedr running ooh that's um yeah that's gone out the water hasn't it also new fire Sprite that actually looks really nice high quality f Sprite oh yeah and the fire also just doesn't disappear if you have no weapon cool down on which is cool I guess I don't really know why that was needed but that's cool nice change now for this next change I need to go to 7-2 well I mean I guess I could have gone to 2-4 but like I like this level more so I went to this level uh what the change is is it's to do with the jump start jumpstar got a few bug fixes to do with its conduction um it's it it really I'd never experienced the bugs so I'm assuming they're pretty Niche the main fix fix the main rework that we've uh Gone is to do with tramps oddly enough which is weird but apparently yeah if you hit a tram with the jump start it just gos like super speed what the hell like who okay but yeah hitting a tram with a jump start now makes it go super speed and have instant acceleration why I mean like it's funny like we away we go I I think the whole point was it was meant to get um spit up for a short period of time but I can just Spam this because I'm not hitting an enemy I don't know if that's an oversight or intent it's probably an oversight but like it's quite funny this is quite entertaining I like this it because I I thought this would be like nowhere near as fast as this is but this is really fast I I like this good change this is a great change 10 out of 10 thank you Hita okay we're back in the sandbox now the jump s was really funny but you know couldn't be entertained by that for so long uh we have more weapon changes wo that's uh how exciting how how exciting indeed where's the enemy ah mine flare I need a mine flare yeah nice one the screwdriver has a change specifically with the mine flare interaction beforehand if you were to kill the mine flare before the uh the screwdriver you know timed out oh wow I'm just terrible at the game but previously if you were to kill the mine flare before the screwdriver timed out the screwdriver would just kind of like die that was not a screwdriver I'm stupid but now it's been changed so that if you know you've got a mine flare and you kill the mine flare before the screwdriver times out the screwdriver stays on the mine flare until the mine flare dies which I guess could have some interesting interactions God I am just dumb like let's say the M flare dies you punch it it's just going to be trailing blood everywhere I want to I want to launch it like really far away to say like the perfect like just so you can see it better look at it Go spreading blood everywhere but I mean yeah that's a it's just a weird small interaction change that was added I mean I don't know when it will ever like really be applied but people I I personally use the screwdriver on mind flares a lot because it stops from teleporting so it could be a interesting use case potentially maybe it will save your life once who knows and most importantly you can break magnets by slamming again which means that finally on Leviathan you can put in a sword trap and then launch the magnets and have the sords fly over to leviath then again which is good change good change I like I like I like good change but that is the end of all of the weapon changes now we can move on to the enemy balance changes starting with probably the biggest balance change and that would be the fairy man the fairy man ever since brutal right had a huge update where it summons lightning onto your location right well now the lightning has been nerfed quite a lot I get my health [Music] back right and get hit by this lightning it now only does 35 damage where it used to do 50 that's a big are you okay dude but you know that's a really big Nerf also yeah you can um you can charge back lightning which you know you were always able to charge back lightning but now it doesn't hurt you so if I you know charge back the lightning or just die to the [ __ ] fairy man that would work but if I yeah charge back the lightning or fail to charge back the lightning I guess cuz I suck at the game apparently just it doesn't hurt me even though I'm standing right next to the fairy man it doesn't hurt me which is uh probably a good change I'd say but it is still a very very large Nerf they a very big 50 damage down to 35 is not insignificant I don't really know whether the Nerf was warranted I mean the only place this would ever be useful is you know let's say you're in Weezer room and you haven't killed the Ser very quickly so you've got you know two servs and a fairy man fighting you that's the kill button but you know you got Fairman two servs and I don't know a virtue or something that's the only real place I can see this Nerf actually like being warranted cuz it could feel very oppressive other than that um P just sucks to be the fairy man really like I don't really think I don't really think it was deserved outside of P2 but maybe people will disagree with me there it's just my opinion you're allowed to disagree just a small little change for the next one soldiers if you specifically make them radiant they are now slightly slower because a bug that applied their speed twice has been fixed I mean it'll be helpful for cber grind like you know it'll be helpful for cyber gr I guess just a small change though another change I'm going need to make a wall for this another change is let's say you have you know uh a gun a man or a gun tank on the other side of a wall can you don't walk through the wall please like let's say have on the other okay he's just walking through the wall never mind get out of here walking through the wall like a bastard but you know if you had a gut man or a gut a tank on the other side of a wall they can no longer hit you through the wall which is good change he can't hit me anymore good change good good change they can't hit you through walls anymore which is just a good thing one can you know it's a good thing uh another weird thing is drones and virtues if they're oiled and on fire I mean you can't see with the Drone cuz the Drone just dies but virtues don't bleed when they're on fire for some reason I I guess Angels don't bleed I don't know after this there have been some bug fixes with uh insurrectionists you could you can now actually kill them while they're on fire I didn't even know that was a bug but apparently it was and it's been fixed so that's cool uh apparently Agony and Tundra just imagine the anony and Tundra apparently they they actually like take damage the intended way now which again you know good bug fix good change good change uh stalkers has probably got the world's weirdest buff just let me let hit me right come [Music] on okay well apparently it just doesn't work but they meant to do twice as much damage but uh it just didn't so whoopsy doopsy it has come to my attention that I am just stupid they don't deal double damage they take double damage from ground slams which I assume is just to kill them in one shot if you ground slam them I I can assume that's what the reasoning behind that change is you know now if you ground slam them they just die which I suppose they didn't before I wouldn't know Ive never tried ground slam Jer before so there's been another bug fix the patch note says that curai no longer like all over when dashing in brutal uh I don't know what that means kind of looks normal to me I don't really know what the change here is maybe like if it dies midlam I don't really know I don't understand what this buff is referring to but okay whatever I guess and now we're on to probably the biggest most consequential changes in in this update in my opinion prisons now take 50% I I don't know I don't want to deal with you if I put on a health bar and I put on some SS you can see it's taking not that much damage from the SS and the same is true for the panopticon and that is because the prisons now correctly apply a 50% damage reduction to all SS which means that flesh prison is going to be very annoying to take care of very annoying indeed that was weird I can go I'm going to go I'll go and demonstrate this in a p Das 2 where you can see the difference of how long panopticon now takes to uh shoot down kill I don't know okay so here we are p to you know P Opticon I'm do my normal thing of just putting a s trap on the thing and then just killing it normally and I mean you can already see like how little damage that sword trap's actually doing like it's it's not doing it's not doing much you know what I mean like I'm having to put in a lot more effort the sword trap isn't carrying me nearly as much which is I mean it's fair it was broken but it's just kind of sad yeah come onus yeah yeah W and yeah the the same debuff also applies to the flesh prison which means that that boss is even more annoying to kill now which is just just great just lovely just boopy dooo so that's most of the reworks enemy changes uh done there was a weird interesting thing with the uh with this Tech which I think it now said you can perform it at more angles which I mean cool I guess you could you can you could do this now you know like that's cool doesn't really affect me I don't I don't use it so but you know if you're a fan if if you're a fan of that Tech uh that's cool you know you can you can go flying now that's great and the rest of the patch is just a lot of like small bug fixes like fixing F enemies from getting stuck in slow-mo like they would which was a very weird bug and making 6-1 doors open faster if you're moving fast a lot of a lot of very small bug fixes uh so the game should overall be a lot less janky and of course uh size two fish is now obviously catchable uh you can go check that out for yourselves I don't really need to show you that it's catchable you know what I mean but other than that that is about it for this update so um go play it [Music] la [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: linguini
Views: 80,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Hjkqbw9EokE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 20sec (1520 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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