Official Undertale / Deltarune News

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what's up guys we got some official undertale Delta R news and I thought you know what let's go ahead and read it together and it begins with hello esteemed gentlemen and gentlemen so true have the eyes of May brought you good tidings I don't actually know if they do that I don't think they do that anyway we have a mini newsletter for you this month every newsletter has to start with a little joke otherwise everyone thinks just disaster struck the game is cancelled so that's very important flow is look looking at us which is a little sus we're going to move down and we got these two asgor and undy man in a cutting competition I don't know if that sounds right scissor com is even worse okay we got toriel I guess and alus which is pretty pretty cute Delta Rune development update look at this man Papyrus going down poor flowey I have great news and some other news let's go all the way for the great news thanks to increased management power provided by my new producer we've been able to hire a few more people onto the team everyone's only been working on the team for a little over a month and a half but it's making a real difference already The Producers MO is for the fan sake let's finish this before become old and wrinkled yes I agree instantly stops being wrinkled there we go the other news chapter 4 is important chapter 4 development is going better than ever we are on track to meet our internal deadline the new hires are already making a great difference to improve impr the atmosphere and the feel of the chapter great this is going to be full of memes again I feel really good about this champ here's the current progress cutscenes only a few ones left some tough ones other than that need some more polish the battles all the attacks are technically done still trying to improve the flow of the the bosses very important probably some people are going to look at this to do don't know maybe it's a it's a reference to the next secret boss Overworld still need to create around 10 maps and polish some others okay gimmicks a kind of complimented gimmick complicated gimmick nearly has all of its iterations made then there's whatever needs to go in those 10 maps from before okay one more thing a gimmick is something like the teacup ride from chapter 2 oh the the dreaded teacup ride is it the Spanton one or just the easy ones who knows okay okay after all that's done everything needs to be flattened out with the steamroller of improvement and pacing this takes an unknown amount of time it is my hope that the next time I update you a first pass of the entire chapter 4 will already be at least halfway crushed by a steamroller Wicked and at least some of the team will be moved over to chapter five the other other news is again a double word very suspicious maybe that's going to be the jevil freaking jevil is writing this uh despite the game making great progress we cannot discuss the release state yet even if chapter 4 is completed smoothly there may be surprise factors so we're not at the point where we can make a solid promise that being said we'll let you guys know as soon as we can I can't wait for you guys to see more of the moments and characters I have ADD in my head for the past eight years um sorry to hear that with with what kind of crazy people there are in the game in other words the release is still quite far but also a very real thing that is Weighing on us more and more with each passing month we got a cursed scene here okay we got planking Chris Susie R is now a plant it makes perfect sense R is taking a shower I mean it makes sense because R first of all is green real is also technically you can argue is if if if azreel flowy flowy flowy real confirmed I don't know but okay that's interesting I mean so so so as far as I know chapter three and four are the next ones to be released it used to be 34 five but I think that was Chang to like three and four so we're getting there which which is exciting then we got interview Papyrus Q&A H look at these two oh my God is that Sans man himself too surprise time for another round of Q&A originally asked over 880,000 questions okay so there's an interview I guess we can check that out later we got some more flowes what you doing man oh really flowy I guess flow is a real flower you just eating that's a little I don't know if that's cursed or cute I guess they're best friends man that's that's kind of wholesome okay now we got Fallen Wing a new song by Toby Fox and chamelia and ammane canata have you heard of virtual YouTubers yes we we all have dot dot dot silence well recently I had the opportunity to create a song for Amman canata of Holo life a couple years ago canata had played through undertale for the first time on stream famously she had a really difficult time beating s hands the skeleton mans fighting him for dozens of hours straight until she won personally I was moved seeing her cry at the one and only pacifist ending n man look the only time you can cry in undertale is when it's been like 30 like over 30 minutes since the last save and you accidentally eat the butterscotch pie that is true pain I always liked her singing voice um I found it to be very distinct and kind of personal sounding combined with her angel aesthetic I felt I had the potential to make a really cool song with her so I asked her and it happened thanks to camelia's amazing production skills and kanata's distinct Voice song I'm really special actually I liked it so much even from the instrumental de demo stage I felt like if this idea gets rejected maybe I can use it in Delta run but I guess it didn't get rejected now let me explain a little bit okay although most of the time she's a goofy streamer Kata has a dream to be taken seriously as an artist and a musician but there was an issue she was losing Hearing in one of her ears for someone whose dream is to be a singer there's nothing more terrifying than losing this sense she felt like she might even give up singing forever actually this resonated with me because I've also had issues as well issues with one of my wrists I remember that stops you from drawing from making music from writing from programming basically from making a game and there's times where it feels like your hopes and dreams are simply slipping away from you that the things you wanted to achieve are floating away from you in the sky while you lie there fallen in the crater your your wing torn off never to grow back bitterness grows and you feel like you may never ever leave the ground again but holy crap that's not true you can still fly that's what this song is about just before the intense part of the song There's Whispering these are like the magic words to let you do anything and let you do anything man jevil okay sorry and as long as you say them you cannot lose even if you lose a piece of yourself even if it feels like you can't get up anymore you can you can fly with One Wing you can fly without any wings so keep singing keep singing Holy Moly man you may never walk again but you will fly and here we go I guess Diva camia's Arrangement super cool listen it here okay that's kind that's kind of cool man I guess the angel here we see that okay what the hell we got a ghost party is sauce what what you what you snapping caught in 4k what is holy crap man all all the ghosts all the together and they all start with an m isn't that isn't that crazy conclusion huh wait that it oh dude what is happening here oh they're having a battle I see man look this hurts man this this is why asgore this is why he stole your girl he's just too cool look at this dude man asgore get rid of that shirt get back your armor pick up your Crown King you're the king man you got to you got to present yourself man come on what is happening here like I said before despite how much progress is this oh dude what what what this happening man what's you doing here okay can we end it actually I think that's a good ending here like I said before despite how much progress we are making the release of the game is still far I don't want anyone to burn out waiting for this but we haven't burned out making it yet actually the opposite we are on fire a lot ouch crazy man and yumu is also a plant now I don't know what's happening flowy is very unamused only flowers allowed I guess interesting though the release of the game is still far far so like I was kind of like like convinced that it's going to come out this year and to be fair the year is still like not even halfway done so you can argue if it releases like in December or something that's still far away so maybe it's this year how it sounds I think most real istic might be maybe like early next year of course maybe they're they always want to stick with the same schedule which is like around Halloween I think but I don't know if they you know 100% necessarily want to stick to that so I think best case scenario is is obviously this year most likely it's probably like maybe first half next year but then I think almost guaranteed definitely it's going to be at the very latest like second half of next year which I think is kind of kind of exciting man and we got a lot of other stuff we got some like crossovers collaborations we got the whole V tubing thing Toby Fox vtuber confirmed I don't know we had like the and I guess this is kind of like a thing that I saw we there was like a too thing there of course Toby fox is like working on Pokemon as well which is kind of cool he's is basically now the George RR Martin of undertale no I'm kidding I'm kidding anyway uh interview time look at these two the skele Bros this is some pretty awesome art not going to lie I don't know if this is Cannon or is this just like a silly goofy thing at the end here question do you argue a lot with your bro how do you guys make up arguing huh can't remember ever doing that what yes we do the two of us are the picture of Peace we're fighting right now guess cuz Papyrus is so easy to get along with I am I mean of course I am yeah see amazing perfect relationship your best and your most chewable skeletal feature very very suspicious question I have never been chewable but if I was I would contain every ingredient and nutrient as for my best skeleton motion feature Toby is coming it's definitely the very famous skateboarding video we filmed last time it should be right Ah that's the video huh it's all chewed up H who's been teething on my tricks gee that's rough buddy sanss how many times have I told you not to chew on my videos uh zero I see then the culprit will remain a mystery for now bro I think I might have a clue who it is what I can hear you I'm looking for my detective costume okay very cool annoying dog is being annoying as always poor Papyrus Al last poor Papyrus ooh what's the relationship like with your tiny friend flowery no my tiny friend flowery it's flowey God damn it there's no R there yes my tiny and small friend floe whatever you say papayas who's that dud I thought he was saying who's that bastard don't know based on the name sounds like we would get along okay I don't know what is the coolest thing in your wardrobe let me walk in and check uh of course it's me skeleton in the closet what's the coolest thing outside your wardrobe bro ah one step out and it's me again with the cool shades what about inside and outside your wardrobe one foot in both it's also me what about inside outside your wardobe and also on top of your desk foot in wardrobe foot on desk me the ceiling hand is hand on desk foot is very tall very flexible and in your bed move the bed on top of the standing just a reach on your rug Sans a it's me it's him Yes Man Sans really is the coolest how do you feel about your brother being included in a certain Monumental fighting game when you're the one who's obviously put far more leg work into training uhoh breaking I guess it's not Cannon is it is fourth wall this must be a fake and also joke message everyone knows my brother is too lazy to ever fight anybody Megalania starts playing in the distance if he was for example put in a fighting tournament he wouldn't even throw a punch instead he'd probably trick someone into wearing a costume that looks like him ah and while they were out there doing all the work sweating and suffering from their combat he would be lounging backstage chatting and up eating conspicuously two-dimensional food cracking jokes about the Battle like I sure am bad at this huh bad time huh as a reward his person only gets a handshake however this is merely a theory of games since after all my brother would never be included in the hey Papyrus have you seen invitation around here oh my God man what's happening can you shoot lighting bolts papaya sorry I think this message is intended for flower's friend is this some sort of like lower is this is this like a whole low with the questions he sounds very cool though he can fire lightning what can you shoot lightning bolts yeah okay what should I name my new cat a cat you should call it Papyrus but you should think of a custom secret name also in case the both of us are in the same room you can call me the secret name oh for for you not for the cat no one will suspect God damn it man you should totally name it me me Mew silence papyrus did you call your cat Papyrus is mad Mumu Papyrus is this a secret name is m what is happening has everyone lost their mind what's a circus clown you are a clown and the whole circus you sleep on a big bouncy ball at the back of the tent you have been caged for being too annoying jevil I get it I get it are you going to read the question or not oh I'm getting to what's happening jevil maybe this jevil dude so many jevil references what is happening you win a million dollar or G both I guess works you have to write in cursive for the rest of your life would you take the money it's tempting but think about it everything you ever wrote would have to be in some annoying difficult to read font oh if I did that long enough everyone might even start calling me cursive cursive the the great cursive kind of cool I guess it would be like a gimmick Papyrus curses all the time think about that being named after a writing style it's ridiculous I much prefer just Sans where you get expensive hat I don't know okay it's it's Dapper Sans huh this is this is Cannon now it's it's POS Sans gentlemen Sans my lady Sans walking up to toriel like tips the Hat oh no I don't know I don't know what's going on man that it that's the interview um wow this this is why we're really here man who cares about Delta run this is why we're here it's it's Dapper Sands dude can we need Dapper sand and Dapper bluke together that's a Duo but okay I I think that's it I don't know what the hell's going on um kind of fun the interview was pretty cool um also nice to just kind of know like like I said I think if if a miracle happens it's going to be this year most likely I mean almost guaranteed next year kind of cool would be like maybe the first half of next year it could of course be just like just maybe expected you know don't don't expect too much it's going to come out when it's going to come out and that's all that matters and you know we're all going to be patiently waiting I guess until then but for now guys uh thank you so much for watching I hope you liked the video a little bit of a different little thing just looking into the newsletter the undertale Delta R newsletter and until next time take care
Channel: Merg
Views: 107,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Merg, Commentary, Reactions, Undertale, Undertale Sans, Undertale Papyrus, Deltarune, Deltarune Release, Deltarune News, Deltarune Newsletter, Deltarune Chapter 3, Deltarune Chapter 4, Deltarune New Chapter, Deltarune Update
Id: UwHpvQ9uky8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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