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what's up guys today we have a new godzilla dummy and we are gonna destroy him and if we do enough damage we should be able to upgrade him to a secret gold godzilla this is gonna be awesome guys leave a like in the video right now let's see we can get seven eight thousand likes now i'm just kidding let's go for a hundred thousand lies guys oh yes so right now i've got the level one godzilla bouncing around with a whole bunch of rockets these things are awesome and you guys know already at least if you saw the last video probably that we have upgraded that but we got so many more cool things guys we're gonna check it out so now we're gonna remove all of the rockets and show level one godzilla what it takes to level on which is a lot of damage check it out we have fire guns at the bottom and then we use ice guns at the top oh yes this is gonna be a beautiful hot versus cold challenge guys what's the comment below which side do you like the cold one or the hot one i think both at the same time it's just a match man in heaven i don't think these saws in the center are really doing us any favor here huh so let's see if we can do one of the missions that says rockettality let's wipe the whole thing then we're gonna put some maces in the center so that godzilla gets stuck on them see yeah with this kind of boring continuous weapons of course so now we're gonna get a whole bunch of ice guns actually we gotta do that the nice way oh yeah that's nice oh that's very nice indeed just perfectly right next to each other i've got ocd people no i actually don't all right there we go that should probably be enough to destroy him now we grab some more of the rockets that we saw yeah you guys didn't think i had those for no reason now did you so the idea is that he gets damaged by the ice guns that's a lot of damage but he has to be destroyed by the rockets oh what how did he get off the maze i'm not supposed to get off there man wait i think i know guys look at the rockets i've got five rockets on the left side and three on the right side no balance no balance at all so we're going to remove this one and place this one this better upgrade godzilla right there stay on the maze there you go there you go beautiful beautiful come on take him down we just need a little bit more damage guys a little bit more damage come on come on come on come on that's gonna be it and come on oh man come on oh please destroy him oh we did it we got the rockettality yeah that was so awesome wow i am super hyped guys that was just beautiful we destroyed him oh hey guys check it out we got a new godzilla that's the level two we are on fire we are on fire people now let's see if we can place that wait wait a minute wait a minute we gotta upgrade this thing hold on is this not grenade thrower deals more damage after ricochet how was that thing not upgraded yet oh but that means we're gonna have fun right release the godzilla i am wait i'm not ready yet hold on i'm not ready for grenades need a few more guys come on we need a few more we got all these monies that we unlocked and with all those other missions we gotta see if this is possible right oh look at that so the grenades start out green which you guys know i like green right but then they turn kind of yellow orange and then they turn red that's after bouncing right because that's what a ricochet is i kind of get it now i can't get it okay you got to use a little bit of brain power to get this one oh so now instead of dealing like 50 or 40 damage they deal like a hundred or 135 that's pretty good right but we got missions that say that we're gonna destroy the godzilla dummy with a mine or with an axe you know what guys these grenades are really good and we can even speed it up and stuff but this is gonna take forever right and it kind of looks like a pinball right now all right there you go might brony the whole thing man you want some mines you will get some mine so oh you're gonna get so many buys hey guys we gotta do some more missions so we get more money so we can fill the whole room with mines then we're gonna destroy that final level godzilla let's grab the ice guns again because if you guys are subscribed to my channel you know that the ice guns they are kind of ob right they are kind of overpowered for real oh yes there we go there we go not bad not bad i like this one i like to swallow come on level 2 godzilla you can do it he's got to go to the right side though it's not really the timing the timing ladies and gentlemen [Laughter] that was perfect but he's gotta grab all of the mines yes right now we don't even do enough damage we gotta wipe this oh wait wait wait wait is that is that level three godzilla all right he looks kind of similar to the level one godzilla though but i got a plan alright i got a plan as always you see guys this is just the best item in the game all right it's called a jumper and it well make some jump now we gotta figure out a way to spend wait we gotta use the crossbows i think all right so the miniguns are gonna deal a lot of damage the jumpers are gonna bounce level three godzilla all over the place and then the mines are gonna finish him off with a mentality oh yes here we go ladies and gentlemen and that's actually dealing a pretty healthy amount of damage not bad not bad at all actually but the jumpers are running out though is that bad that's pretty bad right look at that look at that not bad not bad here we go here we go oh but he's getting bounced all over the place but we gonna get some more but it looks cold again the maces i think right so we're just gonna remove a few of these then we're gonna fill the room with these maces not way better right way better now he's gonna get stuck yes then we can peel it in right are they not gonna fill it in there you go that's a lot better okay that mace at the bottom is actually kind of useless though because the mini guys can't get to it oh no it's fine though we are saving the jump pads okay we are saving the best for last there you go that's what i'm talking about baby yeah 10 000 damage but guys we need like 16 000 for the mentality and then we still need a mine i don't even have a mine yet yes we gotta have to go back to the sauce because this is cleaning well actually wait a minute now this went a lot better than expected i gotta say but not quite there but we gotta get back to the uh do the sauce right hold on hold on are we actually gonna make this no way come on now come on wait wait we not gonna make it we are totally gonna make this look at him go look at him go no way come on come on there you go oh no we got the mini gun italian wow bullet aladdin what are you talking about no oh that's a mini gun talent wait it's called bullet okay fine wipe the whole thing cuz we got level four godzilla back on the mission guys check it out we're gonna get this guy all the way across the happy roof then he's gonna fall into the teleporter and redo the whole thing and meanwhile he's gonna get blasted by ice guns of course because yeah well you guys know they're ob right oh that is satisfying look at that all right let's see if this works before we spend all of our money so we can still kind of optimize the thing you know so he does actually make it to the portal all right all right very good very good so what we're gonna do is do a little bit more damage and then like right over here maybe we should have some mines oh wait i don't think that's gonna work i got a plan i got a plan guys check this out we can put ice guns below as well all right so let's see how much damage we deal like this oh and we should forget the mines of course let's put some mines right over here at the exit all right so now he takes a lot of wow look at that nice guns op people oh but he takes too many mines that's not gonna work is it gonna work no way there's one mine there's one mine you missed the mine godzilla no what wait what frozen oh we have already seen what i thought he was gonna get like a saw italian you know because he is on the saw that is so cool that we froze him he's gonna wake up in the year uh three three three thousand baby oh yeah so we're gonna remove wait wait wait wait he he upgraded us from that wait that's not even god's that's mecca godzilla oh it doesn't mean we are getting closer to the to the golden godzilla like the maximum level one it's gotta be people it's gotta be all right so let's see oh no i don't think we have enough money okay can we remove some sauce we get to deal a little bit more damage right let's see if this works it still kind of works it still kind of works wait don't worry she's stuck okay we're fine we're good we're good come on no we got the sauce that was a little much don't you think all right guys we got every mentality in the world except for the mentality i'm about to lose my brain here but it's fine we we got another one would you look at that we upgraded mechagodzilla alright so what if we remove one of these and then place a few more of these i think that's the thing that we forgot guys all right big damage and he's stuck oh boy what a wonderful upgrade you know can we un-upgrade him so this is level six godzilla right is it not i think it is and level six is terrible i thought it was gonna be good you know oh i see going back okay okay going forward there you go guys i just realized we don't even need this over here you guys already posted so many comments about that didn't you hey i'm trying my best here all right don't judge me so he goes into the what how is that what okay now i'm losing my mind a little bit so big damage he needs to go nice and slow and steady he's going too fast maybe if we remove that one over there does that okay okay that seems to be working a little bit and we remove this one does it now work and the idea is to slow him down a little bit okay that's too much keep going ah oh yes oh yes that's it that's it we did it oh that happened so fast no way we just destroyed mecca godzilla with a bunch of mines wow and now we got the same mission but with a plasma gun like the whole thing guys check out this godzilla guy looks like a turtle and we're gonna destroy this one with some serious powers alright i'm talking about black holes we're also gonna have a disco because we need 60 seconds of restless disco look at that so that's kind of restless disco right but i don't think this is gonna keep on going for 60 seconds is it definitely not we're gonna speed it up in here come on look at him spinning to winning oh yeah let's go level seven godzilla all right level eight level seven oh we're actually getting that mission with the disco thing no wait that that was totally impossible last time okay hold on how is this gonna work it says you won't find a girl on a dance floor here and we got it somehow what that was so weird so is this just gonna deal infinite damage oh he needs to keep moving right so that gives me a plan we can very easily just keep him moving right because these teleports happen infinitely and he's gonna fall through it also infinitely so is this gonna deal infinite damage oh we definitely want to speed this one up there's no way alright ladies and gentlemen it looks like we have actually broken the game we have infinite damage literally infinite oh my goodness this is hilarious are we gonna get a disc totality or a teleportality teleportelli that sounds like a cool world word where i can't even say the word word how ironic look at him go though it's like [Laughter] go godzilla turtle go please upgrade him to the last one and be super awesome come on it's gonna happen right now and he's dancing on the dance floor it's a discolity all right well that is probably awesome light the whole place and check out this godzilla that right there is a gold triple head godzilla level 8 thing i honestly don't even know what to call it guys but i do know one thing a big godzilla dude requires a big big rocket all right let's see we're going into zero gravity with some mines then onto the jumpers no onto the rocket look at him go into the laser come on go into the death ray my friend we need to see some serious damage all right big damage there he goes why is he not going into the laces okay hold on i want to see lasers come on i want to see lasers what are you doing man um guys it's just rockets it's literally just right we once had a rocket mission like a big rocket mission and i couldn't oh wait wait there's the first laser he's gone where did he go the music is still playing what what i can still do this ladies and gentlemen we have destroyed the dummy so hard that he disappeared entirely well that is what that has never happened before well i guess that's how you destroy the maximum level godzilla guys thank you for watching and check out these videos ice cream right now bye
Channel: ProjectJamesify
Views: 169,385
Rating: 4.8827596 out of 5
Keywords: projectjamesify, jamesify, happy room, game, gameplay, gaming, video game, funny
Id: NRcMwBsV2o8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 01 2021
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