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hi guys this is pesan welcome to another skap for tacov video today we're doing a new players guide to Woods if you're new or seasoned player to escap from tacov you will still learn stuff from this and I'll be covering the boss spawns for the main boss Sturman the goons that spawn on the map also the high loot areas and all the good stuff you can find throughout the map and also some troubled spots and of course where you can spawn in and extract so without further Ado let's crack straight into it all right so uh I'm going to try and to give you a general overview of the whole map of woods uh before we actually start running around and um the whole idea of how to work this gu is you should be able to follow me around so if you can find the lake and follow the lake around this is the uh the ru wrath extract it's not always available but it's um if it's got the Green Smoke there that means it's available I'm going to just show you this map this is from map Genie I usually use map Genie but they're not all up to date anymore plus I don't really need to use maps that much anymore when to do explanations it's easy so pretty much where currently sitting over near Ru and if you spawn on these ones over here you will spawn extract on the right hand side of the map and if you spawn on anything else including these back ones you you'll extract on the outskirt side so we are currently on at Ruf and so I spawned on one of these right hand side ones and therefore we need to extract on the left hand side that's how the the spawns and extracts work I'll show you how as we go we're currently at Ruf and uh we're going to head up through this way and then down you'll see it on the map as we go all right so ruaf if the uh smoke is up then you can extract from it it's probably about 70 or 80% of the time it's up it's up more often than it's not let's put it that way now this one big long road here is the uh will lead you to I always get the name wrong of it un roadblock it's right at the very end I'm not going to run down there because it's just going to be us running down a road just so I can show you that you stand next to a wall so inside those walls right there is the un roadblock and that is an extract that's always open if you spawn on the outskirt side halfway down on the right there is a like a metal grate wall kind of like this one and that's called the factory gate now the only way you can use that extract is is if you do a co-op extract uh here it says Factory gate Co-op that was by double tapping o uh and that is for you to extract as a PMC with a scav or is a scab with a PMC the only time I've ever used that legitimate is if I've gone in with a mate I did it with swagger Souls I think if you go in with a mate and then you die on woods and then you try and scav back in and you get the same raid then that's another extract you can use with your mate you get a lot of fence rep from it so it's worth doing if you can uh do it but generally speaking the only way to really do it legitimately outside of that is you stand on top of it and then it will be green for everyone on the map and then you start shooting BS into the sky and hoping someone hears it and figures out what it is um but it's rare and in between all right this has many names fob is what I call it uh standard for Ford operating base um it's really good for Med spawns and food spawns early wipe it is atrocious how many people will be here you've got all your med bags you got crates for medical supplies um there's ration Supply crates as well in offline mode for some reason I'm not allowed to pick stuff up or open up crates so and then you got all the loose spawns all along inside here so there's even spawns oh I missed it if you go to the back it's this next one I'm silly sorry sorry more crates all over the shop there spawns on the ground here and on this table and you can even find stuff like lad xes and that in here so um generally speaking that is the uh the gist of this area there's a few quests in woods that are kind of troublesome there's one called capturing Outpost it requires you to get uh I think it's eight kills now or 12 kills now I might even have it actually capturing Outpost let's see if we got it I do it's eight kills now so this is the area you need to get those eight kills on in woods um so just be careful that if you are here later in the wipe people will be trying to farm you here and if you see a red flare go off right here then that's someone trying to draw people in to uh shoot them from here so yeah just be aware of that but this is a really good loot area uh if if you can get here without running into too many players you're going to be laughing you will get a lot of your your food spawn and your med spawns here now on this rest of the map there's not really a lot to look for besides hidden stashes now I would say Woods is one of the best maps in the game if you want to make money and not see a single player if you want to run hidden stashes now there used to be 100% spawn rate and uh there was a guy on Reddit who at nighttime farmed hidden stashes and made a billion rues so like just to give perspective that's how valuable they can be um Woods has the really good loot spawns because it can spawn lades and stuff like that and hidden stashes will spawn all the good armors to all the crappy stuff as well and if you just loot everything with a big giant backpack you can actually make absolute Bank I'm probably going to get lumber mill out of the way early um just so you guys can have a good understanding of how it works and then we'll move to all the other places around the map so L Mill right in front of us um this is where sterman spawns this this is the probably the most farmed area of the map because everyone's trying to get their Sherman kills there's a lot of quests that required to get Sherman um there's the hunter task which is kill him 20 times there's the woods keeper which is kill him and get his key there's hunting trip which is to kill him with a certain bolt action rifle from a certain distance um and and then there's the Light Keeper task to kill him 15 times inside this little Shack there is a violet key card spawn there's three Violet key card spawns definitely check this every time you run past it um because you'll make good money if you find it these little trailers have some jackets in there it's really good if you want to pick up some jackets and there are a lot of quests that require to go into the lumber mill so if you do have one of those quests I would highly suggest going later into the raid so therefore you don't uh run into all these stman Farmers so just be wary of that so you'll have a quest where you got to place down clothing down on that little peer down the bottom there's some Wi-Fi cam you got to put down the on the wood stack over there there's an item you need to find inside that cabin you need to place down three gold chains you got to pick up an a from the back of this there's a violet key can't spawn right here now these cabins if you're after food and drinks is really good so if you blow out your stomach um and you need to get food and drink guaranteed food and drink spawns are here in here will make it so you can easily survive the raid so um they're located on the tables and on the floor and in between there's also jackets in here there's a safe in this one in here and on here and up the top there's your safe like I said offline mode always has uh worst loot spawns but yeah so just check all between the the gaps that you'll find a lot of food there'll be duffel bags and jackets in there too that's the lumber mill pretty much all done um and just understand that it's a very high threat area so you should only go here to do a specific task or item get an item or kill and then leave don't hang around here um because if you're just fumbling about like oh I wonder what's over here you will die um inside that big Warehouse there also on the left hand side there's some shelving um you can get Med spawns in there as well you're actually pretty solid now I'm going to try my best to make make it so you don't get lost for me just running through trees so I'm going to run through the map in a way that should be pretty easy to to follow um but just understand that um you should try and Learn to run through the map just through the trees like okay I need to walk in this direction and that will take me to the sunken Village or to you know the med camp and stuff like that because that will make it a a much easier job for you to survive um and one of the best things about Woods whilst if you are seen first you can get absolutely annihilated if you do not get killed instantly to escape and evade in this map is very simple you just run straight through the tree lines into a Direction that's going to be really hard to track and uh you can make it out quite easily all right so just on top of there you can get like gold chains and bit more food and drink um and this is the way up the mountain so just be wary that people will be standing I hate climbing this thing with the vaulting mechanic it's just easier to jump but it uses more stamina right so once you get to the top um if you run down here the left there's a weapon crate and then there's you can get like big coin spawns down here Lions chains gold chains cats horses parrots all that stuff they all biggest sniper scav always up here 100% spawn rate if you run exactly on this path you'll get up without having to jump and you'll spawn right here so um if you kill him you can loot him and if you're trying to farm some sniper rifles up it works quite well uh I'll show you a trick jump that you should learn probably a little bit harder to do when you're first starting but when you get a little bit more experience it's a really good way to get out of here without having to go back down what you want to do is you want to sprint in this direction you want to jump about here and then you can uh just jump one more time or you can even just Sprint up it from there run Sprint and jump and then you can literally go down the other side of here you can actually go down that spot there as well but also if they trying to do some Snipes oh my God how did I fail that jump the first day apparently all right this is actually a much better place to snipe from it's still pretty obvious that you're up here uh and I'd be very careful about sniping up here but if you do want to snipe from the top of this hill this is a much better spot you're much less exposed uh on that Big Rock on the left you're very exposed uh and this is just the top of here so what generally happens is someone will shoot at you and uh they'll hit a little bit low and so uh it just gives you an opportunity a lot of people will hunt Sturman from that rock right there so if you do come up here um you're going to have a lot of trouble trying to shoot people down here but your objective is to shoot people over this side and that's about 50 to 300 M away so I don't change my zero so if you what you do here and press page up on the bottom right corner you can see the zero change um if you would to set to like 250 I'd say uh and we'll try and hit that little circle on the back ho we just there's a dot just next to it just below it sorry well that might hit even lower hang on let's try 300 it's about 300 M there we go now we can see that dot so we're hitting just just below it 350 would be uh I don't change zeros by the way I just a up so it's bang on 350 there so I don't change zeros so say I was to go 50 m I would say and I wanted to hit that Circle I would just a probably about there and pretty much hit a bang on yeah I'm just hitting just to the right of it uh and the reason for that is if you you're [ __ ] around changing zeros all the time it makes it very difficult to uh know exactly where you are all the time and just me I just find it easier get get used to just playing on 50 Z and then and going like that but 350 then so to the top of that you can use range finders as well that's another option I don't have one on me um and it be about 200 to here so you don't really need to change Zero just aim at Sherman's head if he's sitting he likes to sit there there and in this section here that's one of your best spots for sniping up here is to try and find him there anyway can't spend too much time up here I've got lots to show you guys and the good thing about being up there if you're not making much noise and someone tries to come up to kill sniper scav or loot sniper scav um you can generally kill them and loot them uh because I won't be like ready for you to just stand up and shoot them in the back all right so I'm going to F this rock pretty much to the left here there is a a weapon crate in there that used to be an old extract it used to be the red Rebel extract for Woods believe it or not when wood Woods was half the size of the map now like I said before I really would suggest learning the hidden stashes on this map they are it's a really really amazing way to make some good money um I do have a video on that of all 40 hidden stashes there's probably been more added now um cuz BSG added some extra hidden stashes so so just keep an eye out for him all right so pretty much just going to go on a straight line and you can see the village through the trees everything to my right there's not really a lot there there is one extract uh it's called the northern un roadblock and uh I might be able to show you from the Rocks it's between that rock see that big rock at the back with that Tower it's just back there all right um we'll have a little video something to show you like a picture in picture show you of that now as you can see this Village here this is where the car extract is um a lot of people sit up on this and this side to snipe people running around here so just be careful that and there's also scabs down here if you're on a task like taco shooter part one or two this is a really good spot to get those Quest on because the scavs seem to just walk like idiots in the open on the road and you can get your kills from up on top of this rock I'm not going to run through all the buildings and show you where all loot is because it's it's pretty obvious it's in the bags and on the tables and all that um I'm going to run out of time otherwise I'm just going to keep popping stems um but yeah if you want to pause the video so you can keep up with me so yeah all these buildings on this side are pretty much you're looking for loot like uh food and Tech spawns I just want to point out one spot that's actually quite decent make sure you check this box right here uh it's not super common but it is where you'll find graphics cards um and graphics cards are very valuable right now if you run all the way down to the road and there'll be scam spawning on both sides of this road all the way down all the way down to here so just be wary of that you don't want to go too far out on that side you will get shot by the sniper scav so just be very wary of that there's also land mins around this map I haven't told you about that yet yeah so here is the car extract you run up to here you pay your money don't go anywhere further forward than this tire or even really there um because the sniper scav will kill you but villag is great for food killing scavs and uh getting some tech items mostly not a lot of Med spawns there now if we follow this road down this will take us to the um sunen village now the uh one other spot that I didn't show you is the ZB 016 um as I'm running down this way I I'll try my best to do like a picture in picture for it but pretty much it's kind of located towards the UN road block you need to have the uh like the UN side extract and it's one of the ones that will have to have the Green Smoke it's a little bunker you do need to go there for some Quest quite early on um and the best way of finding it is pretty much to try to find like the Old Railway Depot building it's got like red bricks and then um you got to like run into like towards the plane crash it's really hard to explain but I highly suggest loading up either map Genie or just one of the other maps and uh peruse around that area area a little bit um but when the Smoke's on you'll find it pretty easy when the Smoke's not on it'll just take you a couple of practices all right I'm a little bit disorientated we need to go down this way now for the sunken Village um it's one of those areas that um I find it really good for killing scabs not so good for loot there are some spawns of good loot so if you go into this building right here um there is it's it's like a church half in the ground you I believe you meant to go in from the other side I never go in from this side but inside that little Tower at the top um there's some gold spawns and then there's just some other small spawns throughout this area it's not anything crazy I generally just come here if I need to kill scabs there is a marked Circle located I'm trying to find it right now might have run past it it's just here I think there's a mark Circle here that it used to spawn gold chains and not really much else I never saw like big coins and stuff but that Mark circle is required for a quest way later on so it's nice to just know that it exist and the cultist can spawn in this area so if you go a nighttime R just be careful of the cultist spawning they will absolutely destroy you simply put they will just destroy you um I've never fought them on night time on on Woods Customs is my place to farm cultist or Shoreline Woods is just a nogo they're just too hard to see they just shoot you way too more too accurately and from uh in a way that just you don't really have an opportunity to fight back without cuz the way to fight Colt is usually is to hide behind cover and let them charge you um they don't really let you do that now this section right here is a scav extract so if you scav Woods I don't recommend scaving Woods at all but I'm sure people in the comments will say I love having Woods I just don't I think it takes too long to get to an extract um oh there's so many other Maps I just you can grab loot get out make a lot more money all right so for here you there's a couple of crates there's normally like Tech Supply crates in that and then a lot of food and drink spawned up in these uh top bits there like a couple of crates that spawn on the outside that just haven't spawned in this raid now this this area right here is where the goons spawn now there's the goons are um it's a trio of of deadly men one called birde eye one called knight uh what's the other one called my brain stopped not bird eye the third man all right I can't remember um I don't know why my brains just fried but um they were spawn in this area if you are going to fight them and they are here you want to be fighting them from range preferably um I like to fight from that rock over there and then they'll push up and come up to that rock the other option is you have a thermal you can fight them from over this side and they'll push uh you can see them through the trees shoot them with the thermal and then they'll push up to you in the open and they're really easy to kill in the open as for this section here you can go down into this little bunker there's no Quest or anything that require you to do that but um oh there's like a Light Keeper Quest way down the path but uh it's it's got a little bit of good loot down there and it's not not a too bad a spot this is over here is where I get spicy a lot and that's because of the um there's a table that has a lot of Med spawns I call this uset camp this whole section becauseas other people have different names um so what we're doing is we're following the right hand side of these Lakes up to this section here now there's a lot of spawns on the right hand side of me um that if you're not careful you will get blown up by landmines so generally speaking don't quote me me on this completely but if you're run uphill you're usually safe all right if you run uphill you're usually safe but there is like one spawn that that doesn't work for now this is the table that has the lades uh and so this is where you'll find people like running at the start of a raid there's a lot of Med spawns and uh if you even if you come here late in the raid it's worth checking it because if you find a ladex it's going to like it's going to make it make it a better day all right uh these crates here there's normally one inside here and there's more normally on the outside as well uh and there's a lot of like loose M4 spawns MP5 spawns weapon crates when you run over to the next building make sure you go around the left hand side and not the right hand side you go around the right hand side you'll get blown up and if you look at like either map Genie or one of the other Maps it'll show you where those mines are um and it's worth learning because that's the one where I said if you run up hill you'll get blown up um so that's the only one that has that the rest of them if you run up here you're pretty much safe um so yeah uh gold chain spawns and all that along the beds here there's a heap of crates like Supply crates uh en4 spawn in the car I believe weapon crate on the back MP5 spawns as well um like I remember finding an MP5 over here yesterday more crates in here to loot and oh okay okay one of the things that I didn't point out so far but on these camps there these ammo boxes now 855 is not the best ammo but it's not bad either um just be just be understanding that there is a lot of loose ammo on this map that people don't realize the Clusters are spawn um but there's one that everyone knows about or the majority of people know about which I'm going to show you but there's other small ones that they only drop like two or three little boxes but sometimes they're like the best ammo in the game so all right now if you're trying to get the skirts in the safest way possible I would recommend running across the road and then going down that way and then kind of following the fence down um we're going to cut across I want to show up here if you're in the uset camp that we just in just be uh just be wary the people will snipe at you from over here and also if you go around the back of this rock if you go on top of here there's an M4 spawn that is fully modded out like a fly modded M4 it's the same one as the B trade for like the two pro kills or the whiskey SL vodka um it's a very decent M4 now as we run in a straight line slightly to our left as we run straight down um there's what we call [ __ ] Rock that's the big sniper rock with the sniper on top of it and the lumber Camp right there all right the last and final Violet key can't spawn is located in this car up ahead in the doorway right here spawns right there keep an eye out for that one there's a couple filing cabinets and some loose spawns in there and then on this side you've got so when I said that you run down that like tree line there and then you go behind these rocks and then you'll see the fence it's easy if I run over here so that fence there so when you run around down that way behind those two rocks and you'll see the fence if you go too far you'll get blown up by landmines so just be wary of that uh and then outskirts extracts are on this side of the map I want to show you what I call the silencer Shack or scope Shack a lot of people call whatever they want but this is what we always called it uh and it's located over here the problem not D cuz ha being always puffed so a lot of food and drinks spawns on here if you're struggling for food and drink your stomach's been blown out that's where you want to go on here you will find nearly always one to two valuable SS and one to two valuable uh suppressors for example this is probably worth about 60,000 and valid is probably worth about 50k um you can also get shift uh for uh grips sugar at the moment with 100K like this is offline mode and the loots crap and there's probably 200,000 rubles just there right so just to get perspective you should always check this not to mention Now offline mode is going to treat me like [ __ ] if you check here in online mode maybe I'll get my uh my editor quickly do a couple mine runs and Sprint here to get get the the footage for you but we're talking 995 amm like n95 ammo you can get the SE uh the the Laur ammo AP like you can get all the best ammos in the game right here and there's probably usually about four to six boxes of ammo and about half of them will be the best ammo in the game so this is the one everyone knows about and then there's other small dribs and drabs throughout the map that are very similar uh I might put some YouTube shorts out for it but I am planning to do like an ultimate loot guard of the entire Maps um detailing all the loot in every single area um when uh I plan to do that after I finish all the map guides that's the next lot of guides I want to do so hopefully uh I can get that out over the next or start filming that over the next few weeks we've got one more map to film after this one and then we're going to be grinning now if you're going to go to outskirts from from the suppressor Shack I'd run around the left hand side and uh up until where you get towards the landmar and then run around the back of that rock towards the outskirts I'm not going to run to outskirts I want to show you ZB 014 uh and that's another extract on this side if you want to get scab kills from range this is another really good spot you can sit up on those rocks if you want to shoot them from like 200 plus away or up on the hillside here you'll easily get your your distance for killing scabs if you're doing like T of shooter um but yeah sometimes you'll have anywhere up to like 5 to 10 scavs spawn in this area and they'll be in the tree line on this side as well right in front of me now ZB 014 is over here this is also an extract for us also if you see the the bridge extract being red like that it means someone's already taken it now there's only two keys for this map to worry about key number one Z ZB 014 uh you do have to go here early for uh a Jager task to place down some water and an iscra there is some half decent loots in here but inside here you'll find 60 round mags offline mode won't want to deliver but 60 round mags can spawn in here on the ground which is needed for ice cream cones to preper task and then you literally go here to extract now the only other key is the Sturman stash key now it's located in the middle of the map and uh the loot can be anywhere from red Rebel which is a very valuable melee weapon which is this one right here two lot of stream items spawn in there ammo svds m4s it's a big crate that you have to unlock you get the key from killing sterman if you do decide um to unlock it make sure you've already like fully cleared the players in the area um and then you start sprinting out because if you do get that red Rebel SS on the flea market for quite a lot and uh I wouldn't want you missing out on the opportunity to make bang from that um besides that that pretty much covers everything for Woods it's one of those maps that I usually tell people to learn if they uh just want to make some money and get out highly recommend using that car extract a lot um you want to get to Max fence rep which is 6.0 as quickly as possible because it makes your scav loot way better every time you spawn in um you go from spawning in with like no armor no helmet shitty gun to like armor helmet contacts half decent gun and 5 to 10 items inside your like backpack and that so yeah uh just to give you perspective the red Rebel uh sells for about 5 million and Sturman key I think it's about a one2 counts to get it so yeah if you're if you're really Keen it cost you about 5 million keys to farm it but um you'll be able to get a lot of loot doing it that way I have done videos in the past where I've looted the German stash 100 times to see what the loots like it's probably changed from now um because what there's like a what's called a map loot multiplier um and BG can be like oh we want to make a map have a little bit better Loot and they like change them loot multiplier from like 1.2 to like 1.3 and all of a sudden you're like oh my God I'm finding so much more Loot on this map and even though it's only a small change it just means that more loot is spawning in as a as a whole it's all hidden in the coding the game people data mind it um so I don't know the Val values myself but it's obvious like a map like streets it's obviously a much higher one because you find loot everywhere it's like completely filled anyway that's it for this video hopefully you guys enjoyed it I know this is a map that's been around for a long time but I'm trying to update all my map guides to help the new players get to escape from t so hopefully they stick around more and enjoy it more um but we are doing all the map guides I'll be doing loot guides at every map and then I'll probably end up finishing up with uh other tips and tricks and PVP and stuff and that but at the moment we finish up last loot guide sorry map guide is Lighthouse and then from there I'll be filming all loot stuff which I have a lot to film so I won't ramble on anymore if you've enjoyed the content Please Subscribe help us get to the million Subs like and comment to the YouTube algorithm if you uh had know anyone new to T of share my new player playlist please uh and lastly guys I'll see you next [Music] time
Channel: Pestily
Views: 16,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eft, escape from tarkov, escape, from, tarkov, pestily, streets, of, new, guns, 10000, hours, 10k, lighthouse, customs, factory, streets of tarkov, labs, woods, interchange, reserve, shoreline, raid, twitch, live, stream, playthrough, gameplay, loot, looting, tips, tricks, guide, big, insane, maps, guides, tip, trick, highlight, streamer, how, to, pro, chad, 0.14, .14, patch 14, patch .14, keys, priority, key, ultimate, map, beginner, noob, tutorial, help
Id: Sp9hKqJl1KQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 44sec (1904 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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