Ultimate Rookie Mistake! Huge Winter Crappie Fishing Illinois below 30degree Ft. Kostabum Fishin

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[Music] [Music] what is up guys we are back with another video just got out of work again we are rushing to howard and mccormick we are going to catch some fish today i'm gonna have to push some snow push a little bit of snow [Music] here [Music] so i'm gonna try to put this stick under there [Music] [Applause] so many of you may know we are fishing a very important spot to me personally uh and probably many of you and uh you know i know there's many people that do get offended when you post public fishing spots but uh you know everybody has their own experiences every time they go and no matter who goes or how many people go they're always going to have to catch the fish so today we are hitting my childhood fishing spot i fished this place for over 20 years over 25 years at this point and uh i'm feeling really good i'm feeling really confident we're going to catch some fish today guys uh we are on a time restraint as always because i like to fit it in after work um but we're headed there now and i'm excited [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go oh yeah it's a good fish right there there we are another beautiful chicago river crappie black crappie winter time january using a little minnow jig you can pretty much use any minnow jig anything that replicates a minnow you can toss that out and these guys will net it then it's your responsibility to throw them right back in so they can get this big there's one [Music] [Music] here we go all right here we are beautiful chicago river black crappie caught ended up catching him on that marabou jig that we're throwing in the last video nice fish there's that chewed up mirror boy you [Laughter] so we're just using a 1 16 ounce bass pro shop marabou jig speed up right now that's why it looks funky oh that was a good fish man whatever that was that was nice is that your bike up there nice very cool man there's one nice little crappie wow black crappie north shore channel so we're gonna release this guy right here and then i also want to tell you go follow this guy right here his name is costa bum k-o-s-t-a b-u-m space fishing without the g so it's fishing and he rode his bike all the way up here to fish today in the winter it's like 26 degrees and that's how dedicated this individual is give him a subscribe guys [Music] hey there's one that was a really nice hit right in the tip of the lip on this guy oh the carp oh yeah some of them you'll get some of them with deformities or like scrapes things like that but i mean they're survivors that's for sure yeah yeah it's been for a long time too so beautiful beautiful crappie there's one beautiful beautiful time out here on the north shore channel he's got it in there pretty good pop it out i'm gonna go right in for the release on this guy beautiful fish oh he's got it in there good oh there you go nice what do you think like 13 inches for this one oh yeah that's a fat fish man yeah on the spoon too that's a beautiful fish that's an easy 13 or 14. it definitely looks that way good job that was a hell of a fish man yeah so did i the way it was falling nice fish right there not as chunky as this guy's over there coaster bum but uh still a nice fish got one [Music] there's one this is a nice tugger right here oh that's a fatty that's a nice fatty right there and these fish are nice and chunky dude very nice it has been a great evening fishing for crappie especially after making the ultimate rookie mistake today and crashing my drone in the river [Music] [Music] [Music] killing it man killing it uh okay that one had me wrapped around something for a little bit another beautiful chicago river crappie as you can see it's been non-stop fun which i desperately needed after crashing my drone but uh i think this is gonna do it for us it's gonna be our last fish of the night and um let me let him in the water all right thank you guys for watching hit that like button please subscribe and we'll see you guys again very very soon don't forget to also subscribe to coastabum space fishing no g at the end thank you guys again have a wonderful day this guy's just showing off today fish after fish after fish well we're back at the spot where it all happened i have my box i just don't have any drone it's at the bottom of the river um anybody want to snag that out for me that'd be great not that i can use it anymore but hey it would be awesome just send me a message again thank you guys for watching i appreciate all the support we'll see you guys again very very soon um you learn you know you live and you learn today we learned a lot happy fishing stay healthy and we'll see you again soon thank you again bye [Music] [Music] you
Views: 839
Rating: 4.757576 out of 5
Keywords: Chicago fishing, Illinois fishing, ice fishing, winter fishing, Illinois, crappie fishing, north shore channel, drone crash, hs120D, holystonehs120d, #snow, #skokieillinois, evanstonillinois, chicagoillinois, go viral
Id: oqEKFYvsR8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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