Ultimate Performance Test! | Legion Go vs ROG Ally

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today we're benchmarking 14 games at 15 watts 20 watts and 30 Watts at both 720p and 1080p on the Ally and the go halfway through this Benchmark I decided to go ahead and add 12 Watts as well so we can see that lower power performance at 720p I've added vram to the Chart as well so we can see how much vram each game is using in real time the Ally and go are both set to 4 GB to vram and they're both running the 23111 driver which is the latest one you can get at the time of making this video so grab your popcorn cuz this is going to be a pretty lengthy Benchmark and let's go ahead and get started first up we have Insurgency Sandstorm we are running the hide preset in here at 15 watts we can see the vram up here is pretty much at 4 gigs on both so we have the go over here on the left the Ally on the right and you can see our average right here you can see the active FPS so this is what it's getting right now we've got our 1% lows and 0.1% lows on both so you can always see any of those stats as you want while The Benchmark is running and down here is the frame time graph so this is showing us just how smooth it is you'll see hitching in here that's where it's easier to see the stuttering if there is any and wrapping up this 15 watt Benchmark we can see we got about 51 on the go and 55 on the Ally jumping straight into 20 watts and we can see it's extremely close now we're getting 70 for those averages so I'll just speed it up a little bit more to get to the end of this and you can even see the frame time graph there's a little bit more spikes down here it's very small and wrapping this one up it's basically the same we got it right at 7374 the 1% and 0.1s are pretty close maybe a little bit better. ons like we were seeing in that frame time graph at the 20 watt all right then here at 30 Watts we just got it going this is still at 720p and you can see here the go is pulling ahead at this higher wattage it seems to be optimized better and it could even be the speed of the ram is a bit faster in the Lenovo Legion go than it is in the Ally and that could be making a difference here and you can see we're at about 84 versus about 81 and even the 1% right here are higher and so we got four additional FPS for the average at the end of this one here we are at 1080p now and you can see we're getting about five additional FPS on the Ally at this lower 15 watts and wrapping this one up it was about 5 FPS difference between the go in the Ally with the Ally just coming in slightly ahead jumping straight into 20 watts I'm going to go and fast forward cuz we got to get through these benchmarks there's a lot of them and you can see here it is definitely closing in so now we are at 4345 so just a two additional FPS on the Ally jumping straight into 30 here we'll go and fast forward a little so you can see the most of the run here and we're at 49 49 3940 so very close identical performance it's almost 5050 40 40 so very close at the 30 WS this is at 1080p moving on to cyberpunk we're running the medium quality preset and that automatically turns FSR on set to Auto here's the settings if you're interested we're starting off at 720p and here at 15 watts I'll go ahead and just fast forward a little so we can see the frame time graph is a little less smooth over here on the go at this lower watt range they're both using about 3 gigs of vram and this is something that's interesting because a lot of games even when it's set to four they'll stop around 3200 megabytes which I found in a previous test where I benchmarked a lot of them so we'll just fast forward to right at the end I'm going to freeze it and they're both not liking it you can see stuttering and the frame time is a bit messed up and ending this one it was about 39 to 47 so quite a bit of a jump in fps in cyberpunk at the 15 wat at 20 w we can see the frame time on both is doing a lot better so let's go and fast forward our FPS are pretty close we're at about 52 54 55 the 1% are pretty close as well getting near the end here and we can see both of them are stuttering neither one likes this area right here and we got about 56 to 60 so just a little bit ahead at 20 watt 720p for the Ally jumping over to 30 watts and this is still at 720p go and fast forward a little and it's really close now we're at 60 across the board 44 46 32 3 5 that is extremely close almost identical performance let's go ahead and fast forward a little bit more and 67 on both jumping over to 1080p neither system is enjoying this you can see we're getting some spikes on both of them not the greatest FPS so we're at about 23 to 28 initially starting let's fast forward a little bit and get through it again and they are not liking right here you can see those massive spikes bringing down our averages 1% and1s wrapping this one up we got about five add additional FPS on the Allies so 29 to 24 then jumping over to 20 watts here and we can see really close performance again at 20 so this is 1080P and we're at about 33 35 37 and this one was only about 3 FPS the Ally just pulling slightly ahead and here we are at 30 wats we can see it's about 39 across the board so we'll go ahead and fast forward and so at this 30 wat 720p it's going to be pretty much identical across each device you can see we're still at 42 for the average there now on to Forza Horizon 5 and we are running 720p we have msaa set to 2X and we're running the medium Graphics preset and overall a lot smoother on the go now at that 4 gigs of vram if you saw my initial overview that was at the just default out of the boox experience at 3 gigs of V Ram so here at 4 it is doing a lot better the stutters are pretty much gone and we can see we're at about 5 460 so let's go ahead and speed this up a little bit and the 1% are a little higher on the Ally as well as the 0.1 so overall once again at this lower 15 watt range the Ally just seems to have better optimization at that level and here right before it ends we're at 58 to 66 and here we are at 20 watts and once again closing in a bit I'll go ah and fast forward a little more and we can see about 70 to 74 73 is what it was I think and wrapping this up the Ally got slightly higher f PS jumping over to 30 W it's really close and we're getting really good frame rates on both sitting around 80 for the average almost identical performance here 85 70 71 this is very close so pretty much the same at 30 Watts at 4 gigs of vram on both on Horizon 5 and this is at 720p and jumping to 1080 we just started it and we can see it's about 38 to 46 right now and all fast forward a little more let's get to the end of this and right here before it ends we can see around 41 for the average versus 49 and here at 20 wats the Allies is just a little bit ahead only two FPS in the averages and here at 30 WTS pretty much identical starting off 62 61 I mean this is basically the exact same level of performance even the frame time graph is looking about the same next we have a game that is really well optimized it's alien isolation this is The Benchmark mode and we are running ultra settings here and starting off at 720p at 15 watts and we can see the Allies a bit ahead and then as we fast forward through this the frame time is pretty smooth on both of them and wrapping this one up it's about 20% performance a little less than that additional on the Allies you can see we're at about 120 versus 101 or so then here at 20 watts it's about 140 150 versus 140 and fast forwarding a little bit to get near the end and we can see here it's closer but the Ally is around 15 52 versus 141 this is obviously ridiculously high frame rates and it's cuz this game is so well optimized and it's at 720p now on to 30 Watts keep in mind this is still 720p so we are getting really high FPS and it's very close here it's about the same across the board so we go and fast forward a little you can see the 1% are a bit higher on the go and at this frame rate it's not going to matter which device you on you're going to have a good time hitting FPS this high now on to 1080P and and we can see it's about a 10 FPS difference right here fast forwarding along just a little ways you can see here about 61 on the Go versus 72 on the Ally with the 1% and 0.1s being a little bit higher as well jumping up to 20 watts and it's also close again the Ally is just slightly ahead over here with it being about 3 to 4 FPS difference in those averages then at 30 Watts at 1080p it is extremely close as we can see we're getting about 100 FPS 110 FPS and then wrapping this one up we're getting about two additional FPS on the go next up we have crisis at 720p and we are running the medium Graphics preset with no rate tracing On and Here on crisis at 15 watts you can see the averages we'll go ahead and just speed this up a little bit to let them average out and we're at about 79 average On The Go versus 91 on the Ally at 20 watts once again the average is closing in quite a bit and it's about a 3 FPS bump on the Ally with slightly higher 1% here but the 0.1s being a little bit lower and here at 30 Watts you can see we are getting really high FPS across the board and the go is about 2 to three FPS higher than the Ally with the 1% being very close and the 0.1% being close as well moving on to 1080p at 15 watts and we can see 42 or or so on the go with 49 on the Ally Then at 20 wats really close the go is about 1 FPS ahead right here the 1% and. ons are also pretty close so almost identical performance then at 30 Watts we're getting about four 3 to four additional FPS on the go as you can see here with the 1% and 0.1s being really close moving on to Metro exitus at 720p we're running the highquality preset here and this is where I decided to add in 12 watt to 720p so we're doing 12 15 20 and 30 WTS just to see so this is a much lower power range and this would be if you're trying to save battery we can see we're using about 2.9 gigs of vram and here we can see we're getting about five additional FPS on the Ally for the averages and fast forwarding along to get through this tunnel get down to the bottom and you can see at the end of this we got about five additional FPS in favor of the Ally jumping up to 15 watts and it's about a a 10 11 FPS difference just starting out so we go ahead and fast forward a little bit get through all of this and the frame time graph is also looking really similar across both of them and then wrapping this one up the Ally was about 8 FPS higher at 20 watts we're at about 80 on the go and 82 on the Ally we'll go and fast forward a little get to the end of this Benchmark and here at the end it was the same for the average the same for the 1% and exact same for the0 ones so that is really awesome pretty much identical performance even the vram and everything is pretty close here at 30 WTS we just started it and we'll fast forward and can see we're at about 90 FPS 80 it's about a 5 FPS increase on the go as well as a little higher in the 1% and those .1% and wrapping this up at 30 Watts this is 720p you can see 7571 so about a 4 FPS difference moving on to 1080p at 15 watts and we can see our vram went up a little was about 2. 8 2.9 on the other one you can see now we're at around 3.1 on both and the Ally is around 41 to 36 fast forwarding along to get through this and wrapping this one up we got 31 FPS on the go and 35 on the Ally Then here at 20 watts and it looks like we're looking at the same chart pretty much 46 47 48 51 51 so really close at 20 watts at 1080P and fast forwarding through all of this to get near the end and you can see we got about the same performance across both then at 30 WTS we see the go is about 3 FPS higher starting off so we'll go ahead and fast forward a little bit the 1% and 0.1s are pretty close right here and we got an additional 3 FPS on the go at that 30 wat 1080p moving on to Red Dead Redemption 2 at 720p and we are running one click here into favor quality and the reason for that is it just makes everything look sharper and I did not notice a huge performance hit so this is actually how I run it in here we're starting at 12 watts and the average is showing way higher than the actual average that's due to the Loading screens on Red Dead Redemption 2 when it goes to the black screen the FPS Skyrocket and it skews the results a bit so what we're more looking at is the actual FPS down here at the bottom or you could look at the FPS right here and you can see it is about a 6 or 7 FPS increase on the Ally at this lower wattage also you probably notice the vram this is such a weird glitch with this game and it's done this since I started benchmarking it it seems to only go up to about 900 but the performance still seems to be decent and you can see right here we're at about 25 to 33 FPS so just a bit higher on the Ally with a little bit more stability as well and here are the results at the end you can see we got about 29 for the average and about 35 36 on the allly bumping it up to 15 watts and the FPS has climbed quite a bit it's about a 10 FPS difference if you look down here at the bottom 4354 so around 10 11 FPS difference in favor of the Ally and then just fast forwarding here to get to the next shot and then looking at The in-game Benchmark you can see we got about 40 for the average on the go and about 50 on the Ally Then moving on to 20 watts and you can see our FPS is a lot higher we're getting about anywhere from 40ish mid-40s to 60 FPS which is very playable for sure at 20 watts if you're running the 720p and here for the game Benchmark about 51 on the go and 58 on the Ally Then here at 30 watts and the performance once again is really close here at 720p so we'll go and fast forward through this just a little bit and then looking at the ingame benchmarks it's only about a 2 FPS difference now moving on to 1080p at 15 watts and we can see our FPS is just a bit higher on the Ally over here and here we can see it's pretty much 6 FPS difference about 25.6 on the go and 31.6 on the Ally moving on to 20 watts and it's closer about 2 3 FPS difference now so we'll go ahead and fast forward a little ways and we can see here near the end it's looking about 3 to 4 FPS difference and you can see here an increase of about 4 FPS on the Ally for the averages jumping to 30 watts and it is definitely a lot closer now about 40 to 40 it's about 1 FPS maybe 2 FPS difference now we'll go ahead and just fast forward through most of this and as we get near the end it's only about 1 or 2 FPS from what I can see and there we go we got 37.1 on the go and 38.8 on the allly so a little under 2 FPS for the difference here on Resident Evil 2 starting off with 720p in here are all the settings we're going to be using if you're interested at 12 wats we're seeing about a 6 FPS difference or so as we go through here we can also see the one per and the0 ones are a little bit higher on the Ally and finishing this one up we got about 49 FPS on the go and 56 on the Ally and here we are at the 15 watt range and we can see the difference has actually increased a bit I'm not sure what Aces did at the 15 watt range on 323 bios that I benchmarked a while back but this 15 watt range specifically got a really nice performance bump so hopefully Lenovo will release something like that to increase the performance at this lower B range and here we can see we got 68 on the go and 84 on the Ally with the 1% point1 being a bit higher and our vram usage as well is 3.6 gigs so the 4 gigs is definitely useful in Resident Evil 2 jumping up to 20 watt and the results are getting close so we're at about 92 for the average versus 9596 wrapping up the 20 watt and it was about a 5 FPS increase on the Ally with the 1% and 0.1s being pretty close now on to 30 and we can see here we're at about 107 let's fast forward a little let it average out so about 110 111 to 108 and we'll just fast forward to the end of this one and it looks like it's about a 3 FPS in favor of the go again with the 1% and .1s being pretty close now on to 1080P and we can see here we're at about 37 to 43 or so and as we wrap this one up it looks like we got about and wrapping this one up it looks like we're at about 39 to 45 so about a 6 FPS increase and a decent increase in those 1% and .1% then at 20 watts it is neck and neck it almost looks like an identical chart here you can see we're at about 3.5 gigs of vram and wrapping this one up we got right at 54 to 55 next we have 30 Watts at 1080P and you can see it's about 61 on the go right now and as we finish this you can see we got 62 on the go and 60 on the Ally now we have Skyrim 720p using the medium quality preset and here it's about a 10 FPS difference in those averages so we'll just fast forward a little bit and even the frame time if you look down here you can see it's just a bit smoother on the Ally it's nothing crazy but it is a little more rough over here on the go and this is at 12 watt starting out and wrapping this one up we got about 53 on the go and 63 on the alline and we're only using about 2.1 gigs 2.2 gigs on the Ally 2.4 on the go so 4 gigs of vram is plenty on this 3 gigs would work fine as well now on to 15 watts and they're both looking really good so if you look at these frame time graph they look about the same and we're getting 74 average right now versus 87 it is interesting the go is using more vram I don't know why that is and wrapping this up we got 75 on the go and 990 on the Allies so a pretty big difference at that 15 wat 720p range jumping up to 20 watts and we're in the 90s on both and 100 now for the average and it looks like it's about a 2fps difference and it is butter smooth that this should run perfect on both and just wrapping it up we got two more FPS on the Ally and the 1% and 0.1s are really close jumping up to 30 watts and we are already at over 100 before we even went across that bridge on both of them and you can see the go is at least I would say 5 FPS at this point and here wrapping up The Benchmark it looks like right at 4 FPS additional on the go now on to 1080P and we can see it's about a 109 FPS difference right now in the averages and the frame time graph is actually pretty smooth on both and then wrapping this one up we're at 47 on the go and 56 on the Ally at 20 watts we can see 6261 really close results now even this this looks like it's the same chart 57 56 on both the 1% and. 1% as well and this is a very playable frame rate at this 20 watt and you can see here basically the exact same result that is amazing how close it is then at 30 Watts you can see it's about 3 FPS higher in the averages starting off so we'll go ahead and just fast forward a little bit and wrapping up the final Benchmark and you can see it's 4 FPS additional on the go moving on to Monster Hunter world this is with the iceborn expansion we are doing 720P and just the high graphics preset and starting off at 12 Watts this is the wild Spire waste map so I'm just going to show you all the full run to get started so you know what all the benchmarks are doing and you can see it's about 4 FPS or so additional right now on the Ally over here and then right as we get to the end this is where I'm just going to stop at and get those rates and you can see and you can see we got 34 FPS on the go and 37 on the Ally we're using about 2.7 gigs of vram on the Ally and about 2.9 on the go the go seems to use a little more vram for some reason and I'm not exactly sure why here we are at 15 watts at 720p and we're getting 52 or so average against 59 on the Ally and then wrapping this one up we got 51 on the go and 57 for the average on the Ally bumping it up to 20 watts and the go is about 2 FPS ahead in the averages the 1% are pretty close and the point ones are also pretty close and then finishing this Benchmark up and we're at 72 on the go 69 on the Ally at 30 Watts we're seeing a decent bump in the FPS right now getting in the 80s on the go and the mid 70s on the Ally and at 30 Watts we got an additional 6 FPS on the go getting 80 against 74 on the Ally now moving on to 1080p at 15 watts and you can see the vram usage actually jump quite a bit now we're at about 3 and 1/2 gigs on each and the Ally is actually using a little bit more so this game it might matter to have that four gigs because we're utilizing it right now and you can see at lower Watts the go is actually ahead of the Ally so we got an additional 2 FPS on the go jumping up to 20 WTS and we are getting really close performance so if you're running 20 watts on either of these you're going to get about the same performance and just wrapping up the end we got 4040 3535 3231 and at 30 Watts we can see where the goes pulling ahead by I would say about 3 FPS in the averages and we ended up getting 45 on the go and 43 on the Ally on Resident Evil Village 720p and here are the settings we're using just in case you want to see them and starting off at 12 Watts this game stutters pretty bad on both they do not like this lower Watts you can see this is really bad starting the frame time and for whatever reason the ghosts seem to just not like this area of the map so we're at about 38 FPS on the go and about 46 on the Ally and then just fast forward in this we just run up the hill let's stop it up here and you can see we got about 37 on the go and 45 on the Ally but the 1% and the point ones were a lot more stable on the Ali for some reason but jumping over to 15 watts we're going to see these two stutters right here on the go and then right here I'm going to slow it down and we'll see there's these massive stutters and I don't know why it just kept doing this it doesn't like this specific area for some reason not sure what would be causing that and then fast forward in a little bit we're at about 56 to 72 and you can see our 1% are greatly higher going from 22 to 53 on the Ally in this specific game and wrapping this one up we got 55 on the go against 71 and then 22 for the 1% against 55 and 13 against 35 now on to 20 watts and once again there is a lot of this stuttering going on these are the same drivers same vram same power settings same wattages pretty much same vram usage and yeah there's the season weird stutters that are popping up y can let me know down in the comments below if you're noticing that on the go yourself and then wrapping this up we got 81 against 88 average on the Ally and then once again the 1% 23 to 65 here we are at 30 watts and we're actually maintaining above 100 FPS on both for the averages the legion go is about 1 or two FPS higher in those averages it is getting more stutters like we just saw here though so it did bring down the 0 .1% but 996 to 95 for the averages and the 1% are still really good at 69 and 73 here we are at 1080P and we can see there's both stuttering and then we're just going to get a few more popping up over here at this lower Watts on the go and here we're getting about 33 to 40 and wrapping it up that's exactly what we got 33 on the go 40 on the Ally with the 1% going from 17 on the go to 33 on the Ally bumping it up to to 20 watts and the stuttering pretty much went away on both of them so they made it through this area fine and we're at about 50 to 52 FPS so really close on the averages and the 1% and even the. ons and wrapping this one up and we got 48 49 so pretty much identical results now moving on to 30 watts and the results are really close also the stuttering is still gone so the higher power seems to help quite a bit and wrapping this one up we got 53 on the go and 52 on the Ally moving on to beam ng at 720p we're using the normal Graphics preset and then starting off at 12 Watts we can see we're getting about 30 on the go against 37 on the Ally and this is an extremely demanding game even though it looks simple and then finishing it up right before we go in the tunnels where I'm stopping this is 33 on the go and 40 on the Ally you can see our vram usage is about 3.9 on the go and about 3.6 3.7 on the Ally here we are at 15 watts and we're at about 40 FPS on the go 47 on the Ally with the 1% and 0.1 is being a little higher on the Ally and we ended up at 45 FPS on the go and 51 on the Ally with a decent jump from 31 to 42 in the 1% at 20 watts we are pretty close right at 50 or so the 1% and 0.1s are also pretty close and wrapping this up we got 58 for the average on the go and 57 on the Ally next we have 30 Watts keep in mind this is 720p and we're at about 60 getting close to 60 and wrapping this up we got 64 on the go and 61 on the Ally now on to 1080p I'm not sure what's going on on the Ally but look at the noise down here in this Frame time graph it looks really weird I didn't really see this in the game playay but it is extremely strange the way it looks and it doesn't stop no matter the Watt and wrapping this one up we got 29 on the go and 34 on the Ally at 15 watts at at 1080p bumping it up to 20 watts and the results are a lot closer in the averages so we'll just fast forward a little bit to get to the end and we ended up getting 40 across the board for the averages and On The Go 34 for the 1% against 27 on the Ally Then here at 30 Watts we can see the go pulling away and then here we got 45 on the go against 43 on the Ally and another almost 10 FPS and the 1% lows on the go next we have The Witcher 3 we're just using the medium preset here which does set FSR quality to Auto and we're starting off at 720p and here at 12 Watts we're at about 23 on the go and about 27 on the Ally so I'll just speed up just to go ahead and show you all the Benchmark it just goes through the mountains for a little ways and then we just stop it as soon as we get over one of the hills over here and right here we can see the go we rewind a bit is like stuttering and it's a little less smooth at this lower Watts so we ended up getting get 24 for the average against 29 on the Ally and then 16 for the 1% versus 21 on the Ally and then here we are at 15 watts and surprisingly we're only using about 2.6 gigs of vram on this game and we're at about 34 35 FPS on the go and 42 on the Ally and we ended up at 35 on the go and 43 on the Ally jumping to 20 watts we're at about 4050 pretty close across the board maybe one or two FPS higher on the all Al you can see we ended up just getting two additional FPS on the Ally Then at 30 Watts the go and Ally are neck and neck the go looks like it's speeding out the Ally just a little bit and we ended up getting 59 against 57 with the 1% and 0.1s being pretty close now this is at 1080P and it would be harder to run this game for sure at 15 watts like we're doing here we can see the vram has actually gone up so we're at about 3 gigs now you can see in the frame time graph it is a bit more unstable there is that one spot it stutters on both but it's a little bit more unstable on the go with this lower Watt and wrap this one up 25 on the go and 29 on the Ally jumping to 20 watts and they are neck and neck you're going to have pretty much the same experience at 20 watt and we got identical numbers here across the board getting 35 for the averages and then bumping it to 30 the go is about 2 FPS higher and we ended up at 40 FPS on the go and 38 FPS on the Al next we're playing Black Ops 3 Zombies and I have most of the settings turned up too high starting off at 12 Watts at 720p and we can see we're getting about 10 FPS more on the Ally currently and as I run through the Benchmark I'm just running up and down randomly to try to get as even of a result as possible and wrapping up the 12 watt Benchmark we got 57 on the go and 68 on the Ally Then here we are at 15 watts and it's about a 20 FPS difference or so if you look at the frame time graph down here you'll see these little stutters that will happen on the go here and there and on the Ally they're really not present so that is probably what is bringing down the average a little bit and then wrapping this Benchmark up we got 82 for the average on the go and 100 on the Ally but our 1% we're at 59 On The Go versus 82 on the Ally Then here we are at 20 watts and it's almost identical here even the 1% and .1% are pretty close close and we're getting about 120 FPS so very playable at 20 wat 720p you're going to get a nice high frame rate wrapping this up we got 12 122 on the go 124 on the allly and once again at 20 watts it's a really similar experience on either device and then here at 30 watt 720p we can see we're at 139 140 FPS that's crazy amounts and we are a bit ahead on the go being about 5 6 FPS higher and then wrapping this one up we got 139 FPS on the go 134 on the Ally and a little bit higher on the 1% as well2 versus 104 and here at 1080p our frame rate is definitely suffering a little bit and we're not getting as high but still getting pretty decent and to wrap this one up we got 46 on the go and 53 on the Ally at 20 watts the results were really close once again we ended up getting 67 on both for the averages and we are using about 3.6 6 gigs of vram at 1080p moving on to 30 watts and we're getting a very playable frame rate pretty much maintaining above 60 we ended up getting 79 on the go for the average and 73 on the Ally and I wanted to do more bench marks but the video is already over 30 minutes long so I'm going to have to do that at a later date and I have other videos for both the go and the Ally that I'm working on that I want to get out if you did enjoy the video consider hitting the like button and I'll see you in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Filterless
Views: 110,462
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Id: K3KysGxAthA
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Length: 32min 18sec (1938 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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