Ultimate Jaeger Task Guide - Escape from Tarkov

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hi guys this is pastel and welcome to the escape from tarkov video in this video i'm covering the jager task for patch point 12.9 the most recent wipe keeping up to date with all the latest information and if there are any changes i'll put them down in the pin post below so you update these for each what so uh you know if you guys enjoy it so without further ado let's crack straight into it [Music] so jaeger is unlocked by completing the introduction task from mechanic where you need to go into woods and pick up his uh letter and then survive an extracted rate and hand it into the mechanic once you've done that you unlock the jager quest line and you can start getting through these quests being the first one acquaintance now for this one you need to find in raid three iskra lunch boxes two amelia rye croutons and two delicious beef stews and that's the brown can not the reddish yellow can of tashanka so uh the first and easiest way to get this quest done is to go into either woods or reserve and you want to loot the ration supply crates now on woods there's a fair few locations now with the ration supply crates and i'll put them up on a map for you now however the next best bet is to go into reserve and there are four located in in close proximity to each other uh in the bunker section underneath the helicopter and then you can search those for ration supply crates and then survive and extract the rate to hand them in shouldn't take you too long to get this quest done i generally got it done in a few raids but um you can also do this passively as you're doing other quests anyway once you hand all these in you can hand in the quest and move on to the next one so i'm going to start off with the survivalist path being unprotected and but dangerous so what you need to do is you need to go into woods and kill five scabs whilst not wearing body armor now there are a few bugs at the moment where you can wear certain particular body armors that were just added to the game but at the moment um that will get fixed and so then therefore you should just do it the normal way that you should my tactic is to actually wear body armor into the raid get to a position where i can see a scav i quickly uh press the lead on my body arm and it throws it off myself and then i will shoot the scap after you do five of this you just put your armor back on and you continue the raid just like normal and there's no dramas there whatsoever so after five scavs hand in the quest and move on to the next one survivalist path thrifty for this quest you need to go into woods and you need to take in two escrow mres and two bottles of water you don't need to go both to the zb016 bunker and the zb014 bunker which you don't need the key to do this quest and then once you get into both of those bunkers you just place down the water and mre and then survive and extract the raid once you've done that uh hand in the quest and move on to the next one uh survivors path zip chip i'm guessing it's a zip chick but i'm calling it ziv chick and it's fun to say zip chick this one you need to be dehydrated for five minutes in a raid and then survive an extract the easiest and fastest way to do this is to eat a full can of uh devil dog's mayo guzzle bees mayo and once you've guzzled that down pop a propital stem the problem steam goes for about five minutes and it keeps you at full health and then you just need to survive and extract the raid if you want to uh make it so it's a little bit easier after you've dehydrated for five minutes and you can check the status of it in the task task bar on your quest list once it says you've actually been dehydrated drink some water and then you don't have to worry about the dehydrator side of things once you survive an extra trade hand that one in survivalist path wounded beast for this you need to kill three scatters while suffering from the pain effect now i do believe that if you are dehydrated you are under the pain effect and you can dehydrate yourself and then kill scabs that way um generally i do these just by playing the game normally and then just shooting scabs as they shoot me and over time you'll get uh you'll get this quest done fairly easily so um you can be dehydrated or use broken bones to get this quest done but it's up to you how quickly you want to get done if you are for some reason struggling to get three scavenger killed whilst under the paint effect then break a bone or get dehydrated survival's path tough guy for this one you need to go into woods kill three scabs and then survive the raid without using medical items now there is a trick to this that you can do so if you do kill three scarves and then you get hit and you're going to die if you don't think you can make it to the extract you can just let yourself die and then go back into the raid and then survive and extract the raid without using meds so as long as you don't use meds at all the quest won't cancel itself and you can continue on the quest onto the next raid so that is a little trick behind it um if you want to go down that path if you really worried about your survival rate for whatever silly reason that is um you can heal yourself and then just go and do the quest again anyway survival's path cold blooded for this one you need to get two pmc kills with a tremor sorry 2pm steel kills via headshot whilst having a tremor and it says in bracket broken limb um you can have a broken limb or you can be dehydrated the way to do it is if you got a broken arm wait 40 seconds i also have a broken arm go into a raid wait 40 seconds and the tremor debuff will kick in then you just go into and say a factory like do that in a factory raid go around shoot two people in the head or three people in the head i guess sorry two people in the head and then you've got the quest done um otherwise uh you can dehydrate yourself for this quest as well so dehydrate yourself go into a raid wait 45 seconds to a minute and then you'll have the tremor buff get the head shots and uh pretty straight forward there survival's path a junkie now for this one you need to kill 15 scabs on woods whilst having a stimulant effect there's a couple options for this my personal favorite is use it is either using a pro poodle or an sj6 stem um but the other option you do have is to use milk and it'll give immunity for like five minutes so if milk's not too expensive at the time um buy some milk eat the eat slash drink the milk and then uh kill the 15 scavs so that's another option you've got there to get those kills survival's path uh eagle owl so for this one you need to kill six gabs between 2100 and zero four hundred without using mvg or thermal sight the probably the easiest way to do this one is to go into interchange during those hours because inside interchange is not really that dark and you just run around and kill six scarves and it's fairly straightforward so that is probably the best option it's up to you if you want to do it on a different map survival's path combat medic for this one you need the level 5 vitality skill and you have a few options for leveling vitality skill uh you can either take damage or have blood loss uh the other option is to complete the quest ambulance so if you hold out um the ambulance skill or the ambulance quest until you are level four in fatality then you can hand this in and get to level five and then that way it'll be a little bit easier but generally the rule of thumb is just take damage and you'll level up your vitality skill courtesy visit for this quest you need to go into shoreline and you need to go to the priest house fisherman house and the chairman's house so these are all located in the swamp area on shoreline once you're at the swamp um from the church in the swamp you want to head up to the hill where the colt quest is and it's the one with the body inside of it go inside there and you'll have the first one done from there head across to the green house so you're heading directly towards the uh the wall or the external wall of the map uh and you'll see that green house standing by itself uh this one's really good for technical spawn so go inside there and you'll have the second one done that is the chairman house and then after you leave that house take a 90 degree turn to the left and it's the closest house to the left-hand side as you're running uh directly back towards that swamp village after you've seen all three of these houses you just hand in the quest very straightforward nostalgia for this quest all you need to do is go into the west wing 303 room there's no key required to get into this room and pick up jaeger's photo album from inside the drawers next to the bed and hand this quest in once you hand in this quest you do get a document case which is really handy to have and you get the hep station key which is before the power station in the middle of the map ambulance for this quest you need to get a defibrillator and two cms kits found in raid and handed in to get this quest done now the cms kits can be found in any of the med med supply crates and med spawns throughout the game so they should be fairly straightforward for you to get however the defibrillator you can craft in the hideout um if you are struggling to get it in in a raid the hot out craft is um needed you need meditation level 2 for it however if you do want to find it in raid the ultra medical room has pretty good chances of spawning it otherwise you need to go into labs to find this item personally i would just probably do the craft as the safe safer method and just reiterating from the uh the combat medics uh quest from before you could potentially save this quest until you're already level four vitality so then that way when you hand this in that would get you to level five to hand in the combat medic quest reserve now for this one all you need to go into is reserve you need to go into the bunker underneath the hermetic door where the four cages are and once you go into the middle of that area there's uh it'll trigger the quest to completion and you just need to survive and extract the raid to complete this quest huntsman path secured perimeter for this one you need to go into factory and get six pmc kills in the office area on factory for this quest it includes the staircases on both ends of the factory area or the office area the staircase is going up and down the bathroom floor and the top floor for the office area you need to kill the people while they're inside there you don't have to be inside there so um if you're standing inside there shooting people out of there then wait for them to come in uh it's six pmc kills it'll take you at least two raids but generally it takes four or five because sometimes people just don't want to fight inside there huntsman path woods cleaning for this one you just need to kill 30 scavengers on any map it's pretty straightforward and uh you'll just get this one passively done over time huntsman path controller you need to kill two pmcs blinded with flashbang now this can use the ks23 shotgun so ks23 shotgun you buy from prepper level 2 the flashbang rounds you buy from proper level 3 go with the factory shoot them with the uh the shotgun with the flash round and then just kill them with any other gun do this to two pmcs and you'll have this quest complete really easily otherwise use flashbangs and just keep throwing them until you know they're flashed and you'll be able to get this quest done huntsman path evil watchman this one you're gonna get five pmc kills in the dorms area and this is the three-story dorms and two-story dorms and i do believe it's also the area in between the two dorms so uh there's plenty of room to get these kills generally just go to three story dawns wait by the marshroom and people will come to you that's all you need to do really you can sometimes get five pmcs to all come to the market room in the one raid so that would be my suggestion on trying to get this one done quickly huntsman path the trophy for this one you need to go into customs and kill rashala and then also grab his golden tt and find find it in raid and survive an extract with it so uh richarlis spawns at the new gas station the dorms and the big skeletor building in the middle of the map and he has four minions with him generally if you're just using bt ammo you can cut through these guys pretty easily um sometimes they'll have altered face shields and helmets on so that's where bs and 1739 con ammunitions will get through a bit quicker but generally these this gap losses i would argue is the second easiest gap boss to kill and you only need to kill rashala and grab the uh the golden tt sometimes you'll kill him he won't have the golden tt so if that's the case uh and you kill him and he doesn't have it you don't even need to worry about killing his minions you can just leave and um go back and try and get it another time huntsman path justice for this one you need to kill three scavs that are dressed in police uniform this is rochelle's minions so after you've already killed him and got his golden teaser you need to go back in and then kill his minions to hand him for this quest huntsman path sell out for this one go into interchange and you need to kill killer and loot his helmet and have it found in raid and hand it over and you can take the face shield off when you hand in this helmet uh and for the quest completion and so that way you'll save a little bit extra money but um pretty straightforward killer spawns in the middle of interchange the best way of killing him is m61 ammunition with an mdr that's the 308 variant um he has been buffed quite heavily and he's quite annoying to try and kill so um try your best but m61 is usually the easiest and best way to kill him huntsman path woods keeper for this one you need to kill sturman and loot the german key and survive and extract the raid and hand it over for this i find sherman the easiest guy boss to kill once you know his location throughout the lumber mill it's very straightforward now he's meant to spawn also over in the sunken village but at the moment it doesn't he doesn't seem to spawn over there so um you can go up on top of the big rock and snipe down towards him and once you know his locations you can snipe him without even even firing back because you're up on the big high ground um but generally the my fastest and easiest tactic to kill sturman is to go into the uh the warehouse there from the back side of it and then you go inside and you'll kill one of these minions inside there and then it will have a second minion running around and then it just comes down to a 1v1 using smgs or any fast firing gun they don't wear helmets so you can just head shot them it to get the kill huntsman path eraser part one for this one you need to go into reserve and kill glucker all you need to do is kill him you don't have to kill his minions you don't have to loot anything so just kill glucker and then you can hand this quest in well huntsman path eraser part two you need to kill six raiders and this can be done on reserve or labs so if you want to kill glucker's minions or the uh the raiders that spawn on reserve you can go down that path or you can go into labs and just get the six raiders just in normal on labs huntsman path saddest now for this one you don't need to do for the capper container uh and it's to kill sanitar on shoreline now he spawns at either the docks the cottages or the resort and um he has two minions now the minions are scarier than him he's usually naked with an as val and uh he he sometimes uses a shotgun it can be quite devastating if he catches you off guard but the minions are generally the scarier one out of these three in my opinion um but you can snipe him from some locations if you get lucky so um comes down to a little bit of you know luck involved in that one fishing place for this quest you need to get two founding raid labs key cards and then hand them over as you're killing scav bosses you should be finding lab key cards in their pockets or their backpack and uh as you uh loot them put them aside for this quest and you only need two and just hand it over for the quest to get it done and then move on hunting trip now this task has changed of recent it's now killed sperman with a remington m700 using the specific site which is the march tactical 3-24 by 42 ffp scope my suggestion for this is go on the big hill in the middle of uh of woods and look down towards uh the lumber mill and then snipe him it's a lot of fun from the top of that hill it's usually about 250 meters um so if you want to use the the mil dots on a voodoo or you want to just zero it and try your best luck with that m62 rounds with the m700 good to go for the headshot and have some fun with this i actually find these kind of tasks really fun to do shady business for this task you need to find three found in raid flash drives and then hand it in after you've done the quest for skier i'm pretty sure shady business unlocks and then you need to do the 3 4 jager so you need five of these in total so every time you find one of these start saving them the flash drives are found in safes or in computers but safe is easily the easiest and fastest way to get them if you're still if you've got to this point and you haven't watched the other guides the fastest way to do it is um go to customs three-story dorms 204 or 214 two-story dorms 105 110 114 or head over to shoreline you've got the cottages and then down by the pier um you can get some more safes down there pretty uh safe and easy ways to get into the safety in my opinion all right so moving into the tarkov shooter series for tarkov shooter part one you need to kill five scales over 40 meters without a uh sight on a bolt action rifle now you can use a mosin you can use an m700 and sp-98 whatever the bold action rifle is your choice for the day um you can also use the vpo so um i usually do this one on shoreline because you can get the 40 meter range fairly easily but this used to be 60 or 75 meters so they've reduced it a lot um so you can probably do this on nearly any map just because 40 meters isn't really that far away um so yeah go in shoot them if you're using a mosin i usually use snb ammo it's personal preference but snb usually is the best for my opinion if you're using a remington or a dvl m62 is my and my choice but you can use m80 talk of shooter part two this one you can use a sight but from over 40 meters away you need to shoot them in the legs three times shoot a scavenger leg three times and make two headshots over 40 meters so shoreline again i would just shoot scabs in the legs until you've got all three and then finish them off in the head um for the next two and that's very straightforward this task particularly with uh the the range or the meters distance being reduced tarkov shooter part three now a lot of people have issues with this quest to kill three pmcs under 25 meters with a bolt action rifle factory mosin snb ammo all you need go for the headshot and you could just go naked with a motion and go for headshots and if you can if you can make the shot you'll probably get a lot of gear out of it because you're one shot him in the head no matter what the snb ammo is quite cheap on the flea market and the motions you can pick up on the flea market chief as well so that's my tactic and my theory on this one if you are struggling on that map you could try different maps but the fastest and easiest way will be factory talk of shooter part four uh level up sniper rifles to level three for this one uh every time you shoot a scavenger player you get about point four of a skill point and then there's diminishing returns after that so if you go into a raid and you make land 10 of your shots you'll usually go up two to three skill points um sometimes even more uh so to get level three you need 60 skill points so you're probably looking at about 12 to 15 raids of being uh going in with a bolt action rifle to get level three if you're taking a few shots to kill stuff my tactic with this is not to actually headshot scavs or thor accident hit him in the legs two or three times and then finish him it doesn't hurt you at all to take a little bit longer if you're at a bit of range the scaffold just did stand there like an idiot and miss you most the time so you can actually level up your sniper rifle skill pretty quick if you deliberately just aim for the limbs before you finish them as you shoot a scavenger leg they will just walk and not run tuck off shooter part five for this you need to kill eight scabs on customs with a bolt action roth between 2100 and 00 500. now the fastest and easiest way is to go into this time zone or this time frame and then just go for the sniper scavengers initially and then any other scouts you see along the way and that's generally the tactic that i do and learning the sniper scav spawns on customs can help out because tarkov shooter part six which is the quest i'm talking about now is you need to kill five scabs as snipers with a bolt action rifle so on customs there is five sniper scales that you can kill one's on top of construction warehouse the second one is on top of the big chimney in the middle of the map the third one is on top of the warehouse um in the towards the boiler side of the map the fourth one is on the little checkpoint tower in at checkpoint and the fifth one is located behind checkpoint in the rocks on the hill um which is very rare to people who actually see it and it's nearly always up there so just keep an eye out for that one it spawns a little bit later in the raid and you can get five in the one raid if you're lucky so um learning those sniper scout spots could actually help you getting uh scav kills as well talk of shooter part seven for this kill five pmc operators with a suppressed bolt action rifle at least 45 meters away can do this on any map it's a lot more fun to do it on woods and you just try and do it from really far away for a bit of fun using a voodoo sight on any of old action rifles m700 using m62 ammunition is my personal favorite because the m62 ammunition is a trace around and the bold the remington suppress sounds really cool so remington suppressed put a voodoo side onto it go into woods and then have some fun um taking these shots so um that's my personal preference you can do it on any map that you like and you can also work on your shooter board and heaven quest whilst doing this [ __ ] off shooter part 8 now this is probably the sticking point for a lot of people trying to get the shooter series done because the 3 pmc kills in one raid of woods with a bold action rifle with the expansion can make it a little bit difficult my tactic here is to rush the spawns as quickly as possible and get an early kill as fast as possible if you get that early kill then it it kind of feels like it goes from a three right three pmc rake a kill spray the two and you just generally go around until you find a duo or two more singles running around getting their quest done it really does come down to you know your skill level i guess with this one but it took me probably four or five tries of uh of getting this one i know i got it for either two or three times in a row i got two before i got the actual three in a raid um so can be a little bit of luck involved a fair bit of skill involved in this one and getting yourself in a position where players are moving uh frequently is the key to getting through this quest now the final quest hunter which is the newest added quest to the game kill or eliminate sturman 25 times um you can do this with any gun that you like and after you've killed him 25 times you unlock the mark 18338 lapua which is the most devastating gun in the game and you also get a weapon case as a reward so for this quest for that quest uh it's pretty straightforward you'll learn the three spawns of him and his two minions in uh in the woods lumber mill and you'll just get into the habit of knowing where to check for these spawns and then as you run towards that area you'll check the spawns and the key to this one is to get as many or get the first kill as quickly as possible i go in through in the back of the warehouse as i push in there's usually one inside the warehouse i kill him the second one uh activates and starts running around i try and get the head shot as he's still running around and then it's just a 1v1 against durman but none of them wear helmets so fast firing guns can get in them uh nice and quick uh with the head shots or if you want to take it a bit slower go up on top of the hill have a snipe down and have some fun with it there's no rush getting these quests done um because there's no like it's not the capper container behind it or anything like that and have some fun with it all right guys that is it for jaeger's task hopefully you guys found some good information out of that if you liked the video or if it was useful in any way please take the time to go and like and comment for the youtube algorithm i'll start with discoverability we re-update all these videos for all the wipes which means they have to start at the lowest view account again and then hopefully get back under the searching discovery list so um liking and coming really does help with that part and um yeah share it with your friends if they're new to tarkov and they need help with any of these quests besides that guys um feel free to write down the comments below any questions we'll try our best to answer them uh subscribe notification bell to keep up to date with the latest information and also i do stream on twitch every day of the week so go give me a photo over there and i'll uh answer any questions to the best of my ability during my live streams and besides that guys um i've just recorded eight of these in a row pretty tired um so i'm gonna go to bed so lastly guys i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Pestily
Views: 151,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Escape from tarkov, Escape, From, Tarkov, eft, guide, pestily, thisispestily, pestilys, wipe, wipes, full play through series, playthrough, play through, walkthrough, hideout, hide out, inventory, teach, teaching, raid, raids, commentary, run-through, runthrough, explanation, explain, letsplay, lets-play, beginners guide, gameplay, 0.12, .12, review, .12.6, 0.12.6, twitch
Id: dgpXcfTgPRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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