Ultimate Homemade Skateboard Build Battle!

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today we are doing a homemade skateboard build battle give them nothing but take from them everything here's how it's going to work we're going to drop the ball down the plinker board whatever budget we get is our budget for us to design build our very own homemade skateboards you got to include Wheels rideability fits all that in the same budget who's going to build the best skateboard me I already have an idea that's going to blow your mind what if you get 10 bucks work no matter what amount that can't be right must be free that can't be true there's no I don't want to give away any of my secrets sorry skater die what what oh 500 bucks that's pretty good we could definitely build a skateboard for 500 bucks for sure like you can't really even buy a skateboard a normal skateboard that's that much and so we have plenty of money to work with for The Best of the Best prestine Equipment it cost about triple to build your own stuff right and fits this is going to work out just as I plann oh yeah it's all coming together let's go to the store and get our gear the first build battle where I've been excited to test out the thing that I'm doing I've been a skater for since I was a young lad on and off so I'm not very good but I love skateboarding culture and everything about it my only goal is that my board is strong enough to kickflip if I can do that I will have succeeded so I actually you're killing me Smalls I actually have an appointment with a unique person who's going to help me build my skateboard I'm really excited about this but first we got to get the fit and some other accessories and then bring them to the shop where we're going to build the board we're at the poser favorite place to hang out the mall had to get a pretzel must have e why is there poop all over even smells like it too that's me my goal is to try to recreate my FIT from when I was like 14 making skate vids I could probably uh I could probably trade flip down this set I could kick flip down it how many hours of trying uh probably two it's our first skate shop Zoom eyes I'm sorry we're here all you hardcore skaters I know you're going to be mad but they got some things here that you can't always find at the local shop so we're just having a look if people are mad all all say is get a life key component to every skateboard trucks bearings Wheels which they have right here I'm kind of wanting to go a little out of the box with my skateboard I don't want to do something standard for the wheels I think I might go with longboard wheels weird choice but it's going to be cool the prime Andrew fit is a black tea which is a simple graphic that says element or something I got to find one I used to always skateboard in like these thick Globe ones with these humongous tongues so I got to get some of these oh yes got to do that wait I think it's just those two Anders those are 19 those are 32 19 you want to do those you're not just getting in hoodie and corduroys what are you doing best skate shoe out there so for my skater fit I'm taking it back a few decades I'm looking ' 7s 80s '90s attire we got a vintage shop right here so the best part about getting a vintage fit it can be pretty cheap these are $12 shirts bro that's pretty fire might have to get that hey guys I'm finding some vintage gems here including this turtle neck from the where is it from this is an 80s turtleneck only $15 are you kidding me I got to get that going to look so fresh all right we're splitting off now cuz I guess Justin has a super secret plan that he's not telling us what he's doing you'll never guess what I'm going to do I believe you got the freshest fit you guys are going to be absolutely Blown Away with what we got but now it's time to head to the store to build my board we're now at a local skate shop because Zoomies we all know is kind of yeah but look at this guys oh that's a sick DIY spot wo they even have like little etches in the coping so when you grind it makes a while Justin is off on his top secret mission we are supporting the local stores so let's go take a look you guys own YouTube channel right yeah toilet paper fors yeah what is up oh my God that's crazy dude we're building homemade skateboards you guys need like trucks or just hardware for the trucks uh trucks and wheels cuz guys it's going to be kind of hard to build our own trucks and wheels out of Home Depot items so I'm here with my friend Matt who is a legit blacksmith and he's going to be helping me create a metal skateboard Matt tell everybody what you do I am a blacksmith I make kitchen knives axes all that kind of stuff and I work out of a School in Colorado Springs called killroy Workshop you want to learn blacksmithing bladesmithing come to killroy we're going to get forging some metal skateboard never been done before I don't care if this isn't how you were supposed to make a skateboard Andrew and Isaac are probably going to do something wooden I already make skateboards out of wood yeah weal I feel like a man just being in here testosterone and creases just walking through the doors that's the craziest sander I've ever seen I slipped on it one time and it cut like the tip of my thumb off okay so be careful around this be very careful yeah there we are the Beautiful the one the only the Home Depot did you know there's a hidden M keep your Lounge in Home Depot oh people in there yeah it's the break room but it looks kind of nice look at this it's already skateboard sized I'm not even kidding problem it's not malleable so if you're going to use this you can't actually mold it into kicks you could soak it in water oh is that what you're going to do no we're going with a standard size skateboard for the most part going to be making it out of sheets of metal we got four of these then we're going to forge them together and then attach these to the bottom standard any rings you want to take them off cuz this is conductive so if this is on and it super Heats it's going to like weld to my finger like melt my finger skin yeah we don't need any melted fingers this is a handheld plasma torch plasma is a fourth state of matter I don't know what that means but it sounds cool there's no way Andrew and Isaac are getting this cool of footage for their build not possible there's some Schmutz on the lens and on your face they're all good now skateboards are actually made from layers skateboards have layers onions have layers you get it so I was thinking it'd be cool if I got different kind of materials to make my layers out of like carpet bubble wrap and compress it all into one cool skateboard oh my goodness what was that you guys can look at this bright light but we can't so somehow we're going to have to build this board without looking at it it's like impossible to not look at it I feel like a moth with a light I'm like what is that bright light you didn't look at it right no we burn your eyeballs or what yeah why why would a light burn your eyes just from looking at no hry no don't look at the light I can't help it CU I don't know whether I should try and press my own skateboard like how you actually make real ones or if I should just get a thick piece of plywood ready you got to try the layers I just don't want it to snap I'm skating like every week I'm snapping a deck a week professionally made decks easily get more layers when I'm like trying to kickflip something I am snapping a deck a week easily sometimes twice a week Matt is going to be making the skateboard out of what he says is called mild metal I was telling him we should make a Damascus skateboard if you don't know what Damascus is here's basically what it is way too cool but how much would it cost if we were to do that materials alone like 1,500 to 2,000 for materials that's not even making it making it I it'd be crazy just let's say 10 grand maybe a future episode deasus skateboard we're going to go grind all this junk off the edges and then we're going to put that that bend in it that uh skateboard has let's see how it goes normal wood skateboards do that too so yeah just got to follow the science Andrew has chosen one of the most insane materials to build his skateboard out of like I'm doing it PVC pipe no way yes dude how I have an idea I didn't really have a great plan for skateboards going into this but I'm trying to make something you never seen before and this will check a box Andrew's idea just actually became kind of Genius I wasn't understanding and now I am look at this dude doesn't that look like a kick on a skateboard it'll work you'll be able to like skate it I think it's either going to be able to skate or if I try to ride that'll obliterate immediately those are the only two options you'll obliterate well the board will and if I'm writing on it what's going to happen to me guys Andrew in his prime was actually not a bad skater roll some clips heck yeah we're getting a glimpse have the wheels too hopefully they're not too big yeah we'll find out I think I Googled how big skateboards are and this is about how big they are D this is going to look so cool time for the fun part putting it in the fire got the hammer boys that's not bad hot dude like burning my hand just hitting that was fun man even though I uh don't really know what I'm doing the experience is super cool just being here I'm having a black hey boys got my glue and got some epoxy enamel this will be my top coat hopefully it'll kind of Harden it up a little more guys I don't know anything about any of this stuff please don't be mad at me just want to skate she get a t-shirt says that I don't know anything about this stuff just want to skate be the loudest skateboard it already looks just cool just as a blank we going to start a thing metal skateboards yeah hey I doubt it time to put the trucks on the board instead of like nailing it through metal we're just going to weld it on the board make it way easier we're using the grinder to grind the paint off so we have a cleaner smoother surface for the weld all right we're back at the warehouse still no sign of Justin don't know where he is but I am starting to craft my skateboard it looks like I am the only one going for a very like traditional traditionally traditionally built Spate board traditionally built skateboard flip it traditionally built skateboard so I'm going to do five or six Plies of I'm not sure what kind of wood this is it's definitely not the kind that you would traditionally use for a skateboard but oh well Andrew what are you doing I am gluing the ends of my pvc pipe down and let me tell you this glue is one of the worst smells I've ever smelled in my life have you smelled it yet no I don't know if do I want to snort straight glue no I didn't say snorted oh that smells good I like that you don't like the smell of glue and do you like that kind of smell chemical this doesn't smell like glue like burns when I breathe this can't be safe besides the wheels being installed the board is basically complete look at this wow how will it ride is the main question it's a thing of beauty let's freaking go dude we're going to get the wheels on and the grip tape and take it to the skate park to see how this thing actually rides but in the meantime guys special shout out to Matt for helping make this possible go subscribe to his channel and and if you want to order something he can make anything he's a blacksmith Link in the description in the world if it's a knife yeah this side's all done being glued I just got to cut pieces for this side glue them in and then I got the basic PVC stuff done I can't barely breathe this glue smells so bad oh time to glue I've chosen this board as my bottom cuz it looks pretty clean I'm very nervous now he I'm going to talk to you like this because the compressor is so loud I can definitely hear you Isaac how's the gluing going I just started that's going back to my mouth I can't hear you leave a like for Rick he's filming he's one of the biggest skateboard fans that I know shout out to Leb daddy skateboarding skateboarding is actually how I got the job here at J stew I met Caleb at the skate park and then we became best buds he also just had a baby so he really is so he really is Leb daddy now Leb father also we have still no idea we're Jus in this he was supposed to be building is bored I should have done this to all the other layers yeah oh there's more this is like the fourth layer doesn't explode I'm going to be super impressed like I said before guys I explode professionally made skateboards on a weekly basis and so this thing does not stand a chance that was good that we talking boys all right first clamp going on boys oh golly you're going to be the laughing stock in that's false I don't know what Justin's building but I know for a fact he's going to be the Laughing stop I know a PVC board doesn't make a whole lot of sense if we're trying to make good skateboards but I just want to do something unique fun and you never seen before Oh gosh I'm glued up look at the floor dude this is not good you should have put down like a blanket or something yeah I know I I know now oh I should have just done it over my stupid bath container I guess it's never too late for there it's pretty late not to mention our build here for the short film is getting feel like I should just clean up the glue before it dries right yeah whatever you want to do anyway I'm telling the the guys about you know the short film that we're making oh yeah the set is coming along it's even farther along than when you last saw it so guys hit subscribe down below you do not want to miss this short film oh my it's like I have a disease who putting the last of my clamps on obviously this is not going to be ready today so I'm going to have to leave it overnight to dry and hopefully in the morning it'll be a solid deck hello something morning guys my deck is fully set I hope so now it's time to try and get it out of the mold obviously the wood glue has adhered the deck to the mold so let's see if I can get it out without doing too much damage the shape of it is actually pretty sweet what is this what you wear all day yesterday yeah man pure metal did you stand on it yeah I did an oy on it yeah right so next up I just got to install the wheels and the grip tape we're good to ride I used a lot of glue okay hey I'm not going to try it yet CU I don't want to accidentally break it before it's ready to go now I need to figure out exactly how wide I want it it's already a little more short than a normal board I think I'm going to go nine wide cuz I got 9 in trucks usually a little wider than I skate I usually skate 875 but 9 is not that much bigger so this part's super easy L just putting the bearings in the wheels put them on each side put them on the trucks and we're ready to ride baby all right so I had an extra prom deck in my car this is actually the shop that we went to yesterday I did make mine a little shorter than an actual board but that's okay okay it'll still be functional this is going to be tedious if this doesn't go [Applause] faster that's pretty cool I I actually love Andrews I only put one there the this side turns got to put some more in I only bought four that was a the yeah [Music] H whoa that is one thick deck boys I have my board traced out just got to cut it and hopefully don't crack and destroy it here goes nothing oh no see it cracked right there as I was cutting this is tricky business oh big crack oh no how am I going to cut this whole board out it's going to crack into pieces unless that's just sort of an old [Music] well overall I think it could have been worse it's not great at the moment but I just have a little bit of cuts left and this thing is ready to install all right guys I've finished sanding my deck obviously because I did make it long enough it does kind of cut off here but I rounded it a little bit so it kind of just looks like I got a fat nose like like hockey decks so that's kind of cool I actually like that shape a little bit time to figure out how to measure my trucks where I want them I'm not good at math so this maybe go bad I'm just going to eyeball it eyeballing is always best look at the edge the top of the skateboard installed a little bit next stunt guys this was just working oh go the plan here is to melt it so I can bend [Applause] it oh my gosh that's insane I didn't expect it to just hop right in the place where I wanted it that was that was awesome actually look at that that was so cool ow oh no no no no no Drew stop it stop it shut it off shut it off that was a bad [Music] idea Drew how does it look it looks in place okay shut it off no way all right boys it's time to grip my [Music] board I typically like a middle line down the middle of my deck and so this board is no exception how the top of your skateboard looks is more important than you would think in skateboarding cuz cuz if when you look down you don't like how it looks at least me I can't skate as well like I've done some grip designs that took me so long and then looking down on my board I'm like oh it just looks bad and I can't skate it's dumb but it's true it definitely is more uneven than a real skateboard but I can still get a stey creamy cut guys like I said before since I've snapped so many decks that also means I've gripped so many decks hey now this thing is an absolute brick it's so heavy so I'm thinking that kick flipping it might be a challenge for trucks I got the top of my deck installed just a couple little cracks from the screws but nothing major that was the biggest concern screwing this in but it is ready to go to the next step look at that trucks are installed it's time to grip my board I have a very unique grip tape I got the Spider-Man and because my board is extra wide I'm going to have to go with half and half black black and white which is another unique thing you've never seen before insane bubbles oh it's because my screws I couldn't get them down all the way otherwise it' crack my whole board what up skaters we just got to GMP indoor skate park where we're going to be trying out our skateboards and giving you guys a whole sneak peek not a sneak peek a full peek a full peek at our outfits that's going to be fire right boys oh yeah we're going to get changed give you guys a tour of our inventions I'm all done with my FIT do I look like two 2005 Andrew oh I feel like it a little bit baggier jeans and have been perfect wa dude for my FIT I just kept it simple I wore what I would normally skate in I actually had to bring some of my own pants cuz most skate shops don't sell pants in my size got a van shirt crooked uh vest and an Autumn hat also come over here I got to show you something crazy coming to show you this couch which is actually where I met Caleb and the reason I'm even on J stew is this couch right here isn't that crazy without this place I would not be here well ladies and gentlemen Welcome to My Fit absolute fire went with a vintage Vibes got the 80s sweatshirt and underneath a little bonus shirt God Jesus I hope so going to flash that at the skaters baggy jeans OG slide Vans whatever you call these things and then of course the matching vintage CIA watch we got the purple purple you can't make this up got the crazy cool hat vintage text and of course the shades to complete the outfit boys I'm ready to shred my skate style is more cruise and Bruise don't really do many tricks but I sure send it now that we got our fits out of the way most important part to show you guys our skateboard starting with Andrew take it away what's up guys I'm Andrew and I built the PVC Shredder now in the technical detail four pipes covered with plexiglass on the top two styles of grip tape we've got trucks Wheels stickers for my graphic on the bottom oops you can talk through the the pipes hey Drew Drew can you hear me Drew yeah if you wanted to drop like firecrackers down here you could and just spark and stuff and fly out it's pretty cool I haven't stood on it yet cuz I didn't know if it'd break instantly so this will be the first test oh [Music] gosh oh not bad W this this thing is actually fast and I can turn I can curve around I'm way too scared to go down the ramp on that thing I don't know I got to say that's pretty rad I thought the board was going to break upon entry well I do have to try an Oli but not yet this is my fully built board I'm honestly pretty stoked on how it came out it's as close to a real skateboard as I would have been able to make got a classic grip tape on top just the blank wood bottom got a couple of stickers on there got the Indie trucks and the Spitfire Wheels there's not really much to tour cuz it kind of looks like a real skateboard with some issues I love the layers yeah why didd you make it so thick it's really thick the wood that I use I don't think is like super strong as you can see like came apart so I think it's just a particle board yeah so the wood itself wasn't strong so I wanted to make sure it was going to hold my weight I haven't actually tested that yet so we're about to find out but it is heavy dude this is the heaviest skateboard I've ever held there's no way you snap that if you do you're an absolute you haven't tested if it holds your weight yet nope all right drop in yeah we like to send it send [Music] it wo okay it feels oh oh no no no don't break it he's fine he's fine well this is just now the nose yep it's still a f fully functioning board oh let's see the last board and then we'll see what else I can do I can't tell you guys how excited I am to ride first ever metal skateboard and the flower grip tape on top I got the Jesus care definitely don't want to drop these I probably slice your arm in half sounds dangerous count me in at the long Bo Wheels but I don't think I'm going to have any problems whatsoever this shouldn't break it's like indestructible so let's drop in I don't know maybe not actually just lean forward all the way no no I can't yet oh God I don't want to injure myself right away see holy crap wa I'm so glad I didn't drop it holy cow did you turn right and it went left oh this is why I push going right and it still goes that way I wasn't going to say anything to Justin yet he installed his trucks backwards these are longboard trucks they're not skateboard trucks and so they go the other way why didn't you tell me this it's so weird writing it I can't do I can't do inverted controls you'll have to learn that you're going to be the best inverted skater of all time okay that pushing style Dude too hard it's so weird here I'll push you slowly and see it wait no no no I go this way oh oh oh sorry no ramp go this way okay I can't I got to try Ollie oh good o that to PR here wow this feels way stronger than I thought that feels so off go this way I knew this this shouldn't break it's like indestructible it's like indestructible it's like indestructible don't worry I fixed it that's what I said it's indestructible indestructible all right no more riding I think okay sorry like I said before it's my goal to kickflip my board but now it's going to be a lot harder with a snapped nose SL tail I'm going to warm up on my actual board cuz I haven't skated in in a long time and so I got to make sure I can still do it before I just blow the back back off that thing I have gained the confidence hey that was only three tries by the way I just sked in half a year so maybe I could go pro two to make it true for Drew sorry Drew that was a worst one yet I know update guys took me about 10 minutes but I was able to flip over my trucks to be in the proper positioning now let's see if I can ride normally there is a slight malfunction in the board since Isaac stood on it but uh huh it's not a problem that it worked you kidding me guys I feel [Music] alive it's like a it's like surfing almost except the board is also the weight bruise and Bruise [Music] boys Bob bur Quest is my [Music] idol I'm so glad I was able to adjust the trucks now I can ride normally no issues no big bails this is a big big drop might be too nervous to send it on this here we go that it's [Music] R go go go need more speed Jerry maybe look out oh Justin's board gives a whole new definition to Landing bolts if you don't it'll just go right now it's kind of good for precision training first attempt at an ollie I don't know what's going on I don't know if I can all this it's so heavy maybe kylin can all it I have already broken two boards so we actually invited kylin who you might recognize from The Catch of the flag video his team got obliterated first off what [Music] the whoa dude it's like a caterpillar boys yeah oh that was so sick K's just our test [Applause] dummy okay that that was level one now the Destroyer is this level three or level two that's level six I guess that's a Learning lesson for next time if I want to build a metal skateboard maybe another level tougher metal I guess first try guys that was first try on the metal death trap dang there's a screw coming all the way out of the top I'll put it back in there oh [Music] dude '90s music video guys what happened yeah this was like that when I [Music] started boys I'm going to get so hurt well that didn't do anything I had to wax the board itself I didn't didn't put any lacker or anything slippery on it so it is kind of really sticky oh hey this one's for Caleb it's almost fully broken now oh woo okay I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to actually make it fully flip cuz it's so heavy super slow-mo of that [Music] one I could feel it too dude I was like oh no it's bending before even did it before I fully popped it was like this is the closest to a kickflip that you're going to get oo sorry my disappointment is immeasurable I got a new respect for board makers cuz real skateboards are almost twice as thin and they don't snap like that so good job guys your TR are [Music] so we are all done skating our homemade skateboards whose was the most durable it Bend but then shape shifts back to normal form that's true it didn't fully break mine has broken off into lots of pieces but overall still has the shape mine it looks good nothing's fallen off but now it's flat overall this was extremely fun getting to create these let us know what you guys think in the comments down below and what we should build next we'll see you on the next video guys hit subscribe special thanks to GMP for letting us use their building
Channel: JStuStudios
Views: 1,152,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JStuStudios, jstu budget challenge, jstu homemade, jstu skateboards, budget skateboards, homemade skateboards, custom skateboards
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 22sec (2002 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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