Ultimate Hibachi Steak and Chicken Recipe: Cooking Tips and Techniques by a Pro Hibachi Chef

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hello world my name is Paul from the backyard Hibachi today I'm going to show you guys how to make a steak and chicken Hibachi meal let's go [Music] all right so I've got my grill up to temperature to be right around 420 450 and you can tell by using the oil smoke point you see the smoke grill is smoking up a little bit that means we've passed the oil smoke point so we should be in that range of 420 to 450. so what we need to do now is turn down the middle two burners it's about medium high let's go ahead and begin our cook I'm gonna go ahead and spread some oil on the grill and we're going to start off with the eggs [Music] you want to go ahead and pick out any shells that are inside the eggs and you want to crack the middle of the eggs and go ahead and spread the eggs nice and thin on the grill so I let it cook on one side and let's go ahead and throw down our rice now once the eggs cook on one side we're gonna go ahead and roll it over we'll go ahead and chop the eggs so today I'm using cold rice I've cooked the rice yesterday if you want to know how to prep the rice I do have a tutorial on that it's called hot Rice versus cold rice you can find it on the channel [Music] let's go ahead and add our garlic and butter I'm gonna add butterflies and what we want to do is we want to coat the grains of rice with the butter first let's go ahead our garlic on get our salt [Music] and we're gonna give that a mix [Music] let's go ahead and put on our soy sauce and what you want to do with the soy sauce is you want to let it brown on the bottom a little bit and this will give you a good color without using too much soy sauce and affecting the aroma of the garlic butter in the fried rice once we have that done we're going to go ahead and plate it foreign we're going to add our vegetables we have broccoli onions zucchini carrots [Music] and we're just looking to get a nice Char on the vegetables and then we're looking to bring the noodles back up to temperature and right here in the middle I'm going to go ahead and lay down the steak and the chicken so when you lay the steak and chicken you're going to want the chicken up top and the steak closer to yourself because this is what you're going to be cutting and we're going to cook the steak medium rare foreign and a lot of people ask me about cross-contamination while we're cooking Hibachi and typically you know cross-contamination doesn't happen on cooking surfaces because of the temperature and then also our spatulas are also very hot you could kill bacteria between 140 degrees so this this is way past 140 degrees the spatula the fork and also the grill is at about 380. so let's cook the steak medium rare today we're going to give this a nice flip and you can see the Char on the the steak we're gonna add salt to the steak and the underside and go ahead and flip this chicken and we can even build a nice little volcano with these onions [Music] foreign [Music] nice little Japanese barbecue foreign [Music] let's go ahead and cut the steak you can trim off some of the fat we'll cut once down the middle and we're going to have one inch by one inch pieces on the Slate throw our garlic butter [Music] a little bit of soy sauce and we're gonna hit it with some flames and this really elevates the flavor adding flame to the proteins [Music] kind of give it gives it that element of char when you're cooking on a slotted barbecue grill [Music] let's go ahead and serve that foreign [Music] sauce to the noodles and teriyaki sauce this is a homemade teriyaki sauce if you would like the recipe I have that on the channel as well yeah let's go ahead and serve the noodles [Music] [Music] let's go ahead and give this squirrel a grill a little scrapes and clear out some of the the Teriyaki that we just put on [Music] [Music] I'll set it with some butter garlic salt soy sauce and some pepper [Music] I'm just gonna wait for a nice Char on that on the vegetables so the vegetables it really depends on if you like a stir fry type style or a softer type experience a lot of the older Japanese restaurants we cook them very soft but nowadays it's it's almost perceived as overcooked when we cook it that way so nowadays it's more of a stir-fried let's go ahead and serve these vegetables you can also add sesame seeds to these vegetables if you wish foreign [Music] let's get to work on the chicken uh the chicken we're gonna cut into the same one by one inch uh squares [Music] and we're gonna go ahead and add the garlic and the butter now we're gonna add some soy sauce to this uh just to have a little bit of color and throw a little bit butter down here on the side we're gonna add the teriyaki sauce and caramelize the teriyaki sauce on the side and while you're caramelizing the teriyaki sauce you really want to be moving the teriyaki sauce a little bit and then go ahead and put that over your chicken some restaurants we add lemon to the teriyaki sauce as well give it a nice fresh flavor let's go ahead and add a little more teriyaki and we'll flamber it a little bit all right let's go ahead and serve this and you can add sesame seeds to the chicken as well thank you guys so much for watching thank you for tuning in I'll see you guys in the next video peace
Channel: Back-Yard Hibachi
Views: 141,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aXx4Rtn0aEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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